Analysys Mason Country Reports Data Sheet
Analysys Mason Country Reports Data Sheet
Analysys Mason Country Reports Data Sheet
Whether you are reviewing your position in a particular country The service in detail
against the backdrop of increased competition or whether you are
For a typical 12-month subscription, our clients will get
considering entering new markets, in-depth intelligence about the
access to individual annually updated country reports providing
key players, market size and market dynamics is imperative.
the following:
Analysys Mason’s comprehensive country reports provide
• an introduction describing the market context – the
everything that you need to know about a country’s telecoms
socioeconomic situation and overall telecoms market sizing
market, enabling you to evaluate emerging trends, pinpoint new
opportunities and analyse the strategies of competitors and peers. • major players and their respective market shares
Our country reports focus on fixed and mobile markets, providing a
• a market outlook describing key issues and trends
converged perspective on key developments and essential market
and performance data. • a comprehensive annex covering regulatory information and
detailed information on fixed and mobile players’ infrastructure,
An essential resource for strategic and investment decision
including up-to-date information on coverage of wireless
making, as well as informing localised market entry tactics, our
networks, by technology.
country reports are designed to be used throughout a client
organisation to help all levels and departments to make the best Each country report is accompanied by a data annex that is
possible business decisions. updated quarterly and shows historical data (fixed and mobile) and
market data summaries detailing some metrics by operator (fixed
Country Reports are one of the longest-standing element of
and mobile).
Analysys Mason’s research portfolio. Over the years, our country
reports have been recognised in the industry for their consistent Clients also get access to experts: unmetered access to our
quality and depth. Each country report is updated each year and subject matter experts and thought leaders for additional insight
comes with a data annex that is updated quarterly and draws on and opinion, providing practical advice in answer to ad hoc
Analysys Mason’s extensive database of fixed and mobile telecoms questions relating to our research.
metrics, particularly Telecoms Market Matrix.
For more information about our Country Reports research
programme, please see overleaf.
Country Reports research programme deliverables
Deliverable type Indicative deliverables
(over twelve months)
Market data Fixed data by operator
Analysys Mason’s country report data annexes provide a range of • broadband subscribers by major broadband operator (and
key telecoms market metrics for the nation. Typical indicators might associated market shares and year-on-year changes)
include the following. • DSL connections (total and incumbent share).
Fixed data at country level • unbundled local loops
Connections • main lines digitalised (% of Mobile data by operator
• PSTN total narrowband lines) • active subscribers per operator (and associated market shares)
• ISDN Revenue • proportion of prepaid accounts
• VoIP • Service revenue, including • ARPU
• broadband its nominal growth, per - total
- total connection per month and - prepaid
- DSL the incumbent’s share - contract
- cable modem • Retail revenue (also called • service revenue
- FTTB ‘spend’), which is service • data revenue (as % of service revenue).
- FWA revenue minus wholesale
Geographical coverage
- other revenue, by % GDP, per
Analysys Mason provides country reports for the following thirty
• households with voice capita per year and
core markets:
• household penetration per connection per month.
(voice, broadband) Traffic Austria Greece Romania
and population • Fixed-originated minutes. Belgium Hungary Russia
penetration (broadband) Bulgaria Ireland Slovakia
Mobile data at country level Croatia* Italy Slovenia
Analysys Mason’s country report data annexes provide a range of Czech Republic Latvia Spain
key telecoms market metrics for the nation. Typical indicators might Denmark Lithuania Sweden
include the following. Estonia Netherlands Switzerland
Finland Norway Turkey
Connections - prepaid
France Poland UK
• total - contract
Germany Portugal Ukraine
• prepaid (also as % of total) • ARPU
and contract - total * Data annexe currently updated once each year; will move to a quarterly update cycle in 2010.
• penetration (total) - prepaid We also provide some additional commentary on countries where
• percentage of activity - contract particular market developments are significant and interesting. At
- total • data revenue (as % of present, these include Japan and the USA, but are subject to
- prepaid service revenue) change and ongoing review.
- contract • retail revenue (also called
• 3G and above (as % of total). ‘spend’), also as % GDP
Revenue and per capita per year. Why Analysys Mason?
• service revenue Traffic Since the beginning of the competitive telecoms market in the
- total • mobile-originated minutes late 1980s, Analysys Mason has been analysing, tracking and
forecasting the market, enabling clients to better understand
their competitive position. This insight provides our clients with
Analyst Support and Strategy Sessions the clarity to critically assess the opportunities and threats posed
Our analysts can provide additional assistance through by new entrants, new trends and new technology.
Analyst Support hours or Strategy Sessions.
Analysys Mason's research portfolio
• Analyst Support enables clients to engage with our experts, Our research portfolio provides an authoritative perspective on
who can deliver advice on specific questions of critical the global telecoms market, enabling strategic decision-
interest to the clients’ businesses making and the measurement of performance. Customers
• Strategy Sessions involve tailored presentations to the client value our ability to fuse detailed and reliable market data with
on key market drivers, inhibitors, threats, competitors and our skill for identifying and analysing key industry issues. In
opportunities. short, we help the leading players to make the right decisions.
The depth and breadth of our analysts' industry experience Find out more
ensures that we provide sound background information on
market trends and help clients to develop strategic business
plans. Analysys Mason provides an honest and forthright
perspective on key markets, challenging assumptions and
delivering insight on critical strategic issues.
Contact Us:
To discuss our research services in more detail,
please contact our Sales and Customer Services team
on +44 (0)20 7395 9000 or via
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