FIP Literature Commission Newletter December 2023
FIP Literature Commission Newletter December 2023
FIP Literature Commission Newletter December 2023
I am delighted to share with you the success of the FIP qualifying seminar, "The Judging
Criteria for Literature Exhibits," held on December 1, 2023, in Bangkok during the
Thailand 2023 World Stamp Championship. The seminar was successful and exceeded
expectations in terms of attendance, a total of 56 participants attended the session.
This success has generated interest in organizing similar FIP qualifying seminars in the
future to further promote the FIP Literature class. Also, the seminar generated
significant interest among attendees, and many requested to access the seminar
softcopy online for further reference.
The facility designated for the literature display and reading area was very well arranged
with all the facilities required to encourage visitors to read those exhibits.
For the year 2024, we are excited to announce EIFRO 2024, a FIP Specialised World
Stamp Exhibition scheduled to take place from 16 to 19 April 2024, in Bucharest,
Romania. Please support the show by submitting more entries in the Literature class
from your respective countries.
I extend a warm welcome to all new members of the commission and express my sincere
thanks to all delegates for their continuous support.
The delegates of the FIP Literature Commission were asked to send their country reports.
We are glad to compile the following reports as received.
CHILE by Cristian Mouat Croxatto
Chile Filatélico, issue number 304, period may 2023 to october 2023.
64 pages, full color, printed in paper of 130 gr. and hard cover of 180 gr.
Main Articles:
-Varities not catalogued of the 20 cents of the ‘’Cabezones’’ Serie, by
Rodrigo Bravo.
-Jorg Maier, an appasionate of the Chilean Philately, by Cristian Mouat
and H. Junge.
-The scarce revenue stamp of 90 cents of 1921, by Heinz Junge.
-That stamp is of 2 reales!, the great jewellery of the Spanish
Philately, the 2 reales blue of 1851, by José Antonio Herráiz.
-Chile, Post over rates surcharges for the modernization in the Post
Service during 1965 to 1974, V part, by Milenko Obilinovic.
-An update of the Center Inverted of 20 cents Bulnes, by Cristian
-The Benefic stamp ‘’Chile ayuda a Chile’’, by Jorge Rojas.
CHINA by Liu Jin
137 literature exhibits were judged by jury in accordance with ACPF Exhibition General
Regulations, and FIP SREVs & Guidelines for philatelic literature. Altogether, there were
7 Large Vermeil, 18 Vermeil, 33 Large Silver, 47 Silver, 22 Silver Bronze and4 Bronze
medals awarded.
Entries were exhibited in the form of physical books and digital publications, presenting
China's latest achievements in literature compiling and publishing. Exhibits ranges from
in-depth research on postal history and stamps, philatelic catalogues as important tools
for collectors, to newly-developed digital entries such as e-books, websites, apps and
official Wechat accounts on philately, which have become an essential part of philatelic
Since the introduction of the new FIP SREVs & Guidelines for philatelic literature in
August 2022, ACPF has made great efforts in their implementation in China by arranging
the translation and promotion, and organizing literature exhibitions as a means to assess
the development of both traditional and digital publications in China. The efforts prove
to be rewarding as we can see a promising future of digital media from the success of
the exhibition.
Besides, a distinctive way of collecting and studying literatures has emerged among
collectors in China over the years. Literatures are shown in sheets in a logical way along
with documents, archives, manuscripts, photos and other philatelic materials with
significance. Those sheets are arranged in frames and judged in accordance with specific
rules. 84 entries of this kind were exhibited in 236 frames in the exhibition. There were
9 First Prize, 23 First Prize, 42 Third Prize awarded. 5 exhibits got certificates and another
5 were out of competition.
During the exhibition, Mr. David Lu, accredit FIP juror from ACPF, gave a lecture on the
publishing, collecting and award record of philatelic literatures around the world. Mr. Liu
Jin, vice president of Gaoyou2023 jury, spoke on how to understand the adjustments in
the revised FIP SREVs & Guidelines for philatelic literature.
The second half of 2023 Denmark had two local exhibitions and one national. The
exhibition catalogue for the National Exhibition “Den Muntre 2023” in November was a
compendium of articles (in Danish) written for this catalogue with advice on exhibiting
in seven different classes: Traditional Philately, Postal History, Postal Stationery,
Thematic Philately, Picture Postcards, Open Philately and Philatelic Literature.
GREECE by Dimitrios Papitsis
Stavros Andreadis: Large Hermes Heads, printings and shades. Large (26x36cm) format,
hardbound, 157 pages, large format, in Greek and English.
Nikos Antypas: Hellenic steamship companies and their headstamps. Α4 page format,
hardbound, 500 pages, in English.
John Daes: Notebook, currency exchange rates in the postal exchange bureaus (1-1-1800
to 1-7-1875), horizontal A4 format, spiral bound, in Greek and English.
Hong Kong Philatelic Society continues to publish the monthly newsletter in the second
half of 2023. The Society has revamped its website ( It contains a
wealth of philatelic information and members are able to carry out keyword search for
contents in the past newsletters and journal.
We are pleased to report that the 2021 Hong Kong Philatelic Society Journal
commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Society has obtained a Gold Award in the
18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition this November.
Hong Kong Study Circle informed that newsletters containing specialist information on
Hong Kong philately are available in the website (
and searchable by members.
18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibitions have been held every two
years since 1989. They are at National level but overseas entries are invited. The 2023
exhibition was organised by Christchurch Philatelic Society with viewing of exhibits being
on 18 November 2023 at the New Zealand Interclub One Frame Competition and
Christchurch One Frame Stamp & Postcard Exhibition. It attracted 58 competitive entries
from 15 different countries.
Jury was Jeff Long (Chairman), Mark Benvie and Ross Marshall – all accredited National
Philatelic Literature judges.
Electronic Entries: Charles Schafstall, “Scout & Guide Meter Stamp Catalogue”. Gold 85+F
In addition to those noted above, Felicitations for Research were awarded to:
S A Hansen & F Aune, “Priced Catalogue of Norwegian Air Mail 1870-2020” Large Gold
93 + F.
Richard Bloxham (Editor), “The New Zealand Stamp Collector 2022 issues” Gold 89 + F.
Entries are now in the Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic Society library and available for
anyone to view.
Rather than only meet just before the actual exhibition to judge the entries, in New
Zealand during the month before the exhibition we send the entries to the judges who
are scattered round the country, so there is ample time to evaluate each entry. After this,
the judges have a weekend meeting to finalise marks and comments - this enables
written comments to be provided which we hope entrants will find helpful, especially to
improve periodicals and web sites.
ROMANIA by Grecu Dan-Simion
Jews 1941-1944, German Umsiedlung 1940, Jewish Illegal Migration and Cyprus
Camps 1938-1948, etc. In Romanian. Contact:
MARINESCU Călin – Poșta Auto în România / The Auto Post in Romania 1905-
2005, Bucharest 2022, 312 pages A4, Bilingual Romanian-English. ISBN 978-973-
668-573-6. Contact:
PINTICAN Liviu – Hermann Oberth in Filatelie, Mediaș 2022, 144 pages A5, ISBN
978-606-9699-89-8. A collection of topical philately articles from various
publications, dedicated to the German–Romanian space pioneer Hermann Oberth;
in Romanian. Contact for a free copy:
Curierul Filatelic / The Philatelic Courier (printed), founder Aurel Anton 1990
Sibiu (first Romanian private philatelic magazine post-1989), now edited by the
Philatelic Association Sibiu, redactor Nicolae Salade, format A5. General
informations, traditional philately, philatelic life, new issues, in Romanian. Contact:
Din lumea colecționarilor / From the Collectors World (free PDF online), editor
Găbureac Sergiu, first issue 2014, 72 issues until now: miscellanea, general
informations, literature, philatelic life, in Romanian. Contact:
eFil@telia (electronic magazine), editor Valentin Golea, first issue January 2023,
address:, general philatelic informations, with a literature
section, but no research studies, in Romanian.
TimFilEx 2022 (6-8 May 2022, Timișoara), national exhibition with 8 Literature entries,
from which:
Dejugan Ioan – Sibiu, Istorie Ilustrată. Colecție de cărți poștale 1896-1947, Vol.
1+2 (Hermannstadt Illustrated History, Postcards Collection 1896-1947, 2 volumes)
(2016) – Gold
Dragoteanu Mircea – Întruparea muntelui în suflet (3rd volume of the monograph
of Hohe Rinne Tourist Resort) (2022) – Gold
Bartoc, Bartoc, Chirescu – Federation Internationale de Philatelie, Exhibitions (2022)
- Gold
Salonul Filatelic Sibiu-Chișinău, Xth edition, 22-24 July 2022 (Sibiu), 7 entries, from
Dejugan Ioan – ditto (2016) – Gold.
Filex Transsilvanica 2022, XXIXth Edition (national exhibition, Bistrița):
Pațilea Constantin, Nicolau Viorel – Pecetea României Mari. Încoronarea de la Alba
Iulia (The Coronation in Alba Iulia 1922) – Gold.
Librafila 2022, VIth Edition (literature separate competition during the national
exhibition „100 years of organised philatelic activity in Cluj”, 26-31 October 2022, Cluj-
Napoca), with 29 entries from which:
Doroș Vasile – Impresionismul, fascinație și culoare (topical philately, 2017) – Gold.
Dragoteanu Mircea – a fost odată „Hohe Rinne! – Istoria Păltinișului 1885-1918 (it
was once Hohe Rinne” – History of Păltiniș 1885-1918) (Local Posts, Postal History,
new edition, 2020) – Gold.
Grecu Dan-Simion – Anii 1919-1921: România Mare, un ideal devenit realitate /
Greater Romania, An Ideal Come True (Postal History, 2019) – Gold;
Săvoiu Emanoil Alexandru – Romanian Postal stationery 1928-1956 (Postal
Stationeries, third edition, 2021) – Gold.
Aniversări Sibiene 2023 (16-18 June 2023, Sibiu), national exhibition with 10 literature
entries, from which:
Grecu Dan Simion - Corespondența poștală a prizonierilor de război și internaților
civili, 1914-1921; vol. 1 (Mail of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees, 1914-1921)
(2019) – Gold.
TimFilEx 2023 (21-24 September 2023, Timișoara): national exhibition with 5 literature
entries, from which:
Dejugan Ioan – ditto (2016) – Large Gold
Grecu Dan Simion – Anii 1919-1921; România Mare, un ideal devenit realitate
(2019) – Large Gold
A.F. Constanța – Magazin de filatelie... 2021-2022 – Gold
Iordache Victor – Philately - A Life Long Passion; Projects, Models and Proofs for
the Romanian Stamps (1858-1947): Hunfilex 2022 (Vermeil).
In the second half of the 2023, the Union of the Philatelist of Serbia published a new
issue of the “PHILATELIST” No. 282, Serbian philatelic journal, being published since
September 1949. Expert texts about Serbian and Yugoslav philately are predominant in
the journal. At the same time, it follows actual events on domestic/worldwide philatelic
scene. Content and a brief description of the expert articles are available in English.
FROM 1873. - Dragoljub Jovanović
• SENTA HANDSTAMPS OCTOBER 20, 1944 - 1945 - Ales Marinsek
Suhadolc, FRPSL AEP
The Emirates Philatelic Association published its Al-Zajel Magazine Issue No. 4 in
November 2023.
The Emirates Philatelic Association and Sharjah Mega Mall organized the Sharjah 2023
Stamp Exhibition from 14-18 November 2023, following literature entries were exhibited:
Kuwait Philatelic &
Kuwait Al-Posta Magazine Large Silver
Numismatic Society
Wellington Philatelic New Wellington Philatelic Society - The First 100 Large
Society Inc Zealand Years Vermeil
Paul Van Herpt Scouting's Mail Vermeil
Maha Ali Alkhashil The Saudi Revenue Stamps Large Silver
Emirates Philatelic Large
UAE Al-Zajel Magazine
Association Vermeil
There have been no literature exhibitions in the United Kingdom over the period of this
The third annual Crawford Festival will be held at the Royal Philatelic Society London on
June 25th and 26th 2024, where the lectures will be on the subject of ‘Philatelic Auction
Catalogues’ and the event culminating in the award of the prestigious ‘Crawford Medal’
to the author of the best publication. There is still time to nominate philatelic books
published during 2022 and 2023 with the deadline being 31st January 2024 and if
nominating a book please check that a copy is held at the RPSL library or donate a copy
with your nomination. Contact for information about the festival or
with a nomination.
John Hotchner has been a philatelic writer and editor for 45 years, with over 3000
columns in national and international publications to his credit. In this book he has
collected the series of articles written for the American Philatelic Society's Writer's Unit
quarterly, The Philatelic Communicator, over the last 15 years. In this series he shares
much of the practical and hard-won wisdom he has gathered over the years, in hopes of
encouraging beginning writers, editors and other philatelists to continue the important
tasks of researching and recording philatelic history for those who come after us.
The book has an introduction with a detailed interview of the author including his
background and development as an author. But much of the content applies to all writers
regardless of subject. There are no other books on the "how to" of philatelic writing and
editing, so this fills a gap, and should be useful to all of us who practice the writing and
editing crafts.
Copies can be ordered from Amazon at $19.95 each plus shipping, or from the author at
PO Box 1125, Falls Church, VA, USA 22041.
John Hotchner has also written “Philatelic Royalty of the 20th Century: Stories behind
modern-era U.S. treasures”, Available for $29.95 +$3.50 shipping.
ISBN: 978-93-5621-774-4
Paper Book / / /
EBook: Google Play - Amazon Kindle
Tête-Bêche Rarities from the Oval Issues of Finland by Tomas Bjäringer and Mårten
Sundberg. Hardbound, 8½ inches by 11 inches (21.5 centimetres by 28 centimetres),
496 pages, colour. Published in 2023 by The Royal Philatelic Society Lonon from whom
enquires about availability should be addressed by email at:
This book is an in-depth study of the Finland 1856 and 1858 issues, the first issue of
postage stamps, being those stamps in tête-bêche pairs or blocks. Sixty-eight such items
are recorded to have existed. In ten chapters and four appendices the authors have set
out a comprehensive treatment of the subject.
Chapter 1 The Oval Issue of Finland, which is an introduction describing the context of
the issues and their relationship with Finland’s 1850 second issue of postal stationery
envelopes which are in a similar printed design.
Chapter 2 Finnish Philately in Old Journals and Catalogues. This is a through survey of
the published literature and is an excellent example of the first task of any researcher,
that is to see all the literature, so that one knows the history of the subject. This chapter
shows the paramount importance of collections of philatelic literature of all classes and
periods, including of works that are apparently or superficially seen as superseded.
Chapter 3 Biographies of Tête bêches. This chapter is the bulk of the text on pages 19 to
389. All 68 items are illustrated, including the reverses where images are available, many
showing ownership marks; a provenance of each; followed by an extensive and
impressive listing, in date order, of references in literature (with many items illustrated),
followed by information about any expertizing.
Chapter 6 Reconstruction of large Tête-bêches Units, where large blocks have been split
up and how they relate to the biographies in Chapter 3.
Chapter 7 The Paul Wahl Find - Did Scheindling Divide the Sheets?
Chapter 8 Forgeries and Reprints. This chapter is an essential text describing further
productions of the stamps including biographical information of those persons involved.
The section about reprints makes the facts clear.
Chapter 9 Biographies of Owners. Here the authors have listed in alphabetical order the
various owners of the stamps together with biographical information, usually with an
image of the owner. This is a useful and informative text (pages 420 to 460) for those
interested in the history of philately and about many prominent philatelists.
Appendix B Auctions of Collections
Including Tête-bêches
The work is a well-researched study that has taken many years to put together and write,
resulting in a book of scholarship set out logically and accessible in detail by means of
a first-class index. While one would expect that some new information will come to light,
it is likely that this book, which is a Catalogue Resume of provenance of the tête-bêche
postage stamps, will be the standard work on the subject for a considerable time, if not
for all time.