IRC 034
IRC 034
IRC 034
(First Revision)
Published by
Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110 020
(500 copies)
Page No.
Introduction 1
1 Scope 2
Annex-1 ^ 29
4. Datta, P.K. Executive Director, Consulting Engg. Services (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
13. Rathore, S.S. Principal Secretary to the Govt, of Gujarat, R&B Deptt.
17. Kumar, Kamlesh Chief Engineer, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
New Delhi
18. Krishna, Prabhat Chief Engineer, (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport & Highw j. g
New Delhi
19. Patankar, V.L Member (Tech.), National Highways Authority mdia, Nev Delhi
25. Gupta, D.P. Director General (RD) & AS (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
28. Shukia, R.S. Ex-Scientist, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
31. Singh, B.N. Member (Tech.), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
32. Nashkar, S.S. Chief Engineer (NH), PW (R), Kolkata
33. Raju, Dr. G.V.S. Chief Engineer (R&B), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
36. Singh, Nirmal Jit Director General (RD) & SS (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
37. Sinha, V.K. Director General (RD) & SS (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
39. Yadav, Dr. V.K. Addl. Director General, DGBR, New Delhi
40. Chief Engineer (Pig.) Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi
Ex-Officio Members
1. Prp«;idpnt IRC (Liansanga), Engineer-in-Chief and Secretary, PWD Mizoram,
2. Director General (RD) & (Sinha, A.V.) Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
Spl. Secretary New Delhi
Corresponding Members
t:K Justo, Dr. C.E.G. Emeritus Fellow, Bangalore University, Bangalore
2. Khattar, M.D. Consultant, Runwal Centre, Mumbai
3. Agarwal, M.K. Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), Haryana PWD
PWD, Mumbai
In water logged areas, due to water, whether from capillary rise, seepage from earthen
shoulders or penetration from pavement layers, the subgrade of pavements gets saturated.
Reduction in load carrying capacity of subgrade is related to the degree of saturation of
subgrade. The strength of pavement layers laid over the subgrade is dependent on the support
of subgrade. Due to loss in load carrying capacity of subgrade, the strength of pavement
layers also reduces. Load from traffic remaining the same with the reduction in strength of
subgrade, pavement deterioration gets accelerated. It is common observation that pavement
which behaves very well during summer months suddenly starts getting damaged on on-set
of monsoon. During the prolonged period of monsoon, the pavement gets affected by water
develops cracks which get converted into potholes.
Pavements with good drainage remain intact even during monsoon. The water entering the
subgrade has to be drained out or prevented from reaching upto subgrade level.
Realizing the advantages that can be had by keeping water away from subgrade, Shri Mahesh
Kumar Convenor H-4 Committee Engineer-in-Chief Haryana PWD,
thought to have a re-
look into the IRC:34:1 970, "Recommendation for road construction in water logged areas".
The work of rewriting the revised version was done by a subgroup consisting of Shri Arun
Kumar Sharma, CE, MORT&H, Mrs. Minimol Korulla, Chief Consultant and Ms. Shabana
Khan, Consultant, Macaferri. Their valuable contribution is greatly acknowledged.
Chand, Faquir Rao, Prof. G.V.
Dhodapkar, A.N. Rao, Prof. P.J.
Corresponding Members
Verma, M.S.
Ex-Officio Members
President, IRC DG (RD) & SS, MoRTH
(Liansanga) (Sinha, A.V.)
These recommendations deal with the problem of road construction in waterlogged areas,
including those subjected to flooding and/or infested with detrimental salts like sulphates
and carbonates. The recommendations relate both to the construction of new roads and to
the remedial measures to be adopted in the case of existing roads.
1 .1 For the purpose of these recommendations for coarse grained soil, water logged
areas are considered to be those where the level of subsoil standing water is such that for
prolonged periods the bottom of subgrade immediately below the pavement is well within
the capillary fringe of the water table i.e. within about 1 .5 m. For embankment with fine grained
soils the capillary fringe of water table may be up to 10.0 m.
para 8.2).
iii) Drainage of water from roads in cutting : Wet portion of side slopes is
an indication that phreatic line is cutting the side slopes. Higher water level
. in side slopes will saturate the subgrade below the pavement (for details
iv) Hill roads with phreatic line cutting the side of hill slope Wet portion :
above the pavement level. Higher water table will soak the subgrade (for
details refer para 8.4).
bund road, subgrade of bund road will get affected by seepage water from
canal (for details refer para 8.5).
vii) Drainage of land between road and rail track : Effective drainage of
water from area between road and rail track is required, otherwise the
standing water will saturate the subgrade of pavement (for details refer
para 8.7).
viii) Drainage of road with built up areas on both sides of road and
discharging water on road Lack of effective drainage will result in
soaking of subgrade of pavements (for details refer para 5.3 and 8.8).
ix) Road embankments over-topped by flood water, the subgrade will get
soaked due to water (for details refer para 5.2 and 8.9).
frequent repairs. These roads in addition to capillary rise of ground water leading to softening
of subgrade may also be affected by flooding and/or ground water infested with detrimental
salts like sulphates and carbonates.
As a result of migration of water by capillary action from the high water table/high flood level,
the subgrade soil gets further saturated and this leads to a gradual loss in its bearing capacity.
With the loss in bearing capacity of soil, axle load remaining the same, deterioration of
pavement gets accelerated. It is important to ensure the drainage of storm water and lowering
of subsoil water so that subgrade remains dry. Remedial measures should be taken to keep
water away from subgrade.
Where continuous flooding for long periods takes place the progressive deformation of
subgrade and pavement is accentuated by ingress of water from the top of the wearing
surface, earthen shoulders or sides of embankment. The flood water saturates the subgrade
thus reducing the bearing capacity. In case of bituminous pavements, the already inadequate
waterproofing of the surface is impaired further by stripping of the binder due to prolonged
contact with water. While in the concrete pavement, water in the subgrade may lead to
pumping and cracking of pavement.
2.2.2 Sufficient cross drainage structures should be provided so that water can pass
across the embankments.
2.2.3 case flood water cannot be allowed to flow across the embankment, due to
During high floods, phreatic line should remain well within the cross section of earthen
embankment. Services of geotechnical/irrigation engineer should be taken for design of
such embankment which is more or less acting as an earthen dam. Seepage across
embankment and possibility of piping should be taken care of.
The problem is aggravated if in addition to water logging and/or flooding, harmful salts like
sulphates of sodium, calcium or magnesium and sodium carbonate are present either in the
sub grade soil or in the ground water. Damage to crust from liarmful salts can be in two ways
- due to physical or chemical effect.
In waterlogged areas (infested with detrimental salts), the salts keep on moving up with
capillary moisture. During subsequent evaporation of the salt-laden water, the salts are left
behind and they get concentrated in the surface layers. The salts increase many times in
volume upon hydration under suitable humidity and temperature conditions. Alternate*
hydration and dehydration results in repeated formation of salt crystals occupying much more
volume than the amorphous salts lodged in the voids. In due course, these repeated volume
changes break up the structure of the pavement, working from the top downwards particularly
due to seepage/capillary rise.
The damage due to chemical action is mainly on account of sulphates of calcium, magnesium
or sodium. Construction works specially vulnerable to this type of attack are those containing
cement like cement concrete pavements and stabilized soil cement base/subbase courses.
The sulphates present in the subsoil which migrate to the top by capillary action, react with
the free lime liberated from cement resulting in the formation of gypsum. The reaction is
accompanied by a considerable increase in the volume of the solids which is known to lead
Dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate salts present in certainmarshy and rice growing
areas also take part in the leaching of lime liberated from hydration of cement and slowly
attacking the cementitious calcium silicate hydrated gel formed. Such solutions are
characterized by pH value in the acidic range, usually below 5.
Concrete is not directly attacked by solid sulphate salts, but only by their solutions in water
so that it is the amount of salts dissolved in the ground water that determines the rate of
* (As a result of research carried out in India, it has been demonstrated that crystallization
of sodium sulphate takes place when temperature is below 32 degree Celsius and relative
humidity above 80 percent. In northern parts of the country these conditions exist
generally during the period of winter rains)
attack. As a result of chemical action of sulphates, the cement concrete pavements suffer
internal disintegration and gradual falling from the underside. The process described is,
however, slow.
Presence of sulphates in waterlogged areas has a detrimental effect on soil cement mixtures
similar to that in the case of cement concrete pavements.
It does not appear that these salts, in the concentration they normally occur in soil, ground
water or sea water have any detrimental chemical effect on bituminous construction.
Salts do not directly affect un-surfaced water bound macadam constructions provided the
filler material used in them is inert and free of harmful constituents.
3.1 The recommendations are divided into the following three groups :
3.2 Different treatments are suggested under each group. Some of these can be made
use only on new construction, and others on old, while some hold good for both. Broad
guidelines about these are provided at the beginning of each section.
Satisfactory results could be achieved by providing 1 .50 to 1 .80 m deep drainage channels
(below the ground line) as close to the road bank as shown
These channels are in Fig. 4.1 .
"Earthwork over existing road surface: Where the embankment is to be placed over an existing
road surface, the work shall be carried out as indicated below.
i) If the existing road surface of granular type and lies within 1 .0 m of the
iii) If the level difference between the existing road surface and the new
formation level is more than
m, the existing surface shall be roughened,
1 .0
after ensuring that minimum thickness of 0.5 m of subgrade is available".
Existing Low
Height Embankment
Fig. 4.2 Raising of the Embankment ,
In case, it is not possible to provide drainage system for disposal of storm water then the
storm water can be drained into underground aquifer by providing vertical drains. For more
details about vertical drains for storm water drainage refer IRC:SP-50. Cross-section of
vertical drain is shown in Fig. 4.3. Salient features of vertical drains are:
c) The inlet pipes of vertical drain are 750 mm above the bottom of inlet
chamber so that debris will not enter the vertical drain. The debris stored in
the inlet chamber can be cleaned.
If practical and economically possible, the bottom of subgrade level should be raised by
minimum 1.50 m above the general ground level/high flood level. Work of raising the
embankment shall be done as per Clause 13.1 of iRC:36 or relevant clauses of MORT&H
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. In case resources don't justify raising of
embankment, then lowering of local water table is second best alternative.
from flowing into the system, at the same time should have required degree
of permeability to drain off the required quantity of water. Also, the filter
material must be more permeable than the surrounding material for stable
flow situations and filter material not to flow into perforations or joints in
drainage pipes.
Requirements of aggregate filter given in IRC:SP-50, Clause 8.6 is reproduced for ready
"A properly designed and installed aggregate filter should be able to retain soil and prevent
movement, thus eliminating piping
soil particle potential. Properly, designed aggregate filters
ensure that there are no large voids within the and particularly at the soil filter interface
53 mm 100
45 mm 97-100
26.5 mm 100
22.4 mm 95-100 50-100
11.2 mm 100 48-100 20-60
5.6 mm 92-100 28-54 4-32
2.8 mm 83-100 20-35 0-10
1.4 mm 59-96 0-5
Note 1 : When the soil around the trench is fine grained (fine silt or clay or their mixture) then
Class I grading, when coarse silt to medium sand sandy soil then Class
or II grading
and when gravelly sand then Class III grading should be adopted.
Note 2 : The thickness of backfill material around the pipe should not be less than 150 mm.
Therefore considering that the minimum diameter of the pipe as150 mm, the width of
Requirements of filter fabrics given in IRC:SP-50 Clause No 8.7 is reproduced below for
ready reference.
gradations. Also, such filters are available with varying pore sizes and permeability properties
so as to meet the need of nearly all subsurface drain designs. Use of filter fabric is shown in
(a) ,
Fig. Use of Fabric as Filters Close jointed perforated pipes, open jointed un-perforated pipes, surrounded by
filter in a trench or aggregate drains to drain the pavement courses. Sub surface
material laid
drains designed by using Geosynthetic and approved by the Engineer can also be used.
The work of subsurface drains shall be executed as per relevant clause of MORT&H
sufficient width and depth from top of surface. In the trench, 150 mm dia suitable P.V.C/
polymeric/synthetic pipe (lower half periphery perforated) can be laid in a proper slope 1 in
1 00 so that the water coming out pavement of is first collected in longitudinal drain and then
drained out of embankment as shown in Fig. The pipe in longitudinal trench shall
have holes in lower half. Perforation diameter should be decided as described in
Size of the holes may be close to D85 size of material surrounding the pipe subject to being
minimum 3 mm and maximum 6 mm. D85 stands for size of the sieve that allows 85 percent
of the material to pass through it. The back may consist of sand gravel material or crushed
stone satisfying the grading of Table (in case where no specific design exercise
based on filtration and permeability criteria has been carried out). The back fill should be
free of organic material, clay balls and other deleterious material.
The trench is then filled with granuiar material. The top of trench is covered with impervious
material/Geomembrane so that surface water does not enter the trench. Across the trench,
at every 1 0 m interval, a cross trench of same size is to be provided. In the cross trench the
pipe shall not be perforated. Alternatively fin drain/French drain with perforated PVC/
polymeric/synthetic pipe 150mm dia can be considered. The top of Fin drain/French drain
Location of subsurface drain with respect to pavement layers can be adjusted depending
upon the location where water is entrapped. Location of drain with respect to pavement
layers is shown in Fig.
12 -
Geomembrane should contain not less than 95 percent of pure HOPE polymer and a balance
not higher than 5 percent of carbon black, antioxidants and thermal stabilizers.
French drains are edge drains which consist of two components, permeable drainage media
and filter media. Permeable drainage media ensures that water can be transported within
the drain. The filter ensures controlled movement of ground water from the soil into the
subsurface drain. In some instances, a porous pipe base of the trench to
is installed at the
increase the water transport capacity of the drain. For french drains permeable drainage
media is graded gravel aggregate and filter media is Geotextile. French drains are shown
Fin drains are edge drains which are also referred as drainage composite edge drains that
can be used for pavement drainage purpose. It consists of plastic spacer/net enveloped in a
IRC:34-2011 .
Geotextile. The plastic spacer/Geonet substitutes for the aggregate and acts as drainage
medium. The Geotextile acts as filter. Fin drains with thick plastic core are normally capable
of transporting water both vertically and horizontally with the structure, while thinner Fin drains
normally required the addition of a pipe to transport the water away, shown in Fig.
For specification of drainage composite as fin drain, refer para 4.6.2.
Fig. Fin Drains -
Depression of subsoil water level can be achieved by providing the drainage channel with
drainage composite or V-shaped drain below which aggregate drain at the edges of the
pavement for the lowering of water table and connecting these by suitable outfalls to natural
drainage as shown in Fig. 4.6.
Drainage composite shall be able to meet the drainage and protection requirements in
structurallydemanding water draining application. It should be able to effectively eliminate
hydrostatic pressure against below grade structures and aid in dewatering saturated soil by
collecting and conveying groundwater to a drain pipe for discharge.
CBR Puncture Resistance - EN ISO 12236 > 3000 N (Drainage composite property)
Mass per Unit EN ISO 9864
Area - > 71 0 g/m^ (Drainage composite property)
In plane permeability - EN ISO 12958
Thickness of composite material EN ISO - 9863 > 4.5mm (Drainage composite property)
This nnethod of drainage is applicable to all types of road construction (whether rigid or
flexible) and should be preferred wherever economically feasible.
4.7.2 The capillary cutoff may be a layer of coarse or fine sand and graded gravel. For
details refer IRC:36-201 0. Layer thicknesses recommended for different situations are given
in Table 4.7.2.
Table 4.7.2 Recommended Thickness of Layer of Capillary Cutoff
4.7.3 The cutoff should be placed at least 0.15m above the ground level or the standing
water level, whichever is higher, as illustrated in Fig.4.7. But in no case it shall be positioned
higher than 0.6 m below the top of the sub grade. When provided, the cutoff medium should
extend under the berms as well i.e. for full formation width as shown in Fig. 4.7 (for location
of cutoff with respect to ground level/high flood level). Apart from sand/granular material.
Drainage Composite as specified in para 7.2.2 of this document can be considered as
suitable alternative for capillary cutoff. Drainage composite has Geomembrane on the
underside and geotextile filter on upper side. The drainage composite serves dual function
of cutoff as well as drainage media. The impermeable sheet helps in capillary cutoff, drainage
core allow the free flow of water and geotextile acts as separator and filter. The embankment
surface on which capillary cutoff is to be provided should have camber for gravity flow of
The surface of the embankment/sub-grade at all times during construction shall be maintained
at such a crossfali (not flatter than that required for effective drainage of an earthen surface)
as will shed water and prevent ponding. .
4.7.4 Suitable types of capillary cutoffs are listed under Section 7. For any cutoff medium
say high density polythene sheet or drainage composite, it will be advisable to cover it with a
1 5 cm thick layer of granular material like sand for the dual purpose of acting as a drainage
course for water infiltratmg from the top and of protecting the envelope during construction
against rupture by sharp particles in the fill material. For drainage composite there is no
need of additional cover of granular layer as the composite consists of geotextile as one
component which will provide protection while acting as a filter and the core of drainage
composite (geonet) will provide the drainage path.
Fig. 4.7 Sketches Illustrating Desired Position of Capillary Cutoff for Preventing
the Rise of Capillary Moisture
Drainage blanket and a small drain can be used for capillary cut off as shown in Fig. 4.7.5(a)
while deep drain can be used for lowering water table. Combination of capillary cutoff and
deep formation drain is shown in Fig. 4.7.5 (b).
(a) Drainage blanket and small drain to prevent water table from rising into pavement layer
5.1 .1 In areas subjected to frequent floods where the highest flood level is not too much
above the natural ground level, it is recommended that the embankment should be raised so
that the bottom of the subgrade is at least 1 .50 m above the highest recorded flood level as
detailed in para 4.2.
5.1.2 The embankment will be subjected to wave action due to floods. To protect the
embankment from wave action, stone pitching of designed thickness over graded filter/
geotextile is required.
Sufficient number of cross drainage structures as per site requirement should be provided,
for movement of water across the embankment. For free flow of water across the embankment
at least 2 culverts/km should be provided.
5.1 .4 In case, water current hits the embankment, cross drainage structures of adequate
waterway should be planned.
5.1 .5 In case, it is not possible to provide sufficient cross drainage structures for water
to flow across the embankment, then the profile of road embankment should be as indicated
in Fig. 5.1.
Note : in the stretches where bank are not overtopped by flood by water, these should be
protected against erosion as per !RC:56-2010.
In where it is considered inevitable to let flood water pass over the road, also
traffic isheavy and flooding expected for prolonged periods, cement concrete surfacing of
appropriate thickness should be provided for at least two lanes of traffic. Wider paved surfaces
perform better under flooding due to distribution of traffic load in a wider area. If the pavement
at the designated place of water crossing is flexible even then there is merit in providing a
layer of 50 mm bituminous concrete as wearing coat. The cement concrete pavement should
be provided for at least two lanes of traffic. The cement concrete pavement, when provided,
should have a dry lean concrete/cement/lime stabilized soil base of 1 5 cm thick underneath
the slab. When asphaltic concrete is selected as the surfacing, the mix should be dense
graded and resistant to flood conditions.
Theprofile of the downstream side of embankment should allow smooth flow of water down
5.3 In built up areas with houses/shops on either side of road, the water stagnates on
the road surface. case neither underground sewer system, deep drains, raising of sub
grade of existing road nor sub surface drain can be provided on an existing road, it is better
to suggest realignment of the road. Till such time the bypass road is ready, the road crust as
shown in Fig. 5.3 may be provided. Use of well dressed stone/concrete paver block over a
layer of cement concrete (stone set in cement mortar) can be considered. For further details
following guidelines can be referred:
6.1 No special measures are considered necessary from the standpoint of physical/
chemical action of harmful salts except those stated in Sections 4 and 5 if the concentration
of sulphates in the subgrade soil is below 0.2 percent (as sulphur trioxide) in ground water.
Similarly, sodium carbonate concentrations of up to 0.2 percent in subgrade soil and
0.02 per cent in the ground water are considered unharmful. Salt concentrations may be
determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in relevant I.SJ Standards - IS 2720,
Part XXIII 'Methods of Test for Soils: Determination of Calcium Carbonate', and IS 2720, part
XXVI l-'Methods of Test for Soils: Determination of Total Sulphate'.
No damage is expected from dissolved carbon dioxide or bicarbonate salt solutions (met
with in certain marshy areas) provided the pH value of the solutions is higher than 5.
Where the concentration of these salts is in excess of the safe limits specified above, special
measures as indicated below are recommended as a guide for road construction. These
measures are in addition to those recommended in Section 4.
Even if concentration of salts in the subgrade or ground water is higher than the safe limits
described in para 6.1 , no special measures other than those set forth in Section 4 are
considered necessary for water bound macadam roads with or without bituminous surfacing
except that the filler used in water bound macadam and soling should be inert and free from
harmful salts.
a) Mechanical Stabilization
b) Cement, Lime and flyash stabilization - For details refer "Guidelines for
soil and granular material stabilization using Cement, Lime and Fly Ash"
c) Bituminous stabilization
If the above constructions are contemplated in waterlogged areas infested with salts, the
soil used for stabilization should not contain more than 0.2 percent of total soluble sulphates
and carbonates or stabiiization shall be with the cementitious materials which are resistant
to CI and SO^ salts.
Besides this, to prevent the harmful salts in the sub grade or ground water from coming in
contact with stabilized soil course, a suitable capillary cutoff out of those described in
para 4.7 should be provided underneath the pavement extending across the full width of the
When sulphates are in excess of the safe limits prescribed in para 6.1 , the following additional
measures are recommended during the construction of cement concrete pavements over
and above the provisions of paras 4.1 and 4.2.
6.3.1 Since all types of concrete, irrespective of the type of cement used, are more
vulnerable to salt attack during the initial period of hardening than when fully set, it is of
importance to prevent contact between the ground water and concrete in the early stages.
For this purpose, applying a light coat of bitumen to the underside of precast units, protecting
cast-in-situ concrete by a thin bituminized coating on the base just below the slab, or provision
of one of the capillary cutoffs mentioned in some of the measures recommended
para 4.7, are
for adoption under relatively mild conditions of exposures to sulphate attack, viz., when sulphate
concentration in soil is upto about 0.5 percent.
Under more severe conditions, i.e. when sulphates are in excess of 0.5 percent, the bituminous
coatings used should be thicker (For the purposes of this specification, thin coats are
considered to be those in which the rate of application of straight-run bitumen is 12 kg per
10 m^ and thick coats are those in which the rate of application is 20 kg per 10 m^) as they
Furthermore, the following measures are suggested as suitable for minimizing adverse
chemical effect of the sulphates on concrete:
ii) Use of special sulphate resistant cement, Pozzolanic cement, Portland slag
cement or high performance concrete as per IRC:SP-70.
6.3.2 In areas where there is danger of damage from dissolved carbon dioxide or
bicarbonate salts as evidenced by pH values of below 5, the provision of a waterproof layer
below the concrete pavement, such as heavy duty bituminized paper or polythene sheet, and
use of a dense, well compacted, high quality concrete are the measures recommended for
Sand blanket of adequate thickness over the full width of embankment is recommended
as an effective capillary cutoff. The thickness of the sand blanket needed to intercept
capillary action depends on the particle size of sand and may be determined from the following
t =
t = thickness of sand layer in cm
2fifi X .
The sand shall be compacted after adding sufficient moisture to permit easy rolling.
Providing a High Density Polyethylene sheet, manufactured from HOPE resins, duly
contrasted, that comply with the most rigorous requirements established for their use. The
sheet shall contain not less than 95 percent of pure HOPE polymer and a balance not higher
than 5 percent of carbon black, antioxidants and thermal stabilizers. For specification of
geomembrane refer para
Geotextile properties
Such roads get frequently damaged whenever water stands in the adjoining ground. For long
term maintenance free pavement, it is suggested that subgrade of the pavement should be
raised as mentioned in para 4.2. In case there are difficulties in raising the embankment, the
level of sub soil, should be lowered as brought out in para 4.5. Schematic arrangement for
Water falling in the sloping central verge needs to be collected and disposed off by drainage
system consisting of water inlet chamber, open drains and hume pipe culvert (below the
existing embankment).
Pavements of such roads gets affected by water table of adjoining high bunds. To lower the
level of underground water, there is generally a need to provide aggregate drains on either
side of road as shown is Fig.8.3. Subsurface drains below V-shaped drain are effective in
lowering water table. For specifications of aggregate drains refer Tabie 4.5,2.5.
8.4 Hill Roads with Phreatic Lines Cutting the Bottom of Hill Slope
Fig. 8.4 (a)
8.4.1 Wetting of slope marked a, b in Fig. 8.4 or water oozing out of pavement is an
indication of high water table on the Hill side. Sub soil hydraulic studies needs to be carried
out to plot the phreatic line. In case the pervious layer is located at shallow depth, the solution
to the problem lies in lowering the phreatic line well below the pavement by providing on
Hill side, subsurface drain as shown in Fig. 8.4 (a). V-shaped drain for storm water on hill
side should be provided. The water so intercepted in the drains may be suitably disposed
8.4.2 For pervious layer located at a depth where it is not practical to provide vertical
subsurface drain as shown in Fig. 8.4 (a), horizontal perforated pipes into the hill side, and
at the face of hill slope breast wall in dry rubble stone masonry should be provided. Behind
the breast wall granular filter should be conssdered. Alternatively free draining wire crate
wall/Gabion (machine made woven wire crate of wire dia 2.7 mm as per IRC:56-2010)
retaining wall should be provided. The perforated pipes may project outside the breast
wall so that seepage water can be collected directly in the open longitudinal drain.
Concrete caping at pipes shown in Fig. 8.4 (c) shall be provided. For details refer
to Fig. 8.4 (b) and 8.4 (c).
Phreatic line should be below the pavement on bund road. For lowering the phreatic line (if it
Fig. 8.5 River/Canal on One Side of Carriageway
8.6.1 Hill roads at bends get damaged due to flow of water from the hills. At such bends
after extra widening paved shoulder with cement concrete paver block/stone set in 1 m width
on hill side can be considered.
8.7.1 If sufficient land is available between road and rail track, for disposal of storm
8.7.2 In case there are difficulties in providing open/underground drain and water
stagnates between (A) and (B) shown in such locations where water table is low,
Fig. 8.7, at
storm water can be discharged underground aquifer by providing vertical drains
into the
shown in Fig. 4.3. Alternatively aggregate drain/french drain suitably connected to outfall
can be considered.
viable to raise the subgrade then underground sewer for disposal of storm
water should be considered. Stone set pavement performs very well in such
areas as mentioned in para 5.3.
a bridge should be considered. Till such time bridge/cross drainage structures is constructed,
the width of pavement may be increased (for dispersal of traffic load on a wider area) and
the embankment suitably treated to withstand the effect of overtopping of flood waters. The
pavement width at such location should be two lanes with paved shoulders. For passing the
water over topping the embankment, downstream side slope of embankment may have to
be covered with cement concrete. On upstream side of embankment dry stone pitching may
be provided for protection against erosion as per IRC:89. If stones of suitable size and weight
are not available, alternatively mattress (machine made woven wire crate as per
IRC:56-2010) filled with small stones over a layer of filter geotextile or suitable filter layer
may be provided. For dissipation of energy, water trough and details of treatment to the
embankment are covered in Fig. 5.1. Pavement to be provided in embankment is covered
in para 5.2.
The solutions as recommended in para 8.1 to 8.9 are for guidance purpose and combination
of solutions can be adopted as per site requirements. For site specific design for
recommendation made in para 8.1 to 8.9, service of specialist shall be taken. For design of
drainage following guidelines may be referred for further details
(The Official amendments to this document would be published by
the IRC in its periodical, ^Indian Highways' which shall be
considered as effective and as part of the code/guidelines/manual,
etc. from the date specified therein)