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burns. In order to keep the rubber coating of the air bag
PROCESS FOR NFLATING A GASCUSHON AND soft and operative, the surface thereof is powdered with
SAFETY SYSTEM OF THE AR BAGTYPE talicum. When inflating the airbag, the talcum is swirled
up and escapes together with the hot combustion gases
The invention relates to a process for quickly inflat into the passenger compartment, when the air bag is
ing a gas cushion in a safety system of the air bag type deflated. As a consequence, the driver's visibility is
in which at least two pressurized filling gases are stored obstructed. This may result in a so-called secondary
being shielded from each other. Instead of the filling crash.
gases, initially only the starting material(s) of one or It is a substantial further drawback of solid matter
both filling gases can be stored. In case of need, for O generator systems that only a 60 to 70% combustion of
instance upon a crash-characteristic signal, the filling the pyrotechnic charge takes place. The unburnt resi
gases are released from their reservoirs; if necessary, the due is discharged with the combustion gases from the
starting material(s) of one or more filling gases is/are solid matter generator. It does not only contains a high
first ignited due to the crash-characteristic signal and content of toxic substances, such as nitrogen oxides,
then produce(s) the filling gas. The released filling gases 15 carbon monoxide and the like. The unburnt parts of the
are then concentrated and finally inflate the gas cushion sodium azide charge likewise form toxic substances
or air bag (generic title of claim 1). together with water or body fluid, for instance hydro
The invention also relates to a safety system compris cyanic acid (HCN). The air bag discharges these gases
ing a gas cushion of the air bag type which is quickly and reaction products, resp., into the passenger com
inflatable if need be, for instance in the above-men 20 partment. This can lead to the fact that the passengers in
tioned case of crash, in particular for carrying out the the vehicle do survive the accident, to be sure, but not
aforementioned process. The safety system comprises at the above-mentioned sequels.
least two pressure tanks, each storing a pressurized Finally, the disposal of the unburnt sodium azide
filling gas or possibly at first only the starting mate content is a great problem. This substance and the reac
rial(s) thereof. In addition, in the case of crash gas out 25 tion products thereof are toxic and can even be utilized
lets adapted to be forced open are provided to release as an explosive. Consequently, there is the risk of an
and concentrate the filling gases. If, instead of the filling abusive further exploitation of the unburnt sodium azide
gases, only the starting materials thereof are stored, content. If about 300 g are required for each vehicle
they are initially ignited in the case of crash to produce (100g per driver, 200g per passenger), about 30 million
the filling gases (generic title of claim 10). 30 kg (30,000 tons) of toxic sodium azide adapted to be
Safety systems of the air bag type are generally used as explosive are resulting-with an estimated num
adapted to be used, also within the present invention, ber of 100 million motor vehicles. Assuming an average
for inflatable life vests, life-boats, signal balloons or the life of about 8 years per car, about 3,750 tons of sodium
like. They are known in particular as so-called passive azide would have to be disposed of and recycled every
safety systems for motor vehicles, for example from 35 year.
DE-PS 21 18817 as well as DE-OS 21 18816, DE-OS To avoid these drawbacks, one has attempted to re
21 31 902, DE-OS 21 43 165, DE-OS 21 43 166 and place the solid matter generator by a pressure gas tank
DE-OS 22 37 461 filed by the applicants. storing the gas which inflates the air bag as pressure gas.
A gas cushion, also referred to as air bag, is generally Pressure gas generators of that kind are described in the
spoken a flexible, bag-like envelope which can be in applicants' above-quoted publications. To make things
flated very quickly in the case of accident. In motor easier, reference can be made thereto.
vehicles an air bag safety system is intended to inflate A problem of the pressure gas generators consists in
the air bag very quickly in the case of accident and to the fact that, when opening the pressure gas tank, the
position the inflated air bag between the driver and the pressure gas is suddenly strongly relieved and is al
steering wheel (driver system) or between a passenger 45 lowed to cool down to about minus 50° C. and more.
and the dashboard or other parts of the vehicle body Hereby a humidity possibly contained in the gas is al
(front passenger system). Hereby the passengers of the lowed to condense out. If foreign air is sucked in during
vehicle are to be received softly in the case of accident. inflation of the air bag, also the humidity contained in
It is a substantial requirement of such a safety system the foreign air is allowed to condense out in addition. In
that the air bag must be inflated quickly, for instance SO the case of unfavourable external temperatures, mist
within 30 ms. After inflation the air bag is regularly may form in the passenger compartment. The abrupt
deflated into the passenger compartment again. reduction of the pressure gas temperature also strongly
Safety systems which operate exclusively on the basis cools down the air bag itself and reduces the volume of
of solid matter generators, as they are called, are the relieved gas. Therefore the volume of the com
known. In that case, a pyrotechnical charge, for in 55 pressed gas must be selected to be appropriately large,
stance sodium azide (NAN3) is ignited and then burns which entails large pressure tanks. This results in con
off rapidly, while combustion gases are developed. The siderable constructional problems.
combustion gases, also referred to as generator gas, As is known, one has attempted to cope with the
have a temperature of about 1200° C. They are used to problems of generator gas safety systems and those of
inflate the air bag. pressure gas safety systems by hybrid systems, as they
Pure solid matter generator systems have drawbacks. are called. Such a system is known from U.S. Pat. No.
The hot combustion gases require a special configura 4,131,300. There a toroidal pressure gas chamber sur
tion of the air bag so that it is adapted to resist the high rounds a propelling charge chamber disposed in the
temperatures. Herefor the air bag is provided at its central hole of the torus. The pressure gas chamber and
inside with a temperature-resistant rubber coating to 65 the propelling charge chamber are separated from each
protect the airbag from thermal destruction. Moreover, other by a bursting membrane. Upon a crash-character
the rubber coating acts as an insulating layer to prevent istic signal, at first said bursting membrane is forced
the person to be received by the air bag from suffering open. The power gas then penetrates the pressure gas
5,378,018 4
chamber and mixes with the pressure gas to form a Proceeding from this prior art, the invention deals
hybrid gas. After a sufficient heating and a pressure with the problem to further develop the process men
increase, the hybrid gas finally forces open a second tioned in the beginning of the kind given in the generic
bursting membrane shielding the pressure gas tank from title of claim 1 and the safety system mentioned in the
the outside and then flows through a diffusor into the beginning of the kind given in the generic title of claim
air bag. The quoted publication also mentions the fol 10, in particular in such a way that at least some of the
lowing possibility: the flow speed of the power gas can described drawbacks can be avoided, but that at least
be increased by a small opening in the first bursting the effects thereof can be reduced.
membrane. Hereby a better directivity is imparted to According to the process, this problem is solved by
the power gas. However, the power gas must con O the entire subject-matter of claim 1, particularly by the
stantly flow through the pressure gas tank and mix with fact that the filling gases are substantially concentrated
the pressure gas to form a hybrid gas, before it forces only outside their reservoirs (characterizing portion of
the second bursting membrane open. Thus pressure claim 1).
peaks of the power gas are directly transferred to the Also the safety system of claim 10 solves the afore
pressure gas tank. Therefore the latter must be pressure 15 mentioned problem, in particular by the feature that the
stable. Moreover, there may occur undesired interac gas outlets from the pressure tanks open into a space
tions between the pressure gas and the power gas inside lying outside these reservoirs (characterizing portion of
the pressure gas tank. claim 10).
DE-OS 23 48 834 likewise shows a hybrid system for In the invention according to the claims 1 and 10, the
inflating an air bag. In this hybrid system the pressure, 20 filling gases, for instance a power gas and a pressure gas,
the temperature and the flow speed of a stored pressure are combined only outside their reservoirs. Thus the
gas are increased by the addition of heat in the known pressure gas tank need not absorb the pressure peaks of
way. The heat is supplied by two propelling charges the power gas.
shielded from the pressure gas including their priming The mutual shielding of the two filling gas tanks
caps. They are ignited simultaneously or staggered in 25 permits an optimum mutual adaptation of the two filling
time depending on the situation of the accident. The mediums or the starting materials thereof, in particular
power gases produced hereby constantly flow into the to achieve desired filling parameters. Hereby desired
pressure gas tank, are concentrated there with the pres temperatures and desired pressure and volume ratios of
sure gas to form a hybrid gas which forces open a fur the hybrid gas flowing into the airbag can be obtained.
ther bursting seal and finally flows into the air bag. 30 At the same time, care can be taken that the air bag is
Here, too, the same problems as in the case of U.S. Pat. not hurled against the passenger like a narrow club at
No. 4,131,300 are arising. the beginning of the inflating operation, but that it is
From DE-OS 24 06645 another (two-step) hybrid inflated uniformly and broadly right from the start. The
system is known in which a bursting membrane shields adaptation of the fillers can be achieved by choosing
the power gas gas chamber from the pressure gas cham 35 suitable different chemical compositions of the fillers
ber. A further bursting membrane shields the pressure and/or the starting materials thereof; but also by storing
gas chamber from the diffusor. Both bursting mem gases at different pressures and/or by blowing them
branes are connected with each other by a movable rod. into the air bags staggered in time.
Upon transmission of a crash-characteristic signal, the Preferably, for shielding the filling gases from each
bursting membrane of the propelling charge chamber other and from the exterior a bursting seal common for
moves the rod against the bursting membrane of the at least two filling gas reservoirs is used which prefera
pressure gas tank and forces the latter membrane open. bly closes the gas outlets of the pressure reservoirs. This
Also here the power gas flows at first into the pressure is a simple possibility of safeguarding a simultaneous
gas tank, mixes with the pressure gas to form a hybrid opening of the reservoirs and a simultaneous release of
gas and finally flows through a diffusor into the airbag. 45 the filling gases, respectively (claims 2 and 11).
By the way, this publication teaches to increase the The bursting seal is preferably formed of one piece or
pressure in the power gas chamber by reducing the of several pieces. In the case of a multipiece bursting
outlet of the power gas chamber. seal, the parts are positively connected, however. Such
DE-OS 2339 605 describes both a hybrid system and a bursting seal is easy to manufacture, and in particular
a pure pressure gas system. In the hybrid system, at first 50 easy to mount (claims 3 and 12).
the power gases flow into the air bag. They are fol According to a further preferred embodiment, means
lowed by the pressure gas from the pressure gas reser which are arranged and designed in the kind of a multi
voir. In the pure pressure gas system, two pressure gas ple-way valve, especially a three-way valve, are em
chambers are disposed successively in flow direction ployed for concentrating the filling gas flows. The ele
and are separated from each other by a partition. The 55 ments of these means are preferably constituted by the
partition has a small port, however, so that the two gas outlets, the common bursting seal thereof and the
chambers are constantly in flow communication. The space of gas concentration. Hereby an exact and con
partition is additionally formed as bursting disk. In the trollable guiding of the gas flows is ensured (claims 5
case of a crash signal, at first pressure gas escapes unhin and 13).
dered from the front pressure gas chamber. Hereby a The subject-matters of the claims 6 and 14 exhibit all
pressure difference occurs at both sides of the partition. advantages of a hybrid system. The subject-matter de
If the pressure difference reaches a predetermined scribed in claim 15 combines the advantages of a hybrid
value, the partition breaks and consequently bursts. system with those of a toroidal pressure gas tank and a
Further hybrid systems are known from DE-OS 23 power gas tank disposed in the central hole of the for
23 231, DE-OS 23 00 577 and DE-OS 2420 411. In all 65 mer. In this case, the bursting seal is a disk-shaped mem
cases, the power gas flows through the pressure gas ber and covers the pressure gas outlets of the pressure
tank. Therefore the latter must be capable of absorbing gas tank and the power gas tank from outside. The
the pressure peaks of the power gas. disk-shaped bursting seal member is further connected
5 6
to the outer edge of a power gas outlet in the form of a FIG. 2 is a longitudinal section across another en
pipe socket through a first and circumferential predeter bodiment having a toroidal pressure tank and a heating
mined breaking seam; in addition, it is connected to the or power gas chamber disposed in the central hole;
external wall of the pressure gas tank or a part project FIG. 3 is a section of the area surrounding the central
ing therefrom through a second circumferential, prede axis of a further embodiment;
termined breaking seam. FIG.3a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG. 3;
Especially preferably, the march of pressure of the FIG. 4 is a section across an embodiment of a bursting
power gas in the propelling charge reservoir, such as seal integrally formed with further parts of the safety
the pressure increase of the power gas after ignition system;
and/or the successive pressure drop is controlled in O FIG. 5 is an embodiment of a bedding of the bursting
particular to result in as uniform pressure ratios as possi seal shown in FIG. 4;
ble at the space of concentrating the two filling gas FIG. 6 is an embodiment including a stationary throt
flows. The uniform inflation of the air bag achieved in tle element, in the way of illustration chosen in FIG. 3;
this way is easy on the airbag and takes care of the S FIG. 6a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG. 6;
person held by the air bag (claims 7, 8 and 17). The FIG. 7 is a variant of the embodiment illustrated in
means for controlling the march of pressure of the FIG. 6;
power gas may preferably comprise also means for FIG. 7a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG.7;
controlling the time interval between forcing the burst FIG. 8 is an embodiment including a movable throttle
ing seal open and the discharge of power gas from the 20 element, again in graphical representation as in FIG. 3;
power gas tank (claim 7). The aforementioned nea FIG. 8a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG.8;
sures of the process and the means provided to this FIG. 9 is another embodiment including a movable
effect are also successful, when the filling gases are not throttle element and a reinforced propelling charge
concentrated as late as outside their filling gas tanks but FIG. 9a is a cross-section along lines 9a of FIG. 9;
already before. Herefor the applicants explicitly reserve 25 FIG.9b is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG.9;
themselves an independent protection. However, these FIG. 10 is a variant of the embodiment of FIG. 9, the
means and process steps are employed most preferably movable throttle element being modified for a time
in a process and an apparatus according to claims 1 or delay of the power gas discharge;
It is preferred to use a throttle element, which is FIG. 10a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG.
30 10
preferably positioned between the propelling charge FIG. 11 is a variant of the embodiment shown in
and the location of the gas outlet from the propelling FIG. 10;
charge tank, as a means for controlling the pressure FIG, 11a is a pressure graph corresponding to FIG.
march of the power gas and/or for controlling the time 11;
interval between forcing the bursting seal open and the 35 FIGS. 12 to 15 show propelling charge supports
discharge of the power gas from the power gas tank. including adjacent components, again in graphical rep
The throttle element may be either stationary or guided resentation as in FIG. 3;
movably toward the bursting seal (claim 18). Possible FIG.12a is a cross section along lines 12a of FIG. 12;
configurations of a movable throttle element, in particu FIG. 14a is a cross section along lines 14a of FIG. 14;
lar in conjunction with one or more throttle openings FIG. 15a is a cross section along lines 15a of FIG. 15.
moving in synchronism with the throttle element, as FIG. 16 is a section across an embodiment including
well as the related advantages are resulting from claims a multi-piece bursting seal in graphical representation as
19 to 22. By the measures described there also a time in FIG. 2, and
delay of the discharge of power gas can be controlled. FIG. 17 is a section across a front passenger safety
The time delay, and moreover also the amount of power 45 system comprising a pressure gas tank subdivided into
gas escaping from the power gas tank per time unit, can plural chambers.
be additionally influenced by the flow and by-pass The terminology used in the following is to facilitate
channels listed in claim 23. For these measures, too, the the readability of the description, but is not understood
applicants reserve themselves an independent protec to be restricting. For example, the terms “up”, “down”,
tion, although they are employed in an especially pre 50 "right”, “left”, “inside” and “outside” refer to the posi
ferred manner in a process according to claim 1 or in a tions relative to the geometrical center of the graphical
safety system according to claim 10. representation of embodiments. The a.m. terminology
This applies analogically also for the process in ac includes the foregoing terms as well as derivations
cordance with claim 9 and the safety system in accor thereof and terms having similar meanings. As for the
dance with claims 24 or 25. The stepwise release of 55 rest, parts having the same effect usually are denoted
pressure gas further renders the inflation of the air bag with the same reference numeral in all drawings.
more uniform. In addition, the partitions given in claim The embodiment of FIG. 1 shows a survey of a safety
25 increase the stability of the pressure gas tank. system 1 disposed in a bowl-like interior of a vehicle
Further preferred embodiments are resulting from steering wheel, approximately in accordance with the
the other claims. systems described in DE-A-21 31902 or DE-OS 21 43
In the following, the invention and the advantages 165. The filling medium for the gas cushion (also re
thereof are illustrated in more detail by way of embodi ferred to as air bag or air cushion) is a hybrid gas, for
ments and the attached schematic drawing substantially instance, namely a mixture of a gas stored under pres
restricted to the principle. sure and a power gas, also referred to as generator gas,
65 generated from a propelling charge. In FIG. 1 merely
the outer periphery of a pressure tank 2 for the pressure
FIG. 1 is a partial section across a steering wheel gas is seen. Upon occurrence of a crash-characteristic
system; signal, the pressure gas tank 2 and a power gas tank not
7 8
shown are opened. The two gases then flow through a power gas outlet sleeve 21 likewise connected inte
diffusor 3 and the outlets 34 thereof and finally inflate grally therewith constitute a joint seal for the pressure
the airbag 10, until itbreaks a cover 11 and is positioned gas outlets 18 and the power gas outlet 37. This seal is
protectively in front of the driver. The safety means 1 is approximately disk-shaped (bursting disk 20) with a
disposed in rotational symmetry to a central axis Z. sleeve-like projection (power gas outlet sleeve 21) being
FIG. 2 shows another embodiment of the safety sys put thereon. There is a circumferential recess (predeter
tem 1 in longitudinal section. The pressure gas tank 2 is mined breaking seam 25) between the foot of the projec
generally toroidal, i.e. it has the shape of a hollow ring tion and the disk. The disk has a larger diameter than its
body. A body of this kind excels by a high compression projection and is transformed into an annular member
strength, a relatively small surface and a large volume. (member 19) in its periphery via another circumferential
In the central hole of the pressure gas tank 2 a release recess (predetermined breaking seam 22).
means 4 is disposed substantially in the center. The When the bursting disk 20 is forced open, the pressure
central hole is the area around the central axis Z sur gas and the power gas concentrate in the space 32.
rounded by the hollow ring body. The release means 4 The illustrated shape and arrangement of the bursting
is formed as a tank insert and serves as chamber 26 for 15 seal 20 ensures that the gas outlet channels 18 and 37 are
generating and storing the power gas for a short time. always forced open simultaneously. Moreover the gas
The release means 4 is directly adjacent to the wall 5 of outlet channels 18 and 37 as well as the gas concentra
the central hole. The central hole wall 5 is part of the tion space 32 disposed outside the bursting disk 20 are
outer wall of the pressure tank 2. The central hole wall arranged in the kind of a multi-way, in particular three
5 is downwardly transformed into a tubular projection way valve. Hereby it is safeguarded that, when the
6 and has a shoulder 7 at the top. The tank insert 4 power gas channel 37 is forced open, the power gas
includes a tank bottom 12 which is transformed into a does not penetrate and pressure-load the pressure gas
sleeve-like projection 13, also referred to as tank insert tank 2. On the contrary, the gas escaping from the
wall 13. The release means 4 is screwed into the central power gas outlet 37 at high speed also entrains the pres
hole from the bottom so that the tank bottom 12 and the 25 sure gas due to its suction effect (Bernoulli principle/-
projection 6 of the central hole are connected to each water jet blast), i.e. it sucks the pressure gas out of the
other via a thread 8. In the screwed-in position, the free pressure gas tank 2. Finally, the complete shielding of
(upper) edge of the tank insert wall 13 abuts the shoul the two pressure chambers 2 and 26 as well as the con
der 7 of the central hole. centration of the gases stored therein for the first time in
The tank insert wall 13 encloses the chamber 26, also 30 the outer space 32 has the following advantage: The
called propelling charge chamber in the following. In gases and pressure ratios, resp., do not influence each
the propelling charge chamber 26 a propelling charge other, but they can be stored under optimum conditions
28 is provided which generates power gas, i.e. the one in each case.
component of the hybrid gas, upon receipt of a crash As for the rest, the means for receiving the air bag 10
characteristic signal. The propelling charge 28 is posi 35 on the pressure tank 2 is mounted so that the diffusor
tioned in a propelling charge support 14 projecting outlets 34 open into the air bag 10. For constructional
through the tank bottom 12. Ignition pins 35 project reasons, the pressure tank 2 has a weld 9 extending
through the propelling charge support 14. They serve along the cutting line between its radially outer wall
for connecting an ignition circuit (not shown). and its horizontal center plane. The embodiment repre
The power gas chamber 26 opens into a power gas sented in FIGS. 1 and 2 is extremely compact and is
outlet or channel 37. The power gas channel 37 is di therefore adapted to be conveniently housed in the
rected to a space 32 in the diffusor 3 and is surrounded steering wheel of a motor vehicle.
by a sleeve, referred to as power gas outlet sleeve 21. FIG. 3 shows a longitudinal section (vertical section
The foot area of the power gas outlet sleeve 21 is con along the central axis Z) across the propelling charge
nected, preferably laser-welded, to the shoulder 7 of the 45 chamber 26 of another embodiment in magnification.
central hole. The free end of the power gas outlet sleeve This embodiment substantially differs from the en
21 is connected to, and thus closed by, a bursting seal 20 bodiment of FIG. 2 only by the release means 4, i.e. the
through a predetermined breaking seam. The bursting tank insert. To avoid repetitions, it is therefore referred
seal 20 is substantially disk-shaped and is connected to a to the description of FIG. 2.
member 19 through a further predetermined breaking SO In this embodiment, the sleeve-like tank insert wall 13
seam 22. The member 19 in turn is connected, prefera of the release means 4 does not reach to the shoulder 7
bly laser-welded, to the outer wall of the pressure gas of the central hole. Otherwise the propelling charge
tank 2 facing the central hole. In the represented em support 14 definitely projects from the tank bottom 12.
bodiment, the member 19, the disk-shaped bursting seal The projecting end of the propelling charge support 14
20 and the power gas outlet sleeve 21 are a one-piece 55 includes little feet 15 which shield and protect the igni
component, which entails constructional advantages. tion pins 35 and moreover contact the inner wall of a
The bursting seal 20 is illustrated in the closed state in recess 16 in the tank bottom 12 with a nose. The propel
the left half of the picture and in the forced-open state in ling charge support 14 can be pushed through the tank
the right half thereof. This illustration is continued, bottom 12 from the top, i.e. the little feet 15 first. In the
where appropriate, in the further Figures, too. final position of the propelling charge support 14 the
If the power gas in the power gas chamber 26 exceeds feet 15 engage with their noses in the bottom recess 16.
a predetermined pressure, namely the bursting pressure, The propelling charge support 14 receives the pro
it forces the bursting seal 20 open. pelling charge 28. The latter includes a heating charge
The pressure gas chamber 2 has plural gas outlets 18 30 and a priming cap 31. The propelling charge 28 may
in its annular wall portion facing the bursting seal 20. 65 as well be a uniform charge, for instance in the kind of
The central axes 17 of the pressure gas outlets 18 end the Nato maneuver cartridge 7.92 mm. But also other
radially in the space 32. The bursting seal member 20, propelling charges whose compositions are adapted to
the member 19 integrally connected therewith and the the pressure medium stored in the pressure tank 2 to
9 10
obtain a desired hybrid gas, in particular to obtain de charge 28 and the power gas outlet 37. The throttle
sired filling parameters of the air bag 10, may be em element 38 is a disk 39 having an annular projection 41.
ployed. When the pressure gas expanding from the The surface of the disk facing the propelling charge 28
pressure gas tank 2 and the power gas escaping from the is supported with its edge on the free ends of the sleeve
power gas chamber 26 are mixed to form a hybrid gas, like tank insert wall 13. The free ends of the annular
not only the temperature, the volume and the pressure projection 41 abut the free surfaces of the shoulder of
of the expanding pressure gas are increased, but also the the central hole (facing the disk39). The shell surface of
flow speed thereof. By an appropriate mutual adapta the annular projection 41 contacts the upper portion of
tion of the pressure gas and the power gas including an the wall 5 of the central hole. Accordingly, the throttle
adaptation of the mutual flow conditions, the filling O element 38 bridges over the internal cross-section of the
parameters of the air bag 10, for instance the course of propelling charge tank 26. A throttle opening 40 crosses
filling, including the course of the varying shapes of the the center of the disk 39. However, the throttle opening
air bag 10 can be controlled during inflation. The same 40 may as well be offset with respect to the center.
applies to the filling speed, the filling temperature, the Hereby the power gas tank 26 including the power
filling pressure and/or the filling volume including the 15 gas outlet 37 is divided into a high-pressure zone HD
time variations of these parameters during inflation. and a low-pressure zone ND. The high-pressure zone
FIG.3a illustrates the approximate march of pressure HD is communicated with the low-pressure zone ND
(time variation of pressure) in the safety system 1. The via an open nozzle having a predetermined diameter,
curve 1 shows the march of pressure in the propelling namely the throttle opening 40. The throttle opening 40
charge chamber 26 and the curves 2 and 3 show the 20 is selected such that the high-pressure zone HD build
march of pressure in the gas concentration space 32. ing up after ignition of the propelling charge 28 is main
Curve 2 shows the ratios with an empty pressure gas tained for such a long time that the combustion of the
tank 2 and curve 3 shows the ratios with a pressure of amount of heating charge is guaranteed in a reproduc
250 bar in the pressure gas tank. ible way. At the same time, the low-pressure zone ND
When forcing the bursting disk 20 open, the pressure 25 builds up in the space provided above the disk 39. The
in the heating charge chamber 26 is abruptly reduced to throttle opening 40 ensures, after forcing the bursting
the pressure level of the pressure gas tank 2. Generally seal 20 open, an apportioned continuous flow of hot
speaking, in a pressure range corresponding to the pres power gases and thus a controlled heating of the pres
sure gas tank, namely about 250 bar and less, the com sure gas escaping from the pressure gas tank 2. Hereby
bustion of the heating charge 30, i.e. the conversion of 30 the inflating behaviour of the air bag 10 can be con
the chemical substances contained therein, is inter trolled in a reproducible manner.
rupted. Irrespective of the amount of heating charge, a The pressure behaviour in the high-pressure zone HD
cutoff occurs. Unburnt solid particles flow into the air and in the low-pressure zone ND is shown in FIG. 6a
bag 10 through the diffusor outlets 34. The amount of by the graph of pressure and time.
unburnt heating charge 30 depends on the bursting 35 The pressure sustained for a relatively long time in
pressure. Tolerances of the bursting pressure cause the high-pressure zone HD ensures an optimum conver
dispersions and thus may lead to a different inflating sion and a complete burn-off of the heating and propel
behaviour of the air bag 10. ling charge. No hot or even burning powder particles
Before discussing the solution of the aforementioned do reach the air bag 10 any more. Even in the case of a
problem, reference is made to FIG. 4. There the one stronger heating or propelling charge, the pressure in
piece connection of the disk-like burst seal 20 with the the low-pressure zone ND is restricted to the value
annular member 19 and the power gas outlet sleeve 21 shown in the curves 2 and 3. These curves illustrate that
is once again represented in magnification; and so are the air bag 10 is inflated in a careful and uniform manner
the V-shaped recesses forming the annular predeter practically independently of the march of pressure in
mined breaking seams 22 and 25. As already stated, the 45 the high-pressure zone HD.
arrangement of the members 19, 20 and 21 always en The aforementioned controlled flow of the hot power
sures that the gas outlet channels 18 and 37 are forced gases into the diffusor 3, more exactly into the space of
open simultaneously, independently of whether the gas concentration 32 entails a controlled heating of the
three a.m. members are manufactured of one single pressure gas and thus prevents a pressure drop of the
piece or are interconnected otherwise via the predeter 50 expanding pressure gas. Such a pressure drop would be
mined breaking seams 22 and 25. serious especially at low temperatures, where the gases
FIG. 5 shows the bedding for the seal means illus cooling down due to the expansion would expand even
trated in FIG. 4. Above the annular pressure gas outlets more. Consequently, the throttle element 38 renders the
18, the wall of the pressure gas tank 2 has a reinforce safety system practically independent of external tem
ment 44. In this reinforcement two stepped annular 55 perature influences.
recesses 46 and 48 are provided. The member 19 is The cross-sectional area 51 of the disk 39 lying in the
supported in the lower annular recess 46 and is laser region of the high-pressure zone HD is larger than the
welded there. At its foot the propelling gas outlet sleeve cross-sectional area 52 of the bursting seal 20 lying in
21 is laser-welded to the free ends of the shoulder 7 of the region of the low-pressure zone ND. These cross
the central hole. The two welds have the reference 60 sectional areas are designed so that the bursting cross
numerals 23 and 24 (see e.g. FIG. 3). The diffusor 3 is sections break, before a considerable pressure increase
positioned in the upper annular recess 48. occurs on the low-pressure side ND. The pressure level
In FIG. 6 an embodiment is seen which solves the in the high-pressure zone HD can be defined by the
problem of a rapid pressure loss explained in FIG. 3. following control parameters according to the burn-off
This embodiment differs from that of FIG.3 by a means 65 conditions, without other parameters being influenced:
for controlling the march of pressure of the power gas combustion behaviour of the type of propellant;
in the power gas tank 26. This means is a throttle ele charge density of the propelling charge 28;
ment 38 stationarily arranged between the propelling cross-section of the throttle opening 40.
11 12
The embodiment of FIG. 7 substantially differs from sectional ratio between the surface 51 of the throttle
the embodiment of FIG. 6 by a reduced high-pressure disk 39, upon which the high-pressure zone HD acts,
zone HD. In addition, in this embodiment the eccentri and the surface 52 of the bursting seal 20, upon which
cal arrangement of the throttle opening 40 mentioned in the low-pressure zone ND acts, has to be considered, of
FIG. 6 is illustrated. Finally also the low-pressure zone course. It has to be assumed that the bursting seal 20
37 is smaller than in the embodiment of FIG. 6. will break earlier than in the embodiment of FIG. 6,
As for the rest, the throttle element 38 shown here even if identical cross-sectional ratios between the sur
includes no annular projection 41. Instead, the disk 39 is faces 51 and 52 are provided in the two embodiments.
directly adjacent to the shoulder 7 of the central hole As the bursting seal 20 breaks earlier, the pressure in the
and is supported on the free ends of the sleeve-like tank O low-pressure zone ND and thus also the pressure in the
insert wall 13 via a shoulder in its edge area. As com gas concentration space 32 is below that of the embodi
pared to the embodiment of FIG. 6, the bottom 12 of ment of FIG. 6, which is confirmed by the pressure
the propelling charge tank is lifted in the direction of graphs. As for the rest, in the embodiment of FIG. 8
the propelling charge chamber 26. The same is true for slower power gases and thicker bursting cross-sections
the bottom recess 16. The little feet 15 and the ignition 15 can be used. Hereby more flexibility is attained when
pins 35 remain completely in the bottom recess 16. using certain materials. Influences by power gases burn
Therefore they are protected even better against exter ing off either more quickly or more slowly are negligi
nal influences. Finally, the shape of the propelling ble.
charge support 14 is different from that of the aforedes The embodiment of FIG. 9 substantially differs from
cribed enbodiments. 20
The pressure behaviour of this embodiment shown in the embodiment of FIG. 8 by the following features: the
FIG. 7a substantially corresponds to the pressure be throttle element 38 and the propelling charge support
haviour shown in FIG. 6. 14 are designed differently. The propelling charge sup
The embodiment of FIG. 8 differs from the embodi port 14 is described later. However, it is mentioned here
ment of FIG. 6 substantially by the fact that the throttle 25 already that also one of the propelling charge supports
element 38 is movably guided toward the bursting seal 14 of the preceding Figures may be employed instead of
20 in the propelling charge chamber 26 and serves as a the shown propelling charge support 14.
tappet to break the bursting seal 20 open. The throttle element 38 is again movably guided
When moving the throttle element 38 toward the toward the bursting seal 20, however this time it is
bursting seal 20, also the low pressure zone ND moves 30 designed like an internally hollow piston. On the whole,
in the direction of the gas concentration space 32. it seals the high-pressure zone HD and the propelling
In detail, the throttle element 38 comprises the disk39 charge chamber 26 against the bursting seal 20. In this
already described before. The latter is supported with way, even more favourable ratios of pressure and infla
its lower edge on the free sleeve edge of the tank insert tion can be achieved-in addition to the advantages
wall 13. The circumferential surface of the disk. 39 is 35 already explained by way of FIG. 8.
guided upward along the wall 5 of the central hole, until In detail, the throttle element 38 in the form of a
it is adjacent to the shoulder 7 of the central hole. The hollow piston includes an end face 54 adjoining the
distance covered is referred to as lift of stroke in the bursting disk 20 or being only slightly spaced there
following. The throttle opening 40 is centrically guided from, an adjacent shell surface 56 extending into the
through the disk 39, however it may also be disposed 40 power gas chamber 26 and finally a nose 58 in the form
basically eccentrically in this embodiment. From the of an annular flange. The nose 58 is guided radially
disk 39 a sleeve-like attachment 50 protrudes in the outwardly up to the tank insert wall 13, is supported by
direction of the bursting seal 20. The free sleeve edge of a shoulder 60 on the free sleeve edge of the tank insert
the attachment 50 ends directly before the bursting seal wall 13 and, at the same time, adjoins the wall 5 of the
20 or adjoins the same. The shell surface of the attach central hole. The throttle element 38 substantially has
ment 50 is guided in the power gas outlet sleeve 21 the shape of a U turned upside down including a flange
while being moved toward the bursting seal 20. like annular edge. During its lifting movement, it is
By carrying the low-pressure zone ND in the direc guided by the tank insert wall 13 and by the wall 5 of
tion of the bursting seal 20, as already mentioned, also the central hole, namely at the outer edge of the nose 58
the opening end of the power gas outlet channel 37 is 50 and the shoulder 60. In addition, the shell surface 56 is
displaced upward, i.e. into the space of gas concentra guided inside the power gas outlet sleeve 21. The throt
tion 32, namely beyond the free ends of the power gas tle opening is disposed in the end face 54 in this embodi
outlet sleeve 21. When activating the release means 4, ment. It is directly approached to the gas concentration
the throttle disk 39 supports the high pressure building space 32 during the lifting movement.
up in the propelling charge chamber 26 at the bursting 55 Due to the hollow piston design of the throttle ele
seal 20 via the sleeve-like attachment 50. Here the pres ment 38, the volume of the high-pressure zone HD is
sure in the heating charge chamber 26 does not reach enlarged by the volume of the low-pressure zone ND
the pressure peaks shown in FIG. 6a, but it is definitely shown in FIG.8. Already herefrom a further pressure
below that (see pressure graphs). Also in this pressure drop by about 20% is resulting. The pressure building
range still a complete chemical conversion, namely a up after activating the release means 4 and burning off
burn-off of the amount of heating material or propelling the heating and propelling charge 28 urges the end face
charge is guaranteed. The reduction of the pressure 54 of the throttle element 38 against the bursting seal 20.
peaks is a consequence of the movement of the throttle The latter is forced open after the bursting pressure is
element 38 toward the bursting disk 20 and a related exceeded. The two gas outlet channels 18 and 37 are
enlargement of the volume of the propelling charge 65 simultaneously forced open. The stored gases escape
chamber. In addition, the energy stored in the power and concentrate in the gas concentration space 32 to
gas and thus the pressure is reduced by the lifting work form a hybrid gas. Again the throttle opening 40 con
of the throttle element 38. In this respect, also the cross trols the pressure, the temperature and the volume of
13 14
the hybrid gas. The pressure graph illustrates the favou has no throttle opening. In addition, the throttle ele
rable ratios of pressure and inflation. ment 38 is guided in the sleeve-like tank insert wall 13
The embodiment of FIG. 10 differs from the embodi by the flange nose 58, for the nose 58 including the
ment of FIG.8 merely by a different design of the throt annular frame 62 thereof adjoins the tank insert wall 13.
tle element 38; from the embodiment of FIG. 9 it is 5 Finally the throttle element 38 is moreover guided by
furthermore distinguished by a different design of the the wall 5 of the central hole. To this effect, fins 64 are
propelling charge support 14. As far as the embodiment arranged on the side of the flange nose 58 facing the
of FIG. 10 is in conformity with the embodiments of shoulder 7 of the central hole and adjoin the wall 5 of
FIGS. 8 and 9, reference is made to the description of the central hole with their radially outer ends. The fins
these Figures. 10 64 protrude like shoulders over the nose 58 and are
The throttle element 38 represented in the embodi supported on the free edge of the tank insert wall 13.
ment of FIG. 10 differs from the throttle element of After a completed lifting movement, the upper free
FIG. 9 in that the throttle opening 40 is not arranged in edge of the fin 64 contacts the shoulder 7 of the central
the end face 54 but in the shell surface 56. Instead of one hole.
throttle opening 40, also plural throttle openings 40 may 15 This configuration of the nose 58 in the form of an
be provided, for instance in an annular array. annular flange results in the a.m. by-pass channel 65 and
The throttle opening(s) 40 is/are arranged in the shell 66 provided between the nose 58 and the wall 5 or the
surface 56 such that they are covered by the power gas shoulder 7, resp., of the central hole. The by-pass chan
outlet sleeve 21 both in the stationary phase and during nel 65, 66 is continued by the further by-pass channel 67
the lifting movement of the throttle element 38. If only 20 between the shell surface 56 and the inner wall of the
one throttle opening 40 is provided, it is disposed above power gas outlet sleeve 21.
the power gas outlet sleeve 21 after completion of the The time delay At' of the release of power gas from
lifting movement of the throttie element 38. Hereby the the power gas tank 26 can be controlled by the clear
release of power gas is delayed. The lift of stroke of the ance between the throttle opening(s) 40 and the free
throttle element 38 corresponds to a time delay At'. 25 edge of the sleeve-like tank insert wall 13. This time
The shell surface 56 may also have a recess 42 in the delay At' results in the fact that the power gas arrives at
form of a channel in the area of the throttle opening 40, the gas concentration space 32 at a later time than the
i.e. it may be slightly spaced apart from the inner wall of pressure gas. The time delay At' can additionally be
the power gas outlet sleeve 21 in this area. In this case, controlled by the length of the by-pass channel 65, 66,
the power gas is released, as soon as the end of the 30 67. The free flow cross-section of the by-pass channel
channel recess 42 facing the front face is moved beyond determines the rate of escaping power gas and, of
the free end of the power gas outlet sleeve 21. The course, the march of pressure in the power gas chamber
desired time delay At' can be determined, i.e. controlled 26, too. There is another possibility of control in tha
by the length of the channel recess 42. The release of t-in the case of plural throttle openings 40-not all
power gas already starts in this case before the throttle 35 throttle openings are released by the power gas outlet
opening 40 has reached the free end of the power gas sleeve 21 at the same time but staggered in time, i.e. one
outlet sleeve 21. after the other. This is also true for the embodiment of
In the shown embodiment the throttle opening 40 is FIG. 10, of course.
covered by the power gas outlet sleeve 21 also after Principally, the movable throttle elements 38 can also
completion of the lifting movement. Nevertheless, do without a tappet function, i.e. they need not force the
power gas can escape through the cannel recess 42, bursting membrane 20 open. The movement of the
although at a reduced rate. This rate can be controlled, throttle element 38 then serves substantially for enlarg
among other things, by the number of throttle openings ing the high-pressure zone HD and for additionally
40 and channels 42. On the whole, the amount of power reducing pressure by the lifting work done. In this case,
gas escaping per time unit is determined by the number 45 the low-pressure zone ND is reduced in synchronism
and the free flow cross-section of the channel recess(es) with the enlargement of the high-pressure zone HD.
42 and of the throttle opening(s) 40. The time delay At' The embodiments described in FIGS. 7 to 11 have
for the release of power gas depends on the length of the following common advantages: The low-pressure
the channel recess(es) 42. chamber is formed as tappet. Consequently, the heating
The time delay At' and the amount of power gas 50 charge pressure acts directly on the bursting seal 20.
escaping per time unit can be exactly adjusted to the The heating charge pressure serves for moving the
flow speed of the pressure gas, which results in a very tappet and thus for opening the bursting seal 20. The
uniform inflation of the air bag 10 with low pressure temperature of the heating or power gas linked with the
peaks and a substantially constant pressure. The inflat pressure heats the expanding gases from the pressure
ing behaviour of the air bag 10 can be controlled in a 55 gas chamber 2. When enlarging the surface 51 of the
safely reproducible manner under all circumstances. tappet upon which the pressure acts as compared to the
The embodiment of FIG. 11 differs from the embodi surface 52 of the bursting seal 20, the bursting seal 20
ment of FIG. 10 merely by a displacement of the throt can be opened more easily or else at a lower pressure.
tle openings 40 from the shell surface 56 into an annular Finally, the pressure peaks in the high-pressure zone
frame 62 protruding from the annular flange nose 58 in HD are further reduced by the fact that the bursting
the direction of the propelling charge chamber 26; fur seal 20 breaks earlier (due to the larger tappet surface)
thermore by a different configuration of the throttle and the volume of the high-pressure zone HD is en
element 38 in the area of the nose 58 and by guiding the larged simultaneously with the movement of the tappet.
power gas along a by-pass channel 65, 66, 67. In other If by-pass channels, namely the channels 42 and 65 to 57
words, the throttle element 38 again has the shape of a 65 are provided, the effect of the heating gas is delayed.
hollow piston. Also in this case, the end face 54 thereof The effect of the power gas thus can be controlled in
contacts the bursting seal 20. Its shell surface 56 is again such a way that the pressure curve of the hybrid gas
guided by the power gas outlet sleeve 21, however it remains at a constant value. By sealing the power gas
15 16
chamber from the mixing space or gas concentration This bursting seal, too, has the same advantages as the
space 32 and by delaying the release of the power gas above-described bursting seals 20. The sealing of the
from the power gas chamber 26, the time of gas escape pressure gas tank 2 against the power gas chamber 26
and the amount of power gas escaping per time unit can and the gas concentration space 32 can be ensured to be
be exactly controlled. Hereby the inflation of the airbag absolutely safe by way of welds, preferably the laser
is safely reproducible under all circumstances. welds 23 and 24. In addition, the opening of the pressure
The FIGS. 9 and 12 to 15 show pressure-proof de gas tank 2 and the power gas chamber 26 is effected
signs of ignition pin guidings and reinforcing devices at simultaneously or can be regulated in a controlled man
the propelling charge support 14. ner, which is impossible, for instance, in the case of the
At high ambient temperatures, for instance 85 C., O U.S. Pat. No. 4,121,300 cited in the beginning, as there
and a relatively high and continuous pressure in the two spaced bursting disks are provided. It is ensured by
high-pressure zone HD, the propelling charge support the arrangement in the kind of a multi-way valve that
14 and the guiding of the ignition pins 35 through the no gas flows from the power gas chamber 26 into the
propelling charge support 14 is exposed to extremely 15 pressure gas tank 2. Rather, the power gas flows exclu
high loads. Therefore it is advantageous to provide sively into the space of gas concentration 32. Conse
reinforcing members to prevent the propelling charge quently, the pressure gas chamber 2 is not loaded with
support 14 or the ignition pins 35 from being pressed out pressure peaks of the power gas. Therefore the bursting
and from resulting in pressure losses during inflation of pressure of the bursting seal can have almost any value,
the air bag 10. at any rate it can by far exceed the pressure loading
In accordance with FIG. 9, the propelling charge capacity of the pressure gas tank 2. This represents a
support 14 has a substantially funnel-shaped external great advantage as compared to DE-OS 23 48.834,
contour and is positioned in an appropriate passage where the heating charge first flows into the pressure
provided in the tank bottom 12. The propelling charge gas tank.
support 14 may be made of synthetic material. For the 25 The embodiment represented in FIG. 17 shows a
purpose of reinforcement, it includes a punched metal safety system 1 which is preferably used as a front pas
disk 70 serving as armouring. The diameter of the metal senger system, as it is called, in a motor vehicle and is
disk 70 is equal to or larger than that of the propelling fastened there by means of a mounting device 80.
charge support 14. The pressure tank2 does not have the shape of a torus
In the metal disk 70, openings are provided as pas 30 here but that of a gas cylinder and is subdivided into
sages for the ignition pins 35 and the insulations thereof. plural chambers, namely the chambers 2', 2' and 2'.
The size of these openings can be reduced to the mini For stabilizing the pressure tank 2, the tank bottom is
mum of the distance required for insulating the ignition designed in a way as it is known from wine bottles. The
pins 35. During mounting, the propelling charge sup chambers 2 and 2' are separated by a partition 84. The
port 14 including the metal reinforcement 43 is pressed 35 latter includes a predetermined breaking line 86' which
into a fit in the tank bottom 12 and fastened there by is formed, for instance, as an annular recess. The prede
glueing, press-fit or other locks. termined breaking line 86' surrounds a bursting mem
In order to prevent the ignition pins 35 from being brane 88. The same applies analogically for the parti
pressed through at the enormous pressures, the ignition tion 84" provided between the chambers 2" and 2'.
pins can be provided with vertically projecting or ta The bursting membrane there is denoted with the refer
pered swellings 36 (FIGS. 13 to 15). The ignition pins ence numeral 88" and the predetermined breaking line
35 including their swellings 36 are preferably manufac with the reference numeral 86'. The chamber 2 facing
tured as stampings. the gas outlet channel 18 is connected to a release and
When manufacturing the propelling charge Support closing
14 as synthetic member, the ignition pins 35 and the 45 membermember via a weld 82. This release and closing
is substantially equipped like the central hole in
metal reinforcement 70 can be simply injected together the preceding embodiments. Also identical reference
with the synthetic member. numerals have been used so that a detailed description is
Apart from that, also by appropriately shaping the superfluous.
propelling charge support 14, the latter can be pre
vented from being pressed through the tank bottom 12, 50 form In this case, too, the gas outlet channels 18 and 37
as is represented e.g. in FIG. 12, but also in FIGS. 2, 3, a multi-way valve together with the bursting seal
6, 8, 10 and 11. 20 and the space of gas concentration 32. The hybrid
FIG. 16 shows another embodiment of a toroidal gas generated in the space of gas concentration 32 flows
pressure gas tank 2 whose central hole is adapted to a not an
via elbow (not represented) into an air bag (likewise
release means (not represented) or a tank insert for 55 Inrepresented).
a non-operative state, an equal pressure is provided
receiving the power gas chamber 26. The pressure gas
tank 2 consists of two tank shells, namely an inner tank everywhere in the pressure gas tank 2. The partitions
shell 72 and an outer tank shell 74. The two tank shells 84 and 84' are not exposed to any pressure load. If,
are welded at the top and at the bottom by two annular however, the gas seal 20 is forced open, the pressure in
welds 9. The throttle element 38 is stationary in this the first pressure gas chamber 2 drops considerably.
case. The gas channels 18 and 37, the bursting seal. 20 Consequently, a pressure difference is built up on both
and the space of gas concentration 32 are again disposed sides of the partition 84. If this pressure difference has
in the manner of a multi-way valve. The bursting seal is exceeded a predetermined bursting value, the bursting
formed in two pieces, however. Principally, it has the membrane 88" is breaking. The pressure gas contained in
same shape as the bursting seals represented in the fore 65 the second pressure chamber 2 is now escaping. After
going, but it consists of a lower part 20' directly facing that, a pressure difference is built up on both sides of the
the power gas outlet channel 37 and an upper part 20' second partition 84', until also the bursting membrane
positively connected thereto. 88" is breaking.
17 18
The partitions 84', 84" may also include throttle b. the propellant gas reservoir is essentially cup
openings (not represented) instead of or in addition to shaped and arranged in a central hole surrounded
the bursting membranes 88", 88". by the compressed gas reservoir;
We claim: c. the gas outlets of both reservoirs lead into the outer
1. Method for rapid inflation of at least one gas cush- 5 chamber located in the region of the central hole,
ion in an air bag safety system, comprising the steps of wherein the propellant gas outlet projects from the
storing in reservoirs at least two pressurized gases propellant gas reservoir in the manner of a pipe
shielded from each other and from the outside with fitting;
a rupture seal common to at least two reservoirs; d. the rupture seal comprises a disc-shaped element
releasing, upon need, the filling gases from their res- 10 which covers the propellant and compressed gas
ervoirs; outlets from the outside;
combining the filling gases essentially outside their e. the disc-shaped element is connected by a first
reservoirs; peripheral predetermined break seam to the outer
inflating the gas cushion with the filling gas. edge of the propellant gas outlet constructed as a
2. Method of claim 1, wherein the rupture seal is a pipe fitting, and in addition is connected by a sec
multi-part seal and each part is connected to each other ond peripheral predetermined break seam to the
part in form-locking relationship. outer wall of the compressed gas reservoir or a
3. Method of claim 1, wherein the rupture seal is a portion projecting therefrom.
one piece seal. 16. The safety system of claim 15, wherein the disc
4. Method of claim 1, comprising a further step of 20 shaped element comprises two discs adjacent to each
controlling at least two filling gas streams such that other in sandwich fashion, wherein the inner disc is
they arrive at a point of being combined essentially connected by the first predetermined break seam to the
simultaneously. propellant gas outlet and the outer disc is connected by
5. Method of claim 4, wherein the controlling is ac 25 the second predetermined break seam to the outer wall.
complished with a multi-way valve. 17. The safety system of claim 14, comprising means
6. Method of claim 1, wherein one reservoir stores a for controlling the pressure gradient of the propellant
first compressed gas and the second reservoir stores an gas in the propellant gas reservoir and/or for control
ignitable propellant charge. ling the interval of time (At) between bursting of the
7. Method of claim 6, comprising a step of controlling 30 rupture seal and exit of the propellant gas from the
the pressure gradient of the propellant gas in the propel propellant gas reservoir.
lant charge reservoir, and in particular delaying the 18. The safety system of claim 17, wherein the control
drop in the high-pressure stage. means further comprises a throttle element, arranged
8. Method of claim 7, comprising a further step of stationarily between the propellant charge and the point
controlling the discharge of the propellant charge gas 35 of gas exit from the propellant charge reservoir.
from the propellant charge reservoir, particularly in the 19. The safety system of claim 18, wherein the throt
direction of pressure conditions as uniform as possible at tle element:
the point of combining the filling gas streams. a has approximately the shape of a disc spanning the
9. Method of claim 6, comprising the step of control internal cross-section of the propellant charge res
ling the discharge of the first compressed gas in such a ervoir, and
way that the first compressed gas flows out of the com b. has at least one throttle bore in the disc and/or in
pressed gas reservoir in stages. the peripheral surface of the hollow piston.
10. A safety system with a gas cushion of the air bag 20. The safety system, according to claim 18,
type which can be inflated rapidly comprising: wherein:
a. at least two pressure reservoirs storing each pres 45 a. an end section of the throttle element already
surized filling gas; contacts the rupture seal in the inoperative posi
b. gas outlets which can be burst for releasing and tion; and
combining the filling gases in a chamber located b. the stroke of the throttle element is limited to a
outside the pressure reservoirs inflating the gas value which ensures that the rupture seal breaks
cushion, wherein the 50 open reliably.
c. gas outlets of at least two pressure reservoirs are 21. The safety system, according to claim 20, com
sealed by a common rupture seal. prising stroke limiting means which at the end section of
11. The safety system of claim 10, wherein the rup the throttle element after completion of the stroke
ture seal is in one piece. movement is located outside the propellant gas outlet.
12. The safety system of claim 10, wherein the rup 55 22. The safety system of claim 19, wherein stroke
ture seal comprises several parts connected in form limiting means are located outside the propellant gas
locking relationship. outlet.
13. The safety system of claim 11, wherein the cham 23. The safety system of claim 17, wherein the throt
ber located outside the pressure reservoirs, the gas out tle element is guided in the propellant gas outlet in such
lets leading into it and the rupture seal are arranged a way that the propellant gas can flow out only after
after the fashion of a multi-way valve. completion of the stroke movement of the throttle ele
14. The safety system of claim 10, wherein one pres ment through a narrow flow channel between the pe
sure reservoir stores a compressed gas, and the other ripheral surface of the throttle element and the inner
pressure reservoir stores an ignitable propellant charge wall of the propellant gas outlet.
to produce a propellant gas. 65 24. The safety system of claim 10, wherein the com
15. The safety system of claim 13, wherein: pressed gas reservoir is divided into at least two cham
a. the compressed gas reservoir is essentially designed bers.
as a hollow ring; 25. The safety system of claim 24, wherein:
19 20
a. the chambers are arranged one behind the other plastic or plastic-like material and comprises on the
with respect to flow and in each case separated inside a reinforcement as hard as metal, in particular a
from each other by a means of a partition compris- punched metal disc.
ing a rupture membrane; and 28. The safety system of claim 27, wherein the outer
b. the foremost chamber in the direction offlow com- 5 edge of the metal disc lies flush with the outer surface of
prises the compressed gas outlets. the propellant charge/primer composition support.
26. The safety system of claim 14, wherein the propel- 29. The safety system of claim 26, having firing pins
lant charge/primer composition support is protected by passing through the propellant/primer composition,
different cross-sectional shapes and/or a reinforcement which are protected by different cross-sectional shapes
from being pressed out of the propellant charge reser- 10 from being pressed out of the propellant charge/primer
voir bottom. composition support after ignition of the propellant
27. The safety system of claim 26, wherein the propel- charge.
lant charge/primer composition support is made of * . . . .