The Final Journey PDF
The Final Journey PDF
The Final Journey PDF
ISBN 978-93-89766-32-5
Goodword Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Translated by:
Prof. Farida Khanam
First published 2021
Goodword Books
1, Nizamuddin West Market, New Delhi-110013
Tel. +9111-45651770
Mob. +91-8588822672
Printed in India
Foreword 5
On Death’s Doorstep 7
We are in God’s Country 8
The Stage of Death 10
How Strange That Life Should End Like That 11
The Beginning, Not the End 13
The End of Life’s Journey 14
Beyond Death 15
From Affluence to Ashes 17
When the Journey Ends 18
Door, Not Grave 19
Over the Edge 21
The Vanity of Human Wishes 23
A Happy Ending to the Tragedy of Life 24
Death’s Lesson 26
The Greatest Teacher: Death 27
The Gathering Storm 29
The Great Happening 31
The Mirage 32
Rose-Coloured Spectacles 33
The Illusion of Freedom 35
Just Short of the Summit 36
The Other Side of Death 38
Five Seconds to Go 40
A Strange Deprivation 41
The Eternal Journey 43
Showing One’s Mettle 44
He Is Listening 46
The Day of Judgement 47
O Man! 49
The Virtue of Mercy 50
These Sleepers! 51
What Will Happen That Day? 52
Keeping One’s Mind on Tomorrow 54
The Danger of Hell 55
When Death Will Expose Everything As False 57
This Hell-Bound Caravan 59
Fear God 61
When Truth is Revealed 62
Ray of Hope 63
The Result of Reaction 64
The Precipice 66
The Impending Day 67
The Greatest News 69
A Call 71
The Final Journey
Wahiduddin Khan
January 1, 2021
New Delhi
On Death’s Doorstep
O f all the stages through which man shall have to pass, death
is the most certain. It is possible for one not to be endowed
with life at all, but one who is alive is sure, also, to die. Everyone
who is alive now will be dead sometime in the future. One day the
eyes of those who see will fade and their tongues will freeze into
silence. Every human being will one day find himself standing at
death’s doorstep, with this world behind him, and ahead of him
the eternal world of the hereafter. He will be leaving this world,
never to return, and entering a world which he will never leave. In
the world which he is entering, there will be no opportunity for
action; there will be only salvation or damnation in accordance
with one’s actions on earth.
While life is indefinite, death is absolutely definite. We are
only alive because we have not yet died, and there is no fixed
time for death. We are forever advancing towards it; death is
closer to us than life itself. People consider themselves alive,
but it would be truer to say that they are dead. No one can
be sure when death will come; it might strike at any instant.
Death, then, is not some future event; we are already as good
as dead. For this reason, Prophet Mohammad, may peace
be upon him, has told us to think of ourselves as lying in the
grave. (Tuhfatul Ahwazi, Hadith No. 2333)
Death nullifies everything. It is the most terrifying event
of our lives. But the prospect would not be so formidable if
The Final Journey
death were just the end of life. If all that death meant was the
end of man - the moving, seeing, hearing being who lives on
earth – then it would still be an event of frightful proportions;
but it would be a temporary calamity, not a permanent one.
The gravity of the situation lies in death not being the end of
life, but rather the beginning of a new, eternal life, a world of
everlasting reward or retribution.
We are in God’s Country
This being the case, the only way that man can prosper is by
understanding God’s scheme and living in the world according
to that scheme. If he contradicts the scheme of God, then he
will be considered as a rebel. He will be liable for punishment
in the sight of God and stands to be deprived for all time of
the blessings of the Lord.
The question is: how should man live in the world in order to
conform with the will of God? It was to provide an answer to
this question that God raised up His prophets. The prophets
showed man, plainly and in terms that he could understand,
exactly what the Lord requires of him; they defined the
scheme of God with which man should comply.
In this world, too, human beings are actually in the same sort
of condition. They are in themselves so weak that they are
unable to tolerate even a minor unfavourable condition or
situation. If you are poked by a needle or have to face hunger
or thirst for a single day or do not get sleep for a few days, your
anguish will know no bounds. But because in this world we
have all that we need, we have forgotten how vulnerable we
really are. We are unaware of our own reality.
Suppose this world were snatched away from us, this world
where there is air and light and so on, and where, by using
the bounties of Nature, human civilization is made possible,
in such a situation, it will be impossible for human beings to
create a similar world elsewhere in the cosmos.
How Strange That Life Should End Like That
The Final Journey
The Final Journey
Beyond Death
When will the realization come to them that the grave is the
ultimate destination of all?
Beyond Death
The Final Journey
All his efforts went in vain. Finally the king of France had
learnt that no one could conquer death.
From Affluence to Ashes
Mr. Birla would always rise at five in the morning, and remain
engrossed in his work until 9 p.m. He led a very simple life,
often cooking his own meals. He drank coffee instead of
liquor and would take nothing but water in between meals.
Whether in India or abroad, he never missed his morning
walk. On June 11, 1983 when he was in London, he went out
after breakfast for a walk in Regent Street. After a while he
felt some discomfort and informed his aides. Alarmed, they
brought him back home immediately. No sooner had he
reached home than he collapsed. He was taken to London’s
Middlesex Hospital, where he regained consciousness for a
while. “What is wrong with me, Doctor?” he enquired. The
doctors told him that they would be able to say within five
minutes after a check-up. But he died before the doctors
could complete their examination. It was Mr. Birla’s wish that
his last rites should be performed at the place of his death.
Accordingly, he was cremated at an electric crematorium in
London, and his ashes were brought to India to be scattered
in the rivers of his homeland.
The Final Journey
Mr. Birla wrote many books. The Hindi title of one of them
is ‘Rupaye Ki Kahani’ (‘Money Story’). Mr. Birla’s ‘money-story’
became a story of ashes in the end.
Door, Not Grave
I was given this news: “Hafizji’s son died. The funeral prayer
is about to be held. I have come to call you.”
Hearing this, I closed my book, and, after making my
ablutions, I set off with him.
When I reached the graveyard, I found a few other people
standing there. I counted them—they were 17 people, young
and old, including people from the family of the deceased. I
remembered an incident from a month ago, when a relative
of Sheikh Fazl Ali had died and his body had been brought to
this same graveyard and had been buried in a special part of it.
The Final Journey
That day, there had been so many people that it was difficult
to count them all. It was as if the entire Muslim population of
the locality had gathered there.
A few minutes after I got there, the Imam, the prayer-leader,
of the locality stood up to lead the funeral prayer. I also stood
in line with the others and made the intention of praying. The
Imam read the prayer so fast that I could not read even a dua
or supplication fully. I heard the phrase ‘Allahu Akbar!’ (God
is Great!) being uttered rapidly, and shortly after, the Imam
finished the prayer. People put on their shoes and got up to
go, in such a way as if they had completed a formality in the
name of attending a funeral prayer.
The grave was close by. I went towards it. When I got there,
I found that it was still being dug. A few people stood around
in small groups. Some were relating stories of communal
oppression. Someone complained about the severity of the
weather. Someone else offered his knowledge about the prices
of things in the market. In other words, people were talking
about this and that.
The real problem of Life is not the one in which people are
entangled. Rather, the real problem is the one that will appear
after Death. If only people knew what this person in the grave
is facing! He has left this makeshift world and is heading
towards the real world. This grave that is being dug before us
Over the Edge
is not really a grave, but, rather, a door that has been opened
for him to enter the other world. Passing through this door, he
will cross over to the other side.
The Final Journey
lift. These being open and his mind still being on the happy
turn of events at the meeting, he stepped over the threshold
of the lift without noticing that there was no lift there. He
stepped straight into the empty lift shaft—the lift was still
at the ninth floor—he fell down eight storeys and was killed
instantaneously. The irony of it was that his personal doctor
had been with him at the time, but there was absolutely
nothing that the doctor–or anyone else–could do for him,
except declare him dead.
There is no one in this world who is not on the brink of that lift
shaft. This is a point which is little understood: all are convinced
The Vanity of Human Wishes
The Final Journey
A Happy Ending to
the Tragedy of Life
A Happy Ending to the Tragedy of Life
This was a time when the whole world was being swept by a
new political wave: nationalism. Progressive trends in political
thought had rendered the colonial system of government
untenable. The freedom movement in India was fast gaining
momentum. It was apparent that British rule in India would
not survive for long. The completion of New Delhi thus
coincided with the decline of the British Raj.
The Final Journey
Death’s Lesson
The Greatest Teacher: Death
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), the son of the Greek King
Philip, conquered the greater part of the known world of his
time in a mere ten years. Taking up a project entertained by his
father, Alexander decided to attack the huge Persian Empire,
marched in 334 BC into Asia Minor and quickly subjugated
The Final Journey
The Gathering Storm
Death is the greatest teacher, but man lives out his life as
if there were no such thing awaiting him at the end of life’s
The Final Journey
The Great Happening
The Final Journey
were. The tables will indeed turn on that day, when many who
are last in the world will be the first in the sight of God, and
the filth and pollution of what had seemed pure and attractive
will be revealed before the eyes of man. Much that man looks
upon with relish now; he will turn away in horror from then.
People’s real natures are concealed in this world. For some,
attractive words have hidden their inner states and for others,
material splendour. But in the next world these things will
be taken away from man; he will be brought forward in his
real state. What a calamitous day that will be! If one were to
gauge the severity of that day, then one would cease to talk so
ferociously, or be so allured by worldly things; worldly honour
would seem just as meaningless as worldly disgrace.
The Mirage
Rose-Coloured Spectacles
Rose-Coloured Spectacles
The Final Journey
The Illusion of Freedom
What man must finally come to terms with is not the ‘here
and now’ but all eternity.
The Final Journey
Just Short of the Summit
The Other Side of Death
Five Seconds to Go
A Strange Deprivation
A Strange Deprivation
I f you give a one rupee coin to someone and tell him that
somewhere ahead there is a heap of ten million such coins
and that if he runs quickly he can obtain all that money, what
do you think he will do with the one rupee coin that you have
given him? He will forget about it and run after the ten million
The Final Journey
If someone truly realizes what this world is, for him it will
seem like the one-rupee coin mentioned above. He will
leave aside this small joy and rush after the much bigger one.
Forgetting this world, he will run towards the Hereafter. On
the other hand, someone who does not understand the true
nature of this world will take it to be everything. Forgetting
the Hereafter, he will remain completely drowned in the
things of this world.
The Eternal Journey
The Final Journey
Showing One’s Mettle
The Final Journey
He Is Listening
The Day of Judgement
This means that every such message that is sent out from
America or that enters America from elsewhere, reaches
an American government agency before it gets to the
intended recipient. If you were to make a telephone call from
Washington to someone in Delhi, an American government
agency would hear your words even before your friend in
Delhi could! And so, if the American secret service agencies
want to intercept the messages someone is getting, all they
need to do is to supply that person’s number to the office of
the Earth Station, where all the telephonic conversations and
messages of the person are being automatically recorded.
But he should know that even before what he says reaches the
person he is addressing, it has already reached God.
The Final Journey
The story was about Miss Sybil D’Silva, who lives in Artillery
Road, Bangalore. She was visited in her home by a woman
aged about 35, holding a child of about six months in her arms.
She told Miss D’Silva that her husband was seriously ill, and
that she needed rupees 5000 urgently for his treatment. ‘’I
am not begging from you,” she said, taking a golden necklace
out of her pocket. “All I want to do is sell this golden necklace.
Dear as it is to me, my husband’s health is dearer. It would
sell for rupees 10,000 in the market. But, because I need the
money, I will give it to you for just 5000.”
Miss D’Silva said she was not interested, but the woman
kept pleading the desperateness of her case. Eventually, she
persuaded Miss D’Silva to give her the money, and buy the
O Man!
O Man!
The Final Journey
These Sleepers!
These Sleepers!
The Final Journey
What Will Happen That Day?
The Danger of Hell
People who live for the present, with no thought for the
future, think that they can build happy lives for themselves
at the expense of others. They seek to ruin others by bringing
lawsuits against them in human courts, but it is they themselves
who are heading for ruin; it is they themselves who will be
tried and condemned in the divine court of the hereafter.
They imagine that they can revel in their own glory, having
wrought havoc in the lives of others. But they ignore the well-
being of others at their peril. For soon their material props
will vanish into thin air–who in this world is not bound for the
grave?—and they will be exposed for the helpless creatures
that they really are.
The Final Journey
This is ‘the lowest of the low’ of this world. The task before
man is to lift himself above this and take himself to the level
of ‘the best of mould’—which, in terms of his very birth, is his
real or authentic level.
When Death Will Expose Everything As False
The Final Journey
This Hell-Bound Caravan
The Final Journey
Fear God
Fear God
This is like seeing with a blind eye. If people truly had eyes
that see, the people they would fear most would be those
whom they consider to be powerless, because God stands
behind the powerless.
Ray of Hope
If people can convince others that they are in the right, then
they are sure that they have been proved right. But, in fact,
only those who are proved right in God’s sight are truly in
the right. In the next world, only those who are truly right
will be proved right. Falsehood will be exposed as nothing
but false. This verse, then, does not only refer to hypocritical
prostration; it gives us an indication of the outcome facing
both individuals and nations.
Ray of Hope
The Final Journey
has lost all meaning. I am ready to take a fateful leap into the
unknown. Young man, can you give me a ray of hope?”
The Result of Reaction
How the idea of national freedom took shape in the mind of Mr.
Birla, is reproduced here in his own words: “When I was 16 years
old, I started my independent business as a broker in Calcutta.
During this period, I came in contact with many Englishmen,
who were either my customers or my superior officers. I also
saw their organizational capability and other qualities. But one
thing I could not bear was their racial pride. I was not permitted
to use the elevator to reach their offices. Neither was I allowed
to sit on their benches, while waiting. This humiliation was very
painful. As a result of this, I got interested in politics, which
started in 1912 and continues till today.”
The Precipice
When he rode off on his scooter, he had apparently set off for
his home but, in truth, he was heading towards death. This is
not an unusual event. Such events take place every day and in
all kinds of places.
On 25th May 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 took off from
O’Hare International Airport, Chicago. Shortly afterwards it
crashed and burst into flames. All 271 passengers were burnt to
death. This particular accident happened with a small number
of people, but such is going to be the fate of all human beings.
All men who are on the move are actually heading towards
death and destruction. Death is closer to man than life itself.
The Impending Day
The Final Journey
From this we learn who those people are who really believe
in God and who do not. Someone who believes in God is one
who accepts the weight of evidence, who bows before the
Truth when it comes along, with nothing but verbal evidence.
In contrast, someone who is not affected by something simply
by its truth, who accepts the truth only when he is in some
way compelled to do so, and who is not willing to accept the
truth which does not involve an element of compulsion to
accept it, will not believe in God.
This world is a testing ground. Here you are given the freedom
to conceal your reality. But the Hereafter will expose every
person for what he truly is. On that day, many people who
appeared to be devoted to God will be made to stand in the
company of people who were not devoted to God. Many of
those who presented themselves as followers of the Truth will
be shown to be guilty of not following the Truth. Many people
who think that they have been allotted a place in Heaven will
find themselves on Hell’s doorstep.
Just then the bell rang. It was the very same man. Seeing me,
he burst into a smile and said, ‘I’ve come to give you some
good news.’ And then he told me that he had been promoted
at work and had received a raise in his salary.
The Final Journey
A Call
People are concerned about war and strife and riots in this
world. Is there anyone who is concerned about the leaping
flames of Hell and who would like to support us to warn
humanity about this fire?
The Final Journey
We want people who fear that they may not be given admission
into Heaven.
Prophet Muhammad was given the responsibility of calling
ISBN 978-93-89766-32-5
Goodword Maulana Wahiduddin Khan