(Indicate The Steps You Will Undertake To Teach and Indicate The No. of Minutes Each Step Will Consume) 10 Minutes
(Indicate The Steps You Will Undertake To Teach and Indicate The No. of Minutes Each Step Will Consume) 10 Minutes
(Indicate The Steps You Will Undertake To Teach and Indicate The No. of Minutes Each Step Will Consume) 10 Minutes
DLP No.: 35 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 2 Duration: 50 mins
Learning Subtract mentally one – digit numbers from two digit minuends without
Code: M1NS-lli-33.1
Competency/ies: regrouping using appropriate strategies
Key Concepts/ To mentally subtract one – digit numbers from 2 – digit minuends without regrouping we use either of
Understandings to the following method : Using the Algorithm , Counting Backwards and Bridging Through Ten
be Developed
Knowledge Subtract mentally one –digit numbers from two – digit minuends without regrouping.
Skills Demonstrate fastness in subtracting numbers mentally.
Attitudes Display accuracy in subtracting numbers mentally
Values Show love and care of the animals
Subtracting Mentally One – Digit Numbers From Two – Digit Minuends Without Regrouping Using
2. Content/Topic
Appropriate Strategies
3. Learning
Resources/ Math Worktext page 46 - 47
Materials/ Flashcards with subtractions, counters
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
Preparation 1. Drill on subtraction facts
10 minutes 2. Subtract.
78 – 39 = __________ 67 - 29 = ________
3. Do you have pet at home? How did you take care your pet?
Presentation 1. Present the story problem.
20 minutes There are 27 love birds in a cage. 15 of them are white and the rest are yellow.
How many are yellow?
3. Teacher ask the pupils subtract the numbers mentally using different strategies.
- 4
Ask a volunteer to answer
Teacher asks: Which of the strategies did you use? .
1. 18 – 9 2. 25 - 21
6.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Reinforcement Refer to Math Worktext page 47. Exercise B.
3 minutes Directions: Subtract
1. 84 – 3 =
2. 56 – 4 =
3. 88 – 5 =
7. Wrap-up/ Concluding Activity
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