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Practical research 1
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2 authors, including:
Luisito C Abueg
University of the Philippines Los Baños
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All content following this page was uploaded by Luisito C Abueg on 09 November 2020.
Practical Research 1
Cleve V Arguelles and Luisito Cagandahan Abueg
Note: This file is a preview of the book “Practical Research 1”, a textbook for senior high
school (Grade 11). This file contains the table of contents, together with the list of
The book is available beginning December 2020. For further information, please send
your enquiries to
Table of Contents
Glossary of terms
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Abueg, L.C. (2017). An econometric history of Philippine trade: 1810–1899. DLSU Business
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Arguelles, C.V. and Pantaleon, C.C. (2020). Unholy alliance? Ordinary religious Christian
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Women’s Studies, 29(2), 85-112.
Arguelles, C.V. (2019). “We are Rodrigo Duterte”: Dimensions of the Philippine populist
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