Woke Up Had Already Prepared: THE RING by Bernard Smith (Activities)

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1- When he (wake up) ........................

, his mother (already /

prepare) ........................... breakfast.
2- We (go) ........................ to London because the Queen
(invite) ........................ us for tea.
3- He (hear) ........................... the news, (go) ........................... to the telephone
and (call) ........................... a friend.
4- When she (start) ........................... to learn English, she (already /
learn) ........................... French.
5- Jane (already / type) ........................... ten pages when her computer (crash)
6- By the time he (arrive) ...........................at the pub, they
(run) ...........................out of beer.
7- Before that day we (never / think) ........................... of going to Japan. I
(know) ...........................him for a long time before I
(meet) ...........................his family.
8- They (not / know) ...........................where to meet because nobody (tell)
them. It (be) ...........................cloudy for days before it finally
(begin) ........................... to rain.

1. When he woke up, his mother had already prepared breakfast. 

2. We went to London because the Queen had invited us for tea. 
3. He heard the news, went to the telephone and called a friend. 
4. When she startedto learn English, she had already learned French. 
5. Jane had already typed ten pages when her computer crashed. 
6. By the time he arrived at the pub, they had run out of beer. 
7. Before that day we had never thought of going to Japan. 
8. I had known him for a long time before I met his family. 
9. They did not know where to meet because nobody had told them. 
10. It had been cloudy for days before it finally began to rain.

THE RING by Bernard Smith (Activities)

1. What strange things happened on the night that Anita disappeared ? Who says
this words?
Why are they suprising?
Rafael was happy because he thought the soldier was dead and Anita would
return with him. They are suprising because Rafael was made.
a. ‘I don’t have a daughter called Anita. I had one many years ago, but
she’s dead.’ Shopkeeper, Anita´s father
b. ‘She had many strange and silly ideas in her head.’ Marta, Anita´s sister
c. ‘I’ve killed the stranger who came here to steal my true love.’ Rafael

2. Complete these sentences about the information in chapter 6. Use a word from
the box in each sentence
Anchor animal beach boat cassette
clothes coast donkey engine meal music
noise paraffin player ring rocks shop
song stories village

(a) The soldier arrived in hi boat in the early afternoon.

(b) He lowered his anchor a few metres from the shore.
(c) He didn’t pull his boat onto the beach.
(d) He didn’t want to break the engine .
(e) He went to Rodrigo’s shop .
(f) He had a big can of paraffin for Rodrigo’s new lamp.
(g) He had a … with Rodrigo.
(h) He came to the café and told lots of funny stories .
(i) Rafael came into the café in his best clothes .
(j) Suddenly the soldier took a cassette from his pocket.
(k) Miguel took it and put it in the player .
(l) It was a love song .
(m)The soldier went at about ten o’clock and they heard the noise of his engine.
(n) Rafael stood up and started to dance to the music .
(o) The next morning the news about Anita went round the village like fire.
(p) Rafael went down the … in his boat to look for her.
(q) Santiago couldn’t find his old donkey and said Anita took it.
(r) Some fishermen found Rafael in the afternoon in a quiet place near the
high rocks .
(s) He was like a mad animal .
(t) He had the gold ring on a fishing line round his neck.
3. Which of these adjectives and phrases does Marta use to describe Anita
in Chapter 8.

• beautiful • lucky
• clear voice • clever
• full of stories • happy
• in love • ideas
• kind • very good child

4. Are these sentences about the information in Chapter 9 true or false or

we don’t know?
(a) Anita stayed with her parents that night and talked to the soldier.True 
(b) Anita took things out of her box and put them in a bag. True
(c) Anita sometimes met the soldier in the same place that she met Rafael. False
(d) Anita’s ‘true prince’ was the soldier. True
(e) Anita was wearing the gold fish ring when she left. DN
(f) Anita gave the fish ring back to Rafael and told him about her plans. False 
(g) Rafael went mad because she didn’t come back. True 
(h) Marta wrote a story about a magic ring. False

5. Underline the wrong words and write the right ones.

a. Rodrigo had a fine restaurant. Shop
b. Rodrigo was poor. Wasn´t
c. Clara’s husband was killed by a donkey. Wasn´t
d. Rodrigo have food and a house to Clara and Rafael. Rafael´s mother
e. Rodrigo lived on the beach like a fish. Rafael
f. Luis Valdez has a boat just outside the village. Carlos
g. The doctor went to Luis’s house to listen to Anita’s story.
Not the soldier because …he left the café when Rafael was still in it with my
Not Anita because … she was with her sister until the music started in the café
and Rafael was inside the café then.
(b) If the soldier was killed, who killed him?
Not Rafael because … he was in the ca´fe until midnight.
Not Anita because … she was a child and loved him.
(c) If Anita was killed, who killed her?
Not Rafael because … he loved her and he was in the café all evening.
If the soldier killed her, why …

3. The doctor thinks of someone to explain all the information. Who does
he think of? What does he think happened? Why, in the end, does he
decide this is also impossible? Check your answers with the chapter.

He thinks in Rafael to help him.

That he is made for committing the worst mistake of his life, kill her true love.

4. Put in order these events from the murder (Chapter 14 and 15).
(a) Anita stopped meeting Rafael. 4
(b) Rafael gave Anita the gold ring. 3
(c) Rafael killed Santiago’s donkey, cut it up and put the pieces in the sea
near the high rocks. 7 
(d) Rafael made a plan to kill the soldier. 6 
(e) Rafael saw Anita meeting the soldier in secret at a special place near
the high rocks. 5
(f) Rafael tied the donkey’s back legs to the soldier’s boat. 8 
(g) Rafael went to the café and saw the soldier there. 9 
(h) That Sunday, the soldier arrived at the village. 1 
(i) The soldier came to the village. 2

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