2000 (156) RPHB33 CFRTransn2
2000 (156) RPHB33 CFRTransn2
2000 (156) RPHB33 CFRTransn2
for the collectors of railway-related items, a huge problem is to iclentiry all the rail\!ay stations
as well as loowing tieir consecutive oftjcial names At fi$t sight, this seerns to be a
only for the territories, which belonged once to Austria-Hunilary (here a monograph is already
prepared by the author, see details at the end ofthe article). But this is not true' as even ihe
ho-anian ,ram"s changed dudng the tine For example, a difficult field is the toponym-v of
Bessarabia and Tral1snistria. I tntst that the present alticle is a useftll contlibution to Romanian
Railway Postal History.
Tl]e articie has two main parls: first the line rottes by statioll ofel1Bessalabian and Tlensnistlian
raiiways are shown, tl'ten a dictionary ofstation names is given.
1. Ghidttl drumuritor tlin Romdnia (Road guidebook of Romania) issued in 1928 in Bucharest
by the Romanian Royal Automobile Club. nith 46 plates (scale 1 :400 000) This provides us
with the official names ofplaces and Iaihay stations as of 1928-
2. Atlds geog trtc, istoric, eco omic ti stdlislic (Statistical, economical, historical and
geographicaL atlas), issued around 1935 in Braqov. A detailed railway map provides the
stations names as of1934-1935.
3. Metsul frenurilor .le cftlitoti (Rallway time-table), issued in 1 943 by CFR' which provides
all the official names. and raihay routes in use in i943
I Thp rril*a\ line routes bv station Ten Bessarabian lines are described, noted as Bs1 - Bs9
i* tines, noted as T1 - TS The head ofeach line diagam shows: the above line
-a I I ftuIr.-i.tfurthest
cod€. the line's stations and, in brackets, the CFR line number as sho\arl in the 1943
time-tables. Then, the consecutive tailway stations are shown: first colun'm with the distance (in
kilometers) ftom the head station, then the consecutive names, lu:ldet the form Name 1928 /
Name 1935 (Name 1943) ot Name 1928-1935 (llame 1913) If a single name appeaN, that means
that the station's name didn't change dudng 1928-1943 period A iine -'meaDs that the station
\\'as not found in the respective pedod (this doesn't necessarily mean that it dido't exist, pelhaps
it was temporarily out ofuse, or missed by the map makels) A double line '--' means that the
station didn't exist (was not yet built ot was suppressed). A box '!' indicates a link to another
line from the respective j unction station. An'H' after tile name means a haltil}g place (small / flag
station), all other names, without mention, are railway stations. For the Transnistrian statiors, a
single name is given, that in use as in 1943
23 Anciocrac(Berezina) (Ciufleeii H)
37 - (Ciuleni H) 204 Zlo\i
Bg Sarovo 29 Demcovca
103 Vradievca 39 Ulianovo
1 13Chirilovca 43 Trosteane_t
1 19Camenai Most 29 Demcovca
129 Conetpol 43 Ladaj n
140 GoLta
T8: Jmerinca - Moghilev (CFR 116)
T6: Slobodca - Rabnitn (CFR 114)
0 Jmerinca I T1
0 Slobodca I T1 Podolschi Post
15 Timcovo 13 l\lateicovo
26 Colbasnaia 23 Km.23
32 Gher$uni H 31 Bar
3B Voroncovo 43 N,4atchi
50 Rebnita 55 Copai
68 Cotiujani
T7: Vapniarca - Lddaiin / Trosteanet 81 Nemerci
(cFR 11s) 90 Vendiceani
99 lsraiLovca
0 Vapniarca IT1 107 Suleaiitca a
7 Timanovca 114 Nloghilev l] Bsg
15 crasnodarca
22 Chirnasovca
2. A dictionary ofstation names. lhis dictionaq is intended for the l'ast liiding ancl
locaLization ofa railway station nanes. in use bet\,\,een l9l8-19'+4 The first colunxl
gives tile name. and the second the CllR route (as mentioned in the I943 time-tables).
You have lo go to the respectivc place in the above station routes and look for the nane
and then to the kilometric position to find it on stand.ud maps. It is as simple as that Of
course. the railuayjunction stations appear on mole routes The'nar abbreviation means
the narrow line Brld. not sho\&n in the i9'13 time-table
qlr$rnaq dJ-qJ
-q,ej9aol1cj__.__ 10
Birzula on. 113
Bolqrad -.
.B.qdiuq 90 _t
.Q-o.rc!pd. - --
Copai ----,.. 116
Corcinscoe 110b
uorne$tr dJ
PSrlesti Bdlti i83
Coroiiia 93
Coscove , 110 -
cosalaqca. ., :.91 . -
,QelLqB[i'-..- . ,110
Crasnodarca i115
:ciisnovCl ilos :
(;remtoovca I lu
_qr!qj1$i_ __, , -J!,e,,-. __ ,,-
-Q,,r,lua --.-,,..-.,,. .,-.,-.,,,.90 ----. - ,
Cuza Vodd
Ceadar Lun
Juralqvca rl Q9
83,1,Q-9 Jurcova 1109,,,* ,-
Erici 94 Km lo l11o ,'-'
Km. i1 16
Etulea. Etulia
Fantana Zanelor 95
Falestl .
Floresti 9.1 rioijin '115
!arg?. .9Q
.Lqlqa-Hptin o
Lipcani -,,-- --:9-0-,,... , ,-.,...
.Lilsanr,:Ials - ..-.-p-q ,
-,-.- ..,
!.ipceni - . -,-*,,.- ,,.-,.],e,L ,..--,
I i^.^5
Lucova Nar
l\/lardarovca 1109
'cnadenthal Marianca i96
:t!t1L!91]ja:1,,-,__,,,,i,Y..:--,. ._,,_,,-._
,,,-... -:11--q. .,
Gonorovc€ ,:109 Madinovscaia .114
,Matqnr .116
li| ro,.
Mateicovo 116
.Mateuti 91
Mdcies .,,;99._,- -
-_..,,..* -
--- ..,igq-
,\4cra!ded,,-- -"9S-,.-.-..,,.,,*..,
,. -- -- - ..
Spicov_ ,,__-__,-- -- -
:Stolniceni -"i1-09 90
srra$q!! -oq
Suleat;tcaia 116
r.roui :do -
Saba ,94 .
Serbca lt 1O
,Slpoterli 83
. --,,:9.L ,.., ,- -.
Tanieleqtr_......_ .. :NeI-.,
Tar.qqll,qh,eil_ --89-99", . .. --. -
rar19y4_T Sqlqca IPQ
Tgodoreni i:110b
.Jeplita .. '94
Tiqheci .85
riqhin? 9J:e6
lmanovca Ic "
:rilr"!y - -, -I1l! -
Tiragpql 83,96
Torosovo 1^09
lraran val vJ
T'ihari '110b
taosleanel I tc
Revaca. Reveca :83,93 tala Y I
Tiqanq? 85
Ul;anovo .119
uncn!te$!!_ _ YL
Unshcni .83.90
Unqhitesti .91
Ursoaie :96
V;scduti 90
Basarabeasca --Cetatee Alba /i e
ci'1rr-tii,t C-*," Ctestta Basat nbn (= Rrilwav Strlion Anciocrac, Llnewas stanped on lt19l921 Gee fie
iii iine or e s: as ato'il. C tes,rip commune,
q+. eessarabia) The posrcard
marfdns ANCIOCRAC in a blue
l-i"in* --ii'g * *1" v^-p"l) *irt' tl" uo*.a
slation administlatile
1928 and lsis documents. bui
l"r"r'. ti"a **it r*$ani. o;28 Scpt.1921 The name Anciocrac alpears in the
was chdged, as o11943, in'Berezina'. An exomple ofa rare item
,-:_--::1+-::TTr I l
'-.1 "
.l':i:il -.. 'i
.!. . t.t-t ^, I
'., .t r,":."
-r, .,,,-'., 1,-,i l:urt*.
r Ii-,:-,,.:{,?
ti:;;:,: {*}*: ,\
r.1,,..'l = tp"*".
l".eL1 adLntf isirartl c nar king CETATEA-{LBA (nor cancelrng the st:Lnp'
m'lt nsan
rhe rPO muLiing!
,",lii"ii .*r.l,u, ,r.* ""s rhe rheorerical_v correciproceduret). rhe i'en w.rs carcelled
cAL,\'l L Ajrival in Cemiu! *as on 26 ,\ugust l9l'1
HelD anted.