NBME 19 Breakdown
NBME 19 Breakdown
NBME 19 Breakdown
4 1 Hardy W,
4 1 Pegue que en colera the fluid therapy is trying to get glucose and Na from GI lumen to
3 1 Ewing sarcoma Dx
2 1 Na channels Act Pot:if innactivates quickly asi mismo baja act pot amplitude
4 1 No estaba seguro de donde afectaban los ACE inh,
and Na from GI lumen to blood
ct pot amplitude
Aferent Pupillary Defect--> swinging flashlight test, light in the AFFECTED eye will result in dilation of both pupils inappropriatel
decrease in pH. ADP, Pi, IMP and lactate increases. I explained below.
calculation for the AR type I oculocutaneous albinism? It occurs 1/40,000 in gen pop. The man's brother has it. What's the likel
1 in 4, 1 in 100, 1 in 200, 1 in 600, 1 in 40,000. Women has a brother affected by type 1 oculocutaneus albinism (AR). So she m
Aa but not aa).
The man from the general population so to calculate his chance to be a carrier we should use the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:
p² + 2pq + q² =1
p²- homozygous for the normal allele (not carrier-AA)
2pq- heterozygous (carrier state-Aa)
q² = homozygous for the mutated allele (affected-aa)
We know that the occurrence of the disease in the general population is 1/40,000. So q²= 1/40,000, q= 1/200 we can calculate
In order for the child of the man and the women to be affected both the man and the woman have to be carriers and he needs t
I did not have any idea what dicumarol was.. but here was my logic:
Patient had aortic valve replacement, she's 80, probably put on an anti-coagulant
I know Warfarin is sold under the brand name Coumadin
Remind yourself that Warfin was discovered in 1927 (10,9,2,7) and inhibits Vit K dependent clotting factors (vit K deficiency-like
Pronounce the drug not in FA as diCOUMarol, and you shall hopefully now know it also inhibits epoxide reductase, and pseudo
One of the risk factors associates with any vascular repair is the detachment of the atherosclerosis plaque. It can clog and caus
Type 1 pneumocytes: squamous, cover 97% of alveoli. Gas exchange. Type 2: cuboidal. Stem cells for type 1 & type 2, prolifer
Duodenum Villi B and microvilli absorptive surface. Brunner glands (HCO3−-secreting cells of submucosa)
and crypts of Lieberkühn (contain stem cells that replace enterocytes/goblet cells and Paneth cells
that secrete defensins, lysozyme, and TNF).
Prions retain infectivity & can survive autoclaving at 132-138 degrees C, and under certain conditions the effectiveness of autoc
inactivated by simply re-autoclaving, and they acquire biological characteristics that differentiate them from the main population
treatment is extremely effective.
In the sporadic form mutation occurs at the site (retinal cells) vs germline (familial) form mutation occurs in germ cells
chaosawaits Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't C "somatic cells of the child" also correct? + 11 days ago
pakimd it is but it is not specific. it could mean any somatic cell of the body of the child and can therefore affect other parts of th
Oncogenes with gain of function mutation lead to increased transcription etc whereas tumor suppresor genes block G1-->S pha
there is at least 1 tumor suppresor gene that works through phosphorylation.
With AD diseases, we generally assume that the parent with symptoms is heterozygous. That parent, then, has a 50% chance
Q32 membrane act pot: Medio pegada cause no estaba seguro. An AP is generated once the summation of charge at the axon
amplitude of the AP above threshold can still vary depending on the number of Na channels that are simultaneously open while
Thus, after the AP threshold has been reached and the AP is generated, the peak voltage attained can be reduced in amplitude
CD4+ cells get infected by HIV cells & end up getting killed by T cells. Samefor the macrophages and dendritic cells that would
vetafig692 After the CD4+ cells become infected, the CD8+ cells kill them
Grade vs Stage. tumor GRADE describes the morphology/appearance of the cells. Remember that tumor STAGE has the TNM
Granuloma vs granulation tissue. Giant cell = GRANULOMA; GRANULATION TISSUE= collagen III, vascularization
I got this one through the process of elimination. He has significant blood loss, which can be inferred he might be in hypovolem
smooth muscle to shunt blood back to the heart. Secretion of renin will be increased to increase BP. ANP is the hormone that c
Among these answers, only reabsorption of fluid into capillaries make sense as it would help increase the intravascular volume
Frontal lobe disinhibition vs Kluver Bucy (bilateral amygdala on medial temporal lobe) syndrome. They both have disinhibite
reemergence of primitive reflexes. Kluver Bucy would also have hypersexuality, hyperorality (to se lo mete en la boca), hyperp
Water does not require transport proteins or energy for absorption, and transepithelial transport means it must go through the e
concentration gradient, ie it follows solutes.
Aquaporins are just transmembrane proteins that are activated by ADH that SELECTIVELY allow water to be reabsorbed, that
For a virus to infect a cell, there has to be on the cell some receptor for which the virus can bind to. That's it. "If the virus canno
what hormone causes contraction of the bladder & where is it produced. CCK is the hormone and it's produced by the I cells in
one that included small intestine.
I didn't know the difference between the area postrema and the OVLT, since both are not covered by the BBB and exposed to t
But apparently the OVLT are osmoreceptor responding to sodium content and the osmotic pressure through regulating the activ
HLA likelihood que siblings tengan el mismo. Siblings have a 25% chance of inheriting the same HLA markers
There is also: + 50% chance of being haplo-identical (share one haplotype) + 25% chance of having no HLA in common
Tubular reabsorption uses the most oxygen consumption in the kidneys because it consumes the most ATP: Assuming th
PCT consumes O2 at highest rate b/c of ATP use. Since tubular reabsorption always happening...very high use of O2 relative t
hormones) that occur sporadically in response to body homeostatic changes. Note: glomerular filtration is always happening, bu
two areas that are most susceptible to hypoxic injury in the kidneys. Think of how many ATP you need throughout the whole
Only the parasympathetic pelvic nerve causes detrusor contraction, so it is the only possible answer. External sphincter, pu
clearly not damaged. Pelvic nerve (parasympathetic, can not initiate urination) and pudendal nerve (somatic, external urethra
sympathetic system
internal urethral sphincter is stimulated by autonomic system (sympathetic) while external urethral sphincter (as well as externa
Bcl-2 on thymic cortex T cells. The thymic cortex is where positive selection of T cells takes place. Positive selection is a proces
weak, the T cell undergoes apoptosis.
Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptosis gene. If cells that reach the thymic cortex have a constitutively active Bcl-2 gene, they would not unde
in the thymic cortex" which was the correct answer.
Also, remember that after positive selection in the thymic cortex, the T cells go on to the thymic medulla for negative selection w
presents in the same way aka Follicular Lymphoma which has constitutively active bcl-2. aka follicular lymphoma promotes it na
A) Anemia
B) Drug-induced alveolar hypoventilation
• C) Residence at high altitude
D) Severe regional mismatching of alveolar ventilation and pulmonary capillary perfusion
E) Voluntary hyperventilation. In anemia, hemoglobin available is decreased. This causes decreased
PaO2 will be normal-ish because the arterial blood will still equilibrate in the lungs (ambient O2 conc) even though the hemoglo
Arterial O2 content is actually decreased because there is less oxygen total available (less hemoglobin bound to oxygen
Mixed venous O2 content (%) is decreased for a similar reason and also for the reason listed below
Venous PO2 is slightly decreased because there is higher oxygen extraction at tissues due to the compensatory mechanis
in anemia)
PCO2 is normal-ish for similar reasons to the first bullet
On Budd Chiari and portal pressure: hepatic wedge pressure (estimate of portal pressure) is 30; portal pressure should be less
budd chiari).
On the chest X-rays del drunk w abscess, how to pick the right x-rays. I love this question because we are all obviously trained
In reality, rather than identifying every X-ray given and trying to match it to the question stem, the best way to approach this que
looking for these characteristics.
He is an alcoholic with foul smelling (ding anaerobic) sputum. Because he is an alcoholic he is at risk for aspiration pneumonia
the characteristics of these diseases? Aspiration pneumonia is a lobar pneumonia which would present with lobar infiltration (se
fluid level pointed out and here for cavitation/abscess pointed again).
Thinking of this now approach the X-rays looking for specific findings. One has the air fluid level and cavitation, so that is the an
Surfactant, neonatal resp dist synd & func res cap: This ratio is used to determine appropriate production of lung surfactant, so
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
TL;DR: surfactant decreases lung recoil, so the lack of surfactant in this baby will cause an increased recoil which will decrease
Surfactant is necessary to decrease surface tension of alveoli and increase compliance of the lungs (remember when the lungs
surfactant allows there to be varying surface tensions between large and small alveoli (Law of Laplace), so lack of surfactant w
favor collapse of the lung, it also serves to decrease the lung recoil.
Lack of surfactant in a baby = increased alveolar surface tension, lower compliance, more alveolar collapse, more recoil (less re
expande al recibir aire; el surfactante es lo que no permite que durante la contraccion alveolar pa sacar el aire, el alveolo colap
On prenatal testing. chorionic vili sampling is performed 1st trimester, usually b/t 10-14 weeks gestation according to Up to
should be performed after 15 weeks of gestation because earlier procedures are less likely to be successful, are associated wit
Early stages of hemorrhagic shock: a weak pulse due to decreased stroke volume but NOT increased renal blood flow due to
weaken. RBF decreases during SNS activation. That's why you don't have to pee while working out or until few minutes after se
Fecal incontinence after giving birth is caused by damage to the anal sphincter. Fetus are large and while stretching the vagina
Dysplastic nevi, which can occur on both sun exposed and no sun exposed areas, can be pre neoplastic lesions that lead to me
Vertebral thickening on Paget's bone disease. "Picture-frame vertebra" is apparently a sign of Paget's in which the cortex o
prostate cancer, which will do so in a diffuse, patchy arrangement. A keyword for prostate cancer is "ivory vertebra." Furthermo
Confined placental mosaicism. Chorionic villi sampling is the taking of genetic material within in the chorionic villi of the place
older, family hx.) during the 10-13 weeks of pregnancy.
Confined placental mosaicism results when the C.V.S. testing comes back back showing a trisomy, but all subsequent testing (
rescue," in which trisomic cells that were supposed to be in the fetus are confined to the placenta to prevent an abnormal fetus.
confined placental mosaicism ..if amniotic cells to have involved it would have been fetal mosaicism.
This is Ewing sarcoma because it is a young boy with small blue cell bone tumor in the diaphysis of the femur
Ewing sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor common in young boys <15y.o. typically found in the diaphesis (middle) of long bon
hyperchromatic cells with high nucleus:cytoplasm ratio. It also has an "onion skin" periosteal reaction in the bone (described as
2020 p 464]
Chondrosarcoma is a tumor of malignant chondrocytes (catilage) and found mainly in the pelvis, proximal fever, and humerus
Eosinophilic granuloma is is a rare, benign tumor-like disorder characterized by clonal proliferation of Langerhans cells and
and would have associated symptoms such as rash [FA 2020 p434]
Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell dyscrasia [FA 2020 p431] with overproduction of (typically) IgG. Characteristics include CRA
Nephroblastoma/Wilm's Tumor is the most common renal malignancy of early childhood and presents as a flank mass [FA 20
Osteosarcoma (or osteogenic sarcoma) is a primary bone tumor common in men <20. It is typically found in the metaphysi
Codman triangle (elevation of periosteum) or sunburst pattern
Small lymphocytic lymphoma is essentially the same thing as chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It is considered a non-Hodgk
blood smear. It would not likely present as an osteolytic lesion and is unlikely in children. [FA2020 p432]
The Direct Coomb's test involves anti-Ig antibody (Coombs reagent) added to patient’s RBCs. RBCs agglutinate if the RBCs ar
antibodies are destroyed in the spleen. Penicillin is thought to act as a hapten binding with proteins on the RBCs and triggering
of hemolytic anemia. Not be the best answer, not as specific + 5 months ago
kevin Penicillins and cephalosporins act as haptens, alpha-methyldopa causes direct Abs against self Ag on RBC. - Dr. Sattar