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Equation Sheet: Boyang Qin Date Created: Jan 2013

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Equation Sheet

Boyang Qin

Date Created: Jan 2013


1 Thermodynamics 2

2 Compressible Flow: 2

3 Constants: 2

1 Thermodynamics 2 Compressible Flow:

Thermo relations: • Isentropic stagnation properties,ideal gas:

• 1st Law(state): p0 k−1 2 k/(k−1)
p = 1+ 2 M
du = δq − δw T0
 k−1 2 1

• Enthalpy: T = 1+ 2 M
ρ0 k−1 2 1/(k−1)
h = u + pv ρ = 1+ 2 M
• Macro entropy def: • Table of heat capacity ratio:
ds = δq γ
• Fundamental Thermodynamic Relation(rev or not) Air −180◦ C 1.760
du = T ds + P dv 20◦ C 1.670
dh = T ds + vdP
dg = −s dT + V dp
• Reversible work: • Table of specific gas constants:
R in SI
δw = p dv J f t·lbf
1 kg·K = 0.1859 lbm ◦R
Ideal Gas:
Air 286.9, 53.33
• Eqn of state, gas specific
P v = RT
• Ratio of specific heats
γ = cvp • Speed of sound:
• Temperature dependence ( √
du = cv dT √ 49.02 T R, ft/sec, air
c= kRT = √
dh = cp dT 20.05 T K, m/s, air
• entropy change:
ds = cv dT dv • Mach cone angle:
T +R v
sin α = 1/M
∆s = cv ln TT12 + R ln vv21 %(cons cv )
∆s = cp ln TT21 − R ln P P1 %(cons cp )
• for isentropic flow, p0 , ρ0 , T0 , h0 = constant .
• Isentropic Relations of ideal gas Since the state is fully constrained.
v2 −γ
 γ γ
P2 T2 γ−1
= ρρ21

P1 = v1 = T1 • P0 A∗ = constant from continuity if flow adiabatic.
v2 1−γ
 γ−1 γ−1
= P = ρρ21
T1 = v1
ρ2 v2 −1 P2 γ
1  1
= TT21 γ−1

ρ1 = v1 = P
P2 − γ
 1 −1 3 Constants:
v1 = P1 = TT12 1−γ = ρρ21

-459.67F -273.15K
-40F -40C
32F 0C
50F 10C
72F 22C
80.6F 27C
99.5F 37.5C
212F 100C

R= F+459.67 K =◦ C+273.15
1 lbm 16 US ounce
1 ounce 28g
1 in 2.43 cm
1 Mpa 145 psi
1 bbl oil barrel 42 gal
1 barrel other 31.5 gal
1 gal 3.79 L
1 hp 550 lbf ft/sec
1 hp 746 W
1 Btu 780 lbf ·ft
1 mile 5280 ft
1 femto– 10−15
1 pico– 10−12
1 nano– 10−9
1 giga– 109
1 tera– 1012
1 peta– 1015
1 exa– 1018
Rair 286.9 J/kgK
Rair 53.33 lbf·ft/lbm◦ R
kair 1.4
cpair STD 1004 J/kg K
visible light range 400-700 nm
std. g 9.81/ 32.17
2010 world crude oil use 1000 bbl/sec
1 τ change 63.20%

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