Forms of Democracy: Ath Enia N de Moc Rac y 500 - 322 B.C - United States Democracy 1790-Present

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Forms of Democracy
Ath allowed to vote, which was a
enia revolutionary concept. Three of the
most influential figures in the Athenian
n democracy were Solon, Cleisthenes,
De and Ephialtes. Many considered
moc Pericles to be one of the most
rac influential democratic leaders.
Athenian democracy, however, was
y disrupted during the Peloponnesian
500 War until Eueleides briefly revived it.
– The Macedonians ended Athenian
322 democracy in 322 B.C.
. United States Democracy
Forms of democracy in Athens
first appeared not only in Athens but Democracy is a form of
also in the area of Attica, which government as well as a political
surrounded the massive city-state. philosophy. One of the elements of
Athens is considered the birthplace of democracy is competitive elections.
democracy, and it had a direct A competitive election features many
influence on future events. While other elements of democracy. Some
Greek city-states had attempted to democratic elements are freedom of
implement forms of democracy, the speech and freedom of the press.
majority followed the Athenian model. Another aspect of democracy in the
The Athenians participated in a form of United States is majority rule. In the
direct democracy. People did not vote United States, the form of democracy
for representatives to be the voice of that is practiced is representative
the people and to vote for legislation in democracy. The sovereignty of this
their place. The people would vote on form of democracy is the citizens
executive decisions and legislation on who participate in the government.
their own. The majority of people were Democracy is a system of
government in which the citizens of the Direct democracy, as it had
United States vote for representatives been practiced in ancient Athens, was
who form the country’s legislature. not practical in the modern United
Citizens petition their representatives to States, since much greater numbers of
pass laws supported the voters support. people and much more legislation was
Representatives are ultimately involved than there was in the ancient
answerable to the voters and can be city.
voted out of office if their legislative
record does not represent the will of the

Democracy in Athens and the United States are similar in many ways. Both
were forms of government that gave the power of voting to the people. People in
Athens were allowed to vote directly on many different measures, as opposed to the
electing a representative. In America, voters elect representatives who propose
legislation, debate, and vote on their behalf. Both forms of democracy give power to
citizens, allowing them to control their government. Athenian democracy did not
include women or slaves, who were the majority of the population. The democratic
system in the United States no longer excludes voting based on sex or race. 1
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Forms of Democracy
Discussion Questions:

1. Who were four influential figures of democracy in Athenian democracy?

2. How do United States citizens control their government?

3. What forms of democracy were prevalent in Athens and the United States? How did they

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