8502-2 Sexual Harassment

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SEMESTER: Aut-2017




First of all, I would like to thank God who has given me strength to complete
this Assignment. I would like to thank our parents for their unending love
and support. I also would like to thank department of Business Management,
AIOU Islamabad for providing me chance to learn from the given topic.


This study was conducted to find out Sexual harassment under the light of
subject Human Resource Management. This research work was conducted on
Engro Group. During this research work it was found that they have a huge
setup of human resource management as they are dealing in many different
businesses. With this huge setup they also need to maintain the ethics
within the department and within the organization which will be explained
later in the report. I will be discussing particularly Engro Group in the light
of this topic so that this study can ultimately have useful meaning.
It was very difficult in the beginning to start working on this topic but
guidelines which were given in assignment helped me a lot so I was able to
complete this assignment at its best.




Sexual harassment is a form of Sex Discrimination that occurs in the

workplace. Persons who are the victims of sexual harassment may sue in
court under Civil Rights Act, which prohibits sex discrimination in the
Pakistan has promulgated harassment law in 2010 with nomenclature
as "The Protection Against Harassment of Women at The Workplace Act,
2010". This law defines the act of harassment in following terms.
"Harassment means any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual
favors or other verbal or written communication or physical conduct of a
sexual nature or sexually demeaning attitude, causing interference with
work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work
environment, or the attempt to punish the complainant for refusal to such a
request or is made a condition for employment." Pakistan has adopted a
Code of Conduct for Gender Justice in the Workplace that will deal with cases
of sexual harassment. The Alliance Against Sexual Harassment At workplace
(AASHA) announced they would be working with the committee to establish
guidelines for the proceedings. AASHA defines sexual harassment much the
same as it is defined in the U.S . and other cultures. Courts and employers
generally use the definition of sexual harassment contained in the guidelines
of the U.S.

A key part of the definition is the use of the word unwelcome.

Unwelcome or uninvited conduct or communication of asexual nature is
prohibited; welcome or invited actions or words are not unlawful. Sexual or
romantic interaction between consenting people at work may be offensive to
observers or may violate company policy, but it is not sexual harassment.

The courts have generally concluded that a victim need not say or do a
particular thing to indicate un welcomes. Instead, a court will review all of
the circumstances to determine whether it was reasonably clear to the
harasser that the conduct was unwelcome. The courts have recognized that
victims may be afraid to express their discomfort if the harasser is their boss
or is physically intimidating. Victims may be coerced into going along with
sexual talk or activities because they believe they will be punished or fired if
they protest. Consent can be given to a relationship and then withdrawn
when the relationship ends. Once it is withdrawn, continued romantic or
sexual words or actions are not protected by the past relationship and may
be sexual harassment.
The law prohibits unwelcome "sexual" conduct and words or actions "of a
sexual nature." Some conduct, such as hugging, may be sexual or nonsexual
and must be evaluated in context. Sexual harassment may be physical, such
as kissing, hugging, pinching, patting, grabbing, blocking the victim's path,
leering or staring, or standing very close to the victim. It may also be verbal,
which may be oral or written and could include requests
Same-Sex Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is usually associated with a
heterosexual employee making unwelcome sexual advances to another
heterosexual employee of the opposite gender. There are also cases where a
homosexual employee harasses an employee of the same sex. But can a
heterosexual employee sexually harass another heterosexual employee of
the same gender?

Practical implementation:
 Start an awareness campaign to show that a Bill related to Women’s
Rights in the workplace was passed.
 Create a photocopy manuscript of the bill of rights related to women
rights in workplace and keep a copy of it at the workplace so that
everyone is aware of their rights.
 If your friends or colleagues at work make “innocent” or “casual” jokes
in this regard, condemn them and let them know that joking about
such issues is not harmless, nor is it funny, as it subconsciously
creates the notion that “harassment” is an issue to be taken lightly.
 Be aware of your workplace environment and colleagues. If you notice
a certain employee acting differently or their motivation levels
decreased, channel your emotional intelligence and don’t be afraid to
ask them if they’re doing okay. You will be surprised to see how many
people can open up about the harassment that they have faced if they
have a helping hand and a lending ear.
 At your firm talk to your HR department to host a seminar or a work
shop on sexual harassment.
 If your HR department does not carry through, during your office
break, you yourself can talk of the rights of women and casually bring
this topic to light.
 If all these tactics fail, then as a woman try to sit in groups with other
women during lunch breaks and avoid going to the workplace
bathroom alone.
 Try to avoid sitting alone for extra hours of work.
 If you are a spiritual individual then you can recite Ayat- Ul – Kursi
before leaving for work.


Code of Ethics for Human Resource Managers in Engro Group

High Standards of Professional and Personal Conduct
 Human resources managers must make decisions on a daily basis that
involve employee issues versus company policies and procedures. In
making these decisions, the professional and personal conduct of the
manager may come into play. For example, rather than fire an
employee, should he be considered for other possible alternatives in
order to keep his family with shelter and food, even though he is not
performing up to company standards? A valid answer may be reached
with the consideration of applicable laws, organizational standards of
ethical behavior, and without personal malice or opinion.
Continuation of Personal Growth in the Field of Human Resources
 The field of human resources is evolving and constantly changing. A
professional human resources manager may be committed to
continuing education and certifications as a pathway to continuous
improvement. SHRM has established two types of certification for
human resources professionals. One is a PHR (Professional in Human
Resources) designation and the other is an SPHR (Senior Professional
in Human Resources) which requires more experience and/or formal
education. Each certification requires additional human resources
courses, workshops, and seminars.
Uphold all Laws and Regulations Relating to Employer's Activities
 Human resources is the "conscience" of the company. It is the
responsibility of the human resources manager to be knowledgeable of
all laws and regulations pertaining to the hiring, training,
compensating and disciplining of employees. While maintaining loyalty

to the employer, the human resources manager must comply and
adhere to all federally and state-mandated laws regarding the
treatment of employees. The human resources manager, at times,
must take a stand with the employer to inform her of possible
consequences inherent with certain acts.
Maintain the Confidentiality of Privileged Information
 Most information about employees, whether it be medical,
compensation or discipline, is considered confidential. In some cases,
this may include keeping information from an employee's manager or
releasing information in a lawsuit or medical billing issue. These
situations call for behaviors and actions that conform to the highest
ethical principals. Following the letter of the law in these cases may be
the best decision. If company policies are written accordingly, it will be
much easier to follow the correct procedures.
Refrain from Using Personal Position for Inappropriate Gain
 A human resources manager can be seen as one with power to get
things done. Having the support and trust of senior management can
place a manager in a position to make autonomous decisions. It may
be important for managers to include others in the decision-making
process for checks and balances. Although it may be tempting to use
one's position to influence others, it should be used discreetly and only
for the good of both employee and company. For example, managers
should not allow favoritism of an employee because of a personal

The Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act,


 Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act was passed
in March 2015 for entire Pakistan. It makes sexual harassment of
women in the workplace and in public spaces a criminal offence.

 Objective

 The objective of this act is to create a safe working environment for

women, which is free from harassment, abuse and intimidation to
facilitate their right to work with dignity. It will also enable higher
productivity and a better quality of life at work.

 This law is not only restricted to workplaces, it is applicable to all

public spheres.

Sexual Harassment

 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or other

verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with work,
is made a condition of employment or creates an intimidating, hostile
or offensive work environment constitute sexual harassment.

 3 significant forms of sexual harassment in the work place are:

 Abuse of authority

 Creating a hostile environment

 Retaliation

 Sexual harassment can take many forms. These include:

 Unwelcome sexual advances

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 Demanding sexual favours in exchange for job security

 Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

 Rumour spreading and malicious gossip in the work place

 Obstructing performance and/or advancement upon refusal to comply

 Work Environment for Women in Pakistan The work environment for

women, in a male-dominated society like Pakistan, is often hostile and
antagonistic hindering their contribution to their country’s
development as well as their right to employment. Various studies
have found that social constraints and an aggressive work
environment discourage women from seeking employment. To
encourage women to join the labour force the government has set a
quota for women but often even the minimum quota of 10% remains
unfilled. Though women have been working in senior positions and
running businesses in the private sector, these have been few in
number. However, in recent years, there has been a gradual increase
in the number of women working in the government and the private
sector despite the obstacles they face. Various forms of discrimination
and harassment experienced by women are: At home: discriminating
against and demeaning the girl child, deriding the woman working at
home, not allowing women to make decisions, and being violent. On
the streets: catcalling, touching, teasing and intimidating. On public
transportation: touching, pushing, and using vulgar language. In
public places: staring, touching, intimidating, behaving aggressively,
chasing and being violent. At the work place: leering, staring, making

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passes, discriminating, abusing authority for sexual favours, flirting,
and inflicting violence.

 Top

 Just say NO to sexual harassment because -----The Law Protects YOU

The law requires all public and private organizations to adopt an
internal Code of Conduct aimed at establishing a safe working
environment, free of intimidation and abuse, for all working women.
This law obligates employers’ to set up an Inquiry Committee to
investigate a harassment related complaint. The Committee has to
have three members, at least one of whom has to be a woman. The
Inquiry Committee shall:

 Launch an investigation against the accused

 Recommend the imposition of penalties if the accused is found guilty

 Forward recommendation to the Competent Authority which will

implement the decision

 Punishments can range from censure, stopping promotion, compulsory

retirement, removal, dismissal from service and fine payable to the

 The Act also provides for the appointment of an Ombudsman both at

the Federal and Provincial level to listen to appeals filed by the
aggrieved party. The victim can also appeal to the President or the
Governor if dissatisfied by the decision of the Ombudsman. More
information regarding the Act and the Code of Conduct intended to
help organizations ensure compliance with the Act is available at

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 NOTE: Amendment to Section 509 of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860,

clearly defines harassment and recognizes it as a crime. This section
has increased the maximum punishment for this offence to
imprisonment which may extend to three years or a fine of up to five
hundred thousand rupees or both
Most of the analysis work is done by me. I have taken the help of Internet for
finding out information, taken help from course book and read some general
and articles. Company Information was taken from Engro Group Official
Analysis work was done by me by visiting Engro Group Sub Office
(Correspondence Office) located in Islamabad and I had interviewed Engro
Group Manager. He was the primary person for this information.


a) Strengths
 Promoting Ethical Conduct
 Safe working environment
 Policies on Ethical issues
 Morally correct behavior of employers

b) Weaknesses
 Difficult to find and retain the employees due to ethical issues because
an expectation varies from individual to individual.
 Not socially responsible in some of the cases

c) Opportunities
 Can become socially responsible

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 Constituting policies which will enhance the ethical decorum within the

d) Threats
 Diverse workforce
 Employers might misuse the ethical policies in their favor

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 During this research work it was found Engro Group Promoting Ethical
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Safe working
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Policies on Ethical
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Morally correct
behavior of employers
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Difficult to find
and retain the employees due to ethical issues because an expectation
varies from individual to individual.
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Not socially
responsible in some of the cases
 During this research work it was found Engro Group is dealing with
Diverse workforce
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Employers might
misuse the ethical policies in their favor.
 During this research work it was found Engro Group Human resources
managers must make decisions on a daily basis that involve employee
issues versus company policies and procedures. In making these
decisions, the professional and personal conduct of the manager may
come into play.
 During this research work it was found Engro Group human resources
manager can be seen as one with power to get things done. Having
the support and trust of senior management can place a manager in a
position to make autonomous decisions. It may be important for
managers to include others in the decision-making process for checks
and balances. Although it may be tempting to use one's position to

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influence others, it should be used discreetly and only for the good of
both employee and company.

 Can become socially responsible
 Constituting policies which will enhance the ethical decorum within the
▪ http://www.engro.com.pk/
▪ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/human_resource_management
▪ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ethics
▪ Cox, Jr., Taylor (1991). "The Multicultural Organization". Academy of
Management Executive, 5(2), 34-47.
▪ Harvey, Carol P. (2012). Understanding and Managing Ethical Issues.
New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. pp. 41–47. ISBN 0-13-255311-2.
▪ Tompkins, Phillip K. (2005). Apollo, Challenger, Columbia: The Decline
of the Space Program. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company.
ISBN 1-931719-32-2.
▪ Eisenberg, Eric M.; H.L. Goodall, Jr. & Angela Trethewey (2015).
Organizational Communication (6th ed.). St. Martin's: Bedford.
pp. 250–58. ISBN 978-0-312-57486-4.

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