Module 2 - Sample Demographic Survey
Module 2 - Sample Demographic Survey
Module 2 - Sample Demographic Survey
One tool trainers can use for Needs Analysis is a written survey, which is a series of questions.
The sample below is designed to get information about some of the participants’ objective
In preparation for our training session, I would like to know more about your teaching background and
experience. This information will help me to design the training to best meet your needs and interests.
The survey should only take 2-5 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.
o blue
o orange
Xo yellow
© 2017 by Arizona Board of Regents. Sample Demographic Survey for the AE E-Teacher Program, sponsored by the U.S.
Department of State and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, except where
noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.
2. What grade do you teach?
o Public school
o Private school
o yes
o no
o 0 to 2 years
o 3 to 5 years
o 6 to 10 years
o more than 10 years
The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.