I Vcharacteristicsofsemiconductordiode
I Vcharacteristicsofsemiconductordiode
I Vcharacteristicsofsemiconductordiode
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jasurbek Gulomov on 17 October 2020.
Gulomov Jasurbek
student, Andijan state university,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Azimov Sarvar
student, Andijan machine building institute,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Irodakhon Madaminova
student, Andijan state university,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Hayrullo Aslonov
student, Andijan state university,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Odilbek Dehqonboyev
student, Andijan state university,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
In this article, describe I-V characteristics of semiconductor diode and distribution of electron
and hole currents in diode. Besides, check to behave diode in variously temperatures and create I-V
graphs them.
Keywords: hole, electron, current density, model, p-n junction
Today, semiconductor devices are used in all industries. The simplest of these is the p-n junc-
tion diode. A diode is a nonlinear device within a device. That is, the relationship between current
and voltage is not linear. Conventional special semiconductors are generally not used for any pur-
pose because of their dielectric properties. When we put a donor or acceptor in it, it starts to act like
a conductor. A diode is mainly used to convert alternating current to direct current. This is because
it is a one-way street. Electrons and holes are mainly involved in the transmission of electricity in a
diode. The distribution of electrons (Fig. 1) and cavities (Fig. 2) inside the diode, that is, the current
densities they produce, are different because there are more electrons than holes.
Журнал «Студенческий вестник» № 16 (114), часть 9, 2020 г.
Figure 1. Distribution of the absolute value of the current density generated by electrons inside
the diode
As we can see above, the electron is moving from the negative to the positive.
Figure 2. Distribution of the absolute value of the current density generated by the holes inside
the diode
The holes move from the positive to the negative. We can theoretically determine the volt-
ampere characteristic of a simple diode with p-n junction by formula 1 [1].
I I 0 e 1 (1)
I0 is the reverse current
n is the ideal coefficient, which is n = 2 in silicon-based diodes [2].
T is temperature.
D Dp
I 0 qAni2 n (2)
Ln N A Lp N D
ni is the concentration of intrinsic charge carriers
Ln and Lp are the diffusion lengths of the electrons and holes
Журнал «Студенческий вестник» № 16 (114), часть 9, 2020 г.
In addition, the effect of temperature on the volt-ampere characteristics of the diode is very
significant. This is mainly due to the fact that the concentration of private carriers is very sensitive
to changes in temperature. That is, as the temperature rises, so does the temperature. This increases
its permeability and decreases its resistance. This distinguishes semiconductors from metals. For
example, we can see from Equation 3 that the charge of a intrinsic carrier concentration depends on
its temperature [3].
ni 5.2 1015 T 3/2 exp electrons / cm3
ni (T 300 K ) 1.08 1010 electrons / cm3 (3)
This means that the concentration of specific charge carriers in silicon increases 100,000
times as the temperature doubles. This means that semiconductors are very sensitive to temperature.
If we look at Figure 2, we can see that we can also use a diode as a temperature sensor. In
short, the volt-ampere characteristic of a p-n junction diode is strongly related to the doping concen-
tration and temperature. I think a lot of devices are still being invented using the p-n junction mech-
anism. I can give examples of these, transistors and solar cells. Semiconductor devices is our fea-
ture. Even the most complex things are made of the simplest things. Just like chips are made from
Журнал «Студенческий вестник» № 16 (114), часть 9, 2020 г.
1. Anderson and Anderson McGraw-Hill, “Fundametals of semiconductor devices”, 2016
2. M. Bashahu, P. Nkundabakura, "Review and tests of methods for the determination of the solar
cell junction ideality factors", Solar Energy, vol. 81, pp. 856-863, July 2007.
3. J. Roulston, An Introduction to the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, vol. 1 , Oxford Universi-
ty Press, 1999