Engineering Measures Indian Road Landslide
Engineering Measures Indian Road Landslide
Engineering Measures Indian Road Landslide
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4. Dhodapkar, A.N Chief Engineer (Retd.), MORTH, New Delhi
5. Datta, P.K. Director-Corporate Development, M/s Trans Asia
Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. De, D.C. Executive Director, Consulting Engineering Services
(India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
7. Duhsaka, Vanlal Chief Engineer, PWD Highways, Aizwal
8. Joshi, L.K. Former Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, New Delhi
9. Kadiyali, Dr. L.R. Chief Executive, L.R. Kadiyali & Associates, New Delhi
10. Kumar, Ashok Chief Engineer (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport
& Highways, New Delhi
11. Kumar, Dr. Kishor Chief Scientist , Geotechnical Engineering Division,
CRRI, New Delhi
12. Mandpe, P.S. Chief Engineer (NH), PWD Maharashtra
13. Narain, A.D. Director General (RD) & AS (Retd.), MOST, Noida
14. Pandey, I.K. Chief General Manager (Tech.), National Highways
Authority of India, New Delhi
15. Patwardhan, S.V. Advisor, Madhucon Projects Limited, New Delhi
16. Puri, S.K. Director General (RD) & Spl. Secretary, MoRT&H
(Retd.), New Delhi
17. Rajoria, K.B. Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), Delhi PWD, New Delhi
18. Rao, P.R. Vice President, Soma Enterprises Ltd., Gurgaon
19. Raju, Dr. G.V.S. Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Admn. & National Highways,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
20. Selot, Anand Former Engineer-in-Chief, PWD Madhya Pradesh
21. Sharma, D.C. Sr. Principal Scientist and Head Instrumentation
Division, CRRI, New Delhi
22. Sharma, D.D. Chairman, M/s D2S Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
23. Sharma, Rama Shankar Chief Engineer (Retd.), MoRT&H, New Delhi
24. Sharma, S.C. Director General (RD) & AS (Retd.), MOST, New Delhi
25. Shrivastava, Palash Director, IDFC, New Delhi
26. Singh, NirmalJit Director General (RD) & Spl. Secretary, MoRT&H
(Retd.), New Delhi
27. Sinha, A.V. Director General (RD) & Spl. Secretary, MoRT&H
(Retd.), New Delhi
28. Sinha, N.K. Director General (RD) & Spl. Secretary, MoRT&H
(Retd.), New Delhi
29. Tamhankar, Dr. M.G. Director-Grade Scientist (SERC-G) (Retd.), Navi
30. Tandon, Prof. Mahesh Managing Director, Tandon Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
31. Vasava, S.B Chief Engineer & Addl. Secretary (Panchayat), Roads
&Building Deptt. Gandhinagar, Gujarat
32. Velayutham, V. Director General (RD) & Spl. Secretary, MoRT&H
(Retd.), New Delhi
33. Verma, Maj. V.C. Director, Marketing, Oriental Structural Engineers
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
34. Rep. of NRRDA (Pateriya, Dr. I.K.) Director (Technical ), NRRDA
NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi
35. The Dy. Director General (Lal, B.B.) Chief Engineer, DDG D&S Dte.
Seema Sadak Bhawan, New Delhi
36. The Chief Engineer (NH) PWD, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
37. Rep. Chief Engineer (Basu, Kaushik) Chief Engineer (Mechanical),
(Mechanical), MORTH MoRTH, New Delhi
Ex-Officio Members
1. President, (Bhowmik, Sunil), Engineer-in-Chief,
Indian Roads Congress PWD (R&B), Govt. of Tripura
2. Honorary Treasurer, (Das, S.N.), Director General (Road Development),
Indian Roads Congress Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
3. Secretary General, Sajjan Singh Nahar
Indian Roads Congress
Danger (Threat): Natural phenomenon that could lead to loss, disadvantage, damage, injury
or loss of life; does not include any forecasting; also see Hazard.
Disaster: A serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human,
material or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of affected society to cope using
only its own resources.
Dormant: Inactive landslide that can be reactivated by its original or other causes.
Early Warning: Provision of timely and effective information, through identified institutions,
that allows individuals exposed to a hazard to take action to avoid or reduce their risk and
prepare for effective response.
Elements at Risk: population, buildings and engineering works, economic activities, public
utilities, other infrastructure, and environmental values in an area affected, or potentially
affected by a landslide.
Enlarging: Activity where the rupture surface of a landslide is extending in two or more
Erosion: Process of weathering and transport of soil and rock from their natural environment
or source. Agents of erosion include wind, water, ice, gravity and living organisms
Estimation: The determination of hazard or risk.
Evaluation: Using values and judgments in the decision process, either explicitly or implicitly,
to determine the importance of the estimated hazard or risks, and there by identify alternatives
to manage the hazards or risks.
Event: Occurrence or change of a particular set of circumstances; a landslide is an example
of an event.
Frequency: Probability or likelihood of occurrence of a repeating event, such as a landslide,
expressed as the number of occurrences per unit time; also a measure of past occurrences
per unit time; also see Probability and Likelihood.
Hazard: Condition with the potential for causing an undesirable consequence; source of
potential harm; also see Danger; or
Inactive: Landslide that has not moved within the last 12 months; can be sub-divided into
dormant, abandoned, stabilized, relict, and repaired.
Individual Risk: Risk of the fatality or injury to an identifiable individual who lives or otherwise
occupies an area affected, or potentially affected, by a landslide.
Intensity: Set of spatially distributed parameters related to the destructive power of
landslide; can be described quantitatively or qualitatively; can include maximum velocity,
total displacement, differential displacement, depth of moving mass, peak discharge per unit
width, kinetic energy per unit area.
Inventory: Study of the location, classification, volume, activity, date of occurrence and other
characteristics of landslide within an area.
Involuntary Risk: Risk that typically is imposed on an individual or society.
Landslide: Down slope movement of a mass of soil (earth or debris) or rock down a slope.
Level of Hazard or Risk: Magnitude of a hazard or risk, expressed in terms of probability or
likelihood (for hazard) and in terms of probability or likelihood and consequences (for risk).
Likelihood: Chance of an event occurring; a qualitative description of probability of a
Management: Process of hazard or risk assessment and control or treatment.
Marginal: Inactive landslide, between preparatory and active, where a trigger can initiate
Mitigation: Strategy to reduce the effect of a landslide.
Monitoring: Continual or frequent checking, critically observing or determining the status of
activity of a landslide to identify change.
Multiple: Activity where a landslide shows repeated development of the same type of
Partial Risk: Combination of the probability of a (hazardous) landslide and probability of the
landslide affecting the site of an element at risk at the site when the landslide occurs; does
not consider vulnerability; P(HA) = P(S:H) x P(T:S).
Passive: From of mitigation that requires no design engineering; includes avoidance, land
use regulations, education and warning systems.
Preparatory: Inactive land area where destabilizing processes are insufficient to cause a
Preparatory Causes: Reasons(s) that a landslide occurred at a particular location and time;
mechanism(s) that put a landslide into a preparatory state of activity; can include geological
factors (e.g. sensitive material, joints and fissures), geomorphological factors (e.g. slope
angle, erosion), physical factors (e.g. rainfall, earthquake) and factors associated with human
activity (e.g. addition of a load or excavation).s
a) Estimate of the degree of certainty between 0 (impossible) and 1 (certain) of
an event occurring; also see Likelihood and Frequency; can be statistical or
subjective; or
b) Probability of occurrence of a landslide; can be statistical or subjective;
Qualitative Risk Analysis: Analysis that uses descriptive words or numeric rating scales to
describe likelihood, vulnerability and consequences.
Quantitative Risk Analysis: Analysis based on numerical values of probability, vulnerability
and consequences.
Reactivated: Landslide that is again active after being inactive.
Rapid: Slope movement with velocity greater than 1.8 m/hour (0.5 mm/sec).
Relict: Inactive landslide that developed under climatic or geomorphological conditions
considerably different from those at present.
Remediation: Strategy by which the effects of a landslide are reduced.
Repaired: Inactive landslide that has been temporarily protected from its original cause(s) by
artificial remedial measures.
Retrogressing: Activity where the surface of rupture extends in the direction opposite to the
movement of the displaced material.
Residual: Hazard or risk remaining after mitigation.
Risk: A measure of the probability and severity of an adverse effect to individuals or
populations, property or the environment.
Run-Out: Maximum travel distance of a landslide.
Run- Up: Maximum height reached by a landslide mass.
Single: Activity where a landslide exhibits only one type of movement (fall, topple, slide, flow,
Slope Instability: The predisposition of a slope to mass movement. The condition may
be recognized by analysis of stress within the slope, by various slope characteristics or by
analysis of historical records of slope development.
Slope Stability Analysis: Analysis of static and dynamic stability of engineered and natural
slopes of soil and rock.
Slump: A short, downslope movement of a coherent mass of loosely consolidated soil or
rock; not a recommended term.
Societal Risk: Risk of the multiple injuries or fatalities, financial, environmental, and other
losses from a landslide, the burden of which society has to carry.
Soil: Aggregate of solid, typically inorganic particles that either was transported or was formed
in situ by weathering of rock; subdivided into earth and debris.
Spatial Probability: The potential of a landslide affecting the site of an element at risk;
Stabilized: Inactive landslide that has been permanently protected from its original causes
by artificial remedial measures.
State of Activity: Terms that described the timing of landslide movements ( active, reactivated,
suspended, inactive, dormant, abandoned, stabilized, relict, preparatory, marginal, and
Style of Activity: Terms that described the manner in which different movements contribute
to a landslide.
Subsidence: Vertical downward movement of the ground surface; frequently occurs in karst
terrains or can be related to mining activities.
Successive: Activity where a landslide exhibits the same type of movement as a nearby,
earlier landslide but does not share displaced material or a surface of rupture.
Susceptibility: Qualitative or quantitative analysis of the classification, volume, and spatial
distribution of landslide that exist or potentially can occur in an area; can also include a
description of the velocity and intensity of the existing or potential landslide; a time frame is
explicitly not taken into account.
Suspended: Landslide that has moved within the last 12 months but is not active at
Temporal Probability: Probability that an element at risk is at the site when the site is
affected by a landslide; P(T:S).
Tolerable Risk: Risk within a range within which society can live in order to have and secure
certain benefits; a range of a risk regarded as non-negligible but needing to be kept under
review and reduced further if possible.
Translational: Type of landslide that moves along a roughly planar surface with little rotation
or backward tilting.
Trigger: Cause that puts a slope into a marginal state of activity leading to a landslide.
Velocity: Rate of movement of a landslide that can range from extremely slow (<16 mm/ year
or 0.5 x 10-6 mm/second) to extremely rapid (>5 m/second).
Voluntary Risk: Risk that an individual or society typically takes willingly.
Vulnerability – The degree of loss to a given element or set of elements within the area
affected by the landslide hazard. It is expressed on a scale of 0 (no loss) to 1 (total loss).
For property, the loss will be the value of the damage relative to the value of the property; for
persons, it will be the probability that a particular life (the element at risk) will be lost, given
the person(s) is affected by the landslide.
Widening: Activity where the rupture surface extends into one or both flanks of a landslide.
Zoning: Division of land into somewhat homogeneous areas or domains, and their ranking
according to degrees of actual or potential landslide susceptibility, hazard or risk or applicability
of certain landslide-related regulations.
India, a country blessed with widely diverse physiographic, geological and climatological
aspects, has a history of multi-hazard events like earthquakes, landslides, floods etc. Extreme
weather events such as cloudbursts followed by heavy flash flood and landslides have lately
become a frequent phenomena compare to the yester years. Many a times these events
of hazards transform into disasters/catastrophes/calamities as happened during June 2013
in Uttarakhand. During June 16th-17th of 2013 heavy rain resulting in flash flood, breach of
glacial lakes, heavy erosion etc. have caused wide spread damages and deaths of over 5000
innocent people. It was again realized that communication, particularly road communication
is the one which is wanted most during such tragedies. Unfortunately it is the one which is
also most severely effected.
The increasing pressure of urbanization due to rising population has forced humans to reach
unstable slopes or make slopes unstable by their illegitimate intrusion in the territory of
nature. Every year we get to hear about the incidences of landslides from some or other parts
of India which cost us thousands of human lives and huge monetary losses by destruction
of infrastructures and settlements. Highways which are primary surface communication
means for catering all the needs of the inhabitants, tourists, pilgrims and armed forces in the
border areas are among the most widely suffered infrastructure. The severity of this hazard
is not obscured but still there are no guidelines regarding landslide management in the
These guidelines on “Management of Landslides on Indian Roads and Highways” are
designed to help professional such as engineers, geotechnical engineers and geologist to
have a good understanding of landslide hazard so that they can take appropriate steps at
desired time to manage them in proper way. This document is compiled after comprehensive
study of literature pertaining to landslides from all over the world including India. Best technical
aspects suitable for Indian condition are considered. The guidelines are divided into eight
chapters covering every aspect of the landslide mitigation and management strategy and to
get a deep understanding of the hazard. Every aspect is described in simple language. The
topics covered in the eight chapters are landslides features and geometry; classification of
the phenomena; landslide hazard mapping; vulnerability and risk assessment; methods of
scientific investigation of landslides; instrumentation, monitoring, forecasting and early warning
of landslides; landslide risk reduction through improved planning, design and construction
practices and technology for landslide prevention and remediation. These guidelines provide
assistance to study landslide hazards in two situations, one when alignment is set to be
constructed and second where road already exists.
The Disaster Management Committee (G-6) felt the necessity to draft this document and
constituted a sub-group comprising of Dr. Kishor Kumar, Dr. P.K. Champti Ray; Ms. Minimol
Korulla; Dr. Surya Prakash and Ms. Dola Roy Choudhari. The draft document prepared by
the sub-group was discussed by the Committee in series of meetings. The G-6 Committee
approved the draft document in its meeting held on 26th May, 2014 for placing before the
General Specifications & Standards Committee (GSS).
Meena, P.R. Vittal, U.K. Guru
Jaigopal, R.K. Karandikar, V.S.
Gupta, Mukesh C Tadvi , R.H.
Behera, Laltendu Bagish, Dr B.P.
Momin, S.S. Dhodapkar, A.N.
Sharma, Arun Dash, Bimal C
Gupta, Prof. Kapil Rao, Dr. P.S.K. M.
Rajulu, A. Rep. of NDMA
Sharma, Hari Om Rep. of E-in-C Branch, New Delhi
Subbarao, Dr. Harshavardhan Rep. of Chief Engineer (NH, R&B),
Sakamma, Smt. S. PWD, Goa
Bhattacharjee, Bharat Kumar Rep. of DGBR
Rep. HRS, Chennai
Corresponding Members
Bhandari, Dr. R.K. Yadav, A.B.
Rep. of Chief Engineer (NH), Odisha
(Paul, Dr. N.C.)
Ex-Officio Members
President, (Bhowmik, Sunil), Engineer-in-Chief,
Indian Roads Congress PWD (R&B), Govt. of Tripura
Honorary Treasurer, (Das, S.N.), Director General (Road
Indian Roads Congress Development), Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways
Secretary General, Sajjan Singh Nahar
Indian Roads Congress
The same draft was placed before the General Specifications and Standards Committee (GSS)
during its meeting held on 8th August, 2014 and GSS Committee approved this document
subject to modifications in light of comments of members offered during the meeting. The
Executive Committee in its meeting held on 18th August 2014 approved the same document
for placing it before the Council. The IRC Council in its 203rd meeting held at New Delhi on
19th & 20th August, 2014 approved the draft of IRC:SP “Engineering Guidelines on Landslide
Mitigation Measures for Indian Roads” after taking on board the comments offered by the
Members during the meeting and authorized the Convenor of GSS Committee to finalize the
document for publishing.
Every time the tragedy strikes, huge amount of budgetary funds are pumped into the
rehabilitation and restoration works without giving a least thought to pre-disaster planning.
By the time the tragedy stricken areas are rehabilitated, monsoon reappears again and this
vicious process repeats again and again. The restoration and rehabilitation process never gets
completed and an unimaginable sum of tax payers’ money washes off without much fruitful
results. The cost on direct losses such as the costs of repair and maintenance, restoration,
rehabilitation or the replacement of the damaged properties is met out of maintenance budget
allocated for the whole year excluding such exigencies; as a result, overall maintenance of
the roads is also affected. The frequent and long duration blockade of national highways
in critical landslide locations create social unrest amongst the communities living at both
the sides of the blockade location because of their inability to attend the social obligations,
hardship in reaching the destinations through the tougher and longer alternate routes, inability
to provide medical aids to the critical patients, steep hike in prices of the commodities, inability
to run their business etc. These scenes with series of sufferings are repeated during every
The failure to lessen the problem, pertaining to landslides, is primarily due to the ever
increasing pace of development in the terrain prone to geological hazard and failure of the
respective authorities to recognise such hazards and apply appropriate methods for their
prevention/mitigation even though there is a overwhelming evidence that landslide hazard
mitigation purpose serve both public and private institutes by saving many times the cost of
the tale of the devastation caused by landslides. Many landslide damages that have occurred
might have been prevented or avoided if accurate landslide hazard information had been
available and used. In order to cope with the demand of modern industrialized need of the
country large number of the developmental projects for communication, highways, dams,
reservoirs have been launched and are in different stages of development and many more
will be launched. Planners and executors of innumerable developmental schemes should
desire and demand an advance, as far as accurate and understandable information for slope
instability assessment prior to execution of such developmental program. Population, living in
vulnerable areas also needs adequate information about the hazard, risk and consequences
of such hazard, how the local communities could be made aware of landslide hazards in their
respective areas, and trained in the management of landslides to avert disasters? In view of
these there is a need for guidelines for management of landslides in hill areas. However, the
present guidelines are to be exclusively used for the highways/road only. The guidelines will
have following purpose:
● To establish a uniform terminology and classifications of landslides
● Define a general framework for landslide management on Indian Highways-
based on national and international experience.
● Provide guidance on methods which should be used to carry out the
investigation, mapping, analysis and mitigation.
process. It is envisaged that these guidelines will be regularly reviewed and updated as
knowledge, technical standards and practices evolve.
The landslide guidelines a produced based on the extensive literature review from within
and outside the country. A few selected guidelines of other countries have also been
reviewed and used for preparation of the present document. The bibliography of the
referred literature is given at the last of the document while references in the running text
are avoided.
The significance of identifying landslide features is that they provide clues on the nature
of motion in the past as well as current and therefore, indicate potential hazards along the
transportation routes and where protective measures are necessary.
2.1 Definition
Landslide definition has been covered widely in world literature including books and individual
papers and to reproduce the same may not be worth. However, it would be appropriate to
discuss the basic definition indicating the concepts of such a phenomenon before discussing
the features etc. The landslide phenomenon has been defined by number of ways but the
basics remain same in all.
“A landslide can be portrayed as an episode of downward and outward displacement/
movement ranging from very slow to rapid in velocity, of any kind of slope forming materials
(rock, soil or their combination) under the influence of gravity.”
and is defined by the zone of rupture or shear plane. The accumulation zone
is the area where the displaced mass lies above the surface and includes
areas to which the displaced material has moved (Figs.2.1 and 2.2).
Ground features associated with slope instability are given in Table 2.1 and Fig 2.3.[30, 48]
Table 2.1 Guide to Read and Classify Landslide Features
Table 2.2 Definitions of Landslide Features[30, 49, 54, 107, 154, 165]
Feature Name Definition
1 Crown The practically undisplaced material still in place and adjacent to the highest parts of
the main scarp.
2 Main scrap Steep surface on undisturbed ground at the upper edge of landslide, caused by
movement of displaced material (13, stippled area) away from undisturbed ground; It
is visible part of surface of rupture.
3 Top Highest point of contact between disturbed material (13) and the main scarp (2).
4 Head Upper part of landslide along contact between displaced material and main scarp (2).
5 Minor scrap Steep surface on displaced material of landslide produced by differential movements
with displaced material.
6 Main body Part of displaced material of landslide that overlies surface of rupture between main
scarp (2) and toe of surface of rupture (11).
7 Foot Portion of landslide that has moved beyond toe of surface of rupture (11) and overlies
original ground surface (20). Fig. 2.1 Block Diagram of Idealized Complex Earth
8 Tip Portion on toe (9) farthest from top (3) of land slide. Slide-Earth Flow
9 Toe Lower, usually cured margin of displaced material of a landslide, most distant from the
main scarp (2).
10 Surface of Rupture Surface that forms lower boundary of displaced material (13) below original ground
surface (20), mechanical idealization of surface of rupture is called slip surface.
11 Toe of surface of Intersection between lower part of surface of rupture (10) of a landslide and original
rupture ground surface (20).
12 Surface of separation Part of original ground surface (20) now overlain by foot (7) of land slide.
13 Displaced material Material displaced from its original position on slope by movement of landslide
14 Zone of depletion Area of landslide with in which displaced material (13) lies below original ground
surface (20).
15 Zone of accumulation Area of landslide with in which displaced material (13) lies above original ground
surface (20).
16 Depletion Volume bounded by main scarp (2), depleted mass (17), and original ground
surface (20). Fig. 2.2 Definition of Key Landslide Features
(For Detailed Description Refer to Table 2.1)
17 Depleted mass Volume of displaced material (13) that overlies surface of rupture (10) but underlies
original ground surface (20).
18 Accumulation Volume of displaced material (13) that lies above original ground surface (20).
19 Flank Un-displaced material adjacent to the sides of surface of rupture.
20 Original ground Surface of slope that existed before land slide took place.
7 Depth of surface of Maximum depth of displaced mass Fig. 2.4 Landslide features (Referred to
rupture, Dr measured perpendicular to plane Table 2.2): upper portion, plan of typical
containing Wd and Ld landslide in which dashed line indicates
trace of rupture surface on original ground
8 Length of centre Distance from crown to tip of landslide surface; lower portion section in which
hatching indicates undisturbed ground
line, Lcl through points on original ground surface and stippling shows extent of displaced
equidistance from lateral margins material.
of surface of rupture and displaced
The identification of features makes it easy to understand the terrain, type of denudational
processes including landslides and also the probability of the terrain to be affected by like
processes after construction of roads, based on which one can plan a strategy for type
of survey, mapping, investigation etc, for selecting an alignment/correcting the new one/
landslide mitigation etc.
3 classification
Since the type of landslide will determine the potential speed of movement, likely volume
of displacement, distance of run-out, as well as the possible effects of the landslide and the
appropriate mitigation measures to be considered, it is important to classify them appropriately
as per established international practices.
One type of slope failure may grade into another, slide often turn into flows. Complex slope
movements are those in which there is a combination of two or more principle types of
movement. There are also cases of multiple movements in which repeated failure of the
same type occur in succession and compound movement are those in the failure surface is
formed of a combination of curved and planar sections.
Table 3.2 A Widely used Landslide Classification Based on Varnes (1978)
Types of Movements Types of Materials
Engineering Slope
Predominantly Coarse Predominantly Fine
Fall Rock fall Debris fall Earth fall
Topples Rock topple Debris topple Earth topple
Spread Rock spread Debris spread Earth spread
Flow Rock flow Debris flow Earth flow
Rotational slide Rock slump Debris slump Earth slump
Slides Translation slide/wedge Rock block slide Debris block slide Earth block slide
Rock slide Debris slide Earth slide
Complex Combination of two or more principal types of movement
Classification of Description
Material is currently moving, and landslide
features are fresh and well defined
Material is currently moving and represents
renewed landslide activity; some landslide
I-Unstable Slopes features are fresh and well defined; others may
appear older
Slopes with evidence of landslide activity within
Suspended the past year but is not active at present; landslide
features are fresh and well define
A dormant landslide Slopes with evidence of previous landslide activity
is an inactive that have undergone most recent movement
landslide which can within the preceding 100 years (approximately
be reactivated by historic time)
its original causes
Slopes with evidence of previous landslide activity
or other causes. In
that have undergone most recent movement
the example shown Dormant- young
during an estimated period of 100 to 5, 000 years
the displaced mass
II-Slope With before present (late Holocene)
begins to regain
Inactive Landslides its tree cover and Slopes with evidence of previous landslide activity
scarps are modified that have undergone most recent movement
by weathering. Dormant-mature
during an estimated period of 5, 000 to 10,000
years before present (Early Holocene)
Slopes with evidence of previous landslide activity
that have undergone most recent movement
more than 10,000 year before present (Late
Slopes that show no evidence of previous landslide activity but that are considered
likely to develop landslides in the future; landslide potential is indicated by analysis or
Unstable Slopes
comparison with other slopes.
Slopes with evidence of previous landslide
Stabilized activity but that have been protected from its
original causes by remedial measures.
An abandoned landslide is an inactive landslide
Abandoned which is no longer affected by its original
IV- Apparently
Stable Slopes A relict landslide is an inactive landslide which
Relict developed under climatic or geomorphological
conditions not currently present.
Slopes that show no evidence or previous
landslide activity and that by analysis or
comparison with other slopes are considered
Table 3.5 shows the distribution of activity depending on the direction of the surface of rupture
Table 3.5 Distribution of Activities
Table 3.6 Shows the style of the activities indicating the way in which different movements
contribute to the landslides[165].
Table 3.6 Style of Activities
3.2 Description of Type of Movements
Table 3.7 Gives Description of Different Types of Movements [54, 107, 110 and 145].
Table 3.7 Description of Type of Movements
Type of movement Descriptions Triggering Mechanism
Fall The detachment of slope material i.e. soil or rock, or both, from a steep slope along a surface on which little or Undercutting of slope by natural processes such as streams and rivers or differential weathering
no shear displacement has occurred is termed as fall. The material descends mainly by falling, bouncing, or (such as the freeze/thaw cycle), human activities such as excavation during road building and
rolling. The volume of material in a fall can vary substantially, from individual rocks or clumps of soil to massive (or) maintenance, and earthquake shaking or other intense vibration. Effects (direct/indirect)
blocks thousands of cubic meters in size. The velocity of movement is very rapid to extremely rapid. Except Falling material can be life-threatening. Falls can damage property beneath the fall-line of
the rolling velocity of displaced mass which depends on slope steepness. The fall is prefixed with some nouns large rocks. Boulders can bounce or roll great distances and damage structures or kill people.
like rock, debris and soil depending upon the type of material. Rockfall is a fall of newly detached mass from Damage to roads and railroads is particularly high: rockfalls can cause deaths in vehicles hit by
an area of bed rock. Debris fall is a fall of debris which is composed of detrital fragments prior to failure. rocks and can block highways and railroads.
Topple Topples 54 can consist of rock, debris (coarse material), or earth materials (fine grained material). Sometimes driven by gravity exerted by material located upslope from the
The material involved usually leans forward in bulk but when it fails, at the base, it rapidly rotates displaced mass and sometimes by water or ice occurring in cracks within
onto the slope below and breaks up, bounces, roles or slides forward. Topples range from extremely
the mass; also, vibration, undercutting, differential weathering, excavation,
slow to extremely rapid, sometimes accelerating throughout the movement. This kind of movement
can be extremely destructive, especially when failure is sudden and (or) the velocity is rapid. or stream erosion.
Rotational Landslide A landslide on which the surface of rupture is curved upward (spoon-shaped) and the slide movement is Intense and (or) sustained rainfall or rapid snowmelt can lead to the saturation
more or less rotational about an axis that is parallel to the contour of the slope. The displaced mass may, of slopes and increased groundwater levels within the mass; rapid drops in river
under certain circumstances, move as a relatively coherent mass along the rupture surface with little internal
level following floods, ground-water levels rising as a result of filling reservoirs, or
deformation. The head of the displaced material may move almost vertically downward, and the upper surface
of the displaced material may tilt backwards toward the scarp. If the slide is rotational and has several parallel the rise in level of streams, lakes, and rivers, which cause erosion at the base of
curved planes of movement, it is called a slump. As rotational slides occur most frequently in homogeneous slopes. These types of slides can also be earthquake-induced.
materials, they are the most common landslide occurring in “fill” materials.
Translational Landslide The mass in a translational landslide moves out or down and outward along a relatively planar surface Primarily intense rainfall, rise in ground water within the slide due to rainfall,
with little rotational movement or backward tilting. This type of slide may progress over considerable snowmelt, flooding, or other inundation of water resulting from irrigation, or
distances if the surface of rupture is sufficiently inclined, in contrast to rotational slides, which tend
leakage from pipes or human-related disturbances such as undercutting.
to restore the slide equilibrium. The material in the slide may range from loose, unconsolidated soils
to extensive slabs of rock, or both. Translational slides commonly fail along geologic discontinuities These types of landslides can be earthquake-induced.
such as faults, joints, bedding surfaces, or the contact between rock and soil.
Lateral Spreads Lateral spreads usually occur on very gentle slopes or essentially flat terrain, especially Triggers that destabilize the weak layer include: ① Liquefaction of lower weak layer by
where a stronger upper layer of rock or soil undergoes extension and moves above an earthquake shaking, ② Natural or anthropogenic overloading of the ground above an
underlying softer, weaker layer. Such failures commonly are accompanied by some general unstable slope, ③ Saturation of underlying weaker layer due to precipitation, snowmelt,
subsidence into the weaker underlying unit. Velocity of movement may be slow to moderate and (or) ground-water changes, ④ Liquefaction of underlying sensitive marine clay
and sometimes rapid after certain triggering mechanisms, such as an earthquake. following an erosional disturbance at base of a riverbank/slope, ⑤Plastic deformation of
unstable material at depth (for example, salt).
Debris Flows A form of rapid mass movement in which loose soil, rock and sometimes organic Debris flows are commonly caused by intense surface-water flow, due to
matter combine with water to form a slurry that flows downslope. Debris flows can be heavy precipitation or rapid snowmelt that erodes and mobilizes loose soil
deadly as they can be extremely rapid and may occur without any warning. or rock on steep slopes. Debris flows also commonly mobilize from other
types of landslides that occur on steep slopes, are nearly saturated, and
consist of a large proportion of silt- and sand-sized material.
Debris Avalanche Debris avalanches are essentially large, extremely rapid; often open-slope flows In general, the two types of debris avalanches are those that are “cold” and those that are “hot.”
A cold debris avalanche usually results from a slope becoming unstable, such as during collapse
formed when an unstable slope collapses and the resulting fragmented debris is
of weathered slopes in steep terrain or through the disintegration of bedrock during a slide-type
rapidly transported away from the slope. In some cases, snow and ice will contribute landslide as it moves downslope at high velocity. At that point, the mass can then transform into
to the movement if sufficient water is present, and the flow may become a debris flow a debris avalanche. A hot debris avalanche is one that results from volcanic activity including
and (or) a lahar. volcanic earthquakes or the injection of magma, which causes slope instability.
Earth flow Earth flows can occur on gentle to moderate slopes, generally in fine-grained soil, commonly clay or silt, but also in Triggers include saturation of soil due to prolonged or intense rainfall or snowmelt,
very weathered, clay-bearing bedrock. The mass in an earth flow moves as a plastic or viscous flow with strong internal sudden lowering of adjacent water surfaces causing rapid drawdown of the ground-
deformation. Susceptible marine clay (quick clay) when disturbed is very vulnerable and may lose all shear strength
with a change in its natural moisture content and suddenly liquefy, potentially destroying large areas and flowing for
water table, stream erosion at the bottom of a slope, excavation and construction
several kilometers. Size commonly increases through head scarp retrogression. Slides or lateral spreads may also activities, excessive loading on a slope, earthquakes, or human-induced vibration.
evolve downslope into earth flows. Earth flows can range from very slow (creep) to rapid and catastrophic.
Creep Creep is the imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement of slope-forming soil. For seasonal creep, rainfall and snowmelt are typical triggers, whereas for
Movement is caused by shear stress sufficient to produce permanent deformation, but too other types of creep there could be numerous causes, such as chemical or
small to produce shear failure. There are generally three types of creeps: (1) seasonal, physical weathering, leaking pipes, poor drainage, destabilizing types of
where movement is within the depth of soil affected by seasonal changes in soil moisture construction, and so on.
and soil temperature; (2) continuous, where shear stress continuously exceeds the strength
of the material; and (3) progressive, where slopes are reaching the point of failure.
Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk mapping of any hilly terrain, prior to development,
are the basic need not only for minimizing the risk to life and property and safety of the public
and infrastructure from landslides and like phenomena but also for the quality and durability
of the infrastructure in disaster prone areas.
The landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment is based upon the use of three major
steps: susceptibility mapping, hazard mapping and risk mapping (Fig. 4.1). In susceptibility
mapping, the locations of areas liable to undergo landslide are identified. In hazard mapping,
the probability of failure is estimated using a number of techniques. In risk mapping, the
landslide hazard assessment is combined with an estimate of the vulnerability of the total
infrastructure and population to produce an estimate of landslide risk.
Heuristic or qualitative methods use expert interpretation of geological and historical information
on landslides to estimate the susceptibility of areas to landslide events. A combination of
qualitative and quantitative information form the basis of relative hazard that can be classified
into landslide susceptibility classes (e.g. high, medium, low).
Statistical hazard analysis methods use landslides, geological, topographic and vegetation etc
information to calculate the susceptibility to landslide or the probability of landslide events. By
definition, determining landslide hazard requires determining the magnitude and frequency
of landslide events. However, both the parameters are difficult to be determined, particularly
when the data are scar.
Determining the spatial and temporal extent of landslide hazard involves identifying areas
which are, or could be, affected by a landslide and assessing the probability of similar
landsliding occurring within a specified time period. Specifying a time frame for the future
occurrence of a landslide is difficult and often not possible.
The prediction and forecasting of landslides relies on the knowledge gained from the production
of hazard maps. The stability and the possible vulnerabilities of slopes are researched to
determine how safe the area around the slope is from possible landslides.
Table 4.4 Activities Required while Preparing a Landslide Inventory, Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Mapping
Characterisation Activities
Landslide Inventory Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Landslide Hazard Landslide Risk
Mapping Mapping
Basic Prepare an inventory of landslides in the area from aerial photographs Prepare a geomorphologic map and landslide inventory. Same as landslide Same as landslide
(1:50,000 to and /or satellite imagery, and by mapping and from historic records. susceptibility hazard mapping
1:100,000) The inventory includes the location, classification, volume (or area) mapping + + element at risk,
and so far as practicable the date of occurrence of landsliding. assessment of consequences of
frequency, velocity, hazard
Identify the relationship to topography, geology and geomorphology. Prepare calculations of the % of the total landslide count for each run-out of landslide
susceptibility class, the % of the area affected by landslides for each class
and the % of each class in comparison to the total study area.
Show this information on inventory maps along with topographic Correlate the incidence of landsliding different factors to delineate areas
information including contours, property boundaries, mapping grid, susceptible to landsliding.
roads and other important features such as streams and water-
courses. For regional zoning correlate the incidence of landsliding with annual
rainfall or snowmelt, and/or seismic loading.
Intermediate The same activities as Basic plus The same activities as basic plus
(1:10,000 to
1:25,000) Identify landside features/initial surface Obtain basic soil classifications and depths in the study area.
Influence of manmade activities on incidences of landslide. Classify more complex terrain units. Qualitative rating of the landslide
susceptible areas based on overlapping techniques.
Analysis of land use vs. human activities Implement the data and the maps in a GIS
Advanced The same activities as Intermediate plus The same activities as Intermediate plus
Detailed Investigations Detailed mapping and geotechnical investigations to develop an
understanding of the mechanics of landsliding, hydrogeology and stability
Advanced temporal cataloguing of periodic reactivations of the same Perform data treatment analysis (discriminate; neural networks; fuzzy
hazard and temporal windowing of specific triggering events to provide logic; logistic regression; etc) and develop quantitative ratings to obtain
periodic inventory data sets which can then be used in advanced susceptibility classes.
validation approaches.
Perform stability analysis.
The preparation of landslide hazard map required all the steps of susceptibility mapping in
preceding section with addition of assessment of landslide frequency, velocity and run out
* In India, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has formulated guidelines for
preparation of landslide hazard zonation maps in the year 1998 (BIS -code;
IS 14496 (Part 2).
“Guideline for Landslide Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Zoning for Land Use
Planning” Ref: AGS (2007a) also devised preparation of landslide hazard
4.5.1 Recommended Landslide Hazard Zoning Descriptors
The manner in which landslide hazard is described depends on the type of landslide[51]. For
small slides and rock falls the hazard is described in terms of the number of slides per length
of source area/annum, or the number of landslides per square kilometer of source area/
annum. For large landslides hazard is described in terms of the annual probability of active
sliding, or for active slides the annual probability movement will exceed a defined distance or
the annual probability that cracking within a slide exceeds a defined length.
Table 4.5 presents recommended descriptors (as given in Australian guidelines) for the most
common landslide and rock fall situations.
Table 4.5 Recommended Descriptors for Hazard Zoning
Hazard Descriptor Rock Falls/Slides from Cut and Fill Slopes on Roads or
Railways and Small Landslides on Natural Slopes
Very High >10
High 1 to 10
Moderate 0.1 to 1
Low 0.01 to 0.1
Very Low < 0.01
The same landslide may result in different intensity values along the path (for instance, the
kinetic energy of a rock fall changes continuously along its trajectory)[33].
4.5.4 Landslide Characterization, Travel Distance and Velocity
For landslide characterization, travel distance and velocity, refer to Australian Geomechanics
“Commentary on Guideline for Landslide Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Zoning for Land Use
Planning” AGS (2007b). It provides more detail on the activities required to characterize the
landslides for the four main classes of landslides and suggested useful references. In most
of the cases where intermediate methods are being used basic methods will also be used.
For advanced methods, intermediate and basic methods will also be used. Note that much
of these activities will be carried out in GIS and the terms used here are generic. It should be
noted that the more advanced the characterization method the larger scale of the mapping
and level of detail of information and understanding of slope processes is required.
Table 4.8 Recommended Descriptors for Risk Zoning using Property Loss Criteria
Likelihood Consequences to Property (With Indicative Approximate
(Cost of Damage)(1)
Isndicative Value 1:Catastrophic 2:Major 3:Medium 4:Minor 5% 5:Insignificant
of Approximate 200% 60% 20% 0.5%
Annual Probability
E RARE 10 5
are prepared for the situation that might arise, and precautions are taken. In addition to
increasing the alert level, mobilizing the self-help resources of the population for the emergency
and operating a monitoring system, this includes the following measures:
1) Participative formulation of emergency and evacuation plans;
2) Coordination and deployment planning;
3) Training and upgrading:
4) Infrastructural and logistical measures, such as emergency accommodation,
etc and stockpiling food and drugs;
5) Establishing and/or strengthening local and national disaster protection
structures and rescue services;
6) Disaster protection exercises;
7) Early warning systems.
Preparedness and prevention measures also include designing and implementing risk
transfer concepts.
The investigation and characterization of surface as well as subsurface conditions form the
core of landslide studies. The success of mitigation and management agenda of any landslide
depends upon the quality of investigation carried out on that particular landslide site.
In case of new roads/corridors, the emphasis is on planning, at a stage where there is an
opportunity to choose the most favorable location for the alignment involving lowest overall
hazards and risk. The evaluation of terrain through investigations will lead to predict the
problems or hazards which may likely to occur after construction and consequently suitable
schemes or plans for mitigation and management of the indentified trouble areas can
be taken up. But for an existing road network, the focus on effective slope maintenance
programme, i.e. maintain the slopes at minimal economic cost and identifying slopes most
at risk, and providing remedial measures to minimize or eliminate risk. The investigation
should be comprehensive enough that appropriate corrective measures can be taken[58]. So
investigation is the first step towards understanding the phenomena.
Landslide investigations should be designed with reference to four basic guidelines that have
evolved over many years of experience:
● Most landslides or potential failures can be predicted if proper investigations
are performed in time;
● The cost of preventing landslides is less than the cost of correcting the
affected elements, except for small landslides that can be handled by normal
maintenance procedures;
● Massive landslides that may cost many times the cost of the original facility
should be prevented and
● The occurrence of initial slope movement can lead to additional unstable
conditions and movements.
investigation required to obtain information needed for design and construction of control/
preventive mitigation measures. The preliminary investigation consists of two parts: Desk study
The availability of desk study information, together with its scale and level of details, will
determine the extent to which desk studies can advance feasibility studies prior to embarking
on detailed fieldwork. The scope of desk study will depend on the availability and quality of
available information’s.
For detailed information on desk study and its parameters readers may refer to BSI BS
5930:1981 Code of practice for site investigations 2001. These phases are discussed in
detail in Special Report 15, IRC State of the Art: Landslide correction technique. Reconnaissance survey
The site reconnaissance may include both site inspection and local enquiries concerning
existing and proposed features on and adjacent to the site. With an approximate understanding
of the overall topographic feature and knowledge of the distinction(s) of movement and aerial
extent of the slide, a detailed field investigation plan can be developed to delineate the aerial
extent and a general direction of movement of the landslide zone, assess the geology and
geologic structure, estimate the cause(s) of the sliding, and predict future movement.
For further consideration of reconnaissance survey for new roads refers to clause 7 of
IRC:SP:19-2001 & Clause 5.3 of IRC:SP:48-1998.
5.1.2 Detailed Field Investigations and Mapping
The field investigation is the central and decisive part of a study of landslides and landslide-
prone areas[158]. With an approximate understanding of the overall topographic feature and
knowledge of the distinction of movement and the extent of the sliding blocks, a detailed field
investigation plan can be developed to delineate the aerial extent and a general direction
of movement of the landslide zone, assess the geology and geologic structure, estimate
the causes of the sliding, and predict future movement. A detailed investigation plan can be
drafted to delineate the:
Type of landslide, its size and mechanism
Aerial extent of the slide, identification of the direction of deformation
Location and shape of slide plane(s)
Nature of landslide block(s)
Possibility of further or future movement on slopes above the existing slide
Distribution of ground water
Type of soil in the site area Some signs of slope movement
a) Tension Cracks on Roadway or on Slope above the Roadway
b) Escarpments in or above the Roadway
c) Sunken guardrail
d) Dips in Grade
e) Debris on Roadway
f) Bulge above, on, or below Roadway
Details are included in chapter II of the guidelines Landslide hazard inventory, susceptibility, zonation and risk assessment
In landslide investigation use of inventory, susceptibility and zonation maps can cut the cost
of road maintenance to a great extent. The utilization of these maps allows understanding the
degree of vulnerability the terrain is having for landslide hazard and the location of existing
landslides. This can help in optimizing the loss of construction of road, reduction in cost and
time for maintenance after construction; reduce risk to life and property etc.
For further description of above topic refers to chapter four “Landslide Hazard Mapping,
Vulnerability and Risk Assessment”. Investigation of surface deformation
The investigation of surface deformation is conducted to define the boundaries of the landslide,
size, level of activity and direction(s) of the movement, and to determine individual moving
blocks of the main slide. Instrumentation used for the surface deformation investigation
includes extensometers, ground tilt meters, and movement determination by survey methods
including transverse survey, grid survey, laser survey from the opposite bank, movement
determination by aerial photographs, and G.P.S. (Chapter VII gives detailed information
about the types of instruments required for an investigation).
During this phase, a detailed identification of terrain conditions, geologic formations, buried
stream beds, soil and rock formations need to be carried out with extensive use of aerial
photography and remote sensing and other types of mapping like topographical maps,
geological maps, geomorphological maps etc. Geotechnical investigation
In order to conduct slope stability analyses and to design appropriate control measures
for landslides, physical properties such as strength of slide plane, location and depth of
slide plane and stable ground areas must be determined. The following tests are generally
Physical tests, Standard Penetration Tests (Refer to section 21.2.1 of
Geoguide 2, Hong Kong, 1987: page 111),
Soil mechanic tests (unconfined compression, tri-axial compression box
shear, ring shear, and in-situ shear (refer to IS:7746-1991 for in-situ data
sheet of shear test of rocks; IS:13047-1991; section 3.2 of chapter 12 of
the TRB Special Report 247, Landslides; Investigation and mitigation).
IS:11229-1985; IS:11593-1986 covers specifications for shear box used as
an assembly for testing of soils. BIS (IS:13365-1998; IS:13365-1992; 13365;
1997) provide the procedure for determining the class of rock mass based
on geomechanics classification system which is also called the Rock Mass
Rating (RMR) system. Subsurface investigation
Generally there are five types of field subsurface investigation methods:
1) Disturbed sampling: Disturbed samples are generally obtained to determine the
soil type, gradation, classification, consistency, density, presence of contaminants,
stratification, etc. Clause 5.1 of IS:1892:1979 gives the types of samples and
methods of sampling to be used for both soil and rock.
2) Undisturbed sampling: These samples are used to determine the in-place
strength, compressibility, natural moisture content, unit weight, permeability,
discontinuities, fractures, fissures of subsurface deposits. The various tests
that are necessary for different phases of exploration are given in Table 3;
IS:1892-1979 (Reapproved 2002). Appendix E of IS:1892: 1979 (reapproved
2002), gives an outline for handling and sampling of rock and soil samples. ASTM
D420-87: presents the standard guide for investigating and sampling soil and
3) In situ investigation: In situ methods can be particularly effective when they are
used in conjunction with conventional sampling to reduce the cost and time for
field work. In-situ tests are used to provide field measurements of soil and rock
properties. The common in-situ tests performed are presented in Table 5.1.:
Table 5.1 Types of Tests and their Code of Practice
Type of tests Codes of practice
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) IS:2131-1963; AASHTO T 206; ASTM D 1586
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) see IS:4968 ( Part I )1976 ); IS:4968 (Part II)-1976 and
IS:4968 (Part III)-1976); ASTM D 3441
Field Vane Shear Test (FVT) IS:4434-1978; AASHTO T 223; ASTM 2573
Pressure Meter Test (PMT) ASTM D 4719; No.FWHA-IP-89-008
Dilato Meter Test (DMT) IS:12955 (Part 2):1990
Plate Load Test (PLT) IS:1888-1971; ASTM D 1194
loss, property and hardship on long traffic closures etc. The information about forecasting of
the critical landslides should be integrated with the web server so that the same is available
to all concerned to avoid risk and danger to public as well as alarm to the communication and
transportation managers.
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) instrumented and monitored over eight decade
old Kaliasaur landslide, which is still active and causes considerable damage to highway
and risk to the commuters. To measure the movement of the landslide, 75 nos. of specially
designed steel pedestals have been installed in preselected locations within the slide body
and adjacent area[84]. Their original position was recorded using DGPS (Differential Global
Positioning System) and TS (Total Station). Subsequent monitoring with DGPS and TS was
done. It was noticed that the pedestals installed within the slide boundary did not move much
except at only few locations. These locations were on the loose debris mass and rest of
the pedestals which, have shown movement were located near and around the crown part
indicating the movement only above the crown. Monitoring results when matched with field
condition indicated surficial movement from the crown part. These results coincide with the
activity of slide observed mostly from above the crown part. At that stage sufficient warning
was passed to take immediate measures before the coming monsoon season. Monitoring through remotely sensed methods
New tools of mapping like Earth observation satellites and remote sensing are able to provide
significant information for mapping the extent and properties of landslides. The powerful In
SAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) tools, which provide accurate topography
and motion maps, can make significant contributions to the assessment and mitigation of
landslide hazards[154].
● Interferometric SAR, whether satellite or ground-based (InSAR and DInSAR
(Differential Interferometric SAR)) are the techniques most used for slope
motion monitoring.
● Optical and infrared regions of the spectrum are used for monitoring purposes
using high resolution images like IKONOS and QUICKBIRD, multi-temporal
aerial photogrammetry.
● Space and air-borne microwave applications for monitoring movement
using SAR interferometry from satellites like the Radarsat, ERS (European
Remote Sensing), Envisat ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar)
or forthcoming Terra SAR-X, ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite),
and Cosmo (Constellation of small Satellites for the Mediterranean basin
● Ground based differential SAR interferometry.
● Visual interpretation of aerial photography is still the most commonly used
technique to support the elaboration of landslide inventories and also
commonly used to reconstruct the evolution of landslide over time.
The contribution of remote sensing to the mapping, monitoring, spatial analysis and hazard
prediction of mass movements has largely been in the form of stereo air photos and satellite
images interpretations of landslide characteristics (e.g., distribution and classification) and
factors (e.g., slope, lithology, geostructure, landuse/land cover, rock anomalies). Refer to
Table 5 of Annexure 1 for information of types of microwave satellites.
Table 6.3 Comparison of Single Point Systems
Instrument Range Accuracy Duration Remote Access Data Logging Main Advantages Main Main Cost of
System Limitations Installation
Settlement Cell 10s of feet Inch Typically short term Yes No (Pneumatic No interference Reservoir Components
cell) Yes (VW with construction must be higher cell is generally
cell) activities. elevation than not installed in
cell. boreholes.
Settlement 1 to 2 feet Fractional No restriction No No Simple Pipe obstructs Borehole. If
Point inch activities. constructed through
fill, components are
main cost.
Rod Extenso 2 to 4 Thousandths No restriction No (mechanical No (mechanical High resolution Small range. Borehole.
inches of inch head) head) measurements
Yes (electric Yes (electric
head) head)
Settlement 25 inches Hundredths No restriction Yes Yes No interference More expensive Borehole.
Extenso meter or more of inch with construction than other
activities. systems
Instrument Monitor Range Accuracy Remote Access Data Logging Main Advantages Main Limitations Main Cost of
System Installation
Sondex Vertical Large Fractional inch No No Works with No remote reading Borehole for
Profile deformations inclinometers inclinometer casing.
Magnet Vertical Large Fractional inch No No Works with 1” pipe No remote reading Borehole for
Extenso-meter Profile deformations or inclinometer inclinometer casing
or access pipe.
Rod Extenso- Vertical 2 to 4 inches Thousandths of No (mechanical No (mechanical High resolution Small range Borehole
meter Profile inch head) head) measurements
Yes (electric Yes (electric
head) head)
Horizontal Horizontal 25 inches or Fractional inch No No Monitors Friction becomes Trench or borehole.
Inclino-meter Profile more settlement over a
factor in lengths over
broad area
300 feet Expensive
Horizontal In- Horizontal 25 inches or Fractional inch Yes Yes Monitors Expensive Trench or borehole.
Place Inclino- Profile more settlement in Components can
meter critical areas. be expensive.
Type of instruments used in landslide monitoring is illustrated in Figs 6.3 and Table 6.6. Note
that any instrumentation scheme depends upon the site and is determined by investigations
conducted in landslide prone area.
Table 6.6 Instrumentation and Accessories Generally used in
Landslide Monitoring are as Follows (refer to Fig. 6.3)
No. Instruments Purpose
1 Inclinometer Monitoring lateral movement - inclinometer
system system with bi-axial servo accelerometer
probe and data logger with storage capacity
30,000 readings. For settlement also, magnetic
extensometer system
2 Piezometer Monitoring of ground water level - vibrating wire
piezometer. Standpipe piezometer with dip-
meter water level sounder probe.
3 In-place Continuous monitoring of slope stability - In-
inclinometer place inclinometer bi-axial servo accelerometer
4 Centre hole Monitoring of tension in anchor.
load cell
5 Bore hole Monitoring of movement inside a slope at various
extensometer depths - Multiposition bore hole extensometer
6 Fixed tiltmeter Monitoring of tilt on retaining walls or rocks that Fig. 6.3 General Instrumentation Scheme
may topple -
7 Crack meter Monitoring of displacement/opening in cracks
8 Stress meter Monitoring of stress on interface of soil/concrete
or soil/rock -
9 Rain gage. Monitoring of rainfall
10 Flow Monitoring of seepage - seepage measurement
measurement system with sensor to measure thrust on
submersible cylinder.
● Power source.
● In addition, specialized software is necessary to program and interact with
the datalogger.
6.6 Prediction
Slopes which are already in movement, monitoring is often the only chance for a prediction[30].
The prediction accuracy for the location and size of the landslide event will continue to improve
as more data is collected by the monitoring system.
Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications provides a framework for Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN), focused on is for purpose of detecting natural disasters[139]. WSN
can be useful to disaster management in two ways. Firstly, WSN has enabled a more
convenient early warning system and secondly, WSN provides a system able to learn
about the phenomena of natural disasters. Wireless Sensors are one of the cutting edge
technologies that can quickly respond to rapid changes of data and send the sensed data
to a data analysis center in areas where cabling is inappropriate. WSN technology has the
capability of quick capturing, processing, and transmission of critical data in real-time with
high resolution. However, it has its own limitations such as relatively low amounts of battery
power and low memory availability compared to many existing technologies. It does, though,
have the advantage of deploying sensors in hostile environments with a bare minimum of
maintenance. This fulfills a very important need for any real time monitoring, especially in
hazardous or remote scenarios.
This landslide detection system using a WSN is the first in India, one of the first in the world
of its kind. It is also one of the first landslide field deployments backed up by a laboratory
setup and modeling software. The current system (Fig. 6.4) can be replicated in other rainfall
induced landslide prone areas around the world.
the British Geological Survey, it works by measuring and analyzing the acoustic behavior
of soil to establish when a landslide is going to occur so that preventive measures can be
undertaken. Noise created by movement under the surface builds an increasing growth of
loudness as the slope becomes unstable and so gauging the increased rate of generated
sound enables accurate prediction of a soil collapse. The detection system consists of a
network of sensors buried across the hillside or embankment that presents a risk of collapse.
The sensors, acting as microphones in the subsoil, record the acoustic activity of the soil
across the slope and each transmits a signal to a central computer for analysis.
6.7 Forecasting
In terms of time, forecasts can be roughly divided into three classes of lead time:
I. Long-term forecasts mostly indicate a potential hazard within a certain region,
years before they actually occur.
First step towards a landslide forecast is a systematic collection of data in
a landslide hazard zonation map[28]. An ideal map of slope instability hazard
thresholds, and issuing warnings and up to the societal responses including responsibilities.
EWSs are extremely site-specific and may greatly vary depending on the scale, type of
landslide, element at risk, etc[61]. Some of the early warning systems are described below:
1. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): WSN consist of spatially distributed
autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,
motion or pollutants, at different locations. Each node in a sensor network is
typically equipped with a radio transceiver or other wireless communications
device, a small micro controller, and an energy source, usually a battery.
(Matthias Busslinger, 2009. Landslide time-forecast methods, A literature
review towards reliable prediction of time to failure. HSR University of Applied
Sciences Institut für Bau und Umwelt Rapperswil, Switzerland.)
2. The SLEWS (Sensor-Based Early Warning System) Fig 6.7: It gathered
data using wireless sensor networks via information processing and analysis
to information retrieval for landslides and mass movements. It paid special
attention to mobile, cost-reduced and easy deployable measurement
systems, as well as the modern information systems under consideration
of interoperability and service orientated architecture concepts. It focused
on three sensor types measuring acceleration, inclination and pressure to
monitor landslide initiation. (Arnhardt, C et al. 2007. Sensor based Landslide
Early Warning System-SLEWS. Development of a geo-service infrastructure
as basis for early warning systems for landslides by integration of real-time
sensors. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report. Early Warning Systems in
Earth Management. Kick-Off-Meeting 10 October 2007 Technical University
Karlsruhe, pp.75 - 88.)
Fig. 6.7 Schema of a Wireless Sensor Based Landslide Early Warning System
3. Senslide is a low cost Landslide Prediction System based on Wireless
Sensor Network WSN technique. The system consists of single-axis strain
gauges connected to cheap nodes, each with a CPU, battery and a wireless
transmitter. (Sheth, A. et al. 2007. Senslide: A Distributed Landslide Prediction
The standard of good practices for landslide reduction and their management for effective
planning, investigation, design and construction of projects that involve highway slopes and
their maintenance is must.
6) Carry out a preliminary assessment of the site conditions and the identified
landslide hazard that could significantly impact on the cost and programming of
the project, in particular :
● Assess the impact of the potential landslide hazard from natural terrain
(e.g: boulder falls), determine the extent of the terrain that needs to be further
assessed and outline the likely mitigation strategy required.
● Determine the safety standard for all of the existing man-made slope features
based on the anticipated use of the highway and outline the necessary
investigation and assessment of their stability or the likely landslide preventive
works required to upgrade the features to the current safety standard.
● Identify any new man-made slope features that are will likely be formed and
determine the required design standard.
● Prepare a preliminary report of ground investigation works.
7) Based on the above work:
● Assess how the identified geotechnical features, hazards and constraints
may affect the proposed highway alignment and recommend adjustment of
the corridor, if it is considered necessary.
● Identify the contractual and construction management issues (e.g.
supervision, design review, traffic constraints, safety of road users, blasting
control, etc) related to the likely geotechnical work and landslide mitigation
● Provide preliminary estimates of the potential costs, programming and
geotechnical personnel requirement for the investigation, design and
construction of geotechnical works.
Based on the available information carry out a comparative assessment of the alternative
corridor/alignment in particular;
● Rank the alternatives based on the magnitude of the geotechnical hazards
present along each proposed corridor/route.
● Recommend the appropriate rating to be applied for use in a balanced
evaluation of the geotechnical factors with other factors where such evaluation
process is required.
A review report should be produced documenting the work done, the information examined,
the findings and recommendations, schematic plans and cross sections at critical locations
of the geotechnical works and landslide hazard mitigation measures to be proposed for the
project. The report shall also include a hazard map showing the corridor alignment, the source
and area extent of all landslide hazards identified, the details of all existing slope features
including those to be upgraded and new slope features to be formed under the project, the
principal drainage courses and the probable direction of and limits of travel of any landslide
debris from natural terrain. Critical sites
More intensive assessment of ground conditions is required where an alignment is forced to
cross areas that are known to be unstable or marginal, to ensure that the route is adequately
protected while not wasting money on over-elaborate protection in a situation where the risk
of damage or loss is high.
In this situation a detailed landslide hazard map at a suitable scale of the zone needs to be
made, in order to indicate the hazardous parts where slope protection measures and special
design considerations for the carriageway are required. Slope monitoring may be appropriate
at specific locations, to measure, for example, the rate of slope movement, landslide recession
or erosion[116].
7.1.2 Planning for Existing Highways
Primary concern for the highway slopes is the stability of the slopes. Scope of planning for
existing highways can vary widely, ranging from upgrading of a road to local improvements
of a road’s alignment like widening.
As compared with a new highway, planning of a road upgrading or a widening project is
generally more constrained by existing structures, services and utilities and the surrounding
topography. The need to maintain traffic flow during construction is also an important
constraint. The selection of appropriate route alignment and/or design options should take
into account these constraints[56]. The objectives of planning for existing roads
● minimize the risk and severity of road accidents that may result from landslide
● minimize the need for remedial work,
● reduce the life cycle costs of the project,
● improve the awareness of safe design practices of everyone involved in the
Where there is a large number of failures on a network, an inventory can help in establishing
a priority for earthworks most likely to fail, or most likely to constitute the greatest risk. Once
a database of relevant slope information has been established and analysed, then updating
of the database can be focussed on those datasets that are both key to the slope condition
and are likely to change within engineering time. The inventory can provide a tool to:
● Plot the location of the earthworks, along the length of the route or network.
● See where the slope failures are, and describe and classify them.
● Rank the earthworks in order of priority for repair.
● Calculate an order of cost for the repairs.
The limitation of a slope inventory is that the data give information only on the slopes measured.
There is no information on the slopes in the landscape at large; inventory is not an ideal tool
for extrapolation unless combined with terrain evaluation, as was done in Indonesia. If used
within the framework of a terrain classification, the two together form a powerful tool for
planning, management and design. Planning for monitoring of key sites
For important slope hazard sites such as major cuttings, valley side traverses or stacks of
climbing loops the cut slopes can be measured to assess the hazard (Table 7.2), or kept
under continuous observation by monitoring. It would be appropriate to make a detailed
geotechnical assessment of an important slope that is felt to pose a risk (Fig. 7.1). Planning
for existing highways is the same order as followed in IRC:SP:48-1998, with the addition of a
few measures which can be included in the planning process.
Where landslides or slope failures occur, there is often a need to identify quickly the likely
cause of the failure and to develop short or long term measures to mitigate the failure. Planning
required for dealing with these hazards can be summarized into[145]:
1. Simple field reconnaissance to in-depth topographic survey as outlined in
2. Field data collection.
3. Geotechnical section must provide oversight during repair of the landslide
or slope failure, particularly if an emergency condition is identified. This
can range from documenting work done by sub-contractors to conducting
analyses to help decide the type of repairs that should be implemented. This
will require:
● Close communication with the contractor who is performing the repair.
● Having a clear understanding of responsibilities and expectations
during the work.
● Providing good documentations of decisions that are made, including
photographic documentation,
4. Slope stabilization methods : If the results of the stability analyses indicate that
the roadway slope does not meet the minimum factor of safety requirements
or displacement limits, than it may be necessary to use slope stabilization
methods to improve the slope performance, mentioned in chapter VIII of this
guidelines and also in IRC:SP:48-1998.
Where a site shows signs of being at risk but for reasons of size or complexity are felt to
be too expensive to protect, monitoring can be implemented to detect any sudden change
in condition. In extreme cases an early warning system can be installed to give warning of
imminent failure and have the road closed before the slope gives way.
cover are indicators of particular kinds of land-forming process including instability, and are
interpreted to form a picture of how the land has evolved into its present state and how it will
evolve in future.
Geomorphological mapping therefore provides the engineer with a valuable tool to separate
areas of stable terrain from those that are unstable, and appreciate what processes may
affect the road in the short and longer term (Chapter V of the guidelines).
Under the sequence of survey and survey methods (IRC:SP:48-1998), an important measure
to be added before fixing final alignment of a hill road is landslide hazard mapping. Before the
determination of the Final Centre line, it is necessary to know areas prone to landslide. For
areas with existing landslides, hazard maps show the areal extent of threatening processes
where landslide processes have occurred in the past, recent occurrences. Most importantly,
it shows the likelihood in various areas that a landslide will occur in the future, which will
help in preparing the alignment of a road to a great extent, in a way that we can avoid areas
susceptible to land slips and prepare alternate routes of alignment.
Hazard maps contain detailed information on the types of landslides, extent of slope subject
to failure, and probable maximum extent of ground movement. These maps can be used to
predict the relative degree of hazard in a landslide area and we can therefore plan accordingly
to the kind of remedial measures that can be undertaken in order to prevent the area from
further damage. Areas may be ranked in a hierarchy such as low, moderate, and high hazard
areas. This helps us importantly in demarking areas which can completely be closed for
transportation use, areas which needs greater inspection, areas where alignment of roads is
possible and also aids in following a certain structure/framework for planning according to their
ranks of low, moderate and high danger areas. In terms of high and very high hazard ranking
sites, the primary intention is to concentrate on exposure reduction and a mix of exposure
and hazard reduction, with the latter approach generally being the more expensive.
For virgin areas, hazard maps show the locations of past and present landslides. With the
use of a hazard map, the magnitude of the possible slide can be calculated. This helps in the
process of planning how a possible landslide should be dealt with, for example, to access
whether the benefits of a prevention method outweigh its costs.
Landslide hazard mapping may be produced by a ‘direct’ or an ‘indirect’ method. For direct
mapping the study area is zoned according to the location and the density of recorded
landslides, then extrapolating to slopes of the same type that have not failed[116]. The
assumption is that future landslides are more likely to occur on slopes where conditions are
the same as those in which sliding has occurred previously. The indirect mapping method
relies on the evaluation of factors that are considered to be significant in the initiation of slope
failure and aggregating these.
Landslides can occur at a road section where:
a. The upslope drainage or the associated road drainage is partially or fully
blocked or has an inadequate design capacity; during rainstorms the road
section will collect a large volume of surface runoff from uphill areas, which
may discharge onto the downhill slope, and
b. The slope below the road onto which the surface water may overflow is a
substandard man-made feature, or steep natural terrain of marginal stability,
or ground susceptible to erosion or washout by concentrated surface water
(Refer to IRC:SP:48-1998 for further guidance of drainage in highways).
Table 7.4 Location which can be Considered Critical with Regard to the
Impact of Drainage on Stability of Highway Slopes
1. A long and sloping road with adjacent large uphill slopes which can intercept and collect a large volume
of surface run-off and discharge it onto the downhill slopes in the event that nearby catchpits, drainage
channels or road drainage components are blocked during heavy rain.
2. Road sections traversed by drainage culverts/pipes during large catchment areas uphill, the blockage
of the nearby stormwater inlets could lead to severe flooding and adversely affect the stability of slopes
in the adjacent area.
3. Road sections affected by slopes below a catchwater which could be subject to overflowing due to
blockage of the catchwater.e.g : by landslide debris.
4. Sag points of roads susceptible to large runoff from adjacent road surfaces and slopes which could be
discharged onto downhill slopes.
5. Road bends supported by downhill slopes.
6. Road sections with significant elevation and large cambering (e.g: greater than 5%) which may lead to
overflowing onto the downhill slopes.
Fig. 7.2 Examples of Methods of Handling Surface Water at Critical Locations Along a Road
ensure that the affected people live with dignity. The state governments should facilitate the
involvement of the corporate and private sector and utilise their services and resources if
offered to the government during the immediate post disaster situation. The India Disaster
Resource Network (IDRN) should be maintained and updated regularly so that locally
available resources are utilized effectively in the case of emergencies. The nodal agency
and respective state governments should constitute multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary
teams for carrying out post landslide field investigations to assess the hazard potential and
estimate the risk involved. They will also document the lessons and disseminate the same
to target audiences within the state and recommend cost effective practical measures. The
nodal agency should oversee the progress of these efforts in a systematic manner.
For further details on post disaster management of landslide, refers to “National Disaster
Management Guidelines-Management of Landslides and Snow Avalanches”, a publication
by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Apart from the administrative approach
as given in the NDMA document; planning, inventorisation, deployment, use of equipment
for mitigation, search & rescue, skill-set and training level of equipment operators, are also
important aspects of post disaster management of landslide.
The key of successful landslide management strategy is to design workable and economically
viable schemes of mitigation/preventive measures. The promotion of innovative and modern
technologies based on proven workability becomes the unavoidable choice.
The thumb rule says that slope failure occurs due to imbalance in the driving and resisting
forces of slope under the effect of gravitational forces. But the triggering factor/factors which
cause such imbalance are different at different incidence of landslides, greatly depending
upon the local conditions and hence this hazard is so varied in type and size. So it is essential
to identify potentially hazardous slopes and control their instability by providing suitable
remedial measures. For prevention and remediation of such consequences of landslides
there are a number of effective remedial measures which can avoid or minimize their adverse
effects. The slope can be stabilized by a single method or concomitant methods of prevention
totally depending upon the nature, size, location, causative factors of the landslide. The
effectiveness, acceptability and durability of remedial measures, to a large extent depend
upon the quality of investigation carried out for identified correct problematic factors of the
There are a number of levels of effectiveness and levels of acceptability that may be applied
in the use of these measures, for while one slide may require an immediate and absolute
long-term correction, another may only require minimal control for a short period[135]. Thus
the mitigation measures chosen for a given slope must be analyzed recognizing that different
mitigation measures require analyses for different methods of failure.
8.1.2 Cost Implication of Treatment
There are many alternatives (Table 8.2) to deal with the instability of slope such as avoid
the instability, reduce driving forces, increase resisting forces by application of an external
force, increase resisting forces by increasing internal strength, protect the surface etc[155].
Each alternative has many common techniques that should be recognize for resolving slope
instability including consideration of what these techniques likely to cost as low or moderate
or high.
Flexible retaining Flexible retaining barriers that provide High stiffness causes
walls protection from low energy impacts. barriers to cracks and or
Relatively cheap, easy to obtain and fast shatter in high-energy
to install. impact. Not visually
Structural walls Rigid barriers used to intercept falling Catchment area must
rocks and restrict them to a prescribed be periodically cleaned
catchment area. Facing can be installed to remove accumulated
on road side of walls to improve material. Prone to damage
aesthetics. by high-energy events.
IRC:SP:106-2015 Geogrid
Geogrids are now a day widely used for increasing slope stability and erosion control.
(Fig. 8.9) can be an economical alternative to conventional slope design as mentioned in
FHWA (1998)[173]. Soil reinforcement using high tensile strength inclusions can increase the
shear resistance of a soil mass. It permits construction of soil structures at slope angles
greater than the soil’s angle of repose.
However, 3 dimensional erosion control mats are best suited for erosion control applications
and where tensile strength and shear resistance is required there the steel wire mesh
reinforced 3 dimensional mats are best utilized. This is because normal geogrids are not able
to last long due to UV exposure. Also there is the danger of it being a fire hazard.
8.3.7 Bioengineering Systems Coir geotextile
Coir Geotextile are permeable coir fabrics made from coir fiber extracted from coconut husk
either by natural retting or by mechanical process. The open weave of Coir Geotextile are
used for stabilization of soil through vegetation against erosion of landscape and soil slopes
and acting as a ground cover or mulch.
The following Indian Standards has been published by Bureau of Indian Standards on the
account of Coir Geotextile:
● IS:15869:2008 Textiles-Open Weave Coir Bhoovastra-Specifications.
● IS:15868: (Part 1 to 6): 2008 Natural Fibre Geo textiles (Jute Geo textiles
and Coir Bhoovastra)-Method of Test.
● IS:15871:2009 Use of Coir Geo textiles (Coir Bhoovastra) in Unpaved Roads-
Fig. 8.11 Flexible Ring Net Barriers A. U-Barrier System and B. V-Barrier System
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Annexure - 1
18 Aug 1998 Malpa, Kali river 210 people killed. The heap of debris created were about 15m high. The
village was wiped out in the event.
1999, 2004, 2009 Joshimath-Badrinath road In 1999 and 2009, The Lambagarh Landslide has reoccurred. Both these
events lead to closer of road for a period of 10-15 days at a single span
and for many days, intermittently, in the year. In 2004, Heavy landslides
hit Lambagarh area, 17 people were killed, 300 meter long road washed
26th July 2009 Gopeshwar, two laborers were killed and 4 injured
Chamoli district,
9 Aug 2009 Pithoragarh 43 killed in mudslide and 2 villages completely destroyed
8th Sep 2009 Almora district three persons were killed and five others injured, two vehicles damaged
19 Aug 2010 Bageshwar district 18 children killed and more than 30 trapped in the rubble of school
19 Sept 2010 Garhwal, Kumaon Landslides and cloudburst triggered by incessant rain claimed 37 lives in
Garhwal and Kumaon regions. Also over 5,000 tourists and pilgrims were
stranded on Char Dham Yatra routes.
Oct 2010 Kaliasaur Heavy rainfall triggers the notorious Kaliasaur landslide causing closures
of NH-58 between Srinagar and Rudraprayag for more than a month, 3
people were killed, nearly 100 meter long road completely covered by
2011 NH 58 and Rishikesh- The landslides blocked the roads at Several places and stuck the thousands
Gangotri road of tourists as well, 15 lives have claimed.
August 2012 Asi Ganga valley, 29 person were killed, connectivity to 85 villages were disrupted
Uttarkashi district,
September 2012 Okhimath, Rudraprayag 69 persons were killed while 15 people were injured; more than 70 houses
District, Uttarakhand were reportedly damaged.
June 2013 Uttarakhand 169 person were killed, 4021 person were missing, 19780 houses affected,
145 bridges were damaged or washed off, 2070 roads connectivity were
Himachal Pradesh:
Date/Year Location Damage
Sep 1968 Himachal Pradesh Active Maling slide- 1 km of road and a bridge washed out
Dec1982 Himachal Pradesh Near Solding nallah 3 bridges & 1.5 km length of road washed away
1986 Himachal Pradesh 88 dead due to sliding
March 1989 Himachal Pradesh Nathpa, 500 m road section is frequently damaged during successive
Sep 1995 Kullu 22 persons killed and several injured about 1 km road destroyed
15 Aug 2007 Dharla village, Around 60 people were dead in the cloudburst. It brought down 20-25 ft
high huge boulders
14 Feb, 2010 Kinnaur district six persons were killed and 14 others injured in a landslide on the bank of
river Satluj at Kachsthal village of Kinnaur district
22 Oct, 2010 Rohtang pass More than 2,500 tourists were stranded at 12,500 feet after sudden snowfall
closed the crucial Pass.
March 2011 Kullu District The incessant snowfall and rain resulted in landslides and blockage of
Kullu-Manali road and Chandigarh- Manali highway, more than 500
vehicles, including tourists were trapped, between the landslides
Aug 2011 Mandi District Two persons were killed and 15 others injured & 12 houses were damaged
due to landslides,
August, 2012 Himachal Pradesh Two buildings collapsed at Shimla, Rock fall or landslides have affected
more than 60 road routes
June 2013 Kinnaur District, Himanchal 10 persons were killed, 300-400 families have been badly affected in the
Pradesh district
Jammu & Kashmir:
Date/Year Location Damage
1913 to 1993 NH 1A, from Jammu to It is an old and notorious landslide. Nashri landslide causes disruptions and
Srinagar at km 138 blockage of the road several times in the same year. Often many vehicles
and equipments are buried in the huge debris generated.
Almost annual NH 1A, Jammu- Srinagar Almost every year landslides occur at the Khuni Nallah site destroying vital
feature Highway bridges and disrupting the traffic and the communication system.
Jan 1982 Nashri, J&K Active slide from 1953. Every year road and communication network is
Jan 1994 Kashmir National Highway 1A severely damaged.
June 1995 Malori Jammu 6 persons killed, NH 1A damaged
2003 Himalaya 25 dead
2005 Verinag,Qazigund, 250 killed in an avalanche
Ramsu, Anantnag,Poonch
8th Feb 2010 Narundi area of Uri five houses damaged, one person killed, 6 injured
sector of north Kashmir’s
Baramulla district
25th May 2010 Uri in Baramulla district damaged several houses, Over 100 people trapped
5 & 6 Aug, 2010 Leh, ladakh fragmented 145 persons dead, floods and mudslides triggered by cloudburst at Leh,
Ladakh. Several villages along the Chang-la pass, the world’s second-
highest motorable road, were feared washed away.
Sept 2010 Dharam-Tharad area, Landslide destroyed 42 houses, a mosque and a government school.
Ramban district.
18th April 2011 Doda District 6 person killed, 1 injured
Sept 2011 Jammu-Srinagar NH. Over 300 vehicles have been stranded at various points.
East India:
Date/Year Location Damage
1968 Bihar, Bengal 1000 killed in the mishap of sliding
August 1993 Kalimpong, WestBengal 40 people killed, heavy loss of property
16th Aug 2009 Darjeeling, West Bengal 17 people killed and many injured, 500 houses damaged
26-27th March Darjeeling District, West Two people were killed and an equal number were injured
2011 Bengal
Sep 2011 Sevoke To Rangpo Along 15 Seismogenic landslides have occurred and badly breached the road
NH31-A, West Bengal respectively
South India:
Date/Year Location Damage
Nov.1992 Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu Road network and buildings damaged, Rs.5 million damage estimated
Nov. 1993 Nilgris, Tamil Nadu Occurrence of Landslide is widespread in Nilgiris. During 1993, about 408
landslides occurred of which Marapplam is the severest in terms of loss
and magnitude 40 people killed, property worth several lakhs damaged.
9 Nov 2001 Amboori, Kerala 38 persons killed, damage to houses. A large number of huge sized
boulders, some of them weighing 5 to 10 tonnes rolled down during the
10th Nov 2009 Ooty region, Tamilnadu killing at least 39 people, demolished nearly 300 tinned roof mud huts
10th-11th Nov 2009 Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu 543 landslips have occurred, 816 houses razed to debris, 600 hectares of
crops and road revetments (in 145 places) has been devastated. Above
all, 43 precious lives lost and over 1,100 people have been left homeless.
West India:
Date/Year Location Damage
June 1994 Varundh Ghat, Konkan 20 people killed, breaching of ghat road damaged to the extent of 1km.
1996 Karnataka,Andhra 48 killed
19 and 25 Valmikinagar, Kurla, Seven houses damaged, killed eight persons.
June, 2010 Mumbai and Harnai,
180 kms from Ratnagiri ,
30 July 2014 Malin Village, Ambegaon 134 persons were killed in which 50 men, 64 women and 20 children (as of
taluka, Pune district, 4 August 2014), 44 houses were damaged.
North- East India:
Date/Year Location Damage
1948 Assam 500 people killed in landslide occurrence
1957, July 1966 Gangtok-Siliguri road, The seismicity of the area and the rainfall both are the triggering factors
and 1972 Sikkim of this slide. An average rainfall of about 3000 mm is common in the slide
area. The slope uphill of the road is a complex landform.
1978 Northeastern 64 killed in the slide
July 1991 Assam 300 people killed, road and buildings damaged.
June 1993 Aizawal Four persons were buried
* The data listed above is quit partial and just indicating of the severity of the phenomena
in our country. Anybody likes to us data for their own purpose suggested to revalidate the
authenticity of the data.
Table 2 The Main Satellite Imagery Sources which May be Applicable to
Landslide Investigations are Summarized below:
The use of Remote Sensing techniques used for investigation of landslides
Aerial Photography (Orthogonally-rectified digital aerial photography)
Identifies the presence of existing failure scars and debris run out. Identify pre-conditioning factors for failure (where visible
at the resolution of the photography).
Low cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
This approach enables reveals high-resolution digital surface models of landslides. Digital surface models (DSMs)
are generated using a new feature-based surface reconstruction approach which does not require any ground control
point information and enables surface models to be generated from UAV-based remote sensing without ground based
Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA)
OOA has the potential to accurately and meaningfully detect landslides by integrating the contextual information to image
analysis, therefore reducing the time required for creation of landslide inventory for large areas.
Optical Satellite Imagery (Thematic Mapper)
The Landsat series of satellites operates the Thematic Mapper instrument. Landsat-7 now offers a 15 m resolution
panchromatic band which enables mapping scales to 1:25,000. The Indian, IRS-1C with 5 m pixels improves mapping scales
to 1:10,000. The IKONOS satellite, available since early 2000, offers data which provides 1 m ground resolution imagery
and enables mapping scales of 1:2000 or greater. The French SPOT satellite provides 10 m resolution panchromatic data
and the ability to acquire stereo image pairs. At these scales individual flow lobes, ground fissures and subtle morphology
indicative of potential peat landslides may be resolvable.
Table 3 A Variety of Remotely Sensed Images Available from Different Sensors with
Varying Radiometric, Spatial and Spectral Resolution
Satellite Sensor Resolution(m)
IRS P6 Resourcesat-1 AWiFS 56
TM 30
PAN 15
Terra ASTER 15
IRS P6 Resourcesat-1 LISS IV
RISAT (SAR system) C-Band SAR 1-50
IKONOS PAN 1 m pan
Traverse lines Useable where direct Accuracy decreases as number of legs __________
measurements are not in traverse increases; traverse should
possible be closed if possible
Table 5 Main Characteristics of Current and Forthcoming Microwave Satellites
Satellite Sensor Space Operational Band Wavelength Polarization Resolution Scene Orbital
Agency Since (cm) Range (m) with (km) Elevation (km)
ERS-1 AMI ESA 1991 C 5.7 VV 26 100 785
ERS2 AMI ESA 1995 C 5.7 VV 26 100 785
Types Role Suitability Advantage Disadvantage Photographs
Open- Determination of soil It involves no Cheap, simple to read & Vandal damage often
hydraulic- pore pressures inaccessible moving maintain. In-situ permeability irreparable.
Standpipe/ parts: this makes them measurement possible. Direct
Casagrande particularly well suited measurement of water level.
to long-term monitoring There are no buried “sensing”
works. components.
Closed Long term monitoring of Because of two tubes, Simple device, moderately Gauge house usually
Hydraulics Pore water pressures in if gas has entered the expensive, reliable, long required. Regular de-airing
(Twin-tube embankment dams system through the filter, experience record. Short lag necessary. A terminal
Hydraulic) tubing, or fitting, the gas time. Minimal interference with enclosure is needed to
must be removed by construction operations. In-situ contain the read-out and
flushing easily. Permeability measurement flushing arrangement.
possible. This enclosure must be
protected from freezing and
from vandalism.
Diaphragm Pneumatic piezometers When pore water Fairly cheap. Components No method of checking
Piezometer can be successfully pressures are to be are not affected by electrical if pore water or pore air
used in zones that are read, air or nitrogen is transients. The use of gas pressure is measured. The
either partially saturated admitted to one line, but rather than water means there presence of moisture in the
or in zones that may dry is prevented from flowing are no problems of elevation connecting leads will affect
out for short periods. up the other line by a and freezing. the readings.
blocking diaphragm in
the tip.
measurements are requiring the installation a data logger. The device are likely care must be
required. of vibrating wire can be used to measure taken in the interpretation
piezometers, which may small sub-atmospheric pore of results. Expensive. Zero
be read remotely. water pressures. No freezing reading liable to drift and
problems. Transmission over cannot be checked
long distances.
Instruments Range Response Reading Readout Remote Access Data Main Main Main Cost of
Time Time Log Advantages Limitations Installation
Standpipe Depth Slow Minutes Water level No. Reading is No Simplicity. No remote Borehole.
of stand indicator. obtained at top of Nothing to access. Components
pipe Size and standpipe. go wrong. are the least
weight Not normally, expensive of
depend on just possible with any type of
reel capacity. bubbler or float piezometer
VW 50, 100, Fast Seconds Portable Yes. Signal cable Yes Easy to Long horizontal Borehole.
250, readout. can be run to read. Simple runs of cable Components are
500 psi Lightest, remote readout grout-in should be more expensive
smallest station. installation. protected than pneumatic
Yes, but special Remote from electrical or standpipe.
cable required access. transients
Pneumatic 180 psi Fast 5 minutes Portable Yes. Tubing can No Remote Slow reading Borehole.
with 200 feet readout. be run to remote access. time Components are
of tubing. Large and readout station. Not affect more expensive
Longer times heavy Yes Some head by electrical than pneumatic
with longer because of loss over long transients. or standpipe.
tubing. internal tank. distance
Table 8 Geotechnical, Geophysical Instruments Used for Surface and Subsurface Deformation
Type Advantage Disadvantage Role /purpose Accuracy/ Type Advantage Disadvantage Role/Purpose Acquisiton
Photographs Photographs
Precision Parameters
Extensometer/ Inexpensive and has a The principal devices used to monitor precision Seismic Determines depths to strata May be unreliable unless strata are All are based on the fact Seismic relection-
crack gages/ precision ranging from ± limitation of changes in distance between ranging from Seismic and their characteristic thicker than a minimum thickness, that the elastic properties of Vp, Vs, 2D vertical
convergence 0.01 to ± 0.1 inches. mechanical two points at the ground ± 0.01 to ± 0.1 refraction seismic velocities velocities increase with depth, and earth materials determine the sections
gages crack gages is surface or on a structure inches. profiling boundaries are regular. Information velocities of waves propagating
the relatively is indirect and represents average through them Seismic refraction-
short span values Vp, Vs
length between
the pins. 1D
vector cannot
out of line
TWSI Ensures an evolutional Detects the signal of ± 0.1 % F.S. Direct seismic Obtains velocities for Data are indirect and represent
Digital Wire up-grade to conventional displacement based on the (uphole, particular strata, their averages; may be affected by mass
Extensometer analog transducer. amount and rate to identify downhole, dynamic properties, and characteristics
Low power RF with different levels of landslide and crosshole rock-mass quality
transmission ranging up ________ event and provides an alarm surveys) ________
to 2 km (with optional signal. Provides the signal
module) reduces periodically so as to ensure
the equipment and stable operation and also
installation cost and indicate the power status.
power requirement
Digital Tape Lightweight and rugged The tape extensometer is 0.05 -0.2 mm Electrical and Locates boundaries Difficult to interpret and subject to It is based on measuring the electromagnetic
extensometer design which can be used to determine changes electromagnetic between clean granular and correctness of the hypothesized electrical potentials between methods were
easily read and operated in the distance between pairs clay strata, groundwater subsurface conditions; does not one electrode pair while recently used
by one person. One of reference points, including Electrical table, and soil rock provide engineering strength transmitting a direct current for landslide
unit reads at many monitoring deformations in resistivity interface properties between another electrode pair investigation,
locations. Robust underground openings. mainly for
and proofed against determining the
mechanical damage geometrical limits
under reasonable field of the unstable
conditions mass.
Crackmeter Reliable & accurate. Crack These devices measure 0.3 mm Electromagnetic Locates boundaries Difficult to interpret and subject to ________ r, 1D horiz. profile
Simple to install. monitoring may the displacement between Conductivity between clean granular and correctness of the hypothesized and 2D map
Simple to read. Rugged not provide two points on the surface profiling clay strata, groundwater subsurface conditions; does not
construction. Low cost. an accurate that are exhibiting signs of table, and rock-mass provide engineering strength
indication of separation. They can be quality; offers even more properties
displacement very simple and low-cost rapid reconnaissance than
in areas of devices, so they are often electrical resistivity
extensive used as warning systems
plastic surface
or areas of
developing (or
Tiltmeter Tiltmeters very Bubble tiltmeters Tiltmeters are used to precision is Microgravity Extremely precise, locates Use of expensive and sensitive They can detect areas of
accurately measure however they determine the direction of typically ± 50 small volumes of low instruments in rugged terrain low density in relatively large
inclination relative can be sensitive movement, to delimit the arc-seconds; density materials utilizing typical of many landslides may landslides.
to gravity, either at a to temperature areas of deformation and to and the very sensitive instruments be impractical; requires precise
discrete point or along a fluctuations determine the mechanism temperature leveling and elevation data;
baseline. Horizontal tilt of movement (e.g. slumping sensitivity is results must be corrected for local
meters are particularly or slope creep). They can typically in the topographic features; requires
versatile as they may also provide advance range of 2 to 3 detailed information on topography
be manufactured on site warning of accelerated slide arc-seconds/°F and material variations; not
using readily available movement and quantify the (Dunnicliff, recommended for most landslide
low cost materials. effectiveness of landslide 1993). investigations
Type Advantage Disadvantage Role /purpose Accuracy/ Type Advantage Disadvantage Role/Purpose Acquisiton
Photographs Photographs
Precision Parameters
Long range The maximum Long range displacement +- 1mm Ground- Provides subsurface profile; Has limited penetration in clay This method appears to offer e, 2D vertical
distance range over meters are used to penetrating locates buried objects (such materials and shales. important potential for rapid sections
meter which the measuring changes in the radar as utility lines), boulders and subsurface profiling
instrument can distance between two points soil-bedrock interface
provide sensible over a span of several
readings is 30 m meters .
--Raingauge Seismographs Multichannel seismographs Multichannel seismographs are Used to record shock-wave
allow more sophisticated more complex and expensive travel times between a source
data filtering, recording and and a receiver, or geophone,
processing. Enhancement over a series of selected
________ of the signal to noise ratio. distances.
Rod Provides high accuracy Anchor depth Rod extenso meters serve Seismic allows lateral P-wave Compared to classical seismic Vp, 2D vertical
extensometer and precision data as is limited by to measure lengths between Tomography velocity variations to be refraction, the technique requires sections
(Lateral it avoids issues such rod material one or more anchor points determined much more travel-time data and
deformation) as creep and kinking and orientation and a reference point. field effortThe versatility of event
associated with tensioned of rods. Free information is highly dependant
wire systems. Multiple movement of on the sensitivity and layout of the
rod installations within horizontal rods geophone array, and interpretation
one borehole, Single can be restricted can be limited by poorly considered
Point or, Multiple Point. by friction and installations
Electric head allows by pinching
unattended monitoring due to vertical
by a data logger movements.
is important
because the rod
m o n i t o r s
along the axis
of a borehole.
In contrast, the
can report
deformation over
a wide area.
TDR (TIME cost effective installation. proper grouting TDR cable surveillance Direct Current Low acquisition time The determination of the
Domain prolong the lifetime of (especially in can detect very thin or Geoelectric for a single potential distribution of the subsurface
Relflectometry) inclinometers. soil) . localized shear zones. Use System measurement. Thus only resistivity is the purpose of direct
(Lateral of TDR in combination with high quality data points cur-rent (DC) geoelectrical
deformation) Continuous data only applicable inclinometers or tiltmeters can be selected for the measurements. The aim is the
Inclinometer collection possible. to localized allows remote operation inversion without any loss in correlation of ground resistivity
(Lateral s h e a r i n g as well as sensing of both resolution. Consequently a with geological parameters.
deformation) remote data collection. d e f o r m a t i o n gradual tilt and localized subsurface coverage about
m e a s u r e m e n t (narrow shearing deformation. TDR typically ten times higher compared
of subsurficial zone) . detects ground movement with conventional arrays
deformations. when it is in excess of 1 in. is reached within a much ________
q u a n t i t a t i v e (25 mm). shorter time.
delivers a insight (surface measurements
of rup-ture/position of slip are still a
plane, width and type of c h a l l e n g e
deformation zone) (movement rates
> 2 cm/a) .
no information
on direction/
orientation of
deformation .
with surface
Type Advantage Disadvantage Role /purpose Accuracy/ Type Advantage Disadvantage Role/Purpose Acquisiton
Photographs Photographs
Precision Parameters
Inclinometer Provide accurate The main inclinometers are used for ± 0.05 to 0.5 Microseismic Microseismic data may be The versatility of event information is It has been used to identify Microseismic
(Lateral indication of soil disadvantage monitoring landslides/slopes, inches per monitoring used to monitor the temporal highly dependant on the sensitivity active areas of slope monitoring systems
deformation) deformation with time. of this type of to detect zones of movement 100 feet for and spatial evolution of and layout of the geophone array, deformation and provide generate a
Inclinometers generate instrument is and establish whether force-balance slope instabilities. and interpretation can be limited by details on the precursors to significant quantity
more data than do that curvature is movement is constant, accelerometer poorly considered installations failure (Amitrano et al., 2007; of data, in the order
other types of sensors. only observed in accelerating, or responding transducers, ± Spatial location of Amitrano et al., 2005; Meric of 1Gbyte per day
Provides profile of one axis. to control measures. These 0.02 to 1 inch microseismic events can et al., 2007). Microseismic (Roth et al., 2006;
settlement over broad instruments help for the per 100 feet provide important in- monitoring is unique in that it Spillmann et al.,
area. Does not interfere determination of slip surfaces for bonded formatio regarding the can provide information on the 2007)
with site operations. In- or zones of movement and resistance location, propagation, and entire subsur-face volume.
place version provides they reveal the depth of the strain gage mechanics of unstable
real-time data when failure plane(s). transducers, areas.
connected to data logger and ± 0.1 to 0.5
inches per 100 The most detailed data
feet for vibrating from microseismic inves-
wire transducers tigations can provide
(Dunnicliff, information on individual
1993). microseismic events and
aid the interpretation of the
instability mechanism
Geophones geophone is a device which Seismic this method requires a bigger effort The major interest of seismic
converts ground movement Reflection to deploy the geophone layouts, reflection profiling is its potential
(displacement) into voltage, particularly in the conditions of for imaging the geometry of the
which may be recorded at rugged topography, making the landslide structure, such as the
a recording station. The technique time consuming and internal bedding or the rupture
deviation of this measured costly surface(s) and the robustness
voltage from the base line is of processing tools compared
called the seismic response to tomography.
and is analyzed for structure
of the earth.
deformation) take place as a consequence the type of
of movements in natural mechanical
slopes. or electrical
transducer used
to measure
change in the
anchor location.