Phase Relations: (Das, Chapter 3) Sections: All Except 3.6
Phase Relations: (Das, Chapter 3) Sections: All Except 3.6
Phase Relations: (Das, Chapter 3) Sections: All Except 3.6
Phase Relations
(Das, Chapter 3)
Sections: All except 3.6
So g
Units of unit weight and density
The SI unit of mass density () is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3).
The SI unit of force is Newton, therefore, the unit weights of soils are
typically expressed in kN/m3
Soil Phases
Soil consists of solid particles plus the void space between the
Voids space not occupied by fluid are filled with air or other
For purpose of study and analysis, it is convenient to represent the soil
by a PHASE DIAGRAM, with part of the diagram representing the
solid particles, part representing water or liquid, and another part air
or other gas.
Volumetric Ratios
(1) Void ratio e
Volume of voids Vv
Volume of solids Vs
(2) Porosity n%
Volume of voids V
n v 100
Total volume of soil sample Vt
Weight Ratios
Specific gravity, Gs
s •Gw = 1
w •Gmercury = 13.6
Example 1:
In its natural state, a moist soil has a total volume of 9344.56 cm3 and a mass
18.11 kg. The oven-dry mass of soil is 15.67 kg. If Gs = 2.67, calculate the
moisture content, moist unit weight, void ratio and degree of saturation.
3475.66 cm3
2.44 kg 2440cm3
18.11 kg 9344.56 cm3
2. Relationship among e, S, w, and Gs
ww wVw V V
w w w w
ws sVs wGsVs GsVs
Se wGs
•This is a very useful relation for solving THREE-PHASE
•Various Unit Weight Relationships
Example 2
Example 3
Field density testing (e.g., sand replacement method) has shown bulk
density of a compacted road base to be 2.06 t/m3 with a water content of
11.6%. Specific gravity of the soil grains is 2.69. Calculate the dry
density, porosity, void ratio and degree of saturation.
•Relative Density
• The relative density is the parameter that compare the volume
reduction achieved from compaction to the maximum possible
volume reduction
• The relative density Dr, also called density index is
commonly used to indicate the IN SITU denseness or
looseness of granular soil.
Dr can be expressed either in terms of void ratios or dry
• The relative density of a natural soil very strongly affect its
engineering behavior.
• Granular soils are qualitatively described according to their
relative densities as shown below