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General Features of Design
(Eighth Revision)

Published by:


Kama Koti Marg,
Sector-6, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110 022

Price : ~ 4 70/-
(Plus Packing & Postage)

First Published January, 1956

Second Revision October, 1960
Reprinted May, 1962
Reprinted September, 1963
Third Revision September, 1964
Fourth Revision in September, 1966
Matric Units
Reprinted October, 1967
Reprinted November, 1969
Fifth Revision December, 1970
Reprinted June, 1973
Reprinted October, 1975
Reprinted July, 1977 (Incorporates Amendment No. 1-February, 1977)
Reprfnted June, 1980 (Incorporates Amendment No. 2-November, 1977
and (Amendment No. 3-January, 1979)
Reprinted April, 1983
Sfxth Revision April, 1985
Reprinted 1991 (Incorporates Amendment No. 4-April, 1987)
Reprinted September, 1993
Reprinted January, 1996
Seventh Revision December, 1998
Reprinted September, 2000
Reprinted April, 2002
Reprinted October, 2004
Reprinted January, 2006
Reprinted January, 2007
Reprinted February, 2008
Reprinted October, 2009
Reprinted July, 2011
Eighth Revision June,2015

(All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced,

translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
permission of the Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress)



5. No. Description Page No.

1 Introduction 1

100 Scope 2

101 Definitions 2

102 Classification 7

103 General Provisions 9

104 Planning Considerations 11

105 Geometric Design Considerations 16

106 Hydrology and Hydraulic Design 18

107 General Design Requirement 27

108 Construction & Constructability Considerations 28

109 Auxiliary Components 30

110 Illumination 36

111 Road Signs and Signals 37

112 Aesthetics 39

113 Operation & Maintenance 41


Appendix - 1 42

Appendix - 1a 44

Appendix - 2 45


(As on 131h January, 2015)
1. Das, S.N. Director General (Road Development) & Special
(Convenor) Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, New Delhi
2. Addi. Director General, Ministry of Road Transport &
(Co-Convenor) Highways, New Delhi
3. Pathak, A.P. Chief Engineer (B) S&R, Ministry of Road Transport &
(Member-Secretary) Highways, New Delhi


4. Agrawal, K.N. DG(W), CPWD (Retd.) Ghaziabad

5. Alimchandani, C.R. Chairman & Managing Director, STUP Consultants (P)
Ltd., Mumbai
6. Arora, H.C. Chief Engineer (Retd.), MORTH, New Delhi
7. Bagish, Dr. B.P. C-2/2013, Vasant Kunj, Opp. D.P.S., New Delhi
8. Bandyopadhyay, Dr. N. Director, Stup Consultants (P) Ltd., New Delhi
9. Bandyopadhyay, Dr. T.K. Joint Director General (Retd.) INSDAG, Kolkata
10. Banerjee, A.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
11. Banerjee, T.B. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
12. Basa,Ashok Director (Tech.) B. Engineers & Builders Ltd.,
13. Bhasin, P.C. ADG (B), (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
14. Bhowmick, Alok Managing Director, Bridge & Structural Engg. Consultants
(P) Ltd., Naida
15. Bongirwar, P.L. · Advisor, L&T, Mumbai
16. Dhodapkar, A.N. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
17. Ghoshal, A. Director and Vice President, STUP Consultants (P) Ltd.,
18. Joglekar, S.G. Vice President, STUP Consultants (P) Ltd., Mumbai
19. Kand" C.V. Chief Engineer (Retd.), MP, PWD Bhopal
20. Koshi, Ninan DG(RD) & Addi. Secy., (Retd) MOST, New Delhi
21. Kumar, Ashok Chief Engineer (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
22. Kumar, Prafulla DG (RD) & AS, MoRT&H (Retd.), New Delhi
23. Kumar, Vijay E-in-Chief (Retd.) UP PWD

24. Manjure, P.Y. Director, Freyssinet Prestressed Concrete Co. Mumbai

25. Mukherjee, M.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
26. Nagpal, AK. Prof. IIT, New Delhi
27. Narain, A.O. DG (RD) & AS, MoRT&H (Retd.), New Delhi
28. Ninan, R.S. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
29. Pandey, R.K. Chief Engineer (Planning), MoRT&H, New Delhi
30. Parameswaran, Chief Scientist (BAS), CRRI, New Delhi
Dr. (Mrs.) Lakshmy
31. Raizada, Pratap S. Vice President (Corporate Affairs). Gammon India Ltd.,
32. Rao, Dr. M.V.B. A-181, Sarita Vihar, New Delh
33. Roy, Dr. B.C. Senior Executive Director, M/s. Consulting Engg.
Services India (Pvt.) Ltd., Gurgaon
34. Saha, Dr. G.P. Executive Director Construma Consultancy (P) Ltd.,
35. Sharan, G. DG (RD) & Spl. Secy (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Dellhi
36. Sharma, R.S. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
37. Sinha, N.K. DG(RD) & SS, (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
38. Subbarao, Dr. Chairman & Managing Director, Construma Consultancy
Harshavardhan (P) Ltd. Mumbai
39. Tandon, Prof. Mahesh Managing Director, Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi
40. Thandavan, K.B. Chief Engineer (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
41. Velayutham, V. DG (RD) & SS (Retd.) MoRT&H, New Delhi
42. Viswanathan, T. 7046, Sector B, Pocket 10, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
43. The Executive Director ROSO, Lucknow
44. The Director and Head, (Civil Engg.), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

1. Raina, Dr. V.K. Consultant, World Bank
2. Singh, R.B. Director, Projects Consulting India (P) Ltd. New Delhi

1. President, (Bhowmik, Sunil ), Engineer-in-Chief,
Indian Roads Congress PWD (R&B), Govt. of Tripura
2. Honorary Treasurer, (Das, S.N.), Director General (Road Development)
Indian Roads Congress & Special Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways
3. Secretary General, Nahar, Sajjan Singh
Indian Roads Congress





Eighth Revision of "General Features of Design" is prepared by the General Design

Features (Bridge and Grade Separated Structures Committee (B-1 ). The B-1 Committee
deliberated on the draft document in a series of meeting and finalized it in its meeting held on
22nd November, 2014 for placing before the Bridges Specifications & Standards Committee
(BSS). The BSS Committee approved the draft document in its meeting held on 131h January,
2015. The Council in its 2041h meeting held at Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) approved the draft
"Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section I, General Features
of Design (Eight Revision) after taking on board the comments offered by the members.
The Composition of B-1 Committee is as given below:
Sinha, N.K. Convenor
Agrawal, K.N. Co-Convenor
Bhowmick, Alok Member-Secretary

Alimchandani, C.R. Kurian, Jose
Arora, H.C. Mittal, Krishan Kumar
Bagish, B.P. Narayan, Deepak
Bandyopadhyay, Nirmalya Paul, Dibyendu Kumar
Banerjee, T.B. Rastogi, D.K
Basa, Ashok Roy, Dr. B.C.
Chandak, P.R. Singh, B.N.
Kand, Dr. C.V. Sinha, A.V.
Kumar, Abhilash Sohal, Gurpreet Singh
Kumar, Ashok Sood, V.B.
Kumar, Atul Verma, Goverdhan Lal
Kumar, Vijay

Pratap, S. Raizada Reddi, S.A.
Rao, M.V.B. Tandon, Prof. Mahesh


President, (Bhowmik, Sunil), Engineer-in-Chief,
Indian Roads Congress PWD (R&B), Govt. of Tripura
Honorary Treasurer, (Das, S.N.), Director General
Indian Roads Congress (Road Development) & Special
Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of
Road, Transport & Highways,
New Delhi
Secretary General, Nahar, Sajjan Singh
Indian Roads Congress

This Code deals with general features of design of road bridges including immediate
approaches and the recommendations of this code shall apply to all types of bridges.

Following definitions shall be applicable for the purpose of this Code and other IRC Standard
Specifications and Codes of Practice for Road Bridges.

101.1 Abutment
Abutment is a sub-structure component which supports the end of a superstructure and
retains part or whole of the bridge approach fills.

101.2 Afflux
Afflux is the rise in the flood level of the channel, immediately on the upstream of a bridge,
as a result of obstruction to natural flow caused by the construction of a bridge and its

101.3 Approach
It is a part of road which connects the road to the abutment of the bridge.

101.4 Approach Slab

An approach slab is a transition slab of reinforced concrete laid on immediate approaches to
a bridge with one end resting on dirt wall/abutment.

101.5 Bearing
Bearing is a part of bridge structure which bears directly all the forces from the superstructure
above and transmits the same to the supporting substructure.

101.6 Bridge
A bridge is a structure having a total length of above 6 m for carrying traffic or other moving
loads across a channel, depression, road or railway track or any other obstruction.

101.7 Camber
Camber is transverse inclination given to the cross-section of the carriageway so as to ensure
its proper drainage.

101.8 Causeway
Causeway is a paved submersible structure with or without openings (vents) which allows
flood/water to pass through and/or over it.

101.9 Channel
Channel is a natural or artificial water course.

101.10 Clearance
Clearance is the shortest distance between the boundaries at specified positions of a
bridge/under pass/over pass.

101.11 Cofferdam
Cofferdam is a temporary structure built for the purpose of excluding water or soil from
working area to permit construction without the need for excessive pumping.

101.12 Crash Barrier

A barrier provided at the side of carriageway designed to reduce the risk of serious accidents
by guiding the errant vehicles back on the road.

101.13 Culvert
Culvert is a structure having a total length of upto 6 m between outer faces of walls, measured
at right angles. Cross drainage structures with pipes will be termed as culvert, irrespective
of length.

101.14 Dirt Wall

Dirt wall is a vertical wall projecting from abutment cap to prevent spill of earth/pavement
materials and also to support approach slab.

101.15 Effective Linear Waterway

Effective linear waterway is the total width of waterway of bridge at Highest Flood Level
(HFL) minus the effective width of obstruction.

101.16 Flyover
A bridge over another road for allowing traffic without interruption, with its approaches on
both sides.

101.17 Foot Over Bridge (FOB)

A foot over bridge is a bridge over a road or other obstructions, for exclusive use of


101.18 Foundation
Foundation is that part of a bridge structure, which is in direct contact with and transmitting
loads to the founding strata.

101.19 Free Board

Free board at any point is the difference between the highest flood level after allowing for
afflux, if any, and the formation level of road embankment on the approaches or top level of
guide bunds at that point.

101.20 Full Supply Level (FSL)

Full supply level is the water level corresponding to the full supply of canal.

101.21 Grade Separator

Grade separator is a bridge which facilitates movement of traffic by segregating 'at-grade'
conflicting movements to different levels.

101.22 High Level Bridge

A high level bridge is a bridge which carries the roadway above the Highest Flood Level (HFL)
of a channel (including afflux) or the high tide level, with appropriate vertical clearance.

101.23 Highest Flood Level (HFL)

Highest flood level is the level of highest flood recorded/observed or calculated from the
design discharge, whichever is higher.

101.24 Interchange
Interchange is a system of interconnecting roads (ramps and loops) in conjunction with one
or more grade separations that provide for the uninterrupted movement of traffic between two
or more roads.

101.25 Invert
An invert is that part of a pipe or sewer below the springing line, generally the lowest point of
the internal cross section.

101.26 Kerb
A line of raised concrete section, forming an edge between carriageway and railing/footpath/

101.27 Kerb Shyness

Kerb shyness is the imaginary distance by which the driver would generally keep his vehicle
away from the kerb in order to avoid brushing with the kerb.

101.28 Lateral Clearance

Lateral clearance is the minimum distance between the extreme edge of the carriageway and
the face of nearest obstruction such as abutment, pier, column etc.


101.29 Length of a Bridge

Length of a bridge structure shall be taken as the overall length measured along the centre
line of the bridge between inner faces of dirt walls (or between end deck joints or outer edge
of deck, where there is no dirt wall).

101.30 Low Water Level (LWL)

Low water level is the level generally prevailing in the stream/river during dry weather.

101.31 Ordinary Flood Level (OFL)

Ordinary flood level is the level to which the stream/river generally rises during monsoon
period every year.

101.32 Overpass
Overpass is a bridge carrying another road over a reference road.

101.33 Parapet
Barrier installed on the edge of a bridge from safety considerations and intended to restrain
users from falling off the bridge.

101.34 Pier
Pier is an intermediate support of the bridge super-structure.

101.35 Ramp
Ramp is road in slope, connecting roads at different levels.

101.36 Retaining Wall

Retaining wall is a wall designed to retain earth fill.

101.37 Return Wall

Return wall is a wall adjacent to abutment and parallel to road to retain approach

101.38 Right of Way (ROW)

Right of way is the land made available and/or acquired for development of road.

101.39 Road Over Bridge (ROB)

Road Over Bridge is a bridge built over the Railway tracks.

101.40 Road Under Bridge (RUB)

Road under bridge is a structure built beneath the Railway tracks.

101.41 Safety Kerb

A kerb having width of at least 750 mm for occasional use by pedestrians, where footpath is
not provided.


101.42 Skew Angle

Skew angle is the angle between the axis of support and a line normal to the longitudinal axis
of a bridge.
101.43 Span
Span is the horizontal distance between the centre line of adjacent supports of a bridge
superstructure, or maximum distance between the inner walls of a culvert, measured along
its axis.
101.44 Submersible Bridge
Submersible bridge is a bridge designed to be overtopped during floods.
101.45 Substructure
Substructure is the portion of a bridge structure between the foundation and the

101.46 Subway
A subway is usually meant for pedestrian use and comprises of structure below a road with

101.47 Super Elevation

Super elevation is transverse inclination given to the cross section of a carriageway on
horizontal curve in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle.

101.48 Superstructure
The portion of a bridge structure above bearings, which directly supports pedestrian/vehicular/
other transient loads and transfers the same to the substructure.

101.49 Toe Wall

Toe wall is a wall built at the end of the slope of earthen embankment to prevent slipping of
earth and/or pitching.

101.50 Tunnel
Tunnel is an underground closed structure carrying a roadway, through soil or rock.

101.51 Underpass
Underpass is a structure allowing uninterrupted movement of traffic beneath a reference
roadway. An underpass is classified as Cattle Underpass (CUP), Pedestrian Underpass
(PUP) and Vehicular Underpass (VUP) depending on principal user.

101.52 Vertical Clearance

For a channel, vertical clearance is the height from the design flood level with afflux or high
tide level, to the lowest point of the super structure, at the position along the bridge where
clearance is being denoted.


For flyover, underpass, overpass, ROB and RUB, the vertical clearance is the height above
any point of road way or rail top level to the corresponding point of the overhead structure.

101.53 Viaduct
A viaduct is a bridge structure across dry ground/terrain.

101.54 Wearing Course

It is the top layer of a road surface over deck that protects the main superstructure and takes
the wear caused by traffic.

101.55. Width of Carriageway

Width of carriageway is the minimum clear width measured at right angles to the longitudinal
center line of the bridge between inside faces of crash barrier/kerbs/median. For divided
carriageway, it is measured between inner faces of crash barrier/kerb/median.

101.56 Wing Wall

Wing wall is a splayed return wall, usually at 450 to the road embankment.


Bridges are classified on the basis of their principal function, material used in construction,
length, structural form, system of support, construction technology and deck level with respect
to highest flood level. The broad details of bridge classification are as follows:

102.1 Function
Based on functions, bridges are classified as under:
a) River bridge/Bridge over stream
b) Viaduct
c) Flyover
d) Grade separator
e) Road Over Bridge (ROB)
f) Road Under Bridge (RUB)
g) Fo~OverBridge(FOB)
h) Underpasses
i) Subways
j) Overpass

102.2 Length
102.2.1 Based on Length, Structures are Classified as below:
a) Culvert: as defined in clause 101.13
b) Bridge : as defined in clause 101.6


102.2.2 The bridges are further classified as minor and major bridges as below:
a) Minor bridge is a bridge having a total length of up to 60 m.
b) Major bridge is a bridge having a total length of more than 60 m.
102.2.3 Bridges having span length (s) of 150 m or more are classified as 'long span

102.3 Superstructure
102.3.1 Form of Superstructure
Based on form and type of superstructures, bridges are classified as under:
a) Arch
b) Solid slab
c) Voided slab
d) T-beam and slab
e) Suspension
f) Cable stayed
g) Extra-dosed
h) Box girder
i) Single/Multi-cell Box
j) Truss
102.3.2 System of Support for Superstructure
Bridges are classified on the basis of systems of support as under:
a) Simply supported
b) Continuous
c) Integral
d) Balanced cantilever
e) Cable supported

102.4 Material
Based on material of structure, bridges are classified as under:
a) Masonry
b) Reinforced concrete
c) Pre-stressed concrete
d) Fibre reinforced concrete
e) Steel
f) Composite
g) Timber


102.5 Construction Technology

Based on technology for construction adopted, bridges are classified as under:
a) In-situ
b) Precast or prefabricated
c) Cantilever
d) Incremental launching
e) Span by span
f) Segmental

102.6 Level
River Bridges/Bridges over streams are classified based on difference in roadway level and
Ground Level/High Flood Level (HFL), as under:
a) High level bridge
b) Submersible bridge

102.7 Importance
Based on the importance of a bridge in the highway system, bridges are classified as
a) Normal
b) Important
c) Critical


The design shall be principally based on the limit state design philosophy. Structural
components and the connections shall be designed to conform to the requirements of ultimate
limit state, serviceability limit state and fatigue limit state requirements of the appropriate
clauses of relevant codes of IRC.
Note: Till such time all the IRC codes and standards are changed from Working Stress Philosophy
to Limit State Philosophy, the design of structural components shall continue to be carried out
as per the existing codes, which may be still following working stress philosophy.

103.1 Performance Requirements

Bridge structure and its components shall be planned, designed, constructed and maintained
in such a way that they perform adequately and safely during construction and service life,
with following performance requirements:
a) Structural Safety and Serviceability, i.e. ability of a structure or structural
members to perform, with appropriate levels of reliability, adequately for


normal use under all combinations of actions expected during construction

and service life.
b) Durability, i.e, ability of the structure to perform during design service life, for
its intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without major repair
being necessary.
c) Economy, i.e, bridges should have least life cycle cost.
d) Sustainability, i.e. ability of a material, structure or structural member to
contribute positively to the fulfillment of the present needs and the needs of
future generations.
Above requirements may be met by
a) the choice of suitable materials,
b) appropriate design and detailing,
c) specifying control procedures for design, production, execution, and use
relevant to the particular project and
d) appropriate choice of span arrangement and construction methodology.

103.2 Structural Safety & Serviceability

Structural safety is ability of a structure and its structural members to guarantee the overall
stability, adequate deformability and ultimate bearing resistance, corresponding to the
assumed actions (both extreme and/or frequently repeated actions and accidental and/or
exceptional events) with appropriate levels of reliability for the specified reference periods.
The structural safety shall be analyzed for all possible darnaqe states and exposure events
relevant for the design situation under consideration;
In the context of performance-based Limit State Design, performance criteria for serviceability
and structural safety are specified by:
a) Serviceability limit state criteria
b) Ultimate limit state criteria
Limit state shall be related to design situations. They may relate to persistent situations
during the service life of the works, transient situations during the construction stage as
well as repair stage, extreme actions and environmental influences, including earthquakes.
Design principles with respect to the performance-based Limit State Design for structural
safety and serviceability as given in relevant design codes of IRC may be adopted.
Serviceability limit state corresponds to the state beyond which specified performance
requirements for a structure or a structural component are no longer met.
Ultimate limit state is the limit state associated with the structural collapse leading to loss of
life, damage to structure and environment and disruption of operation. Ultimate limit state may
arise due to structural components reaching their ultimate strength, fatigue or instability.


103.3 Economy
Economy in bridge design would generally depend upon structural type, span lengths,
materials and method of construction, which shall be selected on the basis of life cycle cost.
Costs of structural alternatives should be worked out based on long term considerations
including inspection, maintenance and repair/replacement. Therefore, cost of future
expenditure on repair and maintenance during the whole service life of bridges should be
accounted for. Construction cost shall take into account regional factor such as availability of
material and labour, fabrication, location, shipping and erection constraints. Cost on account
of mitigation of social and environmental impact shall also be taken into account in working
of cost comparison. Efforts shall be made to optimize the life cycle cost.

103.4 Sustainabilityand Loading Considerations

The structures shall contribute towards sustainable development by effective mitigation of
social and environmental impacts.
The loads, special local conditions and traffic intensity for which a bridge is to be designed,
shall be prescribed by the authorities as per relevant clauses of IRC:6.
Utilities or services, if any, to be carried over the bridge and if so, nature thereof ( e,g. Telephone
Cables, OFC .. etc.) and relevant information regarding size, arrangement etc. shall be taken
as per the requirements or as directed by the authorities.


Planning of a bridge is essential to create a facility which will comply with various technical,
administrative, environmental and social requirements including financial justifications and
will serve the intended purpose. All requisite information and data shall be collected for proper
planning of a bridge project.

104.1 Planning Strategies

104.1.1 Integration with Road Network
The first step in the planning of a bridge project is to ascertain its location in the link of the
road network and function thereof. The bridge shall fit into the road link in a seamless manner
and contribute to its primary function. Most road links have both mobility and accessibility
functions in varying degrees, which shall be taken into account while planning.
104.1.2 Interaction with other Authorities and Public
It is necessary to interact with authorities and local public who are directly or indirectly
connected with the project or whose works or authority will be directly or indirectly affected.
104.1.3 Siting of a Bridge River bridge
a. A bridge should ideally be sited across the narrowest width of the river or
channel where the course of the channel is straight in considerable length


on both up-stream and down-stream sides of the site and the banks are
stable having no history of being out-flanked. A bridge should not be sited
across meandering stretches of rivers unless it is established that the banks
at the bridge site are the nodal points of the river (i.e. the river has a history
of touching these points year after year regardless of change in its course
elsewhere). Where one of the banks is not well defined and gets over-topped,
the option of training the river by construction of a guide bund can also be
considered. In case the active channel of the river, especially the alluvial
rivers, changes its course within the river basin, the option of training the
river by construction of guide bunds on both banks can be considered after
ensuring that the adjoining areas in the upstream do not get flooded or the
guide bunds themselves are not under attack. The preliminary site selection
can be based on information contained in the topographical sheets of the
Survey of India, supplemented by actual survey or study of satellite images
of the location, which can be obtained from the National Remote Sensing
Agency. A model study may be required for bridging rivers having undefined
cross section and huge flood plains.
b. The cardinal principles to be kept in view at the time of selection of a particular
bridge site including river training works are to provide a suitable crossing
consistent with safety and economy and acceptable detour from the existing
road alignment. The following shall be the guiding considerations in this
i) Bridges up to a length of 60 meters - The location shall be governed by
suitability of alignment of road, unless there are special problems at the
crossing with regard to design and maintenance of the bridge.
i) For bridges having a length between 60 m and 300 m - Suitability of
site of the bridge as well as that of the alignment of approaches shall
be considered together.
iii) For bridges having a length more than 300 m - The requirement of a
good site for the bridge shall have the precedence and the alignment of
approaches will have to conform to the selected bridge site.
c. A brief description of the reasons for selection of a particular site for the
crossing should be prepared for record, which shall include typical cross-
sections of the channel at all alternative sites investigated and rejected.
104. 1. 3. 2 Grade separators and underpass
The layout of a grade separator or an Underpass is determined by the alignment and geometry
of intersecting roads or traffic, road classification and degree of segregation required. Bridges in hilly & coastal regions
a) For bridges in high altitude, where the road is likely to pass through snow
bound areas and avalanche prone slopes, snow removal and avalanche


control should be one of the factors to be considered in the planning stage of

the road and bridges. Specialist literature and publications shall be referred
to for dealing with such cases.
b) The coastal bridges are susceptible to highly corrosive environment,
storm surge or tsunami and strong cyclonic winds. Specialist literature and
publications shall be referred in absence of any relevant IRC standards.
104. 1. 3.4 Approaches
A length of at least 50 m of approaches on either side of the bridge/grade separator or the
defined length up to the end of approach gradient, whichever is larger, shall form part of
bridge/grade separator planning. The approaches of a flyover may comprise series of viaduct
spans for openness in inhabited locality or wall type structures in remote areas.

S. No. Component Design Life

1. All structural components 100 years
(Depending upon importance and criticality of the bridge, a
higher design life may be prescribed by the authorities.
2. Ancillary items like bearings, As per provisions of respective Codes of Practice
expansion joints, wearing course (Provision for replacement of these items shall be
etc. ensured in design and drawings)
104.1.5 Safety
The bridge and its approaches shall be planned to ensure safety of the user and the structure
in accordance with Clause 105.2.
104.1.6 Initial Environmental Examination
Initial environmental examination should be carried out to evaluate likely adverse impact of
the proposed bridge on environment. The most likely impacts are as under:
a) Increase in submergence of surrounding area
b) Likelihood of river bank erosion
c) Possibility of siltation
d) Relocation and rehabilitation of people/communities
e) Effects on historic monuments and heritage structures
f) Impact on conservation of wild life, flora and fauna
g) Impact on surroundings
104.1. 7 Aesthetics
All bridges and grade separators should be aesthetically pleasing as it has a large impact
on the surroundings. Considerations shall be given to various aspects mentioned in
Clause 112.
104.1.8 Economic Evaluation
The economic evaluation of different alternatives of a bridge project shall be carried out
to determine its relative viability. In some cases, social requirements may prevail over the
economic considerations.


104.2 Collection of Data

All detailed information for a complete and proper appreciation of the bridge project shall be
included in the project documents. Generally, the following information shall be furnished.
a) General Data including Maps, Plans and Topographical Features
b) Hydraulic Data for Selected Bridge Site
c) Geological and Seismological Data for Selected Bridge Site
d) Sub-surface Data
e) Environmental Data
f) Loading and other Data
g) Traffic Data
h) Construction Materials
i) Special Design Requirements
j) Existing Services
k) Labour Accommodation
I) Other Authorities
m) Data Regarding Existing Bridges

104.3 Width of Carriageway, Footpath and Median

104.3.1 Width of Carriageway and Overall Width
For high level bridges constructed for the use of road traffic only, the width of carriageway
shall not be less than 4.25 m for a single lane bridge, 7.5 m for a two-lane bridge and shall be
increased by 3.5 m for every additional lane of traffic for a multiple lane bridge. If a median/
central verge is constructed in a wide bridge thus providing two separate carriageways, the
carriageway on each side of the median shall provide for at least two lanes of traffic and
width thereof shall individually comply with the minimum requirements stipulated above. For
a bridge on a horizontal curve, the roadway width shall be increased suitably to conform to
the requirements stipulated in the relevant IRC Standards.
104.3.2 Width between the outermost faces of the bridge shall preferably be equal to
the full formation width of the approaches. However in case of bridges having length more
than 60 m in non-urban areas, reduced width may be permitted by the authorities subject to
stipulations as given in Clause 104.3.1 above.
104.3.3 Vented causeway/submersible bridges shall cater for at least two lanes of traffic.
104.3.4 Width of Bridge carrying combined highway/Mass Rapid Transport System
(MRTS)/Railway corridor.
For bridges carrying combined road and rail or any other special type of traffic, the widths
indicated in above clause shall be suitably increased.


104.3.5 Width of Median

The median width of the approach road shall generally be carried over the bridge. In case
of major bridges, the median width may be reduced, subject to a minimum width of 1.2 m, in
which case, crash barriers shall be provided in the median.
104.3.6 Width of Footpath
When a footpath is provided, its clear width shall not be less than 1.5 m. For urban and
populated areas having large concentration of pedestrian traffic, the width of the footpath
shall be suitably increased.

104.4 Clearances
104.4.1 Clearance - Navigational
Navigational clearances, both vertical and horizontal, shall be provided based on classification
of waterway as per the requirements of Inland Waterway Authority of India (IWAI) or the
concerned Port authorities.
104.4.2 Clearance - Over Roads
104.4. 2. 1 Vertical
The minimum vertical clearance of any structure provided over the project road shall be
5.0 m for non-urban areas and 5.5 m in case of urban areas.
In case of structures over local or collector streets, where only light commercial vehicles
are plying and where alternative routes for heavy commercial vehicles and fire tenders are
available within a short distance, the authorities may relax the clearance requirements stated
At locations where over-dimensional vehicles are frequently plying, the authorities may
consider providing increased vertical clearance.
For project roads carrying footways and cycle tracks, a minimum vertical clearance of
2.25 m shall be provided.
104.4. 2. 2 Horizontal
While fixing the horizontal clearance, consideration shall be given to safe passage of vehicles
on or under a bridge. The minimum clear width between any obstruction shall not be less than
that of the approach roadway section, including shoulders or Kerbs, gutters, and sidewalks.
No object, other than a road kerb or a crash barrier, should be located closer than 600 mm
to the edge of carriageway.
For a bridge constructed on a horizontal curve with superelevated road surface, the horizontal
clearance shall be increased on the side of the inner kerb by an amount equal to 5 meters
multiplied by the super elevation. The minimum vertical clearance shall be measured from
the super elevated level of the roadway. Extra horizontal clearance required for the super
elevation will be over and above the increase in width required on a curve.


104.4.3 Clearance - Over Railway Lines

For ROBs across railway lines, horizontal and vertical clearances shall be governed by the
requirements of the Railway authority.

104.5 Span Configuration


Choice of a particular span arrangement and the type of structure depends upon several
factors such as site characteristics, type of sub-soil strata, height and length of the bridge,
riding quality, design and, constructability considerations, availability of construction material
and technology etc. In case of urban flyovers, considerations of aesthetics and other functional
requirements like openness in inhabited portions, may have overriding effect for viaduct
spans vis-a-vis solid-fill portion for approaches.

105.1 General
Geometric design for the bridge including immediate approach roads should essentially include
integration of vertical and horizontal alignment of the bridge with the highway geometry and
should broadly cover the following:
a) Preparation of Plan - showing the horizontal alignment horizontal curves,
overall width, width of carriageway, footpath, median, crash barrier, railing,
shoulders, side drains, right of way, etc.
b) Preparation of Vertical Profile - showing the vertical alignment, grade line,
vertical curves, high flood level, ground/bed profile etc.
c) Preparation of Cross-sections - showing the carriageway, cross camber/
super elevation, side slopes, median, footpath, hydraulic details, structural
arrangement, type of superstructure, substructure and foundation, abutment
details, protection works, details of return walls, retaining walls etc.

105.2 Safety Considerations

105.2.1 Protection to User
Railings/Crash Barriers shall be provided along the edges of structures conforming to the
requirements stated elsewhere in the code. Footpaths and cycle tracks adjacent to the
carriageway shall have crash barrier in between, to safely redirect the errant vehicular
105.2.2 Protection to Structure Against Vehicle Collision
Consideration shall be given for safe passage of vehicles on or under a bridge. The hazard
of being hit by errant vehicles within the clear zone should be minimized by locating structural
components at a safe distance from the line of users and/or by providing suitable protection
to the structural components.


105.2.3 Protection to Structure Against Barge Impact

For bridges on streams where barges are plying, the bridge structure shall be protected
against vessel collision forces by fenders, protection islands or any other means. Alternatively,
the structural system shall be designed to withstand collision force effects as specified in ·
relevant IRC Code.

105.3 Horizontal and Vertical Alignments

Horizontal and vertical alignments of road bridges shall conform to relevant IRC Code. While
finalizing the horizontal and vertical alignment for the bridge portion, following aspects shall
be considered:
105.3.1 To the extent practicable, the alignment of roadways shall be selected to make
bridge crossing as nearly square as possible.
105.3.2 Wherever the bridge is in curvature, effort shall be made to provide constant
curvature within the bridge portion of the highway. Sudden change of radii and curvature
over the bridge shall be avoided to the extent possible.
105.3.3 Skew Angle in any Bridge should Preferably not Exceed 30°.
105.3.4 In situations where a replacement/new bridge is to be constructed, adjacent to an
existing structure, width of the gap between the two bridges shall be decided on the basis of
clearance between the foundations. Not less than 2.5 m clear gap should be provided at any
place between the two bridges to allow for working space.
105.3.5 Locating bridges on vertical sag curves shall be avoided as far as possible, as
vehicle dynamic effects are increased and appearance is adversely affected.
105.3.6 For bridges, a minimum longitudinal gradient of 0.3% is desirable to provide for
drainage of deck.
105.3.7 In case of divided carriageways, finished road levels at the median for both the
carriageways shall preferably be same at any cross section.
105.3.8 The combined effect of horizontal and vertical alignments and changes in super
elevation shall be considered with regard to the appearance of the bridge structure, especially
in urban situations.
105.3.9 The alignment chosen in hilly roads should enable the ruling gradient to be attained
in minimum length, besides, minimizing steep gradients and, hairpin bends and avoiding
needless rise and fall.
105.3.10 A single vertical curve shall be provided for bridges having total length upto
30 m.

105.4 Design Speed

Design speed over the bridge shall be consistent with the design speed on the approach
roads. A single design speed should preferably be adopted for the entire bridge structure. In
case, however, differential design speed is unavoidable due to presence of sharp curvatures


in specific zones within the bridge, transitions between sections with different Design Speeds
shall be designed as per relevant IRC codes.

105.5 LongitudinalGradient and Cross Slope

105.5.1 The maximum longitudinal gradient on bridge shall be consistent with the gradient
of the approach roads as per relevant IRC codes.
105.5.2 The cross slope on bridge deck shall be consistent with the cross slope of the
adjoining roadway.
105.5.3 During exiting a bridge, consideration shall be given to stopping sight distance,
especially where bridge approaches are constructed close to intersections.

105.6 Super-Elevation
105.6.1 The super elevation and additional widening on the deck of a bridge on a horizontal
curve shall be provided in accordance with the relevant IRC code.
105.6.2 Transition from normal cross slope to full super elevation shall be avoided over a
bridge as far as possible.

105.7 Approaches to Bridge

105.7 .1 The approaches on either side of the bridge for a length of at least 15 m shall
continue to have the same horizontal profile as that provided for the bridge. This length may
be suitably increased where necessary to provide for the minimum sight distance for the
design speed. However, in difficult geometric situations, the minimum length of approaches
with same horizontal profile may not be insisted upon, provided user's safety concerns are
not compromised.
105.7.2 Where horizontal curves have to be provided on the approaches, beyond the
straight portion on either side, the minimum radius of curvature, the super elevation and
transition length for various speed and curve radii shall be provided in accordance with
stipulations contained in relevant IRC Codes.
105.7.3 If there is a change of gradient in the approaches, suitable vertical curves shall be
introduced conforming to stipulations contained in relevant IRC Codes.


106.1 Data collection for hydraulic design shall be made in accordance with
Clause 104.2 of the Code.

106.2 Determination of Design Highest Flood Level

106.2.1 The design flood level shall be decided on the basis of data collected during
reconnaissance survey, aerial survey, satellite maps, detailed survey and hydrological and
hydraulic studies and analyses made.


106.2.2 Design Highest Flood Level shall be the Highest of the following :
a) The highest of flood levels as obtained from local enquiries from aged
persons. Such local enquiries should be made at 3 different locations at
b) Level of the highest watermarks, left on different old structures or the erosion
marks on the banks
c) Highest flood level that will be able to pass the design discharge as determined
from other sources as per clause 106.3
d) The highest of the levels after considering the effects of confluence,
backwater and HFL because of merger of or into any other river in the
influence zone upstream or downstream of site.
e) The highest level as corroborated from the records of HFL available for
existing bridges, other structures like dams and spillways and gauge stations
etc. on the river in upstream or downstream direction.
f) Effect of any new structure planned for future in the influence zone of the

106.3 Determination of Design Discharge

106.3.1 The design discharge for which the waterway of the bridge is to be provided, shall
be based on maximum flood discharge of return period of 100 years. In case where the
requisite information is not available, the design discharge shall be the maximum estimated
discharge determined by consideration of the following or any other rational method. From the records of discharge observed in the stream at the site of the bridge,
or at any other site in its vicinity i.e., the discharge taken for design at any other bridge site
and any other irrigation structures like dam or spillway or Gauge Station on this river in the
upstream direction. From the rainfall and other characteristics of the catchment:
i) By the use of an empirical formula, applicable to that region, provided
that empirical formula can predict the maximum discharge for given return
ii) By a recognized method, provided it is possible to evaluate, for the region
concerned, the various factors employed in that method. From stage discharge curves, if available By the area velocity method with the help of hydraulic characteristics of the
channel. In case of the river not confined within banks and flowing in larger widths, the flow
width should be divided into suitable zones i.e., main flow channel, side flow channel, slow
channel and stagnant or no flow channel depending upon the characteristics and various
parameters which should also be considered accordingly for calculation of discharge from
that zone.

IRC:5-2015 By unit hydrograph method (see appendix-1)

Flood estimation reports in respect of total 21 climatic sub-zones (Appendix-1 (a)) in the
country have been prepared based on the hydro-meteorological data collected for selected
catchments of areas varying from 25 to 1500 sq.km. and are available with the Director,
Hydrology (small catchments), Central Water Commission. The methodology recommended
in the relevant sub-zone report pertaining to a particular region may be followed for
assessment of maximum discharge for the design of bridges.
106.3.2 Where possible, more than one method shall be adopted, results compared, and
the maximum discharge fixed by judgment by the engineer responsible for the design. The
bridge shall be designed for this maximum discharge. However, for catchment areas covered
by sub-zones mentioned in Appendix 1 (a), the maximum discharge shall be assessed on the
basis of the flood estimation report for the said sub-zone.
106.3.3 Various limitations of the methods for computing the Maximum Design Discharge
correctly under different flow, bed and site conditions and for a given return period, should be
kept in mind and accounted for adequately while deciding the same.
106.3.4 For minor bridges, where catchment area cannot be defined, reliance may be kept
on Area Velocity Method.
106.3.5 The maximum estimated discharge from the catchment area as calculated above
or normal peak flood discharge from the dam/spillway if existing or being proposed in the
upstream of the bridge (to be ascertained from the Irrigation Authorities), whichever is more,
shall be considered for design of the bridge.
Freak flood discharges or exceptional discharge of high intensity due to the failure of a dam
or tank constructed upstream of the bridge need not be catered for.
106.3.6 In cases where the design discharge cannot be properly quantified and in spill
zones of rivers known for flash floods, the abutments may also be designed and detailed as
'piers' for possible future extension.

106.4 Discharge for Design of Foundation and Protection Works

To provide for an adequate margin of safety, the foundation and protection works shall be
designed for a larger discharge than the design discharge given in Clause 106.3, for which
reference may be made to the provisions contained in relevant IRC Codes.

106.5 Determination of Waterway

106.5.1 Linear Waterway
106. 5. 1. 1 For natural channels in alluvial beds but with well defined banks and for all natural
channels in beds with rigid in-erodible boundaries, the linear waterway shall be distance
between banks at HFL, at which the designed maximum discharge determined in accordance
with Clause 106.3, can be passed. natural channels in alluvial beds and having undefined banks, the linear
waterway shall be determined from the design discharge using some accepted rational


formula at the discretion of the engineer responsible for the design. One such formula for
regime conditions is:
w = C~(Q)
w = regime width in meters (equal to effective linear waterway under regime
Q = the maximum design discharge in m3/sec;
c = a constant usually taken as 4.8 for regime channels but it may vary from
4.5 to 6.3 according to local conditions. The formula which is applicable for alluvial soils in regime conditions, should not
be applied for clayey, bouldery or such strata. The waterway in such cases should be decided
on the basis of study and analysis of site and flow conditions by adopting some rational
approach (like performance of existing bridge nearby, on the same river).
106. 5. 1. 4 In meandering flood plains and in deltaic reg ions, the waterway proposed may
be as in above clauses, but guide bunds, flood embankments or other river training works
should be provided to train the river to flow through the bridge. Hydraulic or Mathematical
model studies may be required to ascertain the flow conditions, and design parameters for
the training works and the required waterway.
106.5. 1.5 If the river is of a flashy nature and the bed does not submit readily to the scouring
effects of the flood, the linear waterway should be determined by the area velocity method,
taking into account the design flood level and its water spread, the characteristics of the bed
materials and the water surface slope. In a hilly terrain, the minimum waterway under the bridge should be kept same as
the linear waterway at HFL. In sub-hilly terrain/trough terrain, waterway should be decided after carefully
studying the past history of river behavior and flow conditions, as river is usually unstable
and changing course periodically resulting in a fan shaped delta type formations, requiring
more waterway than normally required by formula. In case a new bridge is to be constructed, close to an existing bridge for the
purpose of widening or providing extra carriageway, the waterway provided in the new bridge
should usually be kept the same as in the old bridge unless there are specific reasons. If the
waterway is to be kept different, then bridges should be provided with smooth inlet and outlet
transitions. For artificial channels (irrigation, navigation and drainage), the linear waterway
should be adequate to pass the full discharge at designed velocity, but concurrence shall
invariably be obtained from the authority controlling the channel. If it is proposed to flume
the channel at the site of the bridge, this fluming shall be subject to the consent of the same
authority and in accordance with the essential requirements. The waterway, as worked out from the formula or decided otherwise, should be
compared with linear waterway at HFL corresponding to the design flood discharge and the


difference in the two should be analyzed and reconciled before finally deciding the waterway
to be provided.
106.5.2 Restricted Waterway
106. 5. 2. 1 The linear waterway as calculated above can be restricted by careful consideration
of the resulting effects on flow conditions, scour, afflux and other site condition in the individual
cases. No restriction in waterway should be considered for well defined and confined flow. In hilly terrain the linear waterway at HFL should not be restricted because that will
cause undesirable hydraulic jumps as the flow in such a terrain is usually super critical. For unstable meandering rivers flowing through a number of sub channels
separated by land or shallow section of nearly stagnant water and having width much in
excess of the regime width, or channels flowing over large widths with small depths, the
restriction of waterway may be considered. In such cases, it may be necessary to constrict
the channel by providing training and protection works to prevent the main channel from
wandering about freely and for minimizing the resultant oblique attack on bridge foundations
and approaches. The extent of constriction and the design of training works in such cases
should, preferably, be decided on the basis of model studies, keeping in view the ultimate
economy, safety, durability and aiming at optimal recurring maintenance needs of structure
as well as river training works. In case of bridge being located at bends, curves or oblique to flow, the waterway
gets restricted. The available waterway normal to the flow should be worked out and this
should be accounted for in the design. The restriction of waterway will result in afflux on the upstream of bridge. The
effect of this afflux on the velocity, scour and submergence of surrounding area should ·be
considered in the design. The consideration of these effect and comparison of consequent
costs in the two cases, will decide the limit of restriction in the linear waterway. If the waterway has to be restricted to such an extent that the resultant afflux will
cause the channel to discharge at erosive velocities, protection against damage by scour
shall be afforded by providing deep foundations, curtain or cutoff walls, rip-rap, bed pavement
or other suitable means.
106.5.3 Effective Linear Waterway linear waterway or restricted waterway worked out as above shall be reduced
because of the obstruction caused by piers or obliquity of flow in the river at the bridge site. For calculating the effective linear waterway the width of obstruction due to each
pier shall be taken as the mean submerged width of the pier and its foundation up to the
normal scour level. The obstruction at the ends due to the abutments or pitched slopes
duly protected shall be ignored. For other flow conditions, actual obstruction due to pier and
foundation normal to the flow should be worked out and considered in design. Effect of presence of Dams, Barrages, Weirs, Sluice Gates etc. on the hydraulic
characteristics like causing obliquity and concentration of flow, scour, silting of bed, change


in flow levels, bed levels etc. should be studied and analysed while deciding the waterway.
These should invariably be decided after collection of data from the concerned regulatory
authorities and after discussions with them. The effect on linear waterway and hydraulic particulars should be taken care of in
the design of a bridge, if constructed in the close proximity of an existing bridge. In case of tidal zones, where it is decided to adopt measures likely to affect the
volume of the tidal flow and other characteristics of the tide, it shall be ensured that no port
or harbor or other installations in the proximity of the bridge are adversely affected.

106.6 Determination of Afflux

106.6.1 If the waterway is restricted as per Clause 106.5.2, it will cause afflux at the bridge
and design HFL will accordingly be raised.
106.6.2 The afflux shall be calculated by using any suitable method based on conservation
of energy or momentum. In absence of any rigorous method, the afflux may be calculated by
using Molesworth formula as given below :
h = (V2/17.88 + 0.015) x ((A/a)2 -1), where:
h = afflux (in meters)
V = average velocity of the water in the river prior to constriction (in m/sec)
A = unobstructed sectional area of the river at proposed site (in sq. m)
a = constricted area of the river at proposed site (in sq. m)
106.6.3 The effect of afflux on the velocity, submergence area and scour etc shall be
worked out and accounted for in the design.

106.7 Freeboard
106.7.1 The freeboard for the approaches to high level bridges, where water spreads along
the approaches, shall not be less than the minimum values specified in relevant IRC code for
road designs.
106.7.2 For the aggrading rivers in Himalayan foot-hills and flood-prone areas or North-
Eastern States, North Bengal etc. and where ever required for some specific reason, the
freeboard shall be suitably increased.

106.8 Vertical Clearance over HFL

106.8.1 The vertical clearance shall ordinarily be provided as given in the following
106.8.2 For openings of high level bridges, which have a flat soffit or soffit with a very flat
curve, the minimum clearance shall be in accordance with the following table. The minimum
clearance shall be measured from the lowest point of the deck structure inclusive of main
girder in the central half of the clear opening unless otherwise specified.


Discharge in Cumecs Minimum Vertical Clearance in mm.

Upto 0.3 150
Above 0.3 & upto 3.0 450
Above 3.0 & upto 30.0 600
Above 30.0 & upto 300 900
Above 300 & upto 3000 1200
Above 3000 1500

106.8.3 For arched openings of high level bridges having overhead decking, the clearance
below the crown of the arch shall not be less than one tenth of the maximum depth of water
plus one-third of the rise of the arch intrados.
106.8.4 No part of the bearings shall be at a height less than 500 mm above the design
highest flood level, taking into account afflux.
106.8.5 In the case of artificial channels having controlled flows and carrying no floating
debris, vertical clearances lesser than that specified in Clause 106.8.2 & 106.8.3 above may
be provided.
106.8.6 In the case of bridges in sub-mountainous region and across aggrading rivers,
silting of the bed of the river should also be taken into consideration while fixing the vertical
106.8.7 In case of bridges across tidal rivers, creeks, sea, the vertical clearance shall be
provided keeping in view the HTL and normal wave/splash effects.

106.9 Determination of the Maximum Depth of Scour

106.9.1 The probable maximum depth of scour to be taken for the purpose of designing
foundations for piers, abutments and river training works shall be estimated after considering
all local conditions over a reasonable period of time.
106.9.2 Wherever possible, soundings for the purpose of determining the depth of scour
shall be taken in the vicinity of the site proposed for the bridge. Such soundings are best
taken during or immediately after a flood before the scour holes have had time to silt up
appreciably. Allowance shall be made in the observed depth for increased scour resulting
i) The design discharge being greater than the flood discharge.
ii) The increase in velocity due to obstruction in flow caused by construction of
the bridge.
iii) The increase in scour in the proximity of piers and guide bunds.
106.9.3 Scour The following theoretical method may be adopted when dealing with the natural
channels flowing over scourable beds for the estimation of mean depth of scour 'd5m' in



[/) '] 1/3

dsrn = 1.34 X _b_


Db = The discharge in Cumecs per meter width. The value of "Db" shall be the
maximum of the following:
i) The total design discharge divided by lower of the effective linear
watervvay between abutments or guide bunds, and theoretical
linear watervvay.
ii) The value obtained taking into account any concentration of flow
through a portion of the waterway assessed from the study of the
cross-section of the river. Such modification of the value may not
be deemed applicable to minor bridges of length upto 60 m.
iii) Actual observations, if any.
«, = the silt factor for a representative sample of the bed materials obtained
down to the maximum anticipated scour level and is given by the
expression 1.76-ldm in case of sandy soils (having particle size between
0.04 mm to 2.00 mm), where "d1/ is the weighted mean diameter of the
bed material in mm.
Clayey beds having weighted diameter less than 0.04 mm offers more
resistance to scour than sand. In absence of any accepted rational
formula or any data of scour at the site of the proposed bridge, the
following theoretical calculations may be adopted :
i) In case of soil having¢< 15° and c (cohesion of soil)> 0.2 Kg/cm2,
'Ks/ shall be calculated as follows :

<. = F(1 +"1c), where 'c' is in Kg/cm2

F = 1.50 for o> 10° and < 15°
= 1. 75 for o > 5° and < 10°
= 2.00 for o « 5°
ii) Soils having ¢ > 15° will be treated as sandy soil even if 'c' is more
than 0.2 Kg/cm2, and silt factor will be as per provision for sandy
i) The effective linear waterway shall be determined in accordance with Clause 106.5.3,
and in no case shall exceed the value assessed as per Clause
ii) A typical method of determining "dm" is set forth in Appendix-2.
iii) The value of K81 to be adopted for the purpose of design should be determined after
laboratory testing of the representative samples of bed materials collected during the
sub-soil exploration.

IRC:5-2015 If there is any predominant concentration of flow in any part of waterway due to
bend of the stream in immediate upstream or downstream or for any other reason, like wide
variation in type of bed material across the width of channel, then mean scour depth may be
calculated dividing the waterway into compartments as per the concentration of flow.
106. 9. 3. 3 Maximum scour depth
The maximum scour depth below the highest flood level (HFL), which is to be considered for
the purpose of design of foundations, protection works, river training works etc. shall be in
accordance with relevant IRC Standards, duly taking into account the mean scour depth dsm
and obstructions due to piers and abutments. If a river is of flashy nature and the bed does not lend itself readily to the scouring
effect of floods, the formula for dsm given in the Clause shall not apply. In such
cases the maximum depth of scour shall be assessed from actual observations. Bridge located across streams having gravel or boulder beds (normally having
weighted diameter more than 2.00 mm), there is yet no rational formula for determining
scour depth. However, the formula given in Clause may be applied with a judicious
choice of value of Db and Kst and the results compared with the actual observations at the site
or from experiences on similar structure nearby and their performance and decision taken
based on sound engineering judgment. Obstruction in the channel bed, likely to divert the current or cause undue disturbed
flow or scour and thereby endanger the safety of the bridge, shall be removed as far as
practicable from within a distance upstream and downstream of the bridge not less than the
length of the bridge subject to a minimum of 100 meters in each direction. Attention shall be
given to river training and protection of banks over such lengths of the river as required. In
case it is not possible to remove such obstructions, its effect on scour shall be considered.

106.10 River Training and Protection Works

106.10.1 The slopes, in front of abutments and the portion of bridge approaches falling in
the flood zone, shall be provided with suitably designed pitching and launching apron.
106.10.2 In case of the uncertain and changing flow conditions, adequate river training
works shall be provided for protection of banks, embankments and directing the river to flow
under the bridge.
106.10.3 After collecting the required data, studying and analyzing the river flow conditions
etc. and necessary model studies, wherever required, the protection works shall be designed
as per provisions of IRC:89 or other specialist literature.

106.11 Hydraulic and Mathematical Model Studies

106.11.1 These Studies should be Carried Out Wherever Necessary, such as:
• in case of big rivers with large discharge having uncertain and complex flow
conditions and for other abnormal situations
• when the linear waterway and scour cannot be accurately calculated or


• when the protection and river training works cannot be designed reliably
because of the uncertain or complex conditions.
106.11.2 The studies should be carried out at the reputed, reliable and accredited institutions
only where requisite facilities are available.
106.11.3 The Site and Contour surveys for these studies should be done very carefully,
with precision and it should be ensured that these along with bed materials are correctly
represented in the Model.


107.1 StructuralSystem and Configuration

The structural scheme, structure type, span arrangement, member size and shape for a
bridge shall be made considering the following aspects :
a) Operation and maintenance requirements
b) Functional requirements, related to the purpose of the structure
c) Structural requirements aimed at handling different external actions, such
as gravity loads, wind, temperature, seismic, barge impact, vehicle collision,
wave pressure loads, etc.
d) Construction requirements aimed at completing the construction within the
stipulated time, with least disturbance to the existing traffic and surrounding
e) Environmental requirements, necessary for achieving sustainability.
f) Durability requirements, with respect to the design service life.
g) Aesthetic requirements.
h) Future widening requirements.
i) Requirement to reduce energy input by various possible methods (such
as using less cement and more cementitious substitution with fly ash or
blast furnace slag, using recycled aggregates, utilizing more industrial
j) Requirement to have construction technology that leads to fast track
k) Encouraging use of Integral or Continuous bridges from consideration of
riding comfort and long term performance.
I) Avoiding bridges with sharp plan curvature (i.e. R < 90 m) and with high
degree of skew (i.e. Skew angle> 30°) wherever possible.
m) Detailing to minimize staining or discoloration.


107.2 Bridge Foundation

Bridge foundation can be open, pile or well type. The structural, hydraulic, and geotechnical
aspects of foundation design shall be coordinated prior to finalization of the conceptual design
and foundation type. Consideration should be given to the following:
a) Interdependence of design for foundation, substructure and superstructure.
b) Type of sub-strata,
c) Hydraulic and Hydrological considerations
d) Constructability
e) Effect of protection works on foundation design.

107.3 Bridge Substructure

a) Bridge piers can be of various configurations such as wall, circular, trestle or
any other shape with solid or hollow sections.
b) Bridge abutments can be of various configurations such as spill-through type
and non-spill-through type with solid wall, counter-fort wall, box type or bank
seat type.

107.4 Bridge Superstructure

The superstructure can be of various types as given in Clause 102.3 of the code. The choice
of superstructure would largely depend upon the functional, aesthetic and techno-economic
criteria, suited to the location of the bridge.

107.5 Retaining Walls

Wing walls for abridge can be splayed type, at an angle to the bridge axis or return wall
type, parallel to the bridge axis or it can be cantilever type projecting out of the abutment.
Reinforced Soil walls or Gabion walls can also be provided as per the site conditions.


108.1 ConstructabilityConsiderations
Constructability considerations aim at optimum use of required construction knowledge and
experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations, to achieve overall project
objectives. Constructability drives consideration of the entire construction process during the
conceptual design stage. Dimension and reinforcement of components in a bridge, many a
times are dictated by the construction and erection phase requirements rather than the service
stage requirements. The design therefore must consider various factors, which influence the
constructability of the bridge. A typical check list of factors is given below:
Access to work areas and remote areas,
Access to emergency vehicles and routine maintenance of site,



Availability of land for planUequipment and machinery,

Availability of required and alternative materials,
Simplicity of design & clarity in detailing,
Ease of fabrication of steel members,
Standardization of design elements to the extent possible,
Weather conditions and working periods,
Conflicts with existing traffic,
Conflict with services and utilities,
Availability of skilled manpower,
Social and Environmental issues,
Region e.g. mountainous, proximity to sea, desert, marine clay etc.
Height above Water Level/Ground Level.

108.2 ConstructionConsiderations
108.2.1 Bridge construction involves managing the entire logistics of construction, including
construction operations of both permanent as well as temporary works that are needed for
safe and efficient building of the structures. Efficient construction would require appropriate
knowledge and experience in planning, design, detailing, procurement of materials and plant
and equipment, besides site operations to achieve overall project objectives. Construction
shall be carried out by personnel having appropriate skills to ensure quality as envisaged.
Adequate supervision and quality control shall be provided during all stages of construction.
108.2.2 The design process must include the necessary detailing and construction
knowledge and experience to realize the full potential of construction benefits without
compromising the integrity of structure or design consideration. The choice of structural
system and the design and detailing of the structure therefore shall be made by appropriately
qualified and experienced persons having thorough knowledge of design and construction.
For many bridges, the design is construction driven, in which case construction methodology
as considered in design must be reflected in the design drawings and be implemented. In
case methodology of construction is required to be changed during implementation, due to
any unforeseen reasons, its impact on design must be investigated and accounted for before
carrying out construction.
108.2.3 Suitable materials and methodology of construction including use of suitable
specialized equipment shall be adopted for completion of bridge within the given time
108.2.4 Design shall consider the method of construction which will be carried out through
project management, involving, planning, scheduling and controlling including safety, in
accordance with a work program which is required to be prepared for each bridge project.
i) Planning commences with the analysis of the type and scope of work to
accomplish the task as well as the specifications for the work, construction
methods, materials, equipment and man power.


ii) Scheduling establishes a sequence of operations and accounts for inter

relation of operations at the job site as well as allocation of man power,
material and equipment.
iii) Controlling consists of procuring materials as per construction sequence
and stage, dictating overall construction procedures, inspection and test
procedure and maintaining complete records of daily progress etc. In order to
ensure proper quality of work, a suitable quality plan needs to be developed
before taking up construction.
iv) Safety during construction will include safety of various operations
encompassing the safety of works, work personnel, equipments as well as
traffic in the work zone.


109.1 Provision for Utilities

109.1.1 A bridge structure shall cater for fixtures for electric posts, lamp posts and suitable
ducts for carrying electric cables etc. as required to cater for utility services.
109.1.2 Utility services like cables and pipelines for water, gas, petroleum products directly
on bridge structure should be avoided. These may be placed on a structure supported on
piers and abutments.
109.1.3 While planning, there is need for proper accessibility of the services utilities for
inspection and maintenance without hindrance to traffic movements.

109.2 Drainage
109.2.1 General
The bridge deck and its immediate highway approaches shall be designed to provide safe
and efficient conveyance of surface run-off, in a manner that causes minimum damage to
the bridge and ensures safety of the passing vehicle. Transverse drainage is achieved by
providing a suitable camber or super elevation, sufficient for positive drainage.
109.2.2 Bridge Deck Drainage
Drainage spouts shall be provided at suitable spacing, depending upon the width of
carriageway, to drain off the water from the carriageway during rains. For wider carriageways
having width more than 3 lanes in each direction, special design of deck drainage
(including extra roughening of the deck surface) may be needed to reduce the potential for
The underside of the outside edge of bridges shall be designed with continuous drip grooves
to prevent staining of the surface. In case of bridges across a stream or a river, the rain water
can discharge into the river bed through drainage spouts provided at suitable spacing. The
surface drainage collected at deck drain locations shall be directed through the superstructure
by individual vertical or near-vertical deck drain pipes.


In situations, where it is not possible to discharge into the underlying water course,
consideration should be given to conveying the water in a longitudinal storm drain affixed to
the underside of the bridge and discharging it into appropriate facilities on natural ground at
bridge ends.
Runoff from the bridge deck at the abutments shall be intercepted either immediately beyond
the end of the bridge approach slab or before the end of the curb or barrier, by catch basins
or other suitable means. The water so intercepted shall be directed past the embankment
slopes and abutments in order to control embankment erosion.
Discharge from deck drains shall be channelled by means of down pipes and downspouts
to locations that can be protected from erosion. Down-take pipes, wherever provided, shall
be of a rigid corrosion-resistant material. Downpipe systems shall be designed so that water
is not discharged onto the traffic or facilities below the deck, such as roadways, pedestrian
paths or navigation channels. Changes in direction in down-take pipes shall be not greater
than 45°. Cleanouts shall be provided near bends or at intervals to permit access to all parts
of a downpipe system.
109.2.3 Storm Water Drainage Design
The design of the drainage system involves:
a) Estimation of the run-off flow rate using rational method &
b) Fixing the slope and dimension of the drain to have adequate capacity to
carry the discharge and afford proper maintenance.
Reference shall be made to special literature/lRC code for design.
109.2.4 Drainage at the Foot of Flyovers
Due to the longitudinal slope of ramp of a flyover, there is a tendency for the rain water to
flow in longitudinal direction rather than in cross direction resulting in very large quantity of
water reaching the valley curve area where it meets the ground level road. Suitable system
of drainage shall be adopted to avoid ponding in such cases.
109.2.5 Drainage for Underpasses
For underpasses, the possibility of designing the storm water drainage based on gravity flow
shall be the first choice. In case the surrounding levels do not permit a gravity based system
of drainage, suitable arrangement for pumping the water shall be provided.

109.3 Bearings
109.3.1 General
a) Bearing is provided to transfer vertical and/or lateral loads from
superstructure while itself undergoing rotations and/or movements.
Appropriate type and arrangement of bearings shall be selected on the basis
of geometry and type of superstructure, nature and magnitude of vertical
and horizontal loads and direction and magnitude of rotation and translator


Bearing system shall be designed to ensure stability of the superstructure

and desired performance of the structure as a whole.
b) It shall be easy for installation and inspection.
c) Bearings shall be robust and durable
d) Provision shall be made for replacement of bearings, since the design life of
bearings is less than the design life of a bridge.
e) Materials for bearings are generally, elastomer, iron, steel and PTFE or their
f) Bearings may not be provided for spans upto 10 m. In such cases, separation
layer of paper impregnated with bitumen or equivalent may be provided
between superstructure and substructure.
109.3.2 Bearings shall be designed and installed as per relevant IRC codes and

109.4 Expansion Joints

109.4.1 General Features
a) The expansion joints shall cater for expected movements and rotation of the
structure at the joints and provide smooth riding surface.
b) It shall also be easy for inspection and maintenance.
c) Expansion joints shall be robust, durable, water-tight and replaceable.
d) The expansion joint shall be provided and designed as per relevant IRC

109.5 Wearing Coat

Wearing coat over deck of bridge superstructure shall be either bituminous wearing coat
or concrete wearing coat. Concrete wearing coat may be provided in case of bridges
located in remote areas and in situations where accumulation of water is expected (e,g. in

109.6 Crash Barriers

109.6.1 Suitably Designed Crash Barriers shall Generally be Located on:

a) All high level bridges, flyovers, interchanges and ROB's.
b) Approaches to bridge structure, where embankment height is more than
c) High containment barrier shall be provided mainly on bridges on busy
railway lines, complex interchanges and other similar hazardous and high
risk locations.


109.6.2 The Crash Barrier shall be of the following types:

a) Flexible Barrier: These are yielding type such as wire rope fencing
b) Semi-rigid Barrier: These offer required resistance to errant vehicles by
deflection of the longitudinal member to an acceptance limit (e,g. metal beam
crash barriers).
c) Rigid Barrier: these do not deflect on impact and hence take full severity of
impact (e,g. reinforced concrete crash barrier).
109.6.3 Typical shapes and dimensional details of crash barriers and their locations on
the bridge decks with or without footpaths are shown in Figs. 1 to 5. These may be suitably
modified and augmented depending on the developments in design and future functional
requirements in individual cases. Design shall conform to relevant IRC standards and
specialist literature.

: ·--~L·-·-·-·········· ... (F~g~PATH)-···--r··450... • ...CARRIAGEWAY_

I 175225
i§ ;;;
,.._• .... .
o 50
·rI r-·······, .
0 I
:J er,

~~~- 0'

(a) With RCC railing (b) With steel railing

Fig. 1 Details of Concrete Crash Barrier & Railing for showing Bridge with Footpath

450 525
.• .2.5.Q .1.~
100 175 225
I .
_. {i0
-· --- t • §O
- •

I 0


\ -

1,.9.0 '"' ., ..,.,

Fig. 2 Details of Crash Barrier for Bridges Fig. 3 Details of High Containment Crash
without Footpath Barrier


-- 425·--r

GUARD RAIL BEAM---C..1----.1--1


l=!l ~


7~ ~-;12
550 550

(a) With single W-beam (b) With double W-beam

Fig. 4 Details of Metallic Crash Barrier
•········· (MINIMUM)-----,

r-···· 1200
t~~ ,i.~9. I
ANTI GLARE I RAILING ;225.175, .ns.22s. . --··------·--
so L I .! •.so
SPACER CHANNEL------ · ·•_

I 1·
POST CHANNEL--------, ·· --- •


(a) With raised kerb (b) With RCC crash barrier (c) With metallic crash barrier
(With single or double barrier W-beam)

Fig. 5 Median Details

109.6.4 Flexible and semi rigid barriers shall not be provided on bridges without footpath
on outer side of the carriageway.

109.7 Railings, Parapets and Guide Posts

109.7.1 General Features
a) The bridge railings or parapets shall include the portion of the structure
erected on and above the kerb/deck for the protection of pedestrians or
b) · Railing or parapet may be of the following type:
Steel rolled section
Tubular steel
Cast-in-situ concrete
Pre-cast concrete
c) The railing or parapet should be fixed and placed to correct alignment and
camber throughout their length to ensure proper form, line and level.


d) Proper contraction/expansion gaps, compatible with main supporting

structure shall be provided in railing or parapet, to ensure that they function
e) The railing or parapet should be designed for loads and forces as per relevant
IRC codes.
109.7.2 Railings for High Level Bridges, Flyovers, Interchanges and ROBs Substantial railing or parapets along each side of the bridge shall be provided
for the protection of pedestrians or, cyclists from falling over. Railings or parapets should be
avoided for protection of vehicular traffic except in case of small bridges or culverts.
109. 7.2.2 Importance shall be given to the architectural features of the railing or parapet to
obtain proper proportioning of its various members and its harmony with the structure and the
environment as a whole.
109. 7.2.3 Railings or parapets shall have a minimum 1.1 meter height above the adjacent
roadway or footway safety kerb surface. For bridges exceeding 300 meters in length, the
height of railings, determined in the manner stipulated above, shall be increased by 0.1 meter.
For ROBs across railway lines, the height shall be governed by Railway's requirements.
109. 7.2.4 Where a road provided with cycle tracks, is carried on a bridge and the cycle track
is located adjacent to the bridge railing or parapet, the height of the railing or parapet shall be
minimum 1.25 meters.
109. 7.2.5 The clear distance between the bottom most rail and the top of the kerb shall not
exceed 150 mm unless the space is filled by vertical or inclined members, the clear distance
between which is not more than 150 mm, The strength of the bottom most rail shall be at
least as much as that of the top rail. The space between the bottom most rail and the top
rail shall be filled by means of vertical, horizontal or inclined members, the clear distance
between which shall be fixed with due regard to the safety of those using the structure. Guard rail shall be provided at the high approaches. The design, layout and
materials chosen for the rails shall suitably blend with the surroundings.
109.7.3 Railings for Submersible Bridges and Vented Causeway
109. 7.3.1 Railing shall be either collapsible or removable.
109. 7.3.2 Collapsible railing shall be installed where the bridge is to be opened to traffic
soon after a submerging flood has receded. Care shall be taken in the structural design of
these railings to ensure that they sit well in their grooves and are not liable to displacement
by floods.
109. 7.3.3 Removable type of railings may be adopted when there is no danger to the traffic
using the bridge for short periods without railings. Care shall be taken in the structural design
of these railings to ensure that the various members are interchangeable and can be easily
removed and refitted.
109. 7.3.4 Collapsible or removable railings shall be designed to resist the same forces as
specified in relevant IRC codes for railings or parapets on high level bridges.


109. 7. 3. 5 Guide posts/ stones may be used in lieu of railings, if the submergence of the road
surface over the causeway is frequent and use of removable or collapsible railings becomes

109.8 Kerbs
109.8.1 The section given below shall be generally adopted for surmountable road kerbs.
In case of un-surmountable road kerbs the section shown shall be suitably modified.


175(MIN.) ~d_



(All Dimensions are In Millimeters)

109.8.2 The section of the kerb should be so designed that it would be safe for vertical and
horizontal loads as per relevant IRC Codes.
109.8.3 A safety kerb will have the same outline as that of a road kerb, except that the top
width shall not be less than 750 mm.

109.9 Noise Barriers

Suitable type of noise barriers shall be provided at select sensitive locations (e.g. near
hospitals, academic institutions etc.) to mitigate the impact of excessive noise generated by
road traffic.


110.1 All bridges should have provision for illumination. Provision for cabling, mounting
and installation of luminaries shall be considered in design and detailing. Support system
provided for the bridge lighting shall be adequately designed for the expected loadings. The
support system shall be detailed so that it does not sacrifice the kerb and crash barrier running
profile, maintaining its continuity. The support system, mountings and other fixtures required
for illumination of the bridge shall not impair the functionality of other road furniture.
110.2 Illumination plan for bridges, grade separators, under-passes and interchanges
shall be considered during initial planning. The arrangement of the masts/poles i.e. its height


and spacing, should be such as to achieve the following values of Average Maintained
Luminance, Eav:
• Main Carriageway = 50 lux
• Footpath/Cycle Track = 20 lux
• Underpass = 701ux
Minimum Uniformity Ratio, Emi/Eav shall not be less than 0.5, where Emin is the minimum
luminance in the area.
Maintenance factor, which is the ratio of average illumination on the working area, given by
an installation with decreased effectiveness due to dust, pollution, line voltage drop, ageing
of lamp, product tolerance etc., to that of a new installation shall be considered as 0.75
110.3 While deciding the illumination plan, consideration shall be given to energy
efficiency, environmental pollution, aesthetic and economical aspects. The selection of
lighting system and the layout should add to the overall aesthetic of the bridge.
110.4 The installation, lighting arrangement, method of control, switches etc. shall
conform to the provision contained in IS: 1944.
110.5 Adequate lighting shall be provided at specific locations, such as loops, ramps,
signal free interchanges, merging zones, rotaries, pedestrian crossing etc. Ramps and
approaches should be lit to the same level as main lanes.
110.6 At highway interchanges, different lighting arrangements, viz. lighting Poles or
high masts or combination of both, may be considered and the one which gives optimum
results from the view points of aesthetics, safety, illumination and ease of maintenance may
be adopted.
110.7 Illumination levels for the vehicular and pedestrian subways/underpasses may be
kept the same as those on the approaches at either end of the subway/underpass.
110.8 At night, the level of luminance in a subway/underpass, should be constant and
equivalent to the level on the road leading into the subway/underpass. However, since there
is a high level of external light during the day, it is necessary to increase the level of luminance
at the entrance of the subways/underpasses, mainly to avoid a black hole effect leading to
a reduction in visual perception. At the exit of subways/underpasses, the level of luminance
should also be increased to avoid drivers being subjected to glare effects by the light outside.
Thus the illumination layout of a subway/underpass shall be planned considering the various
zones (viz. Threshold, Transition, Interior and Exit zones). A symmetric or pro-beam lighting
systems shall be used except in the transition zone where it may be counter beam type.
Wherever feasible the vehicular/pedestrian/cattle underpasses in remote areas should have
provision of skylight to get the light inside underpass during the day.


Appropriate plan for road markings, signage, delineation and signals (where necessary)
shall be made and integrated with the overall bridge planning. These should be provided


on bridges, flyovers grade separators and their approaches to facilitate smooth and safe
movement/operation of traffic without creating any confusion among users and also to
minimize the possibilities of serious damage to the bridge structure or any of its components
in the event of accidents. Provisions should be made in the structures for supporting of
signals, signages and delineators.

111.1 Road Markings

a) The road marking symbols, patterns, sizes, colour and legends shall be
adopted in accordance with Code of Practice for Road Marking, IRC:35.
b) Where the number of lanes on the bridge and on approaches are different
(e.g. a two lane bridge on a three lane approach or vice versa), a transition
taper should be given. The excess carriageway width in the transition zone
should be appropriately chevron marked to ensure that it does not form part
of the traveled way. There should be a corresponding sign as well to indicate
narrowing or widening of carriageway.
c) Hazard markers and/or crash cushions shall be provided at beginning of
median or crash barrier clearly indicating start of a bridge/flyover or loop
emerging from main carriageway.
d) Chevron Markings/Painted Islands shall be provided at all exits to slip roads
from main highway before a bridge/flyover or vice versa.

111.2 Signals
a) Signals, near or on the bridges, shall be provided as per specific requirement
of the any particular project, conforming to the requirements of IRC:93.
b) Signals can be either electrically operated or solar powered.
c) Flashing beacons shall be provided at the beginning of median or crash
barrier, clearly indicating start of a bridge/flyover or loop emerging from main
carriageway. Provision of cables for power supply to any such signal shall be
considered in addition to the regular illumination.

111.3 Road Signs

a) All multi-lane bridges, complex interchanges and grade separated structures
shall be provided with overhead signs, well in advance and, if required,
on the structure, conforming to the provision specified in IRC:67. Only
retro-reflective signs shall be permitted. Non-Luminous signs, shall not be
b) T.he location of sign board, barrier kerbs and supporting system should be
designed and planned along with the project and detail of the scheme shown
in a drawing drawn to a scale of 1 :500.
c) Support system for signs and signals required on bridge decks shall
preferably be placed behind rigid type crash barriers. The sign supports shall


be structurally safe and properly anchored to the bridge deck. The bridge
deck shall be designed to withstand all such loads.
d) Wherever signs are to be illuminated or signals to be operated, necessary
arrangements shall be made for cable ducts.

111.4 Delineators
Delineators (also referred to as guideposts) shall be provided as per safety requirements.
These shall be installed along the side of the roadway in a series to indicate the alignment of
the roadway. Delineators are particularly beneficial at locations where the alignment might be
confusing or unexpected, such as at lane reduction, transitions and curves.


112.1 Bridges have large visual impacts on their surroundings. To achieve aesthetically
pleasing view of bridge and its surroundings, it is essential that attention should be paid to
produce a clear, simple, well-proportioned structure form, blending harmoniously with its
surroundings. Larger the length of a bridge, greater is its visual impact. Therefore, specialists
in architecture and landscaping may be engaged for bridges having lengths of 500 m or
112.2 Bridges should complement their surroundings, be graceful in form and present
an appearance of adequate strength. Bridge designers must, therefore, consider appearance
as an important design consideration. Attention should be given to appearance while looking
towards the bridge as well as that while moving on the bridge.
112.3 The visual appeal of the bridge can be attributed to its form, texture, colors and
other details. Every visible component of a bridge has a role to play. Aesthetics of a bridge
must be considered both in the conceptual planning stage as well as in the detailed design

112.4 Considerations at Conceptual Planning Stage of a Bridge

Geometry, layout and concept are major determinants of appearance and should be
addressed at the initial stages of a project. Following points shall be given due consideration
at the conceptual stage of the project:
112.4.1 Simplicity
Generally bridges seem aesthetically more pleasing if they are simple in form, superstructure
are sleek in proportion to their spans, the lines of the structure are continuous and the shapes/
sizes of the structural members reflect the flow of forces.
112.4.2 Dimensions and Proportions
Dimensions of various elements should generally develop harmony with the surrounding
landscape and environment.


112.4.3 Symmetry of Structure

Symmetrical bridges are often more aesthetically pleasing than non-symmetrical bridges,
except in specific cases.
112.4.4 Order and Rhythm
Developing a rhythm in a bridge is also important. The cumulative effect of all bridge elements
including lighting poles, barrier supports and piers should be considered.
112.4.5 Unity of Design
Various elements viz. parapets, safety barriers, light poles, deck, pier, approaches, immediate
landscape and all the associated signage etc. are integral elements of the whole bridge
design and should be considered in unison.
112.4.6 Form or Appearance in Totality
Visual forms of bridges, viaducts or flyover structures etc. should be selected with care to be
in harmony with the general landscape and local architecture.

112.5 Considerations at Design Stage of a Bridge

The following points shall be given due consideration with respect to various components
during design stage. This section deals with the basic elements that form a bridge structure.
It deals with each element as a separate component. However, the designer must never lose
sight of how each unit fits into the overall expression that is desired.
112.5.1 Parapet
The outer face of the parapet can be one of the most important aesthetic elements of a
pleasing bridge and often the most dominant in long distance views. The top of the parapet
should slope towards the road, to channel rainwater onto the bridge, minimizing staining of
the outside face. Treatment of fascia elevation by using serrations (grooves)/physical breaks
or by changing relative brightness using surface slopes can make the bridge look slender
than it really is. If the deck soffit is visually complex, consideration may also be given to hiding
this complexity, by extending the parapet soffit below the deck soffit.
112.5.2 Girder Elevation
Haunched girders are expressive and responsive to the forces in the bridge. They can
often be more distinctive and elegant than single depth beams. Abrupt changes in depth of
superstructure should be avoided and be made gradual with flowing lines
112.5.3 Girder Cross Section
The major visual design goals of the superstructure are apparent slenderness, continuity of
lines and relationship with the substructure. The cross sectional shape of the girder should
be considered keeping in view the effect of light, shade and texture.
112.5.4 Scale and Proportions
The structure should be in scale with its surroundings as well as with other parts of the
structure. The primary structural elements, e.g., span lengths, girder depth, pier and abutment


heights, should have good proportional relationships to each other and their structural chore.
Generally, no single element should dominate the visual composition. The collective design of
the structure should be in scale with the site and environmental considerations. The structure
form should have an appearance of lightness.
112.5.5 Pier Cross Section
Pier shapes will be largely influenced by the span arrangement, width of superstructure,
height of piers and the nature of surroundings. When bottom section of pier is influenced by
ground level conditions (e.g. median verge of a flyover) special shapes varying along height
should be considered.
112.5.6 Pier Caps
Pier cap width and length are influenced by functional considerations but its visual integration
with the pier below and deck above must receive the due attention.
112.5. 7 Abutments
In an open landscape setting, spill through or bank seat abutments are generally preferable,
as walled abutment structures can block views. If unavoidable the use of plantation should
be considered to hide the abutment walls.
112.5.8 The space around and under the bridge must be given due consideration as
aesthetic aspect of the bridge depends a lot upon the beauty of its surroundings.
112.6 Standard details when used need to be reviewed for their appropriateness to each
project. They should be regularly updated.
112.7 New bridges generally become part of a family of other bridges along a route. The
impact and relationship to this family should be considered. The new bridge should respect
the role, form and design of the existing parallel bridge.


A structure will properly serve its intended design life only when it is regularly inspected and
maintained in accordance with the IRC codes and guidelines.
Proper attention shall be given to ensure all critical components of the structure can be properly
accessed and inspected. Therefore, proper access/arrangement for inspection of bearings,
anchors, interior of box girders and the like, should be thought of at design stage. Bearing
replacement scheme, where applicable, shall be planned at design stage and corresponding
forces should be considered while designing various components of the bridge.
A maintenance manual shall be prepared for the bridge project.
Exposed parts of steel structures shall be accessible for inspection and periodic painting.
Design documentation shall include indicative procedures for replacement as well as repair
of bridge components, like bearings, corroded anchors, expansion joints, drainage spouts




The Unit Hydrograph, frequently termed as the unit graph, is defined as the hydrograph of
storm run-off at a given point in a river, resulting from an isolated rainfall of unit duration
occurring uniformly over the catchment and producing a unit run-off. The unit run-off adopted
is 1 cm depth over a catchment area.
The term "Unit-Rainfall Duration" is the duration of rainfall excess resulting in the unit
hydrograph. Usually, unit hydrographs are derived for specified unit durations, say, 6 hours,
12 hours etc., and derived unit hydrographs for durations other than these are converted
into unit hydrographs of the above unit durations. The duration selected should not exceed
the period during which the storm is assumed to be approximately uniform in intensity over
various parts of the catchment. A 6 hours unit duration is suitable and convenient for studies
relating to catchments larger than 250 sq.km.
The unit hydrograph represents the integrated effects of all the basin constants, viz., drainage
area, shape, stream pattern, channel capacities, stream and land slopes.
The derivation and application of the unit hydrograph is based on the following principles:
1) All the characteristics of the catchment of a river a reflected in the shape of
the hydrograph of run-off.
2) At a given point on a river for all storms having the same duration of rainfall
excess above this point and uniformly distributed with respect to time, the
discharge ordinates of the hydrograph are proportional to the total volumes
of storm run-off. This implies that rainfall excess of, say 2 cm, within the
unit of duration will produce a run-off hydrograph having ordinates twice as
great as those of the unit hydrograph. Also, if individual hydrographs are
obtained from separate periods of uniform rainfall excess that may occur
throughout a storm period, and these are properly arranged with respect
to time, the ordinates of the individual hydrographs can be added to give
ordinates representing the total storm run-off hydrograph for the entire storm
Three methods are generally available for giving unit hydrographs at any point in a river.
i) By analysis of rainfall and run-off records for isolated unit storms;
ii) By analysis of run-off compound hydrographs;
iii) By computation of synthetic unit hydrographs, when sufficient rainfall and
run-off data are not available.
The determination of design flood, after the unit hydrograph has been derived, involves the
following steps:


a) Division of catchment into sub-areas, if necessary.

b) Derivation of design storm and its apportionment to sub-area.
c) Determination of minimum retention rate and calculation of rainfall excess of
design storm.
d) Arrangement of design storm
e) Application of rainfall excess to unit hydrographs for each sub-area.
f) Routing of flood for each sub-area to the point of collection of the whole
A rational determination of critical design storm for a catchment requires a comprehensive
study of major storms recorded in the region and an evaluation of effects of local conditions
upon rainfall rate. This is particularly necessary in the case of design storms, covering a large
area of several thousand square kms.
In the case of areas less than a few thousand square kms, certain assumptions can be
made regarding rainfall patterns and intensity variations without being inconsistent with
meteorological causes. They simplify design-storm estimation, but would entail high degree
of conservation.


Clause 106.3.2



SI. No. Name of Sub-Zone Sub-Zone No.

1. Luni sub-zone 1(a)

2. Chambal sub-zone 1(b)

3. Betwa sub-zone 1 (c)

4. Sane sub-zone 1(d)

5. Upper Inda-Ganga Plains sub-zone 1 (e)
6. Middle Ganga Plains sub-zone 1 (f)

7. Lower Gangetic Plains sub-zone 1(g)

8. North Brahmaputra basin sub-zone 2(a)

9. South Brahmaputra basin sub-zone 2(b)

10. Mahi and Sabarmati sub-zone 3(a)

11. Lower Narmada and Tapi sub-zone 3(b)

12. Upper Narmada and Tapi sub-zone 3(c)

13. Mahanadi sub-zone 3(d)

14. Upper Godavari sub-zone 3(e)

15. Lower Godavari sub-zone 3(f)

16. lndravati sub-zone 3(g)

17. Krishna & Pannar sub-zone 3(h)
18. Kaveri Basin sub-zone 3(i)
19. Eastern Coast sub-zones 4(a), 4(b) & 4(c)

20. West Coast region sub-zones 5(a) & 5(b)

21. Western Himalayas zone 7





Representative disturbed samples of bed materials shall be taken at every change of strata
upto the maximum anticipated scour depth. The sampling should start from 300 mm below
the existing bed. About 500 gms of each of the representative samples so collected shall be
sieved by a set of standard sieves and the weight of soil retained in each sieve is taken. The
results thereof are then tabulated. A typical test result is shown below (Tables I & II).
Table -1

Sieve Designation Sieve Opening Weight of Soil Percent Retained

(mm) Retained (gm)
5.60 mm 5.60 0 0
4.00 mm 4.00 0 0
2.80 mm 2.80 16.90 4.03
1.00 mm 1.00 76.50 18.24
425 micron 0.425 79.20 18.88
180 micron 0.180 150.40 35.86
75 micron 0.75 41.00 9.78
Pan - 55.40 13.21
Total 419.40

Table - II

Seive No. Average Size (mm) Percentage of Weight Column (2) x

Retained Column (3)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4.00 to 2.80 mm 3.40 4.03 13.70
2.80 to 1.00 mm 1.90 18.24 34.66
1.00 to 425 micron 0.712 18.88 13.44
425 to 180 micron 0.302 35.86 10.83
180 to 75 micron 0.127 9.78 1.24
75 micron & below 0.0375 13.21 0.495
Total 74.365

Weighted mean diameter = 100

= 0.74365
Say 0.74

(The amendments to this document will be pub! ished in its periodical,
'Indian Highways' which shall be considered as effective and as part of
the code/guidelines/manual, etc. from the date specified therein)

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