Nuclear Materials Relief Request: Select NRC Technical Contact
Nuclear Materials Relief Request: Select NRC Technical Contact
Nuclear Materials Relief Request: Select NRC Technical Contact
Oct 16,2020
1. Submitter Name:
Maxwell Amurao
2. Submitter Title:
Radiation Safety Officer
3. Email Address:
Please enter the email address for which you would like to receive communications regarding this request.
4. Phone Number:
Please enter the phone number for which someone from NRC may contact you regarding this request.
314 295 6473
5. Organization Name:
Please enter the name of your organization from your NRC issued license.
Washington University in St. Louis
8. License Number(s):
Examples: 10-12345-01, SUA-1234, SNM-1234, 9213
9. Docket Number(s):
Examples: 03012345, 04012345, 07012345, 07200123
12. Provide a brief description and why reason regulatory relief is needed:
Use the area below to provide a brief description to support your organization's need for regulatory relief.
Please specify which regulatory requirement(s) and/or license condition(s) your organization will not be able
to maintain compliance and describe the challenges affecting compliance.
This is a request for an additional 90 days (after the end of calendar year 2020) for
completion of the annual training and drills as required by 10 CFR 35.610(e). The COVID-19
public health emergency has made it difficult to conduct the required training and drills in large
groups, while aligning with Federal/State/Local/Institutional guidelines regarding physical
(social) distancing. Additional guidance on this matter was provided by Senior License
Reviewer Cassandra Frazier and Senior Health Physicist Geoffrey Warren (ref: Teams
Conference Call on 15-Oct-2020 at 3:30 pm Central Time). Thank you for considering this
Song, Taehoon
Importance: Low
Thank you!!!
From: Orlikowski, Robert <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 10:17 AM
To: Tomczak, Tammy <>
Subject: FW: ACTION: Initiate Review of Washington University in St. Louis Nuclear Materials License Relief Request
Importance: Low
Hi Tammy,
This is an exemption request from Washington University that came to the NRC through the COVID-19
exemption request portal on the NRC’s public webpage.
From: Materials License Relief Requests Resource <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 7:58 AM
To: Pelton, David <>; Orlikowski, Robert <>
Subject: ACTION: Initiate Review of Washington University in St. Louis Nuclear Materials License Relief Request
Importance: Low
The licensee has submitted the attached COVID‐19 related request through the NRC public website portal, please
forward this to the appropriate staff to initiate the review process.