2000 (156) RPHB33 CFRTransn2

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The Railway Stations from Bessarabia (1918-1940' 1941-1944) and

Transnistria (19 41 -19 4 4).

Grecu Dan-Simion, Deva, Romania

for the collectors of railway-related items, a huge problem is to iclentiry all the rail\!ay stations
as well as loowing tieir consecutive oftjcial names At fi$t sight, this seerns to be a
only for the territories, which belonged once to Austria-Hunilary (here a monograph is already
prepared by the author, see details at the end ofthe article). But this is not true' as even ihe
ho-anian ,ram"s changed dudng the tine For example, a difficult field is the toponym-v of
Bessarabia and Tral1snistria. I tntst that the present alticle is a useftll contlibution to Romanian
Railway Postal History.

Tl]e articie has two main parls: first the line rottes by statioll ofel1Bessalabian and Tlensnistlian
raiiways are shown, tl'ten a dictionary ofstation names is given.

The bibiiography for this article is based l'tainly on:

1. Ghidttl drumuritor tlin Romdnia (Road guidebook of Romania) issued in 1928 in Bucharest
by the Romanian Royal Automobile Club. nith 46 plates (scale 1 :400 000) This provides us
with the official names ofplaces and Iaihay stations as of 1928-
2. Atlds geog trtc, istoric, eco omic ti stdlislic (Statistical, economical, historical and
geographicaL atlas), issued around 1935 in Braqov. A detailed railway map provides the
stations names as of1934-1935.
3. Metsul frenurilor .le cftlitoti (Rallway time-table), issued in 1 943 by CFR' which provides
all the official names. and raihay routes in use in i943

I Thp rril*a\ line routes bv station Ten Bessarabian lines are described, noted as Bs1 - Bs9
i* tines, noted as T1 - TS The head ofeach line diagam shows: the above line
-a I I ftuIr.-i.tfurthest
cod€. the line's stations and, in brackets, the CFR line number as sho\arl in the 1943

RoLnanian Poslal History BnlLeiin 2000; 1113(Wliole number SS)


time-tables. Then, the consecutive tailway stations are shown: first colun'm with the distance (in
kilometers) ftom the head station, then the consecutive names, lu:ldet the form Name 1928 /
Name 1935 (Name 1943) ot Name 1928-1935 (llame 1913) If a single name appeaN, that means
that the station's name didn't change dudng 1928-1943 period A iine -'meaDs that the station
\\'as not found in the respective pedod (this doesn't necessarily mean that it dido't exist, pelhaps
it was temporarily out ofuse, or missed by the map makels) A double line '--' means that the
station didn't exist (was not yet built ot was suppressed). A box '!' indicates a link to another
line from the respective j unction station. An'H' after tile name means a haltil}g place (small / flag
station), all other names, without mention, are railway stations. For the Transnistrian statiors, a
single name is given, that in use as in 1943

The CFR rout€s as in 1943:

Route Code line

Route (main stations)
8i Bucuresti - Iasi - Chisiniu - Odesa Centrald Bs1 + T4
85 B6rlad - Fdlciu- Romdnesti Bs6
90 Iasi - Te. Uneheri - Lipnic - Cemduti Bs7 + Bu
9l Bdlti Slobozia - Rezina Bs8
92 LiDnic - Volcinet - Atachi - Moehilev Bs9
93 Bucuresti Nord - Galati - Romane$ti - Chigind Bs4
94 Romanesti Cetatea Albd - Bugaz Bs3
95 Arciz - Ismail Po Bs2
96 Clinari Tiehina - Tiraspol - (Odesa) Bs5
109 Odesa Centrald - Bizula - Jmerinca rt
110 Odesa Cenhala - Colosovca - Voznesensc T2
110b Colosor ca - Irihati Bug T2a
111 Odesa Centrala - Bamboi - Ovidiopol T3
112 Baraboi - Carolina Port Tla
113 Birzula Balta - Golta T5
I t4 Slobodca - Rabnita T6
115 Vapniarca - Trosteane! T'7
116 Jmerinca Moghjlel T8
1 16b Iarosenca - Mihailovca - Derobcin Tla

l.A. Be..erabiln line routes by starion tlqlS-1440 end l9,ll-194J).

Bs1: Tiehina - Tireu Ungheni (CFR 31 Socoleni

!o 40 N/irenl (Mereni Ldpugna)
47 - (Sengera H)
0 Tighina I T4, Bs4 5'1 Reveca H (Revaca) ! Bs4
3 Varnita G) 60 Chi$ineu
14 calla H 63 - (Visterniceni)
22 Bulboaca 73 Ghidighici H (Ghidighici)

Ronanian Postal Hisrory Eulletin 2000; 11i3(wl1oie nunber 33)

85 Strdqeni 46 Paris (Paris H)
98 Bucov;t (Bacova'!) ! Bs 1a 51 - (Teplita H)
1 10 Caldra9i / Vasile Stroescu 58 Arciz I Bs 2
(CSlarasi Targ) 67 - (Gnadenthal H)
12'1 $ipoteni H ($iPoteni) 74 - (Cogalnic H)
132 - (Veverita) 86 S;rata
139 Cornegii (Corne$ii B;lii) 94 - (Bdldcelu H)
144 Petival (Radeni H) 107 Culevcea
151 Pariita (Paditi) 126 D. Cantemlr (Cantemir)
158 - (VulpeAti H) 148 Cetatea Alba
167 Ungheni, Vasile LuPu (Targu 153 $aba ($aba H)
Ungheni) Bs7, Romania 161 - (Achembei H)
166 - (Erici H)
Bsla: Bucovit - Leuseni (Narrow line" 167 Bugaz I Odesa
CFR -.)
Rs4: Reni - Chisindu (CFR 93)
Bucovdt I Bs1
- / Vorniceni
C, - (Giugiulegti) : Gaiati
-/LucovaG) 0 Reni
Dolna (-) 14 Frec;tei
Vdrziregti G-) 27 Etulia (Etulea)
Nisiporeni / NisPoreni C-) 34 - (Cuza Voda H)
Tanjelegti C-) 43 Vulcdnesti
Cdteleni / Cd.teleni C, 55 Greceni
Leuseni C-) Hu9 ! 62 ' (VaLul Roman H)
69 BoLgrad (Bulgarica)
Bs2: Arciz - Ismail (CFR 95 80 Tfaian Val / Valul lui Traian
(Valea Valului)
0 Arciz tr Bs 3 92 Taraclia
3 --- (Brieni H) 99 - (Cazaclia H)
15 -- (Deleni H) 107 - (Chirulnea)
'117 Ceadar Lunga (Ciadarlunga)
35 -- (Glavani)
53 --- (Fantana Zaneloo 123 - (G6idan)
70 -- (Catalpug) 128 - (Ochiuri H)
84 --- (Buneati) 134 - (Chiriceni)
94 --- (Sofiana) 140 Culm / Culma (Culrnea)
106 - - (lsmail) 152 Abaclia
1 10 -- (lsmail Port) 161 Basarabeasca (Romane$ii) !l
Bs3, Bs6
Bs3: Romanesti - Bugaz (CFR 94) 172 - (Carajifa H)
'175 - (Carabeteni H)
0 Basarabeasca (Romanesti) l 188 Schinoasa (clmiglla)
Bs4, Bs6 190 - (Selemet H)
10 Basarabeasca Noue (Lipsca H) 197 Sahaidachi / Sachaidache H

23 Anciocrac(Berezina) (Ciufleeii H)
37 - (Ciuleni H) 204 Zlo\i

Ronanian Poslai History Bulletjn 2000; I l:3(Whole nunber 33)

216 Carbuna 12 Petre$ti H (Petre9ti)
219 Gangura H G) 19 Buciumeni
229 Ceinari (Cainarl) D Bss 28 Siolniceni H (Stolnlceni)
234 --- / Ementhal (Ernenthal H) 37 Scumpia
243 *- / Botna (Botna) 43 Filegii
253 -- / BAItati (Bdltati) 54 Cdtrenic
265 -- / Broasca (Broasca) 61 Haimanu Arbore ([i]drdndeni
269 Reveca H (Revaca H) H)
273 - (Revaca) ! Bsl 70 Reulel (Rdutel H)
78 PenTanteni (Belti OraQ)
R.5: Ctinari - TirisDol {CFR 96) 85 Bdlti (Bdtti Slobozia) ! Bs8
94 Pelenia (Pelinei)
0 Cainari (Cainari) | Bs4 99 Peireni H (-)
10 - (N/larianca H) 107 Sofia H (Sofia)
19 Za\m 113 Baroncea H G)
23 - (Zalm H) 117 Drochia
28 - (Ceuganii Noi) 123 Gaitanovca H G)
2B Ceugani (CduSanii) 128 Ghizdita H (Antoneni H)
33 - (Ursoaia) 138 Tainova (TArnova Soroca)
42 Chircaesti H 148 Dondugani
49 - (Haqimur H) 158 Rujnila / Rediu l\,4are H (Rediul
57 Tighina H (Tighina) ! Bs1 Mare)
60 -(Parcani)tT4 164 Dangeni / Grineuii (Grinduli)
176 Ocniia / Llpnic (Ljpnic) Bsg I
Bs6: Tisanca - Romdnesti (CFR 85) 182 Hoddrduli H t)
'188 Secureni
O -(Tiganca)l Felciu 194 Gvezdeuti H C)
6 - lPrut) 200 Romancauti
21 Tigheci (Cupareni H) 212 Vesceu\i
29 largara 220 - (Canton 49)
37 lalpug / BaiuQ (Baiu$ H) 224 'aneu\i
52 -/Desghingeni(Desghingheni 238 Bordiug H (Burueni H)
H) 246 Larga I Larya Basarabia (Larga
60 Comrat Hotin)
/u loan vooa (-J 254 - (Vafticeuli H)
80 Cioc lvleidan (Ciocmaidan) 263 Medveja H (Nilic$unegti H)
88 - (lorddneni H) 271 lipcani
93 Abaclia 273 - (Lipcani Targ)
103 Basarabeasca (Romanesti) ! 283 C-iva H
Bs3, Bs4 291 Mdmeliga
302 VancicAuti(Jenciuti)
Bs7: Tireu Uneheni - Noua Suliti 316 Noua Sulild Basarabia (Sulila
(CFR 90) Noue) ! Bucovina

0 Ungheni / Vasile LuPu (Targu Bs8: Bilti - Rezina (CFR 91)

Ungheni) Bs1,la$i

Romanian Postal History Bulletin 2000; I1rl(Whole nu'nber 33)


0 Balti (Bdlti Slobozia) ! Bs7 111 Lipceni H

6 Elisabeta / Elisabeiovca H C) 1 17 Mateutj ! Rabnila

11 Alexandreni 120 - (Rezina)

17 PutineQti H Rss: l,innic - Moshile! (CFR 92)
22 - (Gura Cainari H)
26 Msrculelii (lvldrculegtiSoroca)
32 Floregti 0 Ocnita (Lipnic) ! Bs7
40 Gandeqti H (Ghinde9ti H) 11 B.P.Ha$deu / Hajdau (Garbova
48 f era Soroca H)
53 Hadop H G) 20 Naslavcea
58 Rogojeni 27 - (Canton 88)
65 Pohoarna C) 30 - (Verejeni H)
73 Unchiteiti(Unghite$ii) 35 Volcinet
80 Cogdlauca H (Cuhure$ti H) 38 - / Atachi (Atachi H)
87 Cobalea (CobAlnia) 40 !MoghilevlTS
95 Olegcani H C)
103 Soldinesti (9oldenegti)

1.8. Trinsnistrian line routes bY station (19'11-1944)

Tr:Orles:t CentmlA - Birzuli - 195 Pobereiie

Jmerinca (CFR 109). 203 Borsci
215 Slobodca ! To
0 Odesa Centrali 227 Abamelicovo
2 Odesa lvlicd Lobugnaia
5 Odesa Poiesdnaia I T2 T3 244 Cadema
I Zastava I Gonorovca
24 Dacinaia 263 Popeliuhl
36 Vagoda !
269 Rudnila Camenca, Cecelnic
46 Carpovo Criclivli
52 Eremeevca 285 Crajopol
66 Pietricica Cneajevo
73 Razdelnala T4 I 306 Vapniarca T7
89 lvligaevo 314 Juralevca
104 Veselal Cut 330 Jurcova
114 lvanovca Spicov
'120 Torosovo 346 Bahni
133 Zatiqie Crasnovca
'146 Perecrestovo 367 laroQenca Tla I
158 Mardarovca Budchi
164 Petrovca 378 Jmerinca T8 !
1/6 L;ruoovca
'188 Birzula n T5 Tla: lerosenca - Derobcin {t FR ll6b)

RonanianPostaL Historv Builerin 2000; 1l:3(Whole nLunber 33)

0 larogenca I T1 Trihati
Miha:lovca !
Bug - Nicolaevo (tJcraine)
T3: Odesa - Ovidiopol (CFR 111)
T2: Odesa - Colosovca - Iastrebinovc!
(cFR 110) 5 Odesa Pojesdnaia ! T1, T2
I odesa Zastava
5 Odesa Pojesdnaia I T1, T3 12 Km.3
8 Zastava ll 16 Km.7
I Zastava lll 26 Acarja N/lica
12 Km. 1a 37 Acarja Mare
'16 Bahmaci 48 Barabol I T3a
21 Odesa Triaj 56 Ovidlopol
30 Culindorovo
42 Cremidovca T3ai Baraboi - Carolina Port (CFR
52 Coscovo 112)
62 Bulalac
69 Cubanca O Baiaboi D T3
75 $erbca 14 Carolina
83 Marinovo 24 Carollna Port
95 Rauhovca
103 Victorovca T4: Razdelnaia - Parcani (CFR 83)
112 Berezovca
1 18 Calagleia 0 Razdelnaia I T1
126 Colosovca : T2a 4 l\,45cie9
133 Nicolaevo 14 Cuciurgani
'141 Anovca 21 SAnzieni
148 Veselinovo 26 S;venii Noi
'156 lvlostovoe 31 CaragaQi H
163 Martinovscaia 36 GrebeneSti
170 l\,4oldavca 42 Vlddimireni H
177 lastrebinovca 46 Tiraspol
187 Podul Bug I Voznesensk 54 Parcani ! Bs'1, Bs
T5: Birzula - Golta (CFR 113)
T2a: Colosovca - Trihati - Bus (CFR
110b) 0 I
Birzula T1
7 Poberejie
0 Colosovca n T2 13 Obhodnaia
12 Petrovca 22 Balla
28 Teodoreni H 31 Perelet
45 Vaterloo 42 Jerebcovo
67 Spaidregtj H 53 Cihacevca
74 Dumbrava Verde 65 Zaplazi
corcinscoe 77 LiuboQevca

Romrnian Postal History Bulletin 2000; 11:3(Whole number 33)


Bg Sarovo 29 Demcovca
103 Vradievca 39 Ulianovo
1 13Chirilovca 43 Trosteane_t
1 19Camenai Most 29 Demcovca
129 Conetpol 43 Ladaj n
140 GoLta
T8: Jmerinca - Moghilev (CFR 116)
T6: Slobodca - Rabnitn (CFR 114)
0 Jmerinca I T1
0 Slobodca I T1 Podolschi Post
15 Timcovo 13 l\lateicovo
26 Colbasnaia 23 Km.23
32 Gher$uni H 31 Bar
3B Voroncovo 43 N,4atchi
50 Rebnita 55 Copai
68 Cotiujani
T7: Vapniarca - Lddaiin / Trosteanet 81 Nemerci
(cFR 11s) 90 Vendiceani
99 lsraiLovca
0 Vapniarca IT1 107 Suleaiitca a
7 Timanovca 114 Nloghilev l] Bsg
15 crasnodarca
22 Chirnasovca
2. A dictionary ofstation names. lhis dictionaq is intended for the l'ast liiding ancl
locaLization ofa railway station nanes. in use bet\,\,een l9l8-19'+4 The first colunxl
gives tile name. and the second the CllR route (as mentioned in the I943 time-tables).
You have lo go to the respectivc place in the above station routes and look for the nane
and then to the kilometric position to find it on stand.ud maps. It is as simple as that Of
course. the railuayjunction stations appear on mole routes The'nar abbreviation means
the narrow line Brld. not sho\&n in the i9'13 time-table

Name (1928-1943) CFR Route Bahmaci 114

Abaclia 89,93 Bahni 109
Abame icovo 109 ga us 85
Acarja l\/are .111 Ba ia 113
Acarla Mice 111
Ach-^mbet ,-. . 94
Alexandreni 91
Anciocrac 94
Anovca Iu
Antoneni 90
Arciz 94,95
Atachi 92 Bdrri 90,91
B.P.Hasde,u -.. .....9? .. .
B6lti Oras .90. ..,
Bacovdt 83 Belti Slobozia 90, 91

Ro anian Postal Hlstory BuLlelin 2000; 1l:3(whole number 3i)


cal.!r-qee-'- J9---l cniriidvfa :l ts

P,a[s]elezla , 9q,!1 *, r brrrrn;aovca-,*-193
9qqzi|!L--- 94 1

qlr$rnaq dJ-qJ
-q,ej9aol1cj__.__ 10
Birzula on. 113

Bolqrad -.
.B.qdiuq 90 _t

Ec!,s.9i 1S9 ..., i

Botna 93
Brieni 95
Broasca 93
Buciumeni 90
Bqc!va! 83, nar Cobalea i91
Cobalnia 91
Codama '109
CooAl{c i4
qsbqsrsre-* 1114
':, 1110, 1ob

.Q-o.rc!pd. - --
Copai ----,.. 116
Corcinscoe 110b
uorne$tr dJ
PSrlesti Bdlti i83
Coroiiia 93
Coscove , 110 -

cosalaqca. ., :.91 . -

,QelLqB[i'-..- . ,110
Crasnodarca i115
:ciisnovCl ilos :

(;remtoovca I lu
_qr!qj1$i_ __, , -J!,e,,-. __ ,,-
-Q,,r,lua --.-,,..-.,,. .,-.,-.,,,.90 ----. - ,



Cuza Vodd
Ceadar Lun

Romanian Postal History Bulletin 2000; 11:3(Wliole number 33)


Juralqvca rl Q9
83,1,Q-9 Jurcova 1109,,,* ,-
Erici 94 Km lo l11o ,'-'
Km. i1 16
Etulea. Etulia
Fantana Zanelor 95
Falestl .
Floresti 9.1 rioijin '115
!arg?. .9Q

.Lqlqa-Hptin o
Lipcani -,,-- --:9-0-,,... , ,-.,...
.Lilsanr,:Ials - ..-.-p-q ,
-,-.- ..,
!.ipceni - . -,-*,,.- ,,.-,.],e,L ,..--,
I i^.^5

Lucova Nar
l\/lardarovca 1109
'cnadenthal Marianca i96
:t!t1L!91]ja:1,,-,__,,,,i,Y..:--,. ._,,_,,-._
,,,-... -:11--q. .,
Gonorovc€ ,:109 Madinovscaia .114

,Matqnr .116
li| ro,.
Mateicovo 116
.Mateuti 91
Mdcies .,,;99._,- -
-_..,,..* -
--- ..,igq-
,\4cra!ded,,-- -"9S-,.-.-..,,.,,*..,
,. -- -- - ..

M4c!1e,st1i- ,-_ i91 ,-, ,.,-.--

lvl;rculesti Soroca
wteoveii l o
l\4ereni LaDusna 83
Hoddrauti 90 l\.4ic$une$ii t90-
alouo 85 lvlioaevo
aevo 109
lanau Mihailovca 116b
latoara 85 lvlireni
larosenca 109. 116b Moohilev 92. 116
lastrebinovca 110

Romanian Poslal Historl' Butletin 2000; l1:3(w1lole nr'nber 33)



,9inaelt , ,-i8i .- -.. ... .,.-.1

Sarovo,.___ -,,,_,,lill-3 ,-,,-- - --
Sarata j94
Sevenii Noi 183
.-s,clinoesa ie-? .
scqoqa ..... |go-.. -
i"$eq{c!r , -..+,0 _-
Selemet -- i93
,Srrlqdsa. -'-: ltqq t14,,
.qsqcl-cni '..__ga_.,' ..-._-,
rsofia .190
.So{pn4 195
Soldenesti i91

Spicov_ ,,__-__,-- -- -
:Stolniceni -"i1-09 90
srra$q!! -oq
Suleat;tcaia 116
r.roui :do -
Saba ,94 .

Serbca lt 1O
,Slpoterli 83
. --,,:9.L ,.., ,- -.

-.!.arac!],a., - ".,....-99.-- , ,,,, ,


Tanieleqtr_......_ .. :NeI-.,
Tar.qqll,qh,eil_ --89-99", . .. --. -
rar19y4_T Sqlqca IPQ
Tgodoreni i:110b
.Jeplita .. '94
Tiqheci .85
riqhin? 9J:e6
lmanovca Ic "
:rilr"!y - -, -I1l! -
Tiragpql 83,96
Torosovo 1^09
lraran val vJ
T'ihari '110b
taosleanel I tc
Revaca. Reveca :83,93 tala Y I

Tiqanq? 85
Ul;anovo .119
uncn!te$!!_ _ YL
Unshcni .83.90
Unqhitesti .91
Ursoaie :96

Romanian Postal History Bulletin 2000; 11i3(wlole number 33)


vi6lororga*- -. -,, -:j-tP

l-V!.q-o!a, -
Vi.slqfr.,fcplL -.....:B!
.,..-. t83.,
-v.lsdridl9rn- - . .., . F?-.. .
Volclnei 92
Vapnlarca 109, 115 Vorniceni Nar
Varnita 83 Voroncgvo. . 114
Vartic6uti 90 Vradievca 113
V?9!lq L-.upu ...- - ...- -q3.,.g-S -, ... Vqlqe!e9!i,.,.-,..,.9-9 - - -., -
Vasile Stro-,e,s,c,u , ..-.- 83-...-- ..,.-. ,-, - ,-...93 -- - . .. ,. -.
Vatejlo-g_ ,,-- -,. 11,0.!,.- 4ilr' . -, ,. ..igq-..,
Vaz;resil .,. Nal ...- --
Zaplazi. _.. -1:r3.. ..-.

V;scduti 90


t-'a Iti )r:1.'i .ii .,,


t*;Itr' i.,li.lt'ii:i l tl'., 1I lri

Basarabeasca --Cetatee Alba /i e
ci'1rr-tii,t C-*," Ctestta Basat nbn (= Rrilwav Strlion Anciocrac, Llnewas stanped on lt19l921 Gee fie
iii iine or e s: as ato'il. C tes,rip commune,
q+. eessarabia) The posrcard
marfdns ANCIOCRAC in a blue
l-i"in* --ii'g * *1" v^-p"l) *irt' tl" uo*.a
slation administlatile
1928 and lsis documents. bui
l"r"r'. ti"a **it r*$ani. o;28 Scpt.1921 The name Anciocrac alpears in the
was chdged, as o11943, in'Berezina'. An exomple ofa rare item

RomanjanPoslal History Bullelin 2000; 1 l:3(\\t1ol€ umber 33)


,-:_--::1+-::TTr I l
'-.1 "

- l. ..j."J. "[.. l{u#, tu'iri

.,-.I'. :- , t\
-',i-<;i .t.,.,,','-I

.l':i:il -.. 'i
.!. . t.t-t ^, I

''- t'"t ' ''' I

'., .t r,":."
-r, .,,,-'., 1,-,i l:urt*.
r Ii-,:-,,.:{,?
ti:;;:,: {*}*: ,\

(same line idenLinc:rtion as abov€)'

!e.lr post"ardrften on l.l,8.1924. sent h orn ceraiea ALbi rail$ay station

r.1,,..'l = tp"*".
l".eL1 adLntf isirartl c nar king CETATEA-{LBA (nor cancelrng the st:Lnp'
m'lt nsan
rhe rPO muLiing!
,",lii"ii .*r.l,u, ,r.* ""s rhe rheorerical_v correciproceduret). rhe i'en w.rs carcelled
cAL,\'l L Ajrival in Cemiu! *as on 26 ,\ugust l9l'1

HelD anted.

(includiog the Austrian pre-

A simiiar article upon tire railways in Bucovina r'vill be finished soon
191 8 names olthe stations).

and Banat This

But the main rvork has been ded.icatecl to the railway liles ofTransyLvania
section is no\a finished. Its structure is similar ro the above
arlicle' but ne$'er dala is incLuded:
tfr" p."-fSlS U,.g".ian name(s). rith a Hungarian - Romanian complete.d.ictionary
the bLrildirg ofrhe railwa-v
nnJe1sl, ana noJanian o1d and present narnes); a short history of
dates of all
iin". i" i.uo.yfuu"iu (cot'tpanies, dates olconstruction of ali iines' inauguration
rr",i*t, .f"riitg a"* for lines & stations prese[t-da! situation ero: the line numbers according
2000 Romanian);
io different tim!-tables (pre-l913 Hrmgli3n aod Austlixn t9'11 Romanian
possibilities ofptrhljcation in this
-or". Ttl" .xint oftlis lvorl gre3tl) slLlPcsses the
"ni ^.,"hig;""" ,L"
g.,lf;ii" 1250 stations a;e recorcled with all the respecti! e details' these in tlvo
of information
J"i"u^r.iilit. -** "bout by station and a dictionary) The main ioterest for this kind
i, ."ii".,"., ofRomania, that is l'hy I no$ make an appeal for an editol to take
"1"""g "uiside
this work (iri English) and distdbuting this as monograph ls anyone
tt" ,^Lt p*fi.ititg
"" "f tfy.r, please contact tre Jn the e-mai1 address dane@deva iiruc ro' or postal
*illing to helpl
adtlress GrecLrDan, C.P. 103, R-2700 DEVA, Romania

Romanian Posml History Bullelin 2000; 1l:3(lvho1e number 33)

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