sheet FMEA

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Ranking SEVERITY of Effect Effect

10 Major influence on function. Fault may threaten safe operation or Hazardous without
regulatory requirement without warning (critical characteristic which warning
is safety related).

9 Major influence on function. Fault may threaten safe operation but Hazardous with
would give warning or be noticeable (critical characteristic which is warning
safety related).

8 100% of a product may have to be scrapped. Very High

7 Product may have to be sorted and portion (less than 100% High

6 A portion (less than 100%) scrapped with no sorting. Moderate

5 100% of product may have to be reworked or repaired off line. Low

4 Product may have to be sorted, with no scrap, and a portion (less Very Low
than 100%) reworked.

3 A portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be Minor

reworked, with no scrap, on-line, but out of station.

2 A portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be Very Minor
reworked, with no scrap, on-line built into station.

1 No discernable influence. None


Ranking Failure Prob PROBABILITY of Failure

10 ≥ 100 per thousand pieces Very High: Persistent failures

9 50/1000 pieces

8 20/1000 pieces High: Frequent failures

7 10/1000 pieces

6 5/1000 pieces Moderate: Occasional failures

5 2/1000 pieces

4 1/1000 pieces

3 0.5/1000 pieces Low: Relatively few failures

2 0.1/1000 pieces

1 ≤ 0.1/1000 pieces Remote: Failure is unlikely

Ranking Likelihood of DETECTION by Process Control Detection
Can not be detected or is not checked Absolute
10 Uncertainty
Control is achieved with indirect or random checks only Very Remote
Control is achieved with visual inspection only Remote
Control is achieved with double visual inspection only Very Low
Control is achieved with charting methods, such as Statistical Low
6 Process Control
Control is based on variable gauging after parts have left the Moderate
5 station, or Go/No Go gauging performed on 100% of the parts
after the parts have left the station
Error detection in subsequent operations, OR gauging Moderately High
4 performed on setup and first-piece check (for set-up causes
Error detection in-station, or error detection in subsequent High
3 operations by multiple layers of acceptance: supply, select,
install, verify. Can not accept discrepant part.
Error detection in-station (automatic gauging with automatic Very High
2 stop feature). Cannot pass discrepant part

Discrepant parts cannot be made because item has been Almost Certain
1 error proofed by process/product design

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