Radio History Timeline Sean 9B 22
Radio History Timeline Sean 9B 22
Radio History Timeline Sean 9B 22
Guglielmo Marconi built a wireless telegraph system based on Herzian
1894 Waves , demonstrated a radio transmitter and receiver to his mother, the
device that will ring a bell from 30 ft away. Over th next year, he
experiments on a radio wave telegraphic transmitter and receiver system that
could work over long distances.
It wasn’t until 1910 that radio communications gain publicity when the
1910 captain of the Montrose alerts Scotland via radio of an escaping criminal.
KDKA broadcasts the first regular licensed radio broadcast out of Pittsburgh,
1920 PA.
Sony offers a miniature transistor radio. This is one of the first mass-
1952 produced consumer AM/FM radios. The studios in the UM dormitories jorn
forces, and "The Campus Broadcasting Network" is born as WCBN-AM.