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과학교육연구지, 41권 1호, pp. 135-151 (2017.4) Jour. Sci. Edu, Vol. 41, No. 1, 135-151 (2017.


Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and

Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’
Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools

Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park*

Korea University

Abstract : This study set out to investigate the challenges to science teacher’s teaching practices in the
Anglophone sub-system of education in Cameroon secondary schools. A sample of 331 of these teachers
was selected using the purposive sampling method. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire and was
subjected to inferential analysis. The major findings from the multiple regression were challenges
associated with the size and management of a science class have an effect on the teaching practices of a
science teacher. However, challenges with availability of instructional resources did not have an effect on
science teaching practices. Recommendations to solve the identified drawbacks include the provision of
more classrooms to accommodate the ever growing population of students and the organization of many
seminars through which teachers could be educated on how to handle classroom problems and improvise
when necessary.

keywords : challenges, science teaching, class size, classroom management, instructional resources,
teaching practices

Ⅰ. Introduction Paper in the case of Cameroon stress the

importance of conceptual understanding of
The quality of teaching and learning of the overarching ideas in science
science subjects is being questioned (Government of the Republic of Cameroon,
worldwide. Although the reasons for concern 2010).
about quality differ from country to country, Effective teaching and learning of sciences
the primary rallying point is the perceived can be influenced by the availability of
level of scientific literacy among each laboratory equipment, chemicals and
country’s populace. Concerns also have materials, laboratory personnel, working
focused on the usefulness and relevancy of conditions in the laboratory, substantial
the subject matter included in the science textbooks and accurate periods for the
curriculum (Venville & Dawson, 2004). Efforts teaching of the subjects (Adefunke 2008;
by the government such as the conception Frank & Saxe 2012). Thus, the availability of
of the Growth and Employment Strategy instructional resources has a great impact

Corresponding author: Innwoo Park (parki@korea.ac.kr)
2017년 7월 20일 접수, 2017년 4월 5일 수정원고 접수, 2017년 4월 14일 채택
136 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

on the teaching methods and practices of employment of unqualified persons, a

these science teachers. Studies on resources situation which prevails more in the private
existing for teaching in Cameroon secondary sector.
schools have found disparities in the Also, the budget allocated for education
resources available for the teaching of all (15%) is far below what is allocated for
subjects and science subjects in particular. education in other countries with the same
Some of the schools were found to lack level of development as Cameroon. 44% of
basic necessities such as sufficient this budget is spent in the secondary level.
classrooms, offices, desks, textbooks, Furthermore, given their prices or their
functional toilets not to mention facilities like unavailability, textbooks and other pedagogic
laboratories, libraries, workshops, chemicals, materials are out of the reach of students
science equipment (FEMSA, 1997). and teachers. Generally, the rate of buying
Moreover it has also been documented of textbooks by students is low: with
from studies in the case of Cameroon that ownership of textbooks by only 3 out of 10
the challenges science teaching face centers students. The analysis of the discrepancy
around the shortage of teaching staff, within provinces reveals that in the
reception facilities and basic commodities. Anglophone regions, the level of ownership
For basic commodities it was realized that: 3 of textbooks is higher because of the
government schools out of 10 have a preference for second hand textbooks. As
gymnasium; 1/5 have a library as against concerns teachers, the level of
5/9 for private schools, 4/7 have a school non-ownership of textbooks is high: one
canteen as against 5/9 for the private. As teacher out of 10 owns a textbook in
for laboratories, majority of the schools lack sciences. The absence of a national policy of
functional laboratories due to lack of academic textbooks and didactic material has
equipment. In some cases where there is resulted to a monopoly in the publishing and
equipment they might still be left unused distribution of these books, which has led to
due to the incompetency of the teacher or a disorder in the selection of textbooks, high
might get bad from poor storage. In some cost and shortage of specialized textbooks.
schools, studies showed the insufficiency of The working condition of teachers is also
furniture like benches and desks. This a problem area. Cameroonian teachers are
makes sitting and taking notes awkward and demotivated and feel disaffection with a
burdensome. Coupled with the daily struggles profession that no longer guarantees an
in school such as sharing of textbooks or image-enhancing social status. The drastic
some lab equipment, this might lead to drop in academic standards is also as a
classroom management issues like making result of severe cut in salaries of teachers,
the students paying attention in such an which weakened their purchasing power.
atmosphere, keeping them disciplined and so Practical lessons require time for preparation
on. This takes a toll on both the teachers before the lesson and also clean up after the
and the students. The shortage of competent lesson. Such demotivated teachers find it
and qualified teachers has led to the hard to give their time for this. Moreover,
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 137

even in the presence of equipment, some The preceding salient points that have
teachers still complain about insufficient been mentioned are all results gotten from
time or the very cumbersome procedure prominent studies promoted by UNESCO and
involved in carrying out practical lessons IMF. These results predominantly show that
and end up using this as a pretext for the availability of resources is a main aspect
skipping practical lessons. that affects the effectiveness of the teaching
This mediocre working conditions- no of sciences and the practices of these
offices, no secretariat material, no libraries science teachers. The availability of
and no documentation; discourage young classrooms and laboratories which are all
talented persons from postulating for a resources will now determine the class size
teaching career. The conditions oblige a and in most cases the students are large in
good number of teachers to embark on number as compared to the teachers
other strategies, for family and personal available. This in turn will affect the
survival, which are less “profitable” for the classroom management and generally affect
school. The search for external profitable the teaching practices of the science
activities reduces teachers’ viability, of which teacher. Thus, these three aspects:
students complain. Also the health conditions classroom management, class size and
in most schools is poor - lack of sick bays availability of resources are interrelated and
and inefficient health insurance mechanisms prominent amongst most studies on science
for teachers. teaching challenges in Cameroon. Therefore,
Teachers could likewise be rendered they were chosen as the pivot of this study.
ineffective by large classes that overburden The relationship and severity of these three
and overload the teacher. Studies have aspects can be seen from the report of a
shown that there is a shortage of science teacher from Cameroon which said:
teachers at the secondary school level and
have to be shared by a large number of “My largest class is 80 students, but
students. This leaves a large work load on that’s nothing considering many classes at
the teacher. In the sciences, the ratio of our school have over 120 students. The
students per seat in the laboratories was students sit four to a bench, with barely
1/100 for government schools and 8/100 for enough elbow room to take notes, making
the private. This overcrowding has an effect a few things more difficult, namely giving
on classroom management as it causes the tests, managing discipline, making sure
teacher to sometimes pay attention only on they’re all following the lesson, and it’s
students who are bright and following up. near impossible to learn all of their names
This could be a cause for concern in the when I teach them for one hour per week.
case of a practical lesson where it would be We’ve tried many classroom management
hard to monitor individual students’ work. techniques, some of which worked, some
(FEMSA, 1997; MINEDUB-MINESEC-MINEFOP- of which didn’t. I make multiple versions
MINESUP, Cameroon, 2006; Government of of our tests for example, and you should
the Republic of Cameroon, 2010). have seen the looks of shock and
138 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

disappointment on their faces when I told teaching practices.

them that their test is different than the
person sitting next to them” (Thryn, 2009). Based on the objectives, the following
hypotheses were proposed:
Thus, in order to ensure better teaching
and learning of science subjects in H: Challenges with availability of
Cameroon, it was deemed necessary for an instructional resources has a significant
investigation to be carried out on challenges effect on challenges with the teaching
teachers face in the teaching of science practices of science teachers in
subjects in respect with the availability of Secondary Schools.
instructional materials, class size and H: Challenges with class size has a
classroom management. significant effect on the challenges with
The main objective of this study was to the teaching practices of science
investigate the challenges to science teachers in Secondary Schools
teachers’ teaching practices in the H: Challenges with classroom management
Anglophone sub-system of education in has a significant effect on the
Cameroon secondary schools. Anglophone challenges with teaching practices of
education is one based on the Anglo-Saxon science teachers in Secondary schools.
model. This is the post-independent
educational system of former West Cameroon
Education Federated State which was guided Ⅱ. Review of Related Literature
by the West Cameroon Educational Policy of
1963. It is now guided by Law No. 98/004 of
1. Availability of Instructional
14th April 1998 which is the Law on
Education in Cameroon. Specifically, the resources and science teaching
objectives of this study were to: practice challenge

1. Find out if the challenges science Instructional resources are any medium of
teachers encounter with the availability instruction that assists the teaching/learning
of instructional resources has an effect process. Meanwhile teaching practices are all
on the challenges they face with their the activities carried out by the teacher to
teaching practices. facilitate the teaching and learning process.
2. Find out if the challenges science The availability of educational resources is
teachers encounter with the class size very important because of its role in the
have an effect on the challenges they achievement of educational goals and
face with their teaching practices. objectives. The extent to which an
3. Find out if the challenges science organization like an educational institution
teachers encounter with classroom attains her objectives is directly proportional
management have an effect on the to the educational resources available and
challenges they face with their
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 139

their utilization (Adeogun & Osifila, 2009). chemistry and biology are not available,
The teaching methods employed by science there is deficiency of science apparatus and
teachers in Secondary schools amongst the available apparatus are also not
others are greatly influenced by the kind of workable in most of the schools, there is a
instructional resources available. The quality deficiency of science teachers and laboratory
of participation received from the students attendants in schools, science magazine and
will thus be determined by these teaching journals are not available in the libraries of
methods. Everything being equal, in a case schools, and the number of periods for
where instructional resources are made theory is sufficient but number of periods
available and in right proportions, the for practicals is not sufficient (Naseer et
science teacher will employ student centered al.,2010; Mohanty, 2007).
methods wherein the students are greatly
involved in hands on activities, discussions, 2. Class size and science teaching
experimentation and very practical activities practice challenge
with each other. Such an approach arouses
curiosity, imagination and critical thinking.
Class size refers to the number of
However, in the case where these
students being taught by a teacher in one
instructional resources are unavailable, this
class. The question of class size sparks
might lead the teacher to use mainly teacher
heated debate among educators (American
centered methods like lecture and giving
National Science Teachers Association, 2004).
notes and the students just have to passively
This applies across all subjects, including
listen and observe. In such a case the
the sciences. Creativity, rote memorization,
teacher is the main source of information
calculation, an educational environment of
such that if the teacher is misinformed,
creative and inspired thought is very
everyone is at risk of being in the dark too.
important in the sciences.
An instructional mode that is teacher
Different countries and organizations have
centered has a negative effect on science
varied limits for the student- teacher ratio
teaching and learning and can gradually
for both practical and theoretical lessons.
diminish students’ interest (FEMSA, 1997).
For practical lessons wherein the students
Science teaching is more effective when
are under the instruction of one teacher, the
there is availability of laboratory resources
number of students should not exceed 35 in
(Orji, 2006) as well as technical know-how.
the case of Cameroon. However, in the case
However, researches have shown that there
of Ireland, England and Wales, they should
exist competency problems arising from the
not exceed 20 students. On the other hand,
training of science teachers (Ajaja, 2009).
for a non-practical class, Northern Ireland
Studies have revealed several issues
recommends that the students not exceed
science teachers face with the availability of
30; Cameroon provides that the students
resources including: combined science
should be 60 per class; meanwhile the World
laboratory is available in most of the schools
Bank does stipulate a secondary general
but separate laboratories for physics,
140 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

class to be made up of 30 students (Irish helping them understand what is being

National Teachers’ Organization, 2017; taught and learning to make connections
Ministry of Secondary Education in and problem-solve for themselves. Rather
Cameroon; Regulation 15 of the Secondary than relying on lectures, teachers can devise
Schools Grant Conditions Regulation for hands-on experiments in which they work
Northern Ireland, 1973). closely with students through a realistic
Generally speaking, reviews of the simulation, or they can organize frequent
literature have split into those that conclude trips to laboratories or other practical
that effects and benefits of class size venues from which their students can learn.
reduction (CSR) on classroom processes are These approaches tend to be more feasible
relatively trivial (Ehrenberg et al., 2003) and on a regular basis with a small group
those that have been much more optimistic (Association for Science Education, 2004).
about the positive effect of CSR on Moreover, class size can have an influence
classroom processes (e.g., Anderson, 2000, on the teacher. Perhaps the most consistent
Biddle & Berliner, 2002, Finn et al., 2003). finding is that class size affects
Amongst the found effects are: individualization of teaching (Wilson, 2006).
Class size has an impact on peer The smaller the class the more likelihood
interaction. The relationship between there is that a teacher will spend more time
classmates significantly affects how well with individual students. In smaller classes
students in that class learn. In a larger class there also tends to be more teaching overall
environment, they might be more prone to and large classes present more challenges
rowdiness or disruptive behaviour that for classroom management, student control
distracts them from what is being taught. and marking, planning and assessment.
Students in a smaller class, on the other Teachers are put under more strain when
hand, are more likely to bond with one faced with large classes (Wilson, 2006).
another and collaborate when learning and Qualitative studies by the Class Size and
studying the material. This matters for Pupil Adult Ratio suggest that in smaller
science students, particularly as they get to classes it can be easier for teachers to spot
higher levels of education and find problems and give feedback, identify specific
themselves needing to form study groups needs and gear teaching to meet them, and
and work in teams on assignment set individual targets for students. Teachers
(Psychological Science in the Public Interest, also experience better relationships with, and
2004). have more knowledge of individual students
Another aspect that can be affected by (Wilson, 2006).
class size is teacher availability. Students Classroom management can also be greatly
ultimately benefit or suffer from the set-up impacted by the class size. Studies have
of a classroom, but the size of a class highlighted large class sizes in secondary
affects the teacher's experience as well. A science as making it difficult for teachers to
science instructor can tailor the material to manage practical classes (The scientific
the students' needs, finding creative ways of learned societies and the American
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 141

Association for Science Education, 2004). It 3. Classroom management and

has also been revealed that it is the top sets science teaching practice challenge
in science that tend to be larger so that it is
the most able students who are being most
Classroom management is the creation of
directly affected (American Association for
a positive teaching and learning
Science Education, 2004).
environment. For most teachers, confronting
Studies have also shown that larger
some sort of classroom management
classes lead to more and bigger groups
problem is a daily occurrence.
within the class, and this has an adverse
These problems may include infractions of
effect on the amount and quality of teaching
school or classroom rules, showing
and the quality of students’ work and
disrespect, cheating, using obscene words or
concentration in these groups. It is therefore
gestures and openly displaying hostility,
important educationally to consider the
undermining the instructor’s authority,
mediating role of within class groupings.
leaving class too frequently, "spacing out" or
(Blatchford, 2004; the Class Size and Pupil
sitting with back to instructor, poor hygiene,
Adult Ratio-CSPAR).
verbal or physical threats, gum, food,
Furthermore class size can affect the
pagers, and cell phone disruption,
curriculum. Research shows a moderating
monopolizing discussions, sleeping in class,
role of school subject on relationships
repeated lateness and absences, refusal to
between class size and classroom processes.
participate or speak, sexual innuendo,
Rice (1999) found that in science, as class
flirting, or other inappropriate suggestion,
size increased, less time was spent on small
sharing/copying work, plagiarism or lying,
groups and individuals, innovative
too much chit chat and disrespectful
instructional practices, and whole group
behavior (Amada, 1999; Borich, 2011).
discussions. In the CSPAR study, the overall
Moreover, other studies have shown when
effects of class size on individualized
the class is about to embark on an activity,
attention were found in all subjects but
students whisper and have puzzled faces
meaning that they haven't a clue what to do,
Overall, results suggest that while small
a group of students are not paying attention
classes will not make a bad teacher better,
due to excessive talking or students refuse
they can allow teachers to be more effective;
to participate in class, some students do not
conversely large classes inevitably present
do their assignments and others attend
teachers with difficulties and the need for
classes infrequently (Singh, 2010; Sonia,
compromises. Small classes can offer
opportunities for teachers to teach better
Classroom management is very vital for
(Anderson, 2002) or, to use a different term,
the science teacher and since he/she is
they can create facilitating conditions for
involved with more practical activities, more
teachers to teach and students to learn
skills are needed. Moreover, it has been
(Wang and Finn, 2000).
shown that classroom management can take
142 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

up a considerable amount of a teacher’s with Garner (2009) and Press Association

time. This time is generally focused on (2011) who believe these are the traditional
keeping the students on task and ensuring science subjects.
that the task is effective (Stanger, 1996). One
reason why students are not disciplined 2. Tools
naturally is because students’ motivations do
not match those of the teacher. The findings A questionnaire with close-ended
from studies have indicated that students likert-type scale items was used to collect
will learn best from teachers that combine data. Each item had response opinions that
positive reinforcement with preventative were rated on a five-point scale, consisting
discipline, effective management, and of: strongly agree=5, agree=4, neutral=3,
interesting instruction (Lang et al., 1994). In disagree=2 and strongly disagree=1. This
the light of this information, effective questionnaire consists of five sections. The
management and instruction must allow first section was a cover letter dealing with
students to socialize whilst learning the ethical considerations like assurance of
interesting content. The amount of time confidentiality, voluntary participation and
spent on discipline may therefore be informed consent. The next section
minimized with an appropriate form of appertained to the demographic information
classroom management. of the science teachers. The remaining
sections each contained items referring to
each latent variable.
Ⅲ. Method The items for each of the sections of the
instrument were gotten from the literature of
1. Participants studies that already been carried out in and
around Cameroon and in the field of science
education. Concerning items for availability
From the total population of all the
of instructional resources, these were chosen
science teachers teaching general education
from the reports done by UNESCO and IMF
science subjects in the Anglophone
showing the most prominent problems that
sub-system of Education in Cameroon (2396),
were persistent in the teaching of sciences.
a sample of 331 Biology, Chemistry and
These have been documented in the Sector
Physics teachers was selected. To get this
wide approach (2006) and the growth and
sample, the researcher used non probability
employment strategy paper for the Republic
sampling, specifically the purposive sampling
of Cameroon (2010). These concerns were
method since the study was already
also found to be raised in the works of
streamlined to Chemistry, Physics and
other scholars (Ajaja, 2009; Mohanty, 2007;
Biology teachers. In each of the halls, copies
Naseer et al., 2010). Issues like the presence
of the questionnaire were randomly
of a laboratory, qualification of the teachers,
distributed to those who were willing to
and presence of textbooks are ideas that
participate. These subjects were used in line
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 143

kept recurring. So the researchers thought Cameroon and Growth and employment
this could be representative of the situation strategy Paper) and also recurring issues
faced by Cameroon science teachers. In the raised in many other studies (Amada, 1999;
case of the class size, the items for the Borich, 2011; Singh, 2010; Sonia, 2009).
instrument were also drawn from the Both the face and content validity of the
prominent studies already mentioned that instrument was gotten. The face validity of
were promoted by UNESCO and IMF and the questionnaire was assured by first giving
documented in country reports like the it to course mates to check for organization
Sector Wide approach by the Republic of and grammatical errors. Sample copies were
Cameroon(2006). These points were also also given to an Education professor and
reiterated by results from studies by other other linguistic experts to review for
scholars (Anderson, 2002; Blatchford, 2004; language, appropriateness and clarity. After
Finn et al., 2003; Wilson, 2006). For the the corrections were made, the questionnaire
items on teaching practices by these science was considered valid. To check for the
teachers, its items were also drawn from the content validity of the questionnaire, the
already mentioned reports documented in researchers went through the items carefully
the sector wide approach and the growth to make sure that they were in line with the
and employment strategy paper for objectives of the study. This was also
Cameroon as it was reported that some of confirmed by the professor.
the teachers complained of their class being In order to check for consistent
too large, without sufficient resources and measurement by the questionnaire, a pilot
no time to finish the cumbersome science test was carried out on twelve science
syllabus. In the case of classroom teachers in Buea sub division, South West
management, the items were also a Region, Cameroon-four for Chemistry, four
collection of ideas of the issues raised by for Physics and four for Biology. These
the already mentioned country reports teachers were no longer used in the main
(Sector Wide approach by the Republic of research.

Table 1. Demographic information of participants

Variable Category Frequency Percentage

Lay private 22 7.3
Denominational 76 25.2
Type of school
Government 203 67.4
Physics 91 30.2
Chemistry 93 30.9
Biology 117 38.9
Female 65 21.6
Male 236 78.4
144 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

3. Procedures From table 2 above, it can be seen that

the Cronbach's alpha for each of the four
The questionnaire was personally latent variables is above 0.7 which is the
administered to respondents by the lower bound for true reliability; availability
researcher during the marking of the of instructional resources (5 items; α =
2015/2016 Cameroon General Certificate of 0.837), class size (5 items; α = 0.880),
Education Examination (CGCE). A suitable teaching practices (4 items; α = 0.867), and
time for administering it was negotiated with classroom management (8 items; α = 0.890).
the chief examiner in the marking centres This indicates a high level of internal
for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and the consistency for the items found in each of
instrument was given to teachers willing to the four latent variables. Overall, these
take part in the study. Some of the analyses indicated that the three distinct
questionnaires were immediately completed predictors of the challenges science teachers
and returned on the spot while the others face in teaching science subjects and factors
were collected later. Of the 331 copies of the for challenges in their teaching practices
questionnaires administered, 301 were were internally consistent.
returned, resulting in a 90.94% response Data were subjected to factor analysis
rate. The table below illustrates the using Varimax rotation. The factorability of
demographic information of those who finally all the items was examined. First it was
returned their questionnaire. observed that all the measured items for
each of the latent constructs had a factor
loading of above 0.5 which indicated that the
latent construct had acceptable factor values
Ⅲ. Results
for the study. Secondly the
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of sampling
1. Reliability and Validity of the
adequacy was .841 which is above the
Questionnaire recommended value of 0.7 (Kaiser, 1974)
indicating that the data were sufficient for
Data from the closed-ended questionnaire EFA. Given these overall indicators, factor
were quantitatively analyzed using the analysis was deemed to be suitable with all
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) items. Table 3 above illustrates.
vision 22. Each item was considered a
continuous variable, with the highest score 2. Tests of the Effects
being 5 pertaining to strongly agree and the
lowest being 1 pertaining to strongly
In order to carry out a multiple regression
disagree. The reliability, Exploratory Factor
analysis to test for the hypothetical effects
Analysis, inter item correlation and finally
of the independent constructs on the
the indirect effects between the latent
dependent constructs, an analysis of the
variables were further computed. The tables
inter item correlation was carried out to
below illustrate.
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 145

Table 2. Reliability Analysis

Measured Items M SD
- Availability of Instructional Resources
Laboratory materials are not sufficient to conduct practicals 2.96 1.110
The periods allocated for practicals are not sufficient 2.71 1.019
The number of qualified teachers for my subject in my school
2.96 1.032 0.837
are not enough
My subject does not have a laboratory for itself 2.94 1.053
I do not have the standard textbooks for my subject 2.29 1.409
- Class size
I have problems controlling my class because it is too large 2.92 1.038
Students I teach in Large classes show disruptive behavior 3.33 0.899
I have difficulties following up all my students in large classes 3.27 0.874 0.880
Large class size demotivates me 3.37 0.887
Students I teach in large classes participate less in class 3.32 0.871
- Teaching practices
My class is too large for effective demonstration. 2.93 0.974
I do not have enough resources to give my students projects
3.35 0.857
to carry out
It is time consuming for me to seek alternative ways to ensure
3.36 0.925 0.867
that students learn the subject matter.
I find it difficult to finish the syllabus if I involve too many
demonstrations, investigations, problem solving and projects in 3.41 0.903
my lessons.
- Classroom Management
My students whisper or express confusion when about to
3.01 1.177
embark on an activity
Students do not actively participate in my lessons 3.09 1.036
The arrangement of benches in my class does not favour free
3.30 1.015
My class is too large for effective class control 3.12 0.918 0.890
Students’ phones are a source of distraction in my class 3.04 0.953
Students are sometimes drowsy in my class 3.13 0.885
Students come late for practicals 2.85 1.187
My students whisper or express confusion when about to
3.15 1.061
embark on an activity
146 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

Table 3. Exploratory Factor Analysis Results

  Rotated Component Matrix
Construct Measured Items
1 2 3 4
Students come for practicals without lab manuals 0.772
My class is too large for effective class control 0.772
The arrangement of benches in my class does
not favour free movement
My students whisper or express confusion when
Classroom 0.765
about to embark on an activity
Students are sometimes drowsy and sleepy in
Students’ phones are a source of distraction in
my class
Students actively participate in my lessons 0.712
Students I teach in Large classes show
disruptive behaviour
Students I teach in large classes participate less
in class
Class Size Large class size demotivates me 0.814
I have difficulties following up all my students
in large classes
I have problems controlling my class because it
is too large
The number of qualified teachers for my subject
in my school are not enough
The periods allocated for practicals are not
Availability 0.852
Laboratory materials are not sufficient to
Instructional 0.754
conduct practicals
My subject does not have a laboratory for itself 0.746
My school does not have a library 0.622
I find it difficult to finish the syllabus if I
involve too many demonstrations, investigations, 0.888
problem solving and projects in my lessons
It is time consuming for me to seek alternative
Teaching ways to ensure that students learn the subject 0.886
Practices matter
I do not have enough resources to give my
students projects to carry out
My class is too large for effective
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .841
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 147

Table 4. Inter-item Correlation of variables

Construct M SD 1 2 3 4
Availability of Instructional Resources 2.77 0.882 1
Class Size 3.24 0.753 .340 1

Classroom Management 3.12 0.791 .256** .337** 1

** ** **
Teaching practices 3.26 0.774 .232 .308 .459 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

determine whether there is sufficient null hypothesis in a study is deemed not

relationship amongst the variables. The rejected, if the t value is equal or greater
outcome of the correlation analysis indicated than 1.96 and the p value is equal to or less
that all the items had relationships with each than 0.05(Landau & Everitt, 2004). Based on
other. The least correlated items were this premise, the analysis thus showed that
availability of instructional resources and the result was significant, F (3,297) = 31.724,
teaching practices (r=.232, p<0.01) while the p<0.005, R2=.243. Moreover the results
most correlated items were teaching revealed that availability of instructional
practices and classroom management (r=.459, resources was not a significant predictor (β
p<0.01). Since all the correlation values =.082, t=1.515, p=0.131) of teaching practices.
exceeded the acceptable bench mark of 0.20 Thus H01 was not rejected. However,
the data was then considered suitable for classroom size (β=.149, t=2.670, p<0.005) and
regression analysis. Table 4 above illustrates. classroom management (β=.387, t=7.131,
Multiple regression analysis was used to p<0.005) had significant effect on science
test the hypotheses. The results of the teaching practices. Signifying that H02 and
hypothesis testing were accepted when the H03 respectively were rejected. Therefore,

Table 5. Direct Effects

Independent Variable Standard error B t p

Availability of
0.048 0.082 1.515 0.131
Instructional Resources
Practices Class Size 0.057 0.149 2.67 0.008

Classroom Management 0.053 0.387 7.131 0.000

R2 = .243, Adjusted R2 = .235, F = 31.724, p = 0.000, df = 3,297

148 Gracemary Eloheneke Moluayonge・Innwoo Park

based on the empirical results from this science teachers have adopted other forms
study, Null Hypothesis 2 and 3 were rejected of teaching materials based on the
while Null hypothesis 1 was not rejected. curriculum. Furthermore through these
forums, they have learnt to improvise and
even share the available resources amongst
Ⅳ. Discussion themselves, not just amongst teachers in one
School but across schools. Such
conventional practices may account for the
These results thus imply that with the
lack of direct effect of the availability of
exception of availability of instructional
instructional resources on science teaching
resource, the two core challenges to the
effective teaching of science subjects (class
Getting through challenges with teaching
size and classroom management) significantly
can be traumatic; however, challenges like
impacted science teaching practices. These
class size is not the major deterrent to
results are consistent with the findings of
positive learning environments. The number
other researches (Blatchford, 2004; Crocker,
of students is important, but the attitude of
1999; Rice, 1999; Wang & Finn, 2000) which
the teacher in dealing with the class size
showed that difficulties with class size and
makes the difference (Blatchford, 2009). Thus
classroom management impacted science
be it a large or small class, be it that
teachers’ teaching practices. It is therefore
resources are available or not, it is the
imperative to address these challenges as a
teacher’s call to either make the class
matter of urgency in order to enhance the
conducive for positive learning outcomes or
effectiveness of the teaching of science
subjects at the secondary school level.
However, the finding from this study that
shows that hitches with the availability of
resources is not a predictor of challenges Ⅴ. Conclusion and
with science teaching practices is not in Recommendations
accord with results of studies like Thryn,
(2009) and Adeogun & Osifila (2009) who
The findings of this study indicate that the
think availability of resources and teaching
science teachers in secondary schools in the
practices are related. Cameroon like any
Anglophone sub-system of Education in
other developing country has a number of
Cameroon have many challenges which can
constraints in its educational sector be it
be hinged on large class sizes of science
insufficient resources, large class sizes, time
students, classroom management difficulties
and financial constraints amongst others.
and many student related issues. The
However, drawing inspiration from ideas
situation therefore calls for reflections and
gotten at seminars, workshops, departmental
actions from the various stakeholders and
meetings and even through interactions with
also the retraining of all science teachers in
their fellow teachers on a daily basis, the
Cameroon, through seminars and workshops,
Effect of Challenges with Class Size, Classroom Management and Availability of Instructional Resources on Science Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools 149

and provision of instructional resources to classroom management, Science teaching

reposition science teaching in Cameroon. improvement programmes should be drafted
This will enable teachers to teach the jointly by science teachers in the Divisions
sciences in line with national standards and and Regions to give them a better
aspire to catch-up with international orientation on what is expected of them and
specifications. The information from this expose them to current methods of teaching
research could be disseminated through and presenting content material to learners.
seminars and talks in schools and even at Also, rules should be laid down by the
divisional, regional, national and teachers on issues like bringing cell phones
international gatherings of science teachers. to class, late coming for lessons, sleeping in
Based on the findings of this study, class and even coming for practicals without
recommendations according to the different manuals. These will serve as a deterrent to
objectives were made for policy and practice. the students when they attempt to break
Concerning recommendations towards the these rules.
challenges science teachers face with class Propositions for a follow up to this study
size in their teaching practices: the students could be: Observational study of problems
should be admitted based on the available science teachers face; Higher Education
classrooms. Also, seminars should be held teachers’ problems in teaching science
informing teachers on strategies they can subjects; and Secondary school teachers’
use to make teaching/learning in large problems in teaching arts subjects.
classes more effective. Moreover, larger
classrooms should be provided for science  
students. In regards to classroom References
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