Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation Subjective: "She Has Always Short Term

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Imbalanced The patient will Determine patient’sAll factors that can Short Term:
“She has always nutrition less than demonstrate ability to chew, affect the ingestion The patient or
been small for her body requirements progressive weight swallow and taste and or digestion of significance others
age” r/t fever, malaise gain and increase in foods nutrients should be will be able to
and cough height toward goal identify. verbalized
Objective: Discuss eating To identify the understanding of
Height and weight The patient will habits including patient willingness causative factors
are at the 5th display food preferences or eagerness to and do necessary
percentile of age normalization of participate. actions immediately
laboratory values Evaluate the daily To reveal the when needs it.
food intake possible cause of
Vital Signs: malnutrition. Long Term:
Temp: 38.3 Encourage adequate It may lead to early The patient shall
RR: 32 food and fluid anxiety have documented
intake progressive weight
gain toward goal.
Encourage patient To stimulate the
to choose food that appetite
are nutritious

Weigh regularly To evaluate the

effectiveness of the

Provide a pleasant A pleasing

environment atmosphere
helps in
decreasing stress
and is more
Provide favorable to
companionship eating.
during mealtime Attention to the
perspectives of
eating is
Attention to the important in
social both hospital
perspectives of and home
eating is settings
important in Eating small,
both hospital frequent meals
and home lessens the
settings feeling of
fullness and
decreases the
stimulus to vomit

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