United States Patent (19) : Glock
United States Patent (19) : Glock
United States Patent (19) : Glock
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U.S. Patent Sep. 10, 1985 Sheet 2 of 9 4,539,889
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U.S. Patent Sep. 10, 1985 Sheet 9 of 9 4,539,889
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1. 2
Yet another disadvantage of the known automatic
AUTOMATIC PISTOL WITH COUNTERACTING pistols is that after the last shot in a clip the slide returns
SPRING CONTROL MECHANISM forward on the empty chamber. To chamber a new
cartridge it is necessary to pull back the slide, insert the
FIELD OF THE INVENTION new clip, then advance the slide. Obviously in the type
The present invention relates to a pistol. More partic of situation where a pistol is used such extra handling is
ularly this invention concerns an automatic pistol of the very disadvantageous.
type which automatically ejects the spent casing and OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION
chambers a new cartridge after each shot. 10 It is therefore an object of the present invention to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION provide an improved pistol.
A standard automatic pistol has a frame provided Another object is the provision of such an improved
with a firing mechanism and carrying a slide comprising pistol which overcomes the above-given disadvantages.
the barrel and breech slidable on the frame. A recoil 15 Yet another object is to provide an easy-to-use but
spring is braced between the frame and slide and the very safe automatic pistol which can be produced at
low cost.
breech is provided with a firing bolt operable by a fir
ing-bolt spring or a hammer loaded by a hammer spring. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
The firing mechanism has an abutment guided generally These objects are attained according to the instant
parallel to and extending into the path of the firing bolt 20 invention in a pistol comprising, as is known, a frame, a
or the hammer. This abutment is connected via a link
with the trigger so that on actuation of same it is mov barrel slidable on the frame and having a cartridge
able in a direction loading the firing bolt or hammer. receiving rear end, a breech slidable on the frame and
Such pistols are relatively complicated to use. To engageable over the rear end of the barrel to form a
chamber a cartridge it is necessary to pull back and then cartridge chamber, and firing means including a firing
push forward the slide. Similarly when the clip is empty
25 element and a firing pin operatively linked thereto. The
the slide must be pulled back, a new clip inserted, then element is movable on the breech toward and away
the slide released and moved forward to chamber the from the barrel between a rear position in which the
cartridge. All these actions must be carried out against firing pin is out of the cartridge chamber and a front
heavy spring forces and in only one sequence, so that position with the firing pin projecting forward into the
such a pistol can only be entrusted to experienced
30 cartridge chamber for firing a cartridge in the chamber
hands. when the firing element moves from the rear to the
front position. Spring means operatively engages the
The shooter cannot often tell whether the pistol is on element and urges same into the front position. A trig
or off safety, especially after a pause in shooting. Thus ger is movable on the frame between an actuated and an
it is possible for a shot to be attempted while the safety 35 unactuated position. An abutment engageable with the
is on, or for a shot to be loosed inadvertently by some firing element in an intermediate position thereof be
one thinking it is on when it is not. tween its front and rear positions is displaceable back
Trigger-type automatics have a trigger that is cocked ward on the frame. Link means is connected between
by the slide when a cartridge is chambered. In order to the trigger and the abutment for displacing same back
carry the loaded pistol with safety the hammer must be 40 ward into the rear position from the intermediate posi
uncocked. Subsequent shooting necessitates manually tion on displacement of the trigger from the unactuated
cocking the hammer by means of the trigger. This pro to the actuated position and for displacing the abutment
cedure requires that quite some force be exerted, neces out of operative engagement with the firing element on
sitating a long trigger stroke without any noticeable displacement of the trigger into the actuated position
critical point. The pistol is off safety after the shot, and 45 for displacement of the firing element by the spring
subsequent shots only require limited force on and a means into the front position.
limited stroke of the trigger, so that the danger of an Thus the starting position of the abutment for the
unintentional shot is great. For safety against jarring firing bolt or hammer is at an intermediate location in
and dropping, a particular latch for the firing bolt is the travel path of same. In this manner the firing mecha
provided that is released on operation of the trigger 50 nism can be such that the trigger force is substantially
before the hammer strikes the firing bolt. less than with the known pistols. Preferably the starting
In addition pistols are known with a separate safety position of the firing bolt is in a noncritical region of its
lever which is actuated by the three fingers surrounding travel path or that of the hammer, in one in which the
the pistol grip. It is, however, difficult to move these force of the partially loaded firing-bolt spring or ham
three fingers independently of the trigger finger so that 55 mer spring is insufficient to fire a shot.
mistakes in handling happen. In addition with such a According to this invention the spring means in
pistol whenever it is solidly gripped it is off safety, so cludes a relatively strong firing spring braced against
that unintentional shots can happen. the firing element and urging same into the front posi
Common to the known pistols is that the firing mech tion and a relatively weak spring braced against the
anism holds the firing element, that is the firing bolt or 60 firing element and urging same into the back position.
the hammer, in its cocked position and in this position The trigger or cocking force is the difference between
the pistol is off safety and cocked so it is sensitive to these spring forces and can be set at a hair trigger or a
jarring or dropping. relatively stiff novice level. In other words the pistol is
Another problem with the known automatic pistols is always uncocked or at least partially uncocked. The
that removal of the barrel for servicing of the gun is 65 cocking for each shot is effected by the trigger and is
fairly difficult, necessitating tools. In view of the need assisted by a spring, so that the condition of the pistol is
to maintain such complicated mechanisms carefully, the same before the first shot as it is before the subse
such difficulty is extremely disadvantageous. quent shots.
3 4.
According to another feature of this invention the To eliminate the problem of firing-pin breakage
firing means includes a guide holding the abutment in which plagues automatic pistols, the firing pin is lance
operative engagement with the firing element on dis shaped and the breech is formed with an elongated
placement of the trigger from the unactuated to the throughgoing slot through which the lance-shaped pin
actuated position. In addition when the element is in the 5 engages. More particularly the firing pin has a flattened
intermediate position the abutment prevents any dis triangular tip lying in the pistol plane, so it is very
placement of the firing element relative to the abutment. strong in this direction, which is the same as the shell
Accidental discharge of the pistol therefore is impossi ejection direction.
ble. The pistol according to this invention has latch means
In accordance with another invention feature the 10 for releasably securing the barrel to the frame. This
abutment is displaceable laterally relative to the firing means includes a projection on the barrel movable
element between a position in the path of same and along a path on sliding of the barrel and breech on the
engageable therewith and a position out of the path and frame, a frame abutment on the frame and normally in
unengageable therewith, the link means displacing the the path, and means for moving the frame abutment out
abutment into the out-of-path position on displacement 15 of engagement with the barrel projection. The frame
of the trigger into the actuated position. This movement abutment can be an eccentric pivotal into and out of the
of the abutment which frees the firing element-firing in-path position, or can be a slide displaceable parallel to
bolt or hammer-in a direction perpendicular to the one the clip hole in the frame. Either arrangement makes
in which this element moves to fire the cartridge means removal of the slide relatively easy.
that if the pistol is jarred, as for example by being 20 In addition the pistol of this invention has a clip re
dropped, it is virtually impossible for the necessary movably engageable with the frame and holding a sup
forces to be exerted on the mechanism to fire the pistol. ply of cartridges displaceable by the breech into the
The abutment can, according to this invention, be chamber, and safety means engageable between the clip
rotatable between the in-path and the out-of-path posi and the link means for permitting the abutment to move
tions. More particularly when the firing element is a 25 out of engagement with the firing element only when at
longitudinally displaceable bolt and the abutment has a least one cartridge remains in the clip. To this end the
sleeve carried thereon, the firing means includes a tor clip has a cartridge follower and the safety means in
sion spring urging the abutment into the in-path posi cludes an element on the frame engageable through the
tion. The abutment is an arm projecting from the sleeve clip with the follower. Thus when the last shot is fired
and the breech is formed with a guide holding the abut 30 the slide will not return forward, so that a new clip can
ment in operative engagement with the firing element be inserted with automatic chambering of the first car
on displacement of the trigger from the unactuated to tridge.
the actuated position. In addition in such an arrange The pistol according to this invention is set up so that
ment the link means includes a trigger slide displaceable the abutment cannot catch the firing element and re
parallel to and transversely of the path of travel of the 35 cock and fire it when the trigger is held back. Instead
firing bolt and having a spring urging it into engage the trigger must be released between shots to move the
ment with the abutment. link forward into its forward position where it can en
The abutment can be a lever having one pivoted end gage the abutment. In other words the abutment and
and an opposite end engageable in the path of the firing link can only engage one another when the firing ele
element and deflectable either thereby out of the path 40 ment is in the intermediate position and the link is in the
thereof to free the firing element for firing. More partic trigger-unactuated position.
ularly when the abutment is such a lever it can have one With the pistol of this invention releasing and firing
end engaging in the path of the firing element and an are done with the same element. Thus the condition of
other end formed with a slot. The frame has a pivot pin the pistol is the same before the first shot as it is before
traversing the slot and the firing mechanism comprises 45 the subsequent shots. This is attained when the guide
a spring urging the one end away from the pivot pin. which establishes the path of the abutment during the
Once again the displacement direction for the link is loading motion blocks projection of the abutment into
transverse, that is crosses, that of the firing bolt so the the travel path of the firing bolt or hammer. The pistol
pistol is very jar-resistant. is therefore always uncocked or partially uncocked.
In accordance with this invention the firing element SO Handling of the pistol according to the instant inven
can also be a hammer pivotal on the frame, in which tion is therefore as simple as possible. The pistol is ready
case the firing mechanism includes a firing bolt carrying after chambering of the cartridge in the barrel for shoot
the firing pin and engageable with the hammer and the ing at any time and is nonetheless completely safe from
Spring means and abutment are engageable with the unintentional shots. Similarly in this condition the pistol
hammer. The abutment can be a two-arm lever block 55 is fully drop- and jar-resistant. As a result of the un
ingly engageable with the hammer and laterally deflect changing trigger force accuracy is increased. Simple
able out of engagement therewith. It can also be a longi and safe handling of the pistol is ensured even for the
tudinally slidable trigger slide such as used in the trig unpracticed user.
gerless pistol according to this invention. As a result of the small number of parts and the possi
In a particularly simple construction, according to this 60 ble fitting of the firing mechanism into a small space the
invention the firing element is a firing bolt carrying the frame can be of one piece, preferably of a synthetic
firing pin and a firing-bolt nose and the abutment is . resin, so that the overall weight is substantially less than
directly engageable with the nose. Furthermore the link that of comparable known pistols. In addition manufac
means includes a trigger slide and an inclined surface on ture is simplified and made inexpensive. In fact the
the frame engageable with the trigger slide in the actu 65 entire frame can be a synthetic-resin casting made with
ated position of the trigger. This link means includes a a simple two-piece mold, and the various elements like
Spring urging the slide into engagement with the in the firing element and guide for the slide can be formed
clined surface. by metallic inserts.
5 6
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIGS. 33, 34, and 35 are respectively back end, par
tial front, nd top views of the clip of FIG. 32:
The above and other features and advantages will FIG. 36 is a side view of yet another firing mecha
become more readily apparent from the following, ref nism according to the invention;
erence being made to the accompanying drawing in 5 FIG. 37 is a top view of the structure of FIG. 36;
which: FIG. 38 is a view in the direction of arrow XXXVIII
FIG. 1 is a side view of a pistol according to the -XXXVIII of a detail of FIG, 37; and
present invention; FIG. 39 is a bottom view of a slide that works with
FIG. 2 is a front end view of the pistol of FIG. 1; the mechanism of FIGS. 36-38.
FIG. 3 is a large-scale longitudinal section through a 10
detail of the pistol of FIG. 1; SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION
FIG. 4 is a top view of a detail of FIG. 1; As seen in FIGS. 1-12 the pistol in general is com
FIG. 5 is a longitudinal section through the breech of prised of a frame 1 and a slide 2 which is displaceable on
the pistol of FIG. 1; the frame 1 by means of a tongue-and-groove guide 3.
FIG. 6 is a top view of the breech of FIG. 5; 15 The barrel 4 and breech 5 are mounted on the slide 2.
FIG. 7 is a section taken along line VII-VII of FIG. The barrel 4 has a breech block 6 and a downwardly
5 projecting extension 7 in which a recess 8 is formed
FIG. 8 is a top view of the rear portion of the firing from which a forwardly upwardly inclined groove 9
mechanism; extends. The barrel 4 has an upwardly directed projec
FIG. 9 is a longitudinal section through the mecha 20 tion 10 extending into a window 11 of the slide 2 so that
nism of FIG. 8: the barrel 4 and breech 5 are locked together for joint
FIG. 10 is a section taken along line X-X of FIG. 9; movement along the axis A of the barrel 4. The barrel 4
FIG. 11 is a side view of the firing mechanism in the projects with play through an opening 12 at the front
uncocked position; end of the slide 2 so that it is only held in the region of
FIG. 12 is a side view of the firing mechanism in the 25 its breech block 6.
ready-to-fire position; The slide 2 has an end wall 13 which serves as rest for
FIG. 13 is a longitudinal section like FIG. 9 through a recoil spring 14. The other rest is formed by the rim 15
a second embodiment of the firing mechanism, in the of a sleeve 16that is surrounded with play by the recoil
uncocked position; spring 14. The front end 17 of the sleeve 16 is received
FIG. 14 is a section taken along line XIV-XIV of 30 with play in a bore 18 of the end wall 13. The sleeve 16
FIG. 13; is fixed axially by a bracket 19 which has a flange fitted
FIG. 15 is a section like FIG. 13 but in the cocked in a slot of the frame 1.
position; Also mounted in the frame 1 is an eccentric 20 formed
FIG. 16 is a section taken along line XVI-XVI of of a pair of disks 21 and 21 cc rotatable in a bore of the
FIG. 15; 35 frame 1 and connected together by a stem 22. The disk
FIG. 17 is a longitudinal section like FIG. 9 through 21' projects out of the frame 1 and carries a spring lever
a third embodiment of the firing mechanism, in the 23 whose free end 24 can snap over a pin 25. When thus
uncocked position; engaged over the pin 25 rotation of the eccentric 20 is
FIG. 18 is a section like FIG. 17 but in the cocked impeded.
position; 40 The breech 5 is mounted axially unmovably in the
FIG. 19 is a section taken along line XIX-XIX of slide 2. It only has centering surfaces which correspond
FIG. 18; to complementary surfaces of the barrel 4. As seen in
FIG. 20 is a top view taken in the direction of arrow FIGS. 5-7, a firing bolt 26 generally centered on the
XX of FIG. 18; barrel axis A is slidable in the breech 5 and carries at its
FIG. 21 is a large-scale longitudinal section through a 45 front end a firing pin 27. This firing bolt 26 has a section
detail of FIG. 1; 28 of small diameter straddled by a spring rest 29 against
FIG. 22 is a section taken along line XXII-XXII of which the firing-bolt spring 30 is braced and which
FIG. 21; bears with its other end against a shoulder 31 of a spring
FIG. 23 is a section taken along line XXIII-XXIII tube 32 which is downwardly open and which flatly
of FIG.22; 50 abuts the breech 5 with its rear end. A weak return
FIG. 24 is a side view of another pistol according to spring 33 mounted in the tube 32 bears in one direction
the present invention; against the shoulder 31 of the spring tube and in the
FIG. 25 is a large-scale longitudinal section through a other direction on a nose 34 of the firing bolt 26, which
detail of the pistol of FIG. 1; nose 34 projects with its tip down out of and is guided
FIG. 26 is a top view of the detail of FIG. 25; 55 in a slot 35 of the breech 5. The nose 34 is formed with
FIG. 27 is a large-scale longitudinal section through an inclined surface 36. The position of the firing bolt 26
the firing mechanism of the pistol of FIG. 24; is determined by engagement of its section 37 on the
FIG. 28 is a top view of the detail of FIG. 27, line spring rest 29.
XXVII-XXVII being the section plane for FIG. 27; Ridges 39 and 40 are provided spaced one behind the
FIG. 29 is a bottom view of the slide of the pistol of 60 other on the underside 38 of the breech 5 so that a gap
FIG. 24; 41 is formed. The outer flank of the ridge 39 and the
FIG. 30 (same sheet as FIGS. 5-12) is a longitudinal inner flank of the ridge 40 lie substantially in a plane. In
section through a firing-pin assembly according to this addition the breech 5 has an extractor hook 42.
invention; Behind a magazine hole 43 for the cartridge clip 44
FIG. 31 (same sheet as FIGS. 5-12) is a front end 65 (see FIG. 1), the frame 1 has a guide 45 fixed in place by
view of the assembly of FIG. 30; a pin 46 as seen in FIGS. 8-12. The guide 45 extends to
FIG. 32 is a side view of the clip for the pistol of FIG. the rear end wall 47 of the frame 1 and is formed with
1; a bore 48 whose axis is parallel to the bolt/barrel axis A.
7 8
This bore 48 receives a stop sleeve 49 which contains a the nose 34 passes the abutment 61, it is turned by the
stop spring 5 which is braced between the floor of the spring 50 back into the position of FIG. 10. The sleeve
bore 48 and the end wall 51 of the stop sleeve 49. A pin 49 engages with its end wall 51 against the rear end wall
52 in the floor of the bore 48 and a pin 53 in the end wall 47 of the frame 1 and is solidly positioned here by the
51 of the stop sleeve 49 guide it. The spring 50 is re axially effective force of the stop spring 50.
ceived with radial play in the sleeve 49. The wire ends When the slide 2 is returned somewhat forward, the
54 and 55 of the spring 50 are bent axially and are re nose 34 of the firing bolt 26 engages forward against the
ceived in little bores respectively in the floor of the bore abutment 61. The force of the firing-bolt spring 30 over
48 and in the end wall 51. The stop spring 50 is not only comes that of the stop spring 50 so that the nose 34
axially, but also angularly loaded since the stop sleeve O slides the abutment 6 and the sleeve 49 forward until
49 is is turned a few times when it is mounted to torsion the end of same engages the floor of the bore 48 in the
ally or angularly load the spring 50. In this manner the guide 45. Further advance of the slide 2 is impeded as
sleeve 49 is urged clockwise according to arrow 56 the abutment 61 holds the nose 34 and the firing bolt 26,
(FIG. 10). To prevent such rotation it has an arm 57 thereby partially tensioning the firing-bolt spring 30.
which bears against the upper edge surface 58 of the 15 Simultaneously the breech block 6 is closed by the
guide 45. The guide 45 further has a shoulder 59 which breech 5 and moved forward with the barrel 4. This lifts
is interrupted by a slot 60. The width of the slot 60 is the rear portion of the barrel 4 from the stem 22 so the
such that an abutment 61 on the sleeve 49 can engage in projection 10 engages again in the window 11 of the
it. slide 2 and the barrel 4 and breech 5 are locked to
The guide 45 is provided with a longitudinally open 20 gether. During this action, as is known, the extractor
recess 62 in which is slidable a trigger slide 64 con finger 42 engages the lip of the casing of a shell in the
nected to the trigger 63. This trigger slide 64 occupies block 6, pulls it axially backward therefron, and flips
only a portion of the recess 62 and has an arm 65 engag this spent casing out the window 20 as same comes level
ing underneath the arm 57 as shown in FIG. 12. The with the extracted casing.
arm 65 terminates in a hook 66 which coacts with a step 25 Pulling the trigger 63 moves the trigger slide 64 back
67 on the guide 45. Furthermore the slide 64 has a cam so the can surface 68 engages under the arm 57 and
surface 68 which ends at a guide edge 69. The slide 64 urges it up. Since the abutment 61 lies on the front
is thus on one side guided by the floor 70 of the recess shoulder 59 further movement of the trigger 63 moves
62 and on the other side with the edge 69 on the under the arm 57, the sleeve 49, the abutment 61 and the firing
side 38 of the breech 5 so that it can move substantially 30 bolt nose 34 entrained thereby back while unloading the
only parallel to the axis A of the firing bolt 26. It is stop spring 50 and loading the firing-bolt spring 30.
provided with a bend 71 on which bears the long leg 74 Thus it is only necessary to bring a force to bear on the
of a hairpin spring 73 received in an elongated cutout 72 trigger 63 equal to the difference between the forces of
of the guide 45 and having a short leg engaged in a slot the springs 30 and 50 to move these elements of the
75 of the frame 1. The spring is constructed such that 35 mechanism. By choosing appropriate spring forces the
the long leg 74 urges the trigger slide 64 forward and pressure for the trigger 63 can be set at any desired
the arm 65 toward the spring sleeve 49. level.
As seen in FIGS. 21-23, inside the grip 76 of the As soon as the abutment 61 reaches the slot 60 the
frame 1 is formed with a square-section passage trans cam surface 68 of the trigger slide 64 raises the arm 57
verse to the hole 43 for the cartridge clip 44 and receiv and swings the abutment 61 into this slot 60. This frees
ing a slide 77 having a downwardly open bayonet guide the nose 34 and the firing bolt 26 is propelled forward
78. Near this slide 77 the hole 43 is formed with a by the force of the spring 30, overcoming the spring
wedge-shaped recess 79 into which a bore opens that force of the weak return spring 33. The firing pin 27
receives a spring wire 80 that engages with its free end strikes as a result of the kinetic energy of the firing bolt
81 in the bayonet guide 78. In addition the slide 77 45 26 with the necessary force on the primer of the car
projects with its end 82 out of the grip 76 so that it can tridge, exploding it. As soon as the shot has left the
be shifted against the force of the spring 80. It carries a barrel 4, the powder gases drive the slide 2 in the above
wedge nose 83 which engages in a groove of the clip 44. described manner back, with the rail 39 on the under
FIGS. 5 to 11 show the pistol uncocked. In order to side 38 of the breech 5 engaging the guide edge 69 of the
chamber the first cartridge 84 in the barrel 4, the slide 2 50 trigger slide 64 and moving it outward against the force
is slid back against the force of the recoil spring 14. The of the hairpin spring 73.
stem 22 of the eccentric 20 engages in the groove 9, Meanwhile the arm 57 disengages the cam surface 68
swings the barrel 4 down, and holds it against axial and returns with the abutment 61, which moves out of
movement relative to the slide 2 once it reaches the base the slot 60 under the force of its stop spring 50, into the
of the groove 9. This action pulls the projection 10 of 55 starting postiions in which the arm 57 lies on the surface
the barrel 4 out of the window 11 so that the slide 2 with 58 of the guide 45. If the slide 2 is moved by the recoil
the breech 5 can move further back. Meanwhile the spring 14 forward again, the nose 34 entrains the abut
nose 34 of the firing bolt 26 carries back the abutment 61 ment 61 until the sleeve 49 engages with its end surface
as can be understood from a comparison of FIGS. 7 and on the base of the bore 48. Further advance of the slide
10. The nose 34 is prevented from rotating by the 60 partially compresses the firing-bolt spring 30 again.
groove 35, as is the abutment 61 which lies on the front Since the trigger slide 64 does not yet engage the arm 57
part of the shoulder 59. Once the abutment 61 and the it is prevented from shooting automatically when the
stop sleeve 49 have moved back sufficiently, while un trigger 63 remains depressed. Only when the trigger 63
loading the stop spring 50, the abutment 61 can move is released does the guide edge 69 slide along the rail 40
angularly into the slot 60. Thus the can surface 36 of 65 forward to be pressed by the spring 73 into the gap 41
the nose 34 pushes the abutment 60 against the torsional between the ridges 39 and 40 so the arm 65 of the trig
force of the stop spring 50 into the slot 60 so that this ger slide 64 engages under the arm 57. Simultaneously
nose 34 can move back past the abutment 61. As soon as the return spring 33 slides the firing bolt 26 until it lies
9 10
with its front section 37 on the spring rest 29, where edge 114 pushes the pin 110, the lever 103, and the nose
upon the firing pin 27 is withdrawn into the breech 5. 101 back also. This fully loads the firing-bolt spring 30.
Now the pistol is again ready to fire. When the lever 103 reaches its rear end position and
If the spring arm 23 is pulled out of the catch 25 it can engages the abutment 111 the end surface 119 of the
rotate the eccentric 20 through 180. The stem 22 disen 5 trigger slide 115 engages the surface 120 and moves the
gages the barrel 4 and the entire slide 2 can be pulled off trigger slide 115 down against the force of the spring
the front. The recoil spring 14 meanwhile remains com 106 so that it noves away from the surface 116 and the
pressed since the shoulder 15 of the sleeve 16 bears on pin 110 as well as the lever 103 move down. This moves
the projection 7 of the barrel 4. The slide 2 can there the free lever end 102 out of the path of the nose 101,
fore be shifted without exerting substantial force. 10 freeing it, so that the firing bolt 26 is propelled forward
FIGS. 13 to 16 show a further embodiment of the under the force of the fully compressed firing-bolt
firing mechanism according to this invention. Other spring 30 and fires the cartridge.
wise the pistol is identical to that shown in FIGS. 1 to When the slide 2 is then driven back by gases from
12 with identical reference numerals referring to identi the shot the inclined surface 124 of the ridge 123 on the
cal structure. 15 breech 5 pushes the leaf spring out (FIG. 14). The con
A nose 101 formed unitarily with the firing bolt 26 trol edge 122 of the spring 121 thus lies against the ridge
projects down and toward the front from the breech 5. 123 until the slide 2 returns to its full-forward position.
This firing bolt 26 is mounted in the breech 5 which is Deflection of the spring 121 makes the surface 120 slide
fitted jointly with the barrel 4 in the slide 2. Engaged in off the end surface 119 of the trigger slide 115 and the
the path of the nose 101 is the abutment end 102 of a 20 spring 106 lifts the lever 103 and with it the arm 118 of
lever 103 which is formed on its other end with a slot the trigger slide 115. The ridge 123 frees the control
104 that is traversed by a pivot pin 105, the lever 103 edge 122 when the breech 5 moves into the full-forward
therefore being limitedly displaceable transverse to the position, but the spring 121 cannot return to its original
breech 5 in the frame 1. A spring 106 fixed in the frame position because the arm 118 lies at the same level as the
1 presses with its free end against the pivoted end of the 25 bend where the surface 120 is. Only when the trigger is
lever 103 so that the outer end of the slot 104 bears on released and the trigger slide 115 slides forward is the
the pivot pin 105, that is so that the lever 103 is moved leaf spring 121 released and takes its illustrated rest
up on the pin 105 toward the slide 5. A hairpin spring position. The trigger slide 115 need not be in its full-for
107 carried on the pin 105 has a short leg 108 anchored ward position shown in FIG. 13 for the pistol to be
in the frame 1 and a long leg 109 bearing on a pin 110 30 ready to fire; the surfaces 119 and 120 need merely by
which is fixed on the lever 103. This spring 108 there separated. This embodiment of the firing mechanism
fore urges the lever clockwise toward a position lying allows rapid fire in that a shot following another shot
on a stop 111 in the frame 1 (FIG. 15). can be made without complete release and depression of
The lever 103 has a shoulder 112 which coacts with a the trigger. Nonetheless some forward return of the
shoulder 113 of the frame 1. The shoulder 113 is so long 35 trigger is essential for a second shot so the pistol does
that it only moves clear of the shoulder 112 when the not fire automatically.
lever 103 is in its rear end position (FIG. 15) lying In this arrangement also the mechanism can be
against the stop 111. Before reaching this end position mounted in a block, such as the guide 45, in the frame 1.
the shoulders 112 and 113 prevent a shifting of the lever Instead of a sliding of the lever 103 in its longitudinal
103 against the force of the spring 106 and a simulta direction the lever can also be moved laterally out of
neous sliding of the slot 104 along the pin 105. the path of the firing-bolt nose 101. Such an arrange
The pin 110 of the lever 103 is engaged by an edge ment is not illustrated, because it is basically a combina
114 of the trigger slide 115 which passes through a hole tion of the two described embodiments.
117 in the frame 1. It extends with its arm 118 beyond FIGS. 17 to 20 show a part of a pistol that is provided
the pin 110 and its end surface 119 coacts with another 45 with a hammer 131 that on shooting is pivoted by the
surface 120 formed by a bent-over end of a leaf spring force of a spring 135 on a pivot pin 133 and engages a
121 that is fixed in the frame 1. Above the surface 120 firing bolt 26 which fires the cartridge. Even in this type
the leaf spring 121 is provided with a control edge 122 of pistol it is possible to use the principles of the instant
which coacts with a ridge 123 on the underside of the invention.
breech 5. The end surface 124 of the ridge 123 is in 50 The hammer 131 is pivotal in the frame 1 about a
clined as seen in FIG. 16. pivot pin 132 and the rod 133 is pivoted on the hammer
In the uncocked position of the pistol the lever 103 is 131. This rod 133 is arranged in a cutout 134 of the
urged by the spring 107 against the stop 111. If the slide frame 1 and is braced against the hammer compression
2 is shifted back in order to chamber the first cartridge spring 135. The hammer 131 has a lateral shoulder 136
from the clip, the nose 101 slides over the end surface 55 on which a two-arm lever 137 engages with its one arm
125 of the lever 103 and moves it down against the force 138. Its other arm 139 is braced against an abutment
of the spring 106. As a result the lever 103 can be passed spring 140 which is received in a bore of the frame 1.
by the nose 101. Forward shifting of the slide 2 causes The two-arm lever 137 has in its center between its two
this firing-bolt nose 101 to again entrain the lever 103 arms a slot 141 that is traversed by a pivot pin 142 and
whose end 102 extends into its path until the lever 103 60 about which the lever 137 is pivotal. Furthermore, the
engages against a stop 126, assuming the position of lever 137 is provided with a lateral projection 143
FIG. 13. In this position the nose 101 and the firing bolt which forms a shoulder 144 that faces a shoulder 146 of
26 are prevented from moving forward any further. the frame 1. The trigger slide 146 engages with a shoul
Further forward sliding of the slide 2 compresses the der 147 on the projection 143 and extends through an
firing-bolt spring 30 partially. The pistol is ready to 65 opening 148 in the frame 1. Its free end is provided with
shoot in this condition. an inclined surface 149 that coacts with a surface 150
When the trigger slide 115 is pushed back by the formed by the bend of a leaf spring 151 whose end
trigger, it slides on the surface 116 of the frame 1 and its surface 152 acts as a control edge that coacts with a
11 12
ridge 153 of the breech 5. The leaf spring 151 is an The function of the strut 210 corresponds to that of
chored with its lower end in the frame 1. In addition a the stem 22 of the eccentric 20 of FIGS. 1 to 4. In order
stop 154 is formed in the frame 1 to limit the forward to pull the slide 2 with the barrel 4 and recoil spring 14
pivot motion of the lever 137. off the front of the frame 1, the slide 2 must be pulled
FIG. 17 shows the firing mechanism in the uncocked back a little so that the ridge 209 of the projection 7
condition. To cock it the trigger slide 146 is moved back moves out of the groove 208 of the catch 202. Then the
by means of the trigger so that it pivots the projection slide 2 is moved down against the force of the spring
143 of the lever 137 back by means of the shoulder 147. 203 so as to free the barrel 4 and slide 2 for unimpeded
The free end of the lever 137 serving as stop lies mean forward movement on the frame 1. On replacing the
while on the step 136 of the hammer 131 and pivots it 10 slide 2 on the frame 1 a wedge surface 213 runs over the
clockwise against force of the hammer spring 135. As upper edge of the catch 202 and pushes it down against
soon as the inclined surface 149 of the trigger slide 146 the force of the spring 203. Once the projection 7 has
reaches the surface 150 (FIG. 18) the trigger slide 146 passed the catch 202, the ridge 209 is moved by the
swings down, whereupon the lever 137 is shifted down 15 spring 14 up and latches in the groove 208 of the slide2,
against the force of the abutment spring 140 in the slot whereupon mutual tongue-and-groove locking is en
141 and its abutment end frees the shoulder 136 of the sured.
hammer. The hammer is snapped forward by the ham This type of barrel locking can also be used in other
mer spring 134 to strike the protruding rear end 156 of types of pistols.
the firing bolt 26, which in turn is propelled forward to 2 FIGS. 27 to 29 show another trigger mechanism
fire the cartridge. 0 which is very simple. A block 221 is fitted in the frame
After the shot the gases drive the slide 2 with the 1 and is held in place therein by a pin 222. It has in the
breech 5 back so that the inclined end face of the ridge region of the longitudinal central plane of the pistol a
153 runs against the control surface 152 of the leaf cavity 223 in which a bent arm 224 of the trigger slide
spring 151 to pivot same outward (FIG. 19). As a result 25 225 engages. Stretched between a lower end 226 of the
the surfaces 149 and 150 disengage each other and the trigger slide 225 and the rear wall 227 of the cavity 223
stop spring 140 slides the lever 137 together with the is a tension spring 228 which pulls the trigger slide 225
trigger slide 146 up so that the end of same comes to lie up and back.
next to the bend of the spring 151. Simultaneously as the The arm 224 of the trigger slide 225 is connected by
slide reverses direction and follows the breech 5 a rear 30 a web 229 with a plate-like end 230 of the trigger slide
edge 155 of the breech 5 engages the hammer 131 and 225. This web 229 has a backwardly projecting part 231
pivots it back counterclockwise against the force of its that forms an abutment for the firing bolt 26. The plate
spring 135. The hammer 131 entrains with its shoulder 230 is formed with a polygonal recess 232 which is
136 the abutment end 138 of the lever 137 until this lies traversed by a projection 233 of the block 221. Near this
on the stop 154. In this position the hammer 131 is a 35 projection 233 the block 221 has a groove 234 which
sufficiently safe distance behind the rear end 156 of the extends upward and back and in which a leaf spring 235
firing bolt 26. As soon as the trigger is released, the is fitted which has an outwardly directed edge 236
which forms a control surface 237 for an inclined end
trigger slide 146 moves forward so that the firing mech surface 238 of the trigger slide 225. The other end of the
anism again assumes the position of FIG. 17. Thus the leaf spring 235 is bent in the opposite direction from the
pistol cannot make automatic fire, that is a separate 40 edge 236 and is fitted in a groove 239 of the block 221.
actuation of the trigger is need for each shot. Near the edge 236 is a control edge 240 which is ar
FIG. 24 shows a pistol in side view in which disas ranged in the path of a control ridge 241 on the under
sembly is effected by a slide catch 202 which takes the side of the slide 2 and formed on its ends with two cam
place of the eccentric 20 of FIG. 1. The frame 1 has a or wedge surfaces 242 and 243. The front end of the
slot 201 in which the catch 202 is shiftable and urged 45 trigger slide 235 is pivoted on a pin 240 on the trigger
upward by a leaf spring 203 having has a short arm 204 63.
fitted into the frame 1 and a long arm 205 engaged in a In the uncocked condition of the pistol the spring 228
groove 206 of the catch 202. Since this spring arm 205 urges the trigger slide 227 into its back position with th
is arranged in a slot 207 in the frame 1, the catch 202 is inclined surface 238 lying on the control surface 237 so
also prevented from moving longitudinally of itself, that 50 that the projection 233 is in the upper part 245 of the
is transversely of the central plane of the pistol. recess 232. In this position of the slide 225 the abutment
The catch 202 is formed in its central region near the 231 lies underneath the path of the nose 101 of the bolt
upper edge with a groove 208 in which a ridge 209 of 26. a.
the projection 7 of the barrel 4 can engage. This projec To chamber the first cartridge, the slide 2 is pulled
tion 7 in turn has an inclined groove 9 which coacts 55 back so that the control edge 240 is moved inward by
with a strut 210 of an anchor piece 211 fitted into the the wedge surface 242 of the guide 241 on the slide 2
frame 1 and secured therein by a pin 212 which also and the inclined surface 238 of the trigger slide 225 and
serves as pivot for the trigger 63. the control surface 237 of the leaf spring 235 disengage
The groove 207, the groove receiving the spring arm each other. As a result the spring 228 can pivot the
204, the slot 201, and the recess for holding the support 60 trigger slide 225 up so that the projection 233 comes to
piece 211 are inclined to the barrel axis A and prefera lie in the lower region 246 of the recess 232 of the plate
bly are parallel to the hole 43 for the cartridge clip 44 so 230. Meanwhile the end of the trigger slide 225 has
that shaping of the core for the manufacture of these laterally run past the edge 236 so that the surfaces 237
grooves and recesses can be quite easy. It is therefore and 238 are out of alignment with each other and there
possible to make the frame 1 in one piece of a synthetic 65 fore without mutual effect. In this position the abutment
resin in a mold whose halves are separated in a direction 231 moves into the path of the nose 101 of the firing bolt
parallel to the oblique hole 43 and the parallel grooves 26 so that as the slide 2 is moved forward the nose 101
mentioned above. engages the abutment 231 and moves the trigger slide
13 14
225 forward until the projection 233 assumes the posi before the pin 27 engages fully in the cutout in the end
tion in the recess 232 shown in FIG. 27. The pistol is of the breech 5, the firing pin is not damaged but is
now cocked. pushed back by the shell or cartridge. By means of the
On pulling the trigger at first the slide 225 is guided elongated shape of the cutout according to this inven
by the projection 233 and the spring 228 against the tion pistols with drop barrels do not develop the other
force of the bolt spring 30, which is hereby loaded, and wise normal brass-chip deposits.
slides back until the surfaces 237 and 238 engage each Lance-shaped according to this invention means any
other. In this position the projection 233 has reached the shape which varies from the round section and cylindri
broad part of the recess 232 so that the trigger slide 225 cal shape of the known firing pins and which has a
can swing down as the inclined surface 238 slides on the 10 generally flat shape. Preferre is a triangular shape
control surface 237. The abutment 231 then frees the which is obtained, for example, from a pyramid with
nose 101 of the firing bolt 26 and the shot is fired. spherically rounded points that is formed on opposite
On backward displacement of the slide as a result of sides with symmetrical shoulders so that the remaining
the recoil the wedge surface 242 moves the control edge parabolic flanks can be made planar, slightly convex, or
240 inward so that the above-described interaction can 15 CO)CaVe.
repeat itself. The position of the control ridge 241 en The cartridge clip shown in FIGS. 32 to 35 has an
sures that the wedge surface 242 of the control edge 240 elongated and generally parallepipedal synthetic-resin
is only freed when the barrel 4 and breech 5 are locked body 401, a base 402 inclined obliquely to the body 401,
together. If for any reason the slide 2 has not moved and a metal insert 403 inside the body 401. The metal
fully forward the ridge 241 holds the leaf spring 235 in 20 insert 403 has holes 416 that flare inward so that the
its inwardly bent position in which pulling of the trigger insert can be well anchored in the synthetic-resin body
63 is ineffective because the inclined surface 238 cannot 401 of the clip. The base 402 has grooves 404 that fit on
engage the control surface 237 so that the trigger slide ridges 405 on the lower end of the clip body 401, with
225 does not swing down and the abutment 231 cannot a latch 406 blocking unintentional sliding-off of the base
free the firing-bolt nose 101. 25 402. A spring 407 is braced at one end on the base 402
A device can also be provided to ensure quick prepa and at the other end on a follower slide 408 so as to urge
ration to fire on changing the cartridge clip, whose same upward. Shoulders 409 at one end of the follower
construction is described in detail below with reference 408 support the cartridges 410 in the lower portion of
to FIGS. 32-35. To this end a lever shown generally at the body 401 with their axes perpendicular to a front
301 is provided which is pivoted on the axle pin 212 of 30 wall 411 and a rear wall 412 of the body 401. In the
the trigger 63 and received in a laterally open recess 302 upper portion of the body 401 the insert 403 forms, in
of the trigger 63. The lever 301 is provided on its under the region of the slugs, guides 413 that narrow consider
side with a hook 303 in which is hooked the end of a ably upward and that push the tips of the cartridges 410
hairpin spring 304 which surrounds the pin 212 partially together toward the central plane of the clip, which
and is caught in a groove of the web 210. This spring 35 coincides with that of the pistol when the clip is in place
304 tries to pivot the lever 301 into a lower end position in the well 43 thereof, so that the cartridges 410 align
in which a handle 305 lies in a recess of the frame 1. In and finally assume a position generally parallel to the
addition the lever 301 has on its upper side a nose 307 clip base 402. Portions 414 of the metal insert 403 at the
which engages in the path of a slide that is backed up by back of the cartridges 410 converge first toward the end
a spring in the clip as will be described below and which 40 of the clip so that as shown in FIG. 33 the backs of the
urges the cartridges upward. When the last cartridge of cartridges 410 remain longer in their original staggered
the clip is inserted into the barrel 4 the slide of the clip positions. This can be seen by a comparison of the dot
engages the nose 307 of the lever and tries to pivot same dash zig-zag lines of FIGS. 33 and 34.
up. Such pivoting of the lever 301 is prevented by the As a result of the construction according to the in
lower edge of the slide 2. After firing the cartridge the 45 vention two considerable advantages are obtained. The
lever 301 enters into a recess 308 (FIG. 29) on the lower position of the cartridge backs ensures a solid contact
edge of the slide 2 when this is in its end position. The between then and the back wall 412 of the clip so that
lever 301 latches the slide 2 against moving forward. friction is reduced as is the resistance to displacement.
Swinging of the lever 301 on the pin 212 (FIG. 24) Catching on the back wall is impossible. The second
maintains this latching even when the clip is removed 50 advantage is that the contact between the cartridges 410
and replaced with a new clip. As soon as the handle 305 as they are aligned in the upper section of the clip
of the lever 301 is swung down, the slide 2 is moved by changes. It moves from line contact to point contact so
the force of the recoil spring 14 forward and pushes the that in the upper part of the clip there is no wedging
first cartridge of the new clip into the barrel 4. Thus it together of the cartridges 410.
is no longer necessary to pullback the slide after chang 55 The front end 415 of the shoulder 409 of the slide 408
ing the cartridge clip. can coact with the lever 301 of FIG. 28 so that this part
With the known pistols and center-fire cartridges it is comes to lie on the projection 307 when the last car
possible to break off or damage the firing pin on the tridge 410 is chambered.
firing bolt when this pin does not pull back into the end FIGS. 36 to 39 show a variant of the firing mecha
of the breech 5 quickly enough. As shown in FIGS. 30 60 nism of FIGS. 27 to 29, in which the guide is not in the
and 31 according to the invention the firing pin 27' is trigger slide but in the frame 1 or in a block 521 set into
pointed and lance-shaped, that is it is not of cylindrical the frame 1. The block 521 is of a synthetic resin and has
shape as is standard, but is of rectangular section with a a leaf spring 235 whose end 236 forms a control surface
substantially greater vertical dimension in the pistol 237 which coacts with an inclined surface 538 of the
plane than transverse dimension. The pin 27' can engage 65 trigger slide 525. Similarly the control edge 240 coacts
through an elongated cutout lying on the longitudinal with the ridge 241 of the slide 2. The trigger slide 525
middle plane of the pistol at the breech end. When a has a web 529 which carries on one side the abutment
spent shell is ejected or a new cartridge is chambered, 531 and on the other side the bent-over part 526. In
15 16
addition it is provided with a wing-like projection 544 The provision of an abutment spring whose effect is
and has a control edge 545. opposite to that of the firing-bolt spring means that only
A recess 546 on one side and on the other side a recess the difference between these forces need be overcome
547 serve as a guide in the block 521 in which the wing by force on the trigger to shoot.
544 engages. The underside of the breech 5 is provided In addition to these basic advantages the pistol ac
with a simple pivotal lever 548 which has a projection cording to this invention has several advantages. The
549 extending into the path of the firing-bolt nose 101. rest position, for example, of the trigger is established
This lever 548 is braced against a leaf spring 550 which by abutments 67 and 233 in the guide 45 or block 221,
is braced with its free end 551 on the breech 5 and respectively, so that no particular stops for the trigger
which lies underneath the ridge 241 so as to pivot the 10 are needed. This eliminates expensive adjustment proce
lever 548 such that the projection 549 is in the path of dures. Since the parts necessary for the release and
the firing-bolt nose 101. latching of the firing bolt can fit in a limited space it is
The operation of this firing mechanism corresponds possible make the guide 45 or the block 221 relatively
mainly with that of the mechanism shown in FIGS. 27 small. This leaves room in the frame 1 behind the hole
to 29. The abutment spring 228 draws the trigger slide 15 for the cartridge clip. As a result it is possible to have
525 back so that its inclined surface 538 slides down the grip near the axis A of the barrel 4 so that on firing
along the control surface 538 and the web 529 enters the there is little torsion on the hand. The pistol kicks up
recess 546 and the wing 544 enters the lower region 552 less so it shoots more accurately.
of the hole 547. In this position the abutment 531 is With the new pistol it is possible to form the spaces
below and out of the path of the firing-bolt nose 101. for mounting the trigger, trigger slide, and guides in the
Meanwhile the control edge 545 is below the lever 548 frame 1 by molding in such a manner that the frame 1 is
so that it takes the position of FIG. 39 in which the easily demolded. The same applies for the clip hole and
firing bolt is locked. the passage for the clip-safety slide. As a result the
When the slide 2 is moved back the ridge 241 pushes frame 1 can be made in one piece.
the spring 235 toward the center so that the control 25 The guides for the slide in the frame 1 are made of
surface 237 is guided by the inclined surface 538 and the metal. To do this it is sufficient to mount two guide rails
trigger slide 525 is freed. The abutment spring 228 which are imbedded in the frame 1 in the resin. They
draws this slide 525 up and back while the abutment 531 have the tongue and groove construction of FIG. 2.
Particularities of the described features can be used
and the control edge 545 are drawn into the path of the independently of each other in pistols of known con
firing-bolt nose 101. struction without losing the described advantages.
When the slide 2 is moved forward the firing-bolt I claim:
nose 101 entrains the abutment 531 and the slide 525 as 1. A pistol comprising:
well as the trigger 63. Meanwhile the web 529 moves a frame;
out of the recess 546 and the wing 544 engages in the 35 a barrel slidable on the frame and having a cartridge
narrow region 553 of the hole 547. As soon as the wing receiving rear end;
544 gets to the end of the hole 547, the abutment 531 is a breech slidable on the frame and engageable over
held solidly by the firing-bolt nose 101. The narrow the rear end of the barrel to form a cartridge cham
section 553 of the hole 547 holds the abutment 531 ber;
tightly. 40 firing means including a firing element and a firing
Pulling the trigger moves the slide 525 back and the pin operatively linked thereto, the element being
abutment 531 pushes back the firing-bolt nose 101 while movable on the breech toward and away from the
further compressing the firing-bolt spring 30. As soon as barrel between a rear position in which the firing
the inclined surface 538 engages the control surface 237 pin is out of the cartridge chamber and a front
further movement of the slide 525 pushes it down so 45 position with the firing pin projecting forward into
that the web 529 engages in the recess 546 and the wing the cartridge chamber for firing a cartridge in the
544 in the wide region of the hole 547. As a result the chamber when the firing element moves from the
abutment 531 releases the firing-bolt nose 101 and the rear to the front position and through an intermedi
shot is fired. ate position between the front and rear positions;
Moving the slide 525 moves the control edge 545 50 spring means operatively engaged with the element
back into the region of the projection 549 and pushes and including a relatively strong firing spring
the lever 548 to the side so that the projection 549 braced against the firing element and urging same
moves out of the path of the firing-bolt nose 101 and into the front position with a relatively strong force
does not impede forward travel of the firing bolt. and a relatively weak spring braced against the
Since the additional safety catch 548, 549 is on the 55 firing pin and urging same into the rear position,
breech 5, jarring and inertial forces cannot open it. To the strong spring being sufficiently loaded in the
fire it is therefore necessary to actuate the trigger 63. rear position of the firing element to move same
The invention is not limited to the described and into the front position but insufficiently loaded in
shown embodiments. Its parts can be combined in other the intermediate position to move the firing ele
than the shown manner. It is common to the described 60 ment into the front position;
embodiments that the abutment for the firing bolt or a trigger movable on the frame between an actuated
hammer moves in two directions that are not parallel to and an unactuated position;
each other. It is therefore possible to use the abutment an abutment engageable with the firing element in the
for securing as well as for releasing the firing bolt which intermediate position and displaceable backward
not only reduces the stroke of the trigger but also sub 65 on the frame; and
stantially reduces the number of parts. This double link means connected between the trigger and the
movement can also be split up between the abutment abutment for displacing same backward into the
and firing bolt or hammer. rear position from the intermediate position on
displacement of the trigger from the unactuated to into the out-of-path position on displacement of the
the actuated position and for displacing the abut trigger into the actuated position.
ment out of operative engagement with the firing 7. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein the firing pin
element on displacement of the trigger into the is lance-shaped and the breech is formed with an elon
actuated position for displacement of the firing gated throughgoing slot through which the lance
element by the spring means into the front position shaped pin engages.
and subsequent return at least to the intermediate 8. The pistol defined in claim 1, further comprising
position. latch means for releasably securing the barrel to the
2. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein the firing frame, the latch means including:
element is a firing bolt carrying the firing pin and a 10
a projection on the barrel movable along a path on
firing-bolt nose and the abutment is directly engageable sliding of the barrel and breech on the frame;
with the nose.
3. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein the link a frame abutment on the frame and normally in the
means includes a trigger slide and an inclined surface on path, and
the frame engageable with the trigger slide in the actu 15 means for moving the frame abutment out of engage
ated position of the trigger, the link means including a ment with the barrel projection.
spring urging the slide into engagement with the in 9. The pistol defined in claim 1, further comprising:
clined surface. a clip removably engageable with the frame and hold
4. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein the firing ing a supply of cartridges displaceable by the
means includes a guide holding the abutment in opera 20 breech into the chamber; and
tive engagement with the firing element on displace safety means engageable between the clip and the link
ment of the trigger from the unactuated to the actuated means for permitting the abutment to move out of
position. engagement with the firing element only when at
5. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein when the least one cartridge remains in the clip.
element is in the intermediate position the abutment 25 10. The pistol defined in claim 9 wherein the safety
prevents any displacement of the firing element relative means includes a cartridge follower in the clip and an
to the abutment. element on the frame engageable through the clip with
6. The pistol defined in claim 5 wherein the abutment the follower.
is displaceable laterally relative to the firing element 11. The pistol defined in claim 1 wherein the breech
between a position in the path of same and engageable 30 and barrel are limitedly displaceable relative to each
therewith and a position out of the path and unengagea other and the pistol is an automatic pistol.
ble therewith, the link means displacing the abutment k s k :