World Barista Championship: Sensory Score Sheet: Round: Country: Competitor: Sensory Judge
World Barista Championship: Sensory Score Sheet: Round: Country: Competitor: Sensory Judge
World Barista Championship: Sensory Score Sheet: Round: Country: Competitor: Sensory Judge
Yes No
Functional vessel used
Part III - Signature Beverage Evaluation
0 to 6
Yes No Well explained, introduced, and prepared
Appealing presentation
Creativity and synergy with coffee
/12 /2
0 to 6
=2x Taste balance (according to content, taste of espresso)
=2x Accuracy of Flavor Descriptors
Sensory Score
(Total of this score sheet)
Out of 162
Evaluation Scale:
Yes = 1 No = 0
Unacceptable = 0 Acceptable = 1 Average = 2 Good = 3 Very Good = 4 Excellent = 5 Extraordinary = 6