20BCT0106 Ethics

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Name- Sahi) Kalina

Req No- 20BCTO106 Paga No

Slot D1 Data

tDiscuss about Gandhian principles and rs relevonce
io theCurTLnt polihical siuation of India
Tn Hhe ords of_Mulk Roi Anand Certain men
urn he uoyld upsice doon and biStory changess
ite dixechon i o anextknb to achitve balance in_
favour of suY VIVal_of human beinqs foY a Hime antl
Hhe dea thuwise possesses whole people's led by
amblious 1eaders who upsc Hae hl whle DUr
alobe ceemingly goes xound but is yeallythrealkn.cd
win imbalances and is nearly drowned in chacs
pOY fendine he end of Hhe oorld itselt. The mecn
ho change man hend ok age owardS aood are
drctepal nmen n our cenury oneSuch man gmona
9fet o Hhtis in he wosld Ke Tolshay Lenin and
ogre wasGandhi Lcall hese men orld ehangers
splengd oured
Gand hi wac a many
Sehaliiy a perscn who kepthe hiqhcst
ofmuralty in polihcs a qxea polihcal
Ondord pobics of
and pxachsed fhe
1St oho evolved
p o w e r h i oug
Lapure of stat Tehgiousbelie ueT
massnoyenment,Qn dox
f he
Socd orHhe
CiminaHon and in
ssion and die
ChdinQ caseopprec
hon of
all aspects oF
9shera),appl on who had heVision cf a orla
Scaal Aifeap e s vialence
allconflicts uould besetled wihcut
Pepe No.

Grandhit belitved hat, he fundamental cHics.ae

reliQions It wos in-pat to.
Com mon to all
khis Common.ess h a t he Changcd hie
Godi3ruh o u h is God
eaxlieY formulahon
accordinq to hm,Can be
Teai Se di
Ahd hruth
sense hrouqh ove and Abimsa
oads of híshhry lea
Weare at he erOSs
the past une have o adopt nDovahw
lessons hom
Socialchange The Gandhi4
approaches Ox usherioq
w a s i l l u c h x a hr end uoih
consuch ve pro qamme
he changiog Hmes and giuakons
approgches e1)l hav
ne o ide as and inn ovake
to be hcoYporaed o fulh he aims and
aspira hons Qnd nred s ot Hhe pre sent aenerahsh.
Gandhi has shoran uS a r mehad qnd
xked out
path to follocoThe de tails_have abei
by each acnerahbnKeLping in uee hr
af hme and ciruunstanceaand hi c o s Acvep
doqmahcabnd he aseverchangi in bhis
ex periments Coimru h ollOuLhgaperahdn, of
oeh ods fran le s/nesi ahcicomm itmknt la he laOLi
idcals of Ganalhi e h q e o plan Our pYaaranm
Qnd chal k ou t ctraeoieswhichic e Yelkvant b-
our jmes Tt is Mhe penp c'cinitiatin and he
peoptts pouer n d soc)aLach on hat uO ould
shenahcn demo cyacyana candhian valu e

03 De ya Hhink hat One Indio. One. Elcchanukil

prevent the lccoralmalpr.achce DiscuL
Elcchonr have been q riqnih.cantpartoPndio
polikcal bis fory and alro yemauns Inhe sam

posikon tilllakc Stahs kcal data playg an

imporBant vole on hic arena E GTOVernment
buddetrerenHy, he qcncral elrchGnr c
Lo ksabha and Stak leqislahe Asscmblie ovc heu
at he gap of e years in Indio henerr h
cumbentgaver hmn aximum erm cods
AS of mo Ont Tndia One Elech iSun
a_toncep Eramcr Hhan a realty tai a tuo ials
in the pastTn itS core hi conce pt simply
en VI SQQes o cuctem heye eleChbn to allStak
Assemblies Qnd he Lo Sa lha oi hauc to be hcdd
simultane ausly
hlloing are hemeYitS of One India,One
( Advantage.ous to oVeCaments reasury One afe
binqeSE arQuemnh in he sa\au of ae nmu
tlceions i he Fact hat it would lighko e
on ht a0ucnment LXchequ T£ Indio chooses hs
cyshm help sauih aa hug omount o
meney maximum expendi kux imt by bigger Griemb
is 28 lacs hs mean hot f al hcctotu and UL-
ao fox hmelcchonhto e totol cost ould be
aXbard mtD/on HbweKr_ presenHy around S stay o
Fora pol e iery yea
Page No.

ack nn.oney
poli.chcalecospher s boh a Sou and riate
s bla ck money manu parhamcka ard CBT
ceporh atonq i Frporte hae sugaeted ha
kunsd ihs
hugeamount oeblack money i
ohike moncdunna elechan in
enduckd requenkty
Sos i V h e c l c h o n e
ou htry hknkhtc S9laayr
hxouqb but he
conom lskm_ln hs
posibiluh hat c para llel
clechbn may ereche
ly Yeduce
cOun ohe hne
Cuch c possibuhy heTOvermChtMachie

unchanmo OF
Smeom man Duer and
eacrmcnt deplay huge
ConcerDed air elechop
elechop e
r e qnd air
pmachnery h0-condluct xefulh _a el
af pi4ghc pal
c q e _e q uent cases penod o elckau
nc hme
duYiro h hme
uhlc lie 6pR
difuuphe in hoahxhrauoDU
augDH h
CAusi nq
causing C isrup
disrup ho
1 O o t c a u s e
hha@ ano
Qn hh@
D n On
chon Can Den
ndcollee n c Y d e p a r k m c r h

ar e n
h c

OS Suicid rar is biaber o moc youm CXplai

h r a s h Onc uggc hbn taovCrcome JE>

ouHa sutcidc -ake place shh a ysyy-pem

sEtn i h fterege dc1bera Vely end h u r An
I/k-here ae a N a i ehy af Ra jans he pe r h
lakes h S S k p and pus he hem o h ede
Some og o heYeasan ar tokke belat
Secs leen yeax ond pubexhy
Pubev hasbeen e Co n e d
fqbe anslon i n t in
CA perSon's Le hwhich rany emehà0a od
JochavoUnfa chanae occUY (o aperan CA
include mood soig dlepreraisn ah
subston obu S celkhov and\ leepth9-
disordYS kenp of kn find 1Ehasd ta opep
h e i ond it be.camesimmo ssly mPoLat
foYldrs and petn - a i d ens dunng ae
lesttng Hmesecla.caktbcm and ctan.o by bhen
Soud meoto
dfhA h e y6uh fno hem sc]e he VMchm a
ArYUa soYd of ocio mt cc acia media hd_c
Maisr induenc n ne mid of youm Joday
yea h vdr g G caucbt up und pm
ha e YRct -Ay d li Yhat is porased to
lou om on_sodolpacoia hisoften lead
Aperson mau e lo
onxehand depresS/on
( o h d e o d and in urn cQuse self shavin
Poge No.

Substance abuePrug a daichbn aeahsc)fs
LnoulnS Sbstan.ce aku cauusd dus
dangcx ous and crcehe tntale q kgol and
ilLcq eD fouof_dugs D pychskOrsy
epesah aygo hvesghdepyei
Educahbna prey u y
T Esday' oce u hacioYot ra Sucee.ed
lane hus pe.opssep e'yOshek20tasnt

expecahboshe uy HElhopele and caUic

As esauicq goe) ryenhan 13 a luys

pecy han Curc w R shaub altuay hel m
9 saiegaudhe
y s u h i h oese thnp
menta heak cidey can le yeventr llowy

amilp ané 2
unenta ttut loak ogrOYd
cPradouoyOCy abu
n so0cd modial e
hahda hcola
toderna o a pRYSahhneed
Sslpi Co
e Tots op k
epex COunselliee
otanceptof helpiray od rapid
noo.o dayDsasu aare.c h hytakkoza
Jur htt

Yes aqru H he ala togUnA Help

Bs n o an sRHh act ofaldingJmes
p e r hme o need HoePey Doo dy ceon
has becom Selhsb Mon a rscio anima2
o DuY VY) eiS knc dep rrd y ups n analey hLn
fon ButACm mc developmeAt end kchbaba
yac ho
stortcd h raplacehunan beig
and snshor rploccd fiend famLy mmh
o r ex Oropkin alden Hm uuhen rome Onr_aonkd
note dve cho e duld ask somesr ioL
Yoad gnd peopl sGuldveaa y p Koeu
pa anis_heur dharasd sod t e can oo
aivela hrodircchont vO ÎakYne f
i s chanae has gre oLRYofec led
inkoa chbh_end be rdie amana
hunna noc

hix acdoc kot Hauy kordly

help ohez) ec Roe
ois as couled h chon
Qrt s u ch
o4Y1 at caugat sp
forg et hhly s
Howe oh groyant aki u cle of
Pa ouxs
OUT mu Chayae E e vant bo
crLak an idaa odltheno wsld k Ive in-
Onc m ugt cluoys mr mebbber kh pvate
APiend in ne 1 A fmindi deod
T Cut chau e nd (ompa am6hgi
One anancs atr dafrm elty
One srlo itlL e
mut Htplace ic io
Lohat drives hikk collax crime7wha_doyoau
belie is he bec cuay to decal Lothahi

collaxcrimes in ndia
h i k collax crimc ormaseperoe cata
OECinminalafFencesThe kms h i callax
ime ond ecopomie cnmea axt morokn.s
han natused a syAanam ih_fat bafh.ba kms
hted to be uc ts de hinc diRerent cabsaaie cr
lhik callox uihe- hot only vichmi2 Indivtdual st
peCGaY losbutcan alro ho SenbuL pYcuSsng
on h oTp6YQ e_cuctem hik callo (oneinclud
Such as vaYiou hnan cial scom
roud monay
udenne tax evarion chr ar onma Shidh
Sesious Conces ard Impa.ct on e
Su rlenm Oporale
ellowing at he di Pkrb kinea of
Cnmes- Lbik cellGr
Bank raud n his cimt a
monu oY QSsets NOn a peuxer lleqally taibd
or whrn a perssn
falsely yepres ents him ór
Embe zemer hi sah otrSelf n hont of he a
act hcrehcre cpenD-
c 1pemo
IS enhus tcd wn
mony a ha ajes far hejr ue
dsing 0mehina alr
3 Ta vasisn-S lhan he sbie chi af het
acnm uher or peYon
person sp
parposechanaes hrtae oF affain
ss hat key
ean ns he Auhon
tle axes ht,_ Hhat Hhay tan po
raud b ah inauranet company pesple w fat
docume n ntoio1nturo n or may u ieaal
meanc o btOnnuran.c moye ik bannina dosat

acir OLoh paperhy ete

ruiS Q cnm
B b e r y s 1 hich cAs perSsnacs
onewor kind gcateriain isbdore for htn
Mone 9u hacKec1o his cioe prsn ca y
his Y h c l c a l mony ard herak h'olin
or hc
On llc.gally obtaincd msncyin lainghla

Me measu) e _combat
Fullo na a
hccollor eime)
yue af
)Creaan public arcuorCncAr againit hcie

Special i bunalr should he Conshinbt h
Ouioro enkh of impri Sonmcat upta years r
Luhi colla CXum
Should vesylk h acavy Hh Yahtr

iheuJd hg
prrah hay kr sa
Tedieh kro code
incorporaed by
rqtyt nC r NahroCre
sThere13 on Squarely tackle he proble y
omission uhich may_ cel
ib all
meandpublieuQilapcssehn k e c o r n c s t

a n - b k coiloYrl Shakgy

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