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Keywords: Houjing River, located in Kaohsiung City, is one of the most seriously contaminated rivers in Taiwan. This study
Heavy metals analyzed the concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and Hg) in sediments and water samples
Sediment quality guidelines collected from this river. Analysis of contamination factor (Cfi ) and potential ecological risk factor (E fi ) of heavy
Multi-element indices metals in water showed that there were low grades of contamination and potential ecological risk for all heavy
Positive matrix factorization
metals, suggesting that heavy metals in water were less likely to pose risks to the ecosystem. However, sentiment
samples were found to have severe contamination levels based on ranges found in sediment quality guidelines
(SQG). The average Cu concentration was almost twice as high as the upper standard values in all the guidelines.
Multi-element indices were used to evaluate the synergistic effects of different metals at the sampling sites. The
calculated results of different indices, the modified degree of contamination (mCd), Nemerow pollution index
(PN) and potential ecological risk index (RI), were in good accordance. ‘Heavy’ contamination and ‘severe’
ecological risk were found at three sites, Demin, Zhuwai and Renwu. Cadmium and copper contributed the
highest to the ecological risk there. Results of positive matrix factorization modeling identified four sources of
heavy metal pollution in both sediments and water. Heavy metal contamination in the Houjing River is at-
tributed to companies carrying out various industrial processes along the riverbank, including traditional metal-
plating, plastic manufacture and semi-conductor packaging. Therefore, future pollution control and management
plans should emphasize the strict regulation of discharge from these industrial activities.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Lin).
Received 26 January 2017; Received in revised form 4 June 2017; Accepted 5 June 2017
1470-160X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
account the synergistic effects of different heavy metals (Hakanson of its food. Urbanization and industrialization have led to serious pol-
1980; Yan et al., 2016). Similarly, synergistic ecological risk can also be lution of the river and altered its nature and chemistry (Lin et al.,
quantitatively illustrated by the potential ecological risk index (RI). 2010).
Southern Taiwan, the most industrialized area of the whole island,
has been negatively affected by the industries there (Wang et al., 2015). 2.2. Sampling
Kaohsiung City has been the center of a number of different heavy in-
dustries, which have ceaselessly grown for the last 30 years. Many in- In order to sample waters from all potential sources of discharge
dustrial plants producing different metals have seriously polluted water along the Houjing River, we established five sampling sites, Jingjian,
bodies around the city. The Houjing River, located in the northern part Renwu, Demin, Zhuwai and Dehuei. Jingjian, located at the Dashe
of Kaohsiung City, receives a large amount of polluted water and se- upstream reach, receives discharge from the Dashe Industrial Park, an
diment discharge from the industrial plants operating along its banks on industrial park mostly populated with mid-stream (resin) petrochemical
a daily basis. Historically, there has been continual illegal discharge of factories. Renwu, situated at the Renwu reach, receives discharge from
huge amounts of different pollutants from the various manufacturing the Renwu and Zhuhou Industrial Parks. These parks are home to many
companies there (Lin et al., 2009, 2010; Jiang et al., 2015). The quality large petrochemical (resin production for down-stream plastic manu-
of the Houjing River has attracted wide public attention leading to the facture) and traditional metal-surface-coating processing centers.
need for assessment of risk and frequent monitoring to guarantee the Demin and Zhuwai are situated where they receive discharge from two
river’s support of the health of the environment there as well as the points from the Nanzih Export Processing Zone (NEPZ), where many
health of its residents (Lin et al., 2009; Jiang et al., 2015). Despite this metal-processing activities (for computer chip packaging) operates
great need, no study has investigated the heavy metal contamination in daily along with some electroplating, surface-coating and plastic pro-
the Houjing River in detail, assessed its impact or identified the possible duction activities. Companies in the NEPZ have been reported by the
sources of pollution there. media to discharge illegally large amounts of heavy metal-polluted
Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) are acidic wastewater into the Houjing River. Dehuei, located close to Si-
widely preferred when determining sources of contamination in sedi- Cing Bu Landfill, is encircled by a residential area with a number of
ments and water because they are easy to do and available in most markets and condominiums, which are sources of pollution introduced
statistical software packages (Comero et al., 2011; Duodu et al., 2017). by leachate and illegal discharge. Waters from originating from all
However, since they are data-sensitive, their results may come with these upstream sources collect at and mix together at Dehuei, making
skewed dataset distributions, requiring subsequent statistical normal- this site the most prone to heavy metal contamination in the river.
ization (Praipipat et al., 2013). Furthermore, it is rare that much at- This study used standard methods of water sampling (USEPA, 2013)
tention is paid to the ability of these analytical methods to handle and sediment sampling (USEPA, 2014) to collect samples in four
outliers and below-detection-limit (BDL) and/or missing values (Pekey durations, including November of 2015, and January, April and June of
and Dogan 2013). However, positive matrix factorization (PMF), an 2016. A total of twenty river sediment (10–15 cm from the surface) and
advanced multivariate statistical method using least square approach twenty water samples were collected by Ekman Dredge (for sediments)
developed by Paatero and colleagues (Anttila et al., 1995), can address and bucket (for water) from the middle of the river at an average dis-
those uncertainties by incorporating non-negative constraints into the tance of 5 m from the river banks. The samples were stored in poly-
configuration process and point-to-point estimating each data value’s ethylene bottles and bags and kept in dark condition below 4 °C until
error (Brown et al., 2015). Another advantage of PMF is that its asso- analysis.
ciated receptor-oriented model is effective even with analyzing limited
datasets (Bhuiyan et al., 2015). While the application of PMF has been 2.3. Instrumental analysis
specifically preferred in the field of atmospheric chemistry for years
(Wang et al., 2016), it is uncommon to find it applied to understanding Heavy metal analysis followed the instruction of US Environmental
contamination in sediment and water samples (Bhuiyan et al., 2015). Protection Agency (USEPA, 2000). Water samples were first acidized
This study assessed the contamination and potential ecological risk with HNO3 (Zhang et al., 2016a,b). Subsequently, water samples were
posed by heavy metals to the Houjing River employing PMF in source filtered through Whatman glass filter paper (pore size 110 mm) prior to
apportionment of the contamination in sediments and water. The re- analysis. Sediment samples (approx. 0.2 g) were lyophilized in a va-
sults of this study can help provide decision-makers with an insightful cuum freeze dryer (Eyela FDU-1200, Tokyo Rikakikai, Japan, − 50 °C,
view of the current contamination status of that river, essential to im- 10 Pa, 24 h) and then mixed with acids (3 mL HCl and 1 mL HNO3).
pending changes in land-use there, the area’s economic development The mixtures were next processed through a microwave digestion
and environmental protection strategies. system (Topex, Preekem, Shanghai, China) and subsequently filtered
through Whatman glass filter paper (pore size 90 mm) before being
2. Methodology injected into an Inductively Coupled Plasma − Optical Emission
Spectrometer or ICP-OES (Optima 2100 DV, PerkinElmer, USA) for the
2.1. Location measurement of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn (USEPA, 2000). Analysis
for mercury, which only requires the sample be lyophilized first, was
The Houjing River is situated in north-west Kaohsiung City in performed in a mercury analyzer (NIC MA-2, Systematic, Taiwan).
southern Taiwan (Latitude 22°69′21.63″N − 22°73′17.74″N and Glassware and plastic sample containers for ICP operations were
Longitude 120°25′74.36″E − 120°33′74.70″E). As can be seen in Fig. 1, soaked in 5% HNO3 and dried before use. Likewise, prior to mercury
the river has two upstream reaches − Dashe to the north-east in analysis, ceramic sample containers (ship-shaped) were soaked in 5%
Ciaotou District and Renwu to the south-east direction in Renwu Dis- HNO3 and baked in an oven at 500 °C for 18 h. Mercury and ICP
trict. The two reaches then meet at Si-Chingpu Landfill before flowing standard solutions were obtained from J.T.Baker (Avantor Performance
directly into the Taiwan Strait. The length of the Houjing River is about Materials, USA) and High-Purity Standards (Charleston, USA), respec-
13 km and its basin has long winters and summers, and short springs tively. All reagents were of analytical grade, and deionized water was
and autumns. The main source of water for the river is discharge from used in all analyses. Minimum detection limits (MDLs) were established
industrial areas, wastewater treatment plants, municipal discharge using triple standard deviation from the analysis of seven samples with
from activities along the riverside and rainfall. In the past, the Houjing the same concentration. The MDLs for sediment samples (mg/kg dry
River was a reliable resource of water for irrigation and various agri- wt.) were as follows: As (0.1), Cd (0.09), Cr (0.1), Cu (0.1), Pb (0.1), Ni
cultural activities in the area from where Kaohsiung City obtains much (0.09), Zn (0.3), Hg (0.01). Similarly, the MDLs for water samples (mg/
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of the sampling sites and major pollution sources for sediment and water heavy metal contamination in the Houjing River, Taiwan (sampled between
November 2015 and June 2016).
L) were as follows: As (0.003), Cd (0.005), Cr (0.005), Cu (0.0009), Pb 1
mCd = ∑ Cfi , where Cfi = C i/ Cref
(0.002), Ni (0.001), Zn (0.003), Hg (0.0005). Calibration curve was n i=1
ensured with correlation coefficient (R2), which fell into a range of
0.99860–0.99999. Blanks were always less than MDLs. Mid-point where Ci is the heavy metal concentration in sediment and water
checks for all metals ranged from 0.3 to 6.8%, except for Hg which was samples; Cref the reference value of the element (Turekian and
11%. Spike recoveries ranged from 96 to 110%. Wedepohl, 1961; Hakanson, 1980) and Cfi the contamination factor of
each element. The modified degree of contamination (mCd) index has
an advantage over single element indices because it takes into account
2.4. Risk assessment methods the synergistic effects of the contaminants at a study site (Brady et al.,
2.4.1. Modified degree of contamination
Modified degree of contamination (mCd) and Nemerow pollution
index (PN) are two important indicators which can be used to quickly 2.4.2. Nemerow pollution index
and efficiently assess the severity of the contamination of a site. The Nemerow pollution index also reflects the comprehensive ef-
Modified degree of contamination (mCd) is calculated as follows: fects of heavy metals (Yan et al., 2016) and can be used to interpret
heavy metal pollution at a particular site (Duodu et al., 2016). The
equation for calculating Nemerow pollution index (PN) is as follows:
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Cf 2 + Cfmax
2 profile matrix (p × m) and E the residual matrix (n × m). p is the
PN = number of resulting sources (or factors).
The component form of the model is:
where PN is the Nemerow pollution index, Cf the arithmetic mean of
contamination factor of all heavy metals, and Cfmax the maximum
contamination factor among the heavy metals.
x ij = ∑ gik fkj + eij i = 1…n; j = 1…m ; k = 1…p
2.4.3. Sediment quality guidelines and potential ecological risk index where xij are the elements of the input data matrix, with each element
This study compared our finding with different sediment quality showing the measured concentration of the jth species for the ith
guidelines to more objectively reflect the heavy metal contamination of sample. gik is the contribution of the kth source to the ith sample, fkj the
the Houjing River. These guidelines were (1) the domestic standard portion of the jth species from the kth source, and eij the elements of the
guidelines of TaiwanEPA (2010) as well as those of (2) the Canadian residual concentration of the jth species for the ith sample.
Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999), (3) the Aus- PMF, different from PCA, creates purely constrained non-negative
tralian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council and factor loading and factor scores resulting in less rotational ambiguity.
Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Weighted least squares are used to fit with the indicated error estimates
Zealand (Anzecc and Armcanz, 2000), and (4) the National Oceanic and of the data matrices’ elements involved in the derivation of the weights.
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Long et al., 1995). The four PMF is designed using an iterative method (conjugate gradient algo-
standard guidelines all have lower and upper limits for different heavy rithm) to minimize the so-called object function Q:
metals. The ecological effects of an individual species can be considered
to be “rarely observed” if its concentration falls below the lower limit p 2
⎡ x ij − ∑k =1 gik fkj ⎤
(Lin et al., 2016). Those at upper-limit concentrations are likely to have Q= ∑ ⎢
more apparent ecological effects, making their effects more “frequently j=1 ⎢
observed”. It would follow that when concentrations of these metals are
equal to or greater than the lower limit but below the upper limit, their where sij denotes the elements of the uncertainty matrix, each element
effects will be “occasionally observed” (Lin et al., 2016). being the uncertainty value of the jth species for the ith sample. This
The potential ecological risk index (RI), proposed by (Hakanson, study employs the latest PMF version (PMF 5.0) available on the
1980), was used to evaluate the potential risk of one or multiple ele- website of the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (https://
ments to the ecology. The sensitivity of the biological community can
be reflected by RI when it takes the potential ecological risk factor and environmental-data-analyses).
the toxicity response coefficient into account. The potential ecological There is a need to test different numbers of factors until the most
risk index (RI) is calculated as: reasonable result is reached in order to determine the optimal solution
n for the number of factors (or sources) (Comero et al., 2014). The most
RI = ∑ E fi , where E fi = Cfi × T fi reasonable result should be obtained when the Q value approximates
i=1 the degrees of freedom. If the Q value deviates largely from the theo-
where Cfi is the contamination factor, T fi the toxicity response coeffi- retical value, the number of sources must be readjusted. Input needs
cient of each element (As = 10, Cd = 30, Cr = 2, Cu = Pb = Ni = 5, two datasets − the concentrations and the uncertainties of different
Zn = 1 and Hg = 40) (Hakanson, 1980; Islam et al., 2015a; Lu et al., species. The uncertainty is denoted as (0.1 × concentration + 3 ). BDL
2015) and E fi the potential ecological risk factor of each element (Yi data are replaced with MDL , uncertainty was assumed to be 5 * MDL
2 6
et al., 2011). (Wang et al., 2016). In this study, two sets of sediment and water heavy
Classifications of mCd, PN and RI are presented in Table 1. metal measurements (random seed numbers) were run 20 times using
different factors from two to five in order to obtain the most reasonable
2.5. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) result. The element As was excluded from PMF model because it was
found at BDL concentrations at all sites (Comero et al., 2014). The se-
PMF uses the weighted least squares method to extract “factors” lected number of factors was four for both sediment and water samples
from different sources. PMF source apportionment is reliable because it and will be discussed below in results and discussion Section 3.4.
forces the values to be positive, making them particularly suitable for
environmental applications and making the physical meanings of factor
loading and scores more easily-interpreted (Chen et al., 2013). A dif- 2.6. Statistical analysis
ferentiated dataset of measured concentrations can be described as a
matrix X (n × m) with n samples and m measured species. The two-way SPSS for Windows, Version 22, was employed for statistical analysis.
model can be simplified as follows: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the difference of
heavy metal content between the sites. Differences were deemed as
X=G×F + E
significant with 95% confidence interval.
G is the matrix that represents factor contribution (n × p), F the factor
Table 1
Classifications of heavy metal modified degree of contamination (mCd), Nemerow pollution index (PN) and potential ecological risk index (RI).
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
3. Results and discussion (Paramasivam et al., 2015). Zinc, in our study, could be discharged
from a variety of sources such as commercial activities, traffic, atmo-
3.1. Heavy metal contamination in sediments and water spheric deposition, etc., which will later be discussed in the PMF
modeling results. Sediment concentrations of Hg in the Houjing River
Fig. 2 shows the heavy metal content in sediment and water samples were one order of magnitude higher than those found in the Bortala
collected from different sites in the Houjing River. In sediments, except River (Zhang et al., 2016c) and the Jinjiang River (Chen et al., 2013).
for As (below detection limit or BDL at all sites), the concentrations of Similar to Zn, Hg was also released from the commercial activities and
heavy metals were as follows: Ni (BDL) 326 mg/kg dry wt., Zn 620 mg/ traffic along the riverbanks and will be discussed in PMF modeling
kg dry wt., Hg 0.01–0.328 mg/kg dry wt., Pb 15.6–258 mg/kg dry result part.
wt.,Cd 22.2 mg/kg dry wt.,Cr 99.9 mg/kg dry wt., and Cu 2156 mg/kg There have not been many studies of heavy metal content in water
dry wt. Most heavy metal content was concentrated at Demin and samples, possibly because heavy metals precipitate quickly and bind
Zhuwai, especially Cu and Zn. Renwu was the least heavy metal con- strongly to sediments (Simpson and Batley, 2007; Simpson and
taminated site, significantly lower than other sites (P < 0.05). Com- Spadaro, 2016). It is possible for metals to detach from sediments and
pared with findings of other studies around the world, Cu in our sedi- be released back to the water column, negatively impacting water
ment samples were five to a hundred times higher than those reported quality (Simpson and Batley, 2007). The element As in the Houjing
for the Brisbane River (Duodu et al., 2016), the Elbe and Wiser Rivers River water samples, like the sediment samples, was below detection
(Pache et al., 2008), the Seine River (Le Cloarec et al., 2011) and the To limit at all sites. Other heavy metal concentrations in water were as
Lich River (Thuong et al., 2013), indicating serious copper con- follows: Ni (BDL) 0.082 mg/L, Zn 0.011 mg/ L, Hg 0.018 mg/ L, Pb
tamination in the Houjing River. Copper commonly exists in the dis- 0.569 mg/ L, Cd 0.008 mg/ L, Cr 0.096 mg/ L, and Cu 0.99 mg/ L.
charge of metal-plating industry, which occupies the majority of NEPZ Demin, Zhuwai and Dehuei were the most severely contaminated sites,
and some portions of Dashe and Renwu Industrial Parks (Wang et al., significantly higher than the other two sites (P < 0.05). Cu and Pb
2015). Zinc concentrations were high at all Houjing River sites, parti- concentrations, which were highest at all sites, also had high standard
cularly at Demin, Zhuwai and Dehuei. Standard deviations from the deviations due to temporal variation. Compared with reports from
mean Cu concentration at Demin and Zhuwai were high probably due other studies, the concentration of Cu in the Houjing River water was
to high temporal variation (Fig. S1). Although Zn concentrations were similar to that of the Buriganga River (Bhuiyan et al., 2015) but two
comparable to those of Elbe and Wiser Rivers (Pache et al., 2008), they orders of magnitude higher than that of the Hindon River (Suthar et al.,
were two to twenty times higher than those reported by recent studies 2009). Pb concentrations were two times higher than those of the
of the region, including those of the Nakdong River (Chung et al., Hindon River (Suthar et al., 2009). Cadmium, chromium, zinc and
2016), Buriganga River (Bhuiyan et al., 2015), Bortala River (Zhang mercury in the Houjing were found at one to two orders of magnitude
et al., 2016c), Yellow River (Yan et al., 2016) and Vaigai River lower concentrations than those of the Buriganga (Bhuiyan et al., 2015)
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Table 2
Contamination factor and potential ecological risk factor of heavy metals in water categorized for aquatic life and irrigation in the Houjing River, Taiwan.
Elements Average water heavy metal content AWPLa Aquatic life Irrigation
C if A Grade of contamination E if A Grade of ecological IWPLb C if I Grade of contamination
As ND 50 – – – – 100 – –
Cd 0.002 1.8 0.00003 Low 0.0003 Low 10 0.00002 Low
Cr 0.035 2 0.00070 Low 0.0070 Low 100 0.00035 Low
Cu 0.401 4 0.00802 Low 0.0802 Low 200 0.00401 Low
Pb 0.475 7 0.00951 Low 0.0951 Low 200 0.00475 Low
Ni 0.128 150 0.00256 Low 0.0256 Low 200 0.00128 Low
Zn 0.002 30 0.00004 Low 0.0004 Low 1000 0.00002 Low
Hg 0.022 0.1 0.00044 Low 0.0044 Low 2 0.00022 Low
Aquatic life water permissible limits (values in mg/L) (CCME, 2007).
Irrigation life water permissible limits (CCME, 2007), except Ni (NRMMCA, 2011) and Hg (values in mg/L) (Anzecc and Armcanz, 2000).
and Hindon Rivers (Suthar et al., 2009). established by the Taiwan EPA (TaiwanEPA, 2010) and the Canadian
Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999) are similar to
3.2. Ecological risk assessment for heavy metals in water each other. In general, the values of the former two are somewhat
higher than the latter two, indicating that the latter two represent more
While heavy metal ecological risk assessment has been fairly well stringent values for SQG approach. The average concentration of Cd
established for sediments, it has not been so for water, the most was around 1.5 times higher in our study than the reference risk values
common method used being target hazard quotient and target cancer found in Taiwan EPA’s upper limit and CCME’s probable effect level
risk (El Nemr et al., 2016). Recently, however, Sharifi et al. (2016) (PEL) but lower than ANZECC & ARMCANZ’s high level and NOAA’s
calculated the contamination factor and potential ecological risk factor effects range-median (ERM). Similarly, chromium in our study ex-
for heavy metals in water. In this study, Cref were water quality indices ceeded CCME’s ISQG, but it was lower than the Taiwan EPA’s lower
of heavy metals proposed by different guidelines, including those of limit, ANZECC & ARMCANZ’s low level and NOAA’s effects range-low
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 2007), Na- (ERL). Copper represented the worst heavy metal contamination in the
tional Resource Management Ministerial Council, Commonwealth of Houjing River, as its concentrations in sediments far exceeded (about
Australia (NRMMCA 2011), and Australian and New Zealand En- two times) any upper risk values of the referenced SQGs, which is un-
vironment and Conservation Council & Agriculture and Resource Man- derstandable since its concentrations were severe, as seen in 3.1 above.
agement Council of Australia and New Zealand (Anzecc and Armcanz, Lead concentrations in this study fell between the lower and upper
2000). Our study used water quality reference values for aquatic life values of all the guidelines. Nickel greatly exceeded ANZEC-
and irrigation because the Houjing River was previously the main water C & ARMCANZ’s high level and NOAA’s ERM, but was lower than the
supply for a large area involved in agriculture and aquaculture and is Taiwan EPA’s upper limit. Zinc fell between the lower and upper values
still used at such in some areas. of the Taiwan EPA, ANZECC & ARMCANZ and NOAA, but slightly ex-
Table 2 summarizes our heavy metal contamination and ecological ceeded CCME’s PEL. Finally, Hg was lower in our study than any of the
risk calculation findings for water in the Houjing. Our findings were one values listed in the other guidelines. In summary, except for As and Hg,
to four orders of magnitude lower than the already low reference values average concentrations of the heavy metals in this study exceeded the
in the guidelines, suggesting that heavy metal contamination and eco- reference limits in the different SQGs, suggesting that heavy metal
logical risk needed not be a major concern for future pollution control contamination is severe in sediments of the Houjing River.
and management plans for the river, though there is still a need for
heavy metal monitoring to prevent unnecessary risk. Changes in hy- 3.3.2. Modified degree of contamination and nemerow pollution index
draulic conditions can at times lead to the release of heavy metals from In the environment, a number of heavy metals can co-exist and their
sediments to the water column. negative impacts often result from the combined effects between them
(Brady et al., 2015). Single-element indices do not adequately reflect
3.3. Heavy metal contamination and its ecological risk in sediments their synergistic effect (Duodu et al., 2016). Because the current study is
mainly concerned with the combined effects of heavy metals, we also
3.3.1. Comparison with sediment quality guidelines (SQG) wanted to analyze our data using the multi-element indices known as
According to El Nemr et al., the most classical approach to assessing the modified degree of contamination (mCd) and Nemerow pollution
heavy metal contamination is to compare present findings with re- index (PN). These two indices describe the synergistic effect of different
ference values found in sediment quality guidelines (El Nemr et al., contaminants at a site (Duodu et al., 2016; Yan et al., 2016).
2016). This approach, still used today, is very effective when used to Fig. 3 shows the results of the mCd index and PN index calculations
assess heavy metal contamination in sediments (Duodu et al., 2016; Lin at the sampling sites. Although the calculation and classifications of the
et al., 2016). The periodically updating of the reference values not only two indices differ, their results are uncannily similar. The sampling sites
facilitates the continued use of the SQG approach but also shows that at Jingjian and Dehuei, which were be equally impacted by heavy
the field considers this approach reliable. Generally, the SQGs present metals, were found to be much less severely contaminated than Renwu,
two limits, one marking the frequency and the other the severity of Demin and Zhuwai, which explains the reason the two sites were
ecological impacts. classified as ‘Class 2′ in both mCd and PN calculations. While the Jing-
Table 3 compares our findings with the reference values established jian site was mostly affected by Cu, Cd and Zn, the heavy contamination
in different SQGs. The reference values established by the Australian at the Dehuei site came mainly from Cu and Zn (Table S1). Demin and
and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council & Agriculture Zhuwai were the most impacted by heavy metals, classified as ‘3′ in PN
and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand and ‘4′ in mCd. The element contributing most to mCd at Demin and
(Anzecc and Armcanz, 2000) are similar to those of the National Zhuwai was Cu, followed by Zn and Ni.
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Long et al., 1995). Those Renwu, polluted mainly by Cd and Pb, was categorized as ‘Class 3′
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Table 3
Comparison between data of this study (the Houjing River, Taiwan) and sediment quality guidelines (SQG) worldwide (values in mg/kg).
e f
current data lower limit b upper limit a ISQG c PEL d ERL g ERM h
As ND 11 33 5.9 17 20 70 8.2 70
Cd 4.39 0.65 2.5 0.6 3.5 1.5 10 1.2 9.6
Cr 53.11 76 233 37.3 90 80 370 81 370
Cu 432.29 50 157 35.7 197 65 270 34 270
Pb 57.23 48 161 35 91.3 50 220 46.7 218
Ni 71.17 24 80 – – 21 52 20.9 51.6
Zn 341.88 14 384 123 315 200 410 150 410
Hg 0.10 0.23 0.87 0.17 0.486 0.15 1 0.15 0.71
Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (Taiwan EPA)’s sediment quality guideline upper and lower limits (TaiwanEPA, 2010).
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)’s interim sediment quality guideline (ISQG) and probable effect level (PEL) (CCME, 1999).
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) & Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ)’s low and
high levels (Anzecc and Armcanz, 2000).
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s effects range-low (ERL) and effects range-median (ERM) (Long et al., 1995).
in the mCd calculation and different from Demin and Zhuwai. However, accumulation of heavy metals.
all three sites were grouped into one class in PN calculations. This dif-
ference was due to the difference in specificity of the indices’ two 3.3.3. Ecological risk assessment
classification systems. Because mCd classification is more specific, This study also employed the potential ecological risk index (RI),
heavy metal contamination was better categorized. The categorization another multi-element index, to assess the potential impact of heavy
of heavy metal contamination based on mCd and PN calculations agreed metal contamination to the ecosystem of in the Houjing River (Fig. 4).
relatively well with the intensity of heavy metal concentrations dis- While Dehuei and Jingjian were less exposed to ecological risk of heavy
cussed in 3.1, where Demin and Zhuwai were found to have the highest contamination (Class 1 and Class 2, respectively), the other three sites
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
were determined to be likely to face ‘severe’ ecological risk (all Class 3), the PMF model to be reliable.
all in accordance with mCd and PN calculations. Renwu, however, was Heavy metals in sediments and water have various negative effects
found most likely to be exposed to ecological risk, illustrating that on the ecological and human wellbeing. Source apportionment can
degree of contamination does not always represent potential for eco- provide sound results that can help guide future pollution control and
logical risk. Therefore, using both degree of contamination degree and management plans. In our PMF models, four factors were identified for
potential ecological risk in a single study is reasonable and encouraged. both heavy metals in sediments and water in the Houjing River.
Renwu faces ecological risk posed by Cd mostly and to some extent
Hg (Table S2). Demin faces major ecological risk posed by Cu and Hg,
while Zhuwai faces ecological risk from Cd. Jingjian mostly faces risk 3.4.1. PMF results for heavy metals in sediments
from Cd and Cu, and Dehuei from Hg. Therefore, it seems that Cu, Hg, Fig. 6a and Fig. S3a show source apportionment results and the
and Cd pose the greatest ecological risk to the Houjing River. As seen in factor contribution percentage for heavy metals in sediments, respec-
Fig. 5, three elements account for 90.17% of the potential ecological tively. As can be seen in Fig. 6a, there were discrepancies in the con-
risk. Cd impacts largely Renwu and Jingjian, making up 45.84% of the centrations and percentages of heavy metals occupying factor 1. For
total risk followed by Cu. Cu makes up 30.06% of total risk at Demin example, a low concentration of Hg accounted for more than 60%,
and Zhuwai. Hg poses the biggest threat to Demin and constitutes while a high concentration of Pb made up a percentage of lower than
14.27% of the total potential ecological risk. Zn, found in relatively 10%. This pattern was repeated for other metals in other factors.
high concentrations at all sites, does not pose high risk to the eco- Whether a particular metal shows a high concentration within a specific
system, while Cd and Hg, found at relatively low concentrations in factor is not as important as whether that metal occupies a large per-
sediments, pose high risks to the ecosystem. centage within that factor. This means that the factor is more likely to
be signified by the metal’s percentage, though it cannot be denied that
the higher the concentration, the more likely it is to make up a much
3.4. Source apportionment by positive matrix factorization (PMF) higher percentage. Thus, a graph produced by PMF showing both heavy
metal concentrations and percentages helps greatly with explaining and
PMF allows us to determine how much each source contributes to discussing source apportionment.
study site. To find out whether the PMF model is well fit for different Factor 1, which explains only 3.7% of the contribution, has higher
elements, we compared observed values with their predicted heavy loadings of Hg (67.5%) and Zn (53.8%) than that of Cr (42.4%). Factor
metal values. The correlation coefficients (R2) between the observed 1 is likely to originate from commercial activities, waste tires, atmo-
and predicted values in both sediments and water were all 0.99 (Fig. spheric deposition, and from a scattering of small businesses, etc.
S2). Good correlations were also found between their observed and (Bhuiyan et al., 2015). With many condominiums and bustling com-
predicted values in sediments and water, 0.95–0.99 and 0.83–0.99, mercial and small business activities alongside the river, there are nu-
respectively (Table S3). Together, these good positive correlations show merous sources of municipal discharge into the river, meaning the need
for control of heavy metal discharge from this source should be great.
However, because the factor only constitutes a tiny amount of the total
heavy metal contamination, it should be given less weight in future
pollution control plans.
Factor 2, constituting a moderate proportion (24.0%) of the con-
tribution, correlated well with Cd (96.5%). This metal signifies che-
mical and petrochemical discharge (Cechinel et al., 2016). Cadmium is
well known to be used in material plastic stabilizers (cadmium oxide)
(Lu et al., 2007). In this study, the sampling sites near Dashe and Renwu
Industrial Parks, home to a variety of mid-stream plastic industries,
were found to be seriously contaminated with cadmium. As factor 2 is
filled mostly by Cd, it is reasonable to assume that in this factor the
source of cadmium discharge is the plastics industry.
Factor 3, which accounted for a very large portion (36.5%) of the
Fig. 5. Contribution of different species to ecological risk index (RI) of heavy metals in contribution, was composed mainly of relatively equal proportions of
sediments in the Houjing River, Taiwan. Cr (42.7%), Zn (46.2%), and Pb (49.9%). These metals are typically
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Fig. 6. Results of PMF source apportionment modeling for heavy metals in (a) sediments and (b) water in the Houjing River, Taiwan.
found in traditional electroplating and metal-surface-processing in- attributed to the heavy metal contamination caused by traditional
dustries, which have played an important role in Taiwan’s economic electroplating and metal-surface-processing industries, which should be
development (Wang et al., 2015). Industrial plants all over the island targeted in future environmental monitoring plans.
are home to metal-related industries at least in part. Along the Houjing Factor 4, accounting for 35.8% of the contribution, consists mostly
River, electroplating and metal-surface-processing firms occupy the of Cu (77.5%) and moderate portions of Ni (43.1%). Cu and Ni are used
entire Zhuhou Industrial Park and a small percentage of the firms in the at many different stages of metal-related processes employed in com-
Nanzih Export Processing Zone (NEPZ). Therefore, factor 3 should be puter chip packaging. This industry has thrived in recent decades in
C.T. Vu et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 32–42
Taiwan where there has been a great increase in these factories and all the elements we investigated exceeded standard values, indicating
companies in the large industrial plants around the island. A large ‘moderately’ to ‘frequently observed’ threats from heavy metal con-
proportion of factories in the NEPZ are involved in high-tech semi- tamination of the Houjing River. The results of our calculations of mCd,
conductor packaging activities. Moreover, historically, plants involved PN and RI, multi-element indices use to reflect synergistic effects,
in these activities have been reported by the media to discharge illeg- agreed well with each other in the determination of ‘heavy’ con-
ally untreated wastewater with heavy metals into the Houjing River. tamination and ‘severe’ ecological risk at Demin, Zhuwai and Renwu.
Thus, factor 4 could be the source of heavy metals discharged from Cadmium and copper pose the greatest potential ecological risk to the
NEPZ, which should also be targeted in future environmental mon- river. Positive matrix factorization modelling revealed four factors or
itoring and pollution prevention plans for the river. pollution sources for heavy metals in both sediments and water of the
Houjing River. These were industrial activities, especially traditional
3.4.2. PMF results for heavy metals in water metal-plating, plastics, and semi-conductor packaging, as well as mu-
Fig. 6b and Fig. S3b display the results of PMF modeling and the nicipal discharge from densely residential and commercial areas along
percentage of contribution of each factor for heavy metals in water, the riverbank. Future pollution control and management plans should
respectively. The three first factors of water heavy metals seem to be focus on discharge from these industries situated alongside the river.
distributed evenly. Factor 1, which made up 31.9% of the contribution,
contains high loadings of Cr (77.7%) and Ni (48%). These two elements Acknowledgements
are likely to indicate discharge from traditional electroplating and other
metal-processing industries (Lee et al., 2017). The electroplating in- The authors acknowledge the enthusiastic assistance of the sam-
dustry has brought about much of Kaohsiung City’s economic devel- pling and analysis staff at the Center of Environmental Analysis Services
opment, and such metal-processing factories make up most of the fac- (CEAS), National Kaohsiung Marine University.
tories in industrial plants there. Cr and Ni are used to create different
surface properties in the plating industry. Hence, a large amount of Cr Appendix A. Supplementary data
and Ni can be observed in water of a seriously industrially con-
taminated river like the Houjing River. This industry and its discharge Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
should be a target for pollution control and management plans in the online version, at
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