Closed Head Injury in Adults-Summary-2011
Closed Head Injury in Adults-Summary-2011
Closed Head Injury in Adults-Summary-2011
Summary Document
2nd Edition
NSW Ministry of Health
73 Miller St
Tel (02) 9391 9000
Fax (02) 9391 9101
November 2011
Changes from 2007 edition................................... 6 7. What are the proven treatments for
patients with moderate head injury? ...................... 20
Recommendations .............................................. 12
Appendices ......................................................... 25
1. What is the definition of a mild
head injury? ............................................................ 12 Appendix 1: Abbreviated Westmead
PTA Scale ................................................................ 25
2. What are the clinically important
complications of mild head injury? ......................... 13 Appendix 2: Mild head injury discharge
advice...................................................................... 28
3. How should patients with mild head
injury be assessed? ................................................ 15
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE i
The following individuals are acknowledged for their contribution to the development of this document.
Dr Duncan Reed, Emergency Physician, Director of Trauma, Gosford Hospital.
Editorial team
Mr Glenn Sisson, NSW Trauma Education Manager, NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management
Ms Suzanne Davies, Research Fellow, Ambulance Research Institute, Ambulance Service of NSW
Assoc. Prof. Paul Middleton, Director, Ambulance Research Institute, Ambulance Service of NSW
Review Group
Dr Rod Bishop, Director Emergency Services, Nepean Hospital
Dr Peter Clark, Clinical Director, NSW ITIM
Dr Scott D’Amours, Trauma Director, Liverpool Hospital
Assoc. Prof. Michael Fearnside AM (Emeritus), Neurosurgeon, Westmead Hospital
Dr Adeline Hodgkinson, Director Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, Liverpool Hospital
Mr Peter Mackay, Trauma Clinical Nurse Consultant, Gosford Hospital
Assoc. Prof. Mark Sheridan, Neurosurgeon, Director of Neurosciences, Liverpool Hospital
Dr Declan Stewart, Emergency Physician, Central Coast Health
Dr Alan Tankel, Director Emergency Services, Coffs Harbour Hospital
Ms Nichole Woodward, Emergency Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Coast Health
Ms Wendy Fischer, Project Manager, Trauma Service, Liverpool Hospital (2nd Ed.)
Ms Merridy Gina, Project Officer, Trauma Service, Liverpool Hospital (2nd Ed.)
Ms Joan Lynch, Project Manager, Trauma Service, Liverpool Hospital (1st Ed.)
Assoc. Prof. Michael Sugrue, Trauma Director, Trauma Service, Liverpool Hospital (1st Ed.)
Ms Gail Long, Secretary, Emergency Department, Gosford Hospital (1st Ed.)
Ms Nikole McCoy, Secretary, Emergency Department, Gosford Hospital (2nd Ed)
Art and Design Unit, Gosford Hospital (1st Ed.)
PAGE ii Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Trauma is the leading cause of death and disability in significantly there have been very few large prospective
children and young adults in New South Wales and randomised controlled trials of sufficient power and quality
closed head injuries cause a significant proportion of this to guide management.11, 13, 14 However, in the past few
burden.1, 2 Closed head injury may result in lifelong physical, years there has been some progress in working toward
cognitive, behavioural and social dysfunction for patients uniform definitions and some better quality trials and meta-
which in turn may place major social and financial burdens analyses have been published.6, 8-10, 15-35
on their families and society.3 Recent Australian figures
indicate there are approximately 150 patients per 100,000 The variety of clinical practice observed worldwide
population admitted to hospital each year with closed head cannot be explained solely by the lack of uniformity of
injuries.3-5 Worldwide figures suggest an incidence range definitions and good quality studies. Much of the variation
of 200-350 per 100,000 population per year for patients in management strategies between the USA, Canada,
with closed head injury with mild head injury accounting Europe and Australasia is driven by local issues such as
for 80%.6 Despite the fact that closed head injuries are the availability of resources, the medico-legal environment
common, the classification and management of closed and in recent years the concerns about the potential harm
head injures remains surprisingly controversial and subject from CT radiation.6, 36, 37 Thus the USA has higher rates of
to variation in clinical practice.6-10 Due to the large numbers CT scanning for mild head injuries compared to Canada,
of patients involved it has been estimated that even Europe and the UK. Even within countries and within
small improvements in closed head injury management institutions, considerable variation in practice has been
could have significant impact.11 Furthermore, it has been shown to exist.7, 12, 35, 38 Whilst some variation in clinical
suggested that the greatest improvements can be made practice is to be expected, the introduction of clinical
in the better management of those patients with mild to practice guidelines can potentially improve care and ensure
moderate head injury rather than those with severe head adequate access to resources for more isolated areas.6, 35
injury.12 Furthermore, clinical guidelines can potentially reduce
unnecessary tests and hospital admissions for mild head
Much of the controversy that exists about closed head injury patients by identifying those patients at low risk of
injury management stems from the combination of a lack neurosurgically significant lesions.6, 13, 33-35
of uniformity in definitions with a paucity of large well
designed studies in the area.11, 13, 14 ‘Head injury’ is typically Scope of the guideline
used to describe the initial clinical presentation whilst
‘traumatic brain injury’ or “concussion” are used to describe The guideline is intended for use by clinicians managing
the subsequent functional outcome. The terms “mild head patients with closed head injury in major and regional
injury”, “mild traumatic brain injury” and “concussion” are trauma services, and urban and rural hospitals. The
largely interchangeable and which term is used depends on guideline is concerned with the initial care of the mild,
whether you are examining emergency medicine, trauma, moderate and severely head injured patient. The guideline
rehabilitation or sports medicine literature. It is difficult to will make evidence based recommendations on the
find two studies that define mild head injury in exactly the diagnosis, resuscitation, and disposal of patients with closed
same way so comparison of data can be difficult.6, 8-10, 13 head injuries.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 3
The initial management plan for adults is based upon The broad objectives of the guideline are to reduce
recommendations to be followed subject to the clinician's morbidity and mortality in adult patients with closed head
judgement in each case. injury by providing clinicians with practical evidence based
recommendations to assist them in managing such patients.
The recommendations however, are not prescriptive nor It is also hoped that the guidelines may prevent unnecessary
are they rigid procedural paths. It is recognised that the diagnostic tests and hospital admissions especially in the
recommendations may not suit all patients in all clinical mild head injury group.
situations. They are intended to provide a clinically practical
approach to the initial management of closed head injuries The process of constructing the guideline began
based on the current best available evidence. However, as with the clinicians on the Trauma Clinical Guidelines
with all guidelines, it should be remembered that they are a Committee posing a series of questions about the initial
clinical tool and should not replace clinical judgement. The management of closed head injuries. The final questions
guideline relies on individual clinicians to decipher the needs were derived from the guideline priority areas identified
of individual patients. by the committee; that is, the management of mild head
injuries and the timing of transfer of patients with closed
All recommendations regarding pre-hospital care should be head injury from centres with limited resources. The
read and considered in conjunction with the Ambulance initial management of patients with moderate to severe
Service of NSW. head injury was felt to be less controversial. This edition
also includes recommendations in relation to the use of
Guidelines for the initial management of head injury in analgesia and anti-convulsants.
children can be found at
policies/pd/2011/pdf/PD2011_024.pdf An extensive description of the methodology used for
this guideline can be found in the full guideline document
Aims and objectives at Appendix 8, together with the search terms used at
Appendix 9.
The guideline is intended to assist clinicians throughout
NSW in delivering optimal care to patients with closed head
injury. It aims to provide information to support clinical
decision making, rather than dictate what decisions should
be made.
5 What should be done with high risk mild head injury patients when CT scan is unavailable?
6 What should be done when patients with mild head injury deteriorate?
9 What are the proven treatments for patients with moderate head injury?
10 What are the proven treatments for patients with severe head injury?
11 When should patients with closed head injury be transferred to hospitals with neurosurgical facilities?
PAGE 4 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Defining closed head injury situation where multiple post concussion symptoms persist
for several months they are called a “post concussion
This guideline uses the terms ‘closed head injury’ and ‘mild, syndrome”
moderate or severe head injury’ to identify and classify
patients on arrival to hospital. The outcome following As this guideline concentrates on the initial management
presentation with a ‘closed head injury’ will vary from rapid of the patients presenting to hospital, it was felt that the
complete recovery to a mixture of structural lesions and term ‘head injury’ was more relevant to the initial clinical
functional deficits ranging from trivial to life threatening. presentation than the term ‘traumatic brain injury’ that
The terms “concussion” and “traumatic brain injury” refer essentially refers to the subsequent functional outcome. It
to the patient outcome following their initial presentation was also felt that the clinicians at whom this guideline is
with a “closed head injury” and are retrospective aimed would be far more familiar and comfortable with
diagnoses. Important functional deficits following ‘closed using the term ‘head injury.’ The definition of closed head
head injury’ range from post concussion symptoms and injury is further discussed in Question 1.
post traumatic amnesia to a variety of disabling persistent
physical-cognitive-behavioural-social sequelae. Classification of closed head injury
Many patients who suffer a “mild head injury” will have This guideline has classified patients with initial GCS 14-15
“mild concussion symptoms” or “mild traumatic brain injury on admission as mild head injury. This system classifies
symptoms”. If these acute “concussion” symptoms persist patients with initial GCS score of 13 in the moderate head
beyond the first few hours they are usually referred to as injury group due to the patients having similarly patterns of
“post concussion symptoms”. The term “post concussion intracranial injury and cognitive behavioural sequelae. The
symptoms” is used to describe the clinical symptoms of following table gives a rough guide to classification and
mild brain injury that mild head injury patients may suffer outcome.15, 39-43
for a few days to weeks following their injury. In the
% of Total 80 10 10
1. Generally the lower the GCS the worse the prognosis or the higher the rate of complications
2. Outcome deteriorates with increasing age - “children do better and elderly do worse”
3. Good functional outcome being return to independent ADL and to work or school at 6 months
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 5
Changes from 2007 edition
PAGE 6 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Discharge advice for patients with mild head injury
department, eg Abbreviated Westmead PTA Scale
(A-WPTAS) can be useful in identifying patients with ■ New section to emphasise importance of discharge
cognitive impairment at increased risk of structural advice
lesions and post concussion symptoms. ■ Recent literature emphasises that all patients with
mild head injury should be given both verbal and
written discharge advice covering symptoms and signs
Indications for CT scan for mild head injury
of acute deterioration, when to seek urgent medical
■ Recent literature emphasises that patients can be risk attention, lifestyle advice to assist recovery, information
stratified according to clinical risk factors and clinical about typical post concussion symptoms and reasons
decision rules. Patients who are classified as high risk for seeking further medical follow up. As with all
should have CT scans to exclude clinically important discharge advice this should be time specific and action
intracranial lesions specific.
■ Significant head injuries can occur without loss of ■ An improved version of the original mild head injury
consciousness or amnesia and that the absence of advice sheet associated with this guideline has been
these features should not be used to determine the developed and is now available in several languages.
need for CT scanning.
■ Persistent abnormal mental status manifested by either
abnormal GCS or abnormal alertness, behaviour or Initial management of moderate head injury
cognition is a strong indication for CT scanning (GCS 9-13)
■ Known coagulopathy and particularly supra- ■ Recommendations essentially unchanged
therapeutic anticoagulation are significant risk factors
for intracranial injury and that these patients should
have early CT scans and be considered for reversal of Initial management of severe head injury
anticoagulation (GCS 3-8)
■ There have been several very large studies addressing ■ Recommendations essentially unchanged
this issue in the paediatric literature that have come up
with very similar risk factors to the adult literature and
Transfer of patients with closed head injury to
have also confirmed that it is safe to discharge low risk
hospitals with neurosurgical facilities
patients without CT scanning.
■ Recommendations essentially unchanged
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 7
Algorithm 1:
■ GCS <15 at 2 hours post injury ■ Age >65 years ■ Large scalp haematoma or laceration.**
■ Deterioration in GCS ■ Post traumatic seizure ■ Multi-system trauma**
■ Focal neurological deficit ■ Prolonged loss of consciousness (>5 min). ■ Dangerous mechanism**
■ Clinical suspicion of skull fracture ■ Persistent post traumatic amnesia (AWPTAS <18/18)* ■ Known neurosurgery / neurological deficit.**
■ Vomiting (especially if recurrent) ■ Persistent abnormal alertness / behaviour / cognition* ■ Delayed presentation or representation**
■ Known coagulopathy / bleeding disorder ■ Persistent severe headache*
* particularly if persists at 4 hours post time of injury
**clinical judgement required
What should be done when patients with closed head When should patients with closed head injury be transferred
injury acutely deteriorate? to hospitals with neurosurgical facilities?
PAGE 8 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Algorithm 2:
Low risk mild head injury High risk mild head injury
No indication for CT scan if all of... Strong indication for CT scan if...
■ GCS 15 at 2 hours post injury. ■ GCS <15 at 2 hours post injury. #1
■ No focal neurological deficit. ■ Deterioration in GCS.
■ No clinical suspicion of skull fracture. ■ Focal neurological deficit.
■ No vomiting ■ Clinical suspicion of skull fracture #2
■ No known coagulopathy or bleeding disorder. ■ Vomiting (especially if recurrent) #3
■ Age <65 years. ■ Known coagulopathy or bleeding disorder #4
■ No seizure ■ Age >65 years. #5
■ Brief loss of consciousness (<5 mins). ■ Seizure #6
■ Brief post traumatic amnesia (<30 mins) ■ Prolonged loss of consciousness (>5 mins).
■ No severe headache. ■ Persistent post traumatic amnesia (A-WPTAS <18/18 at 4hrs post injury) #7
■ No large scalp haematoma or laceration ■ Persistent abnormal alertness / behaviour / cognition #8
■ Isolated head injury ■ Persistent severe headache.
■ No dangerous mechanism.
■ No known neurosurgery / neurological impairment.
Relative indication for CT scan if…
■ Large scalp haematoma or laceration #9
■ No delayed presentation or representation
■ Multi-system trauma. #10
Mild acute clinical symptoms such as lethargy, nausea, dizziness, mild headache, mild ■ Dangerous mechanism. #11
behavioural change, amnesia for event and mild disorientation are common and are ■ Known neurosurgery / neurological impairment. #12
not associated with increased risk of intracranial injury. These clinical symptoms usually
start to improve within 2 to 4 hours of time of injury. ■ Delayed presentation or representation. #13
The presence of multiple risk factors is more concerning than a single isolated risk
factor. In most uncomplicated mild head injury patients clinical symptoms start to
Continue minimum of hourly clinical observations until at improve by 2 hours post injury and are returning to normal by 4 hours post injury.
least four hours post time of injury. Clinical symptoms that are deteriorating or not improving by 4 hours post injury on
serial observation such as abnormal alertness / behaviour / cognition, PTA, vomiting or
severe headache are very concerning.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 9
Understanding the grades of recommendation
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Evidence base one or more level I one or two level II one or two level III level IV studies, or
studies with a low risk studies with a low risk studies with a low level I to III studies/SRs
of bias or several level of bias or a SR/several risk of bias, or level with a high risk of bias
II studies with a low level III studies with a I or II studies with a
risk of bias low risk of bias moderate risk of bias
PAGE 10 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Overall grade A or B recommendations are generally based The recommendation boxes of each clinical question
on a body of evidence that can be trusted to guide clinical addressed in this guideline contain clear recommendations
practice, whereas Grades C or D recommendations must with an associated strength of recommendation grade as
be applied carefully to individual clinical and organisational detailed below. Where appropriate, the author has also
circumstances and should be interpreted with care (see added relevant clinical points which support the given
table below).44 This guideline also utilises an additional recommendation.
grade of “Consensus” where appropriate.
Grade of
C Body of evidence provides some support for recommendation(s) but care should be taken in its
Consensus When limited literature was available, the author and editorial group utilised the best available
clinical expertise, practices and accepted teachings to reach a consensus on the recommendation
Level I Evidence obtained from a systematic review of all relevant randomised control trials
Level II Evidence obtained from at least one properly-designed randomised control trial
Level III-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed pseudo-randomised controlled trials (alternate allocation or
some other method)
Level III-2 Evidence obtained from comparative studies (including systematic reviews of such studies) with
concurrent controls and allocation not randomised, cohort studies, case-control studies, or
interrupted time series with a control group
Level III-3 Evidence obtained from comparative studies with historical control, two or more single arm studies
or interrupted time series without a parallel control group
For more information on the methodology please see Appendix 8 in the full guideline document.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 11
The following is a summary of the evidence based see the associated discussion in the Adult Trauma Clinical
recommendations for the management of head injury. For a Practice Guidelines: Initial Management of Closed Head
more detailed explanation of the recommendations, please Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition.
Strength of
Mild Head Injury Definition
A patient with an initial GCS score of 14-15 on arrival at hospital following acute blunt CONSENSUS
head trauma with or without a definite history of loss of consciousness or post traumatic
Typical characteristics
■ Direct blow to the head or acceleration / deceleration injury.
■ Transient loss of consciousness or brief post traumatic amnesia.
■ Transient abnormal alertness, behaviour or cognition.
■ Rapid clinical improvement
■ Neurosurgical intervention rare (1-3%)
■ Abnormality on CT scan relatively uncommon (5-15%)
■ Post concussion symptoms common.
■ Long term functional outcome good.
Specific exclusions:
■ Clinically obvious penetrating head injury.
■ Non-traumatic brain injury.
Risk Stratification
Patients may be classified into “high” and “low” risk groups based on the risk of suffering complications
of their mild head injury. This risk stratification can be used to assist clinical judgement in determining
the need for further assessment (eg CT scan), management and follow up. Stratification into “high” and
“low” risk groups is based on the presence or absence of specified clinical risk factors identified by:
■ initial clinical history
■ initial clinical examination
■ serial clinical observation
PAGE 12 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
2. What are the clinically important complications of mild head injury?
Strength of
Structural lesions on CT scan requiring acute neurosurgical intervention are rare (1-3%). A
Structural lesions on CT scan requiring hospital admission and/or neurosurgical consultation are relatively
uncommon (5-15%). Not all of these lesions will require hospital admission.
Clinicians and patients should be aware that the absence of a structural lesion on CT scan following A
mild head injury does not exclude the possibility of significant acute clinical symptoms or significant post
concussion symptoms.
Acute clinical symptoms are common immediately following mild head injury but should be starting to
improve in most patients within two to four hours of time of injury.
Patients with persistent acute clinical symptoms at four hours post time of injury require prolonged
clinical observation and a CT scan should be performed (if not already done) to exclude a structural
Patients with persistent post traumatic amnesia and/or other persistent significant acute clinical CONSENSUS
symptoms that are not improving require prolonged clinical observation and should be admitted to
hospital even if their initial CT scan is normal.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 13
Strength of
Post concussion symptoms are relatively common following mild head injury and may have B
significant cognitive-behavioural-social impact on patients and their families.
Many patients will have minor post concussion symptoms that will resolve within a few days while some
patients will have more significant post concussion symptoms that will take a few weeks to resolve.
A small number of patients with mild head injury will have persistent disabling post concussion
symptoms after 3 months and will require referral for brain injury rehabilitation assessment. Most of
these patients will improve by 12 months.
Mild head injury patients with structural lesions on CT scan, a history of significant acute clinical
symptoms or documented persistent post traumatic amnesia are at increased risk of post concussion
symptoms but post concussion symptoms can occur in the absence of these features.
The only interventions that have been shown to be beneficial for post concussion symptoms are
education, reassurance and time. Therefore, it is important to provide education about post concussion
symptoms to all mild head injury patients. All patients should be given written advice and advised to see
a doctor if they are not feeling better within a few days of injury.
PAGE 14 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
3. How should patients with mild head injury be assessed?
Strength of
Mild head injury patients should be assessed by a process of structured clinical assessment involving a A
combination of:
■ initial clinical history and examination
■ serial clinical observations
■ CT scanning if clinically indicated by risk factors identified on initial or serial assessment
If patients have no significant risk factors for complications of mild head injury and are clinically judged
to be “low risk” then they should be observed until at least four hours post time of injury.
If patients have any significant risk factors for complications of mild head injury then they should
continue to be clinically observed while further assessment is performed.
Serial clinical observations should be continued on any mild head injury patients who fail to clinically
improve at four hours post injury or who are found to have structural lesions on CT scan.
Assessment for PTA should be performed on all mild head injury patients in the emergency department. C
Mild head injury patients who are admitted to hospital because they have structural lesions, persistent
PTA or clinical symptoms should have daily PTA testing until they are shown to be out of PTA.
Clinical assessment using clinical risk factors or clinical decision rules can identify those patients at A
increased risk of intracranial injury requiring further investigation.
CT scanning is indicated for those mild head injured patients identified by structured clinical assessment A
as being at increased risk of intracranial injury.
CT scanning is the most appropriate investigation for the exclusion of neurosurgically significant lesions A
in mild head injured patients
If structured clinical assessment indicates the risk of intracranial injury is low, the routine use of CT B
scanning is neither clinically beneficial nor cost effective.
Skull x-rays are not sufficiently sensitive to be used as a routine screening investigation to identify A
significant intracranial lesions.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 15
4. Which patients with mild head injury require a CT scan?
Strength of
On initial assessment
■ GCS<15 at two hours post injury**
■ Focal neurological deficit
■ Clinical suspicion of skull fracture
■ Vomiting
■ Known coagulopathy or bleeding disorder
■ Age >65
■ Witnessed seizure
■ Prolonged loss of consciousness (>5min)
On serial assessment
■ Decrease in GCS
■ Persistent GCS<15 at two hours post injury
■ Persistent abnormal alertness/behaviour/cognition
■ Persistent post traumatic amnesia (A-WPTAS<18/18 at 4hrs post injury)
■ Persistent vomiting ( 2 occasions)
■ Persistent severe headache
■ Post traumatic seizure
** NOTE: Includes patients with abnormal GCS due to drug or alcohol ingestion.
A clear decision about the need for transfer for CT scanning for “high risk” patients should be made
at the time of initial assessment or after a brief period of observation. A local senior clinician should be
consulted and the patient discussed with the network neurosurgical service.
The clinical symptoms of patients with mild head injury typically improve within two to four hours post
time of injury. Patients with persistently abnormal or worsening clinical symptoms are at “high risk” of
intracranial injury. A clear decision about the need for transfer for CT scanning should be made no later
than 4 hours post time of injury.
PAGE 16 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Strength of
Patients at “highest risk” of intracranial injury who should be discussed with the network neurosurgical A
service regarding urgent transfer for CT scanning include those with:
■ Persistent GCS<15 at two hours post injury
■ Focal neurological deficit
■ Clinical suspicion of skull fracture
■ Any deterioration in GCS
■ Post traumatic seizure in ED
■ Known coagulopathy (particularly if age >65 or INR >4)
■ Persistent vomiting or severe headache
■ Persistent abnormal alertness, behaviour, cognition or PTA at 4 hours post injury.
If it is decided, after consultation with a network neurosurgical service, that a “high risk” patient does CONSENSUS
not require urgent transfer for CT scanning, then that patient should have close clinical observation
in hospital for at least 24 hours and until clinically improving. If there are any signs of deterioration
or no improvement, the network neurosurgical service should again be consulted. Rapid transfer to a
neurosurgical centre in the event of deterioration must be available if this strategy is to be used.
If patients are transferred for CT scanning they should ideally be transferred to a hospital with CONSENSUS
neurosurgical facilities to avoid secondary transfer.
A skull x-ray may be useful to confirm the presence of a skull fracture that mandates an early CT scan B
due to the increased risk of deterioration.
On initial assessment
■ GCS 15 at two hours post injury.
■ No focal neurological deficit.
■ No clinical suspicion of skull fracture.
■ No vomiting.
■ No known coagulopathy or bleeding disorder.
■ Age <65 years.
■ No post traumatic seizure
■ Nil or brief loss of consciousness (<5min).
■ Nil or brief post traumatic amnesia (<30min)
■ No severe headache.
■ No large scalp haematoma
■ Isolated head injury
■ No dangerous mechanism
■ No known neurosurgery / neurological impairment
■ No delayed presentation or representation.
After a period of observation (until at least four hours post time of injury)
■ GCS 15/15
■ No post traumatic amnesia (A-WPTAS 18/18)
■ Normal mental status including alertness, behaviour and cognition.
■ No clinical deterioration during observation.
■ Clinically returning to normal
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 17
5. What can be done when patients with mild head injury deteriorate?
Strength of
PAGE 18 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
6. When can patients with mild head injury be safely discharged and what
discharge advice should be provided?
Strength of
Mild head injury patients can be safely discharged for home observation after an initial period of in- CONSENSUS
hospital observation if they meet the following clinical, social and discharge advice criteria:
1. Clinical criteria: A
■ Normal mental status (alertness / behaviour / cognition) with clinically improving minor post
concussion symptoms after observation until at least four hours post injury.
■ No clinical risk factors indicating the need for CT scanning or normal CT scan if performed due to
risk factors being present.
■ No clinical indicators for prolonged hospital observation (irrespective of CT scan result) such as:
- clinical deterioration
- persistent abnormal GCS or focal neurological deficit
- persistent abnormal mental status
- persistent severe clinical symptoms (vomiting / severe headache)
- presence of known coagulopathy (clinical judgement required)
- persistent drug or alcohol intoxication (clinical judgement required)
- presence of multi-system injuries (clinical judgement required)
- presence of concurrent medical problems (clinical judgement required)
- age >65 (clinical judgement required)
Written and verbal head injury discharge advice should be given to the patient and a nominated A
responsible person covering:
■ symptoms and signs of acute deterioration
■ reasons for seeking urgent medical attention
■ lifestyle advice to assist recovery
■ typical post concussion symptoms
■ reasons for seeking further medical follow up.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 19
7. What are the proven treatments for patients with moderate head injury?
Strength of
Standard care:
■ Initial systematic assessment and resuscitation of ABCDEs
■ Supportive care of ABCDEs with appropriate attention to positioning (30° head up), basic nursing
care and avoidance of hyperventilation or hypoventilation.
■ Prevention of secondary brain injury by avoiding hypoxaemia (O2 saturation <90%) and hypotension
(systolic BP <90)
■ Early CT scan to identify acute neurosurgical lesions
■ Period of clinical observation
■ Consider intubation in the event of clinical deterioration to facilitate resuscitation of ABCDEs or to
facilitate management of agitated patients
■ Early neurosurgical consult if not clinically improving and/or abnormal CT scan
■ Early retrieval consult if transfer required
■ Admit to hospital unless rapid clinical improvement to GCS 15, normal CT scan and absence of other
risk factors (as per mild head injury)
■ Repeat CT scan at 24 hours if not clinically improving or abnormal initial CT scan
■ Routine post traumatic amnesia testing and consider referral to brain injury rehabilitation service.
■ If clinical or CT evidence of raised ICP/mass effect consider in consultation with network
neurosurgical service:
- short term hyperventilation to PaCO2 30-35
- bolus of mannitol (1g/kg)
- surgical decompression if more than 2 hours from neurosurgical care
- prophylactic anti-convulsants
■ Approximately 80-90% of moderate head injury patients improve and should be managed as
complicated mild head injury while 10-20% deteriorate and require management as per severe head
■ The majority of patients who suffer moderate head injuries will have some degree of cognitive
behavioural social sequelae and should be considered for routine follow up with a brain injury
rehabilitation service or a neurologist (see Appendix 7 in the full guideline document).
PAGE 20 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
8. What are the proven treatments for patients with severe head injury?
Strength of
Standard care:
■ Initial systematic assessment and resuscitation of ABCDEs
■ Early intubation
■ Supportive care of ABCDEs with appropriate attention to positioning (30° head up), basic nursing
care and avoidance of hyperventilation or hypoventilation.
■ Prevention of secondary brain injury by avoiding hypoxaemia (O2 saturation <90%) and hypotension
(systolic BP<90)
■ Early CT scan to identify acute neurosurgical lesions
■ Early neurosurgical consult
■ Early retrieval consult if transfer required
■ Consider use of anticonvulsants to prevent early post traumatic seizures
■ Consider ICP monitoring to guide management of cerebral perfusion pressure.
■ Low threshold to repeat CT scan if patient condition changes
■ ICU admission
■ Routine repeat CT scan at 24 hours
■ Brain injury rehabilitation consult
■ If clinical or CT evidence of raised ICP/mass effect consider in consultation with network
neurosurgical service:
- short term hyperventilation to PaCO2 30-35
- bolus of mannitol (1g/kg)
- surgical decompression if more than 2 hours from neurosurgical care
- prophylactic anti-convulsants
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 21
9. When should patients with closed head injury be transferred to hospitals
with neurosurgical facilities?
Strength of
A clear decision about the potential need for transfer should be made at the time of initial assessment or CONSENSUS
after a brief period of observation. A senior clinician should be consulted.
The network neurosurgical and retrieval services should be consulted as soon as possible to facilitate
early transfer. The following patients should be considered for transfer and discussed with the network
neurosurgical service.
Note – the Ambulance Service of NSW Pre Hospital Major Trauma Triage Protocol (T1), attempts to ensure that, wherever
possible, trauma patients with moderate to severe head injury are transferred directly from the pre-hospital setting to a
Tertiary Trauma Centre.
PAGE 22 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
10. What analgesia should patients with closed head injury receive?
Strength of
Analgesia guide for mild head injury with associated systemic injuries: CONSENSUS
■ More likely to need titrated intravenous opioids, procedural sedation or general anaesthesia for their
associated injuries.
■ Have a lower threshold for performing CT scans.
■ Require close clinical assessment and observation.
■ Appropriate pain relief should not be withheld due to concerns of masking head injury symptoms
and signs
■ Analgesia needs to be individualised under the supervision of a senior clinician.
Clinical approach to pain management in closed head injury (all severities) CONSENSUS
■ Consult a senior clinician if any significant change in the patient’s condition
■ Clinically re-assess if:
- inadequate analgesia or worsening headache
- excessive drowsiness, or other clinical deterioration
■ Before using stronger analgesia:
- clinically re-assess patient
- consider need for CT scan
- consult senior clinician
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 23
11. Which patients with closed head injury should receive anti-convulsants?
Strength of
Consult a senior clinician or your network neurosurgical service before commencing prophylactic anti- CONSENSUS
convulsants in patients with acute closed head injury
Prophylactic anti-convulsants are not indicated for patients with uncomplicated mild head injury B
Prophylactic anti-convulsants should be considered in patients with complicated mild head injury or B
moderate to severe head injury.
Specific indications to consider prophylactic anti-convulsants in the first week following a head injury B
■ Extradural, subdural or intracerebral haematoma on CT
■ Depressed skull fracture on CT
■ Early post traumatic seizure in hospital (especially if focal or prolonged)
■ Severity of head injury (low initial GCS / prolonged coma / prolonged PTA)
■ Any suspicion of penetrating injury
Prophylactic anti-convulsants decrease the incidence of early post traumatic seizures within seven days B
of closed head injury.
Early post traumatic seizures have not been shown to be associated with worse patient outcomes in B
large population studies.
Clinical judgment is required on whether to prescribe anti-convulsants for individual patients. CONSENSUS
Alternative therapies: C
■ Intravenous loading dose: 10mg /kg (max 1000mg)
■ Standard adult IVI loading dose: 1000mg levetiracetam in 100ml normal saline over 15 mins
Sodium Valproate:
■ Intravenous loading dose: 10mg /kg (max 800mg)
■ Standard adult IVI loading dose: 800mg in 100ml normal saline over 15 mins
PAGE 24 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Appendix 1: Abbreviated Westmead PTA Scale
To pain 2 2 2 2 2
Admission and Discharge Criteria:
None 1 1 1 1 1
Verbal Oriented ** 5 5 5 5 5 A patient is considered to be out of PTA when they score
(tick if correct)
Name Both the GCS and A-WPTAS should be used in conjunction
with clinical judgement.
Patients scoring 18/18 can be considered for discharge.
Why are you here
For patients who do not obtain 18/18 re-assess after a
Month further hour.
Year Patients with persistent score <18/18 at 4 hours post time
Confused 4 4 4 4 4 of injury should be considered for admission.
Inappropriate 3 3 3 3 3 Clinical judgement and consideration of pre-existing
words conditions should be used where the memory component
Incomprehensible 2 2 2 2 2 of A-WPTAS is abnormal but the GCS is normal (15/15).
sounds Referral to GP on discharge if abnormal PTA was present,
None 1 1 1 1 1 provide patient advice sheet.
GCS Score out of 15 /15 /15 /15 /15 /15
Picture 1 Target set of picture cards
Picture 2
Picture 3 over)
Reaction - = NIL
Shores & Lammel (2007) - further copies of this score sheet can be
downloaded from
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 25
Administration and Scoring
1. Orientation Questions
Question 1: WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
The patient must provide their full name.
The patient has to be able to give the name of the hospital. For example: Westmead Hospital. (NB: The
patient does not get any points for just saying ‘hospital’.) If the patient can not name the hospital, give them a
choice of 3 options. To do this, pick 2 other similar sized hospitals in your local area or neighbouring region. In
Westmead Hospital’s case the 3 choices are ‘Nepean Hospital, Westmead Hospital or Liverpool Hospital’.
Question 3: WHY ARE YOU HERE?
The patient must know why they were brought into hospital. e.g. they were injured in a car accident, fell,
assaulted or injured playing sport. If the patient does not know, give them three options, including the correct
For emphasis the examiner can ask what month are we in now? The patient must name the month. For
example, if the patient answers ‘the 6th month’, the examiner must ask the further question ‘What is the 6th
month called?’.
Question 5: WHAT YEAR ARE WE IN?
It is considered correct for patients to answer in the short form ‘08’, instead of ‘2008’. Also, an acceptable
alternative prompt (for the rest of the 2000’s) is ‘The year is 2000 and what?’
2. Picture recognition
Straight after administering the GCS (standardised questions), administer the A-WPTAS by presenting the 3
Westmead PTA cards. Picture Cards the first time - T1 : Show patients the target set of picture cards for
about 5 seconds and ensure that they can repeat the names of each card. Tell the patient to remember the
pictures for the next testing in about one hour. Picture Cards at each subsequent time T2-T5: Ask patient,
“What were the three pictures that I showed you earlier?” Scoring:
UÊ For patients who free recall all 3 pictures correctly, assign a score of 1 per picture and add up the patient’s
GCS (out of 15) and A-WPTAS memory component to give the A-WPTAS score (total = 18). Present the 3
target pictures again and re-test in 1 hour.
UÊ For patients who can not free recall, or only partially free recall, the 3 correct pictures, present the 9-object
recognition chart. If patient can recognise any correctly, score 1 per correct item and record their GCS
and A-WPTAS score (total = 18). Present the target set of pictures again and re-test in 1 hour.
UÊ For patients who neither remember any pictures by free call nor recognition, show the patient the target
set of 3 picture cards again for re-test in 1 hour.
Shores & Lammel (2007) - further copies of this score sheet can be downloaded from
Research and development of the A-WPTAS supported by the Motor Accidents Authority NSW
PAGE 26 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
Shores & Lammel (2007) - further copies of this score sheet can be downloaded from
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 27
Appendix 2: Mild Head Injury Discharge Advice
! Warning Signs
If you show any of these symptoms or signs after your head injury, or you get worse , go to
the nearest hospital, doctor or telephone an ambulance immediately.
❖ Fainting or drowsiness - or you can’t wake up
❖ Acting strange, saying things that do not make sense (change in behaviour)
❖ A constant severe headache or a headache that gets worse
❖ Vomiting or throwing up more than twice
❖ Cannot remember new events, recognise people or places (increased confusion)
❖ Pass out or have a blackout or a seizure (any jerking of the body or limbs)
❖ Cannot move parts of your body or clumsiness
❖ Blurred vision or slurred speech
❖ Continual fluid or bleeding from the ear or nose
Rest / Sleeping Rest and avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. It is alright for you to
sleep tonight but you should be checked every four hours by someone to make
sure you are alright.
Driving Do not drive for at least 24 hours. You should not drive until you feel much
better and can concentrate properly. Talk to your doctor.
Drinking / Do not drink alcohol or take sleeping pills or recreational drugs in the next 48
Drugs hours. All of these can make you feel worse.They also make it hard for other
people to tell whether the injury is affecting you or not.
See your local doctor if you are not starting to feel better within a few days of your injury.
Adapted from “Mild Head Injury Discharge Advice” author Dr Duncan Reed (2007) Director of Trauma Gosford Hospital. NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management
This discharge advice information is taken from the Motor Accidents Authority of NSW, Guideline for mild traumatic brain injury following closed
head injury – first edition 2008, ISBN 978-1-921422-08-9
PAGE 28 Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH
The first 4 weeks after injury
You may have some common effects from the head injury which usually resolve in several weeks to three months. These are
called post concussive symptoms (see below). Tiredness can exaggerate the symptoms. Return to your normal activities
gradually (not all at once) during the first weeks or months. You can help yourself get better by:
Rest / Sleeping Your brain needs time to recover. It is important to get adequate amounts of sleep
zz as you may feel more tired than normal.
Driving Do not drive or operate machinery until you feel much better and can concentrate
properly. Talk to your doctor.
Drinking / Drugs Do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs until you are fully recovered . They
will make you feel much worse. Do not take medication unless advised by your
Work / Study You may need to take time off work or study until you can concentrate better. Most
people need a day or two off work but are back full time in less than 2 weeks. How
much time you need off work or study will depend on the type of job you do. See
your doctor and let your employer or teachers know if you are having problems at
work or with study. You may need to return to study or work gradually.
Sport / Lifestyle It is dangerous for the brain to be injured again if is has not recovered from the first
injury. Talk to your doctor about the steps you need to take to gradually increase
sports activity and return to play. If in doubt “sit it out”.
Relationships Sometimes your symptoms will affect your relationship with family and friends. You
may suffer irritability and mood swings. See your doctor if you or your family are
You should start to feel better within a few days and be ‘back to normal’ within about 4 weeks. See your
local doctor if you are not starting to feel better.
Your doctor will monitor these symptoms and may refer you to a specialist if you do not improve over 4
weeks up to 3 months.
Initial Management of Closed Head Injury in Adults, 2nd Edition Summary Report NSW HEALTH PAGE 29
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