Week12 Sahasrara

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Sahaja Yoga m e d i t a t i o n


MAY 5, 1970 other chakras. Our lives become more coherent.

The collective opening of the Sahasrara Chakra We become free of the contradictions between
was a momentous event in the spiritual evolution desires of the heart and our thoughts and behavior.
of mankind. Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja
Yoga, opened the Sahasrara on May 5, 1970. NIRVICHARA
With the attention located at Sahasrara and the
THE SAHASRARA AND THE PRESENT Spirit joined with Kundalini and bathed in
When the awareness is established at the Sahasrara vibrations, we enjoy the state of thoughtless
Chakra, it is above our ego and conditionings. awareness, or Nirvichara. In order to reach this
Consciousness is not tied to the past or the future. state, we must enter the state of meditation.
Our attention is not at the mercy of the
sympathetic nervous system (the part of our CONNECTION WITH THE DIVINE LOVE
nervous system that reacts to external stimuli). When we are in touch with the Omnipresent
We are in the continuous present, in the presence Power of God—when we are feeling the cool
of our own reality, and in the presence of God. vibrations—we are connected with the very origin
of creation and evolution. There is nothing else, no
COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS past and no future. Everything is integrated in this
At this level, we are able to feel “vibrations.” dimension where we touch absolute Divine Love.
We can detect the state of wellness of our own
chakras and the chakras of any other person, “SPIRIT” MEANS BREATH OR WIND
anywhere in the world. Our compassion is In Latin, “spirit” means breath or wind. It is
strengthened and enlightened by a new level of feminine in gender, as is the “Ruach,” the Hebrew
perception and awareness. word for Spirit. “Holy Spirit” translates as a
perceptible holy wind or breeze. In the Bible,
THE CHAKRA OF INTEGRATION Christ describes the Spirit of God as a cool breeze
All of the chakras have their seats at various points perceivable by prophets and saints only.
on the head. The opening of the Sahasrara takes In Sahaja Yoga, through feeling the flow of cool
place at the center of the skull, at the fontanelle, vibrations at the top of the head, we come to realize
corresponding to the limbic area of the brain. that Sahasrara is the abode of the Holy Spirit.
Here the heart chakra has its seat. In India the Holy Spirit is referred to as the
At the time of self realization, the Sahasrara is primordial, creative power of God (Adi Shakti)
like a flower that begins to open. In a completely which conceived the whole universe and is the
clear human being, brought up without any traumas power behind the process of evolution.
or stresses, the Sahasrara opens completely. For The Holy Spirit is the feminine, or creative,
most of us, however, we must remove blockages in aspect of God—the Goddess—who takes care of
our subtle system to help the Sahasrara open human beings as they are Her children. With
completely. We must meditate every day and clear Sahaja Yoga we understand that through the divine
our chakras. And in order to fully open the feminine power, reflected in us as the kundalini,
Sahasrara, we must shrink the ego and superego. we have seen the door of the Kingdom of God
As we grow in Sahaja Yoga, the Sahasrara open. We must purify ourselves, walk through it
Chakra widens to incorporate the seats of the and remain there.

W12 S a h a j a Yo g a – S a h a s r a r a

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