Product Guide: Special Advertising Section
Product Guide: Special Advertising Section
Product Guide: Special Advertising Section
Mary Larkin
Editor, SeafoodSource
4 Alaska Seafood 20 NSF Surefish
Steven Hedlund
Marketing Institute 21 Ocean Beauty Seafoods
Associate Editor, SeaFood Business
James Wright
5 John Keeler & Co., Inc., 22 Ocean Technology, Inc.
Assistant Editor, SeafoodSource DBA Blue Star Foods
April Forristall 23 Phillips Foods, Inc.
6 Chicken of the Sea
Production Director 24 Regal Springs Tilapia
Randy LeShane Frozen Foods, Empress
25 Sea Star Seafood
Art Director 7 Clear Springs Foods
Laura Lee Dobson
26 Sea Watch
Production Associate
8 Clearwater Seafoods
International, Ltd.
Lindsey McMorrow
9 Cox’s Wholesale Seafood, Inc.
27 Shining Ocean, Inc.
Sue Kogan 10 Eastern Fisheries, Inc. 28 Slade Gorton & Co., Inc.
11 F.W. Bryce, Inc.
Advertising Coordinator
29 Stavis Seafoods
Wendy Jalbert
12 Handy International, Inc.
30 Tampa Maid Foods
COMMUNICATIONS 13 Harvest Select Catfish
31 Trident Seafoods Corp.
121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438
Portland, ME 04112-7438 14 Icelandic USA, Inc.
(207) 842-5606 32 Twin Tails Seafood Corp.
Fax: (207) 842-5603
15 Kendell Seafood
Published by
Diversified Business Communications
33 Western Edge Seafood
16 Lawrence Street Seafood Co.
Publisher of
National Fisherman and WorkBoat
34 Wholey Brands Seafood
Copyright © 2010
17 MacKnight Food Group, Inc.
Diversified Business Communications
PRINTED IN U.S.A. 18 Mazzetta Company, LLC
19 Morey’s Seafood
Producer of International, LLC
The International Boston Seafood Show
Nancy Hasselback President/CEO SEAFOOD BUSINESS (ISSN 0889 3217), June 2010 Product Supplement, is published annually by
Diversified Business Communications of 121 Free St., Portland, ME 04101; P.O. Box 7438, Portland,
Mary Larkin VP Seafood Exhibitions ME 04112-7438. SUBSCRIPTIONS to SeaFood Business: In the United States, $57 per year. In Canada,
Hilary Manning Sales Director, $69 per year. In all other countries, $99 per year, air mail only. For subscription information, call (978) Go online to receive
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Seafood Expositions Send address changes to SeaFood Business, P.O. Box 1741, Lowell, MA 01853. Canada Post International FREE news at
Karen Butland Sales Manager, IBSS Publications Mail product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40028984, SeaFood Business.
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(207) 842-5500
Fax: (207) 842-5505 June 2010 3
he Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) email-to-a-friend function.
introduces a fresh new tool for cooking frozen wild • Utilize the “Grocery List” to
PHONE Alaska seafood without thawing: the free COOK IT identify the ingredients needed
(800) 478-2903 FROZEN!® iPhone App, available now on the App Store. – then check off each ingredient
This new application is the only one of its kind, featuring as it is placed in your basket!
recipes developed exclusively for use with frozen (non- • Watch “How-To Videos” to
WEB SITE / EMAIL thawed) Alaska seafood, in addition to how-to videos that master cooking frozen seafood act like a personal cooking class, right at your fingertips. by technique: grilling, broiling, roasting, steaming, poaching,
In conjunction with ASMI’s consumption of frozen seafood sautéing or pan-searing.
newly redesigned COOK IT over the past two years, citing • Learn “About Alaska,”
FROZEN! website (www.cookit- the health benefits and conve- including Alaska’s sustainable, the iPhone app was nience of frozen seafood. Using fisheries management.
designed to support increased the new COOK IT FROZEN! • Check Alaska seafood’s
demand for frozen seafood iPhone app, consumers can: nutritional benefits on the
and the increased use of smart • Search dozens of recipes by “Info” tab.
phones by consumers at retail. species or by cooking technique.
In fact, according to a 2009 Each recipe is displayed with a
TRD survey commissioned by finished photo and information;
ASMI, one-third of U.S. con- nutritional data is also included.
sumers reported increased • “Share” recipes with an
roviding the highest quality crabmeat our pasteurized crab-
SALES CONTACT while maintaining the highest sustainability meat is hand picked, ready to standards is a priority at Blue Star Foods. eat and virtually shell-free.
We are strongly committed to ensuring sustainability Blue Star Foods offers 6 vari-
through ethical action, sustainable packaging and eties of pasteurized crabmeat
PHONE/FAX social responsibility. in the 1-pound Eco-Fresh
(888) ONE-CRAB Pouch — Imperial Jumbo
(305) 836-6858 One of the ways we accomplish gas than cans* Lump Meat, Jumbo Lump
Customer Service Fax this is by using our Eco-Fresh • Has a process energy Meat, Claw Meat, Lump Meat,
(305) 503-0880 Crabmeat pouch instead of cans advantage of 40 percent Special Meat and Super Lump
or cups. Research shows it: vs. 1-pound cups* Meat — and four varieties in
• Saves 30 percent in When it comes to taste, thethe 6-ounce Eco-Fresh Pouch
WEB SITE / EMAIL transportation energy vs. Eco-Fresh Crabmeat pouch — Claw Meat, Lump Meat, 1-pound cups* keeps our pasteurized blue- Jumbo Lump Meat and Super • Requires less waste man- swimming crabmeat at its Lump Meat. Whatever the
agement than cans and cups* menu application, we have the
freshest, without the “tin taste”
• Needs fewer packaging perfect crabmeat for it.
of canned product. Plus it’s easy
materials than cans or cups* to display, transport and open.
• Releases 60 percent less Blue Star Crabmeat in the * Source: Allied Development
material greenhouse Eco-Fresh pouch allows us Corporation for Blue Star Foods
El Segundo, CA ustomers looking for premium quality, aggressive pricing and excellent
Lake Success, NY service will find it under the newly formed, combined management of
Chicken of the Sea Frozen Foods and Empress International. The combined
company is part of the Thai Union Group, which is one of the largest vertically
SALES CONTACT integrated seafood companies in the world with strong positions in several
Brenden Beck seafood categories.
Quality, value and trust best Snow Crab clusters these crystal clear waters,
are synonymous with that the North Atlantic has our premium snow crab
PHONE / FAX the line of seafood prod- to offer. Harvested from is known for its delicate,
(310) 469-7030 (p) ucts offered by Chicken sweet flavor as well as its
(310) 469-7037 (f) of the Sea Frozen Foods snow white meat. Pre-
and Empress International cooked for your conve-
and we continue on with nience, this snow crab is
WEB SITE / EMAIL this tradition through our the ultimate in versatility, newest offering, Snow making it ideal for center Crab clusters. of the plate, buffets or as
Our recent ventures have an appetizer. Our snow
enabled us to provide cus- crab clusters are available
tomers with some of the in all sizes.
Clear Springs Foods
Catch the Wave
Buhl, Idaho
with Clear Springs Foods
he Rainbow Trout leader, Clear Springs Foods, brings a dynamic new
SALES CONTACT line-up of value-added products to your seafood department. Never
Terry Horgan has there been a better time to introduce new seafood products to your
Director of Sales customers as seafood consumption is on the way up.
Seafood Perfections® offer Macadamia Crusted Mahi tions® product is 100 per-
PHONE 11 deliciously simple, Mahi, kid friendly selections cent guaranteed boneless
(800) 635-8211 10-ounce entrées, appetiz- and Citrus Sesame Swai, the and fish products like Sea-
(208) 543-4316 ers and mini-meals all ready food Perfections are high in
from freezer to table in about omega-3 fatty acids is why
15 minutes with the flavor 60 percent of all consum-
WEB SITE / EMAIL profiles consumers demand ers are eating more fish to today. With many consumers satisfy a balanced diet.
shopping right up to the din- Click your way to more
ner hour without planning information and recipe ideas
the meal ahead of time, Sea- from Clear Springs Foods.
food Perfections® meets the w w w. c l e a r s p r i n g s . c o m .
consumer where they live. economical, mild and flaky or contact Terry Horgan,
Products range from Pecan white fish. director of sales, at (800)
Crusted Rainbow trout, Each Seafood Perfec- 635-8211.
Leesburg, VA ova Scotia Prime Split Lobster by Clearwater is lobster. The raw frozen claw,
a new, innovative premium lobster format and knuckle and tail meat take the
an excellent way to introduce new, cost effective hassle away from cooking and
SALES CONTACT entrées to your menu. The same full-meated lobster shucking live lobster allow-
Rob OʼSullivan Clearwater is famous for is split, eviscerated (removing ing chefs to let their creative
the tomalley and roe), with the claw and knuckle meat juices flow.
removed and placed into the clean body cavity before it is Ask how Clearwater can
PHONE vacuum packed and frozen. You get the ocean freshness, help with innovative and
(703) 669-6119 flavor and a similar presentation to live lobster without ongoing support: Culinary
the storage and labor costs. This product is ʻchef readyʼ consulting; Menu solutions;
– simply brush with herbed garlic butter for a traditional Dinner promotions; Merchan-
WEB SITE / EMAIL offering or add your own signature sauce. A variety of thaw dising and promotional sup- and cook methods make this the ultimate in convenience. port and tools; Staff education There is no easier way to add lobster to your menu. and incentives; Management
of live lobster logistics.
Other Clearwater round, foodservice operators
lobster offerings: or retailers can order for their
Clearwater Premium Hard- live tanks or take advantage of
Shell FreshTM Lobster is Clearwater’s direct delivery.
full-meated and unrivalled Nova Scotia Prime Lobster
for taste and quality. Avail- Meat by Clearwater is devel-
able through Clearwater year- oped specifically to ‘Enhance
Coxʼs Wholesale
Seafood, Inc.
Cox’s Wholesale
Tampa, FL
Seafood, Inc.
PHONE oxʼs covers the waterfront to bring you the highest quality wild-caught
(800) 344-8461 domestic pink, brown and white shrimp in the United States. They are the
largest producer of Key West pink shrimp in the United States and have
developed long-term partnerships with the shrimp fleets and unloading facilities
WEB SITE / EMAIL along Floridaʼs Gulf Coast.
From Gulf browns and ket. Our wild caught “All- Wild Caught American
domestic whites to Key American” shrimp are just Shrimp
West pinks, Cox’s covers the what food-savvy and quality- • In-Stock Year-Round
waterfront from the Gulf to conscious seafood consum- in a Range of Varieties,
the Atlantic to source, pro- ers are looking for. Let us Sizes and Packs
show you how our premium • Available with No
shrimp, service and support Added Phosphates or
can anchor your seafood Sulfites
program and net you higher • Processed, Packaged
sales and profits. and Distributed by a
cess, package and distribute USDC-Inspected and
premium domestic shrimp • Premium-Quality, HACCP-Certified Facility
for the American retail mar- Domestically Harvested, • Private Label Specialists
.W. Bryce, a Nissui True Global Links Company headquartered in Gloucester,
Mass., is proud to offer both Fresh and Frozen Chilean Steelhead portions.
PHONE Our Chilean Steelhead is farm raised by a 100 percent Nissui-owned and
(978) 283-7080 operated company. Our frozen steelhead is quick frozen, pre-portioned, and
recipe-ready for your convenience and can be prepared a variety of ways including
baking, broiling or grilling.
WEB SITE / EMAIL F.W. Bryce’s frozen Steelhead pounds of seafood yearly F.W. Bryce ensures a con- is a great alternative to salm- including: crab (snow and stant supply of outstanding
on and is offered in conve- king), salmon, lobster tails, seafood products through
nient vacuum packaging and a commitment to superior
in a variety of sizes. Avail- quality and service, com-
able fresh or frozen depend- bined with the strategic part-
ing on your needs, contact nerships of Nissui’s vertically
us today! integrated global resources.
Since 1947, F.W. Bryce has With offices in Gloucester,
built a solid reputation as and Redmond, Wash., the
a trusted source for qual- company’s customers are
ity seafood. The company cod, haddock, whiting and presented with reliable, year-
imports nearly 40 million now steelhead to name a few. round product availability.
awrence Street Seafood is proud to offer two great brands, Andalas
and Seachest. Harvested only from the pristine waters of Indonesia,
PHONE the 100 percent blue-swimming crabmeat (Portunus Pelagicus) is hand-picked
(215) 336-0300 and processed fresh daily.
“We believe our product less chance for damage to the round and held to the high-
E-MAIL pasteurizes better in a can can and product,” said Jim est quality-control standards
dennis.lawrenceseafood rather than the plastic cups McFate, Vice President/CFO. and strictest regulations. used by many, and there is “We always strive to be very Both Andalas and Seachest
sensitive to the market and crabmeats are currently avail-
customer needs and feel that able in six varieties including
both Andalas and Seachest Colossal, Jumbo Lump, Super
more than deliver on quality Lump, Lump, Backfin and
and value.” Claw Meat. To order Andalas
Andalas and Seachest pas- or Seachest Crab, or for further
teurized crabmeats are virtu- information, please contact our
ally shell-free, available year- sales office.
Food Group, Inc.
MacKnight’s Smoked Salmon
Miami, FL
Party Slices distinctive taste that can only
be called “MacKnight.”
Whatever your taste desires,
tlantic Smoked Salmon with the same delicious MacKnight® has the product to
SaLeS ContaCt flavor of our traditional smoked salmon. suit your need. We dare you to
Jonathan Brown With every slice being the same size, our new find a better smoked salmon. perfectly portioned Party Slices keeps waste to a minimum MacKnight® is proud to be
and fits perfectly on a Carr’s cracker, mini bagel or blinis. the Winner of the 2009 and
2010 Boston International Sea-
phone Each package comes with the fine Scottish tradition to food Show’s Best New Food-
(800) 5-SALMON three flavors: traditional, dill lock in the succulent flavor of service Product Award. They
and peppered. Included is a the hardwood chips. are proud to have also taken
packet of our special made All MacKnight® smoked the top award for Best New
Web Site honey mustard dill sauce. salmon products are Chof Foodservice Product at the Having a cocktail party could K kosher. Experience the European Seafood Exposition
never be easier! in Brussels this year with their
MacKnight® smoked salm- new Smoked Salmon Bacon.
on Party slices are produced MacKnight ® Smoked
from the world’s best Atlantic Salmon Party Slices ... try
Salmon. them now. And watch for our
Each fillet is dry-cured with new Smoked Salmon Bacon,
a unique blend of salt and coming soon to your fav-
sugar, then double-smoked in orite retailer.
he Mazzetta Company, LLC® continues its proud tradition of going “to the
ends of the earth, just to please you.” With our recent purchase of a lobster
PHONE and crab processing facility in Beach Point PEI, Canada, and our commitment
(847) 433-1150 to the Canadian Fisheries and its people, we are positioned to offer our customers
the finest lobster products available.
WEB SITE / EMAIL Combined with our fleet needs are for Tails, Claw peak of freshness. Each re- of trucks and our freezer and Knuckle Meat, Leg sealable bag contains 3 indi- warehouses in Londonderry, Meat, Salad Meat, Minced vidually wrapped - 4 oz.
N.H., the Mazzetta Compa- Meat, or everything in packages. Use one serving
ny can service a wide array between, the Mazzetta Com- for a lobster roll, one on
of customers and produce pany can produce it honestly pasta, and the other in a
items based on their unique and competitively. salad. From the size of the
specifications. Whether your One particular product bag, to the product within,
that illustrates our ability see why retailers are kicking-
to react to our customers’ the-can and stocking their
demands is our 12 oz. bag of freezers with “SeaMazz®”
Cooked Lobster Meat. Wild Cooked Lobster Meat.
caught, processed from live Luxurious lobster in a
lobster, quick frozen at the user-friendly package.
Motley, MN or for multiple meals. Four
oday’s consumer wants great tasting, convenient, mouthwatering dinner options
healthy foods at affordable prices. Morey’s Seafood — Seasoned Grill Wild Pacific
SaLeS ContaCt International LLC gives consumers exactly what Salmon, Teriyaki Wild Pacific
Doug Neff they’re looking for with delicious center-of-the-plate Salmon, Lemon Pepper Tila-
proteins available in a variety of flavors throughout the pia and Seasoned Grill Tilapia
United States. Morey’s recently expanded their product — convenience and health all
phone line to include Morey’s Fish Creations™, a new line of in one package!
(800) 327-9592 marinated seafood entrées including salmon and tilapia. Morey’s Seafood Interna-
tional LLC is dedicated to pro-
Morey’s Fish Creations™ have in 30 minutes or less, a great- viding value-added services
Web Site / emaiL busy people in mind. With tasting meal option for the and products, which enhances everyone so rushed today, a entire family. the at-home dining experi- great-tasting, good-for-you Sold frozen to maintain ence while increasing the con-
meal in just minutes is a time freshness, the chef-inspired, sumption of fish and seafood.
saver. These ready-to-cook restaurant quality marinated Morey’s is continually work-
marinated seafood entrées are entrées bring “dining out” ing to create new, innovative,
great tasting and easy to pre- to everyone’s kitchen table. and healthy products for con-
pare: grill, oven or microwave Morey’s Fish Creations™ sumers. Tonight, “dine-out” at
naturally contain EPA/DHA home! For more information
omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy call the Morey’s sales depart-
Morey’s Fish Creations™ as ment at (800) 327-9592.
NSF Surefish
Seafood is Our Only Business
LOCATION s the only non-government seafood specialist in North America, NSF Surefish
Lynnwood, WA provides independent, third-party seafood product inspections and facility
auditing services. We test, assess compliance with seafood safety, sanitation and
GMP requirements, and inspect product quality attributes against recognized inspection
SALES CONTACT methodology. We can also help you evaluate your existing food safety and quality
Lisa Goche assurance programs or can develop those for you. Additionally, NSF Surefish will perform supplier audits or customize the scope of the audit to meet your companyʼs needs.
As a result of this chosen spe- improvement and/or make a Marine Stewardship Council
PHONE cialization we have built an informed decisions. Whether Chain of Custody certification.
(425) 774-3015 unsurpassed reputation for your needs involve ensuring As a trusted source in seafood
expertise and service in the product quality, safety, compli- safety and quality expertise
seafood industry over our 20 ance with regulation or buyer NSF Surefish is also a cho-
WEB SITE / EMAIL year history. The NSF Surefish specifications, or more, we sen Certification Body able to Seafood Safety and Quality pro- can provide the information, perform audits for the Aqua- grams service seafood produc- help you interpret the results, culture Certification Council
ers, buyers, sellers, importers, and assist you in determining against the Best Aquaculture
retailers, restaurants, and dis- causes and solutions. Practices Standard developed
tributors throughout the world. NSF Surefish Accreditations by the Global Aquaculture
While many labs simply give NSF Surefish is a trusted Alliance. NSF Surefish has
you test results, we can pro- source as an accredited third- operations throughout Wash-
vide you with all of the key party company able to con- ington and Alaska, South
information you need to drive duct an assessment and issue Korea and Vietnam.
ith farmed salmon nearing all-time high facility, our Keta are color-
prices, sockeye prices continuing to edge up, graded for good meat color,
PHONE and the hot-smoked category not growing and our production methods
(800) 365-8950 as it should, the time is right for reasonably priced, produce a product as moist
premium quality, all-natural smoked salmon. and flavorful as any smoked
wild salmon. As with the rest
WEB SITE / EMAIL Consumers are more value- according to the same strict of the Echo Falls brand, these conscious than ever, but are standards that made the Echo products have no preservatives,
unwilling to sacrifice quality. Falls brand the #1 premium and ship frozen from forward
They want to continue buying brand in the United States, warehouses across the United
smoked salmon, but they’re all four of these products will States to reduce shrink.
shopping harder for value. grow the category by attract- Your consumers want top-
Here is the answer. Produced ing those consumers looking quality smoked salmon at a
for an alternative to expensive value. Now you can deliver it
smoked fish. to them.
Product of USA, produced Echo Falls. Always premi-
at our Monroe, Washington um quality.
Ocean Technology, Inc.
All Natural 100% Blue Crab
LOCATION ecognized worldwide for producing premium quality blue crab, Ocean Tech
Glen Burnie, MD set out to create a product that is truly different. Utilizing its many years of
experience, advanced processing techniques and strategic locations, Ocean
Tech has been able to offer a product that does not require the use of Sodium Acid
SALES CONTACT Pyrophosphate and is truly chemical free. The result: Ocean Techʼs all-natural
sales@ 100 percent real blue crab.
Harvested only from areas If you think price is all that It was the first to oper-
that have no coastal indus- matters, even in these tough ate crab processing facili-
PHONE tries, with no runoff of economic times, you are not ties outside U.S. borders,
(800) 794-CRAB (2722) toxins or hazardous chem- giving the consumer enough inspected and approved
icals, these clean waters credit. They do know the by the U.S. Department of
have environmental advan- difference!” Commerce.
WEB SITE tages that produce a premi- Ocean Tech is one of the For foodservice dis- um, all-natural 100 percent largest seafood processors tributors, retail and res-
blue crab. of all natural 100 percent taurant chains, all natural
“All blue crab is not real blue crab in the world. 100 percent real blue crab
alike,” says Bob Stryker, meat is available in 8- and
president of Ocean 16-ounce clear plastic cups,
Technology. “The natural 16-ounce metal cans and
color and rich, sweet flavor 3-pound plastic bags. For
of our crab is not altered more information please
with chemical additives. call our sales office today.
Phillips Foods, Inc. New Phillips
Baltimore, MD
Seafood Cake Sliders
hillips Foods, Inc. introduces new Phillips Seafood Cake Sliders. As a
dressed up entrée or simple small plate appetizer, new Phillips Seafood
PHONE Cake Sliders are an on-trend way to capture the attention of burger
(888) 234-CRAB and seafood lovers alike.
stablished in 1988 in Central Java/Indonesia, sion was two-fold: to produce
SALES CONTACT the REGAL SPRINGS TILAPIA – GROUP is today the best tilapia product and the No. 1 Tilapia producer in the world, with to build up the infrastructure
5,000 employees and four production sites across of the communities with the
Indonesia, Honduras and Mexico. subsequent profits. The Regal
PHONE Springs Group extensively
(941) 747-9161 Most tilapia is produced in lakes and reservoirs that are fed invests in its employees and
thousands of small farms that by pure mountain rainwater, their communities. Schooling
supply a processor. We, how- our fish has a consistently mild programs, medical services,
WEB SITE ever, are completely vertically flavor. The high quality farming electrification and reforestation integrated and control 100 per- environments as well as state- are part of these investments.
cent of our farming process of-the-art processing facilities One hundred percent of the
and adhere to strict safety and fish processing waste is recy-
quality standards from egg to cled. We are a net-zero user
plate. Our products are whole- of fishmeal. More fishmeal/
some, nutritious and 100 per- fish oil is produced in the
cent natural. Consistency in recycling plant than we use.
taste, size, quality and price is Regal-made biodiesel from
the key to Regal Springs’ suc- fish waste runs our trucks,
cess. Farm-raised in freshwater machinery and electricity.
LOCATION elicious, nutritious and heart healthy, the marketing efforts, including
Marlborough, MA new Beacon Light® Steam Series line of advertising on the popular web
microwaveable fish fillets is now available at site,
food retailers throughout North America. Attractively produced by WCVB, Channel
PHONE priced for the consumer (suggested $6.99 retail price 5 in Boston. A dedicated Steam
(800) 223-1338 for two, 6-ounce portions), Steam Series products can Series web site (www.steam-
be steam-cooked in the microwave in just minutes, will offer consumer
without any messy handling or fishy odors. education and health informa-
WEB SITE / EMAIL tion. Also, the company has The Steam Series utilizes a consumers’ desire for healthy, hired a public relations firm to
venting pouch technology that easy-to-prepare main meal promote the Steam Series line
steam-cooks frozen fillets in options. to food media nationwide. Sea
less than five minutes. The A significant point of dif- Star produces the Steam Series
product line features seasoned ference offered by the Beacon line at its 40,000 square foot
fillets in five popular variet- Light® Steam Series is that facility in Marlborough, Mass.
ies: Lemon & Dill Atlantic the fish fillets are accompanied
Salmon; Garlic & Herb Mahi with dry seasonings rather than
Mahi; Tomato, Basil & Garlic a sauce or marinade which add
Tilapia; Lemon & Herb Had- calories and fat content. While
dock; and Mediterranean Cod cooking, the dry seasonings
Fillets. Low in calories and blend with the fish’s natural
with no added salt, oils or juices to create a deliciously
fats, the Steam Series answers light taste that does not over-
re you looking for fresh tasting clams all year inventory of more than 700 sea-
round? Meet the newest member of the family, food items, Stavis distributes
SALES CONTACT Prince Edward Hard Clams. These clams are cooked seafood both nationally and
Doug Aikman and flash frozen within hours of harvesting in Vietnam worldwide. Flexible and fast for maximum freshness. There is no breakage or fear paced, Stavis Seafoods’ expert
of mortality. Not only do our clams taste fresh, but they buying and sales desks provide
are uniform in size and 100 percent usable. The clams up-to-the-minute market infor-
PHONE are extremely versatile, easy to prepare and priced to mation and extremely competi-
(800) 390-5103 make them practical for a wide variety of dishes. They are tive pricing to all of its custom-
perfect in linguine with clam sauce, paella or clams casino. ers. Stavis also offers a line
of branded products, including
WEB SITE / EMAIL Prince Edward Hard Clams tion to our clams, enjoy other BOS’N, Foods from the Sea, Bos- are conveniently packed in Prince Edward premium shell- ton Pride and Prince Edward. 1-pound retail bags for precise fish including mussels and oys--
portion control. They are avail- ters. Prince Edward is supremee
able in two sizes: 11/16 count in freshness and quality.
(Topneck) and 17/22 count Stavis Seafoods is a family--
(Littleneck). owned business that has been n
Prince Edward offers premi- a Boston Waterfront landmark k
um quality shellfish from the since 1929. Stavis ships moree
ocean to your table. In addi- than 32 million pounds of fresh h
Tampa Maid Foods New! Dipt’n Dusted® Calamari
Rings & Sweet Bell Peppers only
Lakeland, FL from Tampa Maid Foods
PHONE EW to the Diptʼn Dusted line of products are Diptʼn mum profitability for any
(800) 462-5896 Dusted Calamari Rings & Sweet Bell Peppers that operation. Other Tampa Maid
feature premium calamari rings and Dipt’n Dusted prod-
sweet red and green bell peppers that are ucts include Calamari
WEB SITE / EMAIL tossed in batter and seasoned flour for Rings & Tentacles, Buf- the real “back-of-the-house” look and falo Shrimp, Oysters,
taste. Each ring comes out of the fryer Chicken-fried Shrimp,
golden brown delicious in minutes. Perfect Shrimp Tenders, Grou-
served alone or with your favorite sauce per Tenders, Popcorn
offering a flavorful and colorful seafood appetizer to Shrimp, Mahi-Mahi Tenders
any foodservice menu. Perfect for pubs, casual-dining and Pub Style Shrimp.
restaurants, family dinners, hotels or any establishment Tampa Maid has a proven
that wants a good quality and fun seafood dish. history of innovation and
production of quality value-
There is a place on your menu appetizers, salads, sandwiches added seafood and seafood
for Tampa Maid’s entire line of and entrées. Tampa Maid cre- specialties. So bring the best
premium Dipt’n Dusted Sea- ated Dipt’n Dusted Seafood to to your menu with Tampa
food. Each versatile variety is deliver real fresh-made taste Maid and you’ll ring up new
quick and easy to prepare as and appearance with maxi- sales and profits.
PHONE ntroducing El Jaiba Sabroso, Shining Oceanʼs new healthy, Latin-label surimi
(253) 826-3700, seafood product. El Jaiba Sabroso (The Savory Crab) is made with all wild
ext. 168 caught, MSC-certified fish so it is naturally low in fat and cholesterol.
Boston, MA leader in sustainable fishing practices, the Atlantic Red Crab fishery became
the first crab harvested in North America to earn the Marine Stewardship
Council Sustainability certification in September of 2009. Atlantic Red Crab
SALES CONTACT is a deep-water crab, harvested at depths of over 2,000 feet and processed in a
Rachel.burnell@ state-of-the-art facility in New Bedford, Mass.
Known for its sweet flavor and of scored claw and arm.
colorful, red tinged meat, Red Frozen Foodservice packs
PHONE Crab has long been a delicacy, include combo meat, shoul-
(800) 225-1573 but only recently has become der and leg meat, and a
widely available to the com- scored claw and arm bulk
mercial market. pack. These products are
WEB SITE Slade Gorton & Co. is proud sold exclusively through the to partner with The Atlantic Slade Gorton & Co., Inc.
Red Crab Co. in offering a full
line of retail and foodservice
items that are all natural, sus-
tainable and a product of the
United States.
Retail packs include 6
ounce cups both fresh and
frozen, 1 & 2 pound bags
Trident Seafoods
Introducing the net portions. True weights
mean solid value, consistent
cook times and successful
Seattle, WA
Best of the Best plate presentations time after
time. What’s more, each por-
tion is cut from the thickest,
he best thing about wild Cod is its unmistakably meatiest part of the fish with
SALES CONTACT clean flavor and beautiful large white flake. no trim or tail pieces. Every
Trident Domestic Sales Known throughout the world as the whitefish portion is top quality and
of choice for a multitude of international recipes, backed by Trident’s “source to
Wild Cod has earned its reputation through centuries the plate” guarantee. What’s
PHONE of successful presentation and celebration from more, our once-frozen por-
(800) 367-6065 the smallest fish ʻn chip counters to the finest tions require no phosphates
restaurants worldwide. of any kind during processing
and maintain their natural
WEB SITE / EMAIL Now Trident Seafoods is flavor and moisture through- making it easier than ever out the thawing and cooking to offer the best of the best process. Did you hear that the
to foodservice custom- Alaska Cod fishery has been
ers by introducing the first certified sustainable by the
and only single-frozen Alas- own state-of-the-art facilities Marine Stewardship Council
ka Cod loins on the market. in Alaska. (
Unlike twice-frozen prod- Always weighed prior to For more information call
ucts, Trident’s new Cod loins glazing, Trident Alaska Cod Trident Seafoods Corporation
are custom cut and individu- Loins offer consistent sizing at (800) 367-6065 or email:
ally quick-frozen right at our in 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, and 8-ounce
Claysville, PA estern Edge Seafood continues to add cessing methods and logis-
value to the marketplace of affordable tics. Tilapia, Catfish, Pol-
seafood products. A new series of retail lock, Ocean Perch and Swai
SALES CONTACT pack sizes and presentations allow retail operators have always had the price
Shawn Cessna and distributors to best maximize sales to advantage over many seafood
retailer consumers. species, but with the added
efforts that go into Western
PHONE Clear bags with rider labels tant information about the Edge Seafood brand prod-
(724) 228-6680 containing 5 pounds of pre- health benefit of seafood ucts, those species can reach
mium fish fillets allow for consumption. their highest potential for
maximum visibility in dis- Western Edge Seafood has consumer satisfaction. Con-
WEB SITE / EMAIL play giving the consumers built a reputation for maxi- sumer satisfaction through
www.westernedge confidence in their selection. mizing the value of afford- realization of value for the Five-pound retail boxes with purchase price is the key full color high-resolution to long-term retailer success
printing create a vibrant dis- through repeat purchases.
play that attracts consumers New products will be
to the quality inside while added as they are developed
giving the consumer a feel- to be beneficial to the growth
ing of value. The carton able seafood species through and promotion of the seafood
design also promotes useful setting strict standards in programs of Western Edge
recipes and carries impor- raw material selection, pro- Seafood’s customers.
n todayʼs economic environment consumers are eating per, zesty lime and cilantro leaf
SALES CONTACT more and more meals at home. This represents an ongoing Shrimp Cayenne: Coconut
Michelle Brandon challenge for retail seafood departments. Is your seafood and ginger spiced sauce infused department getting their share of the “eat at home” dollars? with soy and cayenne pepper
Tilapia Pineapple: Delicate fil-
Fact: Retail consumers have sauces gives consumers the abil- lets in a chili tomato hot & sour
PHONE limited knowledge in prepar- ity to have “restaurant quality sauce with little bits of pineapple
(877) 302-5710 ing seafood. at home.” Our program starts Tilapia Garlic: A rich garlic
Fact: Most Value-added with the most attractive packag- lemon and parsley sauce
meals fail to deliver on two ing on the market, as you know Salmon Fiery Tomato: Plum
WEB SITE / EMAIL major fronts, repeat customers consumers first buy with their tomatoes, paprika, cracked and flavor delivery. eyes. The ease of preparation black pepper and cilantro
Fact: Consumers want con- and quality of the product keeps Salmon Cayenne: Glazed with
sistency in preparation; if you them coming back for more. Our cracked black pepper, thyme
have ever used a microwave to product goes from frozen to fully and sweet tomato flavored bar-
prepare fish you know this is prepared in 15 minutes or less. becue sauce
not the answer. Open the bag, drop the vacu- Salmon Béarnaise: A light
Our New Wholey Boil-n-Bag um packed portions (Sauce and béarnaise butter sauce infused
concept developed in conjunc- seafood cook together) into the with tarragon leaf and white
tion with Irish Provenance water and you are now a chef. wine vinegar.