IB Extended Essay Advisor Comment and Assessment Rubric - PHYSICS
IB Extended Essay Advisor Comment and Assessment Rubric - PHYSICS
IB Extended Essay Advisor Comment and Assessment Rubric - PHYSICS
A. Research Question
This criterion assesses the extent to which the purpose of the essay is specified. In many subjects, the aim of the essay will normally be expressed as a question and,
therefore, this criterion is called the “research question.” However, certain disciplines may permit or encourage different ways of formulating the research task.
Although the aim of the essay can best be defined in the form of a question, it may also be presented as a statement or proposition for discussion. Whichever way it is formulated,
the research question must be: appropriate to physics as a science; centred on physics and not on peripheral issues such as the history of physics or social implications of
discoveries in physics; and identified clearly and set out prominently in the introduction. An effective treatment within the word limit requires a narrow and well-focused topic.
B. Introduction
This criterion assesses the extent to which the introduction makes clear how the research question relates to existing knowledge on the topic and explains how the topic
chosen is significant and worthy of investigation.
The introduction should relate the research question to existing subject knowledge: the student’s personal experience or particular opinion is rarely relevant here. The relevant
principles of physics should be situated in the context of the topic. The introduction should not be seen as an opportunity for padding out an essay with a lengthy account
of the context of the physics involved.
C. Investigation
This criterion assesses the extent to which the investigation is planned and an appropriate range of sources has been consulted, or data has been gathered, that is
relevant to the research question.
The way in which the investigation is planned will depend on the approach chosen by the student. However, the plan should include the relevant theory as well as an appreciation
of the uncertainties or limitations inherent to techniques and apparatus.
*Where the research question Little to no evidence that A range of inappropriate A limited range of A sufficient range of An imaginative range of
does not lend itself to a sources have been consulted sources has been consulted appropriate sources has appropriate sources has appropriate sources has
systematic investigation in the or data gathered or inappropriate data has been consulted or data has been consulted or data has been consulted or data has
subject in which the essay is been gathered been gathered been gathered been gathered
registered, the maximum level Little to no evidence of
that can be awarded for this planning in the investigation There is little evidence that Some relevant material has Relevant material has been Relevant material has been
criterion is 2. the investigation has been been selected selected carefully chosen
planned There is evidence of some The investigation has been The investigation has been
planning in the satisfactorily planned well planned
The knowledge and understanding demonstrated in a physics essay should extend from the Diploma Programme physics course or laboratory. The fundamental knowledge
acquired in the classroom could be applied to a new physical situation that requires an interpretation of this knowledge. A purely empirical approach seriously limits the level of
knowledge and understanding of the physics related to a topic, and consequently should be avoided.
Below Standard Marginal Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4
*Where the research question
Essay demonstrates no Essay demonstrates some Essay demonstrates an Essay demonstrates good Essay demonstrates a very
does not lend itself to a
real knowledge or knowledge but little adequate knowledge and knowledge and good knowledge and
systematic investigation in the
understanding of the topic understanding of the topic some understanding of the understanding of the topic understanding of the topic
subject in which the essay is
Essay shows little topic Where appropriate, the Where appropriate, the
registered, the maximum level
that can be awarded for this awareness of an academic Essay shows some essay successfully outlines essay clearly and precisely
criterion is 2. context for the awareness of an academic an academic context for locates the investigation in
investigation context for the the investigation an academic context
E. Reasoned Argument
This criterion assesses the extent to which the essay uses the material collected to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and develops a reasoned argument in
relation to the research question.
Students should be aware of the need to give their essays the backbone of a developing argument. Personal views should not simply be stated but need to be supported by reasoned
argument to persuade the reader of their validity. For example, it is not sufficient to write “From the graph we can see that…”. Straightforward descriptive or narrative accounts
that lack analysis do not usually advance an argument and should be avoided. A well-organized and well-presented essay will enhance the clarity of an argument.
No attempt to develop a Limited or superficial Some attempt to present Ideas are presented in a Ideas are presented clearly
*Where the research question reasoned argument in attempt to present ideas in ideas in a logical and logical and coherent and in a logical and
does not lend itself to a relation to the research a logical and coherent coherent manner manner coherent manner
systematic investigation in the question manner Some attempt to develop a A reasoned argument is Essay succeeds in
subject in which the essay is Limited or superficial reasoned argument in developed in relation to developing a reasoned and
registered, the maximum level attempt to develop a relation to the research the research question, but convincing argument in
that can be awarded for this reasoned argument in question, but this is only with some weaknesses relation to the research
criterion is 2. relation to the research partially successful question
First Draft Comments:
H: Conclusion
This criterion assesses the extent to which the essay incorporates a conclusion that is relevant to the research question and is consistent with the evidence presented in
the essay.
“Consistent” is the key word here: the conclusion should develop out of the argument and not introduce new or extraneous matter. It should not repeat the material of the
introduction; rather, it should present a new synthesis in light of the discussion. The conclusion should reveal the impact on the final results of the investigation of uncertainties in
experimental data, the limitations of a model or of an experimental design, or the validity of sources.
I: Formal Presentation
This criterion assesses the extent to which the layout, organization, appearance and formal elements of the essay consistently follow a standard format. The formal
elements are: title page, table of contents, page numbers, illustrative material, quotations, documentation (including references, citations and bibliography) and
appendices (if used).
This criterion relates to the extent to which the essay conforms to academic standards about the way in which research papers should be presented. The presentation of essays that
omit a bibliography or that do not give references for quotations is deemed unacceptable (level 0). Essays that omit one of the required elements—title page, table of contents, page
numbers—are deemed no better than satisfactory (maximum level 2), while essays that omit two of them are deemed poor at best (maximum level 1).
J: Abstract
The requirements for the abstract are for it to state clearly the research question that was investigated, how the investigation was undertaken and the conclusion(s) of
the essay.
The abstract is judged on the clarity with which it presents an overview of the research and the essay, not on the quality of the research question itself, nor on the quality of the
argument or the conclusions.
K: Holistic Judgment
The purpose of this criterion is to assess the qualities that distinguish an essay from the average, such as intellectual initiative, depth of understanding and insight. While
these qualities will be clearly present in the best work, less successful essays may also show some evidence of them and should be rewarded under this criterion.
Qualities that are rewarded under this criterion include the following.
* Intellectual initiative: Ways of demonstrating this in physics essays include the choice of topic and research question, and locating and using a wide range of sources, including
some that may have been little used previously or generated for the study.
* Insight and depth of understanding: These are most likely to be demonstrated as a consequence of detailed research, reflection that is thorough and well informed, and reasoned
argument that consistently and effectively addresses the research question.
* Originality and creativity: In physics, these include looking inquisitively at the surrounding world, innovation in experimental procedures and equipment to measure variable
parameters, an inventive approach to physical analysis or to classical topics, as well as the construction of imaginative theoretical models.
Below Standard Marginal Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4
Essay shows no evidence of Essay shows little evidence of Essay shows some evidence of Essay shows clear evidence of Essay shows considerable
intellectual initiative, depth of intellectual initiative, depth of intellectual initiative, depth of intellectual initiative, depth of intellectual initiative, depth of
understanding and insight understanding and insight understanding and insight understanding and insight understanding and insight
Disclaimer: The draft score is assigned at the school level by the candidate’s supervisor. It is a formative evaluation intended to help the student
revise the essay. The finished essay is rescored by the supervisor and submitted as the student’s predicted grade on the extended essay. The
actual/official extended essay score is determined by the mark received from external IBO examiners.
Total: /36
Good 29-25
B Work of a good standard
Satisfactory 24-17
C Work of a satisfactory standard
Mediocre 16-9
D Work of a mediocre standard
Elementary 8-0
E Work of an elementary standard