Trying To Cage A Superstar
Trying To Cage A Superstar
Trying To Cage A Superstar
The meat of Kabali is a gangster story that attempts to tease out some
history about Malaysian Tamils.
The suits Kabali wears aren’t just a fashion statement. The coat, the tie:
they’re symbols of a rung of capitalism people like Kabali weren’t allowed
to set foot on. (It’s also a nod to Ambedkar’s sartorial tastes). But as with
Ranjith’s Madras (2014), these are scribbles on the margins of an all-too-
familiar story.
The primary narrative thread in Kabali deals with the gang war between
Kabali and Tony Lee (Winston Chao), a purring Malay (I’m assuming)
who wears his silken suits with the entitlement of generations of privilege.
This conflict is, of course, a metaphor, for the antagonism between
Malaysian-Tamils and natural-born Malays; but the way all this plays out
is hardly new or interesting. One of the strengths of Ranjith as a writer is
the way he shapes the supporting characters, but no one registers
here. Kabali is filled with familiar faces: Kishore, Attakathi Dinesh,
Kalaiyarasan and Riythvika. But they all get so little to do.
Ranjith’s filmmaking is different too, and not in a good way. Kabali does
have some of his trademarks: the way he introduces characters and their
circumstances in a prologue-y rush at the beginning, or the way he uses
little flashbacks to fill us in on what really happened. But the life that
infused his earlier films is missing. (Santhosh Narayanan’s excellent songs
are relegated to the background.)
Superstar magic
He does well, though his age is beginning to show: both in his physicality
and dialogue delivery. There’s a scene where someone asks Kabali why he
is a gangster when he is so educated. He removes his glasses. The camera
moves closer. He gives this look, at once hard and wistful. He makes you
wish for more such shots that studied his face. What a great still camera
subject this face makes. Still.
There is so much warmth here, you feel this is what he must look like with
his grandkids. And though we have the slo-mo walk and the staccato
laugh, it is nice to see this star act his age: he kicks ass and yet, he’s
vulnerable. He could use someone looking after him. Kabali doesn’t
pander to his fans. No comedy. No punch lines. And yet, it must be said
that Rajinikanth does more for the movie than the movie does for him.
Possible Exercises and Guidance
1) What is the importance of a right title for any essay or article? Do you
think the title of any essay or article can capture the essence of the
2) Read the article fully first and then underline the difficult words or terms
that you don’t understand.
4) What do you think is the essence of the article? What is the writer
Baradwaj Rangan saying in the article?
b) Who is Pa.Ranjith?
c) Who is Rajinikant?
Instructions: Do a brief research on all the 3 above. Introduce each of
them in 4 lines maximum. This will form the introduction to your essay.
The Essay may be divided into 3 Parts
Part 1 is about the film; What is the film about? – a) It is about the
history of the Tamil people, they are now referred to as Malaysian Tamil
who have settled in Malaysia over many years, b) The Original Malaysians
or Malays who have always been in Malaysia. Your task here is to
research this, do research on i) Malaysian Tamils and ii) the Malays. After
researching this, write a few lines, 5 to 6 lines on Malaysian Tamils and the
Malays and their history. For example, find out why there is tension,
mutual dislike between them. What has caused this tension? What is
Kabali’s background? Why does he dress that way?
Part 3 is about Rajinikant the superstar; Why has he been caged? Why
has he not been used effectively? – a) Rajinikant’s role in the film, b) has
Rajinikant been used effectively in the film? Why not? Discuss this in your