The Subtle Art of The Insidious Neg - Chateau Heartiste PDF
The Subtle Art of The Insidious Neg - Chateau Heartiste PDF
The Subtle Art of The Insidious Neg - Chateau Heartiste PDF
I’ll give you an example of what I mean. I was at a party talking with a girl, a cute
7.5, and I mentioned offhandedly (or so it seemed to her, for little I do or say isn’t P
calculated to maximize my personal advantage) that she seemed really modest.
(My assessment wasn’t wholly without merit, judging by her clothes and shy
Alpha Assessment
demeanor. Another defining feature of the best negs are that they have the ring of
truth to them.)
Beta Of The Year
Naturally, and predictably, she, being a member in good standing of the SWPL Contest Submissions
industrial complex where modesty is considered a character flaw, balked at this. Dating Market Value Test
“Modest? You think that? What do you mean by that?” For Men
Dating Market Value Test
I ignored the first importuning, but by the second I had to address her
For Women
metastasizing concern.
Diversity + Proximity = War:
“Modesty is a lost art. It’s not a bad thing… usually. Not everyone feels a need to The Reference List
be an exhibitionist.” Shit Cuckservatives Say
The Sixteen Commandments
You’ll note three things in my response. One, I didn’t back off from my initial
Of Poon
assertion. Nothing kills tingles faster than defensiveness or apologia. Two, I
continued the ruse under the assumption that my insidious neg was actually a
compliment. Three, I added the qualifier “usually” as a means of keeping her T U
hamster in full throttle spin mode.
Was anything she said
I see a lot of guys throwing out community-approved negs on 6s, 7s and untrue?
sometimes 8s like they are jokey zingers, and the result is often bad, as the girl…
turns on him or slinks away to find better company. No wonder; their technique 8 minutes ago
carries the whiff of insult, which under normal circumstances with normal cute
RT @ChuckRossDC: UVA dean
girls will backfire. (Very hot girls who crave assholes tend to better channel direct
in Rolling Stone suit:
insults straight to their vagina region.)
@NationalNOW & Jackie's
The neg is, as Mystery used to implore, almost a hidden code within the larger lawyers coordinated on "open
conversational framework. It’s supposed to be perceived as a throwaway line of letter."
sincere and innocent intent that serves two purposes: one, it disqualifies you to
sexy babes who start on the assumption that you’re just another joe schmoe who
wants in their pants, and two, it infiltrates a girl’s subconscious so that she spends @dai… 25 minutes ago
more mental energy analyzing her worth than she does analyzing yours.
Kind of funny to juxtapose
Negs often can be as simple as one-word descriptions that are as easily this with some feminist cunt
interpreted as unflattering observations as they are as compliments; and therein bitching about a white guy
lies their effectiveness. No need to memorize one-liners. All you have to have at making a pass on a drunk girl.
your disposal is a handy list of vital and penetrating adjectives that cause a click…
and a whirring in the female limbic system. To wit: 28 minutes ago
nonconformist. R C
Ironpusher on Two
don’t care about other people’s opinions.
Advantages Older Men
Captain Obvious on Two
excited to be here.
Advantages Older Men
out of her element.
guarded. Captain Obvious on Two
Your Exacting Standards
The Five Female Body Types
(And One Is The Very Best)
Like Penis Size Around The World
Be the first to like this. The Number One Dead
Giveaway That Your Wife Is
About To Cheat
Related It's Easy To Identify A Slut
The Average Female Face Of
A Solid Neg To Open Some Great Age "I believe a burp is Different Countries
A Cashier Negs an EXCELLENT neg"
In "Game" In "Game" In "Comment
In Game In Game In Comment
Winners" C
Select Category
Very true. THe fine distinctions make all the difference. The Daily Sarge
Things My Boyfriend Says
Like xkcd
FredYetAgain on September 26, 2011 at 2:35 pm
60 Years of Challenge
“it infiltrates a girl’s subconscious so that she spends more mental energy Alpha Game
analyzing her worth than she does analyzing yours” Bingo! So long as Cajun
you have a woman auditioning for you, power remains where it belongs – Krauser PUA
squarely in your pocket. Rational Male
Like Roosh V
The G Manifesto
Just kidding! Thought I’d flip the script on the routinized fags who Audacious Epigone
come on here and complain. Hey, if you don’t want to talk politics Deconstructing Leftism
along our Euro-nationalist lines, I don’t want you to vote. How’s that Education Realist
wah wah wah, you’re distracting me with all this talk of my ethnic genetic hbd chick
Also, I can’t name one medication anyone is on that is better for them than
eating healthy. Statins, diabetes “medications” and all are fraudulent. Stop
eating wheat and GMO grains and many of those medical conditions have a
good chance of resolving themselves naturally.
Not sure if this was posted here earlier or not but you should all
check this out. Funny ass editor comments too, like it could have
been Heartiste himself.
many of these bad habits start during childhood and are ingrained during
the early years. Its sad, but without the medications for those where the
damage has already been done, many people would simply not have a
second chance for starting over – so this is where the statins and diabetic
meds come in – to help people at least have some sort of quality of life.
Also people don’t always have to take the meds if they changed the way
they ate etc. but a lot of people don’t want to and so that is why the
medications are necessary.
You’d be surprised at the number of docs that hate prescribing drugs. But
they HAVE to b/c they will and can be sued if they don’t RX statins and
other meds to help their patients. That’s the crazy part of it all – even docs
wish they didn’t always have to prescribe these drugs.
My doctor (who is in his 80s now, and still plays tennis, swims and
lifts weights) has only prescribed statins to approximately 2% of
his patients with signs of genetic disorders that can be treated
with statins. For the rest of us, he says repeatedly “No drugs, diet.” He
helped me lose 80# off my ass and gut without any major changes in my
It’s ALMOST NEVER too late to make dietary changes to get healthier. I’ve
consulted with some people in their 60s (along with their PCMD’s) and
seen plenty of outcomes where they were able to get off of 70-100% of
their pills within a year of eating right.
Now that the voting morons have decided they want a bigger, more
bureaucratic third party payer for health care (i.e., the federal
government), things will only get worse — but this is good news for us
alphas, natural or otherwise. As more and more men get morbidly obese
and self-treat with beer and pot, demand for solid, athletic men will
skyrocket out of this world.
Too bad I’ve seen the new college students who just started their
freshman year down the street from me: at least 70% of those 18-19 year
old gals are fat. So I guess it’s not that good news for men who can
control what goes in their mouth and bloodstreams.
AB o agree with what u said and u have a unique doc for sure!
Too easy. “Quality intelligent men” wouldn’t give Neecy the time
of day, so of course they would have no problem.
HATERS are gonna HATE. You all on this site are beyond pathetic
bitter dickhead losers. No wonder you can’t get laid.
And as i said, QUALITY men don’t have a problem with women – just the
losers who have to pay to get laid – I’m guessing that represents oh 90%
of you here!
The fact is I was talking to the REAL ALPHA here not his little minion of
cockroach peons occupying this space trying to “LEARN” how to be men.
Now move along, fuck off and gather up your coins to go pay for those
prostitutes that you need so desperatley to get laid!
“You all on this site are beyond pathetic bitter dickhead losers.”
Such venom — and from a member of the most undesired and
undesirable demographic: mouthy kaffir broads.
Go spend those last eggs with some quality man. Your rants are only a
sign that your body experiments a grief over the missed opportunity to
fulfill your destiny as a woman.
In other words: go fuck elsewhere, and leave this gentlemen’s club alone.
Wow. You just can’t get enough of this place, can you?
Anon the comments I drew in this post was UNCALLEd for! I was
making a joke with heartisite. Why did u all feel the need to co
E at me like a bunch of catty bitches is beyond me! These
responses to me for my original post were fkng uncalled for and is more of
a reflection of the men on here than me! You nor any of u had the right
coming at me the way you did. So yeah I said what I said b/c men don’t
act like the way I all have displayed yourselves here – like a bunch of catty
insecure women!
i d
Jesus_Lizard on September 26, 2011 at 5:18 pm
So you’re a sex-worker?
Ha! Well that is something you will never have to worry about b/c
dumbass losers are usually not in the medical profession – unless
they are sweeping and cleaning up the remnants of shit and piss
I wonder if she can get any job other than cleaning ladies toilets!
‘no right’?
this is the internet. nobody has more or less ‘right’ to say what
they want than anybody else.
you stepped into the playpen and now you’re crying that you got hit in the
eye by a thrown baby rattler.
spiralina on September 29, 2011 at 7:53 am
Uhh, hey Neecy…you know this is like, a free blog, right? And you
can, like, leave if you don’t like the people here, or even ignore
Getting your back all up over random comments from Internet strangers
says more about you than it does about them. Like the person above says,
go get a man and enjoy life, you spend way too much time here and take
the shit that’s said WAY too seriously.
After college many of the sorority slurrs that I knew became pharma reps.
Such a fucking joke of a job. You drive around with a bunch of meds in your
company car and drop off samples to doctors and bring them cupcakes and
other bullshit, show some cleavge and shake your ass.
It pays the bills and has its perks. And you do earn bonus and
commissions based on the market growth of your territory based
on how the prescriptions grow or decrease overall.
I agree its definitley a no brainer sales job, but really anything not in the
science, engineering, math etc., arena is really a no brainer job IMO.
Yeah the rumors and myths around female pharma reps is that they sleep
with docs to get RX’s. i’m sure it happens like it does in almost any field
where you have a number of women who sleep their way to become
successful. Pharma sales is not unique in this instance.
@neecy, “head held high”? don’t you mean, giving head while high?
i thought that is how you encourage doc’s to start pushing your product
I really like, “You have really nice hair! Do you have any split ends? (They all do.)
This usually gets them stumbling, “Oh yeah, well, I need a haircut soon, blah,
blah, blah,”
[While she is talking to you, interupt, give puzzled glance at her hair]
Her: omg can you see my roots? I need to go back to stylist blah blah, my
natural hair color is baby shit brown blah blah blah
Neg. If you have an abundance of girl things, you don’t need to think so
hard about all this game theory.
Negs, good as training wheels. And then step it up past all this basic game talk
and go for the Kaiser Soze strategy:
“In-her-face negs are really only suited for very hot girls (8s and above)”
Actually, negs can so easily backfire that it’s preferable to use them with chicks
who are radiating with bitchiness, independently from their hotness. Bitchiness
should be the signal to activate asshole game (with negging as a choice weapon).
That’s for the pickup, playful teasing can be enough to fuck close.
But some degree of assholery should emerge during the relationship, even with
more conventional cuties. Negs have to come into play, sooner or later.
One more category where opening with a neg can work well OR be a
disaster- online game.
Best discussion of negs I have read since the original mystery method.
Examples are particularly good and avoid being offensive or contrived.
Care to discuss the implications of that one for those of us not quite
so naturally gifted, R?
she’s lonely
You see, so many women, the majority in fact, are arrogant and narcissistic and
often undeservedly so. All the typical woman has to do is get big and fat and guys
still get on bended knee, kiss her ass and tell her how beautiful she is. A woman
lives her life as if it were a Hans Christian Anderson fairytale – everything she
does is perfect, regardless of how fat and ugly she is. I’ve even seen the ugliest
and most repulsive women boast about being able to attract any guy they want or
entering some beauty pageant.
This is why negging girls can be so psychologically devastating for them; women
live their whole lives free of criticism because so many guys want to get in their
pants. A woman lives her life wrapped in fantasy… that is, until I come along and
punch a hole through that massive bitch shield of hers. I always ask the girl I’m
negging if she’s having a baby and because the majority of women are overweight
to big and fat, it’s a pretty easy neg to deliver. It works every time, like a charm
almost. I’ve punctured so many bitch shields and even reduced females to tears.
There’s no vice more obvious than the vice of gluttony. Point out that her stomach
hangs over her pants and guaranteed that bitch will be on your ass like white on
rice. I’ve had bitches giving me crazy stares all night after pointing out how big
their asses are. There are many others, but the pregnancy neg is my favourite… it
makes me laugh all the time.
~6 or less. “Modest.”
Not that it really matters, but you’re wrong. I am 5’6, 110 lbs,
aryan, young, in-shape and have a .73 WTH ratio. But I suppose
I’m used to a more conservative culture than most of CH’s
readers. In the social circles I’m used to, a man calling an obviously-
attractive girl “modest” it is an expression of serious interest that basically
translates to “I think you’d be good wife material.”
pics or gtfo
Somebody on September 28, 2011 at 8:29 am
Except most proper present day Aryans are found in, hold your
breath, South Asia. And if that does not make it obvious, they
neither have pale skin (although there are Indians that can easily
pass for Southern European both by skin tone and facial features) nor light
hair (almost exclusively black) nor light eyes.
I would take care of anything that could resemble politics, at least for the
first dates. Unless, obviously, you are in a political event.
what, pissing off all her admirers and splitting herself in two? yeah, a lot of girls
are really good at that.
Negs are best used as counters to her shit tests. She wants to shit test
moi! bitch.. take that cunt.
walawala on September 26, 2011 at 6:57 pm
Great post.
I used this to great effect with a girl who had been giving me IOI’s at my
Latin dance class.
I just smiled…
“…to eradicate anti-slut defenses and persuade her to open up… to you,
the fearless judger of her feminine worth”
This is the essence of why the lines and, perhaps more importantly, the
perspective that Roissy describes have such a powerful impact on women. Only
high-status men have it in them to make judgements of any sort about other
people, especially about attractive girls, and especially if said judgement is not
necessarily positive. Judgement separates the guy who will nod, smile, and agree
with everything she says from a real man.
Excellent post.
It is also important to mention that a neg is not always needed. That is also a
misconception to think you have to neg.
A successful neg I’ve been using lately (usually on dates or in convo with a high
compliance target.):
You: it’s perfectly OK for a man to desire a healthy woman as his partner, eats
right, stays healthy, has healthy waist-to-hip-ratio…”
The responses I get vary, however they almost always lead to an endless spew of
her qualifying her “healthy” habits (sometimes while smoking a cigarette on her
4th cocktail of the hour.)
excuse to touch her, show her wiki pedia page on WHR on my phone. Get those
insecurities about her weight bubbling over the top.
“oh lol, I guess I’m not that healthy…lol” this being the self depricating type of
Caveat: if you’re out of shape, hold the frame that you are aware and working on
it if she throws it back at u.
Fucking brilliant, dude. Happily, 95% of the targets won’t be able to piece
together the total meaning of “waist to hip ratio” at first hearing, and require
It really is a good one. Easy to bring up too with the whole health
topic etc.
I agree – subtle is better. The blatant ones are too easy to spot for a girl
of even average intelligence.
And yes, keep her on the defensive wondering if she is good enough for YOU.
Damn right I read Roissy, Stingray. And Spearhead, and Oz, and others.
Besides hot Korean women, you would never want to neg a 1st generation Asian
BUT for hot Asian American girls – Negs are absolutely necessary. As American
born Asian women (9’s and 10’s) are some of the most self absorbed creatures on
the planet. A product of their environment, no doubt. All this and more is covered
in my Asian Seduction System
Its funny how what has a zero or negative effect on women elsewhere in the
world – sends hot American women into a frenzy…
However, it’s great to see an article like this that explains an important but often
misunderstood constuct of game.
Even after so many posts about game, players, alphas and POOAHS of all levels
can still gain wisdom from this blog.
Nice post.
@Asian SS
They tend to produce a mixed, often hostile reaction from super hot Chinese
women who see them as challenging or insulting.
But with Korean women, no, they usually have goood senses of humour. I just
met a Korean flight attendant.
I negged her saying my flight was delayed, and what could she do about that…
she laughed said she’d look into it broke the ice and we progressed from
she laughed, said she d look into it…broke the ice and we progressed from
It’s about tonality with Asian women who often tend to overly shit-test, and
very often become pouty and childish which is a passive aggressive challenge
to dominance.
Teaching Western guys how to get Asian girls? Mhh, I wonder how many
hours you can spend explaining the concept of “go, talk to her”.
Speaking of negs
You’ll have to watch the enitre aoefe goes to prison series (3 minutes
total – but damn!) to see what happens. I don’t want to give away
the ending but Roosh makes an appearance.
Okay I read your comment a few times FP, what is your “posting
is now a pita.”
PITA TUD i f i d
re PITA; TUD is your freind.
i posted 2 things recently and neither got thru. your blog just ate
them – wasting my time and words. i fucking hate that.
Weird FP. I did have moderation on for less than 24 hours. And I
know you mentioned you’d tried before, I’m sorry what a pain!
Oh I get moderated every time I post here, it’s a good thing I’ve
developed a bit of patience or I’d likely never be back. I’m not sure it’s me
being moderated or just moderation in general. Mind you what I post gets
posted eventually. (even my shameless self promotion from yesterday)
she was in CANADIA prison – that’s where The Man punishes girleez
with house arrest – and only serving them
Butter Tarts
3 times a week. no biggee
It is funny.
Besides hot Korean women, you would never want to neg a 1st generation Asian
I see your point in Korea; saying anything negative is usually seen as a direct
assault on Face (no matter how watered down this concept is today in Korea), and
is rarely done; a direct neg would radically disqualify you.
This doesn’t mean they don’t work. In fact, they tend to have a more nuclear
effect. Women spend so much time bolstering their self-esteem in a society that
values them largely just for their looks, it can seem like they’re naturally bitchy.
But the truth is that even under the mask of intense self-admiration, they’re
nervous wrecks. Korean society is savagely oppressive in one way: Everyone is
constantly judging everyone else, evaluating them, and comparing themselves. If
you neg, you need to cloak it in subtle admiration; complement something she
obviously doesn’t value, and by *omission* leave out what she does. Downplay or
ignore what she thinks she’s best at. Drop hints at how… Hard she obviously
works in the morning to get ready to go to work, and how well it worked, …
implying that she needs makeup and slimming dresses to look good. Be subtle.
It helps when you speak the language.
This is as good as gold in Korea. In China, it also works a treat, but in China it’s
acceptable to throw out HARD banter with women you meet. The reason Beta
Chinese guy think you need to be sweet is that Chinese women throw up a “sweet
girl” facade whether it’s genuine or not; this is why many think Chinese women
are so wholesome and decent. In fact, as many or more are slutty tarts as
elsewhere: It’s an act. To bypass this, you can drop massively scathing banter
once you establish some communication with a Chinese woman from mainland
China. It needs to be tactfully delivered, but when you play the “proper” bad boy,
Chinese women generally give in gleefully.
There’s a deep “female power” culture in urban China. Communism destroyed the
family in China and did lots to liberate women – so affairs and sex are hot topics
among women and if you’re outside their usual no-go zones, and seem discreet
and of the right temperament, you can get even the nicest-seeming girls to
distract themselves with you for a while.
Asian guys have this unfortunate view of Asian girls as pure, unsullied, and
virginal; certainly, some are. Urban girls – definitely not. In Korea, multiple BFs
and casual sex are virtually institutionalized; once you make the cultural
adjustment, it’s relatively straightforward to tap into it. In China, it’s literally the
Wild West for sex: a woman’s value for marriage is in how well-behaved she is,
but they have 3000 years of pretending to be nice and sweet here.
I’ve seen the most tragic situations, where nice, utterly oblivious Chinese guys
(often from overseas) fall hook, line and sinker for the “sweet little innocent girl”
routine Chinese women wear as naturally as others wear hats. I’ve seen it and
done it. Married women there’s no possible way anyone would suspect of fooling
around have made phone calls from my bed. The change in their demeanor while
on the phone is profound.
So Korea and China are fertile grounds for negs: it’s just that you have to deliver
them in a culturally appropriate fashion, and you need to understand their full
I know what ASS means, but as a white guy who adapted to local cultures pretty
effectively, I have to say – dead wrong.
But these industrial societies aren’t actually all that different from the US.
I never, ever fawn over hot women in Korea. The trick is to consider their looks
meaningless – they know they’re hot, so you cant touch it. Go after their modesty,
their lack of ambition (quite a tell in a society obsessed with social rank), their
lack of modesty, their arrogance, their vanity (always a plus – works on so many
levels), their physical feebleness or inability to endure even mild discomfort, etc.
But my personal experience: They’re *so* obsessed with not letting their plastic
surgery secrets get out, the trick is always : never mention it. Fake tits? Be very
oblique with negs. Eyes? Same. Nose? Don’t fucking touch it. If you even hint that
their $10k surgery isn’t fucking brilliant, it will get you dropped.
Why? They feel a loss of respect and deep shame: They faked their appearance,
meaning they were “ugly” before, and got caught. It’s “hand – in – the – cookie –
jar”. The dump you partly because they got caught in their charade and feel
ashamed in front of you.
That shame drives people away here, not just women. When you make a woman
lose face, you need to be aware of the likely consequences.
Dropping negs without making her lose *face* (even with you) is the key. Hence,
the much greater importance of plausible deniability in Korea or China.
But negs: when well-calculated and delivered, I’ve found they smash home like
multiple warhead nuclear weapons. Smash that public ego and you’re suddenly
“Genuine, truth-seeing, real, not like all these blind stupid Chinese (Korean)
(R)-Evolutionary on September 27, 2011 at 2:22 pm
While my experience with Asian women is limited to west coast of the USA,
Gorb’s ideas & conceptsn are legit, and still very much apply to Fresh-off-the-
Boat Asian women, or even to 2nd generation women. If they’ve still got an
accent, they’re still subject to the cultural values of their homeland. Lots of
2nd generation girls in CA and elsewhere still have the linguistic traits of their
homeland, since they learn engrish, and expected gender roles, from their
parents, who are themselves ESL speakers who speak with a thick home-
country brogue as they impart the values of the ‘innocent’ Asian woman.
The other thing to note, Chinese guys who do well with women in
China, Taiwan, HK are either super betas…or guys who are so aloof they
almost seem gay.
Super betas because many women see guys who come across as cocky and
funny as players who are “over-confident”.
Beta provider game in Asia is important to avoid giving off the player vibe.
But it’s more about the “protector” component of attraction than beta
But women here love and seek masculine men. The confidence without over-
gaming is vital and a neg delivered with confidence is a vital ice-breaker.
Whether our not to neg a girl has to do with her self assessed value on
relation to her perception of yours. Its like that old Chris Rock joke,
where he talks about how broke people can talk all kind of shit to rich
people about being rich, but a rich person talking shit to a poor person about
being broke is an asshole.
The neg should be second nature. If you’re decently skilled, negs will just
come out naturally in conversation, you won’t even think about them.
“I bet everyone thinks you’re a bitch, but I think you’re just putting up a front.”
ceics on September 27, 2011 at 7:53 am
“At the end of the night she proved to me her bona fide immodesty with a
streetlamp illuminated makeout”
Some we know would have gone as far as say “At the end of the night she proved
to me her bona fide immodesty with a streetlamp illuminated blow-job”
Sometimes you sound like there’s some trace of closet romantic in there and
really come close to looking for, finding and appreciating the most feminine and
womanly of all women This means her qualifying as whore material or one night
stand isn’t exactly encouraged or to be desired.
[Heartiste: While streetside bjs are great, they aren’t nearly as frequent
as streetside makeouts.]
Good stuff.
It’s a win-win, either she is and probably knows exactly how you were able to tell
what she does for a living, which gives you attraction leading into rapport (she’s
thinking ‘This guy knows the score and is savvy enough to be subtle’ and ‘He
knows about me’), or she isn’t, in which case attraction may or may not be
practical. If not, tell her it was nice talking to her and exit gracefully, you get to
reject her.
But let’s be real, anyone who’s ever dated a pharmaceutical sales rep will pretty
much know when there’s one standing in front of you at the deli counter…
At a family get together a late 60’s male (known for low social
intelligence) complimented a late 80’s female whom he hadn’t seen in many
months by saying in a genuine, sincere and complimentary tone…
My jaw dropped to the floor and after a pregnant pause she thanked him for the
Not to be the devil’s advocate here but isn’t weight gain in the elderly
a good thing? I think at a certain age a plump senior is more
attractive than a stick figured one. Just sayin’.
Anne on September 27, 2011 at 4:30 pm
Pretty sure the author meant that this woman was BORN in the
late 80’s (making her about twenty now), not that she was IN her
late 80s.
Personally, I subscribe to the theory of “don’t shit where you eat”. But
then I like my job, it pays pretty well, and I’d be foolish to risk it over
some girl. And anyway, I’m in IT and the pickin’s are pretty slim here
at the office.
Not trying to be insulting about pay. Just noting that if you work as (for
instance) a bartender, you don’t have to care as much about losing your job,
since even if it blows up in your face, you can always make a lateral career
But I think you have to approach it assuming that SHE will be concerned, or at
least act concerned, about looking like the workplace slut. Getting to that first
level of comfort is key. Once you’ve isolated her outside the workplace,
proceed as you would with any other girl.
Off topic/ Maxim #13: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if
they had never known you:
Gents, what are some of the basics of gaming a girl you work with?
Last two posts have been gold. Welcome back to the original author.
A lot of girls have heard of the game/PUA phenomenon and will talk
about how they never fall for it. This isn’t always the hamster talking. They mean
that they’ve experienced the jokey zinger approach and it didn’t work. These
same girls are totally susceptible to the kind of game described at this blog.
i got another question. how do you ignore their questions without looking
like a douchebag?
[Heartiste: I talk about something else. Women are cats. They will follow
the string or the laser pointer wherever it goes.]
Wow. Most of the comments directed to Neecy above seem like insults
from third graders to the icky girl. I’m surprised to find them on this site,
especially on the post about intelligent and subtle negs. I know you guys
aren’t trying to fuck her, but still, it’s just weak.
I do apologize however, for my insults that may have offended the rest of the
fellas here who maintained their MASCULINE ALPHA FRAMES and stayed
out of it like real men typically do when drama arises between women.. I
mean a woman and school girls.
“I’m surprised to find them on this site, especially on the post about
intelligent and subtle negs. I know you guys aren’t trying to fuck her,
but still, it’s just weak.”
Ah, Mr. White Knight seems confused. A neg is only used on a woman with
whom you are interested. FYI, Neecy is neither. And the only ‘weak’ thing is
her ad nauseum whining and pathetic shaming attempts.
“Nice neg.”
This goes beyond just negs. Game has been public since Mystery started giving
his seminars in 2001. Its been 10 years now. Girls know what this stuff is. What
do you say if a girl directly calls you out on using Game or negs or anything PUA
l d?
[Heartiste: I’d run with it. “Yeah, I’m trying out my new stuff on someone
who looks like they could use it.” Whatever you do, don’t get defensive.]
I have only had this happen to me once, and that was by a hot 9
vegas VIP table cocktail server. I can’t remember what exactly was
said, but it was one of my friends that said something stupid. Wasn’t
really even a neg.
Me: “no, because if it was, we’d actually be interested in you. go get our
drinks, thanks.”
IMO women aren’t analytical enough during social conversation to dissect the
content and render the conclusion that you have negged her. If she did say
that, it was premeditated from her watching mystery on VH1.
The most subtle neg with women in the 8+ range is NOT to compliment
them on anything relating to their looks, clothes, hair etc.
Every other guy (AFC chumps etc) has been throwing her free compliments since
the day she started growing breasts.
She has to earn your comliments and until she does so, light teasing and making
light fun of her is a better strategy.
I don’t owe anyone any apologies and I don’t HAVE to do this, but i want to. So i
want to apologize to the guys here who I may have offended that had nothing to
do with the UNFORTUNATE and UNCALLED for drama up above.
I made a joking light hearted comment to Heartiste about something he said and
it unfortunately and SHOCKINGLY took a strange twist into a bunch of “MEN”
attacking me. So to those lurking and those who I may have offended that stayed
out of it, i’m sorry.
itsme on September 28, 2011 at 3:47 pm
your comment which started the scuffle had a signal to noise ratio of
zero. it was not only a perfect example of blogospherical attention whoring,
but a reminder of sorts to the rest of us that despite your shrieking about
leaving this blog to start your own, you are in fact still here. this saddens us,
much like the little roach droppings that appear on the countertop a week
after the exterminator came by.
one could ask what motivates you to do such a thing, but it’s really not
necessary because: a) your answer will be untruthful so we’ll ignore it, and b)
we already know the answer.
thank you again for reaffirming the tenets of this blog vis a vis the behavior of
women. a consolation, however small, nonetheless.
‘So to those lurking and those who I may have offended that stayed
out of it, i’m sorry.’
A female apology? And unless I’m just easily duped, it sounds sincere.
A sincere ‘I’m sorry’ is as rare as ‘It just happened! It’s not my fault!’ is
common among chicks.
‘it wasn’t my fault [for walking into a cage full of lions and provoking
them], i was defending myself from BULLIES who had NO RIGHT to attack
me [i mean, like, what is this, the internet or something?]’
what do you get when you take a man and remove all reason and
she’s definitely female. the rant she posted on her blog about what
happened here is a shining example of the female mind at work.
This Neecy, I would I love to bend her over, and alternately pile drive her
butthole and pussy back and forth. In one hole, then the other, back and
One neg that is too much for me is: dominant/ strong/ in control.
It always makes me feel masculine and will repel me. Maybe if I wasn’t
already touchy about it, I wouldn’t care that much and it would work. For now, it
instantly kills it.
I have a fish on the line boys! And she is a fighter! Here’s the situation:
This has all been done online, I haven’t met her in person. Her profile pic
is literally just a picture of her tits (in a bra), the other pic shows her face and also
prominently shows off her boobs. Her boobs are basically a 9, her face is a 7. I
would call her an 8 as far as I can tell. Her profile indicates she is an absolute
maniac, a total nutcase, imo. I’ve played it really slow and light-hearted. I have
NOT negged her yet. She ignored me for quite a while, but then responded with
some comments that, taken literally, indicate no interest, but were actually pretty
funny and light-hearted in their own right. In other words, her wheels are turning.
I told her to meet me at the zoo. She did not respond. I did not go to the zoo. She
did not go to the zoo, either. BUT, she mailed me, unprompted, and asked me if I
had a good time at the zoo by myself. She then mailed me again, minutes later,
with a joke that I wasn’t alone because the animals were there (she’s a regular
Rodney Dangerfield).
Should I tell her I didn’t go to the zoo, either, and make a joke of it in the sense
of: 2 can play at this game? Or is this too “logical?” Or should I tell her, yeah, I
had a great time at the zoo! Should I ignore the zoo altogether?
Is it too late to neg her? She is in definite need of a neg, but now that she mailed
me to tell me she didn’t go to the zoo, would negging her right back would look
way too spiteful? I was thinking about saying here boobs are great and her face is
mediocre, but I was thinking maybe negging a chick’s face, as a general rule, is
too much. Or I was thinking about just saying she would be hotter if she was a
blonde. I don’t wanna do anything out of spite, but at the same time I am
unattached to the outcome, I’m just having fun playing the game!
I have known a lot of Pharm Reps. The good ones are very clear in their
minds as to what the job requires. They are there to get your attention
and to entertain you. If they get that right, you might check out their
The absolute best one I have known, ever, was a smoking hot blonde with a big
blue-eyed innocent act. She could always get in the door – any door at all. Guys
would pretend to listen to her spiel while she leaned down to show her tits. But
because of all that, guys would look often it up online afterwards.
A really good one I knew would never talk about her product at all. She only
talked about the Doctors she had fucked and her evil Ex-Lawyer husband – while
leaning to show her tits.
It is like a tiitty bar except they buy the drinks.
You need some more depression? There are several drug products that have failed
in the Medical Marketplace because they had a dorky name. They were cheap and
effective but they had a dorky name. So, you have to pay more and/or die.
From alternet
You can cut a girl down to size with backhanded “compliments,” belittle her until
she thinks the only way to feel good again is to win your attention. You can taunt
her with insults about prudishness, until she thinks she needs to prove something.
You can taunt her with insults about sluttiness, until she thinks she might as well
confirm what you already think of her. You already know that these dick moves
are beneath you.
Thank you, blogger, for setting the record straight about negs. So many
guys think they are “flirty teases” when in fact they are just the opposite.
Seemingly sincere yet innocuous statements that no guy who is on her
jock would ever make.
Better to neg her into qualifying her self as a woman who lives
dangerously. “But you don’t look like the adventurous type”
Then she’ll get defensive and try to prove that she is.
Hey Gorbachev. You made a fascinating post several months ago about
how feminism was about lowering women’s standards – something like that. I
h k d d d b f h k h h bl
think I copied and pasted it but I forget where to. Do you know in which blog post
I can find it? I would be really interested in seeing it again.
How The Pill Will Change Your Game « Chateau on October 19, 2011 at 2:06 pm
[…] – Women on the Pill tend to become Netflix kinds of girls. […]
You Rang?
I’ll just leave this here, speaking of chicks dig jerks:
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