Accenture Microsoft Teams Rapid Resource Guide
Accenture Microsoft Teams Rapid Resource Guide
Accenture Microsoft Teams Rapid Resource Guide
March 2020
on documents together
Chat Collaborate during meetings
The chat feature lets you name, pin, hide and mute Set-up a meeting with one or multiple people.
your chats as needed to stay on top of your Teams Use the chat or file sharing features during your
messages. You can also add emojis to your meetings as well.
conversations for additional communication options.
Share a link to your file instead of emailing an
Group your conversations attachment whenever possible. Use the Share
Threaded conversations or channel conversations feature next to the document that you want to
live on Teams channels and are visually grouped by a share in your OneDrive and choose if you would
specific topic. like to allow or block editing and downloading.
Put whiteboarding to work Monitor the meeting chat actively for participants
Microsoft Whiteboard is an option if your colleague who cannot interject during the discussion or have
is on Teams and can add you as a guest to their technical difficulties participating in your meeting. Use
Meeting Notes to capture minutes, key decisions, and
Whiteboard session (if they have guest access
action items. The Meeting Notes will stay pinned to your
enabled in Teams).
meeting for future reference and edits. This is
especially useful for recurring meetings.
12 Microsoft Teams Rapid Resource Guide
Schedule and run a Engage audience For larger (250- 10,000 people) sessions, use
MS Teams meeting and collaborate live Teams Live events, which is intended for one-
to-many communications where the host of
Guide: Meeting and calls Guide: Share Content in a the event is leading the interactions and
Video: View, Schedule & Manage Appts. meeting in Teams audience participation is primarily to view the
Video: Join a Teams Meeting content shared by host.
Guide: Use Whiteboard in MS teams
Online Training: Maximize Team Meetings `
Video: Maximize Team Meetings Have a detailed "show flow" outlining exactly
Video: Create Ad-hoc Meetings Record a meeting/event how the call will run
Assign a Producer who will control what/who
Guide: Record a meeting in Teams is shown when during the call. Plan in advance
who all of the presenters will be and ensure
Schedule and run a Other useful they all have a great connection, proper
Teams Live Event tips and tricks
lighting, know their part, know who they are
handing over to, and are well prepared.
Video: How to run a live event
Guide: Blur your background in Teams
Video: Tech Administrator Sets Do a practice run
Guide: Turn on Live Caption and Subtitles Test all presenter connections and video and
Up Live Event
do a run-through of the session at least one
Video Produce a live event day before
Video: Moderate a live event
Engage audience and collaborate live Plan for interactivity, Show and tell
Guide: Share Content in a meeting in Teams If your workshop is interaction-heavy, consider the
Guide: Use Whiteboard in MS teams general rule of thumb of 1 facilitator to six
participants. If a large audience is expected, use
breakouts. Using a collaboration tool like Microsoft
External Collaboration Whiteboard is key for engaging participants.
Guide: Communicate with users from other organizations in Microsoft Teams
Guide: Manage external access in Microsoft Teams Schedule sessions and breaks
Attention spans tend to wander around the 2-4
hours mark. If possible, consider scheduling
segments of the workshop across multiple days or
interactive workshops
Schedule and prepare for the workshop Remember to schedule breaks
Make sure attendees will have access to Teams so that Encourage video participation by including a note
they can fully use the tool and collaborate in the about it in the invite.
workshop. Test every activity and tool and conduct full
dry runs with your stakeholders prior to the event. Have Video will help keep your participants focused on
a Plan B in place if the activities do not work out as the workshop and minimize multi-tasking. If your
intended. company allows recordings, decide if the workshop
should be recorded and make sure you are
To potentially save time during the workshop, assign comfortable with how it works.
pre-work and other self-guided tasks, but note that not
everyone will participate in the pre-work. Include the With a larger meeting, it will be important to
purpose and/or agenda with the invite or update it determine roles and responsibilities ahead of time.
before the call with enough lead time so that attendees This can include dedicated note takers, facilitators,
can digest and prepare. When planning your agenda, whiteboard owners, etc.
take into account icebreakers, polls, breaks, and other
ideas to help facilitate interaction.
interactive workshops
Run and participate in the workshop For workshops that require co-creation or brainstorming, use
Turn on video when joining the workshop to the virtual Whiteboard. All attendees can view and contribute
encourage connection and engagement. Establish to the virtual Whiteboard. If your company has Microsoft
ground rules early and reinforce them consistently. Forms enabled, you can use this as a way to present
This will solidify your role as a facilitator and clarify icebreakers, easily gain consensus, or gather feedback on a
guidelines and expectations for engaging in the topic. Use the Notes function in the workshop to easily
workshop. collaborate on and share workshop notes.
Share key content during the workshop. You can Ensure that all voices are heard. Design Thinking is a great
share your entire screen or only certain windows to way to equalize the different voices in your workshop. Use
minimize distractions. If key links or content are fun sound effects and/or visual warnings for rule breaks and
brought up during the call, these can easily be shared timing. Set a specific time limit for every activity.
to all participants through the workshop's chat. Those
who were unable to attend the workshop will also be
able to see this information. Chat can be helpful if an
Follow up after the workshop
attendee is in a noisy environment, but still would like Promptly follow up with workshop, including key content
to contribute to the call. However, it can lead to such as poll results and the final whiteboard. You can send
tangential conversations. this over email with links to the content in Teams, or you can
use a Teams page or Channel to update attendees.
learning sessions
Set up a Teams Meeting for smaller, Monitor the meeting chat actively
interactive sessions where audience There may be participants who cannot interject during the
discussion is encouraged session or who have technical difficulties participating in
A Teams Meeting is limited to a total of 250 people your meeting. Use the @mentioning feature to call out
on the call. specific people in the comments so they are aware of
questions or comments which are directed toward them.
Set up a Teams Live Event for larger
sessions where communication is
primarily one-to-many Use Meeting Notes
Teams Live Events is an extension of Teams Capture minutes, questions, feedback or action items. The
meetings, enabling users to broadcast video and Meeting Notes will stay pinned to your meeting for future
meeting content to a large online audience. With reference and edits.
this version of Teams, up to 10,000 attendees can
join the event but can only participate via text- Create channels within your Team
based Q&A.
Channels organize a team's conversations and content.
Segment your Team by creating channels. For example, if
Use the chat, file sharing and notebook you plan to run different training sessions with different
features for interactive learnings groups of people, you can create an initiative-wide Teams
Use chat to monitor and encourage questions, site and set up different channels for different lesson topics
feedback and ideas from the audience throughout or audiences. Create private channels for small, ad-hoc
your session, whether it’s a Teams Meeting or Live
groups—for example, to co-create training materials with
other session planners before your learning session.
27 Microsoft Teams Rapid Resource Guide
Key activities when organizing NOW NEXT
learning sessions
Access and edit files as a group Use the Teams Planner to assign tasks,
Shared files can be found in the Files tab at the top of set due dates and create a shared
each channel. Shared files can be collectively schedule
organized, accessed and edited by channel participants. Make it easy for learners to track and manage lesson-
You may restrict shared editing for files that you do not related assignments with the Teams Planner
wish to be altered, particularly for standardized learning application and scheduling feature.
materials. For example, to restrict the shared editing of
a document, open the document and click “Restrict Use Microsoft Whiteboard to collectively
Editing” in the “Protect” section of the “Review” tab. draw, sketch and write together
Different files can be made available to different
channels within the same Team. Files shared in a private When facilitating online learning sessions, consider
channel are only visible to those with access to that using Microsoft Whiteboard, a free-form digital canvas
channel. where people, content and ideas can come together
in real-time.
Record live learning sessions for later use
Record your meetings in Teams to capture audio, video,
and screen sharing activity. To start recording a
meeting, go to the meeting controls, click the three dots
to view more options, then select “Start recording”.
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