Radio History Timeline Sean 9B 22

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Henrich Hertz detects and produces radio waves.

Guglielmo Marconi built a wireless telegraph system based on Herzian
1894 Waves , demonstrated a radio transmitter and receiver to his mother, the
device that will ring a bell from 30 ft away. Over th next year, he
experiments on a radio wave telegraphic transmitter and receiver system that
could work over long distances.

Marconi opened the first radio factory, employing around 50 people.

Marconi establishes first radio link between England and France.
American scientist Reginald Fessenden transmists human speech via
1900 radiowaves.

Marconi transmits telegraphic radio messages from Cornwall, UK to St.

1901 John’s, Newfoundland

By 1905, Marconi invents a directional radio antennae.

A year later, the first radio program of voice and music was broadcasted in
1906 the US

It wasn’t until 1910 that radio communications gain publicity when the
1910 captain of the Montrose alerts Scotland via radio of an escaping criminal.

KDKA broadcasts the first regular licensed radio broadcast out of Pittsburgh,
1920 PA.

 FM radio is born, but only in mono.

After 6 years, Columbia University's Radio Club opens the first regularly
1941 scheduled FM station.

Sony offers a miniature transistor radio. This is one of the first mass-
1952 produced consumer AM/FM radios. The studios in the UM dormitories jorn
forces, and "The Campus Broadcasting Network" is born as WCBN-AM.

The number of radio receivers in the world exceeds the number of

1954 newspapers printed daily.

United States radio stations begin broadcasting in stereophonic sound.

In the US, FM radio stations begin to use the RDS ( Radio Data System )
1993 already in place in Europe.

There are now around 50.000 radio stations in the world.

Radio History Timeline :

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