Quantum Electronics and Its Applications

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QE_5101_eng_cover_face.pdf 1 30.12.

2020 22:36:04

ISSN 1063–7818

Quantum Electronics January 2021 51 (1) 1– 9 4

Laser biophotonics 1
A.V. Priezzhev, A.E. Lugovtsov, M.Yu. Kirillin, V.V. Tuchin SPECIAL ISSUE
Use of bursts of 1.54-mm microsecond laser pulses for cataract destruction 2 LASER BIOPHOTONICS
A.V. Belikov, S.N. Smirnov, S.Yu. Kopaev, M.N. Nemsitsveridze,
Yu.N. Batov, A.B. Gubin, Yu.B. Pirozhkov
Laser bleaching of tattoos: a new approach 8
A.G. Shubnyy, V.S. Zhigarkov, V.I. Yusupov, A.P. Sviridov
Laser-induced modification of the scleral collagen framework 17
for changing its hydraulic permeability
N.Yu. Ignatieva, O.L. Zakharkina, E.A. Sergeeva, E.N. Iomdina
Study of the possibility of increasing the intensity 23

of photochemical processes of riboflavin/UV photocrosslinking
of scleral collagen by means of tissue immersion clearing
M.E. Shvachkina, Yu.V. Kistenev, A.B. Pravdin, D.A. Yakovlev
In vivo non-invasive determination of the water concentration 28
and water bonding properties in the human stratum corneum
using confocal Raman microspectroscopy (mini-review)
M.E. Darvin, C.S. Choe, J. Schleusener, J. Lademann

Analysis of the pulse waveform in arterial vessels using the spectrum 33
of the autodyne signal of a laser interferometer
An.V. Skripal, S.Yu. Dobdin, A.V. Dzhafarov, I.A. Chernetsova
Optical coherence tomograph for non-invasive examination 38
of the human middle ear
P.A. Shilyagin, A.A. Novozhilov, T.E. Abubakirov, A.L. Dilenyan,
A.V. Shakhov, A.A. Moiseev, D.A. Terpelov, S.Yu. Ksenofontov,
V.A. Matkivsky, V.M. Gelikonov, G.V. Gelikonov
Fast method for computer simulation of luminescence characteristics of 43
multilayer biological tissues with embedded luminescent nanoparticles
D.D. Yakovlev, E.A. Sagaidachnaya, D.A. Yakovlev, V.I. Kochubey
Interaction of laser radiation and complexes
of gold nanoparticles linked with proteins
S.V. Zar’kov, Yu.A. Avetisyan, A.N. Yakunin, I.G. Meerovich,
Volume 51 (1) January 2021
D. Fixler, A.P. Savitsky, V.V. Tuchin
Prospects for using silicon nanoparticles fabricated 64
by laser ablation in hyperthermia of tumours
O.I. Sokolovskaya, S.V. Zabotnov, L.A. Golovan, P.K. Kashkarov,
D.A. Kurakina, E.A. Sergeeva, M.Yu. Kirillin

Continued on inside back cover

Quantum Electronics and Its Applications

QE_5101_eng_cover_back.pdf 1 30.12.2020 8:02:32

ISSN 1063-7818 (Print) Contents continued from outside back cover

ISSN 1468-4799 (Online)

Acousto-optical analogue of a Fabry – Perot resonator 73
V.I. Pustovoit
Generation of plasmon modes in a supernarrow nanoslit formed 79
by silver surfaces
Kvantovaya Elektronika Quantum Electronics A.K. Sarychev, A.V. Ivanov, G. Barbillon
Editor Editor Measurements of quantum dot level populations using an optical waveguide 84
O N Krokhin I A Ulitkin A.V. Tsukanov
Associate Editors Editorial Office
I B Kovsh, A S Semenov Leninsky prospekt 53, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Editorial Council Tel.: +7 (499) 132 66 66
S N Bagayev, S V Gaponenko (Belarus), Email: ke@lebedev.ru
S G Garanin, A Z Grasyuk, Quantum Electronics is the English edition of the Russian
V I Konov, Yu N Kul’chin, V A Makarov, journal Kvantovaya Elektronika (Квантовая электроника)
G T Mikaelyan, A Piskarskas (Lithuania), which publishes letters, articles, discussions, and reviews in all
A M Shalagin, I A Shcherbakov, aspects of laser research and its applications. Translation into
V V Tuchin English started with volume 1 in 1971. The journal was published
Editorial Board by the American Institute of Physics under the title Soviet Journal
A P Bogatov, N N Evtikhiev, of Quantum Electronics until 1992 and under its current title
S G Grechin, N N Il’ichev, E A Khazanov, Quantum Electronics in 1993. Since 1994 Quantum Electronics
N N Kolachevsky, Yu V Kurochkin, has been published in London jointly by Turpion Ltd and
A I Maimistov, A A Marmalyuk, Kvantovaya Elektronika.
A V Masalov, O E Nanii, V G Niz'ev, Institutional subscription information (volume 51, 2021, monthly)
N A Pikhtin, Yu M Popov, A V Priezzhev, For all countries, except the United States, Canada, Central
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Office Manager the subscription rates are:
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Kvantovaya Elektronika was founded by N G Basov in 1971 Online only (1971–2021) US $ 4695.
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