Recycled Materials
Recycled Materials
Recycled Materials
Chapter 1
Plastic is one of the most significant problems in our environment, which having a
disadvantages and advantages in our surrounding and also to all living organism.
The rapid increase of plastic pollution causes various problems. Today, we all
know that plastic takes more than hundreds of years to decompose, but research shows
that it can never fully decompose and turn into microplastics. Microplastics are tiny
particles from larger plastic waste that have a great impact not only on humans but
This study has an objective to lessen the negative effect of those plastics in the
society. The researcher of this study created a solution about how to address and
behind China and Indonesia, according to research by Jambeck et al.,(2015). In 2015, the
Philippines produced 2.7 million metric tons of plastic garbage, according to estimates.
Plastic are one of the most significant particles that cause sever damage to fresh
water and marine ecosystems (Gallow, et al., 2017). In the ocean alone, the economic
damage due plastic pollution is estimated as high as 21 billion euros (Beaumont,,
2019). In spite of great scientific effort to tackle this problem worldwide, our knowledge
According to Smith (2019), when plastics were not properly disposed, it can end
up in our oceans and rivers harming marine life. It can also end up in landfills, where
In addition, the Philippines generates an estimated 43, 684 tons of garbage daily,
Sarmiento, (2018) The trash is piling up on land, clogging coastlines, spilling into the sea,
and traveling to remote corners of the globe as the country fails to meet targets for
TABLE-LASTIC, a project that would recycle plastics into table in order to reduce plastic
1.3 Objective
Since its popularization in the 1950s, plastic use has skyrocketed due to its benefits to
societal health, safety, and energy (Andrady & Neal, 2009). However, due to plastics’ longevity
and resistance to decomposition (Andrady, 2015), their widespread use has led to an epidemic of
mismanaged waste. Over 7,800 million metric tons (MMT) of plastic resin and fibers have been
produced since 1950, with over half of that plastic being produced from 2004 to 2017 (Geyer et
al., 2017). By 2015, annual plastic production had approached the combined weight of the
human population (Worm et al., 2017), and it is estimated that 150 MMT of plastic were
circulating in the marine environment as of 2016 (World Economic Forum, 2016). Furthermore,
experts estimate that up to 10% of plastic debris produced will enter the sea (Thompson, 2006)
and that plastics will outweigh fish in the ocean by 2050 (World Economic Forum, 2016).
Plastics have deleterious effects on the environment by destroying habitat (Sheavly &
Register, 2007), entangling marine animals (Gall and Thompson, 2015, Kühn et al., 2015, Lusher
et al., 2018), facilitating the transport of invasive species across habitats (Kiessling et al., 2015),
and depositing in sediments, leading to potential impacts on the animals that live and forage in
the benthos (Brandon et al., 2019). When consumed by marine animals, plastic can have both
physical and chemical impacts. In addition to entanglement, physical impacts include blockages
in the digestive tract when plastic is consumed by marine animals (de Stephanis et al.,
2013, Laist, 1987, Ryan et al., 2016), which can lead to false satiation. A review of 340 original
publications found that at least 690 different species have been impacted by marine debris (92%
concern (Brennecke et al., 2016, Karbalaei et al., 2018, Karbalaei et al., 2019, Karbalaei et al.,
2020, Luo et al., 2020, Teuten et al., 2009, Turner, 2018). Plastics may serve as efficient delivery
systems of toxic pollutants, like plastic additives from the manufacturing process (e.g., heavy
metals, plasticizers) or chemicals that have adsorbed to plastic from the surrounding environment
(e.g., heavy metals) (Gallo et al., 2018, Turner, 2016, Turner, 2018). For example, some
microplastics have been shown to contain additives that are known reproductive toxins,
carcinogens, and mutagens (Wright & Kelly, 2017). These chemicals may bioaccumulate up
the food chain through ingestion at multiple trophic levels, and the implications for food webs
are not yet fully understood (Carbery et al., 2018, Farrell and Nelson, 2013, Lusher et al., 2018).
Plastic additive leaching has been shown in studies on barnacles, anemones, and Japanese
medaka, along with an avian physiologically-based model (Diana et al., 2020, Li et al.,
2016a, Turner, 2018, Zhu et al., 2020). This is a potential human health hazard, because humans
consume an estimated 39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles per year from food and beverages
alone (Cox et al., 2019). As plastics enter the human food chain, they carry additives from the
manufacturing process, chemicals adsorbed to the plastics, and pathogens or parasites that may
be on the plastics (Barboza et al., 2018, Vethaak and Leslie, 2016, Wu, 2017). However, despite
this, most countries continue to classify plastics as harmless solid waste (Lechner and Ramler,
In light of the growing concern about the negative impacts of plastics on environmental
and human health, some governments are increasingly responding to this problem at the local,
national, and international levels (Adam et al., 2020, Karasik et al., 2020, Schnurr et al.,
ranking contributor to plastic pollution in the world, with at least 2.7 million metric tons of
plastic waste generated every year (Braganza 2017). Of this plastic waste, 20% is estimated to
leak into ocean environments (Braganza 2017; Ocean Conservancy and McKinsey 2015). About
74% of plastics that leak into the ocean were initially collected but escaped from open landfills
that are located near vulnerable waterways (World Wildlife Fund [WWF] 2018). Likewise, the
proliferation of the sachet economy, where many consumer goods are imported, packaged, and
sold in single-use containers that are difficult or impossible to recycle (Galarpe et al. 2021;
Posadas 2014), has exacerbated the plastics pollution problem in the Phillipines. Reports
estimate that almost 60 billion sachets are used per year in the Philippines (SEA Circular 2020;
GAIA 2019)
Plastic pollution has had major consequences on the Philippine environment. Waterways
and drainage systems quickly become clogged by waste runoff, threatening the livelihood and
sanitation of residents (Braganza 2017), particularly during heavy periods of rain. Boracay, a
popular tourist island in the Philippines known for its pristine beaches and water activities, was
closed for six months in 2018 to allow a period of rehabilitation from high levels of pollution
(SEA Circular 2020). According to government projections, there was an 18–20 billion
Philippine peso ($360–400 million USD) loss of potential gross revenue due to this closure
(Iglesias et al. 2018). In terms of employment, an estimated 36,000 jobs were lost as a result of
the closure (Domingo 2018). Unlike other countries with significant plastic leakage, plastic-
waste leakage in the Philippines primarily originates from local consumption, not outside
markets (McKinsey Center for Business and Environment 2015). In fact, the Philippines was a
significant exporter of waste to China prior to its plastic waste import ban (McKinsey Center for
Although this recycling technology could be an answer to ongoing plastic waste problem
for consumers and firms, environmentalist and co-convenor of War on Waste Negros Oriental,
Merci Ferrer, thought otherwise. “No, it's not a solution… it actually encourages companies to
create more (plastics),” she said, adding that the initiative was only handling the problem “from
the end of the pipe.” For her, it was important to consider the bigger picture. “We need to think
of that on a bigger, broader environmental, sustainability issue. The toxicity of a certain material
should be one of the top considerations,” Ferrer said, explaining that more studies should be
Research Design
The researcher used quantitative research design in recycling plastic material and turned it into
The paper focuses on challenges and limitations to increase recycling of plastic waste sorted and
collected from the researcher’s household. Household plastics were sorted and cleaned.
Mechanical recycling is being used in the study. Mechanical recycling is by far the most
prevalent recycling of plastic. It is the traditional method that has been in use for decades,
responsible for the vast majority of plastic recycling around the world. Mechanical recycling
uses grinding, washing, sorting and reprocessing to repurpose plastic material. The plastic
recyclate can then converted into plastic tables substituting for the use of virgin plastics. This
research deals primarily with how plastic is collected, sorted and reprocessed via the traditional
For risk and safety, the researcher considers the following risks in recycling plastics at home.
A wide variety of plastics are commercially available and their sorting is difficult in recycling
processes. Contaminants in plastic and rubber wastes. The content of the post-consumer wastes.
Degradation products of polymers, additives and contaminants. Microbial growth and activity.
Uncontrolled conditions in plastic and rubber recycling in third countries. New materials,