The purpose of this letter is to confirm the final arrangements for the upcoming operator
licensing examinations at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3.
The NRC has completed its review of the operator license applications submitted in connection
with this examination and separately provided a list of approved applicants to Van Ford,
Training Superintendent. Note that any examination waivers and application denials have been
addressed in separate correspondence.
The NRC has approved the subject examinations and hereby authorizes you to administer the
written examination in accordance with NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examination
Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 11, on August 26, 2020. The NRC staff will administer
the operating tests during the week of August 17, 2020. This examination has undergone
extensive review by my staff and representatives responsible for licensed operator training at
your facility. Based on this review, I have concluded that the examination meets the guidelines
of NUREG-1021 for content, operational, and discrimination validity. By administering this
examination, you also agree that it meets NUREG-1021 guidelines and is appropriate for
measuring the qualifications of licensed operator applicants at your facility. If you determine
that this examination is not appropriate for licensing operators at your facility, do not administer
the examination and contact me at 817-200-1159.
S. Vasquez 2
Gregory E. Werner
Van Ford, Training Superintendent
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
17265 River Road
Training Center- WEEC650
Killona, LA 70057
SMorris, RA
AVegel, DRA
JKozal, DRP
RLantz, DRS
GMiller, DRS
DCylkowski, RC
VDricks, ORA
LWilkins, OCA
AKlett, NRR
AMoreno, RIV/OCA
BMaier, RSLO
AAgrawal, IPAT
JDixon, DRP
FRamirez, DRP
PVossmar, DRP
ELantz, DRP
ADonley, DRP
LReyna, DRP
RGrover, IPAT
BCorrell, IPAT
MHerrera, DRMA