Written Test On World Religion Quarter 1
Written Test On World Religion Quarter 1
Written Test On World Religion Quarter 1
Department of Education
DepEd Eastern Visayas-Region 8
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Gen. Macarthur Eastern District
3. Whose belief is this: “Religion is philosophy and 7. Who are called as the people of the Book in
philosophy is religion”. reference to the Hebrew Bible?
a. Eastern belief a. Arabs
b. Northern belief b. Jews
c. Southern belief c. Persians
d. Western belief d. Philistines
10. Why Christianity is considered as a b. I will tell them that these religions
monotheistic religion? actually share more commonalities
a. because it is one of the largest religion in certain beliefs than in its
in the world difference.
b. because it believes that there is only c. All these three religions give us the
one God reason and purpose of life to
c. because it believes of many saints worship and serve God, follow his
d. because it is founded by Jesus Christ will and show the love of God to
11. It is the sacred book of Islam? d. All of the above.
a. Bible
b. Quran 14. It is the concept in Hinduism that the soul is
c. Torah immortal, and all life forms are reborn into
d. Zakat a new entity after death.
a. soul
12. What would be the WORST scenario you can b. atman
perceive when radical extremism of some Islamic c. reincarnation
group like ISIS take over a certain nation or state d. enlightenment
a. there will be unity among nations
b. people will obey and follow earnestly 15. Which of the following statements holds
c. continuous wars and conflict will arise true about Hinduism?
d. peace will be achieved. a. In Hindu caste system, those
people who do not belong to a
13. You have friends arguing about their group or caste has to be taken care
religion, each one is from Judaism, of by the society
Christianity and Islam. Each one is insisting b. Every human being has temporary
that their religion is better than others. soul.
How are you going to convince that they c. Widowed women are expected to
should not quarrel just because of their jump on the funeral pyre of their
faiths? husband to prove their loyalty and
a. I will let them realized that actually help save the soul of their husband
these three religions descended in the afterlife.
from one patriarch which is d. Vishnu is the widely respected and
Abraham. Therefore, there is recognized as the creator of
nothing to argue about. universe.
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