THE K OF D - Script
THE K OF D - Script
THE K OF D - Script
! 812.6
. . . ·D� cofuedy by laiira Schellhardt
The K ofD the characters' physical habits are doorways into their per
Steffi's shiver,
brett's notebook,
characters becky ray's cigarettes,
mr.mcgraw's sniff,
the who: one woman who plays the following role·s: mrs. mcgraw's bracelets,
these quirks punctuate the action and hopefully provide a
the girl . . . . ...... who does most of the talking launchpad of sorts
charlotte mcgraw ...who no longer speaks
quisp drucker. .....who has the biggest mouth sound is another character in this play.. it might be jamie
becky ray voss .....who smokes bubblegum cigarettes helping the story progress. it might be recorded or per
steffi post ........who romanticizes violence formed live. whatever the case, the eventual absence of
brett hoffman ......who keeps track of the facts sound should be an event in itself.
trent hoffu\an ......who keeps track of the people
mrs. mcgtaw ...: ...who expected more punctuation is intentional but should not be restrictive. it is
mr. lncgraw .......who provided less an attempt to capture the rhythm of the piece and of its in
jack whistler ...... who tends to the flo"'ers dividual players.
johnny whistler . , ..vvbo is the subject of much debate
johnny's girlfriehds ..;ho change often, and rarely wash this play was originally created as a one actor play. it might
. · their hair be performe4 with more than one actor. i look forward to
seeing ·w.liat looks like. however, it was created as a
the where: .saint marj.s; ohio. which is a real town. one actor pla"y:
but which �ould be any ··�mall !own· you mi� pass on·
your way ·to}ojnepl�ce el�. ' , : : .
� • • I • .�•• •
......... "
• "\ :- --
part one
6 7
where the stores got display cases full of flies. that's the it hops,xshe hops. SQ 9.01
kinda town i mean. indiana's the ONLY thing it's near. SQ 8 it stops hopping. so does she.
she reaches out her hands, cupping them in the air just
(from somewhere else, the sound of a man's voice call over the frog before...
ing "charlotte? charlotte!" the girl ignores the voice.) she's got it, clutched in her hands.
she holds it to her ear. listening.
GIRL. and while you're thinking 'bout this town in west it ribbits.xso does she. SQ 9.02
ohio, you gotta think about a lake. that's real important. she closes her eyes and kisses it, quickly. as if on a dare.
about ten miles outta town, there's a long road on your x
then she looks at the frog ... SQ 9.03
left that leads to this man-made lake and a few houses and discovers that something 's not right.
that sometimes even the mailman forgets. think green SQ 8.2
water.X(the sound of green water) think boats knocking the girl resurfaces.)
against docks.X(the sound of boats on docks) think mosSQ 8.3
quitoes about this size. SQ 8.4 GIRL. the first thing you gotta know about charlotte is that
she was a twin. she had a twin brother named jamie. he
(she holds up her pinkie finger. from somewhere else, was skinny like charlotte but with freckles on his nose
th� buz7: ef mosquitoes.) and a black front tooth which he said he got when their
screen door smacked him in the face. which is kinda
GIRL. i spent a lot of summers on that lake xwhen i was a .-� SQ 8.5 I, funny 'cause they ain't got a screen door. they got a
kid, and this story happened during one o{ those sum- �- · I
glass door. and it slides.
mers. (not certain) •it ain't a story about me·. (certain) it
AIN'T a story,_,aboi.ti me.x it's a story ... well SQ 8.6 (from somewhere else, the sound of a sliding door slam
it's a story aboiit. chartbtte. skinny charlotte mcgraw. x SQ 8.7 ming f.nto:its lock.)
(from somewfie_re_ �lse, crickets .qegin to crick. GIRL. anyway charlotte and jamie were like their own lit
charlotie surfaces: .p ,gr;ngly girl ·too tall for her 12
tle planet of one. t�ey spoke this language together that
years. , ·· ' . . .· .. ·.
' ', � • • ,• ' � ' '
, ,
. • sounded like clicks and whistl�s and sometimes a grunt.
her hair .is
. , . iritg two.. 11r;tph"clzwJ
. braids.
... .- kinda like- (the gii:l tries-/; make the sound and fails)
her face is a lfttle "dirty. - · .-. ·
kinda lik!}- (th(!. girl .tries to make the sound and fails)
she's biting her 101".er. lip in concenfration.. kinda like-X SQ 9.8
something ribbits near herfeet.
it hops,xshe hops. SQ 9
(from· somewhere else, the clear sound of clicks and the boats and set them off into the water clicking and
whistles followed by a grunt. the girl seems pleased by calling after them things like "be brave. (from the girl:
this sound) click) float fast."
X SQ 11
GIRL. kinda like that. quisp drucker called it pigmy talk on (from some:whete else: click click. the girl has produced
accounta he'd seen a tv special about some tribes in aus a paper boat. she sets · it on the skateboard and rolls
tralia who wear towels on their butts and talk in just that them both into the darkness.)
same way. i thought it was cool, but it made quisp
shiver. which made quisp mad. x SQ 10.4 GIRL. i found one of those boats once, stuck in the reeds.
the message inside it read "someone get us out of this
(quisp drucker surfaces. from somewhere else, the clear godforsaken place." i used to think they wrote that to be
sound of clicks and whistles.) funny. but anymore i'm not so if you can
imagine two kids with tom jeans and dirty faces who
QUISP. listen, jamie, you got somethin' to say , you say it talk like pygmies and leave long skinny shadows on the
like a MAN now and like a NATURAL-speakin' man- X SQ 10.6 ground then you can imagine jamie and charlotte. and
the only thing else you need to know is that jamie died.
(from somewhere else, the clear sound of clicks and he was hit by a car on his way to the school bus.X·.SQ 11.6
(from somewhere else, the sound of screeching tires. the
QUISP. come on, dude, seriously ... WHAT THE HELG•, skateboard returns to the girl. without the boat. brett
DOES THAT MRAN? X SQ 10.8 hoffman surfaces, with a small notebook in his hands.)
(from somew_here else, the sound of a young boy's BRETT, (consulting his notebook). he was on his skate
laughter.) board, -is .the thing. he was showing off. zigging and
,1 zagging th front of the bus. i kept yelling "get outta the
GIRL. buJ j!11llie jusi iaugpe<jl arid c_harlotte bit �er lower lip
• • • •
GIRL. that's when the rusty blue dodge tore around the shiver of pleasure) he's the kinda person who picks up
bend and crashed right into jamie. that's when the rusty girls when they're, like, on a jog. (a shiver ofpleasure) i
blue dodge sent jamie ... mean, you meet someone like him in a dark alley and
QUISP. FLYING, i'm telling ya. i mean it happened real like, like, like... (a shiver ofpleasure) ... oh my god.
slow and real fast, like in a movie, but he flew that day,
he did. the little guy he just..X
.flew SQ12.2 (becky ray swfaces, holding a bubblegum cigarette be
tween her fingers.)
(from somewhere else, the sound of wind.)
BECKY RAY. well what's up with jamie's parents is what
GIRL. i have this image of jamie flapping his arms and i want to know. when the cops told 'em the news, mrs.
taking the sky like some skinny shadowless bird. but he mcgraw just blinked at 'em. not like she was crying,
didn't of course. he hit the ground-a few yards away. more like she had something in her eye. and mr. mcgraw
just mumbled something about it getting late, and they
(the sound of wind subsides.) drove off into town without another word about it.
STEFFI. ooohhh, see like that's inte.resting, why'd they do
GIRL. trent hoffman thought it was god coming to get that, do you think? like in this sKenario especially, why
jamie, on accounta he landed right by the billboard that would you just pick up and go into town if-
says. "god's-watching. are you?" and i don't know much. BECKY RAY. probably, steffi. to do whatever it is you do
. about god, but i'm pretty sure that when he wants YO!}:
when your child dies. X SQ13.6
he don't send a dodge.
(becky ray exhales a long puff offake smoke.)
and also, the driver of that dodge was a local man
named johnny. whistler, and we were familiar enough GIRL. whatever the reason, the mcgraws left charlotte on
wjthjohnny's'reputation to know one thing for certain. it the ftent porch staring out at the' lake. she wouldn't
wasn't god coming_ to get 'jaµiie, 'cause he'd have sent come out"and she wouldn't let anyone in. she just stood
someone .el/;e.x SQ 12.6
" • • -· ,1
· . . ·., . : there, clutching 'jamie's skateboard, blowing circles of
··'·. . �
: • ""; • ,,. I ' -, "I.
hot air onto the g�s. X SQ13.8
.: � �
. '--: . . ... \
GIRL. she stopped speaking after that. QUISP. i'm telling you, i was THERE, y'all.
that's not my story, that's just something you should BRETT. we were all of us there, quisp.
know. and this. you should know this too. charlotte was QUISP. but i was CLOSE, hoffinan, and i'll tell you what.
there when jamie died. people tend to forget that, i there was something not right about that kiss.
mean, she never talked about it, but she was just a few STEFFI. oh my god, like what if they swapped souls right
,1 X .. SQ!4.2
steps behind the others, and she saw her twin brother.
I then and there?
QUISP. right. or what if he was trying to take her with
(from somewhere else, the sound ofwind .. .) him, but he didn't have enough time to seal the deal.
BRETT. or what if the two of you had something less re
GIRL. she saw her twin brother.X... SQ14.4 tarded to do with your time than making up stories like
little kids.
(the sound of wind...) QUISP. say what you wanna, hoffinan, but it was weird.
that kiss mighta scarred me for LIFE.
GIRL. well she was running toward that billboard before GIRL. before we keep going, i should ... well i've skipped
he hit the ground. and when she got there, she took his some introductions. see it used to be that the kids in
head in her hands. and he whispered something to her. saint marys, ohio, ran in packs. like wolves. and like
and she put her face close to his. and he kissed her. real wolves, everyone had two r's: a rank and a role. quisp
· gently. right on the lips. and then he closed his eyes and drucker-
wentxwherever it is you go at the end of things. SQ.·-:e14.6 QUISP. honest n-seriously y'all-scarred me for
(the girl sends .the skateboard back out into the dark GIRL. is this pack's front man. meaning• he's oldest, in
ness. the &oundojwind subsides.) years anyway, and he's got the biggest mouth. the real
leader, however, is becky ray voss.
GIRL. most �ople didn't give that kiss much thought. it
was just � �w7et, strange go!?dbye, that was all. but there
·, BECKY. RA,Y. anybody here wanna tell me, what's the
goddamn point?
wer.� ..a :few. of .u�, �li)!t fl fe1:Y ,of us,_ whQ :hought there GIRL. becky ray ·was an "early bloomer." when she was
miglirJ,fm'.ore t!' 1t than that X . · . SQ14.8
ten she looked fifteen. whep, she was fifteen she looked
•'. ' . ,:[_:.,"-,. ,::,...:, - . ... ...... : .
· (a time shift•. :nbw we 're ,in-,another space. a private
; .
twenty. and when-�he'tums twenty she'll stop aging all
together 'ti! sh.�. turns forty-five and it all crashes in on
space. where· six kids are specuJating_ qn {iea_th as-Jf it's her like the :wrath of god. but at this point she's only
.. ·: · · fifteen and the wrath's all her own .
a thing to be solved.).
BECKY RAY. i mean, talking about this is just a dead-end order for something to "scar you for life"? you kinda
street. and if i wanted another one of those in my life, gotta have a life first.
quispo, i'd just spend a few seconds staring into your
eyes` (trent finds this comment amusing.)
(becky ray takes a big drag off a fake cigarette.) GIRL. their father's the town sheriff. he's got a collection
of guns he keeps in his wife's piano bench, since neither
GIRL. she's got a thing for bubblegum cigarettes. pretty brett nor !rent showed any musical ability whatsoever
soon those'II become pall malls will become marlboro and anyway if someone breaks into your house do you
pack-a-days with an occasional hit of meth will become want boys who can aim a ·shotgun or boys who can play
two failed marriages, three almost-kids and a standing a goddamn minuet? so their roles in the pack are simple:
reservation at several motel rooms on the rowdy side of brett's the brains. !rent's the brawn. and finally... there's
town. but at this point they're just bubblegum cigarettes steffi post.
which is authority enough for us. STEFFI. oh my god, like whatever happened when he
kissed her? it was not good. 'cause ever since then, this
(becky ray blows a puff of cigarette smoke confidently town has felt really really ... ominence. (a shiver ofplea
into !h_e air.) sure)
GIRL. she's the wallet. her dad owns chrysler.
GfRL. next in command are brett and trent hoffman. STEFFI. i'm beginning to pick up on stuff like that, you
BRETT· (with a notepad). listen up, people, !rent and i ·me know? i'm, like, developing that. .. sick sense ... (a shiver
terrogated everyone who witnessed the accident, and we of pleasure)
already get the facts. ain't that right, trent? '1
I GIRL. steffi's got a thing about violence. it· thrills her.
TRENT. um. y�. which seems to me a sign of someone who's not experi
BRETT. see here? lipstick lisa says it made her cry. (he encell,any..not for real anyway. not like charlotte.. .in
flips a page) i:-rll;Dkenstein. fli,i;mey says it made him puke. any case/ihere's the pack: quisp drucker, becky ray
(he flips a page), anq, c,ripple jenny_ couJdn't comment V?ss, brett and trenf hoffman, steffi post and ...well, and
'caii$e e}'.eri tlio�gh she .was ,fi:\ovin)l her sho� leg as fast me. i was the quiet one. i to.o)c it all in. but we'll get to
. as her long'one► l)be stiU'llliss�d�what'\I she -say,. treqt? that... ·• .- :
' - , , ., - ... . ' . .,
TRENT. um. everything:· ' . -,.. - QU!SP.· whatever,7_you-,guys, i'm just saying. the kiss -of
BRETT.-yeah,' she;missed eve�ing.:�ul 11obody t(?ld us death ain't the same-as any other. so the question of the
anything we didn't :already know_: and frankly, qiiisj), .in hour is, what's up.with charlotte's lips? or should i say.
. ·-
what's ON 'em. X SQ 17.9
(from somewhere else, the sound of children clapping a STEFFI. ooooohh'h, i got one, i got one. i know how mrs.
schoolyard rhyme. the girl sings along quietly, though ii lawler died. (a shiver of pleasure) i heard it from mr.
is unclear if she enjoys the rhyme.) gray the undertaker, and i don't mean to be whatever but
we sold him a real nice chrysler so i don't see why he'd
GIRL. lie about it. also he's really really catholic. anyhow the
1 KofD. way he told it, the lawlers had a telephone installed in
2 KofD. side their big family crypt. a telephone. just in case one
3 Charlotte's got the KofD. of them got sealed in, i guess, accidentally, which is not
5 Kiss her down by dead-man's curve, like a bad idea when you think about it.. .anyhow, mr.
7 you'll get just what you deserve lawler dies, right? and pretty soon after mrs. lawler dies
9 Kiss her before you go lo sleep, too, and apparently when they found her, she was sitting
11 you might just wake up six feet deep in the kitchen with the telephone in - her hand and this
13 Kiss her round the bend-it'll be your end. look of total horror on her face, like- (steffi makes a
17 Kiss her on the shore-you won't be back for more look of total horror/ and when they slid her into the
21 Offer her your kisses, you 'II wind up with the fishes crypt right by· her husband? they noticed that his tele
25 jloatin' out to sea-as dead as dead can be-- phone ... was also off the hook. (a shiver of pleasure.
and al{ because of the K ofDIX SQ 18.6 steffi has successfully scared herself) can you believe
that? the morBUDity of it all? her husband, like, totally
(from somewhere else, a burst of children's laughf.'f;. called her from the grave ... (a shiver ofpleasure)
whir:h .then dies away.) QUISP. okay i got one, i got one, so there's this family,
·, right, and they go out to eat at the orchard tree diner,
GIRL they'Fe-_calJJ:<I urban legends. those things that get and they're just finishing up appetizers when this waiter
- started when. a hunch of people put their heads together comes up to them, and he looks real NERVOUS, right,
and ialk Je\l()qw and real fast. they're called urban leg and he :swps..11p to the table and he says to the lady, he
ends. :wmch· i've -�!ways thought is kinda funny seeing
says "ma'am;· 'scuse me, ma'am ... did you happen to eat
how. l)lo�t .of,' em tal:;e.Pl�ce 'soip.�where fllT!l. not urban.
• I
• all the potato skins _you ordered?" and the lady's all
•.� • ' .�
like·say .. :.s)nall-town 'bh10...b]It many case, _rural or ur- •"yeah i ate 'em" and he's al) "oh, well were they
ban, her�•s bow;.. " .
. ,.
. '·
�-.... _·: '
·' -,..
;_ .. . : SQ18.9 crispy?" and she's all '.'.'yeah: they were crispy" and he's
all "were they sal,ty?"-, and she's all "yeah they were
(a time shift. now we-'re in ar,ot�er privrte_ space. <?r-the salty" and he's.ali '"were they·nnusually chewy, do you
same private space. wher!' six ki_d_s a�e, huddled together, recall?" and she's ·�n "yeali, why, is there a PROB
swapping stories.) LEM?" ana th.e waitef.s•all ''.well, see, the thing is ... the
thing is... " and he points to his elbow where there's year before. and this year someone new was s 'posed to
CLEARLY this big red circle. of fresh skin and he says be comin' to teach english. but that someone never ar
"the thing is my scab fell off in the kitchen and i think rived.
BRETT. what're you sayin', becky ray? mrs. mcgraw's
you mighta ATE it." 'I
GIRL. you mighta noticed; but it's worth pointing out, an picking off her competition one by one-·
urban legend never happened to the person telling it. it BECKY RAY. i'm sayin' she'd do what it takes to win.
happened to someone else, like mrs. lawler, or a family she pays unnatural close attention to those bracelets, and
at a diner, or ... some girl who lost her only .brother to a that's a fact.
dodge ... also-an urban legend is always told as if it's
I , true. or it's got enough details to be convincing. and (becky ray blows fake smoke into brett hoffman 's face.)
those details are important because without 'em-
BRETT. oh come on, quisp. that'idhe most retarded thing GIRL. this was true, this last detail.Xwe'd all of us seen SQ 21.4
i've ever heard in my life-why would a waiter admit to mrs. mcgraw in her bedroom window late at night. we'd
a customer that she just ate something that fell offa his
·I all of us seen how strange that was.
arm? it doesn't make any sense. and there isn't any
proof.· .l (mrs. mcgraw su,faces. a woman in her forties who be
GIRL. he's right, there's never any proof. and it's safer to
be\�•ary.:but it's more fun to believe. i mean, would�'t it
be kind of amazing... wouldn't it be some sort of JE-!':a
I lieves she's twenty five.
she produces a small wooden box and then checks that
she is alone.
cle: . .if someone really COULD call you from the grave? X SQ 20.6 she opens the box. 'the soft tinkling of music.
• .
she removes one metal bracelet. it excites her.
• • '
iI (from ·•'?tlJewiiere else, the sound of a young boy's she raises one arin in the air, reacfies the bracelet up to
laug�ter.) . :, · · � the tips of her fingers, and lets it slide down her arm.
from S91!1ew_�ere else, the sound of metal striking metal.
.. . . ·oh ,fine, i've got one. i've got one about.
charl<)tte's mcitl;ier ·�nq her_ goddamn b!JX of bracelets. 1
' . '\
she reads tlie bracelet's inscription.)
MRS. MCGRAW. teacher of the year. trees, boy, and it'll serve you right." but this one
(a dramatir: whisper) teacher of the year. .. time... well, this one time jamie yelled back at him, he
yelled- (consulting his notebook) -"one day you'11 be
(she removes a hand.fa/ of silver bracelets and lets them dead, old mau, aud it'll serve you just the same." aud
fall down her arm. from somewhere else, the sound of mcgraw just snapped. he started swiping into those
metal striking metal.) brauches, swi ping at jamie's feet, 'ti! finally he rau to
his toolshed and grabbed an ax.X SQ 23.2
MRS. MCGRAW. teacher of the, teacher of the ...
(a dramatic whisper) teacher of the year ... (from somewhere else, the sound of an ax hitting wood.)
(she is thrilled. for a moment. then she clutches the BRETT. i kept yelling ''.jump, jamie, jump the hell down
bracelets to her chest.xshe is suddenly very afraid.) SQ 22.4 from there," but he just wrapped himself around a
brauch and he wouldn't Jet go, not even when mcgraw
BECKY RAY. i'm just saying she's a nutjob. started chopping near his fingers, not even when .the
(a dramatic whisper) nut. job. brauch started to crack beneath his hauds, not even when
QUISP. well mr. mcgraw's no picnic either. remember they both came crashing to the ground with this enor
what he did to jamie's arm? mous CRACK.X SQ 23.6
BRETT.' cut· it out, quisp. you weren't there for jamie's
. • arm, so you can't rightfully talk about it. (from somewhere else, the sound of an enormous
QUISP: but you cau, cau't you, hoffman?
- --.:; +
BRETT. but _i WON'T. this isn't a story quisp, it's the
truth. • ... BRETT. j amie's arm was crooked after that. so he kept
QUISP . weli o n <i of us is gonna tell it, aud. if it's tru�h
✓ pretty close to the ground.
you're aft\l�, then it best be you. it happened m QUISP. Jeast'he did while he was alive.X SQ 23.8
.... ' .: .
the trees; ain'UhaJdie truth? • :I
••• •
.... '\,,
� •" •
.• ' • . t
.. . (from somewhere -else, the sound of a birdcall, mourn.fa/
(br;ti _co11si;iers·.;,_,;,,o'-n:zent, then begins. reluctantly.) anti low.)
. . -:,.·.;-�.,_ :� . .. -�•. ·'.1.•.... ,.. ·: ,, � · . . :·
iµ � . -: '-. ·. : .
for it. he'd-�tand'i c!er those ee,;:.i111d'he'd en-· .(con QUISP. means i been ·thinking ...when jamie was hit by
sulting.his notebook) ._;_"one flay you'll fall outta._those . . that car...well. he flew that day, he did. the little guy ...
.: . �
24 THEK.OFD Part I Part I THEKOFD 25
TRENT. he just flew. BRETT. right. on accounta a little thing called gravity.
QUISP. that's right, trent. so if a kid like jamie were to die ·1 TRENT. NO. not gravity. on accounta his crooked arm.
and come back ... BRETT. now there's no need to get upset, trent.
STEFFI. oh my god, like just 'cause a person's dead, you TRENT. outta my way .. .l SAID OUTTA MY WAY. (treni
guys? don't mean he ain't coming back. storms off into the darkness)
QUISP. true enough, and i'll tell you what ...there's a bird BRETT. wait! trent! where're you going?
on our lake that i ain't never seen before. it's a big long BECKY RAY (e,ifoying this). oh, you're in trouble now,
gray thing, swoops out over the water.X Sq 24.2 bretto. he's headed straight for mcgraw's toolshed. and it
looks like he's got a tree branch in his hands.
(from somewhere above them, the sound of a birdca/1,
mournful and low. the sense of six kids, looking to the (suddenly we 're at the too/shed. where /rent is wielding
sky and wondering.) a tree branch like he's coming up to bat.)
BRETT. that's just a heron. right, you guys? that's just a TRENT. someone. knock. on the door.
heron? BRETT. now listen to me, trent, you need to drop that
QUISP. whatever, i'm just saying. if i were a kid like thing right now.
jamie, who died flying ... well i'd come back flying. STEFFI. oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
·wm;ldn't you?X SQ 24.5 BECKY RAY. if he wants to do it, bretto. maybe we
should let him do it.
(from somewhere else: the sound of wind.)' BRETT. shut it, becky ray. you don't want to egg him on.
QUISP. you gonna break that window, trent? that what
GIRL. this is. the t_l).ing about legends. if you tell 'em right, you're gonna do?
I they can keep. a person breathing. 'cause in a legend if a TRENT (fierce and controlled. wielding the branch). nope.
I' boy gets hff�y a rusty blue dodge? it might �e he finds not the.-witidow.
a w�· o'iltta this· godforsaken place. but 1t might be he QUISP. �ha� -you gonna bust up the door then?
" TRENT, nope. not the door.
- com�s.back. . ·:-·."; ,• ·.�, I
. ·. ·:: ·. . . "'·
' :•
"\ � ... . QUISP. well you can't·just stand here swinging a branch,
. (the's,o�hd'-of wJ"!d su.b!fi(i_es.),� · � · , ., trent.. jµst what the h�U're _you-gbnna do?
' . '.; ·.-�, ·: :,. ·., ·.,.. , .... ·''. . . TRENT;,his·arm. i'm gonna break. mcgraw's. arm.
- ·· � •' ' • • i • •
TRENT. someone. knock'.· on the door.
BRETT. what'.llyou s_a:s,;trent? ·.....: -- '":
TRENT. after he got hit. he coulcjn't keep up, in the air._ ;
BECKY RAY. sorry, trent. no can do. this is too whacked, MR, MCGRAW, what's that? who's there? oh, it's just you
even for me. kids. thought for a second it was ... (he sniffs) nah...
QUISP. dude, i'm not doing it. hearing things, is all, just hearing things... (he sniffs)
STEFFI. like me either. no doubt.
BRETT. you see, trent? there ain't no one here wants you (from somewhere above them, the sound of a birdca/1,
gettin' hauled off by the police, which is exactly what'll mournful and low.)
happen if you-X SQ 26.2
MR. MCGRAW. hey you know what i'm thinking? we
(the girl raps three times on the door.) should do something, all of us together. not healthy
spending too much time alone these days... (he sniffs)
GIRL. but it was clear someone had do the knocking. where's my girl at, huh? it was her that knocked, wasn't
so in this case that someone was me.X SQ 26.4 it, with her little rap rap rap.· (calling to her) charlotte?
CHARLOTTE! i know you're out there, girl, takin' it all
(the girl raps three more times on the door.) in, but you gotta stop hiding. 'cause your friends and
i ... we're all ofus going to fish,X SQ 27.6
TRENT. on my count then. one. two- SQ 26.6
(a time shift.)
. (treht. raises the branch as if to strike. the sound of a
. too/shed door creaking open. light falls across the kicis GIRL, none of us knew what prompted it, mr. mcgraw's
faces and then the silhouette of a man.) · · ·:.: sudden interest in us kids. but there he was, reason or
not. with his bamboo rods and his rusty hooks and his
GffiL. and .sudde.�ly there's mr. mcgraw," standing like a · coleslaw container full of worms:,
bulldog in the lloor. and some of us are thinking "oh my MR. MCG&\W. pucker up, charlotte, show 'em your fish
god oh my go_d oh· my god." and some of us are thinking face ...g� On, bug out your eyes like you ... pucker your
"oh shit� man,. run, inan, run like your feet're on fire." lips like' ye_u: .. oh for god's sake, charlotte, show 'em
but one of us is· .thinking, ''.do it, trent. do it now, trent. your fish!
� -�
·strike oft; l\i� gaidain\-i Jiead!',' .
·'; . ., . ... "' . '' ' ' .. �. ... :
(a lildm·edt ·.,;J":.VhaJ�J9�fd,/be:' the.'!, tren( lowers the
(char{C!tte surfaces."s�e p u_ckers·her lips and sucks in her
cheelq,, and makes the face of a fish for a moment. mr.
branch. the sound of a too1shed doar. ereaking shu_t.) mcgraw erupts intQ lq'!ghter.).
' . '. : • . :·.. . !,_,_: ·:...' 1 ' ' - •
. ''
MR. MCGRAW. see that, that's funny, now.couldn't we MR. MCGRAW. fly away, bird, this ain't your home ...
all use a laugh? now hand me that wonn, charlotte. we (clapping his hands at the heron) go on, you bastard, i
need to put him on. the hook- said GIT. see that, he don't even flinch ... here, let's tty
something. herons like shiny things. anything catching
(mr. mcgraw gives a quick. violent jab. charlotte cups the sun they'11 go after. that what you want, birdie?
her hands over the worm and shakes her head no.) 'cause if that's what you want, i guess i do. have this
MR. MCGRAW. dammit, girl, this is the way of it. some
creatures is born to be the bait and some's born to do (mr. mcgraw holding a bracelet in his hands. like the
the baiting and that is as god and as nature intended, ones belonging to his wife.)
now give it here.
MR. MCGRAW. hold this out to him, charlotte. let's see
(charlotte pulls the worm closer and shakes her head what he does. go on now. i'll take care of your wonn.
1111 no.)
(charlotte considers. then she hands her father the worm
MR. MCGRAW. you listen to me, charlotte mcgraw if and takes the bracelet. she steps forward and faces the
you're gonna survive in this world, you've got to start heron. she reveals the bracelet, Xreflecting it to the sun SQ 29.6
· taking care of yourself and not every sad little creature like a mirror until .. .from somewhere else, the sound of a
that crawls your way. you have to take care of yours�f birdcall. charlotte is pleased by this sound. she <JEPS her
now; charlotte. ain't no one left to do it �or you.X SQ�- • 28.5 mouth and makes a birdcall response.Xa brief moment SQ 29.7
.. _ and then the sound of a bird taking off. the beat of its
wings grows louder and louder as-)
(from_ som_ewh�re else, the sound of a bird cry.)
' .. . �
screeching ai us to·stay back, back,
· Just�ta!1ds tpere��taf4tg ,at you,.: .,
. ... . . ' • and�we stay back, back, .
(m/ -���izw -di�/Je�.trre' i,.Mi for a sec;nd. there 'is as its wings cover thecsun'- .· '
as its head drops low...:::.,
the sense that':the .vfrd"mdy«b.e-.c'onsidering him as well.
cal/ing-�c�o�s t�e writer.)' : � :'.-. :".· ' .. as it'clips that silver right out of her hands-.
j. , - •• •
•...... - •
as she falls backwarct_s•from tlie beat of its wings
as it turns real_quick a_nd·fli�s. off, and off, and off...
.- -._.-
QUISP: jesus christ, did you SEE that, did you all just GIRL. mr. mcgraw kept an eye on jack whistler. his son,
SEE. THAT. johnny, had killed jamie, so his house deserved a closer
GIRL. says quisp. look. and according to mr. mcgraw-
BRETT. it's not possible.. herons.don't...they don't. ..they MR. MCGRAW (with binoculars in hand). now that's un
just D.ON'T. usual look at the way those animals are huddled ' round
GIRL. says brett. and becky ray's cigarette falls out of her his porch, it's like they've got no fear at all.-
hands. and steffi keeps repeating-
' STEFFI. oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god- (mrs. mcg,-aw surfaces. admiring a bracelet on her arm.)
GIRL. only trent keeps quiet, but he's swiping at his eyes.
and they 're wet. MRS, MCGRAW. and just what would they have to fear,
MR. MCGRAW. WHOO-EEE, that's it, kids, that's all he ha!? old jack whistler's as harmless as they come.
was after, simple as that. and seeing as we've givin' MR. MCGRAW. well it's the harmless ones tum out to
something to that heron, charlotte ... i think it's time we have something ...clandestary going on. "
give a little something to the fish.X SQ 30.6 MRS. MCGRAW. oh yes? perhaps i should keep an eye on I
you then.
(he holds up charlotte's worm and gives a quick, violent MR. MCGRAW. perhaps you should, libby.
jab. a time shif/.) MRS. MCGRAW. perhaps i will. hal. oh, and the word's
. clandestine. not clandestary. clandestine,
GIRL. that was the summer of "the death." quisp sa� if MR. MCGRAW. you can save your correcting for class,
,,, I
fQJl wanna tell one time span from another, you takt
ihe libby. there ain't no bracelet to be won in this house.
thing that wa� unusual about that·tim�'and put a "the" �
front of it-,. (a moment a/mutual hatred)
QUISP. d�d�. 'we .had the summer of "the tornado," re
member?"and then we had the summer of "the locust." GIRL, ll_lfS.' lllcgraw was right though. ol' jack whistler was
lame..-1nit "T!IIS · summer? this is totally the summer of Jl.e
harmless.· took care of the flowers out on the pier. he
"th� PEATI!'.3!: '. ." _' . always. had his little bench, a garden spade, and a silver
GIRt it.1ad •siat,!ecl, �i'th. jamle, and their- later that sum b'1Cket for the weeos, and he tipped his hat to you. even
stler'. ·1�e· hol,ISe Oe:'(�O.•the_·mcgraws, belongipg to. old if ypµ were twelve. , "
jac'k..whistl,er,"welh. �tartea to 'smell. .
. . .·
• .,. ..
MR. MC6RAW1."WHOcJ-EEEE, ..i. said WH09. i said
,,. (jack:wh'istle� surfaecs. he tips hat.) . .
EEEE thai•s Worse'n a roadMi.ll 0biiffet_.:... . ·..
"I ' . . -· . . ., .
JACK. morning, charlotte..
(charlotte surfaces. she bites her lower lip and waves a STEFFI. do you guys think his death was, like, violent?
shy. wave. jack produces a flower.) 'cause i'm getting a whole lotta porTANeous vibes.
BRETT (with his notepad). no, steffi, he wasn't murdered.
JACK. i picked this for you. it's a violet. they call that the look, from what i can make out-he tripped over some
shy flower. on accounta it grows outta the sun. that bucket. (he flips a page) he hit his head on some bench.
flower seem shy to you? (he flips a page} and he lay on that floor -'til the mail
man got suspicious and broke the kitchen latch.
(charlotte shakes her head no.) BECKY RAY. well this is just like his family. i mean, a
man dies and it takes two weeks to notice? where the
JACK. nah, you're right. . .i reckon it's just misunderstood. hell's his goddamn next of kin? X SQ 33.4
(charlotte looks at jack. nods her head and smiles.) {from somewhere nearby, the sound ofscreeching tires.)
Ii" GIRL (not certain). you might say he and charlotte were GIRL. and there he was-all of a sudden-the goddamn
friends. (certain). no, they were. they WERE friends. so next of kin, the wife-beater tank top with tobacco stains.
she took it pretty hard when it turned out the smell we'd the greasy hair down a sun-burnt back. the dead-eyed
" been smelling for over two weeks was al' jack himself. driver of one rusty blue dodge. there he was--all of a
· -rotting-into his living room floor.X SQ 32.6 sudden-in our midst.
(a lime shift. the sound of a police sire_n. now we 'r,/be-· (johnny whistler surfaces. the not-so-prodigal son.)
hind jack. whisJ/er 's house, just after his body has been_
found.)'._. . ' JOHNNY. i'll thank all of you to step the fuck outta my
I "111• , QIBSP.: shi!,_�, tµis is just like on tv. they g ot him laid .· .• '
out:on:·a stretcher and everything. (he ;pit� to6;cco onto the ground.}
BECKY .Rf\Y'. yvhal ·did you think they were gonna do,
. q�i�pci?-,ei,.�y. JiiJh: overt�� thresholi ' ·MR. :MCGRAW. you got a lotta.1?,erve, johnny whistler, af
QUIS\' .. rlo,'NO;Ji_ut i. �',1.f� -Qi\lP't expect the ·whole police ter ':"hat you done ·_to iny. bo y, you got a whole lotta
squad to come ·out._� ·.' . .-.. � · . nei:ve..showing up her,;---
• • • + .. � � ' ' ,
BRETT .. saint �s-only has ·ty,o. ciips, quisp. i' hardly
call that a.A(p.l�d. ::-: · . ;'7 ;, ·', •.
: .. · JOHNNY. what'.s <kine-is done; old man. who'd you think
was gonna show up, i've got to assess "my property.
MR. MCGRAW. your property? just what the hell do you GIRL. and suddenly there's trent, grabbing onto johnny's
mean by your property- arm, and twisting it behind him, and spitting words like ,
I GIRL. but johnny ain't listening. he's turned his attention bullets right into johnny's ear-
to his father, lying dead on the stretcher, under a sheet. TRENT (fierce and controlled). you keep away from her,
'i you got that? YOU GOT. THAT?
(johnny considers the stretcher. he lifts the sheet back GIRL. and some of us are thinking "oh my god oh my
and stares· at what's underneath.) god" and some of us are thinking "oh my shit, man, oh
(he chuckles at his own joke. from somewhere close by, JOHNNY. awww now see, that's sweet. i like that. you got
the sound of barking dogs.) yourself a champion, little girl, you got someone to walk
you home at night and give you things, that how it is
MR. MCGRAW. if those are your dogs, johnny, you best champion, you give her things ... like flowers.
ke�� ·'ein in that truck. we got laws about dogs around GIRL. and without blinking an eye, he kicks at the flowers
here. lining his walk, and the head of a violet flies up, up, into
.~ . the air, and lands without a sound by charlotte's feet.
GIRL. but outta his truck they come, ll!ws or not---0ne
three-five ·.giant animals, sniffing:and snarling an_d JOHNNY. that's sweet,· it really is. but if the real man
showing:the\r. teeth. and charlotte, crazy creature that she thing interests you, girl, you feel free to knock on my
is, she tris8 io p¢t the littlest one-
X SQ 34.6 door. co�e on, dogs- X SQ 35.8
charlotte is startled.
she shakes the jar to make sure the firefly inside is alive.
she can't be sure.
she shdkes tlie.jar harder.
... . she can't be "sure.
, she _removes the lid of the jar and, to her relief, the fire
fly flies away.X SQ 37.8
fro11>. ·�omewhere else:. mr: mcyraw calling "charlotte?
CltARJ.OTTE. " -
charlotie glares i� the-direction of the. voice and slams
the lid back onto the jar.
··. 37'
38 THE KOF D Part'II Part II THEKOFD 39 'I
as if to s� "i 'd get you too if i could." '
(mrs. mcgraw screams again, and points frantically at
something on the ground.)
then the girl resurfaces.)
MRS. MCGRAW. there. there. there. there.
GIRL. mr. mcgraw didn't know about charlotte's ... ability. MR. MCGRAW. now look at the way their little mouths're
it was .still just a hunch to the pack, and to the adults, hangin' open. like they were trying to scream but they
well. you gotta tum your head in the general direction to just never ... got it...out.
see a thing clear, so as usual the adults didn't have a
clue. but shortly after johnny arrived, things started hap (he whines a bit. like a dying rabbit.)
pening around our man-made lake that not even the
adults could ignore.X SQ 38.4 MRS. MCGRAW. oh honestly, ha!.
GIRL. and then there was steffi's pet cat.
(the sound of mrs. mcgraw 's scream. mrs. mcgraw sur
faces. she is pointing, frantically, at something on the (mrs. mcgraw screams again, and points frantically at
ground.) something on the ground.)
MRS. MCGRAW. there. there. there. there. MRS. MCGRAW. oh for god's sake THERE.
GiRL. · th� - field mice were the first sign something ;yas
· ·wrong. _ ._, (mr. mcgraw picks the dead cat up by the tail and
MR. MCGRAW. well would ya look at those rodents. you pushes it toward mrs. mcgraw.)
think they died· fa a circle like that1 with their hands all
crooked up? -'.--_-: MR. MCGRAW. well. looks like sparky ain't got much ...
- SPARK. --
(mr.' _;,,cg,:dw _:imitates the mice with their hands all GIRL.· fcii( mjght wonder how someone like charlotte--
crooked up.) - - ... . who Javed 'animals with the strength and wildness of a
w.h\r!tvind, could go �bout...ending them that wayX
,• '
... SQ39.8
........ ' '
+ • 'I, •
• • -. • ' 1 ' "I" • ? 1 ' ' • ,._
MRs::Mc;yAA'A';'. you �uld Ji;st -(a small ga.5p) remove
- thefu, (a _ilf/all g¢sp) hll!,. · ., -� , •
MR. MCGRA and irtaylie.' i,-will, lifiby ...then again. (a
(fro1;1 .s.omewhere else,: criekets-begin to crick.)
, • +
• :
GIRL. 'but the thip.g is...;you gotta test an ability like that,
• ... + '
small•gqsp)'ma.'J'b'i: irot. ., -•- i . , · .
-- · don't you? BEAT. X SQ39.9
• I •• • • • '! .,.,••
GIRL. th� rabbits came-next.
l (a frog ribbits near the girl's feet. she considers it.) GIRL. but you know, could be it WASN'T charlotte killing
I those animals. most people thought it was johnny. which
,,' GIRL. i mean, you can't believe you've got it, is the first is how fights break out in a small town. at least, that's
J thing- how we got to round one.X SQ 41.2
I (from somewhere else, the ringing of a bell not unlike in
(the girl catches the frog in her hands.)
a boxing match. round one has begun.)
GIRL. and you don't want to believe you've got it, is the
next thing- SQ 40.2 MR. MCGRAW. HEY JOHNNY. that there's my tree, you
can't just chop it down. we got laws about things like
.. (the frog ribbits al her. she ribbits back.Xfrom seemingly SQ 40.3 that.
all around her, the sound offrogs.) JOHNNY. yeah i looked into your laws, old· man. this
ll tree's half on your property, half on mine. so i'm gonna
GIRL. and you never asked for it, did you, and you can't leave you half a tree.X SQ
talk about it, can you, and you have to find out how it 41.3
(from somewhere else, the ringing of a bell. round one is
works- I
. (the' girl doses her eyes and kisses the frog,Xquickly.. qs SQ 40.6
· if on a dare. the sounds of crickets and frogs fa1e_ GIRL. johnny won that round. he also won round two
away.) which involved a small parade of girlfriends, if you cai:
call 'em that wanda was the first to arrive. or should i
GIRL. but'esn't mean it's easy, does it? say "the FIRTHT" to arrive.
• • • #. WANDA (with a lisp). hey, kidth. you keep offa our grath,
(the girl lo,qk;i:at the frog, and discovers something's not you, �ea(/. i-.�in't your momma and i won't thtand for no
right, a1nom
,... � . -�
ent r,jc.. o nsideration.) thaJh. what're you laughing at? i thaid I WON'T
GIRL; that lisp was on accounta wanda's two front teeth
• • • .. ... ' ' • < "i •, \t . . . .
cup) you boys can detassle· my field any old time you JOHNNY. you hear that, libby? for ACHIEVEMENT. ju
want. (burp) dith here's gonna be teaching your same subject at your
GIRL. then there was daisy Jou and her simple son donald. same school. and who knows? she might just achieve
and by simple i mean dumb. herself some silver.X SQ 43.2
A LD. IT AIN'T YOUR GODDAMN PET. (mrs. mcgraw clutches her bracelets to her. she is sud
GIRL. there was clara and her packs of pall malls denly very afraid. from somewhere else, the ringing of a
CLARA (with several cigarettes in her hands). i'm tellin bell. round two is complete.)
ya, they're better for your lungs (a pujj) better for your
skin (a pujj) and as my daddy used to say. there ain't GIRL. it was subtle, the winning of this round. you had to .
nothing wrong with having something in your mouth. (a look real close to see the damage. you had to, for in
long exhale of smoke) stance, sit in the mcgraw family stataon wagon, watching
GIRL. and finally there was judith, with her mood rings mrs. mcgraw peer into the windows of saint marys high.
and her prayet beads. you might say she was the knock
out punch. (a time shift. mrs. mcgraw in the front seat of her car,
JOHNNY. libby. hey, libby. i'd like you to meet my girl- peering through her husband's binoculars.)
friend. judith.
. . .
MRS. MCGRAW (to someone in the back seat). she's
{mrs. mcgraw surfaces. bracelets and all.) started a summer reading club, charlotte. that's what this
is, this ...gathering was my idea, you know, i tried to ii'
MRS. MCGRAW. i'>1e no interest in meeting anyone who start one last year, but they didn't have budget.. .now
associates with yon; johnny whistler. suddenly they have budget.. .she's got them in a circle.
JOHNNY. oh i tlfin1c )'.()u'd be interested in judith, libby. no desks. just sitting in a circle on the floor, well that
judith -here's. -�- •teacher. tell her what your subject is, £an on\y··1ead 10 chaos ... and her outfit. that girl's three
sugar. • '·
• •...r. •
•.· • .
. snaps. away ficim naked in a room full of quick fingers, I)
JUDITH. :�ngl�h,acfua;lly:j t�ach eJ\glish actuiilly. . it's.•quti-ageous, and· i intend to point this out when ...
JOHNNY. ·and tell her-where you'll be teaching�darliti.'. w�ll \vhen the mome�t seems· opportune. after all.. .
. , . ., ..high.
JUDITH:: saitlt:fuary,s �llt\lallY., i :ve just been'hired
... � ', • . .' ,-.. .... · ' . . ac- (quietlj) this was my id¢a.. · . ·.
tually. ' °
·,: · : • . . GIRL. i!:iat� hqw johnny w.on round two. he found a way
JOHNNY.• and t�ll lit\by about al½ t�\l�.e, 11w.ards yo{!'ve under. 'the . three.43.9
. skin. but he stumbled a bit in round
won- .. ::. 1
•• ·:·� • • • >:>·· _; - · .
JUDITH. well just one actually. for �chievement actually�, (ihe sound o/ a police si[e11) . :
MR. MCGRAW. i got him, libby. i finally got the bastard JOHNNY. i gotta hand it to ya, mcgraw. it's a hell of a lot
" next door. easier taking care of an animal this way. and a whole lot
I MRS. MCGRAW. just what does "got him" mean, hal? cheaper too.
MR. MCGRAW. means i got fed up with his animals tear GIRL. there are stages to death. did you know? usually
ing willy nilly 'round this lake. so i made a little call to they go by too fast to catch, but they all passed pretty
our little sheriff and now johnny's gotta pay a not-so-lit clearly through that dog. there was rage. Xbloodying his SQ45.2
tle fee. gums trying to bite that leash in two.
i, MRS. MCGRAW. congratulations, hal, you've made him
very mad.X SQ 44.2 (the sound of a dog barking.)
(she references out the window where johnny stands GIRL. there was fear.Xfrantic scratching at the dust. SQ 45.4
yelling into the mcgraw front porch.)
(the barking becomes a whimper.)
JOHNNY. LEASH LAWS, mcgraw? i'll show you LEASH
LAWS, mcgraw. like you ain't never seen leash laws be GIRL. there was madness.Xsnapping at phantoms in the air. SQ 45.5
fore. and eventually there was despair.
GIRL. and with all of us watching, johnny drags his littlest
· dog 't� ·a free out front and ties him to it. tightly. sq it (the whimpering becomes a slow, excruciating whine.) 'I
·hurts:X SQ 44.6
... GIRL. it was in despair that the dog turned to charlotte.
'1 I
• ,I
(the sound of a. dog yelping in pain. then the sound of . MR. MCGRAW. whoo-ee, that dog's eyes ain't left you in
thunder. fqllow�d by rain.) hours, char. (clapping at the dog) see that? he don't
, . even flinch, X SQ 45.6
GIRL. it rained. that night and the whole next day. and the '. ·'· ' ..
dog remaw�d. �lside. (mr, mcgrmii looks from char/otte to the dog. something
. . . . ' gpnna catc� ,.the damp and
tliat,.8llimal's not right-about this. fhe dog's whine grows louder.)
die·-J· oln)ji.y; you�mark'my'wo(ds.- , .
JOHNNY. .niayb(;;.._S:o, qlcr;o:tan.. but at least he'll �ie on. a Mlt ¥f::GRAW. all right; thai's enough. ain't right to
' .,. < '• ' • ,.
, . .,
·,. :· '. : ..,-'- . .
·.l • �
.... " SQ 44.9
- i�as� -him like that, are you listening, i said-
GIRL. joh,nny' .stopp�d" feeding 'tl!e: '. qi:i_g: .h� brought food Gffil.,: 'but charlotte ain't-.listening. Gharlo_tte's stepping off
out. but' he :1eft,it inblies from w)lere' '
' . could reach.
dog . her porch and walking toward the dog.
(the sound of a sliding door slamming into its lock.) maybe ...or a kiss? you wanna do that, charlotte? you
wanna give your mother a kiss?
MR. MCGRAW. what're you doing, charlotte. you keep
away from him, you hear? (charlotte swfaces. she looks from one parent to the
GIRL. charlotte's taking the dog's head in her hands. other. she quickly covers her mouth and shakes her head
JOHNNY. this here's private property, girlie, you best back no.)
yourself away.
GIRL. charlotte's lifting the dog's face toward her own. MR. MCGRAW. see, libby? maybe it's crazy, this ... (with
MR. MCGRAW. CHARLOTTE, I DON'T WANT YOU disdain) implication ... but then again. maybe not.X SQ 47.4
GIRL. and charlotte's kissing him. real gently. on the lips.X SQ 46.4 GIRL. he took us all fishing the next day, for the second
and final time that summer. but his attention didn't seem
(the whining abruptly cuts out. to be on the fish.
MR. MCGRAW. straighten up, charlotte. show the kids
a timeAhift. now we 're in the mcgraw house. moments your bird. you know, raise up your chin like you ... flat
- ten your arms like you ... go on, charlotte, won't nobody
MR. MCGRAW. 1., m te11·mg you what 1 s,aw, libby. i\;i_.
telling you whaN_saw with my own two eyes. (charlotte hesitantly imitates the heron:
MRS. MCGRAW. 1 understand what you're telling me, ha!. standing straight and tall, both arms flat at lier side.
it's the impli�ation r don't understand. her head is. lowered as she prepares, but eventually she
MR. MCGRAW. ihe impli-what? · lifts 'i('(o.,meet .our gaze.
MRS. l\fCGMW-)lie ..implication, what you're suggesting, the r�ult is 'tioth accurate and eerily intense.)
ii's .. .wei1'it'� craz,y;.futl., . • , . ; .
MR MC�R,A.'W.'.oh it's 'crazy, is it? CHARLOTTE! come ME.. MCGRAW. that's beautiful, char. you should be
-o�rfrom. ' �der ' ' . . .. ' you ... ; . ·
. ' ., ...i d'eed'tQ-tal! pro�d:of what you ca,'n do. charlotte's been spending a
MRS. MCGRAW;-jit sfwhat're yeu:up to now? .'time with tI!,it heron, kids, maybe you've noticed.
MR. MC-ORA i;was thinking ¼'<?� -see111ed..,distr�ssed, th!)y 'call to each other -across the water.. they pass things
libby. i w,;s' "-think1i1g: y.ou· .-iis-e yourself.a··h�g in and out of the sky;but i'm wondering, charlotte, in all
that time ... you ever seen that h_eron hunt? herons don't
go after the fish, like most birds do. they tempt the fish GIRL. they were two hours on that lake. mr. mcgraw bent
towards them, with their foot. lift up your foot, charlotte. low and close to charlotte. something passing between I
go on, i '11 show you how it's done. them part plea and part command. if the pieces of con r
versation that floated across the water could be trusted,
(char/otte considers, then imitates the heron again, that is.X SQ 49.2
slowly lifting one foot off the ground.)
"special is as special does, charlotte ..."
MR. MCGRAW. that's it. now circle it, real slowly, like (an echo as if off the water)
you 're stirring up the water. "what could it be if not a sign... "
(an echo, as if off the water)
(char/otte circles her foot, real slowly, like she's stirring "you should be proud of what you can do ... "
up the water.) (an echo, as if off the water) X SQ 49.4
MR. MCGRAW (with increasing drive). they skim the sur (the girl listens to these fragments echo past each other.
face, just like that. and the fish can't resist. they swim caught, for a moment, in their song.)
closer and closer 'til...SNAP. they're in that heron's
mouth, but don't you feel sorry for those fish, charlotte. GIRL. mosta the pack got tired of waiting for. 'em. only
it's-like·i-said, some creatures is born to be the bait al)d trent was there when mr. mcgraw steered first his boat
. some is ·born to do the baiting and there comes a tim.1:. and then his daughter home. only !rent was there when
when you have to decide-are you the heron or the fish;'-· johnny whistler hollered out to 'em- "
charlotte? (frighteningly direct) are you the heron or the
fish? ·,. , •.
JOHNNY. i got my eye on you, little girl. and more·•n that
if you're not careful.
... GIRL. only trent was there when mr. mcgraw hollered
(charloite <!c�p_s th� heron's pose. she's not ready to . back7:_.:·. . .
I Mi
make tnatchoice.J .
• • "'
.,.. :
• •� ....
• '
.-.:pf>-.\:.•�·•: . �:.�
got things to •discuss: X_'· · . .-. ·. · · .
SQ 48.8 . . .
I,, � ,.
(the·girl mouths the words "help. me." from somewhere
a _;T>i[!torboat putte�- else, an icy �hisper-"help. me.") Not sure if should be a sound
, •. ·_.::•;: .. -•
GIRL. but he just stared at her with his eyes full ofwishin'
and then he turned tail and disappeared. charlotte sepa TRENT. don't forget. what he did. to jamie.
rated herself from the pack after that. what she learned BRETT. i haven't. no one here forgets that, trent. the
about the pack she learned from hovering 'round their POINT, people. is it's time we give johnny a little some
edges. but they didn't seem to notice. they were busy. in thing in return. and i was thinking we might give
a way they'd never been busy before. him ...his father.
QUISP. dude, his father's DEAD.
(brett surfaces. calling a meeting to order.) BRETT. i realize that, drucker, i do. but that don't mean he
isn't coming back.
BRETT. now listen up, people, i'm calling this meeting to GIRL. and so it began. it was the second fight of the sum
discuss johnny whistler- mer, only johnny didn't know he was fighting. not yet,
QUISP. we ain't gotta discuss the man, hoffman. we've got anyway. because round one just involved ...provisions.X SQ51.4
to tum his ass around.
BECKY RAY. settle down, quispo, we all know his dogs (from somewhere else, the sound of a bell. round one
I tried to run you outta town- hos begun.)
': QUISP. oh i don't think you do know, becky ray. those
dogs c,:mlda scarred me for LIFE. BRETT. all right, people, i found his dad's shoes lying un
BRET:J': all·right, so recent offenses include "scarred qui�µ derneath the porch.
• for LIFE" followed by "stealing my notebook." follow_e_S" • QUISP. dude, i found his dad's gloves, but they sorta smell
by "killing steffi's cat"- . -· · like death. i'
STEFFI. yeah, and·like only a monster kills a siamese. STEFFI. um, like, i'm pretty sure this is his dad's hat, but 'I
BRETT. follo:,ved by "corrupting becky ray." if it's not his dad's hat, then i call dibs· on this haf,
BECKY RA Y.,'and just what the hell does that mean, 'cause ft loPks really good on my head.
bretto? ;.· ·'·' . '
BRETT.-it·n,�im.s�tl\at's a pall mall in your hands, am i (tre:u produi:es a small, worn photograph.)
right'?. .an<hwe all-�O\\' who swll,pped you ,candy for nic- '). ' .
• . • : • • o. ._ • : ' .._ ..
TRENT. um, i found a photo. of johnny and his dad. in the
' I \ •
ot1ne· , . ·. , . • ,. • . \ . .
BEC�Y .R/4Y-:
' . ' sewn
.• ., .
you�.rtttQ. ain;_t like it means . any:: · garage, ·· .
... ', ' . . ..... ' . ' .
thing. , : : - -·· . '"' . . .. . QJJISe, •dude, i tried the garage. what'd you do, break the
BRETT. yeah: t�li µie that in five ¥�!1J'S: tiip.e, becky �Y- if lqck'? •.
you've stilt got a larynx, that 1s. :':: · . _;. TRENT. nop�. i broke the door.
• • j • • • • ' �"' ' - ••
BRETT. and what'd yon pick up, becky ray? other than STEFFI. so like, i dug this real big hole in johnny's back
cancer, that is. yard, and then i, like, scratched around the edges of the
BECKY RAY. you just keep talking, bretto. you'll be eat hole with my very own nails and then i covered it all up
ing those words when you see this-it's ol' jack whis with jack's hat so when johnny sees it? he'll think his
tler's garden spade. i ain't decided what i'm gonna do father is, like, clawing out to get him from the graveX... SQ53.2
with it yet, but it's gonna be good. and that's a fact.X SQ 52.2 (a shiver of pleasure)
(becky ray produces a garden spade. she slices it (from somewhere else, the ringing of a bell. rounds two
through the air with great zeal. from somewhere else, through four are complete.)
the ringing of a bell. round one is complete.)
GIRL. by the time that week was over, johnny'd taken to
GIRL. rounds two through four took a week, all told. and locking his door at night.X SQ 53.4
by then, johnny knew something was happening, he just
couldn't put a finger on what it was. "what it was" was (the sound of a door locking in place.)
moving too fast.
GIRL. he'd closed all his windows.X SQ 53.5
from S0[11ewhere else, the ringing of a bell. round two
has begun.) : (the sound of windows slamming shut. in rapid succes
BRETT. all riglit, people. i just left footp�ts all up anl·:
down his walk usi�g his father's muddy shoes.X SQ 52.6 GIRL. he'd pulled all the blinds .X SQ 53.6 ,I
. ' '
(from som,;.h,fre elsft, the ringing of a bell. round three (the so�nd 9f blinds sliding down. in rapid succession.)
has begun.) , • · .'
. � .
' . 6IRI.,.,�d-��',:i"�tarted to sleep with his dogs .X SQ 53.7
QUISP..dµde,J '&un-�flfd.J\is �ad's gloves 'ti! !hey stood up
like r�aUi,a'nds, · i s�ck. one of 'em on his mail- . : ,(the sound of a dog.howling at .t�e moon.)
box and tlie:pther.,9ne
, ., <
on�.i.s dopr..X , ·•
'> • ' .. • ,.
SQ 52.8 ' ' . . .
. . ._,. ":
.. .. ..,__
- .·
. ,..... : "' . • ,: .. !
B�Tf.-'all right, people. jt's time for round five.
. •
(from som_ewh¢r'e _}!ls� the ringi11f;�<1. ·qell. round [our BEC_KY RAY. okay, but no more kiddy crap, bretto. we
has begun.)<.' ..• ·.: · . . '.·--:····:;
· ·· _ need to do something big.
QUISP. dude,'something FIER<;:E.
QUISP. &)de,'fdidn'tme� ii,,..l;,re�,iC , ., .'(tlie s_q1md of a screen ,door op;ning and then slam,,;ing
BECKY RAY. oh really,:quispo?X,-, · SQ 54.8 sf,ul: johnny swfaaes momentarily, surveying the ruins
• • • ,, � .;; 'f • • ' ,
JOHNNY. what the hell is this? what the hell happened to STEFFI. oh my god-we brought him back.X 57.1
-· � ... \t
� •
you're gonna tell me,'cause things are gonna get messy GIRL. in the years that came after, trent hoffinan would re r
if you don't, and i'm guessing you know that... member this night. he'd remember takil\g his daddy's I
pistol from the piano bench. he'd remember how light it
(silence from the pack.) was in his hands. and he'd remember a voice, a small
voice, just ringing in his head- "do it, trent. do it now,
JOHNNY. go on, speak up. what are you all looking at? !rent. shoot him clean through the heart-"
somebody out there? (calling into the night) SOME
BODY OUT THEREIN ALL THAT DARK? (trent aims the gun at johnny's chest.).
(johnny spins around to face whoever 's out there in all TRENT. i said. you keep away...
that dark.) JOHNNY (approaching /rent). i'll tell you what, cham
pion ...
GIRL. there were a few other things nobody planned for TRENT. i said. you. keep. away...
that night. nobody planned for charlotte to be woken up JOHNNY (approaching closer). you got the grip of a
by laughter in the trees. nobody planned for her to fol ten-year-old girl, and at least she'd be something to
low that laughter to johnny whistler's front yard. and no watch.
body pl!l!lP-ed for her to be standing there in the shad TRENT. i said... i said...
ows; takint if all in.
(a moment of what could be. then trent releases the gun.
(from ·tire sha_dows, char/otte surfaces.) and johnny retrieves it.)
JOHNNY. that·y�u, µ.itle girl? you know something about JOHNNY.·now listen up, champion. i'm gonna teach you
what's going o_µ. aroiifld here? yeah're real quiet, somefu!ng_ about following through.X SQ 59.6
but .i bedf w� sp.ent some time together, i bet i could get � - -•. '
you to talk:\:.' ,· :. '" .. (johnny aim� the gun at trent. from· above them, the
_: .... -.. ,: ' ....� �. \.t. . . ..;:-sourzd of a birdca/1.) ..
(tre�t hpffeJp.;t'.szitjqces, -h� JJ1'0t{lit:es a pistol ;;ncj aims it
. '. ....- �
•·1,.,,).. -.,, . -�--- . '. ' . •
. ., :·: ., ..... _-,
� j_
1 -- - •
(from above them, the sound of beati�g wings, which
• .,.. •
ing? i said-----< · ••• :.�-� ·�
JOHNNY. you steady your arm. first. BECKY RAY. no, she used her hands. 'cause that night,
she was strong enough to break any man in two.
(and louder .. .) STEFFI. or like, what if the spirit of that heron rose up be
side her and pecked him into the grave.
JOHNNY. and you wait 'ti! your target's in sight.X SQ60.2 GIRL. you see? variations. but when i think about that
night...when i think about that night... there's just one
(johnny aims at the sky and pulls the trigger. the sound skinny girl alone in the dark. listening for some crooked
of a gunshot. something soft and white falls from the armed person climbing into a tree.
(the girl listens. but no one responds.)
GIRL. for a moment, we thought it was snowing. like some
sorta miracle in august. but it wasn't snow falling outta GIRL. for laughter from the branches.
that sky. it was feathers.X SQ 60.4
(the girl listens. but no one responds.)
(the skateboard returns to the girl.
she picks it up, as if cradling a dead bird. GIRL. for words?
the sound of thunder and then rain.
from· som�where else, mr. mcgraw calling "charlotte? (the girl clicks. but no one responds.)
GIRL. i said for words?
GIRL. it raiii°ed_thai nig!it. and charlotte remained outside.
.� .. ' . I . (the girl whistles. no one responds.)
(from somewh�;td, �lse;' mr. mcgraw calling "charlotte?
. ..... rf. · ::
SQ 60.6
-�-�.. . ...:
GIRL. and--som�. of us were one of us was
.. ,., . ' ' · thinking... no·. one of us IS thinking it, charlotte, do
GIRL: mrs: mcgraw tr1t;d-.ti:r reason with her. n;rr. mcgraw ...,:. it now, charlotte...
tried t6; dr�i h�i; ipsitle\but .qharlotte just �a! there,
- "j
clutchirtg. th:'.tt:'ctead._ bird,: i;illihg, -something to happen. · (the lays the skateboard; gently, on the ground. she
and somethi�g 'riID'.happen.•'but-lik� all good legends. . ,,;,aiks 'to a doorway andX knocks three times. the sound of SQ61.8
there are vai;iatib�s \)rt.what it was., :: . · . . · a do�r opening.- light spills across the girl 'sface.)
QUISP. oh i got tine,·i gcif6rie .. i thint_:1he'.took trent's pis:
tol and blew ol' johnny away.
JOHNNY. what're you doing, little girl? you still out here
in all this rain?
(the girl !'Ods. lowers her leg. and puts her foot back (mrs. mcgraw touches her bracelets. she is pleased.)
onio· the ground. the sound of a door creaking shut. the .
light on the girl's face disappears. the sound of a police. ;; . GIRL. there was one other thing about that morning. it
siren.)", -, ·•· happened as the pack watched the ambulance cart
. . johnny away. rnr. mcgraw put a hand on charlotte's
QUISP. i knew·i!, j KNEW it would come to this, shoulder and whispered something to her, something
BRETT. shut it, q�isp, w� don't know nothing. except what about being ...proud. and charlotte ... well she grabbed
we're goop.a �@Y :)f the police come knocking at our hold cif--h�r_-father, and she pulled him to her, and-
door. : � -\.... : ... �: . ..
BECKY RA� (with mqck"finperity), well, jee?C,, officer, i (cf/arlotte surfaces. Jhe reaches her hand into the dark
don't kqow.J ,rhean 1'.pe9pli:.just �(e in that house. ness. she grabs hold of mcgra.w 's collar. and then she
STEFFI. ·well,' gosh, �fficer,:it:s'.himf' to- tell. but, li�e, i
' . , . ... ' ' . . ' -blo"!-l'e 'him a kiss.)
... :
wouldn't rule out ghosts_•. · .... ·
QUISP. oh, ,i get ii; well ¥<Ju know, (!fficer, i have to say. GIRL.' it was an airbom kiss. it didn't hit any mark. but rnr.
this has been the
sutlllller. of_the DF;A,-Til;.X
. ·-SQ 62.9
mcgraw kept away from charlotte after that. most people
did, in faci.
3 555� 041 407255
(the world the girl has created fades awcy. it's just her
in the light now. the girl retrieves the skateboard. she
produces a piece.ofpaper and begins to fold a boat.)
·: GIRL. ·in any case, people are talking, her legend is making
its-rounds. maybe you'll decide to tell it, and that'd be -
okay, but·�on't forget. it ain't a story about .., well. let's
just say's ;,_ stoty about chatlotte. skinny- charlotte
mcgraw. and tl!js ;is li�w it begins. � •
._:- ·�:�, ·, ✓
(the girl ·r;adies.. the. skateboard for one final trip into
l . .
•'· t