Name: Dakhara Sagarbhai Vinubhai Group: C Clerk: BCCM
Name: Dakhara Sagarbhai Vinubhai Group: C Clerk: BCCM
Name: Dakhara Sagarbhai Vinubhai Group: C Clerk: BCCM
1. List 3 differential diagnosis for the patient. Enumerate the signs and symptoms
in the case
2. What are the stages of otitis media? On the case above, what stage of otitis
media is the patient experiencing?
3. What is the primary tool in the diagnosis of middle ear effusion? Explain.
The primary tool in the diagnosis of middle ear effusion is Pneumatic otoscopy.
4. What is the 1st line treatment for this patient? Explain the mechanism of
The 1st line treatment for the patient is to prescribe Amoxicillin 20-40mg/kg/d in
3 doses.
If Px failed to respond to initial antibiotic therapy and then reassess the Px after
48-72 hr and shift to ceftriaxone or Co-amoxiclav because there might be still
presence of infection and if still failure respond we can perform
MYRINGOTOMY.Myringotomy is incising the drum to remove the pus.
VN, 27 year old, female complained of recurrent rhinorrhea accompanied by nasal
itchiness and hyposmia occurring for more than 4 days per week for one month
duration. Patient does not have difficulty sleeping and has no problems at school.
On anterior rhinoscopy, bilateral boggy reddish turbinates with minimal watery
nasal discharge.
Salient features
27 year old, female Recurrent rhinorrhea Nasal itchiness Hyposmia (-)
difficulty of sleeping (-) problem at school B/L boggy reddish turbinates Minimal
watery nasal discharge.
6. What is the diagnosis of the patient? Enumerate the signs and symptoms in
the case.
Diagnosis of the px is allergic rhinitis.
Recurrent rhinorrhea,Nasal itchiness,Hyposmia,difficulty of sleeping B/L boggy
reddish turbinates,Minimal watery nasal discharge are the signs and symptoms.
9. What is the best initial pharmacologic treatment for the patient? Explain the
mechanism of action?
KP, 21 year old, male, complained of dysphagia to both solids and liquids. He had
fever of 39 °C. He claimed that he had been having 3 episodes per year of
recurrent tonsillitis for the past 3 years. On PE, there is noted peritonsillar
swelling, right.
11. What are the most common organisms that can cause the infection?
Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS).
12. What is the 1st line antibiotic to be given to this patient? Explain the
mechanism of action
Penicillin is 1st line antibiotic to be given to the px. They act by binding to specific
penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell wall,
G inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis.
Cell lysis is then mediated by bacterial cell wall autolytic enzymes such as
19.Which constriction is the most common site where foreign bodies lodge?
Cervical constriction
II - Upper jugular nodes (Sub digastric nodes) - around the upper third of the
internal jugular vein and adjacent accessory nerve. The upper boundary is the
base of the skull and the lower boundary is the inferior border of the hyoid bone.
The anterior/medial boundary is the stylohyoid muscle and the posterior/lateral
one is the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
IIA – Beneath the gland, on the surface of the Mylohyoideus, are the
submentalartery and the mylohyoid artery and nerve.
IIB – Carotid Triangle It contains superior thyroid artery, lingual artery, facial
artery, occipital artery, internal jugular vein, lingual vein, superior thyroid vein.
III – Muscular Triangle It contains descending filaments from the Ana cervicalis;
behind the sheath are the inferior thyroid artery, the recurrent nerve, and the
sympathetic trunk; and on its medial side, the esophagus, the trachea, the thyroid
gland, and the lower part of the larynx.
VA – Above the horizontal plane formed by the inferior border of the anterior
cricoid arch, including the spinal accessory nodes.
VB – Lymph nodes below this plane, including the transverse cervical nodes and
supraclavicular nodes