Online Annex 1.1. How Will The COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Poverty and Inequality?
Online Annex 1.1. How Will The COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Poverty and Inequality?
Online Annex 1.1. How Will The COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Poverty and Inequality?
Online Annex 1.1. How Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Poverty
and Inequality? 1
The COVID-19 pandemic could reverse decades-long progress in reducing poverty. Based on projected decline in per capita
incomes and potential changes in income distribution, an additional of 100-110 million people globally would be expected to
fall into extreme poverty relative to the pre-COVID-19 trend. The pandemic-related social assistance programs—
supporting directly the poor and cushioning the growth slowdown—may contain the projected rise in poverty by about one-
fifth. These estimates, however, are subject to a large degree of uncertainty depending on pandemic developments, designated
poverty thresholds, the growth outlook, and fiscal policy responses. A full decomposition of fiscal policy impact is difficult
given fiscal lifelines have cushioned the recession besides directly supporting the poor. At the same time, income inequality
within countries, measured by Gini coefficients, is estimated to widen by 0.03 points on average, including in many advanced
economies. Tackling rising inequality and poverty is now more urgent, which requires safeguarding essential social spending
and building a strong and resilient social protection system against future shocks and pandemics.
The economic contractions across almost all countries have imperiled decades-long progress in
reducing poverty. The global population of individuals who live in extreme poverty—defined as less than
$1.90 per day—had fallen by two-thirds since 2000 to about 650 million people in 2018 (Online Annex
Figure 1.1.1).
Online Annex Figure 1.1.1. Global Poverty Online Annex Figure 1.1.2. The
Trend, 1981-2018 Relationship between Poverty Rate and
(Millions of people,left scale; percent, right scale) Income Inequality
Poverty rates have declined over the last four (Percent and Gini coefficients)
decades. Poor countries tend to have higher income inequality.
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
2018, using the poverty data from the June 2020 vintage of World Bank PovcalNet database. The
estimation uses a panel regression accounting for country fixed effects based on an unbalanced panel.
Estimates show that lower per capita income levels, slower growth, and higher income inequality are
associated with higher poverty rates. Results are robust across different poverty thresholds established by
the World Bank (for example, extreme poverty for individuals living off of $1.90 per day, and at higher
levels of income at $3.20 and $5.50 per day) (Online Annex Table 1.1.1). Additional specifications
controlling for time effects point to qualitatively similar results. Our baseline specification does not
account for the possible interactions between poverty-growth elasticity and income inequality—for
example, the poverty reduction may be less responsive to growth when inequality rises (Ravailion 1997).
The rise in poverty rates as per capita income falls is consistent with the literature that incomes of poor
households (those in the lowest two quintiles) tend to change with the aggregate growth rates (Dollar,
Kleineberg, and Kraay 2013) ), as income shares across household deciles are not statistically significant
different when growth varies over the medium term.
Online Annex Table 1.1.1. Regression Results on Relationships between Poverty and
Per Capita Income
Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database, IMF World Economic Outlook database; and IMF staff estimates.
Note: ***, **, * denote statistically significant levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent, respectively. Sample size spans
across all countries from 1981 to 2018. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. PPP = purchasing power parity. The table
shows various specifications across different poverty thresholds set by the World Bank. Robustness check includes additional
control variables on the share of temporary and informal employment, and the coverage and adequacy of social protection
systems (not shown in the table). The qualitative results that per capita income and inequality affects poverty remain robust
across specifications. The regression results in the second column of the extreme poverty regression is used for projection of
global extreme poverty during the pandemic.
The estimated coefficients are then used to project poverty headcount across countries. A baseline
scenario of projections on per capita output for 2020–23 is considered along with a projected rise in
income inequality. The rise in income inequality is estimated using the pre–COVID-19 income
distribution across income deciles of countries and the estimated coefficients of negative growth shocks
on household income deciles (see below). The results suggest that the poverty rate is likely to rise during
the pandemic for the first time in this century, reversing the decades-long declining trend of extreme
poverty (Online Annex Figure 1.1.3). Under the baseline scenario in June 2020 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Update, the COVID-19 pandemic could push around 100-110 million people into extreme
poverty (at $1.90 per day) during the pandemic, an equivalent of near 1.5 percentage point higher poverty
rates relative to pre–COVID-19 trends. 2 The estimates are comparable to those by World Bank in June
2020 that showed a rise of extreme poverty in 2020 of 70 to 100 million people, which show the rise
relative to pre–COVID-19 levels and adjusted for 2019 growth revisions, and assuming no change in
income distribution (World Bank 2020). 3 The number of people falling into poverty is subject to a wide
range—in which the ongoing revision of data in a few countries with large populations could affect the
global estimates—and could be higher if the pandemic outbreaks become more severe. Most of the
projected rise in poverty headcounts is driven by countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The 10
countries with the highest levels of extreme poverty account for more than half of the increase in global
poverty headcounts (Online Annex Figure 1.1.4). Over three-quarters of countries are expected to see an
increase in poverty, of which one-fifth of countries could see extreme poverty rates rising by more than 2
percentage points (Online Annex Figure 1.1.5).
Even before the health crisis, income was highly concentrated at the top deciles of households,
particularly among countries with high poverty rates. In those countries, the bottom half of the
population accounts for less than one-fifth of aggregate income and consumption (Online Annex Figure
1.1.6). The pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on low-income households in many countries
because they are concentrated in the informal sectors, are more vulnerable to job losses, have lower
financial savings, and have less access to healthcare. As a result, the crisis will likely widen income
inequality within countries. In some countries, however, the pandemic tends to affect more adversely the
urban households (usually in higher-income groups) than those in the rural areas partly because the
infection rates are higher in areas with greater population density. This disproportionate impact could
reduce income inequality in the near term, particularly after accounting for social benefits.
Online Annex Figure 1.1.3. Global Online Annex Figure 1.1.4. Rising Levels
Poverty Rates of Extreme Poverty in Selected Countries
(Percent) (Millions of people)
The declining trend of global poverty rates is likely to The rise in global poverty is driven largely by countries
reverse as a result of the pandemic. in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database; IMF, October 2020 World Economic Outlook; and IMF staff estimates.
Note: The term “extreme poverty” refers to the threshold of $1.90 per day across all countries. Estimates are based on the
methodology in Online Annex Table 1.1 of top-down growth projections and poverty data from the World Bank PovcalNet
database, which could be different from national authorities’ estimates. For example, Uganda’s authorities estimate that the
precrisis poverty rate was 18.6 percent and could rise to 26 percent based on household income analysis. The solid lines in the
2In the baseline scenario, global extreme poverty is projected to rise by 108 million people during the pandemic relative to pre-COVID-19 trend
based on the decline of per-capita income levels, per-capita growth, and potential rise of income inequality. The estimated range of 100-110
million, underscores the uncertainty surrounding the data in a few countries as well as evolving global developments. Based on the latest global
developments as of mid-September, which has slightly improved relative to June, the global poverty estimates are likely to be about 9 million less,
putting those at the lower end of the range. However, some individual countries would have seen an increase relative to June given the pandemic
has turned more severe and growth has been revised downward. Overall, the poverty estimates vary significantly across growth outlook scenarios
and alternative poverty thresholds defined by the World Bank (for example, $3.20 per day or $5.50 per day).
3 The World Bank estimates have a wider range and higher estimates once considering changes in income distribution (World Bank 2020).
left panel refer to actual and projections based on the World Economic Outlook database, while the dotted lines refer to the
projections prior to the health crisis.
Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database, IMF World Economic Outlook, and IMF staff estimates.
Online Annex Figure 1.1.6. Income Share, Online Annex Figure 1.1.7. Estimated
by Household Income Deciles Increase in Income Inequality
(Percent of total aggerate income) (Index)
Income is highly concentrated in high-income The pandemic could widen income inequality within
households, particularly in poor countries. countries.
Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database; and IMF staff Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database; and IMF staff
estimates. estimates.
Note: Countries with a high poverty rate refer to those with rates Note: Pre-COVID-19 income inequality is based on 2018 data
higher than 50 percent of the population, while countries with a or the latest year available.
low poverty rate have rates less than 10 percent of the poverty
rate in 2015. Poverty lines vary according to country income
group as in Annex Figure 1.1.3.
The estimates suggest that median income inequality within countries would rise from 0.38 to 0.41 on
the Gini index (Annex Figure 1.1.7). Estimating the impact on income inequality starts with taking the
pre-COVID-19 income distribution across countries and then estimating the pandemic impact on the
income share of each income decile based on the changes in household income distribution in past
recessions across countries. The estimates are subject to limitations in part because governments’ social
spending in response to the health crisis could mitigate the rise of income inequality. Overall, the
magnitude of increases is comparable to those obtained through analysis using household surveys and
indices on the ability to tele-work in selected European countries (Palomino, Rodriguez, and Sebastian
2020). Other studies have used selected household surveys (Bottan, Hoffmann, and Vera-Cossio 2020)
and previous epidemic episodes (Furceri and others 2020) but applied them to a narrow set of countries.
Many countries have appropriately provided emergency lifelines to vulnerable households, which
supporting directly to the poor besides cushioning the magnitude of growth slowdown. Globally, over 1.7
billion people have received additional social assistance transfers in some form or another. Transfers for
recipients almost doubled on average from precrisis levels, representing one-third of monthly GDP per
capita (Gentilini and others 2020a). On average, countries have spent close to an additional 1 percent of
GDP on social protection and labor market measures in response to the pandemic, largely on social
assistance programs, although the increase was modest at about 0.4 percent of GDP in low-income
developing countries (Online Annex Figure 1.1.8).
Online Annex Figure 1.1.8. Additional Social Online Annex Figure 1.1.9. The Impact of
Protection and Job Measures in Response COVID-19-Related Social Assistance
to the COVID-19 Pandemic Measures on Global Extreme Poverty
(Percent of GDP) Rates
Countries on average have spent 0.9 percent of GDP on (Percent)
social protection and labor market measures, most of Social safety net lifelines have mitigated the rise in
which through social assistance programs. global extreme poverty.
Sources: Gentilini and others (2020b); and IMF staff estimates. Sources: World Bank PovcalNet database; IMF, October
Note: Weighted average by US dollar purchasing power parity 2020 World Economic Outlook; Gentilini and others (2020b);
GDP across countries with additional measures. and IMF staff estimates.
Additional social spending has helped mitigate partly the potential rise in global poverty in the face of
the pandemic. Using World Bank ASPIRE data that simulate the sensitivity of spending on social
assistance on poverty measures and Gini coefficients, Evans and Matsumoto (2020) show that 1
percentage point of GDP spending on social assistance would reduce the poverty headcount by around 6
percent on average. 4 As countries spend an additional 0.8 percent of GDP on social assistance on average
during the pandemic, this would imply an average 5 percent reduction in the poverty headcount. 5
Applying this to the global poverty estimates illustrated above and using country-level data on COVID-
19-related social spending in Gentilini and others (2020b), the estimates in this annex suggest that
COVID-19-related social assistance programs have mitigated at most one-fifth of the projected rise in
global extreme poverty rates. This implies that around 80-90 million people could fall into extreme
poverty after accounting for the direct support of social assistance programs (Online Annex Figure 1.1.9)
under the baseline. 6, 7 If we consider the 100-110 million people range above, the rise in extreme poverty
will likely be above 80-90 million people. The estimates, however, are subject to a large degree of
uncertainty depending on pandemic developments, designated poverty thresholds, the growth outlook,
and fiscal policy responses. A full decomposition of fiscal policy impact is difficult given lifelines have
partly cushioned the growth slowdown besides providing direct support to the poor.
Policies to Tackle Rising Poverty and Inequality
Tackling rising inequality and poverty has become more urgent, which requires safeguarding essential
social spending and building a strong, resilient social protection system against future shocks and
epidemics. Specific steps include the following:
• Phase out temporary lifelines cautiously, but safeguard essential social spending. The pace of phasing out
lifelines should depend on how the pandemic develops (reduction of health risks), the strength of
the recovery, and the fiscal space. Governments should strike a balance between work incentives
and adequate income support to contain poverty and mitigate inequality. Redesigned lifeline
measures can become part of stronger social protection systems, which will need to be embedded
in governments’ medium-term fiscal strategies and require sustainable financing.
• Countries with fiscal space should expand social protection and labor market programs to
improve their adequacy and coverage (Online Annex Figure 1.1.10). In economies where the
pandemic and the lockdowns weigh heavily on informal workers, governments should invest in
identification and delivery systems that will allow for reaching out to many workers and
households currently not covered by social programs. This can be complemented by supporting
local community organizations that step up timely delivery of food, medicine, and other essential
supplies to households identified as being in need.
• In countries with limited fiscal space, it will be necessary to generate additional resources to scale
up social spending. Measures could include removing inefficient and regressive subsidies and
increasing broad-based taxes. In the wake of growing social protests, solidarity on fiscal policies
becomes more important for all countries.
• Build stronger social protection systems. The crisis has exposed structural gaps in social protection
systems.8 Stronger systems will strengthen resilience against future shocks. The crisis may provide
an opportunity to strengthen these systems by both expanding coverage and increasing benefits
(Online Annex Figure 1.1.11). Priorities would be to strengthen the systems mainly along two
dimensions: (i) “reachability” to effectively disburse social protection benefits (cash or in-kind) in
a timely, secured, and adequate manner to ensure that eligible households receive the benefits to
6 Based on the projected per-capita income and changes in income inequality, the projected rise of global extreme poverty as shown before would
be expected to rise by 108 million, or around 100-110 million people as illustrated before. The COVID-19 related social assistance programs
would be expected to mitigate by at most one-fifth of the potential rise (the initial projection already reflects impact of social assistance programs
on GDP per capita).
7 Other micro-data studies point to significant contributions of COVID-19 lifelines to mitigating poverty. For example, in the United States,
federal aid through cash transfers and pandemic-related unemployment benefits have contained the rise in poverty rates across regions and
demographic groups, preventing 12 million people from falling into poverty (Han, Meyer, and Sullivan 2020; Parolin, Curran and Wimer 2020).
8 Existing gaps in social protection systems have led countries to innovate in different ways to reach vulnerable populations, leveraging existing
delivery infrastructure and finding alternatives, such as digital cashless transfers. A new cashless transfer program in Togo called Novissi has
allowed subnational governments to make transfers to targeted adult workers in the informal economy, such as taxi drivers, affected by the
lockdowns. Beneficiaries are identified through their voter IDs, which have much broader and reliable coverage than personal ID cards. Ecuador
doubled the number of cash agents in two weeks. Malaysia expanded free mobile Internet access, while Nigeria identified vulnerable informal
workers in urban areas by collaborating with mobile network operators under airtime purchase patterns. Emergency innovations enable various
social protection programs to reach vulnerable individuals, and they should be reviewed and strengthened over the medium term.
which they are entitled; and (ii) “scalability,” so that the social protection systems can be easily
expanded (either by increasing generosity or coverage) to respond to adverse shocks and mitigate
income losses.
Online Annex Figure 1.1.10. Adequacy Online Annex Figure 1.1.11. Social Assistance
and Coverage of Social Protection Programs and the Reduction of the Poverty
Programs across Regions Headcount and Inequality
(Percent, left scale; percent of GDP, right (Percent)
scale) High social safety net spending has tended to contribute to
Social protection programs have low coverage in reducing poverty and inequality across countries.
low-income developing countries and provide
insufficient benefits in emerging market developing
Sources: World Bank, ASPIRE and PovcalNet databases; Sources: World Bank, ASPIRE and PovcalNet databases; and IMF staff
and IMF staff estimates. estimates.
Note: Adequacy of benefits is the total transfers received Note: The reductions in poverty headcounts and inequality (Gini) are
by beneficiaries as a share of the pre-transfer total income driven by social assistance and likely other social insurance and labor
in the lowest income quintile of individuals. Coverage is market programs.
the share of the lowest quintile individuals who receive
social protection benefits. EM = emerging markets; EME =
emerging market economies; LIDC = low-income
developing countries; LAC = Latin America and the
Caribbean; MENAP = Middle East, North Africa,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan; SSA = sub-Saharan Africa.
In terms of reachability, strengthening the capacity to reach, target, and deliver timely benefits would
require (i) a comprehensive identification system to ensure inclusion and avoid fraud; (ii) integrated
socioeconomic data that allow for effective
Online Annex Figure 1.1.12. Main Areas to
targeting; and (iii) a delivery infrastructure to
Improve the Reach of Social Protection
disburse benefits, particularly for people in more Systems
remote and deprived areas (Online Annex Figure
1.1.12). Governments can collect, maintain, and ID system
integrate information that enables automatic Universal
enrollment of large segments of the population
that need support when adverse shocks occur,
Socio- Delivery
including through greater use of digital solutions economic
to simplify application and raise the take-up of Integrated Safe
Up-to-date Transparent
social protection programs (Namibia, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Togo, United States). Greater use of
Source: Prepared by IMF staff.
digital means should be accompanied by
safeguards to prevent fraud and ensure data privacy to mitigate risks.
Social protection systems can respond better to adverse shocks if they (1) have built-in triggers that
adapt the social programs to adverse shocks and deliver timely benefits to vulnerable groups (for
example, free school-meal programs can be transformed into in-house food distribution or cash transfers
for vulnerable families when school is closed under lockdowns); (2) include benefits that are
automatically conditioned to the shocks (for example, top-up of unemployment benefits in the United
States or registering ineligible applicants in social programs (Colombia); and (3) are aligned with medium-
term development needs.
At the same time, social protection systems need to limit exclusion errors to cover eligible low-income
individuals, while encouraging productive behavior. This can be done by combining broad programs
(such as child allowances or social pensions) and more complex, targeted programs (such as conditional
cash transfers) to encourage school attendance and health check-ups—a form of progressive
universalism. This can also be done by setting transparent and simple eligibility criteria for those who
cannot participate (that is, targeting out). For example, Namibia has put in place a transfer for all adult
informal workers and the unemployed that explicitly excludes formal workers and recipients of existing
social benefits.
Countries should strengthen the systems building on the lifelines extended during the COVID-19
pandemic. In some cases, this would imply refining those programs that were rolled out as “quick fixes,”
as speed was crucial to save lives and protect people’s livelihoods. Priorities are to consolidate those
inefficient, fragmented programs with duplication of benefits or high administrative costs that existed
before the crisis or were introduced in response to the pandemic. Certain provisions to expand social
protection programs can be made more permanent. In other situations, new programs may need to be
consolidated with pre-COVID-19 ones in order to align benefit levels and eligibility criteria (the Philippines,
Brazil) while preserving work incentives.
1 Prepared by Alexandra Fotiou and Andresa Lagerborg, based on Fotiou and Lagerborg (forthcoming-a).
2 See Chapter 2 of the October 2020 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the economic consequences of containment measures.
others, successful governments (1) quickly imposed international travel restrictions, closed schools, and
cancelled public events; (2) proactively implemented stronger health policies such as testing, contact
tracing, and public information campaigns; and (3) only later implemented stay-at-home orders, closures
of workplaces and transport, and restrictions on gatherings and internal travel. Because of past pandemic
experience, public information campaigning seems to have been enough for people to act cautiously.3
Nepal and Korea are also success stories, adopting response plans similar to the rest of the Asian region. 4
Interestingly, Korea was one of the countries highly affected by MERS outbreaks in 2015. A set of smaller
countries, including Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Malta, and the Slovak Republic, were also effective in containing
the virus by acting fast. Learning from other countries’ experiences, and given their concerns with limited
healthcare capacity, these countries imposed international travel restrictions and bans on public event
early on.
The lack of experience from other epidemics is associated with less preparedness not only by
governments, but also by citizens. In countries with no experience, governments had to force people to
stay at home and restrict their mobility, imposing stricter stay-at-home orders and bans on gatherings .
Evidence from the Ebola experience shows that supporting the health system in a smart way can make a
difference. The impact of the Ebola outbreak was profound in both its human toll and severe
socioeconomic effects that included job and education losses. Health systems were severely compromised
by overwhelming demand, healthcare worker deaths, resource diversion, and closure of health facilities.
These, together with the fear of getting infected, lowered trust in health systems, with large reductions in
health care utilization. Since the Ebola experience, studies have suggested that the best strategy to
successfully control an outbreak involves early, aggressive, and supportive healthcare, including contact
tracing, preventive initiatives, active surveillance, effective isolation and quarantine procedures, and timely
response to patients (Kalra and others 2014; Wojda and others 2015). These measures, combined with
public health education, point-of-care diagnostics, a vaccine, and coordinated efforts from the
international community, made a big difference in the fight against Ebola.
Economic Impact of Stringent Containment Measures
Stringent containment measures can have potentially large macroeconomic costs. 5 This section assesses
the expected output and fiscal costs of containment measures. The analysis is based on the revision of
GDP and primary balance projections for 2020 between the vintages of the IMF’s World Economic
Outlook database in October 2019 and July 2020. 6 The regressions suggest that countries that have more
successfully contained COVID-19 (specifically, certain countries in Asia) may also experience lower
output losses and milder deteriorations in fiscal balances on average (Online Annex Tables 1.2.3 and
1.2.4). On the other hand, advanced economies and countries with larger fiscal stimulus packages also
saw larger downward revisions in GDP growth and fiscal balances. 7
3Chen and others (forthcoming) provide supportive evidence on how the voluntary decision to social distance and take precautions matters
compared with de jure non-pharmaceutical interventions.
4 A country is classified as successful if the number of deaths per 1 million population is below 20, and if the number of tests per 1 million
forthoming-b). The evidence suggests, however, that countries that acted swiftly in putting in place strong COVID-19 containment measures
ultimately deployed smaller fiscal packages.
Countries with stricter containment measures, on average, saw larger downward revisions to growth
and primary balance projections for 2020 between October 2019 and July 2020. 8 However, countries that
put stringent containment measures in place earlier (rather than later and for longer) saw smaller
downward revisions (Online Annex Figure 1.2.1). This applies mainly to mobility restrictions (such as
workplace closures and stay-at-home orders), while stronger public health policies are associated with
better expected outcomes for GDP growth and fiscal balances regardless of these policies being
implemented earlier or later (Online Annex Figure 1.2.2). Large downward revisions to GDP growth in
2020 will be only partially offset by a stronger expected rebound in 2021 for countries with stricter
average containment measures. In the medium term, the implications of costly containment measures are
expected to be long-lasting particularly in the case of public debt (Online Annex Figure 1.2.3, panel 1).
Online Annex Figure 1.2.1. Stringency of Containment Measures and World
Economic Outlook Database Revisions to GDP Growth and the Primary Balance,
(Percentage points)
1. GDP Growth Revision versus Average Stringency 2. GDP Growth Revision versus Early Stringency
3. Primary Balance Revision versus Average Stringency 4. Primary Balance Revision versus Early Stringency
8 This is in line with evidence on Sweden’s containment strategy from Bricco, Misch, and Solovyeva (forthcoming), who find that a less-stringent
strategy can soften economic effects temporarily but have unclear medium-term effects.
9Large revisions of the non-SARS sample could also correspond to other drivers, such as a sudden stop in tourism, which is a key economic
sector for Cyprus and Greece, for example.
stronger mobility restrictions over a longer period as a way to save lives. These measures have come with
substantial economic and fiscal costs. Debt-to-GDP ratios for these countries were drastically revised in
July 2020 compared with October 2019. 10 Large revisions correspond to the high costs of virus
containment measures and fiscal stimulus for economic revival after strict lockdown measures are eased.
Online Annex Figure 1.2.2. Stringency of Individual Containment Measures and
World Economic Outlook Database Revisions to GDP Growth, 2020
(Percentage points)
1. Correlation of Average Containment Measures 2. Correlation of Early Containment Measures with
with GDP Growth Revisions GDP Growth Revisions
Sources: Fotiou and Lagerborg (forthcoming-a); OxCGRT Database; IMF staff calculations; and IMF World Economic
Outlook (WEO) database.
Note: The correlations refer to estimated coefficients when regressing World Economic Outlook database projection
revisions on individual containment measures normalized on a [0,1] scale, one at a time, controlling for GDP per capita
(purchasing power parity in US dollars). Health policy corresponds to the principal component of tracing, testing, and public
information campaigns. These panels are produced from a standard ordinary least squares analysis in which the regression
includes a constant variable. The constant is negative and significant, implying on average a downward revision of GDP
growth for all countries. In the panels, a negative correlation means that the expected average downward revision is larger
compared with the October 2019 World Economic Outlook database forecasts. If the correlation is instead positive, it means
that the downward revision is smaller. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
10 Results are robust to considering projection revisions between January and July 2020.
Online Annex Figure 1.2.3. Stringency of Containment Measures and World Economic
Outlook Database Revisions to Medium-Term Forecasts, 2020—24
(Percentage points)
1. Effect of Average and Early Mobility Restrictions on GDP Growth, Primary Balance, and Public Debt Forecasts
2. Effect of Average and Early Public Health Policies on GDP Growth, Primary Balance, and Public Debt
Online Annex Figure 1.2.4. Average World Economic Outlook Database Forecast
Revisions for Different Country Groups, 2020—24
(Percentage points)
1. SARS-Experienced Countries: Average Forecast Revision, 2. Other Successful Countries: Average Forecast Revision,
July 2020 – October 2019 July 2020 – October 2019
Online Annex Table 1.2.1. Effect of Containment Measures on Death Rates: Average
versus Early Stringency
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Deaths/Population Deaths/Population Deaths/Population Deaths/Population
Containment measures:
School closures -29.096 -20.519 -27.892*** -17.43 0.67
Workplace closures 26.051 76.028** -15.282* 8.788 0.71
Cancellations of public events -18.069 -19.96 -54.756*** -46.806** 0.69
Restrictions on gatherings 12.612 35.289 -7.34 12.169 0.66
Public transport closures -39.421 -38.819 -17.088 13.701 0.63
Stay-at-home requirements 5.176 38.623 -8.877 26.633* 0.72
Restrictions on internal movement 6.975 43.553 -8.579 37.718** 0.62
International travel controls -46.014*** -56.767*** -31.482*** -27.360** 0.40
Public information campaigns -14.863 -0.888 -39.475* -18.043 0.55
Testing policy -26.57 -23.436 -10.699 -1.952 0.38
Contact tracing -26.493 -23.813 12.484 15.956 0.28
Overall stringency No Yes No Yes
Median age Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hospital beds / 1,000 population Yes Yes Yes Yes
GDP per capita (USD PPP) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant Yes Yes Yes Yes
Online Annex Table 1.2.3. Effect of COVID-19 Containment Measures on World Economic Outlook
Database Revisions to GDP Growth, 2020
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth
Online Annex Table 1.2.4. Effect of COVID-19 Containment Measures on World Economic Outlook
Database Revisions to Primary-Balance-to-GDP Ratio, 2020
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary
Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance
1 Prepared by Baoping Shang, Brooks Evan, Delphine Prady, and Zhiyong An.
2As defined in Chapter 1, the three phases of the pandemic are broadly classified into (1) the Great Lockdown; (2) partial and gradual reopening;
and (3) pandemic under full control with effective vaccines and treatment.
Annex Figure 1.3.1. Spending Measures to Online Annex Figure 1.3.2. Average
Support Workers and Households Number of Measures to Support
(Number of measures as a percent share of total) Workers and Households
(Number of measures)
• Short-time work programs or job retention schemes are often used to protect jobs during
recessions. 3 They are common in Europe and are being used in other emerging market economies
during the COVID-19 crisis (Brazil, Egypt, Uruguay). These programs covered from one-fourth to
one-third of private sector employees in several European countries as of mid-2020. Evidence points
to large positive effects of such programs on reducing layoffs of permanent workers, and the
programs can be cost-effective. For example, one-fifth of jobs are saved for every worker on short-
term work, while the cost per saved job is only 7 percent of the average labor cost, which outweighs
the fiscal cost when workers lose their jobs (25 percent of the average labor cost). 4
• Providing support to people in the informal sector has been a challenge, as these workers are not
covered by unemployment benefits and they are difficult to reach. Some governments have taken
innovative approaches and channeled support to informal sector firms by working with existing
institutions that serve these groups, such as micro-credit institutions and informal sector
organizations. However, in many emerging market developing economies, given the large informal
sector and limited fiscal space, these workers can be more effectively covered by social assistance
• Capacity constraints have made it difficult to rapidly expand existing social assistance programs in
some countries. In such cases, countries often resort to alternative (less effective) ways of targeting,
including cash transfers targeted at specific regions or population groups (that is, the elderly, families
with children, or informal sector workers, as in India and Bolivia), or subsidies for key goods and
services such as food, health, transportation, and utilities (Jordan). Some countries identify
beneficiaries by using databases maintained by various government entities and private organizations
or by distributing benefits through local governments and community organizations (Rwanda, Nepal,
Egypt, Peru). Universal (or near-universal) transfer programs have only been used as one-offs because
3These initiatives compensate for the reduced working hours while maintaining employment links: employees receive a wage subsidy from the
government proportional to their lost working hours. This allows firms hoarding labor to keep specific firm human capital and avoid costly
separation and then rehiring and training as recovery takes place. For workers, it avoids search and layoffs.
4 See Cahuc, Kramarz, and Nevouss (2018), Guipponi and Landais (2018), and Kopp and Siegenthaler (2019).
of the difficulties of ensuring adequate support for the most vulnerable within a reasonable fiscal cost
(Japan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Bolivia) (Prady 2020).
• Rapid expansion of existing Online Annex Figure 1.3.3. Country Fiscal Measures in
and new programs may have Selected Areas
resulted in duplication of (Percent of total)
benefits and high
administrative costs. Many
countries have utilized
multiple cash transfer and in-
kind benefit programs for
income support (Online
Annex Figure 1.3.2) and
support for workers (Online
Annex Figure 1.3.3). For
example, in Indonesia, in
addition to expanding the
existing social assistance Sources: OECD (2020); and IMF, Fiscal Monitor database of Fiscal Policy
program, the food assistance Measures in Response to COVID-19.
program, and the pre-work Note: Results are based on a sample of 69 countries, including all Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development economies, G20 economies, and selected economies in the Fiscal
card program, central and Monitor database.
local governments have also
introduced two new cash transfer programs, electricity fee reductions, public works, and a number of
programs targeted at the local levels. Ensuring that eligibility rules are clearly communicated and
aligned with programs that were functioning well before the COVID-19 crisis would reduce
administrative costs and help enhance effectiveness. 5
Improving Economic Incentives as Economies Reopen
As activity resumes, the focus switches to redesigning measures to better support the return to work.
Measures such as waiving the need for job search, training, and other requirements for unemployment
benefits (Austria, Canada, United States), increasing benefit levels (Australia, Belgium, United States), and
extending the duration of benefit eligibility (Greece, Japan, United States) can be changed to promote greater
job search efforts. For example, at the outbreak of the pandemic in the United States, many unemployed
were eligible for benefits larger than their lost earnings (Xie 2020), 6 while in Canada, the application for
unemployment benefits were substantially simplified with a flat benefit of CAD$2,000 per month,
resulting in high replacement rates for low-wage earners.
Support measures need to gradually move away from protecting current jobs to protecting workers. For
example, keeping short-time work schemes in place for too long could prevent the reallocation of labor
from low-productive firms to growing ones as the recovery gains steam, and eventually lead to
inefficiency and output losses. Among various options countries can:
5As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, the government in Brazil first leveraged its conditional cash transfer, Bolsa Familia, to include 1.2 million
new families. It also introduced a temporary program called Auxilio Emergencial targeted mainly at informal and own-account workers that
provides a three-month transfer more generous than the Bolsa Familia benefit (later extended by two months). Ninety-five percent of Bolsa
Familia beneficiaries opted to temporarily enroll in the more generous Auxilio Emergencial.
6 The US Congressional Budget Office estimates that roughly five of every six recipients would receive benefits that exceeded the weekly
amounts they could expect to earn from work during those six months.
• Transition gradually away from job retention schemes. This should be coupled with in-work benefits or
hiring subsidies to help get people back to work. For, example, the United Kingdom unveiled measures
to pay employers a bonus per each reinstated furloughed worker and similar incentives to train and
hire apprentices.
• Gradually reduce the generosity of unemployment benefits to preserve work incentives if their
replacement rates are too high relative to precrisis work incomes (Fang, Nie, and Xie 2020). In the
event that the precrisis social protection benefits were inadequate, making some provisions of
temporary expansion more permanent would help strengthen the social protection systems and build
resilience to future shocks. For example, in Canada, when the government restores capacity to
process unemployment benefits, the flat lump-sum unemployment benefits could be replaced by
formula-based benefits.
• Strengthen activation policies for unemployment benefits. For example, training and job search requirements
that were relaxed during the lockdown phase should be reinstated, and the expansion of benefit
periods rolled back.
• Target active labor market policies (for example, training, employment services and public works) to specific groups.
There may be opportunities for public works to be directed towards “green jobs” such as
reforestation, soil and water conservation, and flood protection.
Policy Responses to Potential Second Waves
The course of the pandemic is still highly uncertain. Governments will need to prepare for potential
renewed waves of infections. Some considerations include the following:
• Policy responses should be targeted at the specific localities where the resurgence occurs helping
limit the adverse impact on economic activity and contain fiscal costs.
• Refining measures to restore economic incentives may need to be postponed. Short-time work
schemes will again be useful, especially for workers in the sectors most affected. The duration of
unemployment benefits can be extended.
• This, however, does not imply that countries should restore the same lifelines used during the initial
phase. The design of the fiscal support should draw on lessons learned and adapt to changing
circumstances. For example, limited budget resources imply that targeted measures are preferred, and
improving the institutional capacity to reach the vulnerable and deliver benefits is even more
important. The focus will be on achieving wide coverage, not just increasing benefit levels. A
stronger social safety net will help build resilience against future shocks.
have to adjust to permanent output losses. In practice, governments may not be able to fully
differentiate the cyclical component in real time—this is especially true in cases of large shocks such
as the current pandemic. Policies will need to adjust the size of stimulus to the changing
circumstances and may rely more on automatic stabilizers. Many governments have implemented
rule-based measures that are directly linked to economic outcomes, such as larger unemployment
insurance or support to firms triggered by a significant drop in turnover.
• Highly indebted governments should react less to shocks. The debt buffer (difference between the
current debt level and levels at which sustainability is at risk) has an insurance value—it is the
“reserve” of debt that the government can issue to smooth shocks. When the buffer is small, the
probability of market stress is high. This implies that when debt is high, the optimal countercyclical
fiscal stimulus to offset a negative shock is smaller than when debt is low. Beyond these stylized
cases, the model can be calibrated with country-specific parameters to tailor fiscal stance
recommendations (Fournier and Lieberknecht, 2020; IMF 2020b).
Fiscal Stance Advice for the Post-COVID Recovery
In countries with fiscal space, high unemployment in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis warrants large
and sustained fiscal stimulus to avoid long-term scars from the crisis. In many countries, the benefits of a
stimulus outweigh the cost of increasing public debt. A baseline analysis is applied to a hypothetical
advanced economy, using unweighted average data to calibrate parameters and macroeconomic
conditions. 1 Magnitudes are thus illustrative, showing the reasoning and providing directions. The
negative output gap is assumed to be about 7 percent of potential GDP in 2020, and the public-debt-to-
GDP ratio is close to 80 percent. The interest rate is below the growth rate for a protracted period of
time and goes up to marginally above the growth rate in the long run. In the absence of stimulus, the
phasing out of emergency lifelines would imply a fiscal tightening of almost 3 percent of GDP.
Model-based analysis shows that governments with fiscal space should take advantage of low interest
rates to borrow to finance stimulating the economy. An additional 4 percent of GDP support would not
only offset phasing out of emergency measures but also provide a timely boost to sustain the recovery.
This fiscal expansion would not necessarily increase the debt-to-GDP ratio in 2021 because of higher
projected growth. Given the depth of the health crisis, the fiscal expansion can continue but gradually
wind down so that cumulative stimulus over 2021–24 is about 9 percent of GDP. This sustained effort to
avoid a protracted recession or a double dip from renewed lockdowns would shift the debt level up, as
the boost to growth would eventually fade. The results are highly dependent on the depth of the negative
output gap. For example, a 1 percentage point higher negative output gap would suggest that a
cumulative stimulus should be larger—on the order of 11 percent instead of 9 percent of GDP.
The sustained stimulus is optimal to avoid long-term costs of hysteresis. In an alternative scenario in
which this channel is shut down, the recommended cumulative discretionary fiscal stimulus would be
shorter (three years instead of the five years in the baseline) and smaller (less than 3 percent of GDP),
resulting in a lower medium-term debt-to-GDP ratio (Online Annex Figure 1.4.2.).
However, countries with high debt and interest rates should take a more cautious fiscal stance to
preserve debt sustainability given the risks of debt distress would be higher. In an alternative scenario
with debt at about 140 percent instead of 80 percent of GDP and all else being equal, the model suggests
that the fiscal stimulus for 2021 should only be 2 percent of GDP and that the country should turn to a
fiscal consolidation starting in 2023 (Online Annex Figure 1.4.3). In this high-debt scenario, the priorities
would be to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio by 4.5 percent of GDP by 2025 to prevent a large surge of
interest payments and reduce the risks of a future fiscal crisis. At this high debt level, with an interest rate
level 1 percent above the baseline, a progressive consolidation plan should start sooner, in 2022.
Online Annex Figure 1.4.2. Simulated Fiscal Adjustments across Countries with Different
Levels of Debt and Interest Rates
1. Normative Structural Primary Balance 2. General Government Gross Debt
(Percent of potential GDP) (Percent of GDP)
The presence of hysteresis does not always warrant an expansionary fiscal stance, particularly in cases of
high, and expensive, debt (Online Annex Figure 1.4.3, panel 2). If the costs from protracted recessions
are large—implying lower potential economic growth—it would make it harder to manage elevated debt
levels and increase the risk of a fiscal crisis. As a result, the more debt is high and costly, the less
governments should stimulate the economy even in the presence of hysteresis. In 2021, hysteresis
warrants about 1 additional GDP percentage point of stimulus—compared to a scenario without
hysteresis—in a country with debt at about 140 percent of GDP and an interest rate 1 percent above the
baseline, against 3 additional GDP percentage points of stimulus to counter hysteresis effects in the
baseline with debt at about 80 percent of GDP. For countries already facing prohibitive interest rates
and high foreign exchange exposure, the scope of further fiscal stimulus would be more limited. The
focus should be on restoring macroeconomic stability (Fournier 2019).
Online Annex Figure 1.4.3. Discretionary Fiscal Support, Hysteresis, and Debt
1. Illustrative Pace of Fiscal Adjustment in the Case 2. Cumulative Change in Structural Primary Balance
of Long-Term Scarring from the Pandemic relative to a No-Policy Change Scenario over 2021–23
(Structural primary balance in percent of potential (Percent of potential GDP)
With hysteresis Without hysteresis
2015 17 19 21 23 25 -8
if high debt is combined with depreciation risk, governments would need to tighten fiscal policy early to
reduce risks of a future crisis.
1As defined in Chapter 1, the three phases of the pandemic are (1) the outbreak with lockdowns; (2) partial reopening; and (3) a high degree of
control of the virus through medical advances.
2 Multipliers calculated in this simulation are the discounted, cumulative change of output or consumption over a horizon per US dollar change in
stimulus is set to be about 1 percentage point of GDP for two years and then to gradually unwind as the
economy recovers from a deep recession. To ensure that the public debt increase is limited over time, the
simulations assume that the consumption tax rate adjusts slightly upward in two years after a stimulus is
implemented, but that the adjustment is insufficient to lower the public-debt-to-GDP ratio.
The simulations show that all Online Annex Figure 1.5.1. Cumulative Multipliers of
the measures can help raise Various Fiscal Measures
output, but they differ greatly in 1.60
Short-run output Long-run output
the size of their multipliers Short-run consumption (liquidity constrained) Long-run consumption (liquidity constrained)
households stand out to be the
most effective measures to boost
output in the short run: the two-
year cumulative output multipliers
are about 1.4 and 1.3, 0.00
Government Targeted Untargeted Capital tax Consumption Targeted labor Uuntargeted
respectively; that is, a cumulative purchase transfers transfers tax tax labor tax
$1 increase in government
purchases and targeted transfers Source: IMF staff estimates.
Note: Original tax multipliers are negative for expansionary effects. To facilitate
will lead to a $1.4 and $1.3 comparison, the original tax multipliers are multiplied by -1 as plotted here; thus, a
increase, respectively, in output positive number indicates an increase in a variable as a result of the tax stimulus.
cumulatively over two years. 7 As
monetary policy is at the effective lower bound, an increase in government purchases does not have the
typical crowding-out effect on private investment and hence the output multipliers can be significantly
above 1. 8
Between the two measures that have large multipliers, an increase in targeted transfers has additional
benefits because it is effective in raising the income and consumption of liquidity-constrained households
(yellow bars, Online Annex Figure 1.5.1). Another instrument suitable to support liquidity-constrained
households is a targeted labor income tax cut. In addition to directly boosting the income of liquidity-
constrained households, both measures increase labor demand because of higher demand for goods. 9
In contrast, untargeted transfers and labor income tax cuts have much smaller multipliers of around 0.2
to 0.3, as a large part of additional income is saved, rather than spent, by the higher-income households.
This result is consistent with the empirical literature, which generally finds that output multipliers for
broad-based transfers are small (Gechert and Rannenberg 2018). 10 In practice, however, targeted
6 The multipliers are calculated based on the response differences between the baseline scenario (a severe recession without additional fiscal
stimulus) and a policy scenario (a recession with one of the fiscal stimulus measures).
7 This result is consistent with Coenen and others (2012), who find that government purchases and targeted transfers to liquidity-constrained
households are most effective in boosting output when monetary policy is expected to remain accommodative for a prolonged period. The
average multipliers from several structural models used in other institutions (including the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and
the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) in Coenen and others (2012) are also in line with the simulation results here.
8 Note that the multipliers simulated in the analysis may not be directly applicable to country-specific stimulus measures because they may differ
in size, design, and macroeconomic conditions from those assumed in the model and policy specifications.
9 The labor income tax cut has an additional positive supply-side effect of enhancing work incentives. This effect on labor supply, however,
reduces the magnitude of the real wage increase, generating an overall smaller increase in households’ income and hence produces a slightly
smaller output multiplier than the increase in targeted transfers.
10The relatively small output multiplier also holds for broad-based transfers provided in recessions. Shapiro and Slemrod (2003) find that only 22
percent of households report a spending increase from the 2001 US federal income tax rebate in response to the dot-com bubble crisis. Agarwal,
Liu, and Souleles (2007) estimate that about 40 percent of this rebate was consumed. Kan, Peng, and Wang (2017) estimate that the 2009
measures unavoidably exclude some of those in need of support, especially when administrative capacity
is low, as in many developing countries (IMF 2020a). Thus, their benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness
need to be weighed against the possibility of insufficient coverage and delayed distribution of funds.
Among all the measures, a capital income tax cut is the least effective in supporting liquidity-
constrained households and has relatively small output multipliers, particularly in the near term. Different
from normal times, when cutting capital income tax rates provides strong incentives to invest, the trickle-
down effect of a capital income tax cut is particularly weak in a deep recession, especially when it is
expected to last a long time. This result is driven by suppressed demand. As demand gradually recovers,
the output multipliers can increase over time. Under the consumption tax rate cut, the output multipliers
are slightly above 1 in the short run and increase more in the longer run as demand recovers further. 11
Since a consumption tax cut also benefits the liquidity-constrained households, it is reasonably effective
in boosting their consumption, helping to alleviate poverty.
The effectiveness of these measures will also depend on the timing, especially if countries decide to
adopt them while the pandemic is not fully under control and social distancing restrictions are still in
place (or may be tightened because of new infections). The simulations here assume that there are no
supply constraints as a consequence of social distancing (including lockdowns). Some measures—such as
increasing government purchases and targeted transfers to liquidity-constrained households—may also be
appropriate during gradual reopening, although the multipliers are likely to be smaller for the following
• As many sectors remain closed during the gradual reopening phase, the effectiveness of broad-based
measures could be significantly lower. For example, labor income tax cuts will fail to encourage labor
supply in those sectors that are affected by social distancing restrictions or where demand remains
depressed because of health concerns. Also, before effective vaccines are available and widely
accessible, renewed infection waves can result in new restrictions and lockdowns, undermining the
stimulus measures.
• Increases in government purchases, given the difficulty in only increasing demand in those sectors
that do not have production constraints, can drive up production costs of those sectors with supply
constraints. In this circumstance, a higher production cost reduces private demand of the same
goods, thus offsetting the effectiveness of government purchases in boosting aggregate demand
(Baqaee and Farhi 2020).
• Because of precautionary saving motives in a deep recession with high uncertainty about the recovery
and concerns regarding employment, transfers to households in general may have a lower impact
during the gradual reopening stage (Auerbach, Gorodnichenko, and Murphy 2020). However,
transfers to those in need during the crisis serve an important objective—to save lives—and should
be implemented if necessary.
• The power of supply-side stimulus such as a labor income tax cut is unlikely to work well because
labor inputs in some sectors can be determined by governments’ or firms’ considerations based on
public health concerns during the gradual reopening stage.
shopping vouchers distributed in Taiwan Province of China in response to the global financial crisis had a marginal propensity to consume of
11 The consumption tax cut has been adopted by several countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, in response to COVID-19. The
sizes of multipliers implied by the simulations here, however, may not be directly applicable to country-specific consumption tax cut measures, as
the policy design and country conditions may not be captured by the simulations and model calibration.
12The empirical evidence that supports higher multipliers in low interest rates or at the effective lower bound includes Miyamoto, Nguyen, and
Sergeyev (2018) and Amendola and others (2020). See also Chapter 2 of the April 2020 World Economic Outlook.
13 Thisthird scenario is similar to the baseline scenario simulated earlier, which has a macroeconomic shock that generates a deep recession and
no fiscal stimulus. The baseline simulated earlier, however, has the consumption tax rate as the fiscal adjustment instrument. The scenario here,
instead, has the labor income tax rate on the higher-income group as the fiscal adjustment instrument.
progressive labor income tax rate does not increase within the first 10 years (although an adjustment
would eventually be needed to contain debt).
Online Annex Figure 1.5.2. Different Fiscal Adjustment Plans: Targeted
horizon (black bars, Online Annex Figure 1.5.3) because the increase in the labor income tax rate is
delayed and relatively small. The public-debt-to-GDP ratio, however, is higher and could require further
adjustment in the long run (blue line in panel 4, Online Annex Figure 1.5.2).
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