Causes, Impact and Policy Issues
Causes, Impact and Policy Issues
Causes, Impact and Policy Issues
Plastics are essential and ubiquitous materials in our daily lives and address numerous soci-
etal challenges. They save fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by providing light
materials for cars and airplanes. Plastics contribute to high-performance insulation materials
that reduce energy consumption, and plastic packaging enhances food safety. Emerging
three-dimensional printing technology that uses plastic materials may save human lives by
enabling medical innovation.
Plastic waste is a relatively new problem. However, cumulative production of plastic now
exceeds 8,000 million metric tons, of which approximately 9 percent has been recycled, 12
percent incinerated, and 79 percent accumulated in landfills or the natural environment.
With the exception of concrete and steel, plastics are now the most common manmade
material. In 2015, plastic production was 380 million tons, and if unchecked, production
rates are expected to double during the coming decades (Maphoto/Pravettoni 2018).
More than 10 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually (Jambeck et al. 2015) and
more than 80 percent of marine litter is plastics (European Parliament 2019). Environmental
*Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 463, 40530 Göteborg, Sweden,
Telephone: +46-31 786 3673, e-mail:
Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Box 640, 40530 Göteborg, Sweden, Telephone: +46-
31 786 4175, e-mail:
This paper is based on presentations and discussions at a symposium on Marine Plastic Pollution in a
Circular Perspective, held at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 26,
2018, in Gothenburg, Sweden, with support from Region V€astra Götaland; Centre for Sea and Society,
University of Gothenburg; and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Håkan
Eggert acknowledges financial support from Sida through the Environment for Development Initiative.
Bethanie Carney Almroth acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Research Council Formas (grant
number 2016-00895).
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, volume 13, issue 2, Summer 2019, pp. 317–326
doi: 10.1093/reep/rez012
Advance Access Published on June 25, 2019
C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction
318 B. Carney Almroth and H. Eggert
economics studies of marine plastic pollution (MPP) have been scarce thus far and often
focus on a single issue, such as lost nonmarket values from plastic debris on beaches
(e.g., Leggett et al. 2018). However, the sheer scale of MPP, coupled with the emerging
toxicological science (GESAMP 2015), suggests the potential for significant additional
harm to human health. This article, which is part of a minisymposium on MPP,1 provides
an introduction to plastics and MPP and its potential effects on marine ecosystems and
human health, discusses some of the policy and technical issues, and suggests priorities for
further research.
Abbott and Sumaila (2019) focus on how economics can be used to inform effective policies for addressing
The average concentration of plastics on the ocean surface is 0.7 kg/km2, but it is 80 kg/km2 in the GPGP.
The average concentration of plastics on the sea floor is 70 kg/km2, while on beaches it is 2,000 kg/km2
(Lebreton et al. 2018).
Marine Plastic Pollution: Sources, Impacts, and Policy Issues 319
from mismanaged plastic waste in five East Asian countries. However, there are insufficient
data to estimate the portion of marine plastic debris that results from manufacturing and
preconsumer stages versus postconsumer stages.
Plastics are long lasting and typically undergo limited degradation; instead they undergo
secondary breakdown from weathering and fragmentation (Andrady 2011), which is how
microplastics are formed. The distribution of microplastics found in marine samples is
consistent with the overall distribution of plastic types and their uses (Hidalgo-Ruz et al.
2012). However, it is generally not possible to identify where these microplastics originate.
Nanoplastics are particles that range in size from 1 to 1000 nm, or 109 to 106 m. For comparison, a strand
of human DNA is 2.5 nm in diameter and a human hair is approximately 80,000–100,000 nm wide.
320 B. Carney Almroth and H. Eggert
waters) or diffuse sources (e.g., wastewater, sewage, atmospheric deposition), which result
from the pervasive use of both plastics and chemicals worldwide.
Policy Issues
How should the problem of MPP be addressed? Many policies have implications for plastics
recycling, which is often proposed as a solution to MPP and as part of a future circular econ-
omy4 (e.g., ten Brink et al. 2018). Thus we will first discuss some of the technical challenges of
plastic recycling in general as well as the specific challenges plastic recycling poses for addressing
MPP. Then we will focus more closely on another policy—extended producer responsibility
(EPR)—and its potential to contribute to the management of plastic pollution.
A circular economy refers to the idea that the value of products, materials, and resources is maintained in
the economy for as long as possible, thus minimizing the extraction of virgin material and the generation of
waste (Boulding 1966).
Marine Plastic Pollution: Sources, Impacts, and Policy Issues 321
“Biodegradable” plastics
To address the problems and challenges caused by marine plastics, there have been some
efforts to promote the use of “biodegradable” plastics (although the term itself lacks a clear
definition; see Haider et al. 2019). However, these materials will generally not degrade in
marine environments (Napper and Thompson 2019). Moreover, it is unclear whether these
materials are “safer” from an ecotoxicological perspective, which can be misleading for
consumers and may actually have negative environmental impacts (Haider et al. 2019).
Biodegradable plastics are also a problem for recycling systems, because including more
than 5 percent biodegradable plastics can lead to decreased material integrity and perfor-
mance (Samper et al. 2018). Thus it is unlikely that these materials will be able to provide a
long-term solution to the plastic pollution problem.
EPR is an environmental policy that extends a producer’s responsibility for a product to the
product’s postconsumer stage. In this way, EPR shifts the responsibility upstream, from
municipalities (and taxpayers) to the producers, and it provides incentives for producers
to consider the environmental impacts of the design of their products (Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development 2001). More specifically, EPR requires producers
to finance the collection, recycling, and/or the safe disposal of products.
Walls (2006) lists several environmental objectives for EPR: reduction in the use of virgin
material, provision of increased incentives for ecodesign, reduced pollution at the production
322 B. Carney Almroth and H. Eggert
Recycled Recycling
Several EU countries also have voluntary producer responsibility systems for farm plastics, medicines and
medical waste, plastic bags, photochemicals and chemicals, newspapers, refrigerants, pesticides and herbi-
cides, lamps and lightbulbs and fittings.
Marine Plastic Pollution: Sources, Impacts, and Policy Issues 323
Research Priorities
As with so many environmental issues, addressing the problem of MPP will require multidisci-
plinary research and cross-boundary cooperation. Our review of the current state of knowledge
concerning the environmental and economic aspects of MPP has helped us identify several
priorities for research on plastics pollution in general and MPP in particular, including
. Development of polymers that are safer and more easily disposed of or recycled. This
concerns both polymers and chemical additives. Research should focus on polymer
chemistry and recycling techniques, as well as policies that restrict the use of compounds
known to be toxic (i.e., which cause negative effects on marine ecosystems or human
health). Policy should also focus on increasing transparency concerning the use of
polymers and chemical additives to ensure safety. This information will facilitate the
use of recycled plastics in additional products.
. Further evaluation of environmental and health impacts of marine plastics, micro-
plastics, and nanoplastics. This includes the potential implications of new materials and
new applications (because new uses introduce new risks). Further research is also needed
on the impact of plastics (including microplastics) and associated chemicals on food
production, aquaculture, agriculture, and food safety.
. Examination of nudges, norms, and longevity of behavioral changes. Behavioral eco-
nomics has identified several important ways to influence behavior (Sunstein and Thaler
2009). Thus an important task for multidisciplinary research is to examine how to apply
these findings to the issue of plastic pollution (Alpizar et al. n.d.), including the technical
challenges of plastics recycling and the design of specific policies to reduce MPP.
. Further analysis of EPR. Legal change combined with mandatory EPR for various
plastics has been a successful strategy for the EU, but much more can be done to improve
the results from using EPR. In particular, the analysis of various economic approaches to
improve incentives for ecodesign, to stimulate both recycling and reuse, and to ensure
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