Clearly.: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

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IEP Analysis. Below are case questions. Examine the facts and give a diagnosis.

Design an individual education program or IEP for the child in question. (100 pts). It
should contain a sped diagnosis, your recommendation for select professionals to
check the child, and your suggested educational remedies. Write briefly and

a. Asher G. is 4 years old and loves to watch You Tube shows on his cell phone. He
likes to watch BT 21 all day and cries very hard and throws a tantrum if you take
away the gadget. He would rather skip meals and classes in order to watch BT21
Chimmy. He is articulate and very intelligent. His parents want you to help him stay
still so he can attend his online classes as he loses interest quickly and refuses to sit
for longer than 5 minutes. Diagnose and design an IEP for Asher G.

A. Diagnosis: ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Explanation: Asher exhibits the palpable symptoms of ADHD. The pupil has
excessive fascination of the gadget. He lost his interest in doing the essentials
and even skipped his meal. He can’t focus and stay in one place. Nonetheless, he
is very articulate and extremely smart. This prodrome must be treated the soonest


Student Name: Asher G.
Date of Birth: 11/5/16
Age: 4
Street: Gate 2, Kaunlaran, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Municipality: Polomolok
Telephone: 675-8976
Male: _X_ Female:___
Grade: Pre-K
Annual Goal Asher will manage his emotions and sharpen his focus to essential
things. He will minimize the usage of gadgets and will maximize his intelligence in
attending online sessions.

Goal 1- To more aware of oneself to understand abilities and disabilities and
develop a stronger sense of self to be effective and reaching out and
developing better relationship and communication skills with his family and

 To initiate an approach and request for assistance from the teacher
 To be able to identify and label emotions
 To be able to identify the zones where Asher’s emotion belong
 To be able to identify and label expected and unexpected behaviors of a
given activity and adapt to behavior mapping
 To response positively to a voice scale


 To be able to identify and label blue thought and red thoughts

 To be able to identify and label consequences of behavior
 To be able to identify and label emotions evoked to others consequences of
choices and actions

 To be able to respond positively to the visuals and of the zones of regulation
 To create own tools menu to assist Asher to regulate on his own when
presented with stressors.

Goal 2- to display better attending skills to be ready for learning
 To sit independently at all times.
 To respond to a corrective feedback
 To respond to name calling
 To look at the teacher to listen for an instructions
 To ask question to clarify information

Goal 3- To increase attention span and focus to sustain engagement.

 To encourage and stay focused on the task at hand until each task is
 To respond to encouragement, verbal reminders, praises, and subtle
redirections to stay on task for more than 5 minutes.
Goal 4- To be independent during class activities
 To look and listen to the teacher for instruction at all times possible
 To understand visual and verbal instructions consistently

Goal 5 – To improve tolerance for frustrations

 To respond positively to authority
 To respond positively to corrective feedback, verbal reminder, prompting,
schedule, reinforcements and subtle redirections
 To positively express emotion in a social situation

Goal 6 – To improve proficiency in academic tasks necessary for school

 To read 2-3 paragraphs
 To identify words that he does not understand and provide
 To answer what, where, who, why, when, and how questions to note details
and make simple inferences

 To plan and write a schedule

 To follow a written schedule
 To determine priorities

Prepared by:
Polycarp C. Nieves
Case Manager

b. Princess S. is a cheerful 3 year-old and likes to laugh a lot. Her eyes are a bit
slanted outwards and a bit squinty and tends to water. She walks unevenly.
Additionally, she also has difficulty speaking clearly – She exhibits backing and
fronting ( cat is tat, goat is toat.. etc) Her parents want to enroll her in a preschool
-nursery level. Design a suitable IEP for her.
Explanation: Princess S. walks unevenly and even her eyes are bit slanted
outwards and a bit squinty and it tends to water she exibits symptoms of
dyspraxia and also she has a difficulty in speaking clearly – She exhibits backing
and fronting ( cat is tat, goat is toat.. etc) and these are symptoms and signs of a


Student Name: Princess G
Date of Birth: 2/13/2017
Age: 3
Street: Soriano Subdivsion General Santos City
Province: South Cotabato
Telephone: 553-6453
Male: __ Female:_X__
Grade: Preschool Nursery Level

Annual Goal: Princess will manage to walk evenly at least 80 % and will be able to
speak clearly. She will now be able to say cat as cat and will not have the backing
and fronting that she exhibits.

Basic And Essential Reading Skills

Goal 1- To have essential skills that include identification of individual sounds

and the ability to manipulate them, identification of printed letters and sounds
associated with the, and decoding of written language.

 phonemic awareness
 sight word recognition
 phonics
 word analysis
Reading Fluency
 to decode words in text (not in isolation) without error.
 to automatically decode words.
 use of appropriate phrasing and expression.

Understanding Reading Comprehension

 to make meaning on the written text

 to know the end result of reading

Goal 2- To have coordination in walking and to control mannerism.

 To practice gross motor coordination skills

Prepared by:
Rechelle Galeos,RRT
Case Manager

c. Glen G is 9 years old and goes to regular school. Glen loves to run around and
snack all the time. He constantly interrupts others while they are reciting and gets
irritable if you make him wait for his turn or deprive him of sweets. His dad wants you
to modify his behavior and teach him how to sit still and pay attention in class.
Moreover, Glen has difficulty writing properly. He has uneven spacing and has no
sense of margins and turns in untidy written work. His father also wants you to
correct his handwriting.
C. Diagnosis: ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Explanation: Glen exhibits the hyperactivity, unusual eating and unusual mood or
emotional reactions. He was so active even during class even though his was not
called, he wants to answer but if his name didn’t called by the teacher, his mood
changed immediately. He also love eating regardless of time


Student Name: Glen G.
Date of Birth: 07-11-2013
Age: 9
Street: Dacville Phase 2, Mabuhay
Municipality: General Santos City
Telephone: 675-8976
Male: _X_ Female:___
Grade: 3

Annual Goal : Glen will have a healthy lifestyle. He will behave accordingly.

General Developmental Screening.

Goal 1- Teacher will ask parents questions about the child’s behaviors and combine
those answers with information from ASD screening tools, and with his observations
of the child

 To initiate an approach and request for assistance from the teacher
 To have a good relationship with the learner
 To have a healthy lifestyle

 To avoid repetitions
 To control food consumption
 To ensure participating in all activities
 To create a positive vibes
 To eat healthy foods

 To be able to respond positively to the visuals and of the zones of regulation
 To create own tools menu to assist Glen to regulate on his own when
presented with stressors.

Goal 2- to display better attending skills to be ready for learning
 To sit independently at all times.
 To respond to a corrective feedback
 To respond to name calling
 To look at the teacher to listen for an instructions
 To ask question to clarify information

Goal 3- To help minimize behavioral issues and increase overall quality of life
 To encourage and eat healthy food
 Avoidance of artificial additives. These include preservatives, colors, and
 To do basic exercise

Goal 3 – To improve tolerance for frustrations

 To respond positively to authority
 To respond positively
 To positively express emotion in a social situation

Prepared by:
Kingwin A. Capillas
Case Manager
d. Leonard F. is in 3rd grade and is having a difficult time with arithmetic operations
and fractions.
His scores in the first 2 quarters were okay, however, when the lesson turned to
fractions and long division, his scores dipped ominously. His parents are sending him
to you for after-school remediation classes.
Design a program for Leonard, in order for him to overcome his mental block in
dealing with math problems and to help him understand the concept of fractions.

Diagnosis: Dyscalculia
Explanation: Leonard F. shows some symptoms of dyscalculia. This child is
problematic when it comes to arithmetic operations and fractions and he got a low score.
However, Leonard was able to do good in math in first 2 quarters. Dyscalculia evaluate
by for the disorder by reviewing academic records and performance in standardized
tests, asking about family history, and learning more about how the patient’s difficulties
manifest in school, work, and everyday life.


Student Name: Leonard F.
Date of Birth: 12/5/2011
Age: 9
Street: Agreda Phase 1, South Cotabato
Municipality: Koronadal
Telephone: 877-8881
Male: _X_ Female:___
Grade: 3
Annual Goal: Leonard will practice solving in math with arithmetic operations and
fractions. He will become mindful and have a self-care and healthy work-life balance for
his mental health.
Goal 1: Developmental Social Skills

 To be able to count with teacher

 To be able to participate with peer/classmates
 To be able to practice classroom rules.
 To have a healthy and balance lifestyle.


 To become aware of eating unhealthy food.

 To make sure to participate with teacher.
 To observe development in calculation

 To be able to respond positively to the visuals and of the zones of regulation

 To create own calculation and reasoning skills to train Leonard in solving problem
using arithmetic operations and fractions.
Goal 2: To display better attending skills to be ready for learning

 To respond in problem solving

 To look at the teacher and listen for instruction carefully.
 TO respond a corrective response
 To ask question for clarification and more information
Goal 3: To help to overcome mental block

 To encourage to do moderate input and focusing on small tasks.

 To do basic self-care is one of the best tools for promoting health and happiness,
and happy people are generally more productive.
 To do list
 To take some break when it is needed
Goal 4: To be independent during activity

 To look and listen to the teacher for instruction at all times possible.
 To understand visual and verbal instructions consistently.
 To familiarize formulas

Good luck!

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