Application of Infrared Thermography For Debonding Detection in Asphalt Pavements
Application of Infrared Thermography For Debonding Detection in Asphalt Pavements
Application of Infrared Thermography For Debonding Detection in Asphalt Pavements
Received: 18 October 2018 / Accepted: 9 May 2019 / Published online: 20 May 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Conventional testing practices in pavement damage surveillance and maintenance such as coring tend to be slow, destruc-
tive in nature and not wholly representative of the entire stretch of the pavement. Newly emerging technologies based on
non-destructive testing techniques, do not demand implementing destructive measures or relying on extrapolation of point
data and can be implemented after developing them into a proper technique and a set testing protocol. One such emerging
technique that uses infrared emissions from any structure to inspect underlying defects is infrared thermography (IRT). In a
patch of pavement containing subsurface defects, the heat flow to the surface of the pavement, which itself depends on the
incident solar radiation, ambient temperature and other meteorological factors, gets disrupted causing a difference in the
thermal signature of the defective and the sound patches. This difference in thermal signature can potentially be detected by
a thermal imaging camera. This study aims at exploring the potential of IRT technique to assess the subsurface debonding
defect in asphalt pavements. For this purpose, an in situ asphalt pavement test section has been constructed and different
interlayer bonding conditions have been artificially induced in it. A novel way for quantitative and qualitative analyses
of thermal signatures, using MATLAB for each of these bonding conditions has been carried out. The effect of different
debonding agents on the overall thermal behavior of asphalt pavement has also been evaluated. Interchange time duration
between day heating and night cooling cycles has been estimated, to determine the suitable time duration for asphalt pave-
ment inspection. The results, advantages, and limitations of the method have been presented.
Keywords Infrared thermography · Asphalt pavements · Non-destructive testing · Image processing · Thermal image
326 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
Non-destructive tools help in identification of the extent and detecting subsurface flaws of asphalt pavements, particularly
depth of debonding, based on these indicators. interlayer debonding. Infrared thermography tests have been
Infrared thermography (IRT) is one of the non-destructive performed on a constructed in situ asphalt pavement test sec-
testing (NDT) and remote-sensing techniques which offers tion, which consists of sections with different bond condi-
identification of subsurface flaws with reasonable accuracy. tions. The thermal images have been analysed qualitatively
All bodies at temperature over 0 K emit radiations with the and quantitatively to extract various information from them.
wavelength proportional to their temperature and lying in the
infrared portion (wavelength 0.75 μm and 1000 μm) of the
electromagnetic spectrum [1]. IRT is based on the principle 2 Scope and objectives
of capturing this radiation. The emitted infrared radiations
are detected by infrared measuring devices and temperature The objectives of this study are to assess the suitability of
of the surface is calculated based on Stefan–Boltzmann’s conducting infrared thermographic inspection of asphalt
law, which is expressed as shown in Eq. (1): pavements to identify interlayer debonding and to esti-
mate ideal time durations for the same. Impact of different
= 𝜀𝜎T 4 , (1) debonding materials as per their thermal conductivities on
the overall thermal behaviour of pavement has also been
where q is the rate of energy emission (W), A is the studied. In addition to this, the work aims at developing a
area of the emitting surface ( m2), T is the absolute tem- methodology for post processing of thermal images so as to
perature (K), 𝜎 is the Stefan–Boltzmann’s constant quantitatively analyse the results.
( 𝜎 = 5.676 × 10−8 Wm−2 K−4) and 𝜀 is the emissivity of the
emitting surface for a fixed wavelength and absolute tem-
perature T. Emissivity is unity for a perfect blackbody, but 3 Experimental programme
it is always less than unity, for real surfaces.
Subsurface anomalies existing in any material, hinder the 3.1 Construction of in situ asphalt pavement test
heat flow through it and create localized surface temperature section
variations, which is captured using thermal imaging camera
[2]. These devices transform the acquired radiations into For the purpose of performing field non-destructive test-
electronic signals [3]. Further, a color is assigned to each ing, a 150 mm thick in situ asphalt pavement test sec-
infrared energy level to convert the acquired images into tion (1.8 × 6 m) has been constructed as an overlay on exist-
visible images. A warmer object is generally indicated by ing asphalt pavement. The test section has been constructed
the spectrum of red or orange color while blue or violet color at such a location so as to get enough solar loading for
indicates cooler object [4]. Further details of the method can maximum duration in a day. Prior to testing, the surfaces
be found elsewhere in the literature [5, 6]. have been properly cleaned to avoid any ambiguity in the
Subsurface cracks, voids, spalls and delaminations in measurements. Three hot-mix asphalt (HMA) lifts of 50 mm
concrete bridge components, pavements, building walls, and each have been laid and properly compacted using smooth
other structural components, have been successfully detected wheel road roller. The test section has been divided into
using IRT [7–12]. IRT has shown promising results in iden- various blocks of 60 × 60 cm, as per the bond conditions
tifying debonding, stripping, voids in asphalt pavements induced in them. These blocks consist of different artificially
also, for those located at shallow depths (40–70 mm) [13, constructed conditions of interlayer bonding and under-
14]. Celaya et al. [15] reported that IRT could identify only ground buried objects, placed at three depths of 50, 100,
the severely debonded areas in a controlled study. However, and 150 mm. The bond conditions include four debonding
it has not been proven to be effective in estimating the depth conditions using sand (no bond: 1), grease (no bond: 2), pol-
and thickness of the defect. For this case, a combination of ythene (no bond: 3), and bentonite slurry (no bond: 4); one
IRT with GPR has been suggested [1, 16, 17]. Various exter- partial bonding condition using dust along the wheel paths
nal factors such as, intensity and amount of solar radiation, and one full bonding condition using optimum amount of
maximum and minimum temperature in a day and ambient tack coat to compare the results. The rationale for choosing
air temperature variation between day and night, affect the these materials is to simulate actual field conditions of bond-
detection of debonding [14, 16]. In addition to assessing ing. The first reason for selecting these materials was that in
debonding in asphalt pavements and overlays, it has shown actual field conditions, debonding might likely occur due to
its potential to detect thermal segregation and reflective the presence of a sandy or clayey type of soil (from vehicle
cracking potential [18–20]. tires), or grease from vehicles or polythene since it is easier
This paper presents the results of research conducted on to find such materials on the road. Second, since the rate of
identifying the effectiveness of infrared thermography in heat flow through any block would depend upon the thermal
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 327
Fig. 1 Schematic of constructed in situ asphalt pavement test section showing different conditions of the interlayer bond
conductivity of the material induced in it, therefore, to study Table 1 Technical specifications of FLIR T250 thermal camera [21]
the influence of the bonding agent on thermal behavior of Particulars Specifications Unit
the pavement, materials having a significant difference in
their thermal conductivity values were chosen. For exam- Measurement object temperature − 20 to + 350 °C
ple, the thermal conductivity value for bentonite slurry is range
Accuracy 2% of reading or ± 2 °C
3–4 W m−1K−1 which is about 15–20 times more than that of
Thermal sensitivity at 30 °C 80 mK
sand (0.15–0.25 W m−1K−1). It was expected that they would
Field of view (FOV) 25 × 19 °
represent different cases of interchange time durations quite
Minimum focus distance 0.4 m
widely and efficiently. The dimensions of all the test blocks
Spatial resolution 2.18 mrad
are kept the same in this study. It should be noted that effect
Spectral range 7.5–13 µm
of thermal boundary losses and variation in sample size or
Imaging frequency 9 Hz
dimension of test blocks are beyond the scope of this study.
IR resolution 320 × 240 pixel
Figure 1 depicts the schematic of a part of the constructed
Focal plane array Uncooled microbolometer –
test section (bonding conditions at 50 mm depth) over which
Digital zoom 1–2× –
satisfactory testing results have been obtained. It is to be
noted that for bond conditions and underground objects
located at greater depths of 100 and 150 mm, no distinguish-
able color changes or significant thermal images could be temperature, wind speed, and emissivity have also been
obtained. Thus, they have refrained from any further testing taken into consideration.
and analysis and the results have been presented only for the
cases of 50 mm depth. 3.3 Data acquisition
328 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
Table 2 Environmental conditions at the time of testing image, the pixel represents a unique temperature value,
Ambient temper- Relative humid- Wind speed Pavement tempera-
instead of color. Thus, in an infrared image, a pixel value is
ature range (°C) ity range (%) (km h−1) ture range (°C) the temperature of the area that the pixel represents. Infrared
cameras generally capture the image and impart a color to
28–40 15–57 3–10 23.6–56.5
the temperature which aids the process of visual inspection.
The thermal images have been taken in auto mode of FLIR
range has been measured by thermocouple installed on the T250 camera, to accommodate the surface points with high-
test section. est and lowest temperatures and all the other intermediate
Figure 2 shows the variation in profile of ambient temper- values. This ensures that there is no loss of information. All
ature, relative humidity and pavement temperature through- the images have been calibrated to the same temperature scale
out the day of testing. With increase in ambient temperature, values using FLIR QuickReport software (version 1.2 SP2), to
it can be seen that pavement temperature is increasing and accommodate the maximum and minimum temperature values
relative humidity is decreasing, and vice versa. when all of them are considered together [23]. Post-calibration
has also been performed on the basis of the atmospheric tem-
perature, relative humidity, acquisition height, and reflected
4 Data processing apparent temperature of the targets. The final output of this
first phase of processing was a set of 8-bit grayscale images.
Analysis of thermal images to interpret the results is one of
the challenging tasks of infrared thermography. Very subjec- 4.2 Thermal image processing using MATLAB
tive judgement can be provided by visually observing the
color contrast of the images and it is more of an experience- The FLIR QuickReport output is fed as input to MATLAB
based practice. Furthermore, under natural environmental and images, fundamentally being matrices, are read by
conditions in passive thermography, many a times the color MATLAB as 1200 × 1300 uint8 matrices. The uint8 suffix
variation is not clearly observed. Hence, in this study, a more signifies that the matrix elements can only take integer val-
objective approach has been developed and data processing ues from 0 to 255 which are suitable only for standalone
has been performed in two stages. But first, the basics of images. The artificial defects in the test section are uniformly
thermal imaging are explained in the subsequent section. spread in their respective blocks. This calls for an objective
quantitative type of analysis. To see exactly how much the
4.1 Imaging basics and pre‑processing thermal signature of a debonded area is different from that
of a bonded one, temperature histogram for each debonding
A digital image is basically a two-dimensional (2D) array of condition has been plotted against the temperature histogram
pixels, with each pixel carrying information about a small of the full bond condition, in the same MATLAB figure.
chunk of the whole image area. A pixel is fundamentally a This is done to compare the distributions. The grayscale
one-dimensional array, with number of elements equal to pixel matrix has been converted to its corresponding tem-
number of color bands in the image. It is the combination perature matrix by implementing Eq. (2):
of these scalars in the pixel that determines what color the
( )
Th − Tl
point will look like in an image. In case of a digital infrared Tij = Tl + Pij × , (2)
Fig. 2 Variation in environmen- 60
tal parameters at the time of
infrared thermography testing 50
Environmental parameters
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hours)
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 329
16 50
14 45
6 20
2 5
0 0
Time (hours)
Fig. 3 Hourly thermal contrast variation due to different interlayer bond conditions in test section
where Tij is the temperature at the point corresponding to is required to be detected by infrared camera, with testing
the pixel in the ith row and jth column, Tl is the calibrated performed when wind speed is less than 50 km h−1’ [22].
minimum temperature, Th is the calibrated maximum tem- This has been observed to be true for the asphalt pavements
perature, and Pij is the grayscale intensity of the pixel in the too. The processing in MATLAB facilitates this finding, by
ith row and jth column. plotting comparative histograms between temperature of the
The histograms of these temperature matrices have then test section and pixel count. The average temperature line for
been plotted, debonded against bonded in the same figure, the bonded and the debonded sections has also been shown
as mentioned earlier. The average temperatures for the dis- in the plots and their corresponding thermal contrasts have
tributions have also been plotted to gauge the amount of been calculated. This process has been repeated for all bond-
thermal contrast. ing conditions, at every 30-min interval for the entire day.
Figure 3 presents the variation of thermal contrast for
each of the debonded blocks, over a period of 24 h. The
5 Results and discussion thermal contrast can be seen to be strongly influenced by the
change in ambient temperature. It is found to be increasing
As per the ASTM D4788 specifications for delamination with increase in ambient temperature.
inspection on bridge decks, ‘the minimum temperature Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 present the
difference of 0.5 °C between bonded and debonded area results of thermal variation over sand-debonded and -bonded
330 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
Bonded Asphalt
2 Mean Temp - Sand
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30
Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Sand
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 331
Bonded Asphalt
2 Mean Temp - Sand
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
areas. Since the best clarity results are obtained for sand- Figure 4a, b present the raw infrared (IR) colored and
debonded condition, thus, to avoid repetition and for brev- grayscale images for sand-debonded and -bonded asphalt
ity reasons, the entire process has been comprehensively conditions, respectively, at around 02:30 h. Their compara-
explained for sand and bonded condition. Similar trends in tive histogram is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the
results were obtained for all other bond conditions also, with temperature of sand-debonded block lies in the range of
only difference in interchange time durations, which are pre- about 27.0–28.0 °C, and that for bonded block is around
sented in later sections. 28.5–29.5 °C. This is evident from the grayscale image for
the bonded area as the pixels are brighter and towards higher
332 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
2 Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Sand
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
66 67 68 69 70 71 72
Bonded Asphalt
2 Mean Temp - Sand
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
45 45.5 46 46.5 47 47.5 48 48.5 49 49.5
temperature zone. Relatively, the image for sand-debonded which is greater than 0.5 °C, and thus makes debonded
condition is darker and lies on the lower side of the tem- area detectable by thermal imaging camera. This trend of
perature scale. The thermal contrast is found to be 1.45 °C bonded asphalt block being relatively warmer than the sand
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 333
Table 3 Summary of day heating and night cooling interchange time sand and bonded asphalt as shown in Fig. 7 are observed to
durations for different bond conditions be merging during this time duration, which is an indication
Bond condition Interchange time durations of similarity in thermal signatures. The thermal contrast is
found to be 0.025 °C, being less than 0.5 °C. This trend is
Morning (h) Afternoon/evening (h)
observed for around 2 h in the morning (8:00–10:00 h in
No bond: 1 (sand) 8:00–10:00 14:30–15:30 this case). In such cases, the debonded areas go unidentified
Partial bond (dust along wheel 9:30–10:00 17:30–20:00 through thermal imaging camera and infrared thermography
path) is not found effective in detecting subsurface debonding.
No bond: 2 (grease) 6:30–10:00 18:00–23:00 As the day progresses, the increasing ambient tempera-
No bond: 3 (polythene) 7:30–10:00 18:00–22:00 ture and intensity of solar radiation cause sand-debonded
No bond: 4 (bentonite slurry) 7:00–10:00 17:30–20:30 block to heat up at higher rate than the bonded block.
At around 11:00 h, the thermal image for sand block is
brighter than that for the bonded asphalt block as seen
debonded block is observed throughout the night. This is from Fig. 8a, b. The nature of the contrast flips, is as
because of the fact that the intermediate debonded layer shown in Fig. 9. Sand-debonded block lies in tempera-
acts as insulator and hinders the heat flow. It causes HMA ture range of 61.5–65.8 °C, whereas bonded asphalt block
block above debonding to cool or warm faster than the fully lies in temperature range of 58.5–62.5 °C. Within an hour
bonded block, which undergoes slow heating and cooling. (10:00–11:00 am), it is observed that the average tempera-
As sun rises, the ambient temperature starts rising. This ture increase for sand debonded block is around 28.8 °C
causes warming of the sand-debonded block at a higher whereas for bonded asphalt block is 25.5 °C. Thermal con-
rate due to the presence of internal discontinuity. It can be trast is found to be around 3.2 °C, lying in detectable range
observed from Fig. 6a, b that at 10:00 h the thermal images of thermal camera.
show almost no contrast with the pixels in both being equally Further the temperature rises for both the blocks, but
bright. The temperature for both sand and asphalt blocks rather slowly for sand block, since it has almost reached to
lies in the range of about 34.5–35.5 °C. The histograms for its maximum possible temperature. Sand-debonded block
Table 4 IR images and histograms at different times of the day for partial bonded and bonded asphalt blocks
Time Raw IR image Histogram
Bonded Asphalt
hours 1
26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29
Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
hours 1
33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36
Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
hours 1
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
334 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
Table 5 IR images and histograms at different times of the day for grease-debonded and -bonded asphalt blocks
Time Raw IR image Histogram
3 Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Grease
2.5 Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30
Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Grease
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
10:00 2
Pixel Count
33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36
Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Grease
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
11:30 Pixel Count
hours 1
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
lies in the temperature range of 67.2–71.0 °C, and bonded the duration and the values of thermal contrast for grease
asphalt block is around 66.5–69.5 °C. At around 15:00 h, are found to be the lowest. This implies that possibly
histograms for both of these again merge and the debonded IRT will prove quite ineffective in detecting a debonding
areas again go almost indistinguishable (thermal contrast caused by grease.
around 0.5 °C), as evident from Figs. 10 and 11. Debonded blocks other than sand block have been
Sometimes, at around 17:00 h, as observed from observed to follow the same cyclic pattern of merging and
Fig. 12a, b, the sand-debonded block lies in temperature flipping over of the histograms. However, the interchange
range of 45.5–47.7 °C whereas bonded asphalt block time duration has been found to vary depending upon the
around 47.0–48.7 °C. Since the intensity of solar radia- thermal properties of material used as debonding agent.
tion reduces as the sun sets, debonded block rapidly starts Table 3 summarizes this finding for all the cases. The least
cooling, whereas bonded loses heat gradually. This can thermal contrast values for grease can be verified by its
be seen from darker grayscale image of sand than asphalt largest interchange durations. It can also be concluded that
block and their thermal contrast is found to be 1.25 °C, sand-debonded block undergoes rapid thermal variation, as
lying in detectable range. The distributions again swap seen through its shortest interchange durations and largest
their positions on x-axis as seen from Fig. 13. This trend thermal contrasts. Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 present IR images
is observed to persist throughout the evening till the end and histograms at few selected times for bond conditions
of the day. other than sand.
The values for thermal contrast are observed to be the
largest for sand-debonded block, followed by dust along
wheel path, polythene, bentonite, and smallest for grease- 6 Conclusions
debonded block. This indicates that in this study, IRT can
detect debonding caused by sand more efficiently than the This study aims at assessing the potential of infrared
other experimental debonding agents. The histograms for thermography technique to detect subsurface debonding
grease overlap with those for bonded asphalt for most of in asphalt pavement. The ideal time duration to inspect
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 335
Table 6 IR images and histograms at different times of the day for polythene-debonded and -bonded asphalt blocks
Time Raw IR image Histogram
3 Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Polythene
2.5 Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30
Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Polythene
2.5 Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
10:00 2
Pixel Count
hours 1
33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36
Bonded Asphalt
2.5 Mean Temp - Polythene
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
hours 1
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
asphalt pavements has also been estimated. To fulfil these evening to next morning is optimum to conduct thermo-
objectives, comprehensive infrared thermography testing graphic inspection of asphalt pavements since sufficient
has been performed at every 30-min interval throughout time gap is available between the two interchange dura-
the day on an in situ asphalt pavement test section, con- tions. For other bonding conditions of partial bond, grease,
structed with various artificial debonding conditions. The polythene and bentonite slurry, the interchange time dura-
testing has been performed during clear sky condition, so tions are found to vary largely. For grease, this duration is
as to ensure proper heating of the section. found to be as large as 5 h and thermal contrast as small as
The thermal images show that the debonded areas are 0.002 °C. Thus, the available time durations for detection
identified through thermal imaging camera when their of debonding caused by these agents are comparatively
thermal contrast with bonded area is greater than 0.5 °C. lesser than that of sand, and such debonding is less likely
Sand-debonded area has maximum thermal contrast, to be detected by thermal imaging camera. This proves that
mostly being greater than 0.5 °C and is clearly identifi- the agent causing debonding highly influences the defect
able. However, during interchange time zone of day heat- detection based on its thermal conductivity. It would also
ing and night cooling, the debonded areas go unrecogniz- be interesting to study another case of debonding caused
able through the thermal imaging camera. These findings by in situ deteriorated asphalt material and assess the suit-
have been quantitatively presented by a novel approach. ability of IRT for such cases, which is a very common
Analysis of these thermal images has been done using phenomenon occurring in the real-life situations.
MATLAB and comparative histograms for debonded and The method suffers from inherent limitations that it could
bonded areas are plotted. The interchange time zones can not detect the depth of flaw location and is successful only
be seen as histograms merging with one another, and iden- for shallow subsurface defects in asphalt pavements, up to
tifiable time zones as separate histograms with thermal 50 mm in this experiment, under mentioned conditions. It
contrast greater than 0.5 °C. For this experiment under has also failed to identify the underground buried objects.
mentioned conditions, the interchange time zone for sand Nevertheless, it is preferred in field inspection since it results
is 8:00–10:00 h in the morning and 14:30–15:30 h in the in saving labor costs and time in data collection. Since it is
afternoon. It can thus be concluded that the time after an area technique, it quickly scans large areas. Also, it works
336 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337
Table 7 IR images and histograms at different times of the day for bentonite slurry-debonded and -bonded asphalt blocks
Time Raw IR image Histogram
Bentonite Slurry
3 Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Bentonite Slurry
2.5 Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29
Bentonite Slurry
Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
hours 1
28.4 28.6 28.8 29 29.2 29.4 29.6 29.8 30 30.2 30.4
Bentonite Slurry
Bonded Asphalt
Mean Temp - Bentonite Slurry
Mean Temp - Bonded Asphalt
Pixel Count
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
only on thermal radiations and the device itself does not emit Compliance with ethical standards
any radiation, thus safe for environment.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
7 Future scope
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (2019) 9:325–337 337
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