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Case DR - Oscar OMA

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dr. H. Oscar Djauhari, Sp. THT

Presented by:
Yulius Andi Ruslim (2010-061-049)
Efrem Fridolin Suryadi (2010-061-144)
Farrell Tanoto (2010-061-149)

Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Department

Medical Faculty of Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta
Syamsudin, S.H. Regional General Hospital, Sukabumi
Period 22 October 2011 17 November 2012

a. Identity :
Name : A
Age : 7 tahun
: Male
Race : Javanese
Address : Jl. Koperasi

Chief complaint
Additional complaint

: earache on the right ear

: runny nose, cough, fever since 7 days ago, and hearing loss

since 4 days ago (gradually)

History of present illness :
Patient, 7 year old, male, comes to the ENT clinic with complain of pain on
his right ear.
Seven days ago he got fever (38,5 degree Celcius), cough, and runny nose.
The colour of the secrete was clear and serous. He had taken medication for cold and
flu but his symptoms did not improve.
After four days, it became green yellowish, mucoid.. He becomes more
irritable than usual, pulling his right ear. He had hearing loss gradually since 4 days
ago. This complain occurs for the first time. Pain in the ear suddenly appeared,
continuous all day and made him uncomfortable and irritable.
History of past illness :
Upper respiratory tract infection infrequently since he was infant.

Physical Examination
1. General status
General appearance
Blood Pressure
Pulse rate
Respiration rate

: moderately ill
: compos mentis (E4M6V5)
: 110/70 mmHg
: 115 beat per minute
: 25 bet per minute
: 38,7 oC

2. ENT Status
*Auris dextra :
- Auricle

: hyperemia (-), oedema (-)

- Retroauricular

: normal, no deformities

- Canalis acusticus externus :


: hyperemia (-), oedema (-)


: (-)


: (+) minimal

- Tymphanic membrane : intact, bulging (+), light reflex reduced (+), hyperemis
- Rinne test (-), Webber lateralitation to the right, prolonged Schwabach. (Conductive
Hearing Loss on Right ear)
*Auris sinistra :
- Auricle

: normal, no deformities

- Canalis acusticus externus:


: hyperemia (-), edema (-)


: (-)


: (+) minimal

- Tymphanic membrane : intact, bulging (-), light reflex (+), colour grey
- Retroauricular

: normal, no deformities

- Rinne test (+), Webber lateralitation to the right, Schwabach same with the

*Right Nose :
- Mucous membrane
- Inferior concha
- Discharge
- Septum

: hyperemis (+), edema (+)

: eutrophy
: (+), mukoid, green yellowish
: normal, no deviation

*Left Nose :
- Mucous membrane
- Inferior concha
- Discharge
- Septum

: hyperemis (+), edema (+)

: eutrophy
: (+), mukoid
: normal

*Throat :
- Uvula
- Pharynx
- Tonsil

: in the middle
: anterior and posterior pharyngeal arcus normal, hyperemia (+)
: T2/T2, hyperemis (-), cripta dilatation (-), detritus (-)


: symmetric


: unpalpable lymph node / unpalpable lymph node

Working diagnosis
Acute Otitis Media supurative stage auris dextra
Blood count including differential count of white blood cells
Culture of pus of the middle ear
i. Outpatient
ii. Paracetamol tab 6 x 250 mg per oral, if temperature > 37,8 C
iii. Amoxicillin tab 3 x 250 mg per-oral, for 7 days
iv. Myringotomy

Acute Otitis Media

I. Etiology
- Streptococcus pneumoniae (tersering)
- Haemophillus influenzae
- Streptococcus -hemoliticus group A

- Staphyllococcus aureus
- Staphylllococcus epidermidis
- E. Coli

II. Pathophysiology
Middle ear usually in steril mode, otherwise the microbes take place in
pharynx. There is a connection between cavum tympani by eustachius tube.
There are barrier systems to prevent invasion microbes to the middle ear which
are, cillia, muramidase (enzym that products mucous), antibody and humoral
factors, PMN, and phagocytic cells.
There is a condition where function of the tube impaired can cause those
barriers malfunctioned. So the microbes colonized at middle ear and infects it.
III. Staging

a. Occlusion
Retraction of tympanic membrane because of negative pressure in middle ear. This
negative pressure created by air absorbtion. Sometimes, we could find normal
tympanic membrane or in livid color. Maybe the effusion has been occured, but cant
be recognized. This stage is hard to be distinguish with serous otitis media which
caused by virus or allergic reaction.
b. Hyperemic
Vascular dilatation in tympanic membrane so the tympanic membrane in
reddish/hyperemic looks or oedema. Secretes may hard to be noticed, and painful
perception is present.
c. Suppurative
The mucous in middle ear in oedema state and the epithelium destroyed, so the
middle ear now filled by purulent exudate. This can couse tympanic membrane
bulging to the outside. Pain at ear, heart rate, temperature of the body raise.
If the pressure in the middle ear cant be reduced, can caused iscemic condition of the
tympanic membrane because of pressure to the capillaries. Necrotic at tympanic

membrane cause the tympanic membrane looked as flabby and yellowish color. This
is the site where rupture could take place.
d. Perforated
Late in giving antibiotics therapy, tympanic membrane will be rupture and pus drains
out from the middle ear. Child will be calm now, reduce in body temperature, and
sleep well.
e. Resolution
If the tympanic membrane still intact, the condition of tympanic membrane slowly
back to normal. If there is a perforation, secretes will reduced and dried. Resolution
will takes place without medication if the immune system still in good performance.

IV. Clinical Findings

Clinical findings of acute otitis media are based on stage and patients
age. Usually, in child there will be a history of common cold before otitis media
takes place. Clinical findings in child: pain inside the ear, high body temperature,
restless, seizures, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and holding the affected ear. In
adults, pain, fullness in the ear, and hearing loss occured.

V. Management
a. Occlusion
To open the closed eustachius tube, so the pressure in middle ear can
be reduced.
- Decongestan (Child < 12y.o: HCl ephedrine 0.5% in physiologic
solution, Child>12 th: HCl efedrine1% in physiologic solution)
- Antibiotics

b. Hyperemic

- Antibiotic: amoxicillin 40 mg/kgBB/day in 3 doses, ampicillin 50-100

mg/kgBB/day in 4 doses, eritromicin 40 mg/kgBB/day.
- Decongestan
- Analgetics
- Antipiretics

c. Supurative
- Antibiotics: amoxicillin 40 mg/kgBB/day in 3 doses, ampicillin 50-100
mg/kgBB/day in 4 doses, eritromicin 40 mg/kgBB/day.
- Decongestan
- Analgetics
- Antipiretics

d. Perforation

- H2O2 3% 5 drops 3 dd 1 3-5 days

- Antibiotic local (ear drops)

e. Resolution
If the resolution didnt take place, secretes will drained out by the
perforation in tympanic membrane. The antibiotics continued for 3
weeks. If 3 weeks pasts and secretes stills, mastoiditis should be in
differential diagnosis.

VI. Complication
Mastoiditis, subperiosteal abscesses, meningitis, brain abscesses.

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