SHS VP Certification of School Fees

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Certification of School Fees

For School Year : 2019-2020
School Id: 405069
School Name: VP-Green Vale Academy, Inc.
School Address: Hagkol Valencia City Bukidnon
Track Academic Track Strand General Academic Strand
Grade Level 11 & 12


I. Tuition Fee P6,000.00

II. Other School Fees

(Please indicate breakdown)

Library 500

Laboratory 500

S.B.O 300

Athletic 300

I.D 75

Med./Dental Fee 300

Miscellaneous 600

Entrance Fee 1,000.00

Insurance 100

Computer Facilities 500

TVL Facilities 500

Total Other School Fees P4,675.00

III. Miscellaneous Fees

(Please indicate breakdown)

Books 5,500

Logo 50

MAPEH Uniform 800

Total Miscallenous Fees P6,350.00


IV. Total Tuition and Other School Fees (Sum of Part I, Part II, and Part III) P17,025.00


V. Please indicate any special concessions given to SHS Voucher Program Beneficiaries (e.g. tuition waiver, discounts, any forms of aP

I certify, under the penalties of perjury, that the above information contained herein is true and correct and is in accordance with the SHS VP Implementing


School Head
Note: Signature over printed name.

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