QD-BR-ST-PHI-0001 - B2 - Topside Structures Design Premise
QD-BR-ST-PHI-0001 - B2 - Topside Structures Design Premise
QD-BR-ST-PHI-0001 - B2 - Topside Structures Design Premise
QD BR ST PHI 0001 B2
1.3 Scope
1.4 Units
3.1 General
3.2 Loadings
4.4 Deflections
5.1 General
5.6 Bolting
5.7 Coatings
1. None
The West of Shetland area has been under development for more than 10 years and
is one of the most challenging environments in which BP operates. Two production
facilities currently operate in the area - Schiehallion and Foinaven, both are Floating
Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facilities.
The Schiehallion field itself is one of the largest oil producing fields in the UKCS. The
objective of the Quad 204 project is to provide a new build FPSO to replace the
existing Schiehallion vessel to continue the development and exploitation of the
hydrocarbon reserves in and around the Quad 204 area.
The topsides facilities will consist of three-stage gas-oil separation, associated gas
compression and dehydration prior to gas export via the existing West of Shetlands
pipeline or distribution as lift gas. Produced water, supplemented by treated seawater
will be re-injected to provide reservoir pressure maintenance.
The purpose of this document is to define the design conditions, criteria, codes and
regulations to be used in the structural design of the Quad 204 Topsides Facilities
Modules and miscellaneous structures. This revision is intended to cover assumptions
and requirements for the FEED phase of the project. It is intended that subsequent
revisions will cover revised requirements for subsequent project phases.
The proposed FPSO is a ship-shaped vessel supporting the production facilities built
specifically for the Quad 204 development, located west of the Shetlands. The vessel
hull will be built in a Korean shipyard and towed from the shipyard to the Integration
Yard in the same area. The current base case is that the Shipyard and the Integration
yard will be run by the same company, at the same location or very close. The topside
facilities are composed of a number of modules, which will be built by the topside
fabricator (also the integration contractor) and transported to the integration site where
the hull will be berthed, and installed onto the hull using cranes. The facilities will then
be hooked-up to each other and to the hull systems. On completion, the FPSO will be
towed from the Korean yard to the Schiehallion field location, west of Shetland, via the
Cape of Good Hope. When on station, the vessel is turret moored where it will be
effectively free to weathervane in response to environmental forces. The vessel will
then be hooked up to the sub-sea facilities and commissioned ready for use.
Centreline 30.6m
1.3 Scope
The topsides facilities structures shall be designed to meet the following conditions.
Analyses that will be undertaken during the FEED phase are indicated.
1.3.2 In-Service
Dropped Objects
1.4 Units
For FEED phase analysis the Topsides structures will be designed to satisfy the
requirements of the following principal codes: -
Module Description
The structural co-ordinate system is as follows. Details of the overall co-ordinates and
vessel orientation system are contained in Appendix B.
Bow Quartering Sea Wave approaching from nominal ±45° of FPSO bow
Brief descriptions of the analyses to be performed during the FEED phase are given
Vessel Tow Completed FPSO towed from integration site to Quad 204
The Schiehallion FPSO is located west of the Shetland Islands in Quadrant 204 of the
UKCS. The development consists of a FPSO turret moored to receive the product
from the sub sea development of a number of fields.
The facility service life is 25 years, however, to accommodate the period the vessel is
in transit from Korea, and the installation period on station, a design fatigue life of 26
years will be adopted.
The environmental data summarised in this section are extracted from the Metocean
Criteria document QD-BP-MR-TEC-0001 (Reference 2).
2.3.3 Wind
The Omni-directional wind speeds at 10m above mean sea level to be used in the
design are shown below. The variation of wind speed with height and duration
together with wind speeds for other return periods are given in Reference 2.
The conversion of wind speed to dynamic pressures shall be in accordance with API
RP2A (Ref 4).
To adjust values to any specified averaging time or elevation, use the API RP2A wind
profile given below.
The design mean wind velocity Ut(z) at height z above sea level and for an averaging
time period t ≤ t0 = 3600s is given by:
U (z) is the 1-hour mean wind velocity in m/s at level z in m given by: -
U ( z ) = U 0 ⋅ [1 + C ⋅ ln( 10z )]
C = 5.73 ⋅ 10 − 2 ⋅ (1 + 0.15 ⋅ U 0 ) 1 / 2
U0 is the 1-hour mean wind velocity in m/s at z = 10m, and I u (z ) is the turbulence
intensity at level z m given by: -
2.3.4 Waves
The Omni-directional wave data are presented below. The long-term distribution of
wave heights for fatigue analysis, the scatter diagram and persistence data are given
in Reference 2, along with directional data.
Return Period
1 yr 10 yr 100 yr 10000 yr
The delivery sea state was derived from a voyage analysis of the route from Korea to
Shetland, which identified the worst sea state to be expected as 12.6m Hs, occurring
in the Atlantic Ocean. This is almost as high as the 1-year sea state at the field, 13.1m
Hs, so the higher figure was taken for design to also cover the contingency of the
FPSO waiting on weather in the field prior to installation.
3.1 General
This section defines the loads to be considered for the design of structural steel during
the construction and in-service phases. The design procedures are specified in
Section 4.
3.2 Loadings
3.2.1 General
The loads on the installed FPSO occurring during operational activities fall into three
main groups as follows: -
Environmental loads, from the action of waves, currents and wind on the FPSO.
Functional loads arising from the existence and use of the facilities.
FPSO responses (motions, accelerations and deflections) were determined by the hull
designers, based on Reference 2. The design accelerations are given in Reference 9.
The operational, extreme and non-operational cases are defined below:
i. Operational
ii. Extreme
Bending deformation of the main deck (due to wave loading and changing fluid
distribution in the tanks) may result in relative displacements between support points of
the topsides modules. Estimates of relative support deflection shall be assessed for
their effect on the topside structures. FPSO motion induces inertial loads into the
Topsides structures. The design accelerations shall include the horizontal gravity
components due to vessel heel and trim.
Wind loads for global analysis are to be based on 1 minute mean wind, as noted in
API RP2A, Reference 4.
Dead Loads
Dry equipment These include the weight of equipment and bulk weights, e.g.
pressure vessels, pumps, piping, mechanical equipment, cables,
switchgear and tanks.
These loads will be identified and based on the Weight Report, Reference 3.
Fluid loads, These will include the operating inventory of vessels, tanks and
pipes. based on data in the Weight Report. Some vessels and
systems will be subject to hydro-test during fabrication and possibly
on station, refer section 3.3.3.
Global or local live loads are not applied for lift or tow analyses.
However, it is not unusual for temporary equipment or commodities
to be carried on the modules during tow. The impact of these loads
will be assessed on a case by case basis when they can be
Area kN/m² kN/m² kN
** On an area 300mm x 300mm (* includes 10kN Pipe support allowance See 3.3.1)
The modules shall be designed to resist Blast and Fire loads specified as a result of
hazard studies. The locations, intensities and duration of the various events are to be
determined in conjunction with the Safety Group.
Blast analysis and the effects of fire will not be undertaken during the FEED phase.
Flooding the FPSO tanks will cause the FPSO to trim and heel. The maximum
calculated angles of heel and trim shall be added to the accelerations for the
corresponding intact case. Based on data from the hull designers, the following is to
be used for the damaged loading condition:
The flare tower is designed for full blow down immediately following damage.
Production facilities are non-operational.
Deck beams and stringers are to be designed for a concentrated load of 10kN placed
anywhere within the span, over and above the general design loads. This additional
load is to allow for service supports and is already included in the relevant entry in
Table 3.1.
Floor grating panels shall be selected from manufacturers' catalogues to satisfy two
load conditions.
These are dealt with on case by case basis. In general they are a local design issue,
and global analysis is only required in unusual circumstances. Not applicable for FEED
From the wave height data in Reference 2 and the vessel motion responses, a fatigue
assessment is to be carried out for critical topside deck primary joints during detail
design. Fatigue analysis will not be undertaken during the FEED phase.
Global analyses, modelling the primary steel and major secondary steel members, will
be carried out using proprietary structural analysis software. Secondary steelwork
shall be designed for local conditions using a combination of hand calculations and the
analysis software as is appropriate.
Critical primary node properties and joint eccentricities shall be included in the model,
and where appropriate, rigid links may be introduced to represent the stiffness of the
primary elements. Deck plate modelling elements should only be introduced to
prevent unrealistic distortion of the primary frame girders about the minor axis. Plate
elements may be introduced to represent plate action. Grating is assumed to have no
stiffness. Sketches shall be produced for each module.
Effective length factors, "K", shall be calculated and where appropriate Cm factors. Cm
shall be set to 0.85 for members whose ends are restrained and are loaded along their
During the FEED phase the support stool supplied by the Hull shall be modelled, down
to Upper Deck level, taking account of the deck camber. The effect of vertical spring
stiffness, at the module supports, provided by the Hull designer, shall be assessed.
During later phases of the project full FE models of the topsides and hull structures will
be required to fully evaluate the interaction between the different structures.
Equipment and secondary structural steel loads shall be based on the latest layouts
and weight information. Bulk loads shall be based on the latest weight estimates and
be distributed evenly over the appropriate areas.
Equipment weights shall be hand coded as concentrated loads where their weight is
greater than 10 tonnes. The remaining equipment shall be considered as bulks and
applied as distributed loads over the appropriate areas. Modelling is to be introduced
to allow equipment loads to be applied at the correct centre of gravity. The dead
weight of secondary steelwork (such as grating, stringers and equipment supports)
should be input as uniformly distributed bulk loads. All gross weights shall be
reconciled to the latest Weight Report.
Wind loads on the Topsides should be applied as a series of hand coded loads at
major nodes. Wind loads will be combined with inertial loading. Wind load on the
modules is as follows: -
The FPSO motion responses for all design conditions are taken from the motions
analysis (Ref 9). Responses are applied at the module centre of gravity. The analysis
software inertial loading capability should be used to model the effect of FPSO
accelerations. Bending deformation of the main deck, due to wave induced hull
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Date: Oct 2010
bending and movement of stored fluids, introduces relative displacements between
support points. The relative displacements are calculated from the hull global bending
moments and included as part of load modelling. Hogging and sagging cases are
considered. Live load distribution for the global design analysis is presented in Table
The following factors will be applied to AISC and API basic allowable stresses:
Lift 1.0
The following factors shall be applied to the gross module lift weight.
Tilt 1.03
Yaw 1.05
1. The skew factor is taken as 1.10, assuming, tandem, multi-hook & spreader bar lifts.
2. In addition to the 1.03 factor a CoG shift to the extremes of the design envelope will
be applied. The size and centre of the envelope are given in section 4.5.
The local factor is applied as an additional load factor. Reference 4, Section C 5.4.
4.4 Deflections
For In-service conditions, the deflections shall be within the following limits.
Relative horizontal deck deflections shall be limited to 1/300 of the height between
decks. Vertical deflections shall be limited as follows:
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Component Deflection/Span
dmax/span d2:span
Deflection dmax
t = plate thickness
dmax = d1 + d2
* indicates that this criteria will be satisfied for rotating machinery skids
supported at 4 points. Skids supported on 3 points only, will meet the
criteria for internal floor beams.
For cantilevers the span shall be taken as twice the projecting length of the cantilever.
All in-place and tow conditions have the topside structures supported on the FPSO
hull. The Hull designers need reactions for these cases. To provide these reactions,
un-factored analyses shall be performed. For in-place cases, minimum live loads (See
Table 3.1) will be included. In addition a CoG shift shall be accounted for in the
reactions supplied, for FEED phase it is proposed to use +/-0.5m for the CoG
5.1 General
Structural steel shall be designated on the design drawings by Type as defined below.
The substitution of higher-grade material for lower grades in primary structures shall
be subject to design office approval.
Structural steel Types are defined in the Steel Specification, Appendix I (Ref 10). For
ease of reference, usage requirements by steel type (extracted from the Steel Spec)
are repeated below:
Seamless Tubulars
≤ 20 345 485
Type 9
20 < t ≤ 50 345 450
No corrosion allowances will be assumed in the design calculations for the topsides
The requirement for, and the determination of extent of, passive fire protection; will be
decided following the performing of a Fire Risk Assessment Study.
5.6 Bolting
5.7 Coatings
7 Tow Route Preliminary Metocean DNV Rules for the Planning & Execution
Criteria of Marine Operations Pt.1 General
Requirements Ch.3 Design Loads
5B General
Lift of the Modules shall be carried out using either a single or tandem hook
configuration with a floating crane vessel. The analysis should assume four slings per
Module. Suitable spreader bar configurations should be allowed in calculating the lift
point forces. Slings may not be modelled directly. It is assumed that lifts shall occur in
an inshore location.
56B Geometry Modelling
The in-service analysis model may be used, with appropriate additions, deletions and
modifications for the padeyes and slings. Eccentricities shall be modelled. The
computer model should include translation restraints to prevent instability of the model.
A check shall be made to verify that the forces in the ‘dummy’ restraints are very small
[typically < 20kN each].
57B Load Modelling
Gross lift weights (as per the Weight Report) shall be considered, with no live load.
Sling forces shall be applied at the lift points, in equilibrium with the applied loads. At
least 5% of sling force is to be applied at centre of padears in the transverse (out of
plane) direction. For a rigid spreader frame, this percentage may need to be
increased, typically not exceeding 10%.
A skew factor of not less than 1.10 is to be used based on the use of spreader bars.
The model C of G is to be shifted to agree closely with the Project Weight Report by
applying global moments by means of concentrated loads at suitable locations. A full
set of analyses (nominal + skew loads) shall be performed for the Weight Report
centre of gravity and for the extremes of the centre of gravity envelope.