NSTP 2 - Civic Welfare Training Service 2
NSTP 2 - Civic Welfare Training Service 2
NSTP 2 - Civic Welfare Training Service 2
a. Develop physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being while undergoing training in any of the two (2) program
components (CWTS and LTS) of NSTP;
b. Appreciate and support NSTP activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of community.
c. Acquire knowledge, skills and values desired to train them to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school
youths and other segments of society in need of their services.
d. Develop and enhance civic consciousness, ethics of service and patriotism and nationalism that contribute to the youth’s general
Legend (for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision
NSTP generally aims to promote civic consciousness and defense preparedness among the youth by developing the ethics of service and
patriotism while undergoing training.
A variety of methods and techniques will be used in this class and each will be part of your evaluation in this class. The following are the
expected classroom activities:
1. Series of lectures;
2. Brainstorming/Interactive Discussion;
3. Simulation/Rationalization;
Course Format 4. Presentation/Film showing;
5. Hands-on/Demonstration/Role playing;
6. Essay writing;
7. Seminar Workshop/Symposium;
8. Case Analysis; and
9. Community Immersion/Agency Industrial Visit
Time Course Intended Learning Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Textbooks/
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Matter/ Topic Activities Tasks Materials References
Week 1
[3 Orientation, Introduction of CWTS 2, Course Organization and Briefing
Week 2- 1. Demonstrate content Unit 1: Understanding Community Needs Report on Soft and hard
3 knowledge and Community Dynamics Analysis Community copies of
[6 understanding of a. Community Defined needs analysis reports
Hours] community dynamics b. Concepts and Principles Networking and Linkaging
a. Define community c. Community Needs Progress report
b. Discuss concepts Analysis Community on networking
and principles d. Social and Resource Service/Mobilization and linkaging
underpinning Mobilization
community/ e. Networking and Linkaging Progress report
community f. Overview on Community on community
participation and Service mobilization
involvement/commu g. Mobilizing Students for
nity organization Community Action
c. Conduct community
needs analysis
d. Identify community
e. Conduct social and
f. Seek collaboration
with the identified
community through
networking and
g. Organize, delegate,
and activate for
community action
4. Demonstrate content Unit 10: The Fundamentals Pre-Community Narrative Report Copy of
knowledge, of Community Immersion Immersion Project
understanding and a. Mobilizing Students for Proposal
skills in the Community Immersion Project Planning Midterm
fundamentals of b. Community Immersion Examination Copy of
community immersion Requirements CWTS 2: narrative
a. Orient, discuss c. Essential Protocols in Project Proposal Report
Week 4-5 familiarize on the Community Immersion
[6 Hours] process of d. The Process of Community Project
community Immersion Proposal
immersion e. Pre-Immersion Rubrics
b. Discuss protocols in f. Entering the Community
community g. Community Integration
immersion h. Community Assessment
i. Project Planning and
j. Termination of project
5. Demonstrate content Unit 10: Project Project Method Final Copy of
Week 6- knowledge, Development and Examination Reports
understanding and Management, Monitoring Community Immersion CWTS 2:
Hours] skills in project and Evaluation, Project
development and Documentation of Projects Progress Report Rubrics
management, a. Overview on Project
monitoring and Development Narrative Report
evaluation, and b. The Project Cycle
project c. Process Flow of Terminal Report
documentation. Formulation of NSTP-
a. Identify and Based Community
familiarize on the Project/Activities
process flow of d. Project Proposal Making
formulation of e. Purpose of Project
NSTP-based Proposal
community f. Prescribed Format of
project/activities Project Proposal
b. Plan and propose g. Project Management
community project h. Process of Monitoring
for implementation i. Tools in Monitoring
and management Projects/Activities
c. Implement project j. Evaluation of NSTP
for community Projects and Activities
immersion k. Evaluation Process
d. Monitor and l. Documentation and
evaluate Reporting
projects/activities m. Types of Documentation
e. Document
f. Report
Preparation and submission of reports
Final Examination/De-briefing
Course References
Main References:
1. Ang, Mary Jean C., et. al. NSTP-CWTS 1. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Malabon City, Philippines. 2013.
2. Ang, Mary Jean C., et. al. NSTP-CWTS 2. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Malabon City, Philippines. 2013.
3. Esguerra, Vincent B., et. al. Environmental Education Manual for Teachers. Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa City. 2017
4. Vidal, Carmelo John E., et. al. Towards Effective and Relevant NSTP Implementation. A Research-Based Practical Guide for
Implementers of the Non-Military Program Components of the National Service Training Program. Technological University of the
Philippines, Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, Manila. ISBN 978-971-821-164-9. 2018.
Other References/Documents:
1. Midterm and Final Examinations
2. Quizzes/Assignments
3. Class Reports
4. Class Group Discussions/Brainstorming/Workshops
5. Class Participation/Recitation
6. Reflection/Reaction Papers
7. Community Immersion/Agency Visits
Course Policies 1. Much of the course content will take place in class; therefore, if you do not attend class there will be no way to make up what you
missed. So both attendance and participation are mandatory. Regular attendance is absolutely critical for success in this course.
2. You are expected to prepare for each class by doing assigned readings and by participating in class discussions. Asking questions and
sharing personal experience or current information from newspaper articles or magazines is encouraged.
3. Assignments must be submitted early or during the regularly scheduled class period due date to receive credit. Late assignments and
paper works turned in shall correspond necessary equated deduction in merit points.
4. Exams will cover material in the textbook, presented in class, videos, and assigned reading hand-outs. If you must miss a test, speak to
the instructor ahead of time to discuss if other arrangements can be made. Any student caught cheating on an exam will receive a failing
grade for that exam.
5. Cell phones must be turned off during class. Talking to others while the instructor or another student is addressing the class, or making
excessive or unnecessary noise is a disruptive behavior. Being disruptive in class also affects your peers. You will be asked to leave if
the instructor believes that you are being disruptive.
LCD projector, laptop, internet, Facebook, FB Messenger, Yahoomail.com, flash drives, Video clips, library, PSU-IMC, I-hub
Consultation Period