Management: Today
Management: Today
Management: Today
Management today
Volume 63 • No. 4 • Fall 2003
In Fire Management Today 63(3) [Summer 2003], the article by Banks and Little contains an error noted
in Fire Control Notes 26(1) [Winter 1965], page 15. The third sentence in column 3 on page 76 should
read: “More recent burns that left some surface fuel remaining only reduced the damage, but others that
removed nearly all the fuels did stop the fire.”
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Carol LoSapio
Guest Editor
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Management today
Volume 63 • No. 4 • Fall 2003
Firefighter and public safety is Websites on Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
our first priority. Guidelines for Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Canadian Forest Service fire • 2002 Atawhai Fire, South Island 1. Detection,
researchers have also formally pre- of New Zealand (Peace and 2. Initial attack,
pared several case studies over the Anderson 2002); and 3. Later stages of suppression, and
years on the following wildfires: • 2003 Miners Road Fire, South 4. After containment.
Island of New Zealand (Anderson Some of the information on the
• 1964 Gwatkin Lake Fire, eastern 2003). early phases of a wildland fire is
Ontario (Van Wagner 1965); normally recorded as part of the
• 1968 Lesser Slave Fire, central The Australians have also pub- operational procedures related to
Alberta (Kiil and Grigel 1969); lished several case studies analyz- completing the individual fire
• 1971 Thackeray and Whistle ing the effectiveness of fuel reduc- report, although additional data
Lake Fires, northeastern Ontario tion burning on subsequent fire might be requested (e.g., Haines
(Walker and Stocks 1972); behavior and on fire suppression of and others 1985). However, if we
• 1980 DND-4-80 Fire, east-central high-intensity wildfires (e.g., are to acquire high-quality data
Alberta (Alexander and others Buckley 1992; Underwood and oth- (Donoghue 1982), then we need to
1983); ers 1985). emphasize the importance of fire
• 1986 Terrace Bay 7/86 Fire, behavior observation/documenta-
north-central Ontario (Stocks Case studies have been undertaken tion for our initial-attack firefight-
1988); and by fire researchers in other coun- ers so that we get their “buy-in.”
• 2001 Duffield Fire, central tries as well (Cruz and Viegas 1997;
Alberta (Mottus 2002). Dentoni and others 2001). It is Although myriad things might be
worth noting that one can extend recorded between the time of ini-
Australasian fire researchers have the usefulness of wildland fire case tial attack and the time when a fire
also made numerous contribu- studies done in one country to is finally deemed “out,” the most
tions, including studies on the fol- another, provided that the fuel type important thing to record is the
lowing wildfires: characteristics are relevant, simply position of the head fire at various
by interpreting the burning condi- times—the more observations, the
• 1955 Balmoral Fire, South Island tions through the use of the other better. From these observations,
of New Zealand (Prior 1958); country’s fire danger rating system the rates of fire spread and intensi-
• 1958 Wandilo Fire, South (e.g., Alexander 1991, 1992, 2000; ty can be calculated. At times,
Australia (McArthur and others Alexander and Pearce 1992a, 1993). these observations are difficult to
1966); make, for a variety of reasons, such
• 1977 Western District fires, Field Observations as limited visibility and logistical
Victoria (McArthur and others and Records issues (see the sidebar on page 6).
1982); Whereas no recipe or step-by-step When they can be made, they must
• 1979 Caroline Fire, South procedural manual on wildland fire be coupled with observations or
Australia (Geddes and Pfeiffer observations presently exists, a measurements of wind velocity.
1981); good number of general references
• 1983 Ash Wednesday fires, South are available (Alexander and Pearce Although advances in photography,
Australia (Keeves and Douglas 1992b; Burrows 1984; Cheney and remote sensing and weather moni-
1983); Sullivan 1997; Chester and Adams toring technology over the years
• 1991 Tikokino Fire, North Island 1963; Rothermel and Rinehart have greatly facilitated matters
of New Zealand (Rassmusen and 1983; Turner and others 1961). (Anderson 2001; Dibble 1960;
Fogarty 1997); Moreover, the various case studies Lawson 1975; Ogilvie and others
• 1994 Karori fires, North Island of already published offer guidance 1995; Schaefer 1959, 1961; Warren
New Zealand (Fogarty 1996); themselves. and Vance 1981), good representa-
• 1995 Berringa Fire, west-central tive or site-specific wind readings,
Victoria (Tolhurst and Chatto Wildland fire observation and doc- for example, are still difficult to
1998); umentation can be broken into obtain. In this regard, one should
four distinct stages or phases: not discount the relative value of
field observers using the Beaufort One should consider obtaining ver- case study reports; their bulk should
Wind Scale (Jemison 1934; List tical aerial photography of the fire not discourage you from preparing
1951) as a simple means of acquir- area relatively soon after the fire’s some type of report, no matter how
ing estimates of windspeed. occurrence, especially in forested short.
areas. This is often a very useful The size of a report is often driven
Several forms exist for eventually tool in carrying out a case study by fire size and duration. A brief
developing a wildland fire case investigation. account might suffice for a specific
study (e.g., Rothermel and issue (e.g., Countryman 1969) or
Rinehart 1983; Rothermel and for a particular situation or event
Hartford 1992). However, forms Report Preparation during an incident (e.g., Pirkso
can sometimes deter data gather- and Documentation and others 1965; Sutton 1984). For
ing; an observer might cringe at Case study reports on wildland fire a long incident, a more volumi-
the thought of completing yet behavior vary tremendously in nous publication might be more
another form. Remember, the most length and complexity. They range appropriate, with numerous appen-
important information to gather is from short, very simple descrip- dixes to document the fire (e.g.,
the time/location of the head fire tions (e.g., USDA Forest Service Bushey 1991). Regardless of size,
and the corresponding windspeed. 1960) to very large and extremely all reports have some things in
detailed, comprehensive accounts common, such as descriptions of
The old adage is true: A picture is (e.g., Graham 2003a, 2003b). One the components of the fire envi-
worth a thousand words. In case should not be intimidated by the ronment, although the level of
studies, however, it is worth more sheer size and level of detail in some detail might vary.
to record the time and location.
A common deficiency of most cumstantial evidence. This seri- fully drawn map showing the
analyses of large fires is that the ously limits the validity of conclu- spread of the fire at various time
detail and sequence of what men sions drawn as to the adequacy or intervals. In addition to such
did in their efforts to bring the inadequacy of the efforts made to information, detailed weather
fire under control overshadow control it. measurements are sought …
what the fire did. This is a natural
outcome. Usually all participants The case study can usually correct As better understanding and pre-
are so fully engaged in other this difficulty. Ideally, it is diction of large-fire behavior
emergency duties that no one is planned in advance and carried develops, analysis of action on
available to make objective and out by a trained research team large fires and the more compre-
continuing firsthand observations who moves in as soon as it is hensive case studies as well will
of the fire itself. So the fire’s over- apparent that a blowup fire is in become more meaningful and
all behavior, and particularly the progress. By means of observation consequently more valuable in
time and sequence of significant and measurements, such a team training men and in planning fire
changes in its behavior, are develops a detailed time history of suppression strategy.
uncertain and are likely to be the fire. Usually this is the form a
poorly reconstructed from cir- detailed log of events and a care-
After compiling all the information people (both firefighters and the ucts (surface and upper air charts
required to produce a case study public), homes, and ecosystems. and profiles of temperature/mois-
report, one must write it up. The The suppression strategy and tac- ture and winds aloft).
challenge is to distill the mass of tics could also be addressed,
information into a coherent sum- including any associated human Some General Advice
mary. To assist in this process, we factors.
suggest a certain format (see the
and Lessons Learned
sidebar below). The case study by However, as Thomas (1994) points We offer the following practical
Pearce and others (1994) is a good out, not all of us are writers. Some advice in preparing wildland fire
example of a very concise report might wish to follow a one- or two- behavior case studies. Our thoughts
based on this format. page format (e.g., McAlpine and and comments are based on actual
others 1990 [figure 2]). Ideally, it lessons learned from preparing case
Other sections could be added to should include a photograph or studies (e.g., Carpenter and others
the format, such as fire effects on two and additional weather prod- 2002; Pearce and others 1994).
Motivation. It is often very difficult ple, short case study, told from systematic in your collection of
to find the motivation to write a your individual perspective, is bet- data. An indexed, three-ring note-
case study. On all wildland fires, ter than no case study at all. book constructed around the
other demands and the rapidity of themes of observed fire behavior,
events can be discouraging. Organization. Just as we must such as fuels, topography, and
Moreover, no policy or regulation practice our fire behavior predic- weather, will help you organize
requires a case study. It must come tion skills before going on a wild- pertinent information for easy
from your own motivation and fire, so it is also important to men- retrieval.
sense of professionalism. Lesson tally prepare ourselves for writing a
Learned: As a practitioner, make it case study. Lesson Learned: Get Information Overload. The
a habit to always prepare at least a organized before the fire season amount of information available
one- to two-page case study. You begins. Prethink how you are going about the fire environment can be
will be richly rewarded, for it will to prepare your case studies. Ask overwhelming. If one isn’t careful,
force you to reflect on why a fire yourself what generic fire behavior the plethora of information can
behaved the way it, honing your information you are going to need stymie even the most dedicated case
skills as a predictor of fire behavior (such as fire danger ratings, study author. Lesson Learned:
(see the sidebar). remote automatic weather station Don’t try to use or validate every
data, or fuel moisture readings), fire danger, fire weather, or fire
Your Standard Is Too High. There and prepare yourself to quickly behavior model available. Decide
is a human tendency to establish access the information. Useful which model you want to use for
goals that are nearly impossible to Webpages include the Western your case study and stick to it. For
reach. Lesson Learned: Limit the Regional Climate Center example, ask yourself whether the
length and depth of the report to ( and the BEHAVE fire behavior prediction
the time available. Don’t think you U.S. Drought Monitor system would meet your need as
have to write a research report that ( opposed to FARSITE. Think about
meets the quality standards of a Become familiar with such sources the amount of time you have avail-
fire laboratory publication. A sim- before the fire occurs. Finally, be able to run various models. Pick the
Inquiries should be made into all A map showing the perimeter of a At the conclusion of the analysis
fires as soon as possible after they fire at progressive time intervals it should be possible to prepare a
have been controlled. Even short provides the best basis for a case précis of the reasons for success
descriptions of very small fires history analysis. This should be or failure, not for the purpose of
have a value.* Recording the accompanied by descriptions of taking people to task for errors of
details of large fires is vital fire behavior related to weather, judgment, but solely to ensure
because success in the future fuel and topography, and details of that the lessons that have been
depends largely on knowledge the manning arrangements, strat- learnt contribute to the success of
gained in the past. egy and tactics employed during future suppression operations.
each suppression phase.
*It is true that we do naturally tend to focus solely
Particular attention should be
on just the conflagration type wildland fires. given to initial attack action.…
model that meets the time available. lament the fact that a fire behavior Technology Center in Marana, AZ
Sources of Information. Secondary model did not predict what actually ((
sources of fire behavior informa- happened. But such discrepancies But be careful about including
tion are often as important as pri- are simply part of making fire color digital photographs with your
mary sources. In a way, the prepa- behavior predictions, and they will report. Although photographs are
ration of a fire behavior case study never fully disappear. One of the truly worth a thousand words, they
is like detective work: You are most interesting purposes of a fire can bog down e-mail systems and
always on the hunt for clues behavior case study is to compare limit the distribution of your
explaining why your fire behaved the projection against reality. report, although some of these
the way it did. Lesson Learned: Lesson Learned: In every case obstacles can be overcome
Don’t depend solely on the stan- study, compare the fire behavior (Christenson 2003).
dard sources of fire behavior infor- projection or prediction to what
mation, such as models, Websites, actually happened. Then discuss Just Do It. If fire behavior case
and fire weather forecasts. For why the fire did or did not behave studies are to become routine—our
example, photographs or video as predicted. In so doing, you will hope for more than a decade—then
taken by newspaper or television* be honing your fire behavior pre- you must make a personal commit-
and amateur photographers can be diction skills. ment to prepare them. Lesson
rich sources of fire behavior data. Learned:
Even articles in general magazines Peer Review. A case study, in the
can offer different perspectives on end, is the official fire behavior A fire behavior model cannot make
your case study. record. Your reputation is on the a commitment; only an individual
line. Lesson Learned: Time per- can. We hope that nothing will
Interviewing. Interviews with fire- mitting, get peer review. Simply hold you back. When it comes to
fighters are a common source of ask your colleagues what they fire behavior case studies, we hope
fire behavior information. But be think of your case study. It will ease that you will, as the saying goes,
careful, for recollections are prone your anxiety and improve your final “Just do it!”
to hindsight bias. Recollections of product. But be prepared for con-
fire events are often flawed, and trary opinions, and don’t be intimi- More Case Studies
they always reflect only a single dated when others think differently. Needed!
point of view. Lesson Learned: Always remember that fire behavior In 1976, Craig Chandler, then
When interviewing firefighters, be is complex and not easily captured Director of the Forest Service’s
aware of hindsight bias. Always in a report. You are doing the best Division of Forest Fire and
compare one person’s memory of you can. Atmospheric Sciences Research,
the fire with another’s. Be skepti- pointed out that many wildland fire
cal. Seek information that dis- Case Study Publication. You’ve behavior case studies were pro-
proves strongly held cause–effect prepared a case study. Now how are duced by fire researchers and fire
relationships. Form your own view you going to distribute your report weather meteorologists during the
of what happened only after inter- so that it will be useful to the fire 1950s and 1960s, but that he had
viewing many firefighters and get- community? Lesson Learned: A not seen many lately, presumably
ting multiple perspectives. logical location for case studies are due to “higher priorities elsewhere”
the Websites of local or national (Chandler 1976). He suggested that
Fire Behavior Model Versus Reality. fire management agencies, such as “we reexamine our priorities.”
It is understandable when fire the National Interagency Fire Alexander (2002) has proposed
behavior specialists or analysts Center or the geographic coordina- establishing permanent, full-time
tion centers. Another possible loca- national operational fire behavior
* Inquire as soon as possible (within at least 24 hours) tion is the Lesson’s Learned Center research units. But there is also the
about the availability of videotape footage, because the
complete record is typically not archived. at the National Advanced Research opportunity to help oneself directly.
Forty minutes later a forestry truck spots and were credited with help- Tractor units spent the night plow-
on patrol radioed that a second fire ing volunteer fire companies save ing lines, but without the flames to
was coming out to the highway several homes and outbuildings. guide them it was hard to locate
from nearby Black Lake. Crews just the leading edges in the dark. The
completing control lines on the Evening came with a smoky orange situation was made more difficult
White Oak fire only 15 miles (24 light. Down in the swamp the fire by the many small spot fires that
km) away rushed to both new rumbled. The cane went up with a were scattered out ahead as far as a
blazes. crackle that sounded like a rifle quarter of a mile (0.4 km).
platoon in action.
Reconnaissance aircraft swung over The thundershower was only tem-
from the large Newton Crossroads The cold front hit the Ammon fire porary relief. Severe burning condi-
fire a scant 20 miles (32 km) east- at 7 p.m. As expected, the flames tions were forecast for the next day.
ward and advised ground crews on changed direction. Already the Again and again crews sought to
the course of the flames and the Whiteville District Forester was strengthen their plowlines, but the
best control action. headed toward N.C. Highway 242 backfires would not burn. Without
which now lay in front of the fire. fire, they were unable to construct
The fire towers, now nearly all Control was impossible now, but he a fire-break wide enough to hold a
socked in by smoke, relayed urgent wanted to be sure everyone was out new onslaught.
radio messages between headquar- of the way.
ters and the men on the firelines. As expected, a drying wind came up
“Fire reported across from Melvin’s Flame—150 Feet High with the sun on April 2. By mid-
store.” “Fire has jumped the South Smoke was intense. The fire could morning the scattered embers were
River into Sampson County.” “Fire be heard in the distance, and the fanned to life. Crews worked in
burning two homes and a half- glow of the flames appeared vain. Flames were rolling again and
dozen farm buildings on Beaver through the forest. The pines took little notice of the lines that
Dam Church Road.” Fire was every- across the highway exploded into had been plowed across their path.
where! what he described as a sheet of The Ammon fire had places to go
flame 150 feet (45 m) high. and another 10,000 acres (4,000
By 3 p.m. the Ammon fire had ha) to burn before a general rain
jumped Cedar Creek Road and was Simultaneously, three lightning and a massive control effort would
headed toward the settlements. The bolts from the thunderheads over- contain it 2 days later.
district dispatcher reluctantly head accompanying the cold front
pulled a unit off the Black Lake struck the main fire. As rapidly as it Yes, April 1, 1966, will be long
fire, now only 10 miles (16 km) came, the fire moved on, throwing remembered in the Carolina
away, and committed his last burning limbs and brands 1,000 pinelands. But the severe test was
reserve tractor plow. feet (300 m) ahead of it. Finally, the well met by courageous firecrews
skies opened up with a brief down- and modern equipment.
Still the flames continued their pour that knocked the flames out
advance. Air tankers of the North of the trees until there was nothing
Carolina Forest Service cooled hot but flickering snags in the night.
burning out of control. Aerial Air Stability the Key observation, including tempera-
tankers, as well as hand crews, had When fire weather conditions are ture, humidity, and wind from the
been ineffective against this fire. conducive to many fires (i.e. large ground upward, thousands of feet.
The Oklahoma Division of Forestry precipitation deficiency, and low The fire control agency, informed
reported a total of 35 fires that relative humidities) the fire weath- of dangerously unstable atmospher-
burned 7,669 acres (3,103 ha), er meteorologist gives special ic conditions by the fire weather
while one fire roared over 2,080 attention to the stability of the meteorologist, is warned to expect
acres (841 ha). Arkansas (State and atmosphere. The key to identifying erratic fire behavior. ■
National Forests) had a total of 142 this situation is interpretation of
fires which burned 12,559 acres the early morning radiosonde
(5,082 ha).
Both fires burned during the mid-
dle of June—generally considered
to be the most critical period of fire
weather in the Mogollon Rim
country. The weather pattern on
the two fires, particularly with
regard to the jet stream, appeared
to have been generated under near-
ly identical conditions. As indicated
by the weather data, the tempera-
ture and relative humidity condi-
tions were not as critical on the
Willow Fire, but the wind condi-
tions were nearly identical.
the Dudley Lake Fire was estimated load; in fact, the Willow Fire was jet stream or abrupt changes in
at 15,300 Btu/s/ft (126,378 the first big fire of any conse- pressure patterns, is perhaps the
cal/s/cm) and on the Willow Fire at quence in the Region in 1975. Over most important single activity for
12,750 Btu/s/ft (105,315 cal/s/cm). 1,100 men were used on the Willow the fire weather forecaster.
The difference between these two Fire, while only 750 men were Forecasting units may currently
was not sufficient to explain the employed on the Dudley Lake Fire, be doing this operationally, but
difference in the final size of the even though it was several times additional “red flag” emphasis
two fires. More important is the larger. Fire suppression costs on should be given to these situa-
fact that the Dudley Lake Fire the Willow Fire were estimated at tions when they occur.
burned as a high-intensity fire for nearly $700,000, four times the • Second, when fires start under
nearly twice as long as the Willow suppression costs on the Dudley these severe wind conditions, or
Fire. Lake Fire ($175,000). The per-acre if fires that are burning come
suppression costs were about 30 under the influence of winds over
By way of comparison, the times as high on the Willow Fire 30 miles per hour (48 km/h), the
Sundance Fire in northern Idaho— ($245.61) as they were on the chances are good that they will
considered a very high intensity Dudley Lake Fire ($8.18)—a fact continue to spread until the
fire—yielded an estimated maxi- that shouldn’t surprise anyone. weather changes, or until they
mum intensity of 22,500 Btu/s/ft run out of fuel.
(185,850 cal/s/cm) during its maxi- There were some interesting simi- • Finally, by current fuel treatment
mum run. larities in the fire suppression standards, even our best efforts at
measures taken on the two fires. fuel reduction do not appear to
Fire Suppression Load On the Dudley Lake Fire, only hand be adequate to provide much
There was a considerable difference crews and heavy equipment were assistance in the control of high-
between the fire load being experi- used because, in 1955 and 1956, intensity wind-driven fires such
enced by the Forest Service’s aircraft were just beginning to be as the Dudley Lake and Willow
Southwestern Region in 1956 and tested for dropping water on fires. Fires. If fuel treatment is the
the number of fires burning when On the Willow Fire, most of the answer, it will need to be done on
the Willow Fire broke out. During suppression effort also came from a level that is far more extensive
the 12-day period from June 8 to hand crews and heavy equipment (area) and intensive (fuel reduc-
June 20 in 1956, eight Class E fires because the winds were so strong tion) than we are now accom-
in addition to the Dudley Lake Fire that aircraft use was limited to the plishing—even on our best fuel
were controlled or in the process of early morning hours. breaks.
being controlled. Over 90,000 acres
(36,000 ha) burned in Arizona in Lessons Learned Reference
1956—nearly three times the run- In summary, the following facts are Byram, G.M. 1959. Combustion of forest
fuels. In: Davis, K.P., ed. Forest fires:
ning 5-year average of 32,600 acres evident: Control and use. New York, NY: McGraw-
(13,040 ha). Hill, Inc.: 61–89. ■
• First, forecasting unusually
During the Willow Fire the Region strong surface winds, especially
wasn’t experiencing this type of fire those that are associated with the
The research project summarized
here was supported by the
Atmospheric Science Section of the
National Science Foundation. ■
Weather Analysis
Early on the morning of the July
22, a dry cold front pushed across
the fire area. By the time of the
fire, the Bass River State Forest was
in the region behind the cold front
(fig. 2). This area is noted for major
fires in New Jersey (Brotak 1977).
An examination of the 500 millibar
map (fig. 3) showed New Jersey to
be in the southeastern portion of a
fairly well developed short wave
trough. Again, this is a region
noted for strong winds and major
fires (Brotak 1977). Surface weath-
er observations in the area (table 1)
indicated warm temperature,
decreasing humidity, and moderate
winds from the north to northwest
during the morning. Figure 2—1400 EDT surface weather map.
a. Peak wind at 24 knots from the north at 1548 EDT; fastest observed 1-minute wind speed: 17 mph from 330° at 1655 EDT.
One of the prime ingredients for a
blow-up fire is inherent instability
in the atmosphere. The morning
sounding at New York City (fig. 4)
Figure 4—0700 EDT New York City temperature sounding.
Table 1—Behavior of Wallace Creek fire run on the afternoon of August 29, 1985.
Time Rate of spread Heat per unit area Fireline intensity Flame length
Early afternoon 11–19 ch/h 1286–1487 Btu/ft2 251–523 Btu/ft.sec 5.7–8 ft
Midafternoon 28–57 ch/h 1286–1487 Btu/ft 2
664–1563 Btu/ft.sec 8.9–13.3 ft
Table 2—Damage to improved property caused by fires in New Jersey on April 20, 1963.
Within a few minutes the fire Figure 1—The smoke column on the New Miner Fire after splitting into a horizontal vor-
entered a pine plantation and tex pair. The ambient wind is blowing toward a point to the left of the observer. Photo:
began to crown. The fire grew in Bill Peterson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
momentum as a light southwester- (4-km) drainage area and begin a into a single column. Horizontal
ly wind pushed it through dense new series of fires on the other vortex activity along the flanks
pine plantations and natural jack side. (fig. 3) threw so many firebrands
pine stands. Fire behavior became into unburned fuels that, in some
the major problem. The pine stands Other interesting behavioral fea- sectors, several lines were plowed
began to burn so intensely that tures quickly developed. As Bill parallel to and 200 feet (60 m) out
flames reached 300 feet (90 m); at Peterson of the Wisconsin Depart- from the (initial) main body before
one point, suppression forces were ment of Natural Resources put it, suppression forces contained the
concerned that spotting would “It appeared that the fire bucket lateral spread.
carry embers across a 2.5-mile was so full that flames began to
When this article was originally published, spill over the sides.” The smoke Cylinders of Fire
Donald Haines was the principal research column split into two separate, A tractor operator plowing along
meteorologist for the USDA Forest Service, slowly revolving vortices
North Central Forest Experimentation the flanks about 20 feet (6 m) from
Station, East Lansing, MI.
(fig. 1). Periodically these vortices the main body of the fire was
spilled over the flanks, dropped to trapped as flames from a horizontal
* The article is reprinted from Fire Management Notes
48(4) [Fall 1987]: 26–28. the ground (fig. 2), then reformed
Wind Tunnel
We carried out a series of experi-
ments, attempting to create hori-
zontal vortices in a wind tunnel by
first placing an electronically heat-
ed metal ribbon along the length of
the tunnel floor. The heated ribbon
simulated the flank of a wildland
fire. Smoke generated upstream of
the simulated fire flank made the
airflow visible.
Figure 2—Aftermath of the Wallace Lake Fire at the shoreline cottage subdivision on May 8, 1987 around 1800 CDT. Photo: Manitoba
Natural Resources.
example, on May 8 the fire jumped The extensive property losses at Reference
the established control line and Wallace Lake coupled with the Lawson, B.D.; Stocks, B.J.; Alexander, M.E.;
raced eastward towards the subdivi- $2.26 million fire suppression costs Van Wagner, C.E. 1985. A system for pre-
sion on the west shore of Wallace made the Wallace Lake Fire one of dicting fire behavior in Canadian forests.
In: Donoghue, L.R.; Martin, M.E., eds.
Lake at a rate of 2.4 miles per hour the most expensive wildfires to be Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on
(3.9 km/h). A lodge, campground, fought in Manitoba. This fire did, Fire and Forest Meteorology; 1985 April
and 54 of 69 cottages were either however, illustrate the value and 29–May 2; Detroit, MI. SAF Pub. 85–04.
Bethesda, MD: Society of American
damaged or destroyed by this fire usefulness of the FBP System on a Foresters: 6–16. ■
(fig. 2). However, no lives were lost, going fire and showed the potential
because of the precautions taken by consequences that many of the
the overhead team. other cottage subdivisions in this
general area could possibly face in
the future.
he documented behavior of
Temperature humidity Wind Rain FWI System components b
Date ºF ºC (%) mph km/h in mm FFMC DMC DC ISI BUI FWI
04/21 36 2.0 73 7.8 12.5 0 0 83 30 236 3.1 46 9
04/22 38 3.5 72 0.9 1.5 0 0 83 31 238 1.7 46 5
04/23 43 6.0 49 4.3 7.0 0 0 84 31 240 2.7 47 8
04/24 49 9.5 47 7.8 12.5 0 0 86 33 243 4.3 49 12
04/25 38 3.5 86 8.1 13.0 0.19 4.7 44 22 235 0.1 35 0
04/26 42 5.5 45 5.6 9.0 0.01 0.1 65 23 237 0.8 36 1
04/27 50 10.0 33 9.0 14.5 0 0 81 24 239 2.5 39 6
04/28 64 18.0 19 10.3 16.5 0 0 91 28 244 11.3 44 23
04/29 72 22.0 18 7.8 12.5 0 0 94 33 249 13.6 49 27
04/30 72 22.0 32 9.9 16.0 0 0 93 36 254 14.4 54 30
05/01 73 22.5 40 17.1 27.5 0 0 91 40 260 20.9 58 39
a. Observations from the West Hawk Lake (1,085 feet [331 m] above m.s.l.) and Nutimik Lake (991 feet [302 m] above m.s.l.) fire weather
stations were averaged to obtain the values for the Brereton Lake area. These stations are operated by Manitoba Natural Resources and
located approximately 19 miles (30 km) southeast and north of the fire area, respectively.
b. FFMC = Fire Fuel Moisture Code; DMC = Duff Moisture Code; DC = Drought Code; ISI = Initial Spread Index; BUI = Buildup Index;
and FWI = Fire Weather Index. FWI System calculations began on April 21 with the following moisture code starting values: FFMC = 85;
DMC = 30; and DC = 235.
Table 2—Fire weather and fire danger conditions during a major fire run on the Brereton Lake Fire, May 1, 1988.
1700-hour fire weather observations: a Adjusted FWI System values:
Temperature………………………. 79 ºF (26.0 ºC) Fire Fuel Moisture Code………….. 91
Relative humidity…………………. 21% Initial Spread Index……………….. 22.4
Wind………………………………. SSE 19 mph (30 km/h) Fire Weather Index………………... 42
Days since rain b………………….. 6
a. Estimates were made by fire suppression personnel and substantiated with data from the AES weather stations at Kenora, 47 miles (75
km) east, 1,348 feet (411 m) above m.s.l.; Winnipeg, 75 miles (120 km) west, 784 feet (239 m) above m.s.l.; and Sprague, 56 miles (90
km) south, 1,079 feet (329 m) above m.s.l.
b. Greater than 0.02 inches (0.6 mm).
Fire Behavior
Fire behavior in the previously
described fuelbed was observed at
close range on several occasions,
for periods totaling approximately
30 to 40 hours. In addition to visu-
al observation, measurements were
made of spread rates, spotting dis-
tances, and time required for an
initiating spot fire to generate
enough heat to ignite tree crowns
and start new spot fires. Simul-
taneously, observations were made
of relative humidity, temperature,
View of the Fayette Fire from the Pinedale, WY, perspective on August 25, 1988.
wind, and slope. The following
description of fire behavior begins
with conditions at the low end of
the scale of fire activity and pro-
gresses to more severe conditions
and higher levels of activity.
A key process in raising the overall up to an acre or two (0.4 or 0.8 ha) Spotting activity continues, of
level of activity is the maintenance in size before it dies away. The course, and reaches out to approxi-
of fire spread in the surface fuels. activity dies out when surface fuel mately one-quarter mile (0.4 km).
Even in the more severe condi- discontinuity prohibits the contin-
tions, spread in fine surface fuels is ued involvement of new trees in At the upper end of moderate-level
minimal and limited until it is torching. The crowning at this activity, crown fire runs are sus-
aided by the radiant heat provided point is still essentially passive and tained that usually end when they
by torching trees or flaming, heavy, dependent upon spread in the sur- reach the top of the slope. During
dead fuels. Fire in the surface fuels face fuels. This is in contrast to these runs, the fire spread in sur-
then spreads until it reaches new that which occurs in low-level face fuels, driven by radiant heat
trees. Some time is required for the activity, which depends more on
new trees to torch out. However, the preheating of canopies over
more-or-less continuous crown fire individual spot fires and is not
activity can involve patches of trees dependent on surface fire spread.
Index Class of day
(A + B) (potential for large fire)
2 or 3 very low
4 low
5 moderate
6 high
Table 2—Number and percentage of fire occurrence by low-level wind profile in knots (m/sec).
Wind profile
Fire elevation Light a Moderate b Strong c
Low 12 (6) (48%) 7 (4) (24%) 6 (4) (28%)
Middle 1 (1) (4%) 11 (6) (46%) 12 (6) (50%)
High 13 (7) (72%) 4 (2) (16%) 3 (2) (12%)
a. Surface winds ≤ 5 knots (3 m/sec); upper winds ≤ 25 knots (13 m/sec).
b. Surface winds 5 to 9 knots (3–5 m/sec) and/or upper winds 26 to 34 knots (13–18 m/sec).
c. Surface winds > 9 knots (5 m/sec) and/or upper winds > 34 knots (18 m/sec).
A Firefighting Tragedy
In the summer of 1994, Colorado unsure exactly where the smoke cutting fireline along two flanks
suffered its worst drought in originated, so Federal officials of the fire.
decades. Severe fire weather was named the fire after the caller’s
certain to come. On July 2, a location. Suddenly, the fire blew up.
major storm hit the State with Witnesses at the helibase below
dry lightning strikes, igniting At first, the South Canyon Fire Storm King Mountain watched in
thousands of wildland fires. seemed insignificant compared to helpless horror as smoke billowed
much larger fires burning else- across the slopes, enveloping the
One fire started on the flanks of where. For days, fire managers fire shelters they could see
Storm King Mountain near and aerial observers monitored deployed. Within minutes, 14 of
Glenwood Springs, a resort com- the slowly spreading fire from a the 49 people on Storm King
munity in western Colorado. The distance. None thought it wise to Mountain—more than a quarter
mountain overlooks an interstate divert thinly stretched resources of the firefighting force—lay
highway in a canyon carved by from higher priority fires. dead. Others, some badly burned,
the Colorado River. On the morn- escaped over the ridge, while still
ing of July 3, drivers on the high- On July 5, more than 2 days after others survived in their fire shel-
way could see a puff of smoke on the fire’s ignition, a hand crew ters. It took hours for many of
a mountain spur called Main (or finally reached Main Ridge. the traumatized survivors to
Hell’s Gate) Ridge, where a light- Joined by smokejumpers and hot- descend the mountain to safety.
ning fire smoldered in a tree. shots, the firefighters began a Meanwhile, the fire continued to
concerted effort to contain the rage, burning 2,115 acres (856
A caller reported the fire from fire, now dozens of acres in size. ha) before finally coming under
across the river in a gulch known By the afternoon of July 6, they control on July 11.
as South Canyon. The caller was seemed to be making headway,
The Entrapments
Before the blowup, an advance
scout and a group of eight firefight-
ers were observing the fire south of
Lunch Spot Ridge. By 4:06 p.m., all
nine had retreated to Lunch Spot
Ridge. The scout found a safety
zone on the ridge, which remained
largely unburned during the
blowup. The other eight moved
upridge to an area of black several
hundred feet below H–1. At 4:24
p.m., they deployed their fire shel-
ters. Over the next 45 minutes,
they felt the heat from three sepa-
rate fire runs just south of Lunch Figure 7—South Canyon Fire perimeter at 4:14 p.m., just after the entrapment on the
west flank fireline. The fire had completely overrun the west flank fireline and was threat-
Spot Ridge, about 500 feet (150 m) ening H–2. Illustration: USDA Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Rocky Mountain
away. All survived unhurt. Research Station, Missoula, MT, 1998.
Websites on Fire*
Lessons Learned Center sis, a growing online library supports knowledge
management, and two online publications encour-
“Train as you work and work as you train”—that’s
age information transfer.
the motto of the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned
Center. Established in March 2002, the Center aims
Lessons Learned is an interagency program spon-
to improve safe work performance and organiza-
sored by the USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau
tional learning for Federal and State wildland fire-
of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management,
fighting agencies. After-incident reports and infor-
National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife
mation teams provide valuable research and analy-
Service. The Center works in cooperation with the
* Occasionally, Fire Management Today briefly describes Websites brought to our
Federal Fire Aviation Safety Team, National Wildfire
attention by the wildland fire community. Readers should not construe the Coordinating Group, and National Association of
description of these sites as in any way exhaustive or as an official endorsement
by the USDA Forest Service. To have a Website described, contact the managing State Foresters.
editor, Hutch Brown, at USDA Forest Service, Office of Communication, Mail
Stop 1111, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-1111,
202-205-1028 (tel.), 202-205-0885 (fax), (e-mail). Found at <>
urpassing our expectations and If the judges thought that only one that was their purpose). If an
Second Place, Prescribed Fire. A member of the Bandelier Fire Crew Second Place, Wildland Fire. Flames leap into action on the
gathers limbs to toss on burning piles, part of a thinning project to Monument Fire, Malheur National Forest, OR. Photo: Ben Croft, USDA
create a fuel break in the Jemez Mountains, NM. Photo: Kristen Forest Service, Missoula Technology and Development Center,
Honig, National Park Service, Los Alamos, NM, 2003. Missoula, MT, 2002.
Third Place, Prescribed Fire. Smoke from all directions is drawn into
the heart of a 3,200-acre (1,300-ha) prescribed burn on the Lower
Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, CA. Photo: Troy Portnoff, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge
Complex, Tulelake, CA, 2002.
Second Place, Aerial Resources. A member of the Mesa Verde National First Place, Aerial Resources. Airtanker 22 drops a load of retardant
Park helitack crew guides helicopter 910 in for a safe landing at an on the Missionary Ridge Fire, San Juan–Rio Grande National Forest,
unimproved helispot during the East Canyon #2 Fire in southwestern CO, 2002. Photo: Ben Croft, USDA Forest Service, Missoula Technology
Colorado. Photo: Bill Pool, National Park Service, Phoenix, AZ, 2002. and Development Center, Missoula, MT, 2002.
2003 oto
Ph inner
Co sest
First Place, Ground Resources. Fire from below casts striking shadows
in the smoke during a night burnout by the Baker River Hotshots on the
Tiller Complex Fire, Umpqua National Forest, OR. Photo: Eli Lehmann,
USDA Forest Service, Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest,
Willard, WA, 2002.
Contributors Wanted
We need your fire-related articles and photographs for Fire Management Today! Feature articles should be up to about 2,000
words in length. We also need short items of up to 200 words. Subjects of articles published in Fire Management Today include:
Aviation Firefighting experiences
Communication Incident management
Cooperation Information management (including systems)
Ecosystem management Personnel
Equipment/Technology Planning (including budgeting)
Fire behavior Preparedness
Fire ecology Prevention/Education
Fire effects Safety
Fire history Suppression
Fire science Training
Fire use (including prescribed fire) Weather
Fuels management Wildland–urban interface
To help prepare your submission, see “Guidelines for Contributors” in this issue.
Contact information: