Work-Report: Guideline For Dimensioning of LV-Cables
Work-Report: Guideline For Dimensioning of LV-Cables
Work-Report: Guideline For Dimensioning of LV-Cables
Subject/Title Place Date
Guideline for Dimensioning of LV- Offenbach 2004-03-18
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This document describes the method of calculation for dimensioning of low voltage power cables
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1 Preface............................................................................................................................ 4
3 Method of Calculation...................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Permissible Current-Carrying Capacity............................................................................ 6
3.2 Permissible Voltage Drop at Rated Current ..................................................................... 6
3.3 Voltage Dip during Motor Start-up ................................................................................... 7
3.4 Cut-Off Condition............................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Permissible Thermal Cable Stress at Short Circuits ........................................................ 9
3.6 Overload protection ......................................................................................................... 9
4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 10
5 Attachment .................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Ancillary conditions for voltage drop and voltage dip . Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
5.2 Cable-type data............................................................................................................. 11
5.3 Feeder-type data........................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Switchgear short-circuit data ......................................................................................... 11
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1 Preface
This document sets out the methods and calculations used to determine the sizing of the low volt-
age (LV) cables.
The electrical equipment is designed to assure high availability of the power plant in all modes of
operation, complying with VDE, IEC and DIN regulations (partial included in European “harmonized
documents” – HD).
Here the basic principles and the project-specific data of the low-voltage power cable designing will
be described.
Low voltage cables need to be designed according to the requirements imposed by the load, the
upstream breaker data and the ambient conditions. Besides fulfilling all conditions the aim is to
select the cable in an economic way. But this requires accurate calculation of each cable under
consideration of the specific conditions. Calculating all factors by hand is almost impossible espe-
cially when taking into account that the number of LV cables used for a power plant can reach sev-
eral thousand. Therefore a computer program is used to carry out the calculation.
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3 Method of Calculation
The feeder cables between power source and the low voltage consumers are designed to meet the
requirements imposed by the following conditions:
• the permissible load current under various ambient conditions and reductions,
The calculation of the conductor cross section is performed by a computer program which is part of
the main engineering tool for the design of switchgear. The applied calculation procedure consid-
ers all design conditions mentioned above.
Considering that most of the design conditions are fixed the only variable is the cable conductor
cross-section or in consequence the number of parallel cables. The program is automatically in-
creasing the cable conductor cross-section until the cable complies with all requirements. The
available cable types for selection are determined according to the permitted cable spectrum used
for the project. Fulfilling all conditions the selected cable with the minimum conductor cross-section
will be called the automatically assigned.
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I Iper k
r ≤ ∗ res
k res = Πkred
Each cable has a maximum permissible current carrying capacity under particular ambient and
installation conditions. The load current is limited by the maximum operating temperature of its
insulation material (e.g. PVC or XLPE). Under standard conditions the maximum operating current
is defined as Iper. The conductor heating results from the current density A/mm² and the degree of
heat emission. If the ambient conditions or the installation method of the cable are different to the
standard conditions, this has to be considered by particular derating factors kred (see DIN VDE
0276-1000, Tables 2 to 13, for cables in conduits Item respectively). The product of all
applicable factors reduces the Iper value to Ir, the permissible rated current of the cable under the
actual ambient and installation conditions.
Normally, the cable derating factor kres for power plant applications is a value between 0,5 and 0,9.
The factors are defined according to the actual conditions. The worst-case condition along a cable
route determines the derating factor to be applied for the entire cable.
At rated current the maximum permissible voltage drop must not exceeded. The limit is set by the
voltage tolerance range of the consumer. Normally the general applicable voltage tolerance de-
fined by the codes and standards is taken for calculation even if the load could tolerate lower volt-
ages. The voltage drop calculation considers bus voltage (set to rated value Ur in order to take bus
pre-loading into account ) and cable impedance in R and X values.
Temperature dependence of the cable resistance will be taken into account for maximum operating
[ (
R(t ) = 1 + α 20 ∗ TOp − 20°C ⋅ R(20°C ) )]
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∆U st
∆ust [% ] = ⋅100%
At maximum start-up current the maximum permitted voltage drop at load terminals must not be
exceeded. The limit conditions are equivalent to the explanations under 3.2.
If a cable to a sub-system has to be calculated (e.g. the feeder cable to a Black-Box), the maxi-
mum simultaneous start-up current including the maximum possible simultaneous load combina-
tion will be considered.
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I f min > I 5s
TN AC-grid:
I f min = I PhE
= 0.95
( 2 R1 + R 0) 2 + ( 2 X 1 + X 0) 2
IT AC or DC-grid: I f min = 0.95
Temp. dependence of R:
[ (
R(t ) = 1 + α 20 ∗ TOp − 20°C ⋅ R(20°C ) )]
This condition is valid for grounded systems with protection use of the ground potential. It is re-
quired that the minimum short-circuit current to earth shall be tripped within 5 sec. The assumption
for calculation is an earth fault located at load terminals (downstream cable end) considering the
maximum permissible conductor operating temperature. These conditions result in the maximum
short-circuit loop impedance (grid + feeder + cable) corresponding to the minimum short circuit
The minimum short circuit currents at the terminals of the LV-switchgear were estimated based on
experiences in other projects, because exact calculated minimum short currents could not submit-
ted by client.
Although this condition is intended to proof tripping of protective grounded systems it can also be
used in modified form to check tripping of DC circuits under minimum short circuit current condi-
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A ⋅K 2
≤ I 2
Under worst-case short circuit conditions the maximum temperature of the conductor shall not be
exceeded. The maximum permissible temperature of the conductor caused by short-circuit current
is taken into account. Heating depends on the amount of energy I²t during short circuits.
The maximum I²t value is determined by the trip characteristic of the circuit breaker under maxi-
mum short circuit conditions on the busbar. Due to the different behaviour of fuses the worst-case
I²t value results from minimum short circuit current but maximum cut-off-time of 5s. Therefore the
energy for maximum tripping time is calculated in addition to get the maximum I²t-value.
r ≤ br ≤ per
I ≤ 1,45I
2 per
The overload protection condition prevents the cable from overloading during normal operation.
The maximum permissible cable current is limited by the rating of the upstream breaker or fuse
and the maximum overload trip current.
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4 Abbreviations
Symbol Unit Description
Ur V rated voltage
Upre V preload voltage
U0 V no-load voltage
∆U V voltage difference
∆u % voltage difference per unit
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5 Attachment
For the calculation following data were used by the above mentioned computer program, based on
the ancillary conditions for voltage drop and voltage dip as shown on page 12 and 13:
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∆U r
∆ ur = ⋅100%
Voltage Dip ∆u st
Potential Difference between
Rated and Term inal Voltage
of the Consum e r during Start-up
∆ U st
∆ u st = ⋅100%
∆u r = 5% ∆u r = 5%
∆u r = 3%
If start-up current ratio of
∆u st = 10% ∆u st = 3% the Black Box is greater
than 2, will be set ∆u st
M Cable feeder individually
Sub-D istribution Board (Black Box)
∆u r = 2% ∆u r = 2%
∆u st = 7%
M Cable feeder
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Diesel Terminal Voltage Drop ∆u r
Voltage: U r ÷ 1.1U r
Potential Difference along the
Feeder Cable at Rated Current
∆u r = 2% of the Consumer or the Infeed
of the Sub-Distribution Board
U pre
Client Distribution Board 1
∆U r
∆ ur = ⋅100%
Voltage Dip ∆u st
∆u r = 8% Potential Difference between
Rated and Term inal Voltage
of the Consumer during Start-up
∆ U st
∆ ust = ⋅100%
U pre
Distribution Board BME
0.90U r ÷1.1U r
∆u r = 5% ∆u r = 5%
∆u r = 2% ∆u r = 2%
∆u st = 7%
M Cable feeder
Ancillary Conditions for Voltage Drop and Voltage Dip - Diesel supplied
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